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Seeing in a dream how a person is shot down. Dream Interpretation - Dark-haired man. What is the dream of the Car in a dream from a dream book

In the news that we hear from the TV screen in the messages of information agencies, there are very often reports of collisions with pedestrians. Against the background of such messages, we often see in a dream a situation that bring you down, one of your family members or completely stranger.

What are these dreams for? Why is our subconscious trying to reach out to you and give a hint? About what?

Accident and sleep. What is the connection?

What package of information is the dream trying to convey to us? Let's look at a traffic accident using the example of different dreams and interpretations various dream books. For example: to see how your enemies are shot down in a dream - you can beat your competitors at work. But, this is not your achievement. Let's look at the interpretation of dreams involving relatives, friends, members of your family and yourself.

The interpretation of dreams in which you are knocked down is attributed to almost all dream books as work-related events. Ivanov's dream book explains this event in this way. It is possible that some delays in work arose for reasons beyond your control.

If there were no serious consequences, then negative events will not happen in life. You should pay more attention to the state of health and consult a doctor for prevention.

In a dream, a car knocks you down and, upon impact, throws you high up. Such a dream can be commented as follows. You are seriously disturbing someone. Your ill-wishers will act without choosing the means to achieve the goal. How more sizes a car that hit you in a dream, the higher your ill-wisher stands.

If a person of the opposite sex is driving a car that knocked you down in a dream, then a meeting in reality is soon possible. The stronger the blow in a dream, the more likely the meeting.

The dream book tells you: you were shot down to death in a dream - you will marry in reality.

Injury received as a result of a collision on you in a dream, serves as a symbol of receiving painful news.

A dream in which a child is knocked down is most often associated with problems in his personal life. Maybe you should understand the reasons for what is happening and try to avoid tension.

The hint may refer to your health. It is worth paying a visit to and undergoing an examination. It is possible that problems can be avoided. The dream has another interpretation that deserves attention. A downed child in - something worries you very much and your anxiety is reflected in people who are close to you.

In a dream, you see your loved one shot down. The interpreters explain this dream in this way - soon he will need your help. Give it more attention and time, and it may be possible to mitigate the consequences of the alleged troubles. There is a possibility that he will be deceived during an upcoming meeting with a business partner.

The dream can be explained and as follows. Soon you will receive good news from relatives whom you have not seen for a long time.


Do not despair. Most likely, the dream is associated with worries about the choice that the daughter must make. You want to control it, as in childhood. You are not ready to understand the growing up of a child and his right to make his own decisions. Your jealousy for the chosen one of your daughter is likely.

She dreams that as a result of a collision, she broke her leg, to the temporary triumph of your ill-wishers.


The dream reminds us that we are only guests on earth. None of us will live forever. The dream is most likely unrelated the real danger that threatens her. You fear for her health. Advised to spend more time together.

To see in your dream - to soon receive news about him, which will surprise and delight you very much. If he remained alive in a dream, then most likely he is in a difficult life situation and does not dare to ask for help from you. It is likely that a person has appeared in his life who is trying to break your friendship by spreading false gossip about you.

The same dream is commented as follows - it is possible that you will have to solve the problems of a friend in reality. But there is no direct threat to life and health.

knock down to death

A dream in which it says that on the way to your goal you will sweep away all obstacles. Nobody and nothing will stop you. They knock you to death, such a dream speaks of an imminent meeting with an influential person who will help you. With his support, you can completely change your life. Realizing that you have become a hindrance will help you be more careful. Maybe, think about changing careers.

A dream in which a person was almost knocked down has interpretations that depend on the details of the dream.

Almost hit a kid- in reality there is a conflict between his parents;

They almost shot down a relative - a designation of serious problems in their affairs. Perhaps an indication of their illness;

You almost knock down acquaintances - an indication of your dislike, up to aggression towards them;

The spouse was almost knocked down - to a sharp change in relations in your family due to a new acquaintance.

A girl dreams that she was hit by a car

The dream has different explanations, depending on the nuances. Shot down during the day in large numbers people around. In reality, some are waiting for her unpleasant proceedings. It is also possible to participate in the conflict. After such a dream, it is better not to argue with anyone. There is a chance of being disgraced.

She dreams that she was shot down at night, and she does not see the driver. In reality, there is a fan who remains unknown. He will soon surprise the dreamer with something.

