Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Abstract wallpaper for walls in the interior. Abstraction on wallpaper: features of using bright and unusual shapes in design. Rules for using abstract wallpaper

Creating a certain style in the interior is impossible without appropriate wall decoration.

The right choice of wallpaper is 50% of success.

The rest is furniture and accessories, textiles and fittings.

The pattern, design or ornament on the wallpaper requires careful selection in order to ideally suit the interior style.

Wallpaper for walls abstraction: origin and features

Wallpaper prints can be classified by image type:

  • a drawing that can be identified (objects, figures, flowers);
  • a pattern of many small elements and repeating details (floral, geometric, abstract);
  • ornament (repeating pattern in folklore style).

Geometric patterns can also be included in the abstract category if they create an image on the surface of the wallpaper that is indefinite in essence and form.

Abstraction is an invention of artists of the last century. Since then, such patterns have been used in various areas of human activity related to design, style and decoration.

There are types of abstract drawings a large number of: they can be made in one color or in several colors, round, smooth or angular shapes.

Wallpaper with this print is popular, because it is the simplest pattern for combinatorial techniques in interior design.

For any style, you can choose a suitable abstract design.

Geometry for minimalism, strict lines and colors for classic style, retro, art nouveau, art deco – for each style there is a print to match the theme.

The use of abstract prints in the interior

Abstract wallpaper for walls has great potential in decoration and style creation.

They are suitable for combination with other types of wallpaper (for example, plain) and as independent option wall decoration.

Prints in pastel colors are suitable for bedrooms and children's rooms (especially girls' rooms).

Patterns of geometric shapes and contrasting shades will fit perfectly into a living room in a minimalist or high-tech style.

Corridors, kitchens, hallways and even bathrooms can be decorated with wallpaper with an abstract print, the main thing is to choose the right one color scheme, which will be combined with the purpose of the room and the furniture.

It should be taken into account that images that are difficult to identify may have different effects on the psyche and emotional condition person.

Soft colors and smooth lines will have a beneficial and calming effect, and bright colors and a contrasting pattern with broken lines, great dynamics - can be annoying nervous system.

It is believed that abstractions are inappropriate in children's rooms, as they tend to affect the mental state, but if such patterns are used wisely, then, on the contrary, you can add harmony to the interior of the nursery.

Rules for using abstract wallpaper

  1. Choose a pattern taking into account the interior style of a particular room. Abstract drawings are suitable for all rooms, the nuances are only in the design style. If you have a high-tech kitchen with chrome-plated, shiny surfaces, then pastel, delicate patterns will not work. A geometric pattern in rich colors would be more appropriate.

  1. If possible, avoid adding abstract wallpaper to your children's room. Even if the pattern is not intrusive, not colorful, and does not dazzle the eyes, the child may get tired of the repeating pattern indeterminate forms. An abstraction for a child’s room can be saved by a light color scheme and a pattern that blends into the background. But such wallpaper can be boring for a child's room.
  1. In the bedroom, the pattern should be as calm as possible. Avoid expressive, overly dynamic designs that excite the nervous system. Pastel or a drawing reminiscent of traditional patterns will do.

  1. The living room is a room where you can let your creative imagination run wild. Unusual abstract wallpaper will be an excellent accent, they can be used in the form of panels, they can even replace paintings by contemporary artists, if applied correctly and truly expensive and interesting samples are selected.
  1. Abstract designs are printed on wallpaper of any type and from any material. The rules for gluing will depend on the type of wallpaper. It is important to ensure that the seams are joined correctly so that the pattern looks harmonious and seamless.

  1. If you decide to purchase wallpaper with an abstract pattern, consult with your household. Suddenly someone does not perceive such a pattern well, and it will put too much pressure on the person mentally.

A reasonable approach to business gives the most best result. This is also true for choosing a pattern on wallpaper for redecoration.

What is characteristic of wallpaper with abstraction? First of all, this the use of unusual refined lines and decorative elements , an abundance of non-standard colorful combinations and the absence of a single style in a holistic image.

The brightest masterpieces of manufacturers reflect a mixture of several design trends at once, allowing to create an accent in the home interior.

Features of abstraction in interiors

Perhaps, main reason why this type of wallpaper can become the main highlight of your design is their ability to influence the emotional and psychological state of a person.

A key role in this is played not only by the shades used, but also by the nature of the design itself.

As a rule, abstraction is associated with exclusively blurry images without strict boundaries and outlines, but in fact this theme has many incarnations:

Not only the scenes depicted on such coatings may differ, but also their colors. Therefore, when choosing suitable abstract wallpaper for walls consider their impact on mood and psychological comfort.

For example, orange shades are emotional colors that affect the psyche and mood and awaken activity.

And the shades are warm and symbolize the summer theme, therefore they play an important role in creating harmony and home comfort.

Colors such as, as well as glossy and metallic elements are a cool color scheme: they calms and promotes concentration. Wallpaper makes the interior darker and limited in size. Elements of pink in abstract compositions help create a romantic and dreamy mood.

Advice: Since all abstract motifs have internal energy, experts do not recommend hanging such wallpaper on all the walls in the room.

It is enough to decorate only one of the walls: in this case, you can create balancing contrasts in the interior, as well as emphasize accents on the main areas of the room.

In the process of choosing abstract wall coverings, do not forget that each element of the roll must have the same tone: check products in advance for defects or make sure that you are ordering from one batch to avoid the risk of fragments not matching in color or size. This will not only save you from creating an inharmonious design, but will also allow you to save money, since everything is abstract wall coverings belong to expensive materials (mainly due to the author's design).

So, below is a photo of meter-long non-woven wallpaper with abstraction (Ukraine):

Using abstract wallpaper

We have already mentioned that the main principle of using wallpaper with abstraction for walls in the interior is the absence of strict proportions, logical conclusions and fragments on a single theme.

The unusual characteristics of such subjects allow the use of even restrained shades: for example, wallpaper with abstract patterns on a white background can become not only background, but also in any space.

It follows from this main feature using such wallpaper to create interesting design: opportunity to highlight the strengths of everyone style direction . For example, in minimalist interiors, abstract motifs will add dynamism; in high-tech rooms, they will emphasize their brightness and modernity.

Interesting patterns of unusual shapes will become the hallmark of the oriental or classic design, and abstract wallpaper with antique elements is suitable for retro and country interiors.

Advice: in rooms decorated in country or Provence style, as well as in some modern directions, you can glue abstract coverings with plant elements.

As a rule, wallpaper of this type is not used to decorate all the walls in the room: it is enough to create an accent on one of the surfaces. Since most abstract motifs consist of small elements of bright or dark colors, excessive use of such wallpaper can create the illusion of a too cramped and busy interior.

If you don’t want your walls to be perceived as more strict and orderly, stop at modern ones. wall wallpaper or with 3D images.

Advice: choose wallpaper with abstraction, focusing on design features. Ideally, they should repeat the existing shades, shapes and outlines, but not mix, but, on the contrary, stand out against the general background.

The main rule that should be followed when choosing abstract wallpaper for walls is knowing of limits: bright accents there should not be too much in your interior, and the picture or pattern that will decorate the wall should not interfere with rest, interfere with daily work, interfere with concentration and have a negative impact on mood.

Besides, Wallpaper with an abstract pattern should be chosen taking into account the purpose of specific interiors, so let’s look in more detail at the processes of creating abstract design in different rooms.

In the bedroom

Since the bedroom is meant for relaxing holiday, few people risk using such compositions to decorate this interior. However, even in the assortment of wallpapers with abstract patterns, you can find options that will not cause discomfort, but, on the contrary, will allow you to relax.

First of all, we are talking about wallpaper pastel shades. In the interior of the bedroom, the wallpaper looks harmonious - soft,. To ensure that the designs depicted on the abstract composition do not interfere with sleep, choose wallpapers with simple and discreet themes: light curls or floral designs.

