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School day schedule. The daily routine of a primary school student

AT primary school exemplary study and grades appear not only because of the efforts of children, but also from good rest, day and night. The regime of the day means the optimal distribution of time for certain work and rest during the day.

School day routine primary school has elements:

  • classes at school and at home;
  • regular rest for fresh air;
  • complete nutrition;
  • sound, healthy sleep;
  • independent hobbies and activities of your choice.

A child of elementary grades should have at least 11 hours of sleep. If a child, attending school, often suffers from diseases, he is recommended to sleep during the day, after school hours. During sleep, he will gain strength and energy, which will help him do his homework.

It is better to go to bed at 10 or 11 pm so that he has time to sleep and get ready for school in the morning. It is impossible to shout at children, swear at bedtime, otherwise he will be upset, the nervous system will be excited, and he will not be able to sleep peacefully.

It is necessary to ask about the past day, discuss existing problems, praise for his success. Parents need to ensure that the morning collection of the child to school without haste and fuss.

It consists:

  1. Ironing clothes and collection of the briefcase should be done in the evening.
  2. All things, clothes, shoes should lie on permanent place so that you don't have to look for them before class.
  3. Be sure to do morning exercises together with the children, which will give them vigor, strength, energy for the whole day.
  4. It is best to feed breakfast after exercise, 5 minutes before going to school.

You need to plan in advance and calculate how much time it will take to get ready for school. In primary school, parents are always required to accompany their child to school. You need to allocate time in order to walk at a calm pace and at the same time not be late for class.

  1. On the chosen route, explain to the child the meaning of road signs encountered on the way.
  2. Watch other road users, tell the baby about the mistakes they make when driving.
  3. Tell the child how to cross the street, use the traffic light.

It's important to know! Explain to the child that even with the green light of the traffic light, before crossing the road, you need to look around.

Student's schedule

In order to facilitate compliance with the child's regimen, you can create your own sample schedule for the school week.

You can draw a schedule for your child with your own hands, a table can help for this, and hang it in a conspicuous place. Or you can buy a special form and fill it out. But there are classes that take place in the second shift, where children study from lunch. It is more difficult for them to adapt and get used to such a regime.

It is necessary to draw up the correct schedule of the day so that the baby has time to do homework, play, and relax. Health status, positive grades at school, physical development directly depends on a well-designed daily routine.

Each student needs a dedicated space to complete homework assignments. The desktop should be comfortable so that work textbooks and notebooks can fit on it.

The size of the table and chair should correspond to the height of the child. If they do not fit, a curvature of the spine may occur, the baby will quickly get tired and will not be able to competently do homework.

Daily routine during exams

Exams are a mental load on the body of students. During this period, you should carefully consider the regime of the day, periodically change classes and rest. During the exams, you need to strictly monitor the favorable atmosphere and the situation in the family.

It is impossible to break the time of rest and sleep in order to prolong the mental load. This can seriously affect the nervous system and the physical condition of the student as a whole. On weekends and holidays, the schedule of the day should be different from the school week.

These days you should spend as much time as possible in the open air, go to theaters, shops, cinema. During the holidays, it is useful for children to relax in health camps and sanatoriums. For the summer, it is also necessary to draw up a daily routine so that the child can recover for the new school year.

Schedule for high school

Daily routine for high school. As for elementary grades, the correct daily routine is important for high school students. They have differences from each other. Adult children are allowed to stay awake at lunchtime.

High school students will also benefit from walking on the street, recreational sports, for the nervous system, and the musculoskeletal system.

A favorable time for doing homework is the hours from 16-00 to 19-00, after which overwork of the body, headaches, and memory impairment begin.

You should not distract the attention of children, while doing homework, they can go astray and it will be difficult to remember the main idea. academic performance and good marks largely dependent on their parents.

They need to be helped to fulfill the daily routine, prepare things so that he is neat and accustomed to order.

If the student does not comply correct mode days, then classes at school can adversely affect his health:

  • incorrect posture at the desk causes curvature of the spine;
  • the muscular system weakens;
  • blood circulation of the muscles and brain is disturbed;
  • frequent stress can cause nervous breakdowns;
  • by the end of training sessions, the child develops fatigue, drowsiness;
  • indigestion may occur due to malnutrition;
  • vision falls.

