Encyclopedia of fire safety

How to choose a roof for a house. What kind of roof to choose for the house. Pitched roof device

In the preparation of this material, advisory assistance was provided by the technical specialists of Spets.Krovlya LLC.

The roof is a load-bearing structure, the construction of which should be approached with all responsibility. It must meet the following requirements: be resistant to external factors and durable, provide good thermal and waterproofing, have a good appearance, and also be resistant to fire.

What types of roofs are there?

Roofs may vary. It all depends on the design features of the "box" of the building.

There are such types of roofs:

1. Flat. They are more often equipped on utility and ancillary buildings: garages, sheds. This type of roof can also be equipped on the track. Its disadvantage is that you are unlikely to be able to equip an attic under such a design.

Flat roof device. An example of waterproofing and thermal insulation.

2. Pitched. This species can be found in ordinary residential buildings. They can be equipped with or without an attic. In the first case, you will have an additional utility room in which you can keep any things, dry clothes. So you will quickly solve the problem with ventilation. And in the attic there is usually a chimney. In this case, you make it easier for yourself to clean it up. In addition, such roofs can be insulated and cold. It all depends on what design the box has and for what purpose the building will be used.

Varieties of pitched roofs

For residential premises, pitched roofs are most often used. Before choosing the right design for your home, you must definitely consider its varieties.

So, there are such types of pitched roofs:

  • lean-to. This is one plane, based on 2 outer walls. And they have different heights. It is most often equipped in garages, sheds;
  • gable. Such a roof consists of two planes. They rest on two outer walls, the height of which is equal. These planes are at an angle to each other;

  • hip. It has end slopes in the form of a triangle. The sides are similar to a truncated triangle - a trapezoid;

  • half hip. It consists of two slopes, the end surfaces of which have the form of a triangle;

  • broken line. This is the most complex type of construction. In the lower part of the structure, the slopes look like a rectangle. From above, the connection occurs at an angle, and blunt;

  • tent. This version of the roof also cannot be called easy to build. It is a four-slope structure, and all the slopes are the same in size;

  • cruciform. Most often, this construction option is necessary for the construction of houses with a complex layout. Such a design should be calculated and built by a specialist. The fact is that the technology for erecting this roof provides for the installation of special grooves that need to be marked and installed correctly. Otherwise the roof will leak.

As you can see, there are a lot of types of roofs. During the construction of a building, it is necessary to correctly take into account some rules for choosing a structure so that it fully performs its functions.

How to make the right choice?

In order for the roof to effectively protect the house from the negative effects of the external environment and serve for a long time, it must be chosen correctly. For this, certain factors are taken into account.

Choosing a building based on its cost

The economic component is probably the most important factor influencing the choice of design. It should be noted that the cheapest option will cost you a single-sided or flat design. But it is not suitable for all buildings. For example, it is best to use it for utility buildings.

Shed roof makes it possible to use almost the entire internal volume of the room. Such a roof in the utility rooms can simultaneously play the role of a ceiling.

The most expensive option in this case is a broken and cruciform roof. In addition to the fact that you will need more building materials, the cost of building it will be rather big. Before you start building a roof, you should calculate the price of all the necessary materials in order to purchase everything at once.

Selection of a structure according to technical characteristics

Here you need to take into account the location of the house, the strength of the wind, which is permissible in this region, the frequency and intensity of precipitation. For example, if you need snow or water to not linger on the roof, then it is better to give preference to a steep slope. However, if your area is characterized by the presence of strong winds, then this option is unlikely to work. Although the use of high-pitched roofs is possible in the case of additional strengthening of the truss system.

In areas where there is often strong wind, it is better to build a hip roof, although its construction requires a lot of time, labor and money. If your house has a complex layout, then a broken or cruciform option is preferable for arranging the roof. The construction of such a roof is quite complicated, so it is not recommended to take on this business on your own without having the appropriate experience.

If you want to equip an attic in your house, then it is better to pay attention to a hipped or gable roof. This design will provide additional usable space. Under such a roof, you can even equip the attic floor.

The choice of building in appearance

This parameter is also very important, because the overall appearance of the house depends on it. For example, to make a one-story structure more attractive, you can build a high roof structure. The fact is that it occupies almost the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200ba residential building and should look beautiful. In this case, the building looks good and presentable.

The sloping roofs have an excellent appearance. However, they must be combined with the layout of the house. Moreover, due to the complexity of their design, it will be difficult to build them with their own hands.

Whichever option you choose, the structure of the structure will be the same in any case.

