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How to start a flower business Positive and negative aspects of the flower business. Recruitment - what personnel and what decide

The business of selling flowers is one of the most profitable and promising, because its profitability is guaranteed by a series of regular events that are guaranteed to occur in the life of every person. Weddings, holidays, awards and even funerals… the list is endless. According to experts, the annual turnover of Russian flower shops is more than one and a half billion dollars. What is not a reason for start-up entrepreneurs from a large list different business ideas to look at this area of ​​activity? It is also safe to say that this type of activity will appeal to our dear women.

Flower business pros and cons

Of course, selling flowers as an income is not ideal - it also has its advantages and disadvantages, which should be voiced.


  • Low threshold for entry - it is quite possible to start a flower business with 6-8 thousand dollars, which is quite reasonable prices for trading business. Moreover, the costs pay off very quickly.
  • A big markup is a flower that can be purchased in some Holland for a purchase price of one dollar, then can be sold for two, three, or even five dollars. The main thing is to feel the right moment.


  • Live goods deteriorate quickly, so there is a certain sales period that must be met in order not to incur a loss (it is even customary for flower growers to immediately take into account the percentage of products that cannot be sold).
  • In the transported batch of flowers there is always a certain proportion of defective goods that cannot be sold in any way.
  • Earnings on the flower trade have a pronounced seasonality - flowers are well sold out in the summer and on holidays, but in winter there is a serious decrease in demand.

Flower business business plan

Opening a flower shop is not such a simple process as it might seem at first glance. To achieve success, it is necessary to calculate each step even before the start, take into account a number of nuances and trifles. Let's try to figure them out.


The first thing to do is otherwise your income will not be legal and may entail a bunch of fines and other problems. It is best to choose a model of individual entrepreneurship and a simplified taxation system. All received documents must be certified by a notary public, making several additional copies.

Location selection

This issue is on the priority list, as it significantly affects the success of your enterprise even before its official opening. The place must be selected sufficiently crowded, with a large number of pedestrians passing by. It is most advantageous to be located near metro stations, on the outskirts of markets, near railway stations and other transport hubs. It would also be nice to grab a “tidbit” near some registry office, but such places have all been occupied for a long time. If your budget is very limited and there is not enough money for a real outlet, I advise you to start by organizing your activities online. Create an online flower delivery store, fill out a price list and start selling. I'm sure it will be in demand.

What do readers think about it?

Indeed, on February 14 and March 8, people are very actively buying flowers, but the rest of the time it can be a little tight with customers. Therefore, think three times whether it is advisable to take large volumes and open a large outlet. Sometimes a small stall in a busy place will be enough.
By the way, it is not necessary to trade in the corpses of flowers - you can sell live plants in pots, seeds and seedlings for the garden.

The business is profitable, but very competitive. It will be very difficult to wedge in here, seasoned flower sellers, as I think, will not let you turn around. Personally, in our market where they sell flowers, there is no place at all. Well, the market is not really big.

This whole business, in essence, comes down to the scheme “I bought it cheaper in one place - I sold it in another and “by the time” (March 8, September 1 and other dates) and more expensive.” 6 thousand bucks as start-up capital even a lot for him: from the experience of selling flowers to a friend, I can say that 25-30 thousand rubles are enough to buy a batch of flowers, plus transportation costs and meals on the road - another 7 thousand rubles. The total amount received from the sale of these Krasnodar flowers in Tver is about 100 thousand rubles. The “exit” is very good, but, as the friend himself says, it is possible only once a year, so it’s unlikely that it will work as a side job, as a permanent business ...

Yes, the product is perishable. It is most optimal if you grow it yourself and sell it to order. However, again, flowers are a seasonal product, there is no stable demand throughout the year. If you have extra money - you can try, if borrowed - definitely not

AlexUkr, this business is one of the most profitable. Flowers are sold out quickly, the main place. And it doesn't matter what season. Both in winter and summer, in short, people always make weddings, every day thousands of women have birthdays, young people buy many flowers for their girls every day. What season are you talking about?

