Encyclopedia of fire safety

What to do in case of a forest fire - wind in the field. Rules of behavior of the population during forest fires.

REMINDERto the population on actions in the event of a forest fire

To avoid the occurrence of fires, it is necessary to follow the rules of behavior in the forest.

During the fire season in the forest is unacceptable:

Throw burning matches, cigarette butts, smoldering rags in the forest;

Make a fire in dense thickets and young coniferous growth, under low-hanging tree crowns, next to timber, peat warehouses, in close proximity to mature crops;

Leave spontaneously combustible material in the forest: rags and rags soaked in oil or gasoline, glass containers and dishes that sunny weather can focus the sun's beam and ignite dry vegetation;

Burn dry grass in forest glades, in gardens, in fields, under trees;

Start a fire with flammable liquids or in windy weather;

Leave the fire unattended or unextinguished after leaving the parking lot.

If a special fire mode, it is strictly forbidden to visit the forests until it is canceled.

Signs of a forest fire: a persistent smell of burning, foggy smoke, restless behavior of birds, animals, insects, their migration in one direction, a night glow on the horizon.

What to do if you find yourself in a forest fire zone:

If you are in a forest where a fire broke out, then determine the direction of the wind and the spread of fire;

Leave the danger zone only along the spread of the fire;

Run along the front of the fire; do not overtake a forest fire; to overcome the lack of oxygen, bend down to the ground;

Breathe through a wet handkerchief or wet clothing;

If it is impossible to get away from the fire, enter a body of water or cover yourself with wet clothes, take a dip in the nearest body of water.

After leaving the fire zone, report the location, size and nature of the fire to fire department by phone 01, forestry or by phone 112.

rules safe extinguishing small fire in the forest

When you smell smoke, determine what and where is burning; having decided to put out a small fire, send for help to the village;

Flames of small ground fires can be knocked down by overflowing with hardwood branches, flooding with water, throwing wet soil, trampling underfoot. Peat fires are extinguished by digging up burning peat with watering.

When extinguishing a fire, act prudently, do not go far from roads and clearings, do not lose sight of other participants, maintain visual and audio communication with them.

When extinguishing a peat fire, keep in mind that deep funnels can form in the burning zone, so you should move carefully, after checking the depth of the burnt layer.

What to do if a fire approaches locality:

It is necessary to evacuate people, especially children, women and the elderly. It is necessary to take out or take out people in a direction perpendicular to the spread of fire. You should only move along roads, as well as along rivers and streams, and sometimes along the water itself. In case of strong smoke, the mouth and nose should be covered with a wet cotton-gauze bandage, a towel, and a piece of clothing. Take documents, money, essential things with you. Personal belongings can be saved in stone structures without burning structures or simply in a pit covered with earth.

If it is impossible to evacuate (mass fires in populated areas), it remains only to wait, hiding in sealed stone buildings, or in large open areas, stadiums, etc.

When you find a fire in the forest, do not panic. First, quickly analyze the situation. It is necessary to climb an elevated point of relief or climb on tall tree, find the location of the fire, determine the direction and speed of the spread of fire, notice the location of the reservoir, swamp, edge, settlements.

If you are caught in a forest fire with a rapidly advancing shaft of fire, drop your things, except for emergency supplies, and quickly overcome the edge of the fire against the wind, covering your head and face outerwear. You need to leave the zone of any forest fire to the windward side perpendicular to the edge of the fire, along clearings, roads, glades, banks of streams and rivers. And as quickly as possible, so as not to be cut off by a continuous edge of fire. Be aware that it will be very difficult to detect you from an airplane (helicopter) due to a lot of smoke, so you need to rely only on your own strength.

If the path is cut off, shelter from a fire should be on islands, shallows, in a swamp, on rocky peaks, etc. Choose places of shelters away from trees - in case of fire, when the roots burn, they can fall silently. When a fire approaches, moisten your clothes with plenty of water, lie down in the water, but not near the reeds. In shallow water, wrap your head in a sleeping bag, after wetting it and clothes with water. Once in the hearth, periodically turn over, moisten the dried-up areas of clothing, protect your face with a multi-layer bandage, preferably from gauze, which you constantly moisten. If you hit the fire, take off all nylon, nylon and other melting clothing, get rid of combustible and flammable equipment.

| Schedule for the academic year |

Fundamentals of life safety
7th grade

Lesson 23
Rules for safe behavior when being in the forest fire zone and extinguishing it

When forest fires occur, the local population is actively involved in their extinguishing. Before starting work, people are introduced to safety precautions and the rules for extinguishing forest fires, they are provided with special clothing, helmets, smoke masks and gas masks. Persons under the age of 18 are not allowed to extinguish forest fires.

