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Law enforcement who can work after graduating from college. In which specialty there are more professions of jurisprudence or law enforcement. Knowledge and skills acquired

Previously, graduates with a specialty "Forensic examination" could only work in state structures - the police or the prosecutor's office. But nowadays it is not uncommon for experts in this field to be hired by private organizations. For example, each insurance company has its own specialist to prove the insured event. In addition, there are independent morgues where it is possible to double-check the authenticity of the expertise carried out by government experts.

In order for the court to be able to deliver a fair verdict, a solid evidence base must first be collected. This is done by the forensic staff. What is this profession, every employee knows internal organs: it is the expert who conducts research on various evidence. He can indicate the time of death, determine the weapon with which the murder was committed, or find out with which tool the door was broken. The expert sends the collected data to law enforcement agencies, and already there it is decided how to use it. It often happens that the identity of a criminal is established precisely thanks to the work of an expert.

Specialty - Forensic medical examination - (residency)

  • establishment of the fact, time, cause of death;
  • assistance to the investigator in examining the corpse at the scene;
  • conducting research using special methods;
  • analysis of the circumstances of the incident, the necessary documentation;
  • expert work during extreme situations;
  • diagnostics of injuries, severity of injuries;
  • methodology for the examination of adverse treatment outcomes in civil and criminal cases;
  • preparation of expert opinions.

A forensic specialist is consulted to determine the severity of injuries sustained as a result of violent acts by one person or group of persons. On the basis of the opinion issued by the expert, the article of the Criminal Code is determined, the perpetrator is brought to justice.

All cases when it is necessary to make a diagnosis during life or after death, death during surgery - require research and discussion in the medical community. The data of the attending physician is compared with the data of the autopsy, after which a conclusion is made as to how much the treatment is or was correct. The pathologist conducts an autopsy, if the person died at home, the cause of death is not clear, but there are no signs of violence.

The pathologist is a physician with a higher education. But he is not involved in treatment. For the sake of brevity, the experts themselves call themselves pathologists. But in any case, already by the name it is clear that they are engaged in autopsies of the dead. A posthumous autopsy is called an autopsy (from the Greek auto - self and opsis - vision). Everything that was hidden during life becomes visible on the pathologist's desk. Therefore, doctors have this joke: a pathologist is the best diagnostician. He is also engaged in intravital research - he studies the tissues of diseased organs in order to find out if there are cancer cells... This is necessary for planning the operation and further treatment. The pathologist makes a diagnosis by examining the thinnest section of tissue under a microscope.

What is a forensic expert? All the subtleties and pitfalls of the profession

I would like to pay special attention to forensic experts. The fact is that this profession requires not only the education of a criminalist, but also a thorough medical training. Without it, a forensic expert will simply not be able to carry out his duties. And with him they are very extensive.

  1. Determine the cause and time of death. To do this, he needs to have a wide knowledge in the field of anatomy, as well as know the features chemical processes flowing in the human body.
  2. Be able to “shoot” beatings. That is, to be able to distinguish the types and types of intentional injuries, as well as to determine their severity.
  3. Understand toxicology. After all, it is this science that helps to determine the degree and type of drug intoxication, as well as to identify the presence of poisonous enzymes in the victim's blood.
  4. Understand medical records and be able to compose them correctly. Any oversight or inaccuracy can lead to the fact that the evidence will not be admitted to court.

Profession: forensic scientist

First, small, neat pieces of fabric are cut. After that, the same pieces are put into formalin and fixed in it. Then the material is placed in a special apparatus in which formalin is replaced with paraffin. This is done in order to then cut the piece of tissue we need into plates of several microns. Then the sample is placed in special cassettes and fed for cutting.

- Let's take a typical road accident as an example. There is a suspect and a victim. The accused denies his guilt. A small hair was found on the hood of the suspect's car. After analyzing it, we found that the hair belongs to the victim in the accident. This is direct evidence that a hit was made.

Where can you get training as a forensic expert and how much you can earn

  • Law Institute of the Moscow State University of Railways of Emperor Nicholas II (MIIT):
    • program: "Engineering and technical expertise";
    • course cost: from 160 thousand rubles per academic year.
  • Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafina:
    • duration of study: 5 years;
    • course cost: from 270 thousand rubles per academic year.
  • Russian State University justice:
    • program: "Forensic examination";
    • duration of study: 5 years;
    • course cost: from 228 thousand rubles per academic year.
  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation them. V. I am Kikotya:
    • program: "Forensic examinations";
    • duration of study: 5 years.
  • State Academy fire service Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, emergencies and disaster relief:
    • program: "Forensic examination";
    • duration of study: 5 years;
  • State Social and Humanitarian University:
    • program: "Forensic examination";
    • duration of study: 5 years;
    • course cost: from 132 thousand rubles per academic year.
  • Moscow State Technical University them. N.E. Bauman (National Research University):
    • program: "Forensic examination";
    • duration of study: 5 years;
    • course cost: from 206 thousand rubles per academic year.
  • All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia):
    • programs (postgraduate study):
      • "Criminalistics";
      • "Forensic activity";
      • "Operational-search activity".
    • duration of study: from 3 years;
    • course cost: from 158 thousand rubles per academic year.
  • Institute for Advanced Studies "SUDEKS":
    • 74 training programs, including:
      • "Fundamentals of Forensic Science";
      • "Fundamentals of Criminalistics";
      • "Research of handwriting and signatures";
      • Study of Written Speech;
      • "Investigation of the details of documents";
      • "Research of materials of documents".
    • the cost of the training course: from 25 thousand rubles;
    • issuance of a certificate / certificate based on the results of training
  • Institute of Professional Education:
    • program: "Forensic examination"
    • duration of study: 16 academic hours;
    • course cost: from 15 thousand rubles;
  • Russian University of Transport (MIIT):
    • 12 training programs, including:
      • "Forensic technical and forensic examination of documents";
      • "Examination of documents materials";
      • "Fingerprinting and fingerprinting examination";
      • "Forensic ballistic expertise";
      • "Trasological examination";
      • "Forensic portrait examination";
      • "Forensic handwriting examination".
    • duration of training: from 40 to 72 hours;
    • course cost: from 10 to 20 thousand rubles;
    • issuance of a certificate / certificate based on the results of training.
  • Institute of Art Business and Antiques:
    • program: "Forensic Art Expertise";
    • duration of study: 104 academic hours;
    • course cost: from 36 thousand rubles;
    • issuance of a certificate based on the results of training.

What needs to be passed to a forensic scientist

in medical. graduate from the Faculty of General Medicine and the Department of Forensic Medicine. I also think that it is possible through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but I do not know how. To get started, go once to the city morgue. just smell, well, look. what you see in the movies and what you see in life, there are two big differences) in our country, morgues are such that little will seem to anyone.

It may seem ridiculous, but its future profession I only see the medical examiner. I love reading books on this subject, watching films. I know that this profession is very difficult psychologically, but this is what attracts me. I don't see myself office worker or a representative of another profession. Who can say anything about this profession, where to enter (I am in grade 9) and what exams to take. I look forward to receiving answers.

Pathologists and forensic experts

Pathologist - you need to come to this specialization after weighing all the pros and cons, and you need to look at other specializations, and it is better to evaluate the specializations of interest in practice. Indeed, only in practice can you look at the routine work of a doctor of a particular specialization, and by comparing all the pros and cons of a particular specialization, you can decide who you want to work with. At the age of 13 and in the 3rd year of the medical university, it is still too early to think about such a specialization. The profession is very interesting, mainly a microscope. There are autopsies, but in comparison with biopsies there are not so many of them. And the attachment to the bottle is no more than the doctors of other specialties drink.

What holds in the profession? Biopsy work is a lifelong charade with many unknowns, which is a matter of honor to solve. Another of the delights - permanent job brains and the broadest erudition. In our medicine, only the head is served: neurosurgeon, neurologist, ENT doctor, ophthalmologist, dentist, maxillofacial surgeon, psychiatrist, etc. (sorry if I missed anyone), I will not go down to the middle and lower floors. And with each of the specialists, the pathologist must not only talk on an equal footing, but also, often, look for mistakes in their work.

Where to study as a forensic scientist? What subjects do I need to take? Useful information for everyone

Forensics - what is this profession? What qualities does a specialist need? Education is far from the only prerequisite for becoming a professional in this field. A candidate for this position also needs a set of certain internal qualities, otherwise the work will break. What are these qualities?

Firstly, a forensic expert must have iron restraint. Without this, he will not be able to study as a forensic scientist around the clock in search of evidence. In addition, a true professional must always remain cool. After all, he will constantly have to face horror in the process of his work. Despite the cruelty with which the crimes were committed, he needs to remain impartial, make judgments soberly, and quickly perform the necessary actions.

It's like working as a forensic scientist in general

Of course, there were some professional deformations. I automatically gaze at all sorts of damage and try to establish what and how they were made - whether it be a hole in the clothes, a chipped tile in the bathroom, a bruise on the shoulder, or even a knife mark on a steak. In general, the brain is constantly demanding answers "why and how did this happen?" I also don't like pedestrians crossing the road at the red light. Today he is lucky, and tomorrow because of him several people will have more work.

Myth 1. Forensic scientist = pathologist. In fact, these are two different specialists who work in different institutions... Pathologists work at hospitals and their main task is to answer the question whether a patient died from what he was being treated for or not. Everything that happened outside medical institutions, goes to city morgues to forensic experts.

30 Jul 2018 8108

The question that torments many newly minted students of the Faculty of Law Enforcement, who can then work with such a diploma? However, some graduates are experiencing difficulty, but already in terms of the direction of future activities.

The list of professions that are available with a law degree is quite large. It is worth choosing a specific direction based on own desires and the ability to meet employers' requirements.

If we talk about the specialty, law enforcement is to respect and protect all the rights of every citizen and his freedoms. V this direction all government agencies work. In a narrower sense of the word, law enforcement activities are carried out by a number of structures that directly control the observance of rights and freedoms in the event of violation of the latter.

Law enforcement students are trained in several job profiles. Namely:

  • educational and legal;
  • administrative;
  • operational search;
  • to ensure the functioning of special forces;
  • on .

Upon admission, each young specialist can choose the direction in which it will be most effective. Further training will be based on the chosen profile.

Who can work with a diploma "law enforcement"

Choosing a job seems like a pretty daunting process. Especially when it comes to girls with a diploma in law enforcement and jurisprudence. in which the knowledge gained at a university or college of law is applicable is impressive. The general list includes positions:

  • an investigator;
  • interrogator;
  • forensic expert;
  • district;
  • a lawyer;
  • notary;
  • forensic scientist;
  • lawyer (legal adviser).

This list applies equally to graduates of both sexes. Although it is generally considered more suitable for women such positions as: notary, lawyer, lawyer - in modern society there are no gender restrictions in terms of positions held. And therefore, a girl who graduated from the faculty of law enforcement at a university can freely choose the occupation that interests her within the specialty.

Ideally, each specialist should take his place in or other services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, the skills gained during training will also be useful in private practice (notary, legal adviser, investigator). In addition, given the widespread demand for legal advice, in-house lawyers are necessary for every large enterprise.

For the protection of citizens of any state, there are appropriate services and specialists. They operate within the framework of legal legislation. Various measures can be taken to regulate and maintain order based on laws.

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For the special services to function, it is necessary to train personnel in the direction of law enforcement. They must help the population in protecting their rights and freedoms, and maintain order in society.

After a person receives an education in this specialty, he must determine who can work in law enforcement. This will allow you to choose the appropriate institution where the person will go to find a job.

You can work with a law enforcement diploma in several directions. It is worth finding out the most relevant ones in 2019.

Characteristics of the specialty

Law enforcement can be viewed in a broad and narrow sense. In the first case, a system is envisaged that includes bodies of state subordination. Their activities are aimed at the observance of civil rights and freedoms.

In the second case, it means the work of the bodies that ensure the rule of law. They protect society and the population from violations of the law and their consequences. The work is carried out within the framework of the existing regulatory legal acts.

Before starting training or work, you need to find out the essence of the concept, its specifics. This will allow you to familiarize yourself with the principles of work. It is also easier for a citizen to decide on a specialization in order to enter the desired state or private university.

The dictionaries note that law enforcement refers to activities aimed at maintaining order in society. It is carried out by authorized structures that use separate measures of influence within the framework of the law.

There are three main features of law enforcement:

  • the basis for its implementation is the law;
  • the procedure and measures for implementation are prescribed in regulatory legal acts;
  • the body that conducts the PD has specific powers within the framework of the law.

Nuances of legal activity

The legislation provides for activities to maintain order in society. It is aimed at respecting the rights and interests of not only individuals, but also legal entities.

Within the framework of it, cases can be considered:

  • criminal;
  • administrative;
  • political;
  • economic nature.

In accordance with the specialization, a set of measures is selected within the framework of the penitentiary security system. Therefore, the work is carried out by several specialists at the same time.

The system includes a lawyer who can be:

  • an accusing prosecutor;
  • a defending lawyer;
  • by the sentencing judge.

Every specialist who fits the definition of law enforcement is involved. Representatives rely on the norms of the law during the investigation of the case, determining the circumstances of the incident, as well as when passing the sentence.

As practice shows, administrative cases include:

Cases are heard in the administrative court. Sometimes a sentence is imposed before a court hearing is held. This is provided if the parties reach an agreement with each other. It is important that representatives of law enforcement agencies are directly involved in the process.

Consideration of the activities of the political court deserves special attention. During its implementation, special means, tools and performers are used. Participation is allowed for citizens who have the right to govern the state. It is important that all interests of the population are ensured and respected in it.

Basic conditions

The profession associated with law enforcement involves training in one of the educational institutions. They can be of federal or regional status, private or public. It is important to know what prospects such education has, as well as the main features of its receipt.

Study options in Russia

To work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the court, the prosecutor's office, the investigative committee, you need to get an appropriate education.

There are several institutes and universities that provide for the issuance of diplomas in this direction:

Name of the educational institution Number of places funded from the federal budget Passing score for admission Cost of one year of study
Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after V.Ya. Kikotya 1 thousand 238 174
Moscow State Linguistic University 637 236 96 thousand rubles
Higher School of Economics National Research University 2 thousand 19 242 260 thousand rubles
All-Russian State University of Justice 119 201 104 thousand rubles
Moscow State Transport University 1 thousand 470 128 42 thousand rubles
Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notary Absent 94 thousand rubles
Moscow Technological University 2 thousand 716 112 27 thousand 930 rubles
St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation 258 249
Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives 190 31 thousand 900 rubles
Novosibirsk State Agrarian University 1 thousand 323 103 20 thousand rubles
Moscow University of Finance and Law MFLA 51 thousand rubles

Available perspectives

The federal executive body of the Russian Federation decided to increase salaries employees of internal affairs organizations. In this regard, the work of a law enforcement officer has become more attractive to citizens. The flow of applicants to universities that conduct training in this area has increased.

Salaries have increased significantly. Even in the absence of work experience, the district police officer receives at least 40 thousand rubles. At the same time, the work requires not only complete dedication, but also passing various tests and trials.

Labor activity in law enforcement agencies is unpredictable, even though it is carried out according to the regulations. The employee must act promptly. As a reward, there is a rank system introduced many years ago.

A person at the time of entering the service is assigned a certain title. He will not be able to jump over one and get a higher one. At the same time, the employee has the opportunity to remain in a specific position for a long period of time.