Dark wallpaper with abstract motifs can be used in such an interior only when the room has enough free space, and in interiors with high level lighting. Otherwise, your bedroom will feel cramped and uncomfortable.

It is advisable that there be light accents against the dark background of such wallpaper - they will provide necessary balance and will focus attention on the wall.

Remember! If you do not want bright or abstract types to form the background of your interior, choose only one of the walls for this design. This could be the surface behind the bed, as well as some ledges, niches or partitions.

Another interesting option using bright abstract coatings for wall design in the bedroom - creating small panels. They will replace paintings, but will be perceived as more stylish and modern, so they can play a key role in design without negative impact on your emotional state.

It is not recommended to use such wallpaper for decorating children's rooms.. Firstly, it is unknown how an unusual design will affect the psyche and character of your child. Secondly, abundance bright colors may interfere with his peaceful rest.

If you opt for abstract coatings in neutral shades (blue, gray, beige), then you risk creating an interior that is too boring and uncomfortable for a child.

Living room wall design

One of the most good options The use of abstract subjects is considered the walls of the living room. Although here you also need to relax and unwind, the key role in such a room is given to creating a solemn and cheerful atmosphere, so a tandem of bright colors or unusual shapes in such a space will not be out of place.

To decorate all the walls in the interior of a hall or living room, abstract coverings of white, beige, gray and other calm shades are suitable. In addition to these colors, you can use brighter ones by choosing the right tonality: catchy colors should not put pressure on vision or create discomfort.

Dark colors, as in the case of decorating a bedroom, it is better to use it to decorate one of the walls. As a rule, the role of such a wall is a surface with a fireplace or TV, as well as a wall forming a balcony area.

To ensure that wallpaper with abstract motifs in dark shades is perceived harmoniously in your interior, ensure there is sufficient light, as well as try to repeat similar colors in the rest of the room design(for example, use similar carpets or upholstered furniture).

Remember! Dark colors in the interior contribute to the visual reduction of space, so it is better to combine wallpaper and furniture of such colors only in spacious living rooms.

One of universal options wallpaper with abstraction for walls are considered plots in the form of drops and overflows: they create the desired dynamics in the interior, but are perceived as a symbol of lightness and natural freshness. Since such compositions most often have light shades, they are suitable for decorating interiors with any parameters.

Kitchen decoration

Abstraction on the walls in kitchen interiors most often acquires plant and natural character. Manufacturers strive to repeat elements of famous landscapes and paintings in wallpaper, and the emphasis is on unusual style walls are formed by alternating patterns.

If you also want the style of your kitchen to reflect a natural theme, choose abstract coverings in muted or soft shades.

Among other elements of nature that can be found in abstract compositions, patterns in the form of drops, water surfaces, imitation of trees, as well as unusual 3D compositions, flowers and other subjects.

IN modern kitchens Wallpaper with elements of abstraction, made in brighter colors, is allowed. Often the emphasis is on separate walls in such rooms it is formed through the use of directly opposite or contrasting colors. The best option such wallpaper that will fit into any style and will not look contradictory is palette plots.

In other interiors, such wallpaper is used much less often.

In the hallway, where dimensions are already limited, abstract motifs will be too conspicuous and create a cramped and uncomfortable environment.

In bathroom interiors, strange plots on the theme of abstraction will be inappropriate, since won't let you relax. The use of coatings with abstract elements in the design of a work office is unacceptable, since in most cases Such scenes interfere with concentration.

However, the presented photos of wallpaper with abstraction confirm that such a design can become a stylish addition to many interiors. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment and create bright and unusual designs, which captivate with a riot of colors and unusual shapes.

Despite the unusually wide selection of materials for interior decoration, the most diverse in their external characteristics The material is wallpaper. This became possible, among other things, thanks to the huge variety of colors, surface texture options, as well as all kinds of patterns and ornaments.