The roof consists of the following elements:

1. Basic structure. It is she who is the basis of the whole structure. Its shape and construction features depend on the type of roof chosen. Its constituent elements are: rafters and wooden.

2. on which the roofing material is mounted. It can be solid or lattice. The first option is best used if you decide to lay a roll roof. During the construction of such a base, boards are used, which are laid out in 2 layers. For the first, material of any width can be used. The second is spread out from narrow boards. Please note that between these layers you need to put a roofing material that provides protection from the wind. The crate is used if you decide to use roofing such as slate, tiles or metal profiles, that is, hard materials. During its construction, consider the following requirements:

  • - all elements are fixed on the rafters as reliably as possible. Otherwise, they may loosen and break;
  • - wooden planks are used as a material;
  • - the joints of the crate on the rafters should not match. In this case, you can ensure maximum strength of the structure;
  • - between the strips it is necessary to maintain the same distance over the entire area. The step depends on the type of roofing material and can vary between 15-50 cm.
3. Thermal and waterproofing.

4. Roof covering. Between it and the previous layer must be equipped with a ventilation gap.

Are there types of truss systems?

This part of the roof is very important and must have maximum strength. The fact is that this design takes on the entire load: the weight of the roofing material, snow pressure, wind load.

There are several types of truss systems:

  • hanging. They are effective if the span is very long;
  • oblique. This option can be used if the span does not exceed 6 m. Please note that this parameter can be doubled, however, do not forget to install an additional support.

The calculation and construction of the truss system requires certain skills. Otherwise, the structure may turn out to be unreliable, and its bearing capacity may be low.

Features of the choice of roofing materials

The topmost layer of a roof is the roof. It is she who takes the first "strike" of the external environment. The roof is affected by temperature changes, precipitation, sunlight. Naturally, this material must meet certain requirements.

He must:

  • meet the functional purpose of the structure;
  • conform to the design features of the roof;
  • under the base: solid or lattice;
  • be resistant to the influence of external climatic conditions;
  • differ in strength and durability;
  • provide a beautiful aesthetic appearance;
  • be economically justified and feasible for the developer's budget;
  • have heat-saving and noise-insulating properties;
  • be well serviced.

As you can see, the roof is an indispensable element of any building, regardless of its functional purpose. It serves to protect the internal space from climatic changes, rainfall inside the rooms. But you need to calculate and build it correctly. Otherwise, it can turn out to be not only non-functional, but also life-threatening, because poorly fixed rafters will lead to the fact that the entire structure will simply collapse. Therefore, if you are not sure of your design capabilities, use the services of experienced craftsmen.

When looking at any private house, it is impossible not to pay attention to its roof. It is the visual effect of the roofing that largely determines the overall style of the cottage. However, just a beautiful roof is “good, but not enough”: in addition to external aesthetics, it must also be reliable and durable. In modern individual construction, many types of roofs are used, so the main task here is not to “get lost” among dozens of offers and make the right choice.

In today's review, we will take a closer look at the following questions:

How to choose the right roof covering so that its further operation does not cause problems.
- Why the choice of roofing requires an integrated approach.
- Roof: types of coverage.
- How to save money when installing a roof.
- In what cases is it better to buy more expensive roofing material in order to avoid unnecessary costs in the future.


As already mentioned, the types of roofs on the modern market are very diverse. When choosing a roofing material, it must be remembered that the following parameters play a major role in this process:

Suitable design;
- acceptable price for you;
- durability (after all, the roof is not that part of the house that can be changed every year);
- lack of difficulties during installation.

It is better to decide on the choice of roofing at the design stage of the future house in order to accurately take into account the load on the truss structure and make a correct calculation of the necessary building materials and roof units.

The “correct” roof necessarily implies comfort inside the house precisely under the climatic conditions in which this house is built and operated. Therefore, the following observations and advice from experts cannot be ignored:

For southern regions, characterized by increased solar activity, the choice of roofing is best done based on its color fastness parameters (ultraviolet stability). You also need to pay attention to the operating temperature range of the future roof covering, as it will get very hot in the summer.

In coastal areas, the roof must be resistant to the aggressive environment created by the salty sea air.

In the northern regions, the weight of the roof covering must be taken into account, since snow loads will be the determining factor in this case.

When designing a roof, snow and wind loads must be taken into account, regardless of the roofing material chosen.

Experienced builders indicate that it is better to choose the roofing material even before the truss system is installed. The fact is that there are some seemingly small, but very important differences in the design of the roofing "pie" for different types of coverage.