Education in universities in this area is also in demand. To reach career growth in the profession, a boy and a girl must complete a master's degree. Almost every university and institute that trains specialists has it. In addition to working in the authorities, you can also count on the implementation of teaching activities in legal disciplines.

Once completed this stage, you can go to graduate school. The graduate prepares a Ph.D. thesis. It is worth remembering that young man it also gives the right not to join the army.

Subjects and forms of study

All law enforcement students undergo general education training in core subjects. In addition, there are other areas that specialize specifically in the issues of this profession. The training is based on the types of legal relations, legal issues and international normative legal acts.

There are several disciplines that mandatory every student of this faculty should study:

  • foundations of the Russian state;
  • jurisprudence;
  • international law;
  • administrative, criminal, civil law;
  • forensics;
  • implementation of document circulation, office work and judicial consideration of cases;
  • the rules according to which justice is administered;
  • operational search activity;
  • physical training;
  • possession of weapons;
  • self-defense;
  • other items.

To make teaching students as convenient as possible, several forms have been developed. A person can attend classes during:

List of professions

Law enforcement is carried out in several professions.

To determine who a student seeks to work, you need to find out characteristics each specialty:

Advocate Deals with the protection of the rights of citizens. He represents the interests of individuals and legal entities during the consideration of an administrative case, criminal offense, property proceedings. He helps to cook statements of claim, as well as other documents for the consideration of the case. In addition, the defense lawyer acts with the parties during the trial.
Interrogator Collects information. His duties include interviewing citizens who are involved in a crime or offense. He must inquire until a criminal case is initiated.
Criminologist Conducts the study of subjects that relate to the criminal case. He takes pictures of the crime scene.
Notary Provides legal advice. This specialist certifies that transactions are carried out safely. Also, the notary certifies all documents, their copies.
Police officer Direct work with citizens is being carried out. It identifies persons who have violated the law and order. Also this specialist protects the rights of law-abiding citizens. Policemen are patrolling the streets in order to identify and detain suspicious persons.
Jurist Engaged in teaching the basics of law, its branches, as well as social studies. The representative of the highest structure is the prosecutor. He conducts an investigation on a specific criminal case. During the trial, this official acts as a prosecution.
Investigator Must study all the circumstances of the case. Its purpose is to identify and punish the guilty person.
Forensic expert If a person wants to conduct laboratory and medical research. The study of materials, tools is carried out in a specific criminal case.
Bailiff Carries out the execution of court decisions. He ensures the order of the courts, collects debts, communicating with the debtor at his home. The specialist has irregular working hours. You have to work not only on weekends and holidays but also at night.
Precinct Obliged to respond to citizens' statements. He accepts applications for further investigation and does not allow re-commission of crimes.
Lawyer Must understand all branches of law. He can act as a specialist from the executive or the judiciary, the investigation. The specialist must be able to interpret federal laws various state-owned enterprises. He also prepares documents, contracts, represents interests in court. The specialty is in demand in commercial structures. After all, a lawyer can teach, conduct political and economic activities.

Functionality of the diploma

After a person receives a diploma, he must decide on the place of work. This is especially true for situations when a girl graduates from training. It is important to carefully approach the issue of choosing a profession.

Allocate a large number of organizations that make it possible to apply the knowledge gained during the course of study in practice. Representatives of both sexes can work in these specialties.

Despite this, women often become notaries, lawyers or lawyers. Therefore, the girl must easily find appropriate place work.

Details after grade 9

Go to educational institution a person can even after he graduated from the 9th grade. The passing score is from 35 to 77 on the exam.

The specialty "law enforcement" requires passing tests in the following subjects:

  • Russian language;
  • social studies, which is a specialized subject;
  • foreign language or history.