I also do not consider this business seasonal. There are certain months, or rather days, when the revenue is just crazy, this applies to holidays, but if you create a good name for your flower shop, that is, so that you have a constantly high-quality product and, accordingly, a beautiful one, you can earn a lot a large number of regular customers.

flower business has a seasonality. Flowers are well bought on holidays and in summer, in winter there is a decline. Price policy also has its own characteristics. The times when the profitability of the sale of flowers reached 300% are long gone. Now profitability fluctuates between 100-140% and even it is “eaten up” by possible marriage, scrap of flowers and fluctuations in trade

AlexUkr, aren't people every day on holidays? What seasonality, every day someone has a wedding, birthday, etc. Guys buy flowers for their girls on a date, both in winter and summer. Of course, on March 8 you will sell more flowers, but this is simply not a big bonus. It is profitable to trade in flowers, and it is simply silly to argue with this.

And you think that the profitability of 100-140 percent is small. I think that many people would like to receive such profitability. I completely agree with Yura123 that every day people have a reason to buy flowers at any time of the year.

I agree that 100% good profitability, but it does not take into account marriage, flowers that did not have time to sell, rent, salary, tax. In general, I think this business is very risky. If you are ready to suffer losses, and then it is possible to earn something, then try

An interesting business idea. even worth a look. But I watched a program on TV, in which there were 20-year-old businessmen and millionaires, there were also adults there. One adult man, quite solid and not stupid, failed in this flower business and became bankrupt, so you need to be more careful with this idea and carefully calculate and plan everything.

Apparently you still do not know what they are doing with marriage, smart seasoned flower sellers. I personally know that, for example, flowers whose leaves have fallen off are taken and simply glued, and on top they are covered with ordinary varnish with sparkles so that they keep their shape. Many may have seen when buying flowers that there are some with sparkles, so similar flowers are made in a similar way.

Well then, these are crooks and not sellers living one day. You should not be equal to them, since they are not businessmen. There is an unspoken rule - a client will tell four friends about a good purchase, and ten of them about a bad one (having bought low-quality flowers). So for a long time such unfortunate businessmen will not work

Well, you have already suffered in the wrong direction. This is a business, and in business all means are good. You think only in the business of selling flowers so, no, in every business they try to sell a marriage. Even in those stores, spoiled chicken is rolled in various spices, marinated, and sent to kebabs, and then this kebab is sold without remorse.

The flower business is very profitable only if you know a lot about flowers, or you can hire a very high professional in this field. Here you need to understand rare plants, you need to sell not only flowers, but also planting material, as well as flowers in pots, and most importantly, minimize leftovers.

Well, we are not talking about knowledge, it is already clear that if you decide to do some kind of business, you should be well versed in this area and know a lot of various nuances. The main question now is different, the flower business is profitable at any time of the year, or only on holidays.

I think you can make money on this, even when you won’t believe it, I worked in almost such an area. In my youth, together with my mother, I worked in a greenhouse, where we grew roses, there were also orchids, but a specific person looked after them, who fumbles in them, that I realized there that this business is really profitable.

I saw online flower shops delivering a bouquet of roses right at the house of your beloved girlfriend, wife, mother and any other female person.) Let's say you live in one country, and your former classmate (well, as an example) in another - and here by the way, an online flower shop with payment by PS. Just flower shop- trite.

We need to support the flower business, and make all the guys obligated to buy flowers for their girlfriends every evening. And sometimes they appear without flowers, and the business suffers.
But seriously, according to my observations, this is very profitable business. Flower shops around. There are not only fresh flowers, but also indoor ones in pots, and they also cost decently, and, importantly, do not fade.

The idea of ​​opening own business, probably visited every person. And the flower trade is considered comparatively profitable business because without them it is difficult to imagine the holidays. What is a flower sale? A business plan should take into account even the smallest details. So how to start trading and make it profitable?

Selling Flowers: Business Plan

Of course, first you need to deal with some little things. In particular, you need to draw up an accurate and detailed business plan:

  • Explore the market.
  • Select a place to purchase goods.
  • Prepare the necessary documents.
  • Choose a place to rent.
  • Purchase the necessary equipment and goods.
  • Hire staff.
  • Calculate the size of the starting capital.
  • Run an advertising campaign.

If you are wondering how to start selling flowers, then you should know that when starting any business, every little thing matters. This is the only way to make it really profitable.

What documents are required to trade plants?

