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Composition “The poetry of Marina Tsvetaeva is a diary of her soul. “Confessional lyrics by M. Tsvetaeva Poetry by Tsvetaeva as a lyrical diary

Tsvetaeva's love for poetry woke up early. While still very young, she secretly released her first poetry collection, Evening Album, secretly from her family. The reviews for this book were very favorable, which instilled confidence in the young poetess. Tsvetaeva's poetry is a kind of diary, which reflects all the significant events of her difficult life:
red brush
The rowan lit up.
Leaves were falling.
I was born.

The meeting with her future husband Sergei Efron turned Marina's whole life upside down. They not only loved, they idolized each other. Here are the lines Tsvetaeva dedicated to her beloved:

When the civil war began, Sergei fought on the side of the whites. This circumstance put Marina in a practically hopeless situation, because the Bolsheviks could arrest her at any moment, despite the fact that she welcomed both revolutions.
During the war, Sergei goes missing. For Tsvetaeva, it was a difficult and terrible time when she, with two children in her arms, vegetated in hungry Moscow. It was then that these merciless lines were born:

I have two enemies in the world,
Two twins inextricably merged:
The hunger of the hungry and the satiety of the well-fed!

Soon, the second daughter of Tsvetaeva and Efron, Irina, dies of starvation, not even reaching her third birthday. It is even impossible to imagine the grief of a mother who lost her little child:

Light-on a thin neck-

Dandelion on a stem!
I still don't quite understand
That my child is in the ground.

For a long seventeen years, the poetess lived away from her homeland, in exile. There was a lot of talk about this. Some condemned Tsvetaeva, saying that she could not stand the difficult life and hunger, having fled abroad, well-fed and prosperous. But any condemnation here is simply inappropriate, because not every person will endure what Marina endured.

It was abroad, in Prague, that her beloved husband was found. So Tsvetaeva decided to emulate, because Sergei's arrival in Russia was simply impossible. Far from her homeland, Marina Tsvetaeva continues to write a lot. It was at this time that poems about fellow poets appeared. The poetess Blok was especially delighted, whom she idolized.
In 1939, Tsvetaeva returned to the Soviet Union with her husband, daughter and son. Soon the husband and daughter were arrested. The Great Patriotic War began. All these tragic events inexorably pushed Tsvetaeva to that terrible decision that she made and carried out on August 31, 1941 - she committed suicide.

It's still hard for me
Imagine yourself dead.
Like a hoarder millionaire
Among the starving sisters.
What can I do to please you?
Give some news about it.
In the silence of your departure
There is an unspoken reproach...
Face turned to God
You reach for him from the ground
As in the days when you have a total
Haven't let her down yet.

This is how Boris Pasternak responded to her death.

    The name of Marina Tsvetaeva, along with the names of Vladimir Mayakovsky, Anna Akhmatova, Sergei Yesenin, Boris Pasternak, defines an entire era of Russian poetry in the first third of the 20th century. Now their names are no longer just proper names of real people, but...

    A poet starts a speech from afar, a Poet starts a speech far... This couplet can be put as an epigraph to everything that Tsvetaeva has done in poetry. She constantly saw a road ahead of her that went "from afar" and led "far away." ...

    The work of Marina Tsvetaeva has become an outstanding and original phenomenon of both the culture of the Silver Age and the history of Russian literature. She brought to Russian poetry an unprecedented depth and expressiveness of lyricism in the self-disclosure of the female soul with its tragic ...

    The sign of genius is also a sign of a difficult fate. This idea largely determines the life and work of many Russian poets who had a difficult but happy fate to live and create at the beginning of the 20th century. This time has gone down in history...

Lesson "Poetry of M.I. Tsvetaeva as a lyrical diary of the era

Goals: to acquaint with the life and work of the poetess; to arouse students' interest in the personality of Tsvetaeva and her works, to develop the skills of monologue speech and expressive reading, the ability to speak to an audience, the skills of taking notes on lectures, to arouse a sense of pride in the richness and diversity of this unique poet's work.

During the classes

Teacher's word. "It's hard to talk about such immensity as a poet. Where to start? Where to end? And is it possible to start and end at all, if what I'm talking about: the Soul is everything - everywhere - forever." (Marina Tsvetaeva. "A word about Balmont ")"

To my poems written so early
That I did not know that I am a poet,
Ripped off like spray from a fountain
Like sparks from rockets
Bursting like little devils
In the sanctuary where sleep and incense
To my poems about youth and death
- Unread verses! -
Scattered in the dust at the shops
(Where no one took them and does not take them),
My poems are like precious wines
Your turn will come.

2 student . There were grounds for such confidence, because Russian culture itself brought up the future poet. Marina Tsvetaeva's father, Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev, professor at Moscow University, art critic and philologist, later became director of the Rumyantsev Museum and founder of the Museum of Fine Arts. Mother, Maria Alexandrovna Main, came from a Russified Polish-German family, was a talented pianist, the great composer Anton Rubenstein admired her playing. The home world was permeated with a constant interest in art, in music. And on September 26, 1892, in the old Moscow lane Trekhprudny, in house No. 8, the star of Russian poetry lit up - Marina Tsvetaeva was born.

red brush
The rowan lit up.
leaves fell,
I was born.
Hundreds argued
The day was Saturday:
John the Theologian.
To me to this day
I want to gnaw
hot rowan
Bitter brush.

1 student. Maria Alexandrovna dreamