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Education at Harvard. The cost of studying at the best universities in the world

The dream of many students is to study at one of the most prestigious universities in the world. For many, a dream remains a dream, and for some, it becomes a reality. And the question is not even the availability of money to pay for tuition, but the correct and serious approach to the admission process. The very fact that you were able to enroll in one of the highest ranked universities in the world is already a victory. In this article, let's talk about Harvard University, one of the most prestigious educational institutions

Whether this will be a discovery for you or not, we do not know, but we must say that today there are no exact rules and conditions for admission to Harvard University. Talented students from all over the world various luggage knowledge and experience aspire to this university to be among the elect. Every year Harvard accepts about 30 thousand applications from all over the world and only 2 thousand people (about 7%) become students of such a prestigious university. Requirements for admission to Harvard include a combination of criteria such as grades, a high GPA, letters of recommendation, essays, and extracurricular activities. According to Harvard, an applicant must have such a personal quality as a strong sense of social responsibility. Apart from high marks, the university wants to see in the student a strong character, leadership and discipline.

The cost of education at Harvard University is very high, however, this is not key point when selecting students. Many students were able to pay for their education through scholarship programs. Today in Russia there is a presidential program global education which pays all student expenses. The main condition is to independently enter a prestigious university. Read more.

Application for admission and essay

The first and most basic requirement for admission to Harvard is to fill out all the required forms and pay a fee of $75. To apply for online form, all completed questionnaires must be uploaded to the site Harvard University. Another important document when applying is an essay or motivation letter. It is thanks to him that the university commission will select you among thousands of applications and you will be included in the next list for selection. gives you the opportunity to emphasize your individuality and prove your interest in studying at this institution. This is a document that does not require an official style when writing and gives the applicant freedom of expression, but at the same time requires brevity and clarity of thought.

Website hopelesstoharvard.com talks about how not to lose hope when applying to prestigious American universities and gives a lot of useful tips.

High grade average in studies

Your GPA is your guarantee for admission to Harvard University. In order to be more competitive with others, choose a more rigorous curriculum at school or university that is geared specifically towards your future academic development. On its website, Harvard offers special program four years of preparation: four years of English, four years of mathematics, four years of science (biology, chemistry, physics) and an advanced course in one of these subjects, European and American history, and four years of a foreign language. Although Harvard does not have strict general entry qualification requirements, most Harvard students are placed in the top 10-15% of graduates.

SAT and ACT scores

All candidates must pass an examination for admission to the university. The applicant must submit two SAT test scores in subjects such as Chemistry, Literature, or world history. Harvard does not have a minimum qualification requirement, but most students report that their scores are in the 600 to 800 range for each section of the SAT Reasoning Test as well as the SAT Subject Tests.


The admissions committee will not disqualify you directly without an interview. If a the interview will take place excellent, this will increase your chances of admission and emphasize your individuality among other applicants. Think of the interview as a friendly conversation with Harvard students, don't worry and be ready to talk about everything, depending on the interviewer. Harvard is popular for its interviews with applicants, which are more personal than academic compared to other university interviews. The university will be more interested in your personality, character, and also in your ambitions.

For a conversation with the admissions committee, be sure to grab a resume that will show your achievements and provide an opportunity to find new topics for conversation. Tell us about your interests, favorite courses and extracurricular activities that you are doing. The interview is good opportunity show your motivation face to face. Be prepared to be asked "Why Harvard?".

Harvard requires two from the applicant's former faculty. To receive good advice, choose teachers who know you well. Harvard loves to know about a student's school and university success, as well as his personal character. Letters of recommendation can also be used to explain any weaknesses or omissions in your academic life, if you have suffered from any illness or had financial difficulties.

extracurricular activities

When accepting new students, Harvard University has in mind not only the academic success of the student, but also his extracurricular activities to find out the life position of a person as a whole.

If there are points that highlight your abilities, you have a strong interest in extracurricular activities, or you have scientific achievements, be sure to include them in your application. If you were in charge of the debate team, then we're sure Harvard would be interested to know about it. If you have work experience or have been a volunteer, then be sure to tell us, because such things speak of your character. Harvard loves to see how a student has contributed to a school or community, showing off their individuality.

Admission to Harvard (Harvard University) is the dream of many applicants, because its graduates become representatives of the scientific and political elite in the United States and around the world. This is one of the most famous and oldest American universities, included in the eight universities of the Ivy League. It is located in the Cambridge Science City, which is part of Boston. The university structure includes 10 faculties, as well as the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. The university has several of its own museums, a botanical garden and even a forest. It also houses the world's largest scientific library.