According to Freud's dream book

  • dream where you were hit by a car - a symbol your desire for sexual intercourse;
  • The presence of relatives is a family conflict that you can contain;
  • Get injured when hitting - fear of violation of the functions of the genital organs;
  • Several traumas - strong, almost obsessive fear of death;
  • Injury in an accident - in reality, having started a relationship with someone, you risk breaking family life to himself and to him.

Do not immediately despair, no matter what dream you have. After all, this is only a hint, a warning about possible troubles that threaten us. The dreamer is quite capable of changing, and even canceling the troubles that threaten him and his family. Get a hint from the dream book and do not give in without resistance.

Interpretation of the dream book: Hit by a car - perhaps the dream signals an impending danger, in reality you should exercise extreme caution and attentiveness. You were hit by a car - you will get into a major alteration, yours will suffer the most business area. An active life position will help to correct the situation. Dream Interpretation Hit by a car usually portends a deception on the part of a partner or a broken deal. The car hit your relative or friend - he will need serious help, do not deprive him of attention.

Shooting down a person in a dream is a warning that you need to reconsider your priorities and change the ways to achieve the goal so as not to harm others. Also, such a dream can talk about the obstacles that will stand in the way of achieving the goal. This applies to those dreams when a person himself throws himself under a car. Such a dream warns a person that he needs to be more flexible, maneuverable and extremely careful in achieving goals.

In a dream, examining some machines or mechanisms with interest is a sign of prosperous affairs: trade, production, finance. Success will be driven by growing customer demand. To a woman who sees her future husband in a dream among mechanisms and machines, this dream suggests that her lover will always be hardworking and, although he is not rich now, he will definitely get rich in the end thanks to his perseverance and organization.

she laughing went even faster. thought it was a game. and then she was hit by a car. pool of blood. called ex-husband with questions where the children are. wanted to take them with me. everything looked very real.

Another interpretation suggests modern dream book: hit by a car - try not to go anywhere for at least some time and not to engage in active and dangerous sports. This dream can be a warning of misfortunes that can be avoided if you are more careful about your health and do not take risks in vain. There is a high risk of catching a contagious disease, so after similar dream it is better to consult a doctor in advance for prevention.

When in a dream a car knocks down a relative or acquaintance, in reality try to surround this person with affection and care, which he lacks so much now. Perhaps soon he will need serious help from you.

From the interpretation of the accident female dream book: hit by a car - to imminent fears for family members, a threat to children is possible. If the accident was bloodless, it will be possible to cope with difficulties and family hardships.

If you had a terrible or unpleasant dream, then you should not be upset. Not all dreams are prophetic. Some are inspired by what a person saw before going to bed. But if the dream is repeated several times, it is still advisable to look into the dream book.

Even if the dreamer does not become a participant in the accident, he can provoke it. If in a dream several people are knocked down at once or a car crashes into a crowd at high speed, then the dreamer will have to participate in a crowded meeting at which he will learn unpleasant information. After this dream, it is better not to participate in protests or other public events.

Another unusual interpretation of this dream is that if a person is knocked down at night and he does not see the driver, then this is a secret admirer. The fan in reality will surprise the dreamer with something. By the way, acquaintance and communication with a fan or admirer will only benefit the person who saw the dream.

Those dreams in which the dreamer himself is the driver vehicle and runs into someone, they signal the appearance of a new acquaintance with whom they will have to spend quite a long time together. If the collision occurred on a friend, then in reality this person will ask for a loan of money.

Hello! I had a dream on Tuesday that my ex boyfriend I was hit by a car to death, I already let go of my ex and got married and had a child from another! But in a dream, feelings when Pasha was shot down by the former, feelings of bitterness of resentment, loneliness in my soul that I didn’t want to live, pain in my soul, I ran there, gave him a heart massage, but he didn’t come to life, a dream: we walked together at night through the city and drives very quickly in the back the car is black, at that moment I’m far from Pasha, I’m in the back of him, and when the car was still 50 meters away, I remembered the number of the car and started yelling to cry so that Pasha would move away, but he was hit and I sobbed there, I felt that he was my boyfriend and we have a daughter with him, please tell me why I dreamed that the ex-boyfriend was hit by a car

I dreamed that I was standing with my friends and then I just went the other way and there I was hit by a car and the blow was strong, someone was standing nearby talking but didn’t want to help me, I got up and went limping, then I seemed to be in the village and there my ex boyfriend was standing with whom I recently broke up he was standing with another ex he had fun, but I was offended and my legs hurt after the accident, I decided to go to the hospital, he kind of offered to help, but I refused when I came to the hospital the doctors didn’t want me to examine, and when I nevertheless went into the office, I lay down on the couch and my right leg ached a lot, then I don’t remember well ...

