Encyclopedia of fire safety

How to feed raspberries after fruiting and pruning top dressing in spring, summer and autumn. Feeding raspberries during flowering and fruiting How to fertilize raspberries during flowering

Remontant raspberries differ from large-fruited, ordinary or standard raspberries in that they yield twice. The second wave of fruiting is much inferior to the first, but with proper care, you can achieve a high autumn harvest.

To do this, you need to know how remontant raspberries are fed during fruiting, why autumn feeding of remontant raspberries is needed, what fertilizers to use.

The advantage of remontant raspberry varieties is a low susceptibility to diseases. Therefore, they are increasingly being purchased for suburban areas where watering is limited or soils in their chemical composition do not meet the needs of ordinary varieties, which reduces the immunity of the shrub.

Remontant raspberries are less likely to be damaged by pests - caterpillars, insects, so the use of chemicals is not required. Yes, and the size of the berries with good top dressing is up to 12 g each, which cannot be said about the usual small-fruited variety, which is often ill and requires increased attention.

Caring for remontant varieties

The perennial shrub is vulnerable due to the root system, which is located underground at a depth of up to 30 cm. This leads to the freezing of seedlings in winter if the roots are not protected. Also, interruptions in plant nutrition are caused by drought, when plant residues rot poorly and are not processed by soil bacteria due to lack of moisture in the soil.

Raspberry care consists in regular watering so that the surface layer is always moistened; pruning is needed in spring and autumn so that the shoots do not thicken. Raspberries need to be fed in advance, because organic and mineral substances do not immediately go to the roots, but are first dissolved and processed by microorganisms, only then are they available for plant nutrition.


Berries of remontant varieties ripen on the shoots of the first and second year. This means that all growth must be left, and the shoots of the third year must be completely removed. On the other hand, removing excess shoots will allow you to freely walk between rows, inspect plants or harvest.

The denseness of the shoots leads to shading, where spores of the fungus or other diseases multiply. On the shady side of the leaf, insects prefer to lay their eggs, the larvae of which will eat foliage or berries.

Pruning is carried out in spring and autumn. Broken branches, frozen or diseased, are removed in the spring. In the autumn - shoots that have served their third year.

Bushes are left for normal fruiting up to 1.5 meters high. In the summer, preventive removal of damaged tops or shoots affected by the fungus is also carried out. In summer, pruning is done as needed.


Plants with a developed root system are transplanted in the spring, around mid-April. Plants are selected so that the stem is at least 1 cm in diameter. If the bush is tall, then it is shortened to 1 m.

Transplantation is carried out in those places that are well lit by the sun, where water does not stagnate. You can not transplant remontant raspberries after potatoes, tomatoes, as these plants take a large amount of nutrients from the soil. After berry bushes, raspberry will take root for a long time and can get sick.

Planting material is taken from shoots or replacement shoots. The shoot is located next to the bush or grows from the middle. Replacement shoots grow from the root system of the mother plant and already have their own roots.

Gardeners argue when it is better to transplant shrubs: in autumn or spring. On the one hand, the plants will have time to take root during the winter and get stronger, on the other hand, there is no risk of freezing.

Top dressing with organic and mineral fertilizers

The most important thing in care is to decide how to feed remontant raspberries during flowering and fruiting, since after the first harvest a second is expected. The choice of fertilizers for remontant raspberries depends on the quality of the soil. If the land has not been enriched for a long time, then the first thing to do is take care of the amount of humus. To fill it up, you can use:

  • Mullein infusion. A third of the bucket is filled with humus or fresh manure, insisted for 3-4 days so that excess ammonia evaporates. A liter of solution is diluted with 10 liters of water and water the bushes.
  • Ash solution contains phosphorus, as well as trace elements and calcium, necessary for normal metabolism and the quality of berries. Top dressing of remontant raspberries in summer with an ash solution provides the bush with especially necessary potassium for further fruiting. Potassium affects the taste and quantity of berries.

Video: Remontant raspberries - features of planting and care. Expert advice

Without it, raspberries will be small and sour. A liter jar of ash is poured with a bucket of water and insisted for 3-4 days, then watered under the root. It is advisable to dig a trench and pour the solution, and then cover it with earth. The soil must be necessarily moist so that microorganisms and earthworms can process organic matter faster and more efficiently.