The choice of roof is carried out individually in each case - there is no universal advice here. However, there is a certain algorithm approved by professionals.

In order for the roof of your house to please you for many years and not create unnecessary problems, when choosing a roofing, proceed in the following sequence:

First of all, select the design and brand (manufacturer) of the coating from the desired group;
- then select a specific product from them, taking into account its technical characteristics and price (compare offers from different sellers - the cost of the same product may differ significantly in different stores).

Remember that the roof, even made of the highest quality material, will not last long if you do not follow the rules for using this material! The types of roof coverings for roofs are diverse, there are also very cheap offers on the market, but you can only save up to a certain level. Also, do not forget that the durability of the roofing system of the house depends on the correct installation even more than on the quality of the selected material.
When choosing a roof covering, it is necessary to take into account the shape of the roof. If you plan to mount a roof of complex shape, with slopes of various shapes (for example, trapezoidal and triangular), then when using sheet materials (for example, metal tiles), the amount of waste will exceed 30% of the total amount of material. Thus, the roof will be too expensive, so for a complex roof it is more advisable to use another material - for example, soft tiles, or another coating, during installation of which the costs will not be so high.


Roof coverings, presented on the modern building materials market, have different parameters that need to be sorted out before making the final choice. The most popular and common types of roofing are as follows:

metal tile;
- soft bitumen tiles;
- ceramic tiles;
- composite tiles;
- sand-cement tiles;
- steel;
- slate (for the most economical builders).

Let's consider each of them in more detail, so that as a result the roof of your house does not disappoint you and does not require an early replacement.


To date, this material has firmly established itself in the highest positions of popularity among roofing. The metal roof tile is a solid galvanized sheet with or without a coating of various shapes (in professional language - rolling shapes). The cost of this material varies between $5-14.4 per 1 sq. m. meter.

Types of metal tiles differ in coating options (if any), as well as steel thickness and profile. The steel thickness range is 0.4-0.5mm. As the builders explain, the thicker the steel you choose, the more reliable the roof will be. For example, a thickness option of 0.4 mm is considered not a particularly good choice - such steel is too thin, which makes installation difficult: large sheets of metal tiles literally crease like foil during installation.

The term of "life" of a metal tile directly depends on the quality of the galvanized sheet and the quality of the coating. Different types of roofs imply both the purchase of standard metal sheets and their order for individual sizes.

One of the features of this material is that with a fairly extensive choice of colors, there are quite a few rolling forms for metal tiles. This must be taken into account when developing the design of the roof of your house. Also, when planning a purchase, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the price per square meter of the tile itself, but also to the cost of additional elements for its installation - the overpriced price of these elements will “pull” the total cost of the roof with it.

Another important point: when it rains, a metal roof is noisy! Raindrops are loudly knocking on it, and it is heard in the house. To reduce the volume of the "soundtrack", you need to take care of high-quality sound insulation and insulation (insulation materials also muffle unwanted sounds).

If the metal roof is installed correctly, its service life will be about 50 years.


This material is the second most popular in the domestic market of roofing materials after metal tiles. Such a roof is distinguished by wide design possibilities and a variety of shapes and colors. Note that the prices for this coverage also vary in a very wide range, starting from $5 per 1 sq. m. meter of simple quality material and reaching $40-80 for offers from exclusive collections.

A complex roof can also be “dressed” in soft tiles, since this type of roofing has practically no waste during installation. In addition, this tile has excellent soundproofing properties, which allows you to nullify the noise from the rain.

It is important to know that flexible tiles must be laid on a solid base. In most cases, such a base is made of plywood (OSB). Of course, this slightly increases the overall cost of the roofing system.

Any types of roofs covered with soft tiles require a continuous crate. It is most expedient in this case to first make a rare crate, and then fill it with moisture-resistant plywood or OSB boards. So that the slabs do not have to be cut, you need to adjust the pitch of the crate to the dimensions of the slab.

The roof will not get worse if you take a thinner plate. The standard width of the plates is 122 centimeters. The crate can be made from an inch board in increments of 244 centimeters, and an OSM plate 9 mm thick can be fixed along its axes. Such a thickness will be quite sufficient for almost any climatic conditions encountered in the territories of Russia and Ukraine, and the edges of the slab will always be located exactly in the middle of the crate board.