If you do not take care of your children, then the school can adversely affect his physical and mental development.

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The benefits of having a regime are talked about all over the world. The correct daily routine allows you to correctly distribute the load and form biological rhythms. It is on this that the psychological development of the child depends.

The rational distribution of time, taking into account rest, makes the child more collected and disciplined. These qualities are very important in modern life. In addition, this will avoid overwork and nervousness, which children are very susceptible to.

School life brings significant changes to the usual rhythm. Children who attended Kindergarten are easier to adapt. However, they also need the right mode. What to consider when compiling the ideal daily routine?

  1. School location. The farther the school is from home, the earlier you need to get up. The baby should have enough time to calmly get together and have breakfast;
  2. Gymnastics. Not complicated physical exercises, which will take 10 minutes to complete, will help the child tune in to a working mood and drive away drowsiness. Psychologists advise doing exercises with the baby. Cheerful and cheerful music in combination with a well-ventilated room will help you get in great shape faster and recharge your energies for the whole day.
  3. Breakfast. A healthy breakfast is required for both children and adults. However, do not force the baby to eat if he does not want to. Look for compromises and cook something that your child will eat with pleasure.
  4. Morning walk. Try not to turn the trip to school into a run. Morning walk with calm steps will allow the baby to keep good mood. At this time, you can chat with your child and get some fresh air, so it’s worth leaving the house with a margin of time before the start of the lessons.
  5. Afternoon rest. Studies show that many children are very tired after school. Difficulties with adaptation to the school process only exacerbate this indicator. After school, it is worth giving the baby the opportunity to relax and do pleasant things.
  6. Day dream. Great for dealing with fatigue daytime sleep. If the baby is ready to sleep during the day, do not interfere with him. In the case of first-graders, daytime sleep, according to doctors, should become a mandatory procedure.
  7. Active outdoor games. This is another way to recover from mental work.
  8. A first-grader is recommended to eat every four hours. At the same time, they should sleep at least 10 hours a day. Even a slight lack of sleep negatively affects the health and well-being of the baby. A child aged 6-7 years old must go to bed no later than 9 pm.

What should be the daily routine of a student

When compiling an approximate daily routine for a student, it is worth considering the time for rest, completing tasks, playing games, etc. For each age category, the daily routine has its own characteristics.

The correct daily routine of a younger student

A lot depends on the rational distribution of the time of the younger student. Doctors recommend focusing on the following tips:

  • Getting up at 7:00 - 7:30 is the most favorable time for awakening;
  • Charging and hygiene procedures - 7:30-7:45. Charging will help the baby cheer up and tune in to the working rhythm;
  • Breakfast 7:45-8:00. Breakfast helps to maintain high performance and health of the child. Violation of the time intervals between meals negatively affects the digestive system, as well as the baby's appetite;
  • Stay at school 8:30 - 12:30. At this time, the baby should concentrate on the learning process;
  • Walk in the fresh air 12:30 -13:00. After school, the child should rest and relieve mental stress. This is perfect for outdoor games. Walk time can be adjusted;
  • Lunch 13:00-13:30;
  • Daytime sleep 14:00-15:30. The recommended nap time is an hour and a half. Pediatricians around the world insist that first-grader sleep should be obligatory item during the day;
  • Outdoor games 15:30-16:30. During the day, the child should spend at least three hours in the fresh air;
  • Afternoon snack 16:30-17:00;
  • Self-study 17:00-18:00. After that, you can also go outside with the baby or visit the section that he likes;
  • Dinner 19:00-19:30;
  • Household duties 19:30-20:00. A first-grader should already be able to cope with his duties perfectly. He can tidy up the room, put away the toys and take care of the pet;
  • Evening walk 20:00-20:30. Before going to bed, it is very useful to take an evening walk in a calm rhythm;
  • Hygiene procedures 20:30-21:00;
  • Night rest from 21:00.

The ideal daily routine for a senior student

The older student has many hobbies of his own. However, he does not need to sleep during the day. However, even such a child needs to recuperate after a difficult school day. For this, walks in the fresh air or visits are recommended. sports sections, which he can visit in the evening or immediately after school hours.