  • siderates- plants that are not inferior to manure in their nutritional value. It takes time to decompose green manure in the soil, so they are used immediately after mowing in the spring: they dig with soil or mulch raspberry roots. To accelerate the decomposition of plant tops, it is watered with a solution of EO preparations and covered with a layer of straw on top.
  • Bone flour- a long-term fertilizer, which can be used to feed remontant raspberries in August-September, since it takes time to decompose animal residues and natural minerals. It is better to make flour in the fall, by spring it will partially decompose. A plus - need to apply once every 3-4 years.

Most often, organic fertilizers are combined with mineral fertilizers, because this way you can provide complete nutrition for the plant.

From mineral fertilizers, fertilizing remontant raspberries is carried out with potassium-phosphorus mixtures or complexes containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. At the same time, the composition of the mixture, what feed remontant raspberries in autumn and spring, is different.

Nitrogen is important during the period of active set of greenery and shoot growth, so urea, ammonium nitrate and other nitrogen-containing fertilizers are applied in the spring. Nitrogen top dressing is not used in the fall for two reasons:

  • Nitrogen substances are unstable in the soil - they evaporate or go into the depths of the soil with rain. In the spring, the root system will not be able to get nitrogen from the soil.
  • If you feed the bushes with nitrogen in the fall, then the growth of shoots and greenery will begin. This will weaken the bushes and they will not be able to overwinter.

It is recommended to combine humus and superphosphate, because there is absolutely no phosphorus in rotted manure, which is responsible for the growth of the root system and affects the immune system. Phosphorus deficiency in the soil will affect the absorption of potassium, even if it is in the soil near the roots.

Top dressing of remontant raspberries in August with an ash solution is carried out without additional components. In the spring they bring in ash before nitrogen fertilizing for 2 - 3 weeks.

It is difficult to find a garden plot where raspberries would not grow! This unpretentious shrub with fragrant and healthy berries is distributed not only throughout Russia, but throughout the world. Although not in every area the owner rejoices at a bountiful harvest. There are reasons for this, and there are many.

To reduce negative emotions about a bad harvest, and, conversely, increase the number of berries on the bushes, you need to learn some rules for caring for raspberries and take note of the recipes for the correct feeding of this wonderful shrub.

Article outline

Proper care is the key to a rich harvest

There is nothing complicated and time-consuming in caring for raspberries, if you do it regularly and consistently.

Lots and lots of sunshine. Raspberries love to bask in the sun. It will not grow in a shady spot. Rather, the bush will grow, but the berries will not. Here everyone decides for himself why he plants raspberries - to decorate the site or for the sake of sweet, juicy berries. Therefore, under the raspberries, the sunniest and most even place on the site should be taken.

Much water. If you pay due attention to watering, then the harvest will not keep you waiting. Although excessive watering is also bad. A sense of proportion is a good feeling. The need for watering can be judged by the weather and the condition of the soil in the raspberries. As soon as the soil is dry, consider part of the crop down the drain. Regularity and moderation in watering is the second rule!

Competent and timely top dressing. Despite their modesty in needs and unpretentiousness, raspberries will respond with gratitude for feeding with an excellent harvest. The main thing is to feed at the right time and without fanaticism.

Young shoots - down! During the growing season, young growth constantly appears in the raspberries, which draws nutrients from fruit bushes, which greatly weakens them, and this leads to a significant decrease in yield. There is only one way out - to remove this growth without any regret. When removing, you do not need to try to pull the shoot out of the ground, you can harm the roots of the mother bush, you just need to cut it off with a pruner flush with the ground.

Use of mulch. As you know, mulch retains soil moisture and protects against weeds. Experienced gardeners do not recommend loosening the soil under raspberries, and even more so they do not recommend digging. It will be more useful if you constantly add new layers of mulch throughout the summer. This will help keep the soil moist and not damage the roots.

Timely garter to the trellis. If you do not take care of the raspberries, in a year an impassable thicket will appear in its place, since the young growth becomes an adult plant in a year and also gives young growth. The lower tier of the bushes, due to thickening, receives less sunlight, respectively, there will be no berries there. Often the bushes break, the berries from the upper part of the stem, touching the soil, get dirty, crumple, etc. As a result: the harvest has decreased significantly, picking raspberries in such wilds is very inconvenient, and the bushes can easily be broken when picking berries. There is only one way out of this situation: garter raspberries on a trellis in the very first year of planting. There are many pluses - saving time and effort when caring for raspberries and picking berries; raspberries get as much sun as they need, it follows that the harvest will be good.