What to do if during a hiking trip or a walk in the forest with friends you encounter a forest or peat fire? In this case, you must act quickly and decisively without losing your temper. Try to determine which side the fire is from you and which direction the wind is blowing. Determining the type of forest fire (ground or top) is quite difficult. This can be done only by the speed of the approach of the crackling and noise of the fire. Your main task is to get away (rescue) from the fire and report it to adults as soon as possible: to the forestry or to the fire brigade. It is necessary to leave the danger zone, having determined in which direction the fire is moving, in the direction perpendicular to the spread of the fire. Move along rivers, streams, or even along the water itself. Cover your mouth and nose with a wet bandage to protect yourself from carbon monoxide. Try to get to the other side of the stream, river, as they can become a natural barrier to fire.

Extinguishing the edge of a forest fire

It may also happen that a small group of trees, bushes, dry grass, leaves, a fire thrown and not extinguished by someone are burning in the forest. It is possible to extinguish such a small fire, while observing safety rules.

If a peat field (swamp) is on fire, do not try to extinguish the fire yourself. Move against the wind, carefully examining and feeling the road with a pole. hot earth and the smoke coming out of it show that the fire has gone underground, the peat burns out from the inside, forming voids into which you can fall and burn.

If a fire starts and flares up, in no case do not try to put out the fire yourself, but tell an adult about it. You will help by letting them know about the trouble. You can use your mobile phone (if available) to report to the rescue service.


1. Tell us what forest fires are.

2. What are the main causes of forest fires do you know?

3. What are the usual ways to extinguish forest fires?

4. When do forests burn more often?

5. Why are crown fires dangerous?

6. Why are underground fires dangerous?

7. What should be done to prevent forest fires?

8. What are the ground rules safe behavior in the forest, you know?

9. Take an “ecological hike” with your parents to the nearest forest, during which try to collect glass jars and bottles lying there. If possible, take them out of the forest or bury them in the ground.

10. Ask parents where to report discovered forest fires?

11. While walking in the forest, collect a bunch of branches 1.5-2 m long and try to imitate blows with them, allowing you to knock down the flame (fire). Remember that a real fire cannot be extinguished with dry branches.

Task 13

Imagine that while walking through the forest you saw a fire in front of you at a distance of 100-150 m, which spreads through the bushes and trees. Choose from the options provided next steps and determine their order.

1. Turn around and run away.

2. Try to determine the direction of the spread of fire.

3. Start screaming and calling for help.

4. Determine the direction of the wind.

5. Quickly orient yourself and move to windward of the fire to a safe place.

6. Try branches or improvised means to bring down the fire.

7. Find the nearest body of water and wait in it for the fire to pass.

8. Report the fire to adults in the nearest village.

Task 14

You, in a group of 10 tourists, stopped in the forest at a halt near a stream. Everyone was very tired, and the leader decided to set up camp. We quickly set up tents, lit a fire, cooked dinner, ate. After dinner, the guys climbed into the tents and fell asleep. Suddenly, the sleepers were awakened by shouts: “Fire! Fire!" Everyone jumped out of the tents. Grass and bushes were burning all around. The fire was getting closer to the pines. Smoke was everywhere, at a distance of 15-20 m almost nothing was visible. It became difficult to breathe. Choose from the options offered your next steps and determine their order.

1. Everyone quickly run away from the fire zone in the direction of the wind.

2. Dive into the stream and follow it.

3. Determine the direction of the spread of fire.

4. Quickly collect tents, backpacks, send several people to reconnaissance in order to determine the boundaries of the fire.

5. Cover your head and upper part body with wet clothes, you will breathe through a wet handkerchief or wet clothes.

6. Organize fire extinguishing with water from the stream.

7. Having found the edge of the fire, try to shoot down the flame from the branches, grass and bushes.

8. In case of heavy smoke, bend down and begin to breathe air adjacent to the ground.

9. You will leave the fire zone to windward.

10. Arriving in the village, go to the local post office to call the district authorities and give information about the fire.