I dream that my children were with their grandmother, I came from somewhere and find out that my son was hit by a car to death, he was hit by a friend of my husband, he was sitting on a bench with his wife when I approached his wife ran away and he stayed and cried, then I saw small child he was very similar to my son, I ran up but it was not him,

For some reason, the mood is quite aggressive. First, I drove backwards from some kind of parking lot (apparently construction site) carefully drove backwards without hitting a thin tree, quite tall and young, there were green leaves, i.e. an ordinary tree like in summer. Then the picture is like this, the car is standing across the road on wheels (i.e. There was an expression of pain on the face, because it was smeared, foggy, the face was not clearly visible. Pleasant summer weather. The sun is shining. Warm enough on the street. The colors in the dream were in warm colors...

If in a dream a car hit your relative or acquaintance, in reality surround this person with love and care, which he lacks for a given period of time. Maybe very soon he will need serious support from you personally.

However, it is worth paying attention close attention to your health. To see your loved one or relative hit by a car - soon he will need serious help. It is worth giving more time and attention to this person.

The meaning of sleep about the accident (Universal dream book)

Interpretation of the dream book: Hit by a car - perhaps the dream signals an impending danger, in reality you should exercise extreme caution and attentiveness. You were hit by a car - you will get into a major alteration, your business area will suffer the most. An active life position will help to correct the situation. Dream Interpretation Hit by a car usually portends a deception on the part of a partner or a broken deal. The accident was avoided or you were not injured during the impact - troubles will bypass you, although you should pay attention to your health. The car hit your relative or friend - he will need serious help, do not deprive him of attention.

Hit by a car - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

Hit by a car - in reality, wait for important news related to your work. For some reason, the project will not be completed on time, the business that you have been doing for a long time will no longer bring the desired profit, or you will have some difficulties. Dream Interpretation Hit by a car in some cases is interpreted positively. Perhaps soon you will hear about distant relatives with whom you have not previously maintained close relations.

According to the dream book, to see in a dream that after the accident you remained unharmed - life will be prosperous and will delight you with joyful events. Why dream of a car hit - this is a warning, try not to risk your health, refuse to travel, be more careful. A dream sometimes indicates a contagious disease, so do not forget about prevention.

I had a dream about I was hit by a car (we solve it from the Erotic dream book)

A hit by a car speaks of an imminent love affair, it will be happy and durable if the driver of the vehicle is of the opposite sex, and you remain safe and sound after the accident. you shot down handsome man of the opposite sex - you will soon meet a person who is pleasant in all respects, whom you will fall in love with at first sight.

The meaning of the dream about the Tragedy (Psychological dream book)

Hit by a car - it all depends on the general plot of the dream, your feelings and emotions from what you see. Perhaps, at the subconscious level, you anticipate some kind of danger looming over your head, but you still cannot understand exactly where the threat comes from. Dream Interpretation A car knocked down portends problems at work, observation, developed intuition, and the ability to calculate in advance the possible moves of a competitor will help to understand what is happening and cope with negative events. In any case, be vigilant, refuse business trips, carefully read the contracts before signing them.

Dream Interpretations interpret similar ones in different ways. According to one source, a dream involving a car promises a journey. According to another - the impending danger. The third dream book says: hit by a car - wait for the news. Let's look at the opinions of different sources.

Russian dream book

Love dream book

Psychosomatic dream book

  • You were hit by a car. In reality, you are very much afraid of something, subconsciously you are waiting for trouble.
  • You hit a person. Psychologists say that such a dream speaks of your desire to remove the barrier to success.
  • To see the accident from the outside, but not to be a participant. In waking life, they will try to drag you into an unpleasant situation. Be vigilant and careful.
  • Get hit by a car and fly over the crash site. Difficult position in life. It could be money problem, a question of career or relationships in the team. Such a dream is explained by the desire of the sleeper to get away from a difficult situation, rise above it and be just an observer.
  • Lose a loved one in a car accident. In reality, you are afraid for your marital status or are not sure of the sincerity of your partner towards you. Your position is unstable.
  • Psychosomatic: hit by a car - deterioration in well-being. Pay attention to your own health: especially the area of ​​​​the legs and hip joints. To be shot down is to lose support.