Bitumen roof tiles have another useful feature - they do not need additional waterproofing along the slope of the rafters. A lining layer is laid on a continuous crate, on which the roof tiles are mounted. With this installation algorithm, your roof will not create problems for you either with leaks or with condensate seeping onto the insulation from the inside of the material.

Through such a roof, it is possible to remove a pipe - a fan, smoke or ventilation - much easier and cheaper than through a roof made of other materials. The main thing is not to forget to provide outlets for these pipes in the future roof at the design stage.

In order for a roof covered with soft tiles to serve you for a long time, take into account the following advice, which will be useful to you when buying a coating. It is very important that the bitumen contained in such tiles does not become brittle over time. Checking the quality of bitumen when buying flexible roof tiles is as easy as shelling pears - you need to smell it. If you feel a sharp bituminous smell - refuse to buy this particular type of tile, because it means that the bitumen has been artificially aged, with the addition of various modifiers for elasticity.


This roofing material is made from cellulose (organic fibers) that are impregnated with bitumen. A roof made of bituminous corrugated sheets is easy to install and weighs relatively little. True, the use of such sheets imposes certain restrictions on the variety of design options. But despite this, this material is very popular due to the ease of installation and transportation.

Professionals note that a roof made of corrugated bitumen sheets is especially well suited for small buildings - for example, summer houses, for which you can mount the roof yourself.


The types of roofs are very diverse, but the most durable and reliable will be a steel roof made using standing double seam technology. This type of roof has no holes, it is mounted monolithically and hermetically. A steel roof is exactly the option when the material itself is inexpensive, but requires special attention when laying. There are few masters who know the art of high-quality laying of a steel roof - and, accordingly, the price of installation work in this case increases compared to other materials.

It is worth choosing a steel roof if, first of all, you want it to last for a long time, and the issue of price is not so important for you.


The good old tile is a roof covering material that has deep historical roots, because it began to be used in antiquity. A tiled roof is beautiful and durable, but choosing this option, you should remember that any tile has a solid weight. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the reliability of the truss system and the structure of the house as a whole.

In the line of roof coverings, tiles occupy a place in the premium segment, since they are quite expensive. It is made using several technologies. The modern market offers cement-sand, polymer-sand and ceramic tiles. A tiled roof in its most classic form is made from ceramic tiles.

When choosing a sand-cement tile, it is necessary to pay attention to such a characteristic as cyclicity. The roof of this type of tile absorbs moisture, which expands when the temperature goes below zero and back, which leads to the destruction of the coating.

If you opted for a composite tile - be prepared for the difficulties during its installation. It is better not to trust the laying of this coating to roofers who do not have experience working with composite tiles. But the roof covered with this material looks very impressive due to the combination of the volume of the profile and the stone powder.


Slate roof - the cheapest option of all types of roofs today. In fact, slate can be recommended for use only in cases where the determining criterion for the arrangement of the roof is its budget price. This material is already quite outdated and, in addition, it is characterized by increased fragility, which significantly complicates both its transportation and installation.

Professionals remind that the roof is not the element of the house on which it is worth saving excessively. An excessive desire to reduce costs in this case will lead to a loss in the quality of the roof itself, although the costs of installation work, insulation, etc. will remain unchanged. Therefore, if you expect reliable service from your roof for many years, try to purchase a roofing of a higher quality.

In conclusion, the real estate portal Stopmakler presents an interesting overview

The roof is an integral part of the supporting structure of any home and performs important protective functions. It protects the building from the effects of environmental factors and heat loss, and is responsible for maintaining a comfortable microclimate inside the building. That is why its arrangement should be taken seriously, observing building codes and regulations.

Starting, the owner must decide on the type of future roof at the design stage. The strength, reliability, practicality and aesthetics of the future structure depend on this. What kind of roof to choose for the house? How to choose the right roof? And most importantly, how to be guided in the selection process? We will try to find answers to these questions in this article.

Which roof is better for a house: the main selection criteria

When deciding which roof is best suited for the building structure and which roof covering to choose, it is necessary to proceed from:
- placement of the house relative to sea level;
- climatic conditions and environmental pollution of the area;
- the planned functional purpose of the under-roof space;
- features of the architecture of the building;
- his design.

All of these criteria play an important role in the selection process, and the best roof for a house satisfies each of them.