11. Having arrived at the nearest village (settlement), inform adults about the fire in the forest.

Causes of a forest fire

  • careless handling of fire by a person;
  • non-compliance with security measures when making fires in the forest belt;
  • children's pranks with matches in a forested area;
  • burning garbage, dry grass in close proximity to the forest;
  • accidental sparks from the exhaust pipes of a car or motorcycle;
  • lightning strikes a tree;
  • ignition of cleaning material impregnated with oil, gasoline or other self-igniting composition;
  • accidental focusing of the sun's rays by bottle glass.

Fires can occur as a result of fires in buildings in populated areas, from power lines, warehouses of oil products and other combustible and flammable substances, which can lead to the spread of fire over vast territories, as well as the possible mass destruction of people and animals. About how dangerous the fire was

Safety measures and rules of conduct in the forest

The human factor is one of the most common causes of natural fires . To avoid accidental ignition of the forest and the development of a spontaneous fire in the forest, safety measures should be observed.

  • Do not throw burning matches or unextinguished cigarette butts on the ground.
  • Do not light fires during the fire season.
  • Do not burn garbage in the forest.
  • Do not use wads from smoldering materials during hunting.
  • Do not leave rubbish in the forest, especially cleaning cloth soaked in oil, gasoline or other combustible material.
  • Don't leave in the forest glass bottles or broken glass.

And follow the rules:

  • Kindle a fire only in specially designated places.
  • If there are no such places, then independently prepare a site for its breeding, clearing it of grass, leaves and branches to the very ground.
  • Before leaving the parking lot, the fire must be completely extinguished. Leave the resting place only after making sure that not a single log or branch is smoldering anymore.
  • In the event of a dangerous fire, extinguish the fire with water or, throwing it with earth, you can knock down the fire with branches of deciduous trees.

Preventive measures in the fight against natural fires

Precautionary actions when forest fire are carried out in order to protect the population and prevent the spread of fire from the forest to settlements. To do this, during massive fires, clearings and ground strips are laid and cleared. The width of the strips is from 5 to 10 meters in mixed forests and 50 meters in coniferous forests. Trenches are dug around settlements and filled with water so that the fire does not spread from the forest to the residential sector. Settlements should have fire ponds or other bodies of water, the capacity of which should be at least 30 cubic meters for each hectare of the area of ​​the settlement.

When there is a threat of a strong fire in a forest or on a peat bog, a watch is organized by the population to monitor the situation near the border of the settlement. Additional clearing of the dirt strips between the forest and the residential sector should be carried out to provide the necessary. Fire reservoirs are filled at the rate of 10 liters of water per 1 meter of the length of the forest edge. You should also check the condition of wells and additional reservoirs, which can also be used in case of danger. The public is advised to prepare cotton-gauze bandages, respirators or other respiratory protection equipment. During the dry season, a ban or restrictions on visiting the forest area are introduced, especially on cars with an internal combustion engine.

Fires in the forest. Ground and top forest fire

Most often, ground fires occur in the forest, in which the lower cover of the forest burns and smolders: grass, shrubs, undergrowth, tree rhizomes, peat layer. A ground fire spreads rather slowly - at a speed of 0.1-3 m / min. O was written separately. Dry weather and strong winds can cause the emergence and spread of crown fires, in which trees are engulfed in fire from roots to crowns, especially trees conifers. The speed of crown fire propagation can increase under the influence of hurricane wind and reach 80 m/min.

If a crown fire is dangerous because of its rapid spread, then a ground fire is dangerous because when the peat layer and rhizomes of trees burn, underground fires can occur that spread in all directions at once. Since peat is a good combustible material, it can not only ignite spontaneously, but also burn underground with little or no air access, including under water. For this reason, smoldering peatlands are quite difficult to extinguish completely. Above already burning peatlands, a cloud of sparks and peat ash can form, which is carried by a strong wind over very long distances, contributing to fires in other areas, covering more and more new territories with fire. In addition, this burning dust causes burns to animals and humans.

Rules of conduct in case of fire in the forest

The correct actions in case of a forest fire will help to quickly deal with emergency and save the forest, buildings, property and, possibly, people's lives. If you accidentally find yourself near the source of fire and are unable to independently cope with its localization and extinguishing. Immediately warn of the danger to all who are nearby. People must leave the danger zone immediately. It is advisable to go out onto the road, a clearing, a wide clearing or to a reservoir. Exit the fire zone should be perpendicular to the direction of the wind and the movement of fire. If it is impossible to leave, you should enter the reservoir or cover yourself with wet clothes. If you managed to reach open space, make sure you are safe, sit on the ground and breathe, covering your mouth with a rag or cotton-gauze bandage - the air near the ground is less smoky.