The article on the topic: "a dream book was hit by a car of a loved one" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

After waking up, any dreamer will think about what his night dreams can mean. In particular, those people who have dreamed of an emergency or disaster are interested in interpretation. It should not always be assumed that dreams in which you are faced with danger can bring trouble and real life. Let's figure out why you dream that a car hit you or another person.

In order to correctly interpret such a dream, one should remember its details. First of all, pay attention to the driver. If a representative of the fair sex was driving a car, then your personal life will soon change. Perhaps on the way to meet beautiful woman, which will turn your fate in the other direction. The subsequent communication with the offender is also important. If the dreamer attacked her with fists and threats, then this person in real life will bring a lot of trouble. Why dream that a car was hit by a man driving it? In this case, you can talk about the ill-wisher in your environment. Do not trust dubious personalities and do not be frank in vain.

Night or day time

If a car was hit by a car at night, and it was not possible to see the culprit of the incident, be sure that in real life you have a secret admirer or admirer. Acquaintance with this person will only benefit the dreamer. Why dream that a car hit daytime? If the incident happened in a crowded place, then an unpleasant conflict situation awaits you. Try not to quarrel and not provoke your interlocutors, otherwise there is a chance to get out of this situation as a loser.

Did the car hit another person?

Why dream that a car hit strangers or a stranger? This means that the dreamer will help good man and soon a friendship develops between them. If a friend or relative was hit by a car, this means that the dreamer will be subject to strong feelings. Perhaps you can help solve the problems of the victim. One way or another, there is no threat to the health or life of a person dreaming in a dream.

Bad interpretation

If, after waking up, you are wondering why you are dreaming that a car hit me, check out the information below. So, if the dreamer actually works in a hazardous industry with machines, equipment, or other life-threatening units, then in this case, the dreamed dreams may indicate the possibility of an accident at work. Such a dream warns you of caution and special care. The same applies to people who often drive. Such a dream can predict an accident, so you should be extremely careful and not exceed the speed limit on the roads.

Why dream that a car hit? Many dream books interpret such dreams in a slightly different way. So, the dreamer does not even suspect that danger hangs over him. In addition, this may concern not only him, but also his family. There is a way out of the situation, you just need to listen to your intuition, your inner voice. Try to anticipate all the steps of your opponent, and then trouble will bypass you. What if the dreamer is hit by a car bright color? This means that the public will know about your problems.

After a collision with a car, you were thrown back, you felt severe pain and saw a sea of ​​blood around them? This is a bad sign that promises health problems. Such a dream can also mean danger to your relatives. The dream interpretation advises to talk with loved ones and warn them about a possible threat to health. Your family may have to make a choice that will later turn out to be life-changing.

What if the dreamer knocked down a person?

If a dreamer was driving an ill-fated car, then this dream predicts a good acquaintance. If the victim turned out to be a friend or relative, then he may ask you to lend money. In any case, remember: if you dreamed bad dream, after which unpleasant emotions remained in the soul, do not worry. Do the following. Before dawn, get out of bed and go to the window, close your eyes and mentally say 3 times: “Where the night is, there is a dream!”. And forget about the terrible vision forever. Have a nice dream!

Hit by a car on a dream book

Good interpretation of the dream.

And I was hit by a car and I died, but from the side I saw myself and the face where the car ran became black. What does it mean?

I dreamed that I was riding in a taxi with my grandmother and two elderly women and we almost knocked down our cat, but my uncle saves him, but he dies, what is it for, please tell me, I am very afraid for my uncle.

I was hit by a car in a dream, I was pregnant in the last month, although in fact I am not pregnant and after the accident I remained alive, and the child died. Tell me what it means!

A life awaits you in which you will survive no matter what.

My child was hit by a car and there was blood, but everything is fine afterwards.

The child was hit by a car and there was blood, the side was rewound and everything is fine.

And the car moved me slowly pressed into the asphalt and so I went to hell and then returned from there safe and sound.