This is a difficult profession and not an easy lawyer's bread, but there is an opportunity for professional and human realization. For a lawyer to be good, you need aphorism in court. The ethics of the lawyer-client relationship is also very important. The legal profession is often criticized, but without it human society cannot exist. The lawyer educates citizens about their legally enshrined rights, helps to analyze difficult situations from the point of view of the law. In criminal cases, a lawyer cannot refuse an accepted defense, including because of money. He has no right to terminate the contract. But the lawyer has the right not to accept the defense. The client may not like it, but the lawyer needs a professional view of the case, not friendship with his client. The legal profession is a state of mind. You have to feel it. You need to understand what it means to protect a person. Decency is needed.

Who can work with a specialty law enforcement


Also, the overwhelming majority has branches in other localities.

Rector - Olga Ivanovna Alexandrova (since 2014). RPA has 14 branches located in St. Petersburg, Izhevsk.
Petrozavodsk, Saransk, Tula and other cities. The university accepts students for three faculties:

  • Social and legal.
  • Advanced training.
  • Legal.

RPA prepares bachelors, specialists, masters, as well as postgraduate, doctoral and pre-university education.

Professions hidden behind the definition law enforcement

Criminal, administrative, political and economic cases are considered.


Specialization contributes to the provision of security in the penitentiary system.

It is achieved working together lawyers: an accusing prosecutor, a defending lawyer, and an impartial judge.
In such a case, all professions related to law enforcement are involved.
Its representatives rely on the "letter of the law" in the investigation and sentencing of this case.
The practice of law enforcement shows that the section of administrative cases includes appeals, complaints and proposals of citizens, as well as disciplinary offenses.
They are examined by administrative courts. In some cases, the sentence is imposed before the trial.

Specialty "law enforcement": who can work?

Law enforcement specialty Law enforcement (specialty 40.02.02) monitors the implementation of the rights of citizens and protects the right from violations and ensures freedoms within the framework of the law.

The essence of training in the specialty law enforcement is as follows:

  • control over the implementation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation);
  • the execution of justice;
  • organization of work of courts;
  • identification and investigation of violations of law;
  • legal assistance, protection of the law in the public name, protection of citizens;
  • protection of civil interests by a notary;

STR law enforcement after grades 11 and 9 Law enforcement is a specialty that requires a conscious attitude, which cannot be entered easily or on a leftover basis.

"law enforcement" (specialty)

In addition, most educational institutions employ their graduates. Upon completion of training in the specialty "Law enforcement", who can work, will tell the experience, since the student undergoes several types of internships, in which he can personally see the work of a particular specialist, weigh the pros and cons. Documents for admission The first step is to take the application for admission to the police station at the place of residence. The employees of the authorities draw up a personal file and send it to the chosen university or institute.

Then, on behalf of the applicant, a statement is written to the head of the Department of Internal Affairs.

After that, the completing body must issue the following documents:

  • The results of medical and military expertise.
  • The results of professional psychological selection.

Specialty law enforcement

The signs of law enforcement are as follows:

  • all actions are carried out in accordance with the law;
  • the order is strictly established, which is regulated by law;
  • bodies implementing legal measures are clearly defined and have a specific list of powers regulated by law.

Tasks, functions Traditionally, the documents indicate the following institutions: the court, the bodies of operational-search activity, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, customs, the prosecutor's office, and so on.

This includes public organizations of a certain type and type of work.

Information about the profession "Law enforcement" directly depends on the specific type. However, there are also general concepts, to which each of them is obligatorily responsible. These are the signs to which institutions, legal frameworks and powers, direction correspond.

What is the difference between jurisprudence and law enforcement

  • It is an activity affecting all state bodies (three branches of government: legislative, judicial and executive), ensuring the normative observance of personal and non-property rights and freedoms of citizens, their further implementation, law and order and, accordingly, legality.
  • Activities related to specially empowered (competent) law enforcement agencies that exist to perform tasks such as: detection, suppression and prevention of offenses. Also, through law enforcement, various sanctions and measures of influence in the form of determining the punishment for the crime committed can be applied to offenders.
  • General Jurisprudence and law enforcement are regulated by the legal framework of the law and operate exclusively in accordance with all norms. law enforcement - who to work with after specialization

Jurisprudence seems to be a multifaceted branch, which implies the profession of a lawyer. This profession closely related to concepts such as law, law, professional legal assistance. The content of the work activity of absolutely any lawyer is directly related to the subject matter of the cases that he conducts.

