Encyclopedia of fire safety

Thermal insulation of pipelines of heating networks: we insulate heating. Heating Pipe Insulation Heating Pipe Insulation Materials

During the heating process, the liquid that is used as a heat carrier circulates throughout the system. In order not to lose useful heat and avoid excessive overheating of the room, insulation of heating pipelines is carried out.

Such work is necessary in country houses if the heating pipelines run down the street from the boiler room, or when the boiler is located in the far wing of the building, and the pipes are stretched along cold corridors. This helps to deliver more heat into the room, keeping it along the entire route: from the boiler room to the heating radiators.

Several types of heaters are used as a material, they differ in thermal conductivity and installation methods, and when choosing a material, you need to know at least a little about its qualities.

Foamed polyethylene

This is a flexible insulation, which is produced in the form of pipes of various sizes, with a cut in the middle (this is done for ease of installation).


When the pipeline is insulated with this material, pieces of insulation are applied to the pipes along the entire length, and pulled together with construction tape. The joints or joints of pipes must be covered with insulation of a thicker diameter. Therefore, before starting work, you need to approximately calculate the required amount of insulation different sizes.

The insulation of this brand is very convenient, it can be easily cut, and the remaining pieces can be used elsewhere, making up one long part from several segments.

fiberglass insulation

Such a heater is most in demand among builders. This material has a relatively small weight and is not subject to rotting at all. That is why it is often used to insulate pipes located on the street.


During installation, the pipes are wrapped with insulation and fixed with a knitting wire. For additional protection from moisture from the outside, it is tied with roofing material or building foil.

Basalt wool

These are molded elements of insulation, which are made in the form of plates and cylinders. Such heaters are fireproof, have good strength and do not let moisture through. Its installation is quite simple, as in the case of fiberglass insulation, it is additionally protected with aluminum foil or roofing material.


Such a heater is made in the form of two shells of different sizes, they are fastened with special grooves, but for the reliability of the connection they must be additionally fixed with special glue or tape.


When connected on pipes, the halves of the insulation are interconnected and the two parts are displaced in different sides by a few centimeters. The next link is also connected, and the remaining ends are joined together, a kind of “overlap” of one connection to another is obtained, which provides a better bond.

For warming uncomfortable areas and turns, curly shells are used, which are of unequal sizes.

In order to carry out high-quality insulation with this material, it is necessary to calculate in advance the length of the pipeline, the number of joints and bends. This is required to purchase the right amount connecting parts.

polyurethane foam

This insulation is applied by spraying. A specially prepared composition is sprayed onto the mounted pipeline. It reliably adheres to the surface and, foaming, forms a dense protective mass with high strength.

Due to the fact that this insulation does not tolerate exposure sun rays their insulation of pipes located in the open air should be accompanied by their protection: winding with roofing felt or aluminum foil.

For high-quality insulation of pipes, heaters can be combined. For example, in the boiler room and on the street they can be covered with mineral wool or basalt insulation. And in the house there are places for connecting to radiators - with foamed polyethylene, which looks more aesthetically pleasing.

This material, which is used to insulate heating pipelines, will eliminate some of the difficulties that arise during the installation of other heaters.

The bigger, the better…

This slogan refers to the installation of such insulation. It is applied with a sprayer or a conventional brush, and the more layers are applied to the pipe, the better the heat will be retained. And the process itself is much easier than installing other types of insulation. It can be applied without problems both on a smooth pipe located in good accessibility, and on hidden inconvenient areas.

When to Consider Pipe Insulation

It is best to install the insulation in the process of laying pipes and branches in the room. At this stage, it will be easier for you to choose the dimensions (when choosing a rolled or tubular insulation), and as a result, there will be less waste, and this, accordingly, will save you money.

Insulation repair

For all positive qualities all types of materials it will be useful to carry out preventive examination the entire heating line before the onset of the winter season. In order to avoid trouble in the future, the places of the insulation, which, due to any circumstances, have become unusable, must be replaced.