You also need to find time to do your homework. It is best to do homework before 20:00. After eight o'clock in the evening, a person's performance decreases significantly. Preparing for the future school day at this time, not only useless, but also harmful, since the child’s memory and nervous system are already overloaded.

It is worth noting that high school students spend a lot of time studying. This is associated with admission to higher educational establishments and heavy loads. Finding time to exercise is almost impossible. This is the main mistake. Lack of exercise leads to serious health problems. And the best rest is a change of activity, so try to provide your child with at least minimal physical activity.

Second shift student mode

It is much more difficult to organize a competent child’s regimen by the hour on the second shift. However, parents should try to help their child properly allocate time. Many people think that second shift allows the child to sleep longer, while shifting the time of night sleep. It is not right. The student must go to bed no later than 9 pm and get up no later than 7:30 am. Breakfast, lunch and dinner should take place at the same time as for students on the first shift. The main changes in the mode concern the time for preparation for lessons. It is best to do them in the morning.

Here is an example daily schedule:

  • Rise, hygiene procedures, exercises, bed making - 7:00 - 7:30;
  • Breakfast 7:30-7:45;
  • Walk in the fresh air 8:00-8:30;
  • Preparation for lessons 8:30 – 10:30;
  • Second breakfast - 10:45;
  • Free time and walk - 11:20 - 13:00;
  • Lunch 13:00 - 13:30;
  • Lessons at school 14:00-18:20;
  • Street walk from 18:30-19:10;
  • Dinner - 19:30;
  • Free time until 20:15;
  • Preparation for sleep and sleep - 20:00-20:30.

For a child on vacation

Holidays are the favorite time of any child, because now there is no need to go to school. However, this time the student must be organized correctly. It is recommended to maintain the time of sleep and wakefulness of the child. Plus, you need to spend your free time from classes as useful as possible. What is worth remembering when organizing a regimen for the summer?

First of all the baby should get enough sleep. It is not recommended to deviate from the usual time limits here.

Secondly The child's diet should be varied and balanced. During the summer holidays, children should gain as much strength as possible. Moreover, everything is there for this: fresh vegetables, fruits, berries.

Thirdly child health is a priority for parents. If there is no way to go to the sea, then it would be nice to spend more time outside the city in the fresh air.

Fourth summer is not the time to interrupt classes. We are not talking about the daily load in full. The child should continue to read books, watch educational programs, etc.

Video: a sample of a student's daily routine

This video will show you how to properly organize a child's daily routine and how important it is for his harmonious growth and development. After watching, you will learn how to allocate time for sleep, rest, study, food and walks, and you will also be able to personally evaluate the proposed daily routine, which is considered ideal for children depending on different age categories.

It is essential for maintaining health proper organization human life. To achieve favorable conditions in the activity of the human body, it is necessary that his life obey a certain rhythm, that is, sleep, rest, work, nutrition, etc. occur at the same time. In this case, the body gets used to doing the same work in certain time, or, in the words of physiologists, a dynamic stereotype is developed. What is very important for . Therefore, it is necessary to develop the correct school day schedule.

So, for example, classes at school at certain hours cause habitual excitation in areas of the cerebral cortex than achieve more fruitful and intensive work. The habit of going to bed and getting up at the same time helps you fall asleep and wake up quickly, and deep sleep within 7-8 hours gives the body the rest it needs.

Eating at a time causes a person's appetite, promotes secretion of digestive juices and more complete absorption of food.

The value of the mode is not limited only to the physiological framework: the mode helps to make better use of time, instills a sense of discipline and self-control, and develops the habit of order.

What is the daily routine of a schoolchild and what are the basic principles of its rational construction?

Mode - Sequence various kinds activities and recreation throughout the day. The daily regimen increases efficiency, protects the body from overwork, improves academic performance and improves health.. The daily routine is set individually, that is, for each individual, taking into account age, health status, schoolwork.

The main elements of the daily routine for a student are classes at school, preparing lessons, favourite hobby(reading, drawing, music), social work, helping the family, walking, physical education and sports, tempering procedures, toilet, meals, sleep, etc.

Composing the regime of the day, it is necessary to take into account the main regime moments and be able to correctly determine the time for their implementation.