Education in US universities is rightfully recognized as one of the most prestigious options, and Harvard University occupies a leading position among them. The cost of studying at Harvard is very high, but nevertheless completely justified:

  • classrooms, auditoriums and laboratories are equipped with the latest modern equipment;
  • the best and most experienced teachers - 80% of Nobel laureates teach in American universities;
  • individual approach to each student - leadership qualities are brought up, enough time is allocated for self-education and self-development, options for building a successful career in the future are determined;
  • assistance to students from the alumni community, which assists in finding high-paying jobs with annual earnings of more than 100 thousand dollars.

What is required to get into Harvard?

Education at Harvard provides for the enrollment of foreign students on the same basis as American citizens. The competition for all university faculties and specialties is truly huge, from year to year such areas as jurisprudence, medicine, political science and business remain especially in demand for applicants. How to get into Harvard University? This largely depends on the chosen specialty, as well as the program of study: bachelor's, master's or doctoral studies. Each program has its own characteristics and difficulties associated with differences in the educational systems of Russia and the United States. This is where the support of E&V Advisor specialists is especially needed: we know how to solve all the problems on the way to enrolling in a university. However, whichever program or major you choose, there are some general principles and requirements for admission.

Each candidate for admission to the university is considered by two employees admission committee separately. The decision is made on the basis of three key indicators: previous academic performance of the applicant, information from his personal file, as well as the results of international exams such as TOEFL, GMAT, LSAT, GRE.

Those who are looking for how to get into Harvard should know that even the maximum scores for entrance tests are not a guarantee of admission. The selection committee pays great attention to the candidate's personal file. Quite often, a properly drawn up personal file is more important than the results of an exam or the average score of a diploma or certificate. E&V Advisor is often approached by clients with excellent diplomas and high passing scores on entrance exams who failed to enter the university because the personal file was not interesting for the members of the admissions committee.

How much does it cost to study at Harvard? This is largely due to the chosen specialty and educational program. On average, each year of study costs from 35 to 56 thousand dollars. Added to this is another 17-20 thousand dollars a year for living expenses. At the same time, the university provides financial support to 70% of students who are not able to pay for their studies on their own. But, unfortunately, scholarships are issued to foreign students mainly for academic, sports or creative achievements, and not on the basis of financial insolvency.

If you are interested in Harvard, how to enter the university and the amount required for study, you can always contact E&V Advisor. Our specialists will select the ideal scheme for preparing and enrolling in a university, provide full assistance in submitting documents and organizing an interview, and also take care of all related issues - from obtaining a visa to booking air tickets.

Applicants from all over the world dream of Harvard. It is very prestigious to study at this university, because from its walls it lets out literate and extraordinary-minded young people, real leaders who are able to achieve their goals. considered one of the oldest since it was founded in 1636. It is located in the city of Cambridge.

This is one of those universities that you need to enter on your own. Dating or wealthy parents won't help here, because Harvard only accepts the most talented, smart, and brightest students. It is easier to get into the university for those who know how to concentrate on certain tasks and perform them, for those who only know how to cram - this is not the place.

So what is getting into Harvard? As mentioned above, it is quite problematic to pass the competitive selection, but still possible. Usually, out of 30,000 applications, only 1-2,000 of the best and strongest applicants are selected. A package of documents is submitted to the selection committee, and after that it is considered separately by two teachers, independently of each other, making a verdict.

How to enter Harvard, and what documents should be prepared? The most important document is the results of the SAT test, which evaluates the knowledge acquired at school. In some ways, this test is similar to the Unified State Exam, which is passed by graduates of Russian schools. The SAT consists of writing, text analysis, and mathematics. This test can be replaced by the ACT exam, which includes English language, mathematics, and specific sciences.

Before entering Harvard, the applicant must decide on the faculty. In total, the university offers 11 departments, so the choice is decent. The student should think carefully about his choice, because for enrollment he needs to pass three SAT II profile tests, they will show the applicant's level of awareness in the chosen specialty.

Also, the admission committee must provide a certificate for high school with marks in all subjects. How to get into Harvard for those who cannot get such a certificate? Yes, it's very simple, you can take the GRE test, the commission will accept it. It is necessary to invest in the package of documents at least a couple from teachers who are familiar with the scientific activities of the applicant.

Teachers greatly appreciate the scientific activity and social activity of applicants. In the ranks of students at Harvard University, those who took part in internships, olympiads, international programs, studied

More and more graduates of Russian schools are wondering how to enter Harvard. It should be noted that it is quite difficult for applicants from the CIS to get into this world-famous university the first time. And the point here is not at all in knowledge or training, but in personal qualities. It is easier for students from Europe to adapt, accept non-standard solutions to concentrate on certain tasks. Therefore, studying at Harvard is possible for our compatriots already at a more mature age, when a person knows what he wants from life, knows how to achieve his own. Then any test is not terrible.

For many, the authority of the educational institution will come first. The more prestigious the university, the more chances for success in life. What are the opportunities for Russian applicants to enter the most prestigious universities in the world: Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Princeton, Yale.