Cylinder installation video mineral wool:


Thermal insulation is of great importance in the construction of a heat pipe. Not only heat loss but, just as importantly, its durability. With the appropriate quality of materials and manufacturing technology, thermal insulation can simultaneously play the role of anti-corrosion protection of the outer surface of the steel pipeline. Such materials, in particular, include polyurethane and derivatives based on it - polymer concrete and bion.

Thermal insulation is arranged on pipelines, fittings, flange connections, compensators and supports for the following purposes:

reduction of heat losses during its transportation, which reduces the installed capacity of the heat source and fuel consumption;

reducing the temperature drop of the heat carrier supplied to consumers, which reduces the required heat carrier flow and improves the quality of heat supply;

lowering the temperature on the surface of the heat pipe and the air in the places of maintenance (chambers, channels), which eliminates the risk of burns and facilitates the maintenance of heat pipes.

The main requirements for thermal insulation structures are as follows:

1) low thermal conductivity both in a dry state and in a state of natural humidity;

2) low water absorption and small height of capillary rise of liquid moisture;

3) low corrosivity;

4) high electrical resistance;

5) alkaline reaction of the medium (pH > 8.5);

6) sufficient mechanical strength!

It is not allowed to use materials subject to combustion and decay, as well as containing substances capable of releasing acids, strong alkalis, harmful gases and sulfur.

Most difficult conditions for the operation of heat pipelines occur during underground channel and especially channelless laying due to moistening of thermal insulation with soil and surface waters and the presence of stray currents in the ground. In this regard, the most important requirements for heat-insulating materials include low water absorption, high electrical resistance, and with channelless laying, high mechanical strength.

As thermal insulation in heating networks, currently used mainly products made from inorganic materials (mineral and glass wool), lime-silica, sovelite, volcanic, as well as compositions made from asbestos, concrete, asphalt, bitumen, cement, sand or other components for channelless laying: bitumen perlite, asphaltoizol, armo foam concrete, asphalt expanded clay concrete, etc.

Depending on the type of products used, thermal insulation is divided into wrapping (mats, strips, cords, bundles), piece (slabs, blocks, bricks, cylinders, half-cylinders, segments, shells), pouring (monolithic and cast), mastic and backfill.

Wrapping and piece products are used for all elements of heating networks and can be either removable - For equipment requiring maintenance (gland expansion joints, flange connections), or fixed. They are fastened with bandages, wire, screws, etc., made of galvanized, cadmium or corrosion-resistant materials, and a cover layer. Filling and filling insulation is usually used for elements of heating networks that do not require maintenance. Mastic insulation may be used for shut-off and drainage valves and stuffing box expansion joints, provided that removable structures are made for branch pipes of stuffing box expansion joints and stuffing boxes for valve seals.

The heat-insulating structures of steel pipelines for above-ground and underground channel laying, as well as for channel-free laying in a monolithic shell, usually consist of three main layers: anti-corrosion, heat-insulating and cover. The anti-corrosion layer is superimposed on the outer; the surface of a steel pipe and is made of coating and wrapping materials in several layers (isol or brizol on insulating mastic, epoxy or organosilicate enamels and paints, glass enamel, etc.). On top of it, the main heat-insulating layer of wrapping, piece or monolithic products is laid. It is followed by a cover layer that protects the heat-insulating layer from moisture and air and from mechanical damage. It is carried out with underground laying of two or three layers of isol or brizol on insulating mastic, asbestos-cement plaster on a metal mesh, varnished fiberglass with various impregnations, foil isol, and with above-ground laying - from sheets of galvanized steel, aluminum, aluminum alloys, glass cement, glass roofing material, fiberglass and so on.

Channel heat pipes. in channels with air gap the insulating layer can be made in the form of a suspension or monolithic construction. On fig. 8.25. an example of a suspended insulating structure is shown. It consists of three main elements:

A) anti-corrosion protective layer 2 in the form of several layers of enamel or isol applied at the factory on a steel pipeline 1, having sufficient mechanical strength and having high electrical resistance and the necessary temperature resistance;

b) thermal insulation layer 3, made of a material with a low thermal conductivity, such as mineral wool or foam glass, in the form of soft mats or hard blocks laid on top of a protective anti-corrosion layer;

V) protective mechanical coating 4 in the form of a metal mesh acting as a supporting structure for the heat-insulating layer.