Doing homework

It is not possible, for example, to doing homework immediately after coming home from school. An organism that has not had time to rest receives an additional load, its working capacity decreases and more time is spent on preparing lessons.

How to organize the preparation of homework? How much time is required for this? What time of day is best to cook them? Answers to these questions are given to us by special studies. First grade students should spend no more than 1 hour on homework, 2nd grade students - no more than 1.5 hours, 3rd-4th grade students - no more than 2 hours, 5th-7th grade students - no more than 2 , 5 hours and students of grades 8-11 - no more than 3 hours. If you prepare lessons for longer than the specified time, the work becomes ineffective and can lead to student overwork. When preparing homework, as well as at school, it is necessary to take 10-minute breaks after 45 minutes of class.

It is advisable to start preparing lessons with subjects of medium difficulty. and then move on to a more difficult subject. This situation is explained by the fact that at the beginning of the preparation of lessons, as at the beginning of any mental work, the working capacity of most people is relatively low. To achieve a higher degree of it, a certain time is needed, during which a person, as it were, “works in”. If you make it a habit to always start preparing your lessons at the same time, then you will spend much less time on achieving maximum efficiency.

Workplace organization

The quality of homework preparation is also affected by the correct workplace organization, which should be permanent and convenient.

Textbooks and notebooks should be in a certain place in order to start classes immediately, without being distracted and without wasting time looking for them. The workplace can only be comfortable if the size of the table and chair will correspond to the height of the student.

In this case, it is necessary that the body be in a vertical position, the head be slightly tilted forward (no more than 15 °), the legs bent at a right angle, the soles would touch the floor with their entire surface.

It is better to place the study table so that natural light falls on the left. In case of insufficient illumination, it is necessary to turn on artificial lighting. Sufficient artificial illumination is provided by light from table lamp under a lampshade with an electric bulb with a power of 40-50 watts.

It is better for those who are engaged in the first shift to prepare lessons from 16 to 17 hours. Postponing the preparation of lessons for later hours is irrational, since in the second half of the day the working capacity decreases, which leads to an increase in the time required to complete homework. It is advisable for those who study on the second shift to prepare lessons between 9 and 12 o'clock. Compliance with these conditions provides good visual perception, free breathing, normal blood circulation and contributes to the development of correct posture.

In order to master the material of homework well, you need a good rest before preparing them. If students on the second shift get enough rest during the night, then students on the first shift after returning from school need the so-called leisure, which includes being outdoors, outdoor games, etc.

Outdoor stay

Outdoor stay is one of the main elements of the schoolchildren's daily regimen, which has a great healing effect on the body.

Engaged in outdoors during the whole year they get sick less often with colds and they have a better physical development than those who do not engage in physical education. Sport has a particularly beneficial effect on human health, helps to strengthen it and the lungs, strengthen and improve the nervous activity of the body. The total duration of stay in the open air should be at least 3.5-4 hours for junior students and at least 2-2.5 hours for senior students.

This time is best spread evenly throughout the day. For primary school students who are engaged in the first shift, it is advisable to stay outdoors four times a day: in the morning, after breakfast and before the start of classes at school - 30 minutes; after the end of classes - 50 minutes - 1 hour; after dinner before preparing homework - 1-1.5 hours and before bedtime - 30 minutes. Morning walk contributes to the rapid inclusion in classes in the first lesson; a walk after class is necessary to relieve fatigue; a walk after dinner leads to higher performance at homework, and a 30-minute walk before bed promotes restful and deep sleep.

Middle and high school students need to be outdoors three times a day; morning, afternoon and before dinner.

Proper nutrition

The next, very important component of the daily regimen, without the rational organization of which it is impossible to correctly build the entire daily regimen, is a complete and well-organized nutrition.

Scientists have found that good nutrition has a positive effect on the mental and physical abilities of a person, on increasing a person's resistance to various diseases and adverse environmental influences.

Food is the main source of energy and building material necessary for the growth and development of the body.

It is necessary to eat at certain hours 4-5 times a day. This promotes better digestion.

Breakfast at school is necessary for students of all grades: students who do not have breakfast during a big break are more likely to get tired, they often complain of headaches and fatigue.