So, if a building is erected at an altitude of less than 400 meters above sea level, then any structural type of roof can be used for it, if at a height of 400 to 600 meters, it is necessary to arrange only a two-layer, non-flat upper ceiling. In areas remote from the city, where the air is little dusty and polluted with emissions, all types of roofing materials, both thin and thick, can be used. In ecologically polluted areas, the best roof for a house is thick, solid, with minimal porosity and permeability. In regions with a hot climate, the roof should be covered with non-combustible, flame-resistant materials. In regions with a temperate climate, a roof should be used that can better withstand sudden changes in temperature. If an attic is planned under the roof, then the roof should also have an attic structure, if it is planned to organize an attic, then the covering of the house should be attic.

It is important that the roof matches the architectural and stylistic concept of the building. When deciding which roof color to choose and how to choose the shape of the roof, it must be remembered that both color and shape should be in harmony with the facade, emphasizing the external attractiveness of the entire building. The first impression of the house depends on this.

What is the best roof? Design Options

To decide which roof is better to make for your home or summer cottage, you need to know what constructive roof options exist today. The top covering of the house is horizontal (flat) or inclined, pitched. The horizontal structure has no slope. Its absolutely flat surface traps atmospheric precipitation and does not remove them from the roof. This leads to leaks, damage and rapid deterioration of the roof. The pitched structure is arranged at a slope, its parts are connected at an angle. Due to this, atmospheric precipitation does not accumulate on the surface of the pitched roof, the roof is not damaged and serves as the top floor of the house for many years.

Depending on the number of inclined elements, roofs are divided into one-, two-, four-slope, multi-gable and hip. Depending on the shape of the slopes on: hipped and domed with rounded inclined surfaces; conical with elongated and connected into a spire slopes and roofs of the original design. How to choose a roof for a house from the listed varieties? based on their strengths and weaknesses. They are listed in the overviews below.

Shed roofs. They are arranged from one inclined surface, which rests on two load-bearing walls of different heights and is located above the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. They are simple and inexpensive to install, wear out more slowly due to the absence of stressed elements, but resist the wind worse, exclude the possibility of building good thermal insulation, an attic or an attic.

Double pitched roofs. They are mounted from two equal slopes, which are installed on opposite sides of the house, rest on load-bearing walls and are interconnected in the ridge. They are practical, efficient in terms of water drainage, do not require the use of complex building technologies for installation, and have an attractive appearance. Under them, you can always place a heating system, organize an attic or attic. However, the dimensions of gable roofs depend on the parameters of the house, and the larger they are, the larger the size of the roof and the more material is needed for its construction.

Quadruple roofs. They are arranged from two triangular and two trapezoidal slopes. They are characterized by increased strength, reliability, resistance to external loads. Allows maximum use of the usable area of ​​the under-roof space. But the weight of four-pitched structures is large, they can only be installed on thick and strong walls. When installing such roofs, additional engineering calculations and material costs are required.

Hip roofs. They are considered a kind of four-slope. They are arranged from a gable structure, which does not completely cover the length of the house, and two inclined hips that cover the remaining space.

Multi-gable roofs. They include a different number of pitched elements, have a complex structure and are most suitable for multi-level buildings. They look original and presentable. Thanks to the many slopes, they significantly increase the living space. However, their construction is costly and laborious. With an abundance of precipitation, snow and rain can linger on their surface, which accumulate in the corners between the slopes. And this complicates the process of water removal and requires the creation of a complex system for its removal.

Domed, hipped, conical and other unusually shaped roofs look beautiful, but have a complex truss system. Therefore, their installation is the most expensive.

How to choose the angle of the roof and its height

The slope and height of the roof are determined by the architectural, stylistic features of the house. If it is built in a classical style, then it should have a large cover with a slope angle of 40-45º. The height of the roof should be 1/3 of the height of the entire building. When deciding how to choose a roof angle for a house built in the modern style, you should remember that modernity is characterized by smooth lines. Therefore, the angle of inclination should be less than 40º, and the height should be about 1/4 of the height of the entire building. If the house is being built in the Gothic style, then for its pointed roof you should choose a large angle of about 60º.

Architectural fashion is changeable, and today you can find buildings of intricate shape, original design and decoration. But, whatever the stylistic execution of the dwelling, the question of how to choose the height of the roof should be guided by several general principles. The principles of proportionality, practicality and aesthetics. The roof must not:
- "hang" on the windows;
- be "planted" too high above them;
- to give the impression of "pressing" on the whole house.
Excessively high coverage of the house will pull all the attention.

When deciding which corner of the roof to choose, one should take into account the peculiarities of the climate of the region. If the climate is windy, then the slope should not exceed 45º, so that the load on the roof is not too large, and should not be less than 10º, so that the roof does not tear off the roof during strong gusts of wind. If the climate is characterized by heavy snowfalls in winter, then the slope angle should be 40-45º. If it is less, the snow load on the roof will exceed the allowable one. In regions with low rainfall, the slope angle can be 30º.