And I had a dream like my mother taught me to drive a car, and I accidentally knocked down some little boy. He asked for help, and I ran him over again. Well, then my mother and I were afraid that we would be caught. Because there were traces of blood on the car and on the wheels that followed us all the way home.

Tell me, I dreamed that a girl was hit by a truck, to death, in front of my eyes, what does this dream mean?

I dreamed that my husband was hit by a car and he died, what can this mean?

Tell my mother in a dream, she was standing at a traffic light, and I wanted to go ahead of her, that is, to cross the road without her, but she wanted to grab me, stretched herself and a car ran over her, she even felt heaviness. Help I'm very worried.

In a dream, before my eyes, I ran into a classmate who I like a car. And when he lay under a dropper, he opened his eyes.

In a dream, a husband was hit by a car, and he lies without legs, and is in pain.

I dreamed that I was hit by a car, but I remained unharmed. Then I saw a man who showed me to a traffic light. My mother and the doctor came from somewhere, even though I was intact. They came up to me and said that I needed to take care of myself, they began to measure my pulse and I lost consciousness, but I heard everything they said, but then I woke up without coming out of a faint.

I dreamed that my son was hit by a car to his death, the dream was from Friday to Saturday, what could this mean?

I love one girl very much and I had a dream that she was hit by a car to death. The dream had a dream in the morning from Friday to Saturday. What should I expect?

Why dream that a car hit?

What if you dream of being hit by a car?

The interpretation of a dream in which a person is hit by a car depends on many details. The more clearly a person remembers his dream, the more he will know what to watch out for in real life.

So why dream that a man was hit by a car. If the driver is driving a car of the same gender as the dreamer, the first thing to pay attention to is the size of the car. The larger the car, the more powerful the dreamer's ill-wisher. This dream warns that the person who saw him got in someone's way.

Perhaps the problem affects the professional sphere and the dreamer should prepare for the machinations of competitors or enviable colleagues who dream of removing the obstacle from the road.

If the car is red and throws the dreamer up when hit, this is a health problem. If at the time of the accident the dreamer experiences very severe pain and sees blood, it is possible that the next of kin will fall ill. And this disease will be a blow to the person who saw the dream.

For those who are single, this dream promises a change in their personal lives. If suddenly the dreamer is knocked down by a car driven by a person of the opposite sex, then this dream is a romantic acquaintance in reality. The more a person who sees a dream is surprised, the more likely the chance to meet his soul mate.

If the accident happened on a sunny day and there were people around, then the dreamer is waiting for public hearings or conflict. By the way, after this dream it is better not to swear and not to conflict with other people, the dreamer may be rebuffed and disgraced.

If the dreamer dreamed that a friend or relative of a person was shot down before his eyes, this is to worries and worries for this person. It is possible that in real life the dreamer will have to solve the problems of a person who was shot down in a dream. One way or another, but this dream does not predict any threat to health and well-being.

What portends?

The modern interpretation of a dream in which a person was hit by a car is not so cloudless and safe. It warns the dreamer of possible injuries, injuries.

If a person saw in a dream that they were knocking him down, then he should be careful at work, especially if he is dealing with equipment, machine tools or other dangerous units. If in a dream a person witnesses an accident, then this is a warning that he needs to be careful when driving.

Even if the dreamer does not become a participant in the accident, he can provoke it. If in a dream several people are knocked down at once or a car crashes into a crowd at high speed, then the dreamer will have to participate in a crowded meeting at which he will learn unpleasant information. After this dream, it is better not to participate in protests or other public events.

If you had a terrible or unpleasant dream, then you should not be upset. Not all dreams are prophetic. Some are inspired by what a person saw before going to bed. But if the dream is repeated several times, it is still advisable to look into the dream book.

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Hit by a car on a dream book

A dream in which a car knocks you down usually symbolizes important events or news related to work. The business that you have been doing for a long time may get some complications, and the project deadline will increase through no fault of yours. According to the modern dream book: hit by a car - to the good news from distant relatives with whom you have not seen for a long time.

If an accident is avoided and you escape unscathed from under the wheels, such a dream portends joyful events and a prosperous life.

Another interpretation is offered by a modern dream book: hit by a car - try not to go anywhere for at least some time and not engage in active and dangerous sports. This dream can be a warning of misfortunes that can be avoided if you are more careful about your health and do not take risks in vain. There is a high risk of catching a contagious disease, therefore, after such a dream, it is better to consult a doctor in advance for prevention.