To increase the durability of the heat pipeline, the supporting structure of the suspension insulation (knitting wire or metal mesh) is covered on top with a sheath of non-corrosive materials or asbestos-cement plaster.

Rice. 8.25. Heat conductor in an impassable channel with an air gap

1 - pipeline; 2 - anti-corrosion coating; 3 - heat-insulating layer; 4 - protective mechanical coating

Channelless heat pipes. They find justified application in the case when, in terms of reliability and durability, they are not inferior to heat pipelines in impassable channels and even surpass them, being more economical compared to the latter in terms of initial cost and labor costs for construction and operation.

The requirements for the insulating structures of channelless heat pipelines are the same as for the insulating structure of heat pipelines in channels, namely, high and stable heat, moisture, air and electrical resistance under operating conditions.

Channelless heat pipelines in monolithic shells. The use of channelless heat pipelines in monolithic shells is one of the main ways to industrialize the construction of heat networks. In these heat pipelines, a shell is applied to the steel pipeline at the factory, combining heat and waterproofing structures. Links of such elements of the heat pipeline up to 12 m long are delivered from the factory to the construction site, where they are laid in a prepared trench, butt welding of individual links between themselves and the application of insulating layers to the butt joint. In principle, heat pipes with monolithic insulation can be used not only without channels, but also in channels.

Modern requirements Reliability and durability are adequately met by heat pipelines with monolithic thermal insulation made of cellular polymeric material such as polyurethane foam with closed pores and an integral structure made by molding on a steel pipe in a polyethylene sheath (pipe-in-pipe type).

At the same time, pre-insulated pipelines are made with a polyethylene sheath. high pressure. The space between the shell and the pipe is filled with rigid polyurethane foam. Copper conductors are embedded in polyurethane foam to control the presence of moisture in the thermal insulation of the pipeline.

Due to the good adhesion of the peripheral layers of insulation to the contact surface, i.e. to the outer surface of the steel pipe and the inner surface of the polyethylene sheath, the long-term strength of the insulating structure is significantly increased, since during thermal deformation the steel pipeline moves in the ground together with the insulating structure and there are no end gaps between the pipe and the insulation through which moisture can penetrate to the surface of the steel pipes.

The average thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam insulation is, depending on the density of the material, 0.03 - 0.05 W / (m ∙ K), which is approximately three times lower than the thermal conductivity of most widely used thermal insulation materials for heating networks (mineral wool, reinforced concrete, bitumen perlite, etc.).

Due to the high thermal and electrical resistance and low air permeability and moisture absorption of the outer polyethylene sheath, which creates additional waterproofing protection, the thermal waterproofing structure protects the heat pipeline not only from heat losses, but, no less important, from external corrosion. Therefore, when using this insulation design, there is no need for special anti-corrosion protection of the surface of the steel pipeline.

The use of pipelines with polyurethane foam insulation makes it possible to reduce heat energy losses by 3-5 times compared to existing species thermal insulation (bitumperlite, expanded clay bitumen, foam concrete, etc.) and obtain annual savings of about 700.0 Gcal/year per 1 km.

The construction of heat networks with polyurethane foam insulation is carried out several times faster compared to channel ones and the cost is 1.3-2 times lower, and the service life is 30 years, while the durability of commonly used structures is 5-12 years.

Bitumoperlite, bitumen expanded clay and other similar insulating materials based on bituminous binder have significant technological advantages that make it possible to industrialize the production of monolithic shells on pipelines relatively easily. But along with this, the specified technology for manufacturing shells needs to be improved to ensure a uniform density and homogeneity of the bitumen-perlite mass both along the perimeter of the pipe and along its length.

In addition, bitumen-perlite insulation, like many other materials based on a bituminous binder, loses water resistance during prolonged heating at a temperature of 150 ° C due to the loss of light fractions, which leads to a decrease in the corrosion resistance of these heat pipes. To increase the anticorrosion resistance of bitumen-perlite, in the process of manufacturing hot molding composition, polymer additives in Portland cement, which increases the temperature resistance, moisture resistance, strength and durability of the structure.