Dinner should be no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

The most important constituent parts food are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral salts, water, etc.


One of highlights daily routine is relaxation. The human body needs not only a short rest during classes and stay in the fresh air, but also a longer rest, which completely restores the working capacity of the nervous system and the whole organism as a whole. best view such a rest is a dream. The hygienic usefulness of sleep is determined by three main qualities: duration, frequency and depth. Children need different amounts of sleep depending on their age.

At the age of 7 years, you need to sleep at least 12 hours; 8-9 years old - 10-11 hours; 10-12 years old - 10 hours; 13-15 years old - 9 hours; 16 years-8 - 8.5 hours. Physically weakened, tiring children need more sleep. They are recommended an additional daytime sleep for an hour.

For a sound sleep go to bed and wake up at the same time; in the last hours before going to bed, you should not play noisy games, argue. Before going to bed, you need to ventilate the room. It is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Before going to bed, you need to wash your face, wash your feet. The bed should be comfortable, clean and not too soft.

Is your child learning worse and having difficulty getting up in the morning? Lessons do not leave time for games and communication? Do you feel tired while doing homework with a schoolboy after work? Perhaps many learning problems can be solved by such simple thing like a student's daily routine.

The schedule really helps to organize time, to have time to do more, while allocating time for rest.

Strict adherence to the schedule mobilizes the student and creates stable daily rhythms, and stability is the key to physical and mental health.

When scheduling a day, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • the age of the child;
  • alternation of work and rest, physical and mental activity;
  • sleep takes at least 9-10 hours;
  • walks on the street and communication with peers are required;
  • if there are additional classes, write a separate schedule for the days of the week.

Considering all the listed elements of the daily routine, it is important to correctly and sufficiently complete the schedule. On the one hand, having remained underloaded, the child can “hang out” for hours on the street, there is a risk of getting involved in bad companies in which children adolescence become simply out of control. On the other hand, the child should not overwork excessively, there must be a reasonable combination of stress and rest, otherwise chronic fatigue can cause the child to develop astheno-neurotic syndrome.

The correct daily routine for a student: how to do everything in 24 hours.

Below is a sample timetable for a 1st shift student. It is naturally adjusted in accordance with the number of lessons, the child's needs for the number of outdoor games and quiet activities, and the time to get to school. But the basic parameters must be observed.

  • Wake up - 7:00
  • Exercise, washing, making the bed - 7:00-7:20
  • Breakfast – 7:20-7:40
  • Road to school - 7:50-8:20
  • Lessons - 8.30-12.00
  • Second breakfast - 10.30-10.40
  • The road home, combined with a walk and communication with peers - 12:00-12:30
  • Lunch – 12.30-13.00
  • Rest (games, hobbies) - 13.00 - 14.00
  • Work on homework - 14:00-16:00
  • Afternoon snack - 16.00-16.10
  • Walk, communication with peers, active games 16.10 - 17.30
  • Free time: communication with parents, watching TV, reading, hobbies and hobbies, helping around the house - 17.30 - 19.00
  • Dinner 19.00 – 19.20
  • Free time 19.20 – 20.00
  • Getting ready for bed, shower 20.00 – 20.20
  • Sleep - 20:30-7:00

IMPORTANT. Scientists have long found out that the game and physical activity- the main leading form of activity for primary school students. In addition, it is at the age of 5-10 years that the emotional sphere of the child is actively formed, the ability to love, empathize, help others is developed, and friendships arise. Therefore, do not burden the child with unnecessarily additional activities, be sure to leave time for role playing with friends, playing football in the yard and chatting with parents, other family members. Believe me, the older the student, the better he copes with the academic load, in the upper grades there usually appears additional motivation to study, the need to choose a profession, to enter a university is realized. Moreover, do not insist on additional classes if the child gets tired quickly, is slow, it may be difficult for him to withstand your intense rhythm of life.

The first class, the first lessons, the first teacher - all this is very unusual and new, it is not surprising that the student's body is under incredible stress. Nervous system a child under the onslaught of new, unusual events and loads may not withstand, so drawing up a daily routine for a 1st grade student is especially important.

At the beginning school year one should not make drastic changes in the usual way of the day, it is worth starting from the habits of a small student, only gradually introducing new rules, habits, a new daily routine into everyday life. Here is a sample daily routine for a first grader:

  • The best time to get up is 7 am. Morning hygiene in the form of brushing your teeth, going to the toilet, as well as making your bed will take about 20 minutes.
  • At 7:20, the child is already sitting at the table waiting for breakfast, which takes about 10-15 minutes to calmly and thoroughly chew.
  • The rest of the time after breakfast until 8:00 am is devoted to getting ready for school.
  • From 8:00 to 8:30, a first grader must have time not only to overcome the road to school, but also to prepare for the start of the lessons.
  • On average, a 1st grade student's weekday consists of three to four lessons. Already at 11-12 o'clock in the afternoon the child is free.
  • Time 12:00. The baby is already at home and it's time for dinner. It is very important to teach your baby to eat at the same time: this will help normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Starting from 13:00 and until 15:00-16:00, the child has the full right to rest. It is desirable to devote leisure not only to playing a computer, tablet or watching TV (it is advisable to reduce the viewing of the latter to an hour a day), but also to reading your favorite books, walking, hobbies.

A small afternoon snack at 4 p.m. is the perfect "preparation" for homework. A child can be treated with a chocolate bar or a favorite cinnamon bun, a handful of nuts or berries, fruits will stimulate the young brain to work. Refreshed, it's time to start homework. In the first grade, she is given 1-1.5 hours. Home education will never become superfluous if the “Homework” diary column is empty: instructive books, logic tasks, educational games - easy job for the brain. Some time is devoted to portfolio collections. By the way, it is important to give free rein to the child if he reveals a desire to assemble a backpack on his own: parents can only check the presence of notebooks, a pencil case and books. First Grader Night includes dinner, private time, and bedtime. The optimal time for an evening meal is 6-7 hours. After that, an hour or two is given to the child's free time (it is important to exclude watching TV, playing on a tablet, smartphone, computer: this causes insomnia). An hour before going to bed, at 20:00, the child goes to the shower, brushes his teeth, tidies up the room. At 9 pm, you can wish all your relatives good night and go to bed. It is necessary to draw up a daily routine for the child by the hour, taking into account the peculiarities of the beginning of the school day, the sections visited and the personality of the child. For example, children with a mathematical mindset follow the schedule of the day with ease and pleasure, while creative individuals do not want to succumb to actions according to the scheme: for them, mastering “time management” is a difficult task.

Schedule for the second shift

The second shift is often a headache for parents. However, in this case, the schedule will help overcome difficulties. When compiling it, pay attention to the following important points:

  1. Homework should be done in the morning. In the evening, and even after the lessons, the child's body is not able to productively assimilate information, hence mistakes, typos, haste in preparing lessons, which means a decrease in academic performance. For the evening, you can leave only those items that require additional clarification by parents or verification.
  2. If the lessons end no later than 17.00, evening time can be devoted to attending additional classes, preferably mobile (dancing, sports activities, swimming) - so the child will rest from mental work and relieve emotional stress, at the same time receive the necessary physical activity, "utilizes" excess energy. Falling asleep will be much easier.
  3. Insist that your child has lunch before going to school, even if classes start at 12-13.00. At school, the child will still want to eat, and snacking is not good for the stomach. In addition, children rarely eat a full portion in the school cafeteria.

School day schedule

It is difficult to follow the schedule and keep the student in good shape if the weekend is completely at the mercy of the child. On Saturday-Sunday, of course, it is worth meeting the desires of the child to sleep longer and watch TV, but try to organize time so that the weekend is useful.

  1. Do not delay the time of falling asleep, especially on Sunday. In the morning, everyone wants to soak up the bed, but you can go to bed later for a maximum of half an hour - an hour.
  2. It is better to prepare homework on Saturday so as not to do homework in a hurry on Sunday evening.
  3. Weekend rest should be beneficial: plan a trip, go to the park or cinema, play games together. Spend more time on family communication: younger students are especially affected by insufficient attention parents.
  4. Reduce the amount of "empty" recreation in the form of watching TV and computer games. Let your child spend no more than 45 minutes in front of the TV/computer.

Looking for a ready-made template to fill out? We suggest using several ready-made templates, just save them to your computer and then print the template on a color printer.

Editorial response

Compliance with the daily routine is very important in Everyday life schoolboy. The mode disciplines, helps to be collected. This is especially true for first-graders, as it helps the student get used to a new life and correctly combine rest and study.

A properly organized daily routine will prevent irritability, excitability and keep the child's ability to work during the day.

If you notice that your child is very tired, becomes lethargic and nervous by the end of the day, and academic performance suffers, try to properly organize his regimen, and the negative symptoms will most likely disappear on their own.

AiF infographics


The quantity and quality of sleep, nutrition and physical activity have the greatest influence on the state of health of a student.

A person needs to satisfy the age-appropriate need for sleep, because otherwise conditions are created for the occurrence of diseases. In children with a lack of sleep, the flow of specific hormones into the blood can be disrupted, which adversely affects their growth and development. Suffering from lack of sleep specific gravity that stage of sleep (the so-called "REM sleep"), on which the ability to learn and its success depends. Schoolchildren are shown to increase the usual duration of sleep (at least by 1 hour) during exams, before tests and during any intense mental activity. In children who do not get enough sleep for 2-2.5 hours, the level of efficiency in the classroom is reduced by 30% compared to children who “spill out” their norm.

To overcome problems with falling asleep, some conditions should be observed: go to bed at the same time; limit emotional stress after 7 pm (noisy games, watching movies, etc.); form your own good habits (“ritual”): an evening shower or bath, a walk, reading, etc.

The bed of the child should be flat, not sagging, with a low pillow. The room must be well ventilated.

Approximate norms of night sleep for schoolchildren:

In grades 1-4 - 10-10.5 hours, grades 5-7 - 10.5 hours, grades 6-9 - 9-9.5 hours, grades 10-11 - 8-9 hours. First-graders are recommended to organize up to 2 hours.


Get it right workplace schoolchild — the conditions in which a child learns and does homework significantly affect his academic performance and health.

The table at which the child is engaged should be placed so that daylight falls on the left (if the child is left-handed, then vice versa), full-fledged artificial lighting should be similarly established. The light from the table lamp should not hit the eyes; a special protective visor, lampshade allows you to avoid this.

The optimal ratio of the height of the table and chair is as follows: sitting straight, leaning his elbow on the table and raising his forearm vertically (as they raise their hand to answer in the lesson), the child should reach the outer corner of the eye with his fingertips. To do this, it is enough to adjust the height of the chair. The legs of a child proper fit should rest against the floor or stand, forming a right angle both in the hip and in knee joint. The chair should have a low back.

Working in such conditions, the child will be less tired. In addition, properly selected furniture is one of the important factors prevention of postural disorders. Control of compliance of furniture with the height of the child should be carried out at least 2 times a year.


It is very important (especially in elementary grades) to choose the right school bag. Main criteria: wide, length-adjustable belts with shock-absorbing pads, rigid non-deformable back. Student briefcases and satchels must have details and (or) accessories with reflective elements on the front, side surfaces and the top flap and be made of materials in contrasting colors.

The weight of the backpack should not exceed: for primary school students - 700 g, for middle and high school students - 1000 g.

The weight of a daily set of textbooks and stationery should not exceed: for students in grades 1-2 - 1.5 kg, grades 3-4 - 2 kg, - 5-6 - 2.5 kg, 7-8 - 3.5 kg, 9-11's - 4 kg.

In order to prevent violations of posture, students are recommended to have two sets of textbooks for primary school: one for use in lessons in a general educational organization, the second for homework.


A properly organized diet is based on the fulfillment of certain requirements. First of all, it is the observance of the time of meals and the intervals between them. The intervals between meals for schoolchildren should not exceed 3.5-4 hours.

At the same time, the diet should be balanced in composition, contain the required amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals.

The child should eat slowly, in a calm environment, appearance and the smell of dishes, table setting should evoke positive emotions in him.

Games and walks

Particular attention should be paid to the physical activity of the child and walks in the fresh air. The duration of walks, outdoor games and other types of physical activity should be at least 3-3.5 hours a day. younger age and 2.5 hours for high school students.

As a rule, a well-organized school day quickly brings positive changes in his mood, well-being and academic performance.

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