When in a dream a car knocks down a relative or acquaintance, in reality try to surround this person with affection and care, which he lacks so much now. Perhaps soon he will need serious help from you.

Why dream that you were hit by a car in other dream books

From the interpretation of the accident of the female dream book: hit by a car - to imminent fears for family members, a threat to children is possible. If the accident was bloodless, it will be possible to cope with difficulties and family hardships.

Why dream that you were hit by a car in erotic dream book: if you were driving a car and knocked down a handsome person of the opposite sex, then soon a meeting that will be pleasant in all respects awaits you. This dream often portends a frenzied passion and love at first sight.

Suffer from a car yourself and stay healthy - see you soon love story. Especially if the driver of the car was of the opposite sex.

Why dream that you were hit by a car in the dream book of psychoanalysts: a car accident in which you suffered can mean a lot - depending on the circumstances and feelings after the dream. One of the symbols is the danger looming over the dreamer, which he does not yet know about, but anticipates. Developed intuition and the ability to predict the moves of the enemy will allow you to avoid trouble. Perhaps observation and attention to detail will allow you to cope with problems and an impending threat.

Dream interpretation Car hit

Why dream of being hit by a car in a dream

Dream Interpretation to knock down a person in a dream

Why dream of knocking down a person. Dream interpretation

The car is generally considered in the interpreters of dreams as a symbol of forward movement - for example, personal development or professional growth. Therefore, dreams, one way or another related to cars, are interpreted precisely from a professional point of view.

So, if you dreamed that you, while driving, knocked down a person - such a plot can be considered a warning that not all the means you have chosen to achieve your goal are good. In addition, sleep can also mean obstacles that arise in your path along career ladder. It is possible that to overcome them you need more flexibility and maneuverability.

In our dream book, you can learn not only about what dreams about knocking down a person dream about, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a person knock down in a dream online by Miller's dream book.

I dreamed that I was hit by a car, what is it for?


you have 7 days left

I dreamed that the snake had bitten, and there was nothing, alive. just a dream.

Kalyaka Malyaka

Something like that will be prevented in the near future.

Be careful on the road. And do not give up when trouble happens ((. God help you!

Alexey Trofimov

Maybe this prophetic dream. Be attentive and careful.

Daria Arkhangelskaya

The dream that a person was hit by a car indicates that serious events related to work can occur in his life.

Perhaps a project that has been in preparation for a long time will be complicated by unexpected difficulties and will bring a lot of trouble. If you dreamed that you miraculously avoided being hit by a car, this is a sign of joyful events.

Perhaps you will receive good news from relatives who live far away. A car accident is dreaming - in the near future you should avoid long trips and extreme entertainment. If in a dream you saw that the car was hit by loved one- you need to be more attentive to your well-being - diseases are possible.

Victoria Moreva

Dream interpretation Car hit

Why dream of being hit by a car in a dream

The dream that a person was hit by a car indicates that serious events related to work can occur in his life.

Perhaps a project that has been in preparation for a long time will be complicated by unexpected difficulties and will bring a lot of trouble. If you dreamed that you miraculously avoided being hit by a car, this is a sign of joyful events.

Perhaps you will receive good news from relatives who live far away. A car accident is dreaming - in the near future you should avoid long trips and extreme entertainment. If in a dream you saw that a car hit a loved one - you need to be more attentive to your well-being - diseases are possible.

do not pay attention

Watch yourself. Be careful.

valentina shatalova

I don't know I'm afraid

Child hit by car

Dream Interpretation Child hit by a car dreamed of why in a dream a child was hit by a car? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream a child was hit by a car by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Car or truck in a dream: symbolizes personal opportunities in the implementation of private affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Machine (mechanism)

Seeing cars in a dream portends that you will undertake a project that will cause you great anxiety, but as a result it will be useful to you.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

If you saw a car in a dream, then you will take on a project that will cause you a lot of anxiety, but as a result it will be fruitful for you.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Seeing cars in a dream - take part in useful deeds or succeed in the field of production (in a factory, factory, etc.).

Dream Interpretation - Machine

Seeing an ambulance is a call for caution - misfortune can happen to you.