It should be noted right away that a license to sell flowers is not needed. Therefore, you just need to register with the tax service either an LLC or an individual entrepreneur. Individual entrepreneurship suitable for you if you are going to work exclusively with individuals. This option has some advantages, in particular a simplified system accounting as well as lower taxes.

If you are not the sole owner of the store, you plan to expand your business and cooperate with different companies, it is better to form a Limited Liability Company.

Where to rent a room?

If you are going to start a flower selling business, then you should know that the location of your store is extremely important. Therefore, it is best to rent a room somewhere in a busy place, for example, in the central part of the city, in a tourist area, in mall etc.

Naturally, a room in a busy area will cost more. But a favorable location largely determines the success of trade.

After all, quite often people buy flowers impulsively, without planning it in advance. Therefore, it is important that your store is in the way of a person who is going to purchase a beautiful bouquet.

As for the store itself, it is desirable that it be spacious. Then buyers do not have to push around in a tiny room.

Try to lay out the flowers so that they are visible from anywhere in the store - this way the client will have the opportunity to choose the best plants on their own.

What equipment do you need to get started?

As already mentioned, flowers are a commodity that quickly deteriorates. Therefore, you need to raise money in advance for the necessary equipment. After all, without it, it is simply impossible to sell flowers. The business plan should include the purchase of the following materials:

  • To get started you will need cooling chamber, since in the hot season it is important to keep the flowers fresh.
  • But in winter months The main threat to the product is cold. Therefore, you need to purchase a special thermal curtain.
  • In a store full of flowers, there must be an air conditioning system that will help create optimal temperature conditions in any season.
  • Don't forget about stands, tables for florists and other furniture needed to create bouquets.
  • In addition to fresh cut flowers, you will most likely sell some other products - they will also need furniture, such as shelving and shelves.
  • To preserve flowers, buckets, vases, sprayers and some other devices are needed.
  • By the way, make sure that there is enough water in the store.
  • You will also need cash machine. By the way, as the business develops, when there will be more and more regular customers, you will probably need a computer and a special software. They will facilitate the process of tracking sales, as well as simplify the work of an accountant.

This is a shopping list. The rest of the things you need to work, you can buy after the opening of the store.

Basic consumables: what to buy?

Naturally, the main thing in your business is live, freshly cut flowers. To date, their market in our country is sufficiently developed, only 45% of products come to us from abroad. You just need to find a flower growing or delivery company and draw up a contract with it. By the way, many organizations use the flower franchise.

Many aspiring businessmen ask what plants to buy. According to statistical studies, roses are the most popular.

The second place is occupied by chrysanthemums, and the third - by carnations. Therefore, these flowers must be present in the assortment of your store.

Naturally, you can buy almost any plants that are useful for creating bouquets. And do not forget about the so-called seasonal ones - for several weeks (or even days) a year, snowdrops, anemones and tulips become especially popular.

Of course, selling flowers is a profitable business. But in order to increase income, you should think about creating compositions. For this purpose, it is best to hire an experienced, talented florist. He will create original bouquets from ordinary flowers - compositions are usually more expensive. In this case, you will need some materials: gift wrapping, paper, ribbons, bows, rhinestones and other decorations.

By the way, selling flowers in pots is interesting and profitable idea. These plants are more expensive proper care you can keep them for months. In addition, indoor flowers are popular gifts, because, unlike cut ones, they do not fade.

We hire working staff

The business of selling flowers can become really successful, but only if right approach. It's no secret that the efficiency of trade largely depends on the quality of service. Therefore, when interviewing future employees, first of all, pay attention to such qualities as sociability and politeness.

To get started, you will need a seller, and a little later, a florist. If you can’t do bookkeeping, then you will have to hire someone for this position (it is possible for a part-time job). Additional staff may be needed when expanding a business such as selling flowers. The business plan in this case has its own characteristics.

About some nuances

As already mentioned, the sale of plants is often seasonal. Naturally, people buy bouquets every day, but there are times when flowers are in huge demand.

Basically, it is observed on special and holidays, for example, the first and last call, prom, March 8 (do not forget to buy tulips, snowdrops and other spring flowers), as well as Valentine's Day, etc.

Always be ready for such holidays, buy more flowers, create inexpensive bouquets in advance, offer discounts. In a word, do everything in order to attract customers.

Weddings are another source of good income. Have your florist create the bridal bouquets. Increasingly popular are boutonnieres for the groom and bridesmaids made from natural flowers - offer this service too.