There is one important point worth mentioning. To get into a foreign university, it is not enough just to be smart and pass all the exams, you must have a clear life position, be purposeful and active. This is a big plus not only for the admission itself, but also the possibility of obtaining additional privileges and bonuses, such as a scholarship and free accommodation on campus.

Unfortunately, it will not work to enter a university in the USA or Europe right after school, you need to get an international diploma with the help of additional programs training that we have in our country. Such programs are designed for a period of one to two years, and you still need to pass a language exam.

First, let's look at the rating. At the end of 2016, Times Higher Education (England) published a rating top universities around the world - 2016-2017 THE World University Rankings 2016-2017 www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2017/world-ranking

Harvard was founded by English colonists in 1636 in the city of Newtown, renamed Cambridge, almost 140 years before the United States of America was formed. It is part of the Ivy League, the famous union of American universities, known for its high standards of education. In the ranking of prestigious institutions of higher education around the world, Harvard ranks 6th.

The first stage of education is the beginning at Harvard College. The candidate is considered by two members of the selection committee, it is forbidden to confer with each other. With higher education a Russian university to enter Harvard for a bachelor's degree will not work. But otherwise, the chances are the same, foreigners enter the university on equal terms with US citizens. Undergraduate education at Harvard is as general as possible; graduates do not receive a diploma in a specific field, but become a bachelor.

How to apply? There are two ways: fill out the form on the Universal College Application or Common Application sites, or print it, fill it out, and send it by regular mail. Additionally, you need to send the Harvard Application Supplement, school certificate, letters of recommendation from school teachers. To create your profile on the university website and apply, you will have to pay $75. Applications must indicate the results of passed tests and exams. The interview procedure is not obligatory, but it is advisable not to skip it. You can talk at Harvard itself or its offices around the world. Documents for admission can be submitted until November 1 - an early application, until January 1 - the general flow.

You need to be over 18 years old, decent grades in the school certificate and excellent scores for entrance exams from 600 to 800 (SAT I and SAT II).

Tests and exams
Applicants take SAT or ACT exams to choose from; the SAT II exam consists of two tests on knowledge of selected disciplines. SAT is an analogue of our Unified State Examination - the usual testing for admission to higher education educational institution in the USA. The duration of the SAT is 3 hours 45 minutes and costs $81. In the SAT, it is possible to get from 600 to 2400 points. The exam consists of several tasks: text analysis, mathematics, writing.

Available grants
Harvard is committed to helping everyone who cannot pay for their studies - approximately 60% of students receive financial assistance. To qualify for the full scholarship, be prepared to prove that your average annual household income is less than $65,000.

Harvard University, founded in the USA in the city of Cambridge in 1636, is one of the most prestigious universities in the world, where you can get not only a first-class education, but also acquire useful connections among the “golden” youth. Imagine that each year a two-person university admissions committee selects prospective students for 2,000 places from 30,000 applicants. So what do you need to do to study at Harvard?

What do you need to get into Harvard?

According to Harvard rules, applications are accepted from November 1 to January 1. It can be filled out on the website of the university or printed out and sent by mail. In addition, you must provide:

  • certificate of completion of school and an extract with grades for school disciplines;
  • 2 recommendations from your school teachers;
  • SAT (or ACT) and SAT II scores.

SAT, or Scholastic Assessment Test, is a standardized test for assessing the academic knowledge of school graduates, consisting of three sections: Critical Reading, Mathematics and Writing. ACT (American College Testing) is also a test for admission to American universities, consists of 4 sections - English, reading, mathematics and scientific reasoning. SAT II are called three profile tests that demonstrate the knowledge of the applicant in the chosen specialty.

In addition, members of the selection committee will pay attention to your social activities, active work in public organizations or scientific work. This may well be participation in olympiads, competitions, various programs, volunteer projects and internships. You need to demonstrate your interests, as well as success in any field: be it music, sports, foreign languages. In general, it is important to convey to the selection committee your active

How to get into Harvard: payment

Harvard is not only one of the most prestigious, but also the most expensive universities in the world. Regarding how much it costs to study at Harvard, on average, you will have to pay about $ 32,000 per year. And that's just training! Add $10,000 for dormitory living, plus $2,000 for miscellaneous fees and charges. As you can see, not each of our families can afford such amounts.

However, there are options on how to get into Harvard for free. The university is interested in the presence of "bright" heads in their ranks. Therefore, you need to prove your need to the university and interest the members of the selection committee. If you succeed, you will be provided with financial assistance, partial or complete.

In extreme cases, you can do self-education: perhaps distance learning at Harvard through online conferences and video courses, the cost of which is quite acceptable.

Go for it, maybe it is you who will be able to become a student of a prestigious American university and get an excellent education. No wonder one of the 15 motivations for Harvard students is: People who invest in the future are realists».

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