Dream Interpretation - Car (car)

Represents mechanical means movement, but, unlike a train, tram or bus, the car is driven by the person himself, or his friend, or relative, so this image is associated with a functional action that gives pleasure. In-se associates it with the body or with the immediate environment, thereby indicating its attitude to the behavior of the logical-historical "I". That's why various models machines and various ways their uses indicate different patterns of behavior of the "I". If the subject does not drive the car himself, then this indicates the dominance of a positive or negative influence over him.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

If you dream that you are driving a car - in reality you will undertake a rather hectic, but very useful business that will be resolved with a successful outcome.

Dream Interpretation - Child

The child is a symbol of hope, the future.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child - will dream: to give birth to a child is wealth. How a plump child dreams - these are worries for good; thin, weeping worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big chore. A child is a dispute, a brawl. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. The same dream will be seen by an old woman - foreshadows severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking a pile, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. Child - attack, quarrel, chores. The child is on the table, comes to life - the death of this child. Many children are anxiety. A child on the shoulders (on korkos) of a man - a pregnant woman will give birth to a boy, on the shoulders of a woman - a girl will be born.

Car hit by a loved one

Dream Interpretation - Sick Man

If you see a frail person - this is to the ill health and weakness of the child.

Dream Interpretation - Dark-haired man

A swarthy (dark-haired) person dreams of distrust and surveillance of someone.

Dream Interpretation - Chipped Man

A chipped man dreams of a brazen lie.

Dream Interpretation - Barefoot Man

If you dream of a bare-footed person in a dream - this is to poverty or to buying shoes.

Dream Interpretation - Naked Man

A naked man dreams of shame.

Dream Interpretation - Lippy Man (lips)

If you dream of a man who is mouthy to the point of trouble, you will never accept the courtship of a gentleman who is being imposed on you.

Dream Interpretation - Pitiful person (beggar)

Seeing in a dream a miserable person asking you for alms, and despising him - to cruelty on your part towards the poor.

Dream Interpretation - Living Man

Seeing in a dream a very sick person desperately clutching at life means that you have an iron grip and you will definitely correct your faltering affairs.

Dream Interpretation - Bandaged Man

Seeing a person bandaged from head to toe is an accident.

Dream Interpretation - Famous person

See in a dream next to you famous person- to the manifestation of their abilities in some business.

Car hit by a loved one

Dream Interpretation - Drive a car

Seeing in a dream how you are driving your car is a trip to visit.

Dream Interpretation - Start the car

Starting a car in a dream - for a long trip.

Dream Interpretation - Your car number

To see or hear in a dream the number of your car is an accident.

Dream Interpretation - Roll over in a car (accident, car)

To well-being on the road.

Dream Interpretation - Gas by car (car, car)

Dream Interpretation - Start the car

Starting a car in a dream, but it does not start - to a hopeless situation.

Dream Interpretation - Brand (car, car)

See in a dream various brands cars - to buy a new car.

Dream Interpretation - Drive a car, transport

If in a dream you drive a car, someone unfairly condemns you for your behavior. Driving public transport in a dream is a harbinger of a humiliating and thankless job that does not promise career advancement.

Dream Interpretation - Knitting Machine

Dream Interpretation - Steam engine

Types of Wealth

Car hit by a loved one

Dream Interpretation - Long Nosed Man

If you dream of a long-nosed and ugly face, get ready for plastic surgery.

Dream Interpretation - Long-Armed Man

Seeing in a dream how someone stretches growing hands towards you in front of your eyes means that someone loves you very much and reaches out to you.

Dream Interpretation - Thoughtful person

Seeing someone thoughtful in a dream is sad.

Dream Interpretation - Emaciated Man

To dream of an extremely emaciated child is a long-term and untreatable disease.

Dream Interpretation - Capricious person

Seeing in a dream how someone is naughty is a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Cross-Eyed Man

Everything is not presented to you like that; they tell a lie.

Dream Interpretation - Tiny little man (midget, dwarf, man)

To see a tiny man in a dream is a big victory.

Dream Interpretation - Red-bearded man

To the catch from the one you think badly.

Dream Interpretation - Sick Man

Dream Interpretation - Black-browed Man

Someone will make fun of you.

Car hit by a loved one

Dream Interpretation - Ivy grows from a person’s chest

Soon he will die of a stomach tumor.