Ideas for additional income

Sale of cut flowers and original bouquets- profitable business. But business, and, accordingly, profit can always be raised by new level. For example, over time, you will be able to create a flower delivery service. This service is very popular among people who do not have time to run around the shops, as well as among buyers who want to surprise their loved one.

Along with indoor plants, you can always sell pots, fertilizers and other small things. Quite often, in flower shops, souvenirs are also offered to customers. These can be figurines, caskets, photo frames, paintings, watches, artificial flowers and other gifts.

Selling Flowers: Advantages and Disadvantages

When you start a new business, it's always a little scary. Therefore, many people are interested in the question of whether it is profitable to sell flowers. Yes, there are a number of significant disadvantages in this case. To begin with, it should be noted that flowers are a commodity that deteriorates relatively quickly, so when not too good trading losses can be quite high. And the flower business is seasonal.

On the other hand, there are also important benefits. In particular, some shops sell flowers with a markup of 200 or even 300%. In addition, such a business does not require a large start-up capital, any specific skills or a lot of experience. With the right approach, selling flowers can be a really profitable business.

It is a very profitable business if done right. Some entrepreneurs close their store due to elementary ignorance of the pitfalls of this business. Such a business in big cities has a lot of competition. Today, on almost every corner there is a flower stall offering to buy flowers from them. For those who have not encountered such a business, it seems that there is nothing complicated here. However, in practice it is very difficult to get started.

Flower shop profitability assessment

Before you open a store like this, you need to think through everything. In order to correctly assess the profitability of such a business, it is advisable to estimate the number of nearby flower stalls and the total population in the city.

Already at the stage of planning the opening, you should think through each future step, this will allow you to conduct successful flower activities. This means that you need to consider:

  • the premises in which the store will be located;
  • range;
  • how much does it cost to buy a product;
  • pricing;
  • further development steps;
  • additional ways to attract customers.

Having finally weighed all the pros and cons, or rather, having assessed your potential more realistically, you need to make a decision. If, for some reason, a flower business based on the chosen place does not bring income, then it is better not to even try to start.

The approximate cost of organizing this store from scratch will be from 150 to 200 thousand rubles. In the normal state of affairs, a quality shop will pay for itself in a year.

Choice of location and premises

A key factor in any sales business is the location of the retail outlet. A well-chosen place will provide up to a quarter of the store's profit. The site chosen must be highly passable. The perfect place it is considered such a site through which even on weekdays a lot of people pass.

A good place is the intersection of two transport interchanges. For example, it may be a busy metro station through which thousands of people pass every day. It is also necessary to consider the fact that, in which case, parking lots are located next to the store. It was also easy to get to the store. If you place a stall near which parking is prohibited, you will ensure an additional outflow of customers.

To, you need a room whose area lies in the range from 5 to 8 square meters. If you plan to open a good flower shop from scratch, then you need to choose a room from 30 square meters.

Such a room is quite enough to, in which case, place a good assortment in it and start selling.

What should be the range?

Each flower shop should not be limited simple list products. This business requires related products and the provision of various services.

An entrepreneur who is able to combine several areas in his business will provide himself with good revenue, respectively, will remain afloat. This is worth paying attention to. The client who bought the flowers must contact the shop again. Therefore, you need to combine the price with the quality of the goods provided. Consider the main directions of the flower assortment that are used in great demand.

cut flowers

This is a fairly popular and very common product that is in good demand. The number of flowers that can be cut and displayed is very large. These colors are:

  • roses;
  • tulips;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • cloves;
  • lilies;
  • mimosa, etc.

Keep in mind that live cut flowers will not last long. Therefore, in the windows, first of all, those that have been in stock for a long time should be located. If the flower does not have a presentation, then it must be disposed of. Try to buy only the required number of flowers. If in a short period of time the store cannot sell them, then the flowers should be thrown away. Accordingly, there will be additional costs for the sale.

How much should be different types cut flowers? Probably the more the better. However, you need to buy only as much as potential buyers can buy. Otherwise, they are simply disposed of.