Channelless heat pipes in bulk powders. These heat pipelines are mainly used for pipelines of small diameter - up to 300 mm.

The advantage of channelless heat pipes in bulk powders compared to heat pipes with monolithic shells lies in the ease of manufacturing the insulating layer. The construction of such heat pipelines does not require the presence of a plant in the construction area of ​​heat networks, to which steel pipes must first be supplied to apply a monolithic insulating shell. Insulating bulk powder in appropriate packaging, such as polyethylene bags, is easily transported over long distances by rail or road.

Self-sintering foam concrete, perlite concrete, asphalt or asphalt concrete are used as such powders.

As is known, in two-pipe heating networks temperature conditions, and consequently, the temperature deformations of the supply and return pipelines are not the same. Under these conditions, adhesion of the thermal insulation layer to the outer surface of steel pipelines is unacceptable. To protect the outer surface of steel pipelines from adhesion with the insulating mass, they are covered on the outside with a layer of anti-corrosion mastic material, such as asphalt mastic, before pouring with a liquid foam-cement mortar.

Cast structures for thermal insulation of channelless pipelines. Of the cast structures of channelless heat pipelines, heat pipelines in a foam concrete mass have received some use; perlite concrete can be used as a material for the construction of such heat pipelines. Steel pipelines installed in trenches are filled with a liquid composition prepared directly on the route or delivered in a container from the production base. After setting, the concrete or perlite concrete array is covered with soil.

Control questions

1. What are the main requirements for the design of modern heat pipelines? Name the assortment of pipelines of the heating network and the types of fittings used.

2. Compare underground heat pipelines in through channels, impassable and channelless. Name the advantages and disadvantages of each type of gasket and the main areas of their appropriate application.

3. Name the designs of modern compensators for thermal deformations of pipelines of heating networks. How is the calculation and selection of U - shaped expansion joints?

4. Describe the construction of supports for pipelines of heating networks. Give the calculation formula for determining the resulting force acting on the fixed support of the heat pipe.

5. What are the main features and requirements for heat-insulating structures of heat pipelines?

Thermal insulation is the most important constructive element all links of DH systems - heat generating, transport links, installations heat consumption. By reducing heat losses and preventing coolants from drying out, it forms the technical and economic efficiency, reliability and durability of installations as a whole, the possibility of industrialization and is the main means of saving fuel resources. In channelless laying of heat pipelines, thermal insulation also performs the functions of a supporting structure.

For thermal insulation equipment, pipelines, air ducts, prefabricated or complete prefabricated structures are used, as well as pipes with thermal insulation of full factory readiness.

For pipelines of heating networks, including fittings, flange connections and compensators, thermal insulation must be provided regardless of the temperature of the coolant and the method of laying. Structurally, it is made of the following elements: heat-insulating layer; reinforcing and fasteners; vapor barrier layer; cover layer.

As a heat-insulating layer SNiP 41-03-2003 " Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines» recommend for use more than 30 main types of materials, products, factory products general purpose, providing: heat flow through the isolated surfaces of equipment and pipelines according to a given technological regime or a normalized heat flux density; exclusion of the release during operation of harmful, flammable and explosive, unpleasantly smelling substances in quantities exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations; exclusion of the release during operation of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Such effective materials traditionally used in heating networks include autoclaved reinforced foam concrete, bitumen perlite, expanded clay asphalt concrete, gas silicate, phenolic foam plastics, thermal insulation mats and slabs of mineral wool, volcanic and some other materials (Fig. 1). The main average data of heat-insulating materials and products are presented in Table. 1.

Picture 1.

Table 1. Basic data of heat-insulating materials and products

Materials or products

Maximum coolant temperature, °C

Thermal conductivity, W/(m°С), at 20°С and humidity, %

Density, kg / m 3

Mineral wool


mineral wool

continuous fiberglass


staple fiberglass








armored concrete

bitumen perlite


foam concrete


Self-sintering asphaltoizol

Peat slabs


* Maximum value.