After leaving the fire zone, immediately inform the fire department or the district administration about the fire. Name the exact location of the fire and its approximate dimensions. It is also desirable to know the local signals for warning the population about the approach of a fire and give such a signal that people begin to receive fire fighting measures at home or on the outskirts of the village.

If possible, take part in firefighting activities. Exist various ways extinguishing forest fires, but you must clearly follow the orders of the firefighters who were nearby. In a ground fire, the flame can be knocked down with the help of branches of deciduous trees, poured with water, covered with earth or trampled under foot. Peat fires are extinguished by digging up peat and pouring water over it. It should be remembered that peat burns unevenly. During a peat fire, sufficiently deep funnels can form into which you can fall. Therefore, you should move very slowly and carefully, probing the depth of the burnt layer. When extinguishing a fire, you must be very careful and careful. The rate of fire development is very high. Do not move far from other rescuers, constantly keep in touch with each other, do not go far from the clearing or road.

Rules for safe behavior in case of a forest fire

The main causes of forest fires:

The main culprit of forest fires is man - his negligence when using fire in the forest during work and leisure. Most fires occur in places of picnics, picking mushrooms and berries, during hunting, from an abandoned burning match, an unextinguished cigarette. During the hunter's shot, the wad that has flown out of the gun begins to smolder, setting fire to dry grass. You can often see how littered the forest is with bottles and broken glass. In sunny weather, these fragments focus Sun rays like incendiary lenses. An incompletely extinguished fire in the forest causes subsequent great disasters.

The statistics of wildfires in recent weeks shows that their surge is observed on weekends, when people go en masse to relax in nature.

Depending on in which parts of the forest the fire spreads, forest fires are usually divided into ground fires (up to 90% in number), top and underground (soil). In turn, ground and crown fires can be stable and runaway.

In forest areas, ground fires most often occur, burning out the forest litter, undergrowth and undergrowth, grass and shrub cover, deadwood, tree rhizomes, etc. In the dry period, with wind, crown fires pose a danger, in which the fire also spreads along the crowns of trees, mainly coniferous species. Ground fire speed - from 0.1 to 3 m/min, top fire - up to 100 m/min in the direction of the wind.

When burning peat and plant roots, there is a risk of underground fires, propagating in different sides. The ability of peat to spontaneously ignite and burn without access to air and even under water is a great danger. Above the burning peat bogs, the formation of "columnar swirls" of hot ash and burning peat dust is possible, which, when strong wind are transported over long distances and cause new fires.



During the fire hazard period in the forest it is strictly prohibited:

make fires, use braziers, other devices for cooking;

smoking, throwing burning matches, cigarette butts, shaking out smoking pipes hot ash;

shoot from weapons, use pyrotechnic products;

· to leave cleaning material oiled or impregnated with gasoline, kerosene and other combustible substances in the forest;

refuel the tanks of running internal combustion engines, bring equipment with a faulty engine power system to work, and also smoke or use open flames near vehicles refueling;

· leave bottles, glass fragments, and other rubbish in a sunlit forest glade;

burn grass, as well as stubble in the fields.

Persons guilty of breaking the rules fire safety, depending on the nature of violations and their consequences, bear disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability.


If you find a fire, notify immediately. fire service by phone 01 (on mobile phone by number 112)!

If the fire is grassroots and local, you can try to put out the flame yourself: you can try to knock it down by overflowing with hardwood branches, flooding it with water, throwing wet soil, trampling it with your feet. Peat fires are extinguished by digging up burning peat with watering.

When extinguishing a fire, act prudently, do not go far from roads and clearings, do not lose sight of other participants, maintain visual and audio communication with them.

When extinguishing a peat fire, keep in mind that deep funnels can form in the burning zone, so you should move carefully, after checking the depth of the burnt layer.

If you do not have the opportunity to cope with the localization and extinguishing of the fire on your own:

immediately warn everyone nearby about the need to leave the danger zone;

organize the exit of people to the road or clearing, a wide clearing, to the bank of a river or reservoir, in the field;

leave the danger zone quickly, perpendicular to the direction of fire;

If it is impossible to escape from the fire, enter a body of water or cover yourself with wet clothes;

· once in an open space or clearing, breathe, bending down to the ground - there the air is less smoky;

At the same time, cover your mouth and nose with a cotton-gauze bandage or cloth;

· after leaving the fire zone, inform the fire service, the administration of the settlement, the forestry about its location, size and nature.