To increase the marketability of flowers, sellers put stickers, prints and piercings on them. This allows you to significantly increase the purchasing power of products. In addition, if the product is more expensive, you will get more profit.

potted flowers

This product is less popular than the previous one. However, this store must have such flowers in stock. True connoisseurs love to watch them grow. Therefore, some flowers "flower gourmets" give names and call them their children. True collectors of herbal products can become regular buyers if you can create good business. To do this, you need to get a few rare species. And constant monitoring of the most frequently asked types will allow you to determine the need of the market.

Potted flowers also have a very wide variety of species. They can be of various sizes. For example, a desert cactus in a few years can grow to more than 80 centimeters in height. To have this product in stock, you need an experienced florist who knows all the subtleties of flower care. The illiterate actions of a hired worker can completely ruin the product. Therefore, there will be losses.


These products are also very popular. This allows people to independently grow plants, observe their growth and take care of them. Sale of various vegetable seeds, can generate a lot of interest among retirees who like to grow them on their own.

In addition, you can profitably sell seeds flower pots. This product is also in demand. To grow a potted flower, you need to mess around for a very long time. It is this factor that attracts buyers.

Sale of related products

In order to additionally support the revenue more money, you need to profitably sell related products. For such a shop, the relevant materials are:

  • Earth;
  • fertilizers;
  • pots;
  • stands;
  • vases and various containers;
  • young seedling.

Such goods will not be in great demand, but in the future it can be counted on as an additional source of income. When selling additional accessories, increase average check. Therefore, before you open a flower shop or stall, make a preliminary list of the required assortment.

For any flower shop, care should be taken to purchase packaged material, which is always necessary to create attractive bouquets. A festive bouquet, decorated with excellent packaging material, will look more presentable, and accordingly, it costs more. Such bouquets allow you to set a price that, in the future, can cover the costs of a florist and packaging material. Also fully cover the cost of spoiled flowers.

If you want to open a business and create a simple stall, then you can limit yourself to the typical cut flowers that are needed to create bouquets.

Personnel and equipment

To hire staff, you need only one florist, whose duties will include the production of bouquets. If you open a store large sizes, then in the subsequent time, the number of staff can be brought up to several people. Employees must be formally hired. So that in which case, do not have problems with the tax office. In addition, the employee hired must issue a sanitary book. Without a passed health book, an employee should not be allowed to work.

The selected room should be aesthetically decorated. This applies to how exterior finish premises and decoration interior design. To store all flowers without roots, you need to purchase and find appropriate place to install vases in which they will be stored.

Also, to open a flower shop, you will need a large industrial refrigerator. In more advanced stores, a utility room is used as a refrigerator, which is equipped with walking systems.

For interior design, you will need the following components:

  • racks;
  • stands;
  • shelves;
  • small counters;
  • cash register (required).

Install a buyer's corner, which should contain the permissions received from various authorities, open certificates, as well as a book of "complaints and suggestions."

How to set the price?

Depending on the selected suppliers, the margin should be at least 200%. Otherwise, the business will not be profitable. If you think a product is more expensive, increase the price. This is especially true for those products that have a more attractive appearance.

The main peak of sales will be observed during the holidays.

Correct registration

Every business starts with correct registration. Before organizing a flower business, register it correctly.

Small and medium-sized shops will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur. You need to register as an LLC if you open a specialized boutique with big turnover. The time it takes to register is two weeks or more, depending on the queue.

You need to do the following documents:

  • trade permit;
  • conclusion issued by the sanitary epidemiological station;
  • price list of goods;
  • a contract for the lease of premises;
  • certificate confirming the registration of KMM.

This business does not require the provision of certificates for products sold. If buyers see a photocopy of the certificate hanging on the stand, their confidence will increase. Certificates can be requested from vendors.

To start selling a lot, as many people as possible should know about the store. An advertising campaign must be launched at the stage of registering a case. This will create a business with ready demand. The main platforms that you can use to attract customers are as follows:

  • distribution of flyers;
  • advertising on social networks;
  • free classifieds boards;
  • city ​​newspapers;
  • banners;
  • billboards and signs.

Avoid selling unpresentable goods. It must be admitted that there are additional costs. Poor quality products will only scare off buyers.

Try to constantly monitor the volume of products sold and purchase only the most necessary quantity. The share of the main purchase should consist of a list of the most popular products. Buy flowers once a week.