Dream Interpretation - Giving a Mirror to a Dead Person

Bad sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Promise in a dream to come to a dead person soon

Bad sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Talking in a dream with a faceless man in white clothes

Bad sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Sitting on the lap of a dead person

Bad sleep; portends death

Dream Interpretation - Agony (of a dying person)

Happiness, health and wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Praying Man

To see a thief or a swindler.

Dream Interpretation - Machine, family, person

There will be some significant business for you with things that are very expensive for you (husband and children), but. Some circumstances will prevent you from doing something .. You will fight for him with all your might. Or it already exists.

Dream Interpretation - Loss of a loved one

The dream is not terrible, it reflects your persistent desire to understand logically (clock, dad) all kinds of complex relationships (fingers), but illusions (window) based on generally accepted stereotypes (truck) and disregard for intuition (mother) prevent understanding.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased loved one

This Dream tells the Dreamer to pay attention to her personal sphere, to let go of what can no longer be returned and start living again (not to bury herself alive in order to maintain peace of mind). Sincerely, Livia.

Dog hit by car

Dream Interpretation Dog was hit by a car dreamed of why in a dream a dog was hit by a car? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Dog run over by a car in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dog

In general, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion.

A black dog in a dream means your friend who started something against you.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

It's no secret that a dog best friend person. She personifies such wonderful qualities as devotion, courage and observation. There are many popular expressions related topics or otherwise with this pet: “A dog is a constant friend to man”, “It is a sin to call a dog with a human name”, “Do not kick the dog: convulsions will pull”, “Dog howl - to eternal rest. Night dog howling - to the dead person", "If the dog howls at night, then turn the pillow over under their heads, saying:" On their own head! The dog clings to the owner - unfortunately," and many others.

Dream Interpretation - Machine

A dream in which you see some cars means a measured life, into which something suddenly breaks in, requiring you to exert all your physical and spiritual strength.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

An angry dog ​​dreams of failures and insidious machinations of your enemies. An affectionate dog promises good luck and true friends.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

A dog that evokes sympathy is good / friend.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Angry dog ​​- failures, insidious acts of your opponents;

affectionate dog - good luck, true friends;

to be the owner of a thoroughbred dog - you will be able to make yourself a solid fortune;

the bloodhound is following you - a warning against temptations that can be disastrous for you;

the dog has bitten you - do not expect peace in the near future, either in relations with business partners or with your wife;

skinny and dirty dogs - failure or illness;

hearing dogs barking is bad news;

a hunting dog in your home - favorable circumstances in business;

pretty dogs of an exquisite breed - you will have a frivolous dapper admirer (for a girl);

be scared to meet big dog- Your destiny will be resistance to the whole environment, the desire to rise above vulgarity and mediocrity;

for women - this dream is a very worthy husband;

the growling of dogs behind you - some schemer is approaching your cherished interests, defeat is possible, but this dream is always an incentive to active resistance;

a cat and a dog unexpectedly throwing themselves at each other - failure in matters of the heart;

spill fighters with water - a favorable dream;

a white dog circling around you in a friendly manner is a great success in business and love;

many-headed dog - do not get carried away with many things at once, it turns into a fuss;

a mad dog chasing you is a warning to mobilize all the forces of character in order to resist the fight;

driving away or killing a rabid dog is a good dream;

walking with a dog, especially a thoroughbred one, and seeing how she kills a snake is an auspicious dream.

Also see Bulldog, Cat, Snake, Barking, Hare, Fury, Hunting.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Seeing a stray dog ​​in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a very difficult position. He does not turn to you for help just because he does not want to burden you with his problems.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

A dog is a friend, a friend, but how it bites is unkind, someone “bites”, there will be some kind of misfortune. The dog is the enemy. As a wolf or a dog dreams, then someone will attack. As a dog dreams, you will quarrel with someone. If you dream that the dog is fawning, then this means wooing. If a girl dreams that she was bitten by a dog, then this exact omen who will soon be married. The dog will tear the girl's skirt - she will get married. Dog barking - some kind of attack. If a dog vomits and bites in a dream, then this means a beating in reality. As a puppy dreams, you will soon meet a childhood friend or he will come to visit you. Dogs - people will say something dashing about you. Black dog - you will see a friend; loyalty. Dogs of all other colors are enemies. The dog flatters - be afraid of the neighbor, bites - be in trouble through the neighbor.

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