Roofing for the roof: how to choose what it is?

The main role in the reliability of the roof is played by the roof, or rather the material from which it is made. The strength, durability and stability of the roof depend on the quality characteristics of this material.

The modern market of roofing materials offers consumers the widest range of products. Before you choose a roof for your home, you need to familiarize yourself with it.

All roofing materials are usually classified according to composition, release form and rigidity. Depending on what they are made of, they are divided into:
- mineral - made on the basis of natural slate, ardrogres and minerals (slate tiles);
- ceramic - produced on the basis of clay ();
- bituminous - made from oil refining products with the addition of organic substances (bituminous tiles, bituminous slate);
- metal - produced from zinc, copper and aluminum alloys (, galvanized profiled sheets);
- cement - produced on the basis of sand, asbestos, Portland cement (cement-sand tiles, slate);
- polymeric - are made on the basis of synthetic rubber and PVC (polycarbonate, polypropylene, membranes).

Depending on the form of release, roofing materials are divided into:
- piece (tile);
- sheet (profiled sheets, slate,);
- rolled (rolled membranes, polypropylene).

Depending on the rigidity, materials are divided into:
- soft - roll, polymer;
- solid - piece and sheet of cement, metal, ceramics, slate.

Which roof is better to choose? And what material is better to cover the roof? The answer to these questions cannot be unambiguous, because the universal concept of “the best material for a roof” does not exist. For each specific building, its own roof is selected.

How to choose a roofing material? Experts recommend that the analysis be based on the architecture of the roof, on the conditions of its future operation and the desired durability; proceed from the possible loads that will be exerted on the roof from wind and precipitation, as well as from their own material capabilities. If you take into account all of these factors, then you can easily determine the best roof covering.

What is the best roof? Overview of the most common materials

To understand which roofing material is better, and decide what is better to make a roof from, you need to know the features, advantages and disadvantages of roofing materials. Most often in private construction, tiles, slate and bituminous sheets are used. We provide a brief overview of them below.

Tiling. It is a 30x30 cm tile. It can be ceramic, metal, bituminous and cement-sand. The slope at which it can be used is 20-60º. Service life is about 20-30 years. It is characterized by a low degree of flammability, porous and "breathing" structure, high resistance to corrosion, low temperatures. When choosing what material is better to cover the roof, it should be borne in mind that the tile is a heavy, fragile material. When installing multi-gable roofs, it entails technological difficulties.

Slate. Represents rectangular embossed sheets of asbestos and Portland cement measuring 1.2x0.7m. The slope of the roof, at which it can be used, is from 12 to 60º. Service life is about 30-40 years. Differs in durability, resistance to loadings and low cost. When deciding which material for the roof is better, you need to remember that slate is able to accumulate moisture, and therefore is exposed to many biogenic factors.

Bitumen sheets (euro slate) Represent a rectangular corrugated material 2x1m in size. The minimum slope at which it can be used is 5º. The maximum slope is not standardized and can be anything. The service life is about 15-20 years. The sheets are distinguished by a variety of colors, attractive appearance, light weight and ease of installation. However, when determining the better to cover the roof, it must be taken into account that euroslate is characterized by low frost resistance and belongs to combustible flammable materials.

At the initial stage of construction, it is desirable to have a clear idea of ​​​​what kind of roof to choose for your dream home. After all, if the laid foundation, walls and rafters have a good margin of safety, you will have the opportunity to install any roof for your home.

The roof is not only the protection of the building itself and residents from various manifestations of nature, it is the main decoration of the house.

The roof of the house carries not only the protective function of the house, but is also the main decoration of the house.

It is built for many years, and therefore it is very important that the roof you choose has excellent characteristics: it is durable, frost-resistant, has sound insulation, can withstand a lot of snow, and is beautiful.

What are the criteria for choosing a roof?

1. Bituminous slate (ondulin). 2. Composite tiles. 3. Metal tile. 4. Seam roof.

When choosing the look of the roof, you need to consider in which region you live. How often does it rain, with what force does the wind blow, how much snow falls?

A clear idea of ​​​​what will suit the overall look of the house and what will look ridiculous will help you choose the material for the future roof. After all, the roof is the crown of the entire building and it must correspond to the appearance of the building.