As materials for the cover layer thermal insulation in new construction, prefabricated structures are used:

1) from metal (sheets and tapes from aluminum and its alloys, sheet steel for roofing and galvanized, corrugated shells, metal-layers, etc.);

2) based on synthetic polymers (structural fiberglass, rolled fiberglass, reinforced plastic materials, etc.);

3) based on natural polymers (roofing material, glass roofing material, roofing felt, roofing glassine, etc.);

4) mineral (glass cement, asbestos-cement plaster, etc.);

5) duplicated with foil (duplicated aluminum foil, foil isol, etc.).

As anti-corrosion and waterproofing coatings, barrier and protective coatings are used - polymer, metallization, silicate and organosilicate, as well as protective coatings based on bituminous binder.

For the channelless design of heat pipelines, materials with an average density of not more than 600 kg / m 3 and thermal conductivity of not more than 0.13 W / (m ° C) should be used. In this case, the design of thermal insulation must have a compressive strength of at least 0.4 MPa. Estimated specifications materials used to insulate pipelines during channelless laying are presented in table. 2.

Table 2


Conditional passage of the pipeline, mm

Average density ρ, kg / m 3

Thermal conductivity of dry material λ, W/(m °С), at 20°С

Maximum substance temperature, °C

Armored concrete



Bitumen expanded clay




Foam polymer concrete

polyurethane foam

Phenolic foam

FP monolithic

* It is allowed to use up to a temperature of 150 "C with a high-quality method of heat release.

On fig. 2, 3 shows several options for traditional industrial designs of heat pipelines.

Figure 2. 1 - pipe; 2 - anti-corrosion coating; 3 - mineral wool mat; 4 - steel mesh; 5 - asbestos cement plaster

Figure 3 1 - pipe; 2 - anti-corrosion coating; 3 - bitumen perlite; 4 - waterproof coating of fiberglass over varnish

Foam concrete insulation is a light insulating material obtained by preparing foam mass and then curing it in a cassette autoclave at a steam pressure of 8-10 kgf / cm 2 for 11-14 hours.

Given the significant fragility of foam concrete insulation, it is reinforced with a spiral frame located in the outer third of the insulation thickness.

After the autoclave, foam concrete is dried with hot gases at t = 200 °C during the day.

This design has been widely used in the laying of distribution and yard networks.

Starting from the 1970s, in the Moscow region (Dmitrov and Vladimir heating networks), polyurethane foam (PPU) insulation of heating network pipelines began to be used, originally made in a primitive way, manually, in repair and procurement workshops.

The steel pipe, previously cleaned of scale, was placed in a trough-shaped chute (a pipe cut along larger diameter) and closed it with the same chute from above, then liquid polymer composition, consisting of a mixture of resin "polyisocyanate" (component "A") and hardener - "pol-iol" (component "B"). This composition within a few minutes, reacting, foamed, filling the entire volume, then solidified and turned into a porous spongy mass with open pores. Depending on the selected proportions of the components, it was possible to obtain insulation of various densities - from a soft structure - foam rubber, to a stone-like hard spongy mass that firmly adheres to the metal surface of the pipe. After the completion of the exothermic reaction, the mixture of components and the cooling of the structure of the gutter were removed, and the pipe insulated in this way was put into installation.

Described manual technology formed the basis of the factory one, with the difference that instead of home-made boxes, the factories began to use tubular-type shells made of specially processed - extruded (for better adhesion to the porous mass of polyurethane foam) polyethylene or thin-walled metal pipes. The process of preliminary mechanical cleaning (to a metallic sheen) of the outer surface of the main pipe has also improved, and input and output factory quality control of products has been established.

The main difficulty in making such isolation until now, there is an acute shortage of initial components, since domestic chemical industry are unable to meet the needs of the national economy (industry, transport, energy, military-industrial complex) and they have to be purchased at expensive prices abroad. This is reflected in the price of polyurethane foam insulation.

Despite this, modern factory technologies have begun to develop in the country, taking into account both domestic and foreign experience in insulating pipes and equipment using PPU.

The modern production facility (CJSC MosFlowline), provided by the Russian side, was designed and staffed by leading Western European companies, taking into account the technologies available on the market. Technological equipment allows to produce 2400 m of insulated pipe and 60 pcs. insulated fittings per day. Products are produced in two types: in a polyethylene sheath for underground laying and in a galvanized metal sheath for above-ground laying of heating networks.

For pipelines of hot and cold water supply, galvanized pipes d y \u003d 32-219 mm are used as a working pipe. The assembly of galvanized fittings in the factory is carried out by a non-zinc destructive method - soldering.

For heating networks, products with a diameter of 32-1220 mm are supplied with all shaped products. CJSC MosFlowline is so far the only domestic enterprise providing a full range of services from design to commissioning and issuance of a 5-year warranty on factory elements, work on sealing joints and the operability of the online remote control system (ODC) of pipelines. This is an example of the development and implementation of new technologies of the XXI century.

On fig. Figures 4 and 5 show finished products of thermally insulated pipelines of CJSC MosFlowline, which are a rigid structure of the "pipe in pipe" type, consisting of a steel (working) pipe, an insulating layer of rigid polyurethane foam (PPU) and an outer protective sheath made of low-pressure polyethylene or galvanized steel.

NOTE. At polyurethane foam insulation There is significant disadvantage, which must always be remembered - this organic material is combustible and in the process of burning it releases potent toxic substances (SDYAV), which during fires are the main cause of death. Therefore, in underground structures of heat networks with PPU insulation every 300 m in thermal insulation arrange non-combustible inserts from mineral insulation.

Figure 4. The design of PPU - insulation of the pipeline according to the technology of CJSC "MosFlowline"

Figure 5. Thermally insulated PPU pipes for channelless (in a polyethylene sheath) and above-ground laying of heat networks (in a metal sheath)

Every technological process is based on economic efficiency which is influenced by a combination of many factors. One of these points, important for many industries (chemical, oil refining, metallurgical, food, housing and communal services and many others), is the thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines. On an industrial scale, it is used on horizontal and vertical apparatuses, tanks for storing various liquids, in various exchangers and pumps. Stand out high demands to thermal insulation processes using cryogenic and low-temperature equipment. The energy industry uses insulating elements in the operation of all types of boilers and turbines, storage tanks and various. Depending on the area of ​​application, they are subject to certain requirements that are included in the SNiP. Thermal ensures the preservation of the invariance of the set parameters, at which they occur, as well as their safety, reduces losses.

General information

Thermal insulation is one of the most common types of protection, which has found its application in almost all industries. Thanks to it, trouble-free operation of most objects that pose a threat to human health or the environment is ensured. There are certain requirements for the choice of material and installation. They are collected in SNiP. The insulation of pipelines must comply with the norms, since the normal functioning of many systems depends on this. Almost all requirements listed in the documentation are mandatory. In most cases, the thermal insulation of heat pipelines is a key factor for the smooth operation and functioning of energy, housing and communal services and industry facilities. An additional quality that the thermal insulation of pipelines has is to meet the requirements applied in the field of energy saving. Competent, performed according to all standards, pipeline insulation reduces heat losses during its transfer from the supplier to the final consumer (for example, when providing hot water services in the housing and communal services system), which in turn reduces overall energy costs.

Building requirements

The installation and operation of thermal insulation structures directly depend on their purpose and installation site. There are a number of factors that affect them. These include temperature, humidity, mechanical and other influences. To date, certain requirements have been adopted and approved, in accordance with which the calculation of pipeline insulation and subsequent installation is carried out. They are considered basic, accounting for them is basic in the construction of structures. These include, in particular:

Safety in relation to the environment;

Fire hazard, reliability and durability of the materials from which the structure is made;

Thermal performance indicators.

The parameters characterizing the operational properties of thermal insulation materials include some physical quantities. These are thermal conductivity, compressibility, elasticity, density, vibration resistance. Equally important are flammability, resistance to aggressive factors, the thickness of pipeline insulation and a number of other parameters.