Under the jurisprudence today it is customary to understand the following concepts, closely related to each other.

  1. The science of state and law.

Major legal professions and positions

It is also worth knowing what law enforcement is for.

Its tasks, functions are also a subject of compulsory study. Among the latter, the following are highlighted:

  • Monitoring compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (relevant courts).
  • Establishing justice.
  • Organizational support for the activities of courts.
  • Detection and investigation of crimes.
  • Legal assistance, protection of the law on behalf of society, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.
  • Notarial protection of citizens' interests.

Each of the above functions is performed by a certain body, but they are all interrelated, and the work of some affects the result of others directly or indirectly.

District police officer An official who controls the activities of suspicious elements, who protects citizens in a certain area of ​​a residential area of ​​the city.

District commissioners represent the middle and senior commanding officers of the police. Lawyer Specializes in the application and interpretation of laws, their observance in government agencies, enterprises and institutions. Like a lawyer, he assists in the competent preparation of documents, contracts, represents the interests of the plaintiff in court. The lawyer analyzes and reviews the current legislation. The qualification "lawyer" of the specialty law enforcement is in demand also by commercial structures. A lawyer has the right to conduct teaching, political work, and act in financial institutions. Each of these professions is necessary in the modern labor market.

It is worth deciding, before applying for the specialty "Law enforcement", who you can work with. Modern universities train judges, police officers, investigators, lawyers, prosecutors and other specialists. Depending on the direction of study, the place of work is also determined. In addition, most educational institutions employ their graduates.

The first step is to understand what constitutes law enforcement, its concept, essence. This is necessary to understand the principles of work, determine the specialization for which it is worth submitting documents, as well as assess the characteristics of the work. According to dictionaries, PD is the form state activities, and it is carried out for the protection of the law. This is carried out by the authorized bodies when applying certain legal measures of influence that clearly comply with the law.

Specialty law enforcement

Specializes in the application and interpretation of laws, their observance in government agencies, enterprises and institutions. Like a lawyer, he assists in the competent preparation of documents, contracts, represents the interests of the plaintiff in court. The lawyer analyzes and reviews the current legislation.

District Police Officer
An official who controls the activities of suspicious elements, who protects citizens in a certain area of ​​a residential area of ​​the city. District commissioners represent the middle and senior commanding officers of the police.

Law enforcement - (specialty)

  • foundations of Russian statehood;
  • jurisprudence;
  • international, criminal, administrative, civil, constitutional law, as well as its other varieties;
  • record keeping, legal proceedings, document flow;
  • implementation of operational-search measures;
  • physical training, classes in the possession of weapons and methods of self-defense;
  • other items.

Social studies is an important (profile) exam for admission. The applicant also takes the Russian language and the choice of either history / foreign language / computer science, it is important to pay attention to the passing score on the EGE. Upon admission to the specialty as a second higher education the applicant is being tested.

Professions hidden behind the definition law enforcement

Political court differs from other forms. He uses special tools, resources and performers. At a political court or political regime Citizens who have the full right to govern the state, where human rights are respected and ensured, can participate. V political system the political process provides conditions for the maximum limitation of the citizen's ability to influence the political life of society. The specialty of a political court differs from other courts also in that the decision of the process is achieved and enforced within the state.

  • department information technologies communication with information security;
  • department for financial and economic policy and provision of social guarantees;
  • legal department;
  • organizational and legal department;
  • forensic center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • control and auditing department.

Who can work with a specialty law enforcement

This specialty requires conscientiousness in its choice. It should be understood that it is too easy to enroll in training to fail. You can start learning both after the 9th and after the 11th grade. If finished 9th grade comprehensive school, there are such forms of training:

Each student who faces the choice of a future specialty of education thinks about who he is later on, he will be able to work, having acquired this or that profession. Law enforcement: who can work - this is a question that interests many.