But at the same time, it should be understood that if you need for outbuildings or gazebos, you should not choose a roof “for centuries”.

All currently existing roofing materials are divided into three groups: economy class, business class and premium class.

  1. The most affordable economy class includes asbestos cement sheets (slate), galvanized and non-galvanized steel sheets (corrugated board), ondulin (corrugated bitumen sheets). These are traditional roofing materials widely used in construction.
  2. The business class includes soft roofing and metal tiles. These materials are distinguished not only by their durability, ease of installation, but also by the presentable appearance of the house.
  3. The premium class includes ceramic and composite tiles. Roofs with such a coating look luxurious and expensive.

Characteristics of ceramic tiles

Installation of a roof from a natural tile demands serious skills and a certain experience.

In the manufacture of natural tiles, clay is used, which is molded and fired in kilns at a temperature of 1000 degrees. After firing, it acquires a characteristic red-brown color. If glaze is applied to the tile before the firing process, then such a tile will better resist various atmospheric phenomena and the service life will increase.

The standard size of one tile is 30x30 cm, it weighs up to 2 kg. According to the method of manufacture and location on the roof, several types of ceramic tiles are distinguished. It happens: ceramic ordinary, tape flat, tape slot, stamped slot, 1-wave, 2-wave, grooved.

Recommended when laying ceramic tiles from 25-35 degrees to 60 degrees. If the slope is less than 25 degrees, both waterproofing and ventilation will have to be strengthened. With the recommended roof slope, fastening occurs as standard. If the slope is more than 60 degrees, the tiles must be fixed with additional screws.

The tiles are fastened to each other with the help of special locks; for fastening to the crate, each tile has special holes for screws. When laying tiles, the effect of a roofing carpet is obtained, leakage is excluded.

Ceramic tiles have the longest service life - 100-150 years. It looks appropriate on stone, wooden and brick houses, it is used for any number of storeys of the house.
The price of ceramic tiles varies from 20 to 50 US dollars per 1 sq.m. If you have the opportunity to choose such a roof for your home, you will not regret it.

Pros of choosing ceramic tiles:

  1. Minimal maintenance. A preventive inspection of the roof once a year is enough (clean the gutters, valleys).
  2. Excellent noise reduction.
  3. The material is non-flammable and does not corrode.
  4. Frost resistance is calculated on 1000 and more cycles.
  5. External appeal of the roof, a large selection of colors and shapes.
  6. The roof "breathes", and the moisture that appears quickly evaporates.

Cons of choosing ceramic tiles:

  1. Has a lot of weight. During the construction of the roof will need to be reduced.
  2. The material is very fragile.
  3. With a complex roof structure, a large amount of fastening material will be required.

Characteristics of shingles

By production of a bituminous tile fiberglass, cellulose, polyester is used. This material is reliable. When laying, a continuous roofing carpet is obtained, which only strengthens under the influence of sunlight. You can choose both colors and shapes. The size of 1 sheet is 1 m by 30 cm. The weight of one square meter is 8-12 kg.

Due to the plasticity of bituminous tiles, they can be used in the most intricate roof structures, they are resistant to atmospheric precipitation, and can be chosen for roofs with a minimum slope of 12 degrees. The maximum level is unlimited. It is necessary to lay this type of roof on waterproof plywood using a lining layer of waterproofing.

It is widely used for private houses, cottages, garages and gazebos, for public buildings. If it is necessary to reconstruct the old roof, it is advantageous to use it, since the old waterproofing layer is not removed and bituminous tiles are laid directly on it.
The price of shingles varies from 8 to 10 USD/sq.m.

Advantages of choosing shingles:

  1. There is no scrap both during transportation and installation.
  2. The ability to cover the roof of any shape.
  3. Good roof insulation.
  4. It does not rot, is not subject to corrosion and rust.
  5. Little waste is left during installation.

Cons of choosing shingles:

  1. High flammability of this material.
  2. Burns out in the sun.
  3. During the cold period, installation is not possible.
  4. Considered "not elite".

Characteristics of metal tiles

Scheme of a metal roof.

The metal tile lives up to its name, as it really looks like a tile. But, unlike real tiles, these are textured metal sheets, from 0.4 mm thick, of various sizes and colors. The minimum should be 15 degrees, the maximum slope is not limited. With a slope of up to 20 degrees, the joints must be sealed without fail.

Metal tiles are easy to mount using both roofing screws and ordinary nails. The overlap along the slope should be at least 250 mm, across - by 1 corrugation.
This type of roofing is used very widely both in individual construction and in the construction of industrial facilities, high-rise buildings.