Mandatory cutting of old bushes. All gardeners know that raspberries tend to grow strongly. To prevent the degeneration of the raspberries, after harvesting, the branches that bear fruit this year should be cut out so that they make room under the sun for the young. Young shoots need to have time to gain strength during the autumn period before a long wintering in order to please with a rich harvest next year.

Choosing a place for raspberries

For raspberries, space is of great importance, but not open space. She should feel behind her back a reliable rear in the form of a fence, the walls of a barn, and the best place for raspberries is a cozy corner in which the fence of the site converges. In winter, rather large snowdrifts form at the vertical support in the form of a fence, which, covering the plants, protect them from freezing, and in the spring, having melted and gone into the soil, provide a sufficient supply of moisture until almost mid-summer.

Soil condition

Heavy, acidic, clayey, as well as overly calcareous soil is not for raspberries. The ideal soil for it should pass water well, have a rich supply of nutrients, but what should not be there are perennial weeds that will have to be disposed of.

The best option for planting raspberries is light and medium loam, sandy loam with a high content of humus. It is good to plant raspberries after vegetables, legumes, gooseberries or currants. It must be borne in mind that the life expectancy of a raspberry in one place is about 10-12 years. After this period, it should be transferred to another territory, and it will be possible to plant it here again only after 4-5 years.

Despite the fact that raspberries love abundant watering, moisture stagnation should not be allowed. If in the spring, after the snow melts, water stays in this area for a long time, then this place is not for raspberries. Even if it takes root, there is little hope for a good harvest, but there is a high probability of the bushes freezing out next winter.

How to prepare the soil for planting raspberries in spring

Most importantly, carefully remove weeds, especially nettles and wheatgrass, which like to settle in raspberry bushes, grow and begin to suppress the growth of the main crop. After removing the weeds and their roots, you should dig the soil 30-40 cm deep.

What fertilizers are applied before planting raspberries

Based on the square of soil:

  • about 6 kg + half a glass of simple + a tablespoon of potassium sulfate;
  • 10 kg of peat compost + half a glass of superphosphate + 5 tablespoons of potassium sulfate;
  • the best potash fertilizer is (about a half-liter jar per square).

How to use ash for top dressing

Planting raspberries

Raspberries can be planted in two ways: into a hole measuring 0.3x0.3x0.3 m or into a trench, the depth and width of which is about half a meter. Put all the necessary fertilizers at the bottom, mix them with the ground and pour some water over them. Place a seedling in the resulting gruel, directing its roots in different directions, gradually cover it with soil. It is necessary to shake the raspberries a little when planting, it is important that the soil fills all the voids between the roots. Another important point: the seedling must be planted deeper than it grew before.

After planting, the soil around the seedling should be slightly trampled down in the form of a small hole and pour half a bucket of water into it. When the water is absorbed, you need to apply mulch to the soil in the form of chopped hay, rotted sawdust, peat chips or mature humus with a layer of at least five centimeters. After 2-3 days, water again for rooting, and then look at the weather.

Planted raspberries must be cut. With good development of the stem buds and the vegetative bud, which is located on the rhizome, the seedling can be cut to a height of 0.4 m. burn the stems.

Raspberry feeding scheme

If the selected area for raspberries is well fertilized in advance, then this food will be enough for raspberry bushes for two to three years. What is meant by "well fertilized"? This is a bucket of mature humus + 4 tablespoons of potassium sulfate + an incomplete 200-gram glass of superphosphate, all mixed with soil in a dug hole for planting (potassium and superphosphate will successfully replace a pound of wood ash).

Mineral water and organic fertilizers should be used together and preferably annually. Although, in principle, the raspberry dressing scheme can be like this: use mineral top dressing every year, and organic - a year later. Young raspberry bushes need nitrogen supplements in spring, and organic and phosphorus-potassium supplements in autumn.

Usually three top dressings per growing season are enough.

First dressing

It is held in May, when the kidneys are just beginning to awaken.