With little demand for more expensive products, consider a profitable discount system that will appease the buyer and push him to buy. To do this, you can use discounts: -15, -20, every third bouquet is free. If you increase the price of expensive goods in advance, then when you make a discount, you will not lose on value. This scheme is used by supermarkets or large stores.

Buy goods only from official and certified suppliers. This will avoid force majeure situations, bad products, etc.

Thus, when opening a flower shop from scratch, you need to do a number of simple operations that will make this business the most competent.

You can buy or rent - there are quite a lot of similar offers on the Internet.

To open a flower stall, it makes no sense to create entity. It will be enough to register as an individual in tax office at the place of residence.


  • flower stall open

The flower business is associated with a number of difficulties, in particular, with high competition in this area and the specific properties of the product. Every day, new flower stalls appear on the streets of cities. However, if you are serious, you should think about creating a flower salon.


To open a flower business just register as individual entrepreneur. Next, you have to choose a place to accommodate the salon. It can be a pavilion on a busy street, a department or a shopping center. It should be convenient for the buyer to “run in” to you for a bouquet on the way to work, a business meeting or home.

You will need a room with a minimum area of ​​50 sq.m. under the trading floor and utility rooms. Take care of the installation quality system temperature control, as in trading floor as well as in stock. Allocate a separate place for the work of a florist. Equip the main room with shelving, cabinets with lighting, refrigeration units, work tables and counter.

Determine the range and nature of the product. You can focus on selling only fresh flowers for bouquets. However, if the area allows, then it is quite justified to include in the assortment houseplants, fertilizers and soils for them, pots and other decor items, as well as special gift packaging. It should be remembered that fresh flowers are a perishable commodity. Therefore, at the early stage of development business and it is worth limiting yourself to an assortment of the most popular and resistant species such as carnations and chrysanthemums.

Set up a purchasing process. It is necessary to take into account not only the required volumes, but also to understand well the quality of the products offered by suppliers. You can buy from wholesale dealers or connect directly with producers - local greenhouses or importers. Purchases are usually carried out either by the owner himself business or an employee specially hired for this task. Also among the staff you will need a florist (one or more), a florist (plant care), a consultant, a salon manager and an accountant.

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Flower business, first of all, is associated with pleasant emotions, which can be enhanced by the product offered. In addition, the flower business can bring good income. The margin for flowers on average in the country is 100-300%, and to open your own store you need a small initial capital, from 600,000 rubles.

Before you open your flower business, you need to decide on the format of the store. What will it be like - a small pavilion on the street or in a passageway, a flower shop located in a shopping center, a specialized flower boutique or an online store.

flower pavilion

Does not require big investments. The decisive moment here is the choice of a crowded, passing place, the main revenue depends on this. Requires a lot of turnover. The main assortment is cut flowers, a small percentage of the profit is added at the expense of packaging materials.

Flower shop

The store needs more investment. The store has a larger area, the assortment expands accordingly, potted plants are added to cut flowers, souvenir products, soil and the like. The staff should be chosen in the store more carefully, with experience, with knowledge of floristry, in addition, it is important that the seller can please the buyer. The store pays off more slowly, but is more stable due to the expanded assortment and regular customers.

flower boutique

A flower boutique requires even more investment than a store. But it is one that has excellent prospects for development. It is necessary to approach the opening of a boutique especially - beauty should be in everything, from to the sales assistant. Sellers must be true professionals in their field. A great opportunity for a flower boutique - corporate clients. Registration of one corporate event gives a profit equal to the weekly work of the boutique. In the future, it will be possible to open a network of salons and cover the entire city.

Online flower shop

It is better to open an online store with an existing flower salon or pavilion, otherwise you can go broke, since at the initial stage there will be few customers, and flowers are a perishable commodity. And an additional sales channel to existing store not prevent. Customers can place orders without leaving home. But the delivery of the order will incur additional costs. There is also a risk of return.

In addition to all of the above, you need to find a reliable supplier for a long-term relationship. Choosing a room, a lot depends on its location. Decoration and design of the premises also play an important role, especially for a flower boutique. To store flowers, equipment is needed - refrigeration and trade. A competent seller-florist is also the key to success.
The undoubted advantages of the flower are small financial investments at the start and a large margin on the goods. Cons - perishable goods, the presence of marriage and seasonality, flowers are best sold before the holidays.

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