If you want your home to look prestigious, but are not going to spend money on ceramic tiles, then metal tiles are the most suitable option.
The cost of a metal tile varies from 7 to 15 US dollars.

Advantages of choosing a metal tile:

  1. Simple and fast installation.
  2. The material is resistant to mechanical damage.
  3. Light weight (3-5 kg/sq.m).
  4. Does not break during transportation.

Cons of choosing a metal tile:

  1. During installation, a large amount of waste is left.
  2. Bad soundproofing.

Characteristics of asbestos-cement slabs (slate)

Scheme of a roof from a standard slate.

In the production of slate, 85% Portland cement and 15% asbestos are used. These are rectangular sheets measuring 120x70 cm (there are variations), the wave is 28 mm. Weight 1 sq.m - 10-15 kg. Slate sheets are laid on a standard crate, sealing material is usually laid before laying, the slate is fastened with nails with a wide galvanized hat.

The roof slope for slate is recommended from 12 to 60 degrees. Asbestos-cement slabs are recommended for use on objects of minor importance, although it is still used for private houses, cottages and summer cottages. It is used when they want to save money.

A few years ago, it became possible to extend the life of this type of roof and give such a roof a more presentable look. We are talking about a special slate paint, which began to be produced by some defense plants in our country.
The cost of asbestos-cement boards varies from 2 to 3 US dollars.

Advantages of choosing a slate:

  1. It has decent strength properties.
  2. Convenient for installation.
  3. Easy to cut if needed.
  4. Low price.

Cons of choosing slate:

  1. Asbestos harms the human body.
  2. Fragile material.
  3. Over time, it accumulates moisture, both moss and fungus begin to grow on it.

Characteristics of metal roofs

Metal roofs (corrugated board) are divided into:

  • corrugated board;
  • steel seam roof;
  • copper seam roof;
  • aluminum seam roof.

Decking - metal corrugated or profiled sheets. Available with and without polymer coating. It comes in different sizes, the waves also have different configurations. Recommended - 10 degrees. The maximum is not standardized. When laying it is necessary to use a gasket made of glassine. This increases the waterproof properties. The corrugated board is fastened to the crate with self-tapping screws.

The joints are overlapped by 20 cm. It is desirable to treat each joint with a sealant. Decking is used for outbuildings, for industrial construction, but it is also often used for individual construction.
The cost of corrugated board depends on the shape and height of the wave and ranges from 8 to 10 US dollars.

Pros when choosing corrugated board:

  1. Flexible and durable material.
  2. Installation is easy and fast.
  3. Very durable.
  4. Low cost.

Cons when choosing corrugated board:

  1. Very low sound insulation.

Steel seam roofing is smooth steel sheets, which can be galvanized or not, with or without a polymer coating. - 20 degrees, the maximum is not provided. The sheets are interconnected with the help of hooks with a special tool, a seam is formed at the joints. In the form of a gasket, an anti-condensation film is used. It is applied at installation of roofs of churches and ancient estates and on industrial objects.

Copper and aluminum seam roofing is a very expensive material, and at the same time very beautiful, it is not used in conventional construction. It is mainly used in the restoration of cathedrals, churches, historical buildings. The cost of a steel seam roof varies from 5 to 7 US dollars.

Characteristics of bituminous slate

The sheets look like slate, but have a different structure and color. In the manufacture of bituminous slate, cellulose impregnated with bitumen, treated with special resins, pigments and additives under high pressure and temperature is used.
Another name for bituminous slate is "flexible slate".

The minimum recommended slope when using this material is 5 degrees. Maximum - not standardized. With a minimum slope, the crate should be solid. For this, moisture-resistant plywood or board is used. Starting from a slope of 10 degrees, the crate is made in increments of 45 cm. With a slope of more than 15 degrees, the crate step increases.

Rolled waterproofing is used as a gasket. Due to its flexibility, this material is used on curved roofs. It is used both for individual construction and for the construction of industrial premises, for the roofs of restaurants, cafes.

The cost of this roofing material is 5-6 US dollars.

Pros when choosing a flexible slate:

  1. Very light material, 3-5 kg/sq.m.
  2. Convenient to work.
  3. Wide selection of colors.

Cons when choosing a flexible slate:

  1. Very hot.
  2. Blooms in the sun.
  3. The roof can "lead" from the heat.
  4. Low frost resistance.

The most important characteristics that a roof should have are reliability and durability.

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