Recipe. Dilute a half-liter jar of slurry in a ten-liter bucket of water. Water at the rate of half a bucket per square of soil.

It happens that even after feeding, raspberries look sad, seem weak. So, it is necessary to feed her again in early June.

Recipe. Bird droppings - 1 part, water - 12 parts or manure -1 part, water - 5 parts. Stir, insist a couple of hours, pour at the rate of a bucket of solution for five bushes.

Second top dressing

When the berries began to appear (around the beginning of July), it was time for the second top dressing.

Recipe. You can use, which is sold in any gardening store. Dilute a couple of tablespoons of this fertilizer and a couple of tablespoons of nitrophoska in a ten-liter bucket of water. Water at the rate of seven liters per square of soil.

Third top dressing

It falls in August, when fruiting comes to an end and plants need to recuperate.

Recipe. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of potassium sulfate in a ten-liter bucket of water. Water at the rate of seven liters per square of soil.

Spring dressing of raspberries

Before feeding raspberries, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation, that is, remove all weeds and carefully loosen the ground 10 cm deep. You need to do this with extreme caution so as not to harm the roots.

In the spring we feed raspberries with mineral fertilizers. Firstly, it is superphosphate, which contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sulfur, necessary for the growth of shoots and increased yields. There is also an acceleration of the overall development of the bush, the plant becomes more resistant to various diseases. Secondly, which is good nutrition for raspberries. By the way, wood ash may well become its replacement, moreover, the ash does not contain chlorine, which can provoke chlorosis. For top dressing, both diluted with water and dry ash are suitable. Thirdly, nitrogen-containing fertilizers in the form and.

It is best to use minerals in combination.

Recipe. Superphosphate - 3 matchboxes without a slide, potassium salt - 2 matchboxes without a slide, ammonium nitrate - 2 matchboxes without a slide. Dilute everything in a ten-liter bucket of water and pour over. In early June, repeat feeding.

In the spring, you can also feed the raspberries with such a mixture.

Recipe. Rotted manure - 1.5 kg, potassium salt - half a teaspoon, nitrogen - 3 grams, phosphorus - 2 grams. Mix everything, apply to a square of soil.

My Raspberry Feeding Plan

Autumn dressing of raspberries

In autumn, it is very important to properly feed the raspberries. By this time of the year, the raspberries came up exhausted after abundant fruiting, having used up almost the entire food supply. An insufficient amount of substances will affect the plant by a deterioration in development and a decrease in yield next year. Before you apply fertilizer, you should clear the soil of weeds and loosen the soil.

In autumn, it is better to feed raspberries with organic matter. It contains all the trace elements necessary for plants.

  1. The most effective autumn fertilizer is mature manure. In the spring, during active growth, it will give the plants the strength they need, and in winter, in a severe cold, it will warm their roots and prevent freezing. Manure is applied at 5-6 kg per square of soil.
  2. Fertilizer in the form of rotted compost is just as effective as manure. With the introduction of compost, not only the saturation of the soil with the most valuable substances occurs, but also its disinfection.
  3. Fertilizer in the form of peat. Despite the insignificance of nutrients, peat structures the soil very well.
  4. Chicken litter. It is best to use liquid fertilizer, that is, a diluted infusion, which is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe raspberry.

In autumn, after fruiting, wood ash will help raspberries to restore their strength. Young shoots will retain potassium, and next year the berries will have a sweeter and richer taste.

Also, planting green manure is used as fertilizer, which should be planted between the rows of raspberries in the summer, and after harvesting the berries and pruning the raspberries, plant them in the ground so that they have time to decompose by the onset of spring. White mustard, clover or vetch works well for this.

How to get a big harvest of raspberries

Raspberries bear fruit well with minimal care. But if you treat it like a weed that grows on its own, then you should not count on a rich harvest. She can give you large berries in the first years after planting, and then crushes. Farmers who are seriously engaged in this crop, be sure to feed even during the growth of berries. If you need large raspberries, then follow their example. Don't want to spray chemicals? There is an alternative - organic and folk remedies.