One of the most interesting options from a design point of view is the so-called abstract wallpaper. We will talk about the use of this material in the interior, as well as about what needs to be taken into account when choosing them in our material today.

Coating characteristics

This coating is very specific. It is for this reason that it is advisable to be extremely careful about how the choice of plot will take place. The thing is that “abstraction” wallpaper for walls is, as a rule, very unusual solution for the interior of the apartment. It may happen that some members of your family will not like certain options at all. Some people even experience certain painful and depressing sensations when they see such scenes, which, as they say, “put pressure” on the psyche. So, be responsible when choosing.

What to consider when choosing

One of the features is that abstract wallpaper for walls is usually selected using special programs. To be more precise, in this way not only the wallpaper itself is selected, but also the entire future interior is modeled. Thus, the customer can have a more or less accurate idea of ​​how it will look inner space his living space after such canvases are hung in it. So, here are the points you should take care of in advance, even at the selection stage:

  • Despite the apparent disorder of some of these plots, the installation of such wallpaper must be treated with extreme care, correctly and consistently combining and combining individual elements.
  • Based on your aesthetic needs and taste when choosing such subjects. At the same time, you should not ignore the opinions of your family, since many people may find such designs and patterns, at least, strange.
  • If you decide to buy such canvases, then you should understand that their price is quite high. However, this also applies to most other rare or custom-made items.

In cases where you buy rolled abstract trellises, you need to pay attention to one important feature. Before purchasing, make sure that you are choosing wallpaper from the same batch. Only in this way can color identity be completely guaranteed, without differences in shades.

How to use indoors: design

  1. In most cases, abstract wallpaper is not used on all walls of the room. Their characteristics create the need to place them in certain places. This approach is often called zoning. Their use can in some ways be compared to photo wallpaper. And also with posters and various paintings that hang on the walls of the room.
  2. Sometimes you can use individual elements of such wallpaper as patches to decorate walls in a patchwork style.
  3. By the way, there is little talk about using it as companion wallpaper on one of the walls. If you approach this task creatively, or invite an experienced design specialist, you can get not only an individual, but also a very attractive interior.

However, many other features should be taken into account. For example, you should think about combining it with the rest of the walls, as well as with other interior elements: furniture, curtains and other home textiles, decorative items, doors, windows, and so on.

If you intend to hang wallpaper with abstraction yourself, having repaired and decorated the walls yourself, then you should pay attention to a number of reviews and recommendations that are usually offered by recognized experts. If this is not done, you may encounter certain difficulties during gluing and subsequent operation. Here are the basic tips:

  • As you know, when working with wallpaper, when you are gluing it, and also preparing the surface of the wall for gluing it, it is advisable not only to turn off the lights, but also to completely turn off the electricity supply in the apartment during the work. So, professionals recommend acquiring a temporary autonomous light source, be it a hanging flashlight, lamp or something similar. This will help ensure higher quality gluing due to better illumination of the interior space.
  • In addition, it is necessary to take special care in reading the instructions. It is there that you can find out various details about the installation itself, as well as about the characteristics of abstract wallpaper.


As we can see, “abstraction” wallpaper for apartment walls can be quite an interesting option from the point of view of interior design. At the same time, their choice must be approached consciously. The photos for this article will help you get a better idea of ​​what apartment design options you can consider for yourself. The topic of abstract elements in the interior is discussed in more detail in this video:

TM “Klv-wallpaper” presents to your attention abstraction photo wallpapers in such trendy thematic collections as 3d wallpaper, Backgrounds and textures, Art, Pattern, Watercolor.

Abstraction photo wallpapers are bizarre geometric labyrinths and intricate patterns, optical effects and fashionable graphic prints, chaotic scatterings of mysterious elements and laconic aesthetics. Creative design with such decor does not require complex developments - you just need to choose the right color scheme.

Original photo wallpapers with abstraction in the interior are becoming increasingly popular. Some abstraction and unobtrusiveness of such illustrations contribute to a pleasant pastime. Rest after everyday work will be especially pleasant, and gatherings with friends will turn into a real holiday.