Time-tested: who can you work with, having a specialty - Law enforcement

If we talk about the specialty, law enforcement is to respect and protect all the rights of every citizen and his freedoms. All state bodies are working in this direction. In a narrower sense of the word, law enforcement activities are carried out by a number of structures that directly control the observance of rights and freedoms and are involved in restoring justice in case of violation of the latter.

Choosing a job seems like a pretty daunting process. Especially when it comes to girls with a diploma in law enforcement and jurisprudence. The number of services in which knowledge gained at a university or college of law is applicable is impressive. The general list includes positions:

Law enforcement activity

to legally qualify facts, events and circumstances; make decisions and take legal actions in strict accordance with the law; ensure compliance with the law by subjects of law; to implement the norms of substantive and procedural law; to ensure the rule of law and law and order, the safety of the individual, society and the state, to protect public order; carry out operational and service activities in accordance with the profile of training; suppress illegal actions, including taking actions to suppress offenses by force, arrest and escort offenders; ensure the identification, disclosure and investigation of crimes and other offenses in accordance with the profile of training; carry out technical and forensic and special technical support operational and service activities; provide first aid and self-help; use in professional activities regulatory legal acts and documents to ensure the secrecy regime in the Russian Federation; ensure the protection of information constituting a state secret, information of a confidential nature and other secrets protected by law; to carry out the prevention of crimes and other offenses based on the use of the laws of crime, criminal behavior and methods of their prevention, to identify and eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of offenses; carry out their professional activities in cooperation with employees of other law enforcement agencies, local authorities, with representatives of public associations, with municipal bodies for the protection of public order, labor collectives, citizens; to carry out organizational and managerial functions within small teams, both in the conditions of daily service activities, and in non-standard conditions, extreme situations; carry out documentation support for management activities.

  • Theory of Government and Rights
  • Constitutional law
  • Civil law
  • Labor law
  • Criminal law
  • criminal process
  • Special tactical training
  • Fire training
  • Special equipment"
  • Records management and secrecy
  • First aid
  • Law Enforcement Management Basics

Specialty jurisprudence and law enforcement activities by whom to work

  • Administrative activities
  • Educational and legal
  • Activities of special units
  • Ensuring security in the penitentiary system
  • Operational-search activity
  • Defense of the diploma project
  • State exam (some universities do not conduct a state exam)

The main subjects in the professional cycle: - Theory of state and law - Theory of management in law enforcement agencies The study of these cycles should be devoted at least 70%, while the remaining 30% provide an opportunity educational institution teach the specifics of the direction and give in-depth knowledge in specific areas. The training practice is 13 weeks. Terms of study: On the basis of 11 classes - 2 years 6 months On the basis of 9 classes - 3 years 6 months.

Legal support of national security lawyer who can work

It is also worth noting that there is an international police - Interpol, which operates around the world and has more possibilities, and also deals with especially important matters. The last type is legal aid bodies. They include the bar, notary and others.

Graduates can realize themselves by working in the Armed Forces and border troops, law enforcement and security agencies, in emergency response services; in institutions that ensure the safe operation of industrial facilities, energy, transport, agriculture, media.

Law enforcement specialty who can work

The training profile (specialization) is an in-depth study of a narrow field of activity within one specialty. As a rule, specialization takes place in senior courses. In addition to basic general education subjects, students begin to study a block of specialized disciplines that will allow graduates to better master practical skills and abilities.

Depending on the profile of training, students undergo practical training in law enforcement and judicial bodies (federal courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts, constitutional courts of the regions), in departments providing assistance to courts (bailiff service, ministries of justice and internal affairs, prosecutor's office), in inquiry bodies and preliminary investigation (police, forensic laboratories), in lawyers and notaries. Also, the bases of training practices can be the traffic police, customs services, institutions of social and legal protection, private detective bureaus, security agencies, etc.

05 Aug 2018 837

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