How to feed raspberries during flowering and fruiting

The period of flowering and filling of berries is the most responsible and difficult for raspberries. To increase the yield, you need a lot of nutrition, which should consist of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements: boron, manganese, magnesium, iron, calcium, etc. A deficiency of any of these elements leads to a weakening of the bushes, diseases, and a decrease in productivity. Our task is to make the diet of raspberries balanced. And you need to start with choosing the right fertilizers.

Video: fruitful raspberry, caring for it

Mineral fertilizers

The simplest fertilizer for this phase of raspberry development is nitroammophoska. It contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal proportions. Consumption rate - 30 g per 1 linear meter of a row. Spread evenly and pour over. You can dilute this amount in a bucket of water and pour it over the same area. Feed at the beginning of flowering and twice more with an interval of 10 days. But in such a fertilizer there are no necessary trace elements, therefore, in addition, raspberries need to be sprayed with one of the preparations:

In total, three root (nitroammophos) and 2-3 foliar top dressings will be obtained. If you have no time to approach raspberries so often, then choose a simpler option - use complex mineral fertilizers that contain both macro and microelements. An example is the BioMaster granular water-soluble mixture for fruit and berry crops: 25 g per 10 liters. The solution can be applied both under the root and along the leaves with an interval of 10-14 days.

BioMaster water-soluble granules contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and a complex of microelements

Natural nutrition for raspberries

This category includes organics and wood ash. It is advisable not to use mullein and bird droppings, they contain too much nitrogen and few other nutrients. The infusion of weeds or only nettles is much richer in composition, and this fertilizer acts softer, it is impossible to burn their roots. Grass, preferably with roots and the remains of the earth on them, fill with water and leave for 5-7 days. Dilute the resulting liquid with water: for a 10-liter watering can 1 liter. Add a glass of ash there, shake and pour. It can be applied from the budding phase to the beginning of the ripening of berries every 10-14 days.

Video: instructions on how to prepare an infusion of herbs

"Green fertilizer" is useful to water not only under the root, but also on the leaves. The fetid smell of the infusion will scare away pests, and the alkaline environment will destroy pathogenic fungi. Ash can also be added separately: sprinkle 1 glass per linear meter and loosen or shake this amount in a bucket of water and pour it under the bushes.

Wood ash can be used as an independent fertilizer, it contains all the elements necessary for plants, except for nitrogen.

Organo-mineral supplements

For those who cannot decide which is better: organic or chemistry, they produce ready-made organo-mineral mixtures. They contain humus and mineral supplements to make the nutrition of raspberries complete and balanced. Fertilizers of this category are produced under the brands: Fertika, Agricola, BioMaster, BioHumus, Bionika, etc. You can make every 10-14 days, alternating watering under the root with spraying on the leaves.

Organo-mineral fertilizer for all kinds of plants

Folk remedies

In addition to the already mentioned “green manure” from weeds and ashes, there are other recipes that are passed from grower to grower:

  • Yeast wort - dissolve 10 g of dry yeast in 10 liters of water, add 5 tbsp. l. sugar and leave to ferment for 2 hours. Dilute the must 1:5 with water. Such top dressing can be given 1-2 times during the period from budding to the beginning of berry ripening. Pour under the root: 10 liters per 1 linear meter. At the same time, the temperature of air and soil should be above +20 °C.
  • Ammonia - 40 ml per 10 liters of water. The drug not only repels pests, but also supplies nitrogen to raspberries. However, it will not replace a full-fledged complex fertilizer. You can water the entire bushes in the budding phase or when the first flowers just bloom.
  • Boric acid in powder - 2 g per 10 liters. Spray directly on the flowers. Boron increases the fruit set, the yield will be higher.
  • Potassium permanganate: add it to the recipe above to make the solution turn pink, and you will get an almost complex fertilizer from trace elements. Manganese contributes to the accumulation of sugar in fruits, helps plants fight various diseases.

Video: feeding raspberries with yeast

Raspberries need top dressing not only in spring and autumn, but also in summer, when it blooms and pours berries. Moreover, during this period, a balanced diet containing all macro- and microelements is necessary. Root top dressing alternate with foliar. Gardeners have come up with and tested many interesting recipes, but if there is no time to create different infusions, then buy ready-made complex mixtures. The main thing is not to leave raspberries without support, and in gratitude they will definitely give you large and tasty berries.

Raspberries are not considered a capricious plant, but in order to get a good harvest of large, fragrant berries, raspberries need top dressing. Usually gardeners carry out two top dressings of raspberries - in spring and autumn.