Watercolor abstraction

Abstract photo wallpapers on our website are also presented with watercolor sketches. A wall with such photo wallpaper will instantly turn into a weightless, floating structure. Such photo wallpapers will give the interior lightness and airiness, creating a positive mood. The shapes of petals, stems, and flower buds can be discerned in the colorful spills.

In our collection of watercolors you will find subjects for any room. A living room in such an abstract decoration will gain elegance of form, sophistication and sophistication. Floral accents on the photo panel will add romantic notes to the bedroom. But if you are renovating your daughter’s room, such a plot can long years decorate the interior and not get tired of it at all. Watercolor spills of fancy and subtle floral shapes will delight the little princess from a very young age, giving the room a special charm.

Abstract photo wallpaper with watercolor painting will also be a spectacular finishing touch to your office interior. They will look especially good when decorating an open space. But clients of beauty salons, massage and cosmetology parlors, surrounded by watercolor decor, will spend a time of renewal and relaxation in an unforgettable atmosphere.

Modern technology and craftsmanship graphic designers and artists allow you to create amazing illustrations. Three-dimensional abstractions in the interior will reveal stunning views, as if taken from a parallel reality. 3D pictures will transform boring and monotonous walls into a world of magical decor. Photo wallpaper with abstractions is a monochrome labyrinth, cubic and spherical elements, placers precious stones. The themes of the illustrations are truly diverse. Decor in original processing will effectively complement interior design in the style of hi-tech, minimalism, and constructivism.

Abstract photo wallpapers with backgrounds and textures will decorate the interior of an apartment with a dynamic, bright and extraordinary personality. The urban apartment design, popular in the metropolis, will receive a spectacular completion in the form of specifically designed sections of the wall. Brickwork, leather or metal, imitation wood, mosaic - all these stylish accents can be easily implemented on textured photo wallpapers.

The magic of abstract photo wallpapers lies in a certain mystery. In the labyrinths of geometric shapes, one can discern schematically depicted birds, animals, and recognizable architectural masterpieces. Creative collages are embodied against the backdrop of trendy colors - powdery, mint, straw.

Abstraction photo wallpaper on the wall is a real extravaganza of colors. Rich, rich colors or calm, pastel colors - color compositions for every taste. Unusual decor from “Klv-wallpaper” will play a major role in the mood of the interior.

In the arsenal of the British artist Charlotte Mann- one single color and one single tool, but to create her amazing works, this minimum is enough for her. An ordinary black marker in talented hands is capable of feats for which Charlotte became famous not only in her homeland, but also in many other foreign countries. Her specialty is Wall Art, black and white painting of walls in apartments and offices, peculiar " indoor graffiti".

On the white walls of apartments and offices, the artist depicts... apartments and offices. More precisely, furniture, household items, accessories and decorations with which we surround ourselves in Everyday life. As a result, even a completely empty room will look lived-in, perhaps “cartoonish”, similar to pictures from books or frames of black and white cartoons.

The artist paints the interior decoration of the premises in life size, Special attention paying attention to details. Carefully drawing the smallest objects, she “complements” the existing interior with “virtual” paintings and framed photographs, bookshelves And wall clock. Suddenly, a cage with a parrot or an aquarium with fish may appear in the apartment, or even a fat fluffy cat, lazily snoring on a painted windowsill near a painted sofa. By painting the walls in the rooms, Charlotte Mann becomes an interior designer, lovingly selecting furniture and accessories that would ideally match in style and color, and create in the apartment that very atmosphere that is usually called homely warmth and comfort.

Of course, when painting walls for offices and restaurants, art galleries and fashion stores, Charlotte Mann sets herself completely different tasks, adhering to her rule: to complement, and not change, “reality” with her own wall paintings. The artist’s list of completed art projects includes not only drawings on the walls, but also airy, weightless paintings of glass showcases and partitions, as well as large-scale installation paintings created for the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. All this can be seen on Charlotte Mann's website.

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