In the event of a fire approaching directly to the buildings and the threat of a massive fire in the settlement, the population is urgently evacuated, primarily children, the elderly, and the disabled.

If there is a possibility of a fire approaching your locality, prepare for possible evacuation:

Place documents, valuables in a safe, accessible place;

prepare for a possible emergency departure vehicles;

· put on cotton or woolen clothes, have with you: gloves, a handkerchief with which you can cover your face, goggles or other means of sewing up your eyes;

prepare a supply of food and drinking water;

· carefully follow informational messages on television and radio, means of warning, keep in touch with your acquaintances in other areas of your area;

Avoid panic.

How to act near the fire in the forest and on peat bogs

If you find yourself near the source of a fire in a forest or peat bog and you do not have the opportunity to cope with its localization, prevention of the spread and extinguishment of the fire on your own, immediately warn all people nearby about the need to leave the danger zone.

Organize their exit to the road or clearing, a wide meadow, to the bank of a river or reservoir, in a field.

Get out of the danger zone quickly, perpendicular to the direction of fire.

If it is impossible to escape from a fire, enter a body of water or cover yourself with wet clothes.

Going out into an open space or clearing, breathe the air near the ground - there it is less smoky, while covering your mouth and nose with a rag (of clothes).

After leaving the fire zone, report the location, size and nature of the fire to the city administration, forestry and fire service.

The flame of small ground fires can be knocked down by flooding it with hardwood branches, flooding it with water, throwing wet soil, trampling it with your feet.

Peat fires are extinguished by digging up burning peat with watering.

When extinguishing a fire, act prudently, do not go far from roads and clearings, do not lose sight of other participants, maintain visual and sound communication with them.

When extinguishing a peat fire, keep in mind that deep funnels can form in the burning zone, so you should move carefully, after checking the depth of the burnt layer.

Fire is the uncontrolled spread of fire. It causes not only the destruction of material objects, but also the death of people. You were resting, and you were caught. What to do? Observe a few simple rules behavior and you will understand how to act in an emergency.

fire theory

Forest burning is the uncontrolled spread of fire. The forest itself has no sources of fire. About 8% of fires are caused by natural factors. They can be lightning or severe drought.

In all other cases, the forest burns through the fault of a person or subsequently his activities in the forest.

If the height of the flame does not rise above 2.5 m, then the fire has a grassroots character. If the crowns of trees are burning - horseback. The spread of crown fire at a speed of up to 70 km / h is called a crown hurricane fire. If , then it is called underground.

Anyone caught in a fire may experience severe disadvantage oxygen from smoke. At the same time, he loses orientation in space and can be injured from falling trees.

Action algorithm

First of all, in the event of a forest fire and the current situation, it is not worth visiting the forest in order to obtain information about the impending threat. And before any hike in the fire hazardous season, it is necessary to assess the situation and possible risks. But if, nevertheless, you were caught by a fire in the forest, then let's consider a possible algorithm of actions.

  • firstly, do not panic and try to correctly assess the area, place and strength of the fire that has arisen;
  • secondly, in case of a small source of fire, take available measures to extinguish: jackets, brooms from green branches. And if you have a tool, throw earth on the edge of the fire.

It is important to remember that a pedestrian walks through the forest at a speed of no more than 5 km / h, and in the presence of obstacles this speed is even less.

The fire is spreading at a speed of more than 10 km / h, it is impossible to overtake the spreading disaster, so evacuation actions must be started in a timely manner.

  • if the situation is out of control, you should notify everyone in the forest accessible ways and assemble the group in a relatively safe place. After that, determine the direction of the wind and choose the direction of movement: against the wind, perpendicular to the line of fire;
  • if possible, look for an exit to the river, in open field, on the road or clearing. And in case of strong smoke, try not to lose your bearings, control the composition of the group and follow the lagging behind;
  • it may happen that at some point in time the band of fire becomes narrow enough to pass through. Try to overcome it by covering your head and body with wet clothes;
  • after leaving the zone engulfed in fire, inform the Ministry of Emergency Situations, warn the local administration and forestry.

If you can't run away

But there are situations when the exit from the fiery ring is not possible. And only one thing is clear - you will have to stay in the ring of fire until the fire passes.

In this situation, it is best to find a body of water and enter it, or simply find a low-lying place. In this case, it is necessary to clear the space of combustible objects as much as possible and lie on the ground. If possible, find a natural recess, covering your head with clothes, try to wait out the passage of the fire.

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