Raspberries: spring care, top dressing

Before you start feeding raspberries, you need to destroy the weeds that have grown near it. It is desirable to remove weeds manually, because when digging, the roots of the plant, which are close to the surface, can be damaged in raspberries. In addition, you need to cut the lower shoots.

You can feed raspberries in the spring with both organic and mineral fertilizers. In May, you can feed raspberries with organic matter: for 10 liters of water, 2 tablespoons of sodium humate or 0.5 liters of mushy mullein. As for mineral fertilizers, experts recommend combining 60 g of superphosphate, 30 g of ammonium nitrate and 40 g of potassium salt per 10 liters of water for spring top dressing.

Potash fertilizers can be replaced with a glass of wood ash, which is very useful for raspberries, as it increases their yield. Raspberries are watered with this solution in two doses - in May and early June. You can feed the bushes with a mixture of 3 g of potassium salt, 3 g of superphosphate, 2 g of nitrogen fertilizers and 1.4 kg of manure per 1 sq. m. The soil in the raspberry must be mulched.

Feeding raspberries in summer

If the appearance of raspberries is not so hot, that is, the shoots are thin, the foliage is small and yellow, then the raspberries did not have enough spring feeding. And in order to rectify the situation, raspberries will have to be fed in the summer, using mineral fertilizers. Such top dressing is carried out in early July, with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer: 20-30 g per 10 liters of water.

Feeding raspberries with chicken manure

Chicken manure is considered almost the best option for organic feeding. Diluted in a ratio of 1:30, fermented chicken manure is usually brought in in the fall, evenly watering the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe raspberry with it. Experienced gardeners bring in well-rotted chicken manure in a dry form, and also in the fall, scattering it near raspberry bushes.

Feeding raspberries during flowering

To increase yields, some experts recommend feeding raspberries during flowering. A mixture consisting of 1 cup of superphosphate, 1 cup of ash and 3-4 tablespoons of urea is diluted in 10 liters of water and the solution is added along the grooves.

Feeding raspberries with yeast

Yeast contains many useful substances for plants, so they are also used as top dressing. The solution for dressing can be prepared from fresh and dry yeast. If dry yeast is used, then 10 g of dry yeast and 5 tablespoons of sugar are taken per 10 liters of warm water. All this is infused for at least 2 hours, after which the resulting infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. Fresh yeast is taken 0.5 kg per bucket of warm water, which are also diluted in a ratio of 1:5. Yeast infusion is used immediately, preferably in a still warm form, otherwise the microorganisms that are present in the yeast will die or their use will not give the desired effect. During the raspberry growing season, two top dressings are done - in May and in summer for the formation of ovaries.

In general, experts advise the need to use raspberry dressings to focus on the appearance of the plant. If during the growing season raspberries have grown shoots of sufficient thickness and about 2 m long, and the yield of berries from one bush was at least 1 kg, then the fertilizers were selected correctly and applied in sufficient volume. If the harvest was low, and the condition of the shoots is poor, it is necessary to increase the amount of fertilizer applied in the fall or feed the raspberries more often.

In order for raspberries to consistently bear fruit and be strewn with tasty and large berries, it is necessary to fertilize them on time and properly. The berry shrub needs good, fertile soil, which depletes over time. Therefore, the introduction of nutrients into the soil under the raspberry is not an idle question.

How to determine which elements are missing raspberries

The fact that feeding raspberries has become an urgent need can be seen from the appearance of the plant. You should carefully examine the leaves and shoots, pay attention to the general condition of the shrub, and even an inexperienced gardener will become clear how to fertilize raspberries.

Signs by which you can determine the excess or deficiency of a particular nutrient are as follows:

  • thin shoots and small leaves indicate a lack of phosphorus;
  • green veins on a yellowed leaf indicate a lack of iron;
  • weak leaf growth and their color change to yellow signal a lack of magnesium;
  • small and yellow leaves that have stopped growing show by their appearance that there is not enough nitrogen;
  • brown leaves that change color from the edges indicate a lack of potassium;
  • the rapid growth of green mass and shedding of berries demonstrate an excess of nitrogen.