Thermal conductivity of the material

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of the raw materials from which the insulation is made determines the efficiency of the entire structure. Based on its value, the required thickness of the future material is calculated. This, in turn, affects the amount of load that will be exerted from the side of the heat insulator on the object. When calculating the value of the coefficient, the entire set of factors that directly affect it is taken into account. The final value affects the choice of material, the way it is laid, the required thickness to achieve maximum effect. It also takes into account temperature resistance, the degree of deformation under a given load, permissible load, which the material will add to the insulated structure, and much more.

Life time

The operational period of thermal insulation structures is different and depends on many factors directly affecting it. These, in particular, should include the location of the object and weather conditions, the presence / absence of mechanical influence on the heat-insulating structure. These factors, which are of key importance, affect the durability of the structure. An additional special coating helps to increase the service life, which significantly reduces the level of impact from environment.

fire safety requirements

Norms fire safety defined for each of the industries. For example, for the gas, petrochemical, chemical industries, the use of slow-burning or non-combustible materials as part of heat-insulating structures is allowed. At the same time, the choice is influenced not only by the indicated indicators of the selected substance, but also by the behavior of the heat-insulating structure during a general fire. The increase in fire resistance is achieved by applying an additional coating that is resistant to high temperatures.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements for structures

When designing objects within which specific technological processes with increased requirements for sterility and cleanliness (for example, for the pharmaceutical industry), certain standards are of paramount importance. It is important for such premises to use materials that do not affect the situation. The situation is similar for housing and communal services. Insulation of pipelines is carried out in strict accordance with established standards, while reliability and safety of use must be ensured.

Domestic manufacturers of protective materials

The market for thermal insulation materials is diverse and able to satisfy the needs of any buyer. Here is the product

action of both imported and domestic manufacturers. Russian companies engaged in the production of the following types of thermal insulation materials:

Mats, which are fiberglass stitched on both sides, lined with mineral wool or kraft paper;

Mineral wool products based on a corrugated structure (with its help, industrial insulation of pipelines is carried out);

On a synthetic basis;

Products based on glass staple synthetic fibers.

The largest manufacturers of heat-insulating materials are: JSC "Termosteps", Nazarovsky ZTI, "Mineralnaya vata" (CJSC), JSC "URSA-Eurasia".

Foreign manufacturers of materials

The market of heat-insulating materials also includes products of foreign companies. Among them stand out: "Partek", "Rockwool" (Denmark), "Paroc" (Finland), "Izomat" (Slovakia), "Saint-Gobain Izover" (Finland). All of them specialize in various types and combinations of fibrous heat-insulating materials. The most common are mats, cylinders and plates, which can be uncoated or coated on one side (for example, aluminum foil can be used as it).

Rubber and foam materials

Filling polyurethane foam has received the greatest distribution from foam plastic heat-insulating materials. It is used in two forms: in the form of tile products and spraying, it is used mainly for protection in low-temperature production. Its developer is the Research Institute of Synthetic Resins (in Vladimir), and its affiliated undertaking- CJSC Izolan. Pipeline insulation is also made with synthetic-based materials. In this case, equipment operating in conditions of negative and positive ambient temperatures is subjected to protection. The main suppliers of such materials are L'ISOLANTE K-FLEX and Armacell. Such thermal insulation looks like tubes (cylinders) or plate and sheet products.

July 28, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and outdoor decoration(plaster, putty, tile, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, repairs in an apartment or house were done on a turnkey basis with all necessary types works.

To begin with, the thermal insulation of pipelines of heating networks according to
SNiP does not have any clear characteristics, and, perhaps, this is at least strange. However, this is not the point - I want to tell you how to insulate pipes and not freeze in winter in a private house. I will back up my words with visual video In this article. So, on the way...

We heat pipes

Pipes can be heated not only with passive heaters, but also with active devices. But I will talk about this below.

6 types of insulation

Now we will briefly consider 5 types that SNiP allows for thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines:

  1. The most offered and advertised option that you can find on the Internet is shells that are made from mineral wool, polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam.
  2. Further in popularity, one can distinguish mineral (basalt) wool with waterproofing from roofing material or dense polyethylene.
  3. In addition, thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines can be made with materials such as sand or expanded clay - the main thing is that such pillows are dry.
  4. The best option for pipe insulation is a warm room - a basement, a room in an apartment, or just a closed box.
  5. A heating cable that can be led directly into the pipe or wrapped around it from above - the effect, in fact, will be the same as in the case described in paragraph 4.
  6. And, finally, liquid insulation and paints that simply cut off cold air to the pipes. There can be many options here, but in my opinion, liquid foam is best - and the price will suit, and it's easy to do.
Insulation material Thermal conductivity (W/m⁰C) Application temperature (⁰C) Flammability group
Stitched mineral mats 0,041-0,032 From -180⁰C to +450⁰C for a fabric base and up to +700⁰C for a metal mesh base non-combustible
Mats and wool from basalt thin fiber without binding elements 0,031-0,24 From – 180⁰C to +600⁰C non-combustible
Extruded polystyrene materials 0,032 From – 180⁰C to +70⁰C G3, G4
From foam polymer minerals 0,044 From – 180⁰C to +150⁰C G2
From armored concrete 0,05 From – 180⁰C to +180⁰C G2
From armored concrete 0,029-0,024 From – 180⁰C to +130⁰C G2-G4
Made of polyethylene foam 0,05 From – 70⁰C to +95⁰C G3, G4

Various pre-insulated pipes for heating networks

My best option

Double insulation - polyethylene foam and mineral wool

So, this is not an instruction, but just my opinion, but, nevertheless, I have used this method for more than one year - mineral (basalt) wool. Let's start with the definition of mineral wool - it can be glass, slag or stone (basalt). The packing density directly depends on your efforts, and, in fact, it does not special significance(unless, of course, you compress cotton wool).

There are three types of mineral wool - glass, slag and stone or basalt. In our case, it is best to use the latter option - such products are made from melts of volcanic rocks.
It is very inconvenient to work with glass wool, but iron particles remain in the slag, which rust when dampness enters, which leads to material subsidence.

I usually use two options for thermal insulation of pipes - polyethylene foam and mineral (basalt) wool. Of course, you can buy shells from this material in the store, and even with a foil surface, but it will be quite expensive.

Much easier to use roll material, the thickness of which can be from 20 mm to 200 mm. You need to choose this parameter depending on the region of residence, that is, on the possible decrease in soil temperature in winter.

For underground pipe laying, of course, it is best to use the method of deepening, rather than insulation. If the pipeline runs 50 cm below the freezing point, then you do not need any insulation.

But there can be a real problem here - in the northern regions of Russia, the depth of soil freezing sometimes reaches more than 2m, so this option will not always be convenient.

As you understand, moisture in any case will be an excellent conductor of cold, therefore, without waterproofing, insulation of pipelines is only allowed indoors, as in the photo above. It can be either basements, but even there, in some cases, waterproofing is indispensable due to the same condensate.

Ruberoid is an excellent waterproofing

In order to insulate a pipeline with an underground or air laying, I wind it basalt wool trying not to compress the material too much. The looser the material, the better protection from the cold and warmer in winter.

To fix the material, it is very convenient to use a nylon thread - such a coil can be purchased, probably, in any store that sells Construction Materials. But roofing material is best wrapped with any soft wire - the cheapest is steel knitting, but if you have stocks, then it can be aluminum or even copper.

In addition, it is best to make a sand cushion for underground laying of the pipeline and also fill it with sand 50-60 mm from above. Such a measure will protect the shell from sharp stones. various items, which may be in the ground - glass, wire, and so on.


In conclusion, I want to say that it is quite simple to insulate any pipeline (water supply, sewerage) with your own hands - the main thing is not to compress the material very much. When compressed, the density increases, therefore, the thermal conductivity also increases. If you have other suggestions on how to insulate the pipeline so as not to freeze in the cold - write about it in the comments.

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