Knowing which ones are needed, it is easier to balance nutrition and pick up those elements that the plant needs so much. During the growing season, raspberries are fed several times, because during growth, during fruiting, in preparation for winter rest, the shrub needs different nutrients.

The introduction of batteries during landing

The first question of an inexperienced gardener: what kind of fertilizer to apply under raspberries when planting? A young bush must receive the necessary amount of nutrients in order to better adapt and move into growth. After choosing a site for raspberries during the autumn digging, the following top dressing is applied to poor soils per 1 m 2:

  • 10-15 kg of organic components;
  • 20-30 g of potassium compounds;
  • 30-45 gr of phosphorus compounds.

On "fatty" soils, this ratio will be slightly less. What fertilizer for raspberries is applied to the planting pit? If the soils are soddy-podzolic, then 8-10 kg of humus or compost, 150-200 g of superphosphate and 70-80 g of potassium sulfate are added to a previously prepared pit. Superphosphate and potassium sulfate can be replaced with 600 grams of wood ash.

Fertilizing raspberries with ash is much more useful, since it contains a whole complex of macro- and microelements. Chemical components are mixed with fertile soil so as not to burn the roots due to their high concentration. Around the planted bush, the surface is mulched with loose organic matter: tree bark, peat, straw, sawdust.

Advice! Raspberries grow on soils with high acidity, but prefer neutral or slightly acidic soils, so liming should be done a year before planting raspberries.

It is also necessary to reduce acidity during the period of plant growth.

Spring top dressing

In the spring, during the pruning and garter of raspberries, they dig up the soil and start feeding the bushes. Raspberry spring fertilizer is an important point, because it needs to gain strength for subsequent growth and fruiting. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are the most necessary for raspberries, since with powerful, well-leafed shoots there is hope for a harvest.

In the spring, top dressing is applied to the raspberry soil:

  1. Nitrogen, which is "responsible" for the growth of green mass. It is found in urea, chicken manure, slurry. Fertilizer diluted in certain proportions (one of the proposed ones) is poured into grooves made along the bushes at a distance of 30-50 cm.
  2. Humus, necessary not only for nutrition, but also to improve the soil structure. It is evenly scattered between the bushes, slightly digging and mixing with the ground. You can leave the humus on the surface and mix with peat: it will serve as a mulch material.
  3. Decomposed compost (if there is no humus), which includes bird droppings, foliage, manure, peat, weeds. Compost is prepared in advance and during processing it is saturated with a mass of useful components. It is made at the rate of 10 kg / m 2.
  4. Complex fertilizer for raspberries: take 60 g of superphosphate, 40 g of potassium salt (can be replaced with wood ash) and 30 g of ammonium nitrate per bucket of water. They are applied to the soil under the bushes in one or two doses.
  5. Peat to improve the structure of the soil, since the percentage of nutrients available to the plant in it is small.
  6. Wood ash in diluted or dry form as a mineral fertilizer for raspberries, rich in nutrients.

Advice! If the bush is weak and does not grow well, then slurry, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4, serves as a good top dressing. For 4-5 bushes, 1 bucket of solution is enough.

Nutrition during the fruiting period

Feeding raspberries during flowering and fruiting is important, since the yield of fragrant and tasty berries depends on the content of nutrients in the soil. At this time, the berry bush needs a lot of strength to bring a bountiful harvest. How to fertilize raspberries during this period?

If by the beginning of summer the shrubs look weak and not leafy enough, then it is worth using fertilizer for raspberries in the form of chicken manure. To do this, take 1 part of the litter to 12 parts of water, insist for several days and water each bush with this solution. A healthy look to the shrub will be given by manure in the form of top dressing (instead of chicken manure), which is bred 1: 5. Consumption for 5 bushes is 10 liters.

A complex composition is introduced into the grooves between the rows: 1 tbsp of superphosphate, 1 tbsp of wood ash, 3-4 tbsp each. l of urea and potash fertilizers per 10 l of water. Such top dressing helps to saturate the soil with the necessary nutrients, which is important during the formation of berries.

Attention! Nitrogen fertilizers have the ability to acidify the soil, so after applying them, you need to pour a glass of ash under each bush.

After fruiting, nitrogen cannot be applied, as it contributes to the growth of green mass, and in autumn this is not necessary.

In early July, it is useful to support the plant with the following nutritious "cocktail": 2-3 tbsp. l fertilizer "Ideal" with 2 tbsp. l nitrophoska, diluted in 10 liters of water. Enough 6-8 liters per 1 running meter. This is a useful top dressing for raspberries during the fruiting period, this composition makes it possible for both growth and ripening of berries.

How to feed raspberries in August, when fruiting is coming to an end? During this period, a potassium solution is usually used, for the preparation of which 2 tbsp. l of potassium sulfate is diluted in 10 l of water. Consumption is 6-8 liters per linear meter. Before making the solution, the soil is sprinkled with wood ash 1 st per 1 m 2.

Warning! It is undesirable to use potassium chloride as a top dressing.

Chlorine is not a useful component for the berry bush and causes a disease such as chlorosis. In case of emergency, potassium chloride is applied in the fall, then by spring the chlorine is washed out of the soil.

Foliar top dressing

For abundant fruiting, foliar feeding of raspberries is important. This is spraying with a spray gun of the leaf part, which is carried out in the evening, in warm, calm and clear weather. It does not make sense to carry out such treatment before the rain, since the rain will wash away all the batteries.

Raspberry foliar nutrition provides the following benefits:

  • good nutrition in bad weather conditions;
  • yield growth up to 15-20%;
  • earlier ripening of berries;
  • rich taste;
  • resistance to pests and diseases.

Raspberry fertilizer "Kristalon" has the listed qualities and is used for foliar top dressing. During the growing season, "Special Crystal" is used with an optimal set of microelements. Use 30 g per 10 liters of water. 2-3 weeks before the removal of the berries, the ground part of the bush is re-treated with “Brown Crystal”: 20 g of the substance is diluted in 10 liters of water.

Important! Leaf processing can be planned, which is carried out 4-6 days after root dressing, emergency - with a shortage of a certain nutrient and sporadic, when weather conditions are unfavorable for crop ripening.

Top dressing in the autumn

Feeding raspberries is also important in the autumn, as the plants are depleted. During the summer, the bushes of the berry crop use almost the entire supply of nutrients, and for the growth of young shoots in the spring, a new portion of top dressing from nutrients is needed. urea, and in the fall, organic matter, phosphate and potash fertilizers are applied for digging.

Organic matter is added to the soil layer for 2-3 years after planting, since all the necessary nutrients were added during planting. During this period, mineral components are used. Then, complex fertilizers for raspberries are prepared annually.

For 1 m 2 landings use:

  • 2-3 kg of organic matter in the form of humus or semi-rotted manure;
  • 4 tbsp. l superphosphate;
  • 2 tbsp. l potassium and nitrogen components;
  • 50 gr of a special fruit and berry mixture of fertilizers;
  • 1 tbsp garden mix

The resulting top dressing is applied to the row-spacing, followed by incorporation into the soil. From above, the earth is covered with a layer of mulch. It retains moisture, creates conditions for the development of soil microflora, protects the root system from freezing in cold winters.

Advice! It is useful to bring unrotted manure under the roots of raspberries in the fall.

In winter, it will warm the roots, and in the spring it will “turn” into humus, which will give the plant fresh nutrients.

Fertilizer that raspberries love is wood ash. It is an ideal top dressing at any time of the year. At the end of summer, it must be scattered in the aisles, where the root system of the fruit shrub is located. The plant will make a supply of potassium for the next season in order to get a good harvest and sweet berries.

Feeding raspberries in the fall is carried out at the expense of green manure. They are planted in the second half of summer between rows of raspberry bushes, and during the preparation of raspberries for winter, they are planted in the soil, where the green mass rots during winter and spring. White mustard, clover, vetch are suitable for such plantings.

What fertilizers do raspberries need in autumn? Those that are able to support it in the off-season, help to survive the winter and begin active growth in the spring.

Comment! Feeding raspberries with folk remedies includes various organic mixtures: infusions of bird droppings, mullein, weeds, ash and other equally useful natural ingredients.

When constructing a scheme for feeding raspberries, one should take into account the age, development of the bush and its yield. If the berry culture is weak and poorly developed, then the feeding scheme should be corrected. If the bush is strong, strong, and the yield is 1-1.2 kg per bush, then the gardener knows how to feed the raspberries and his care is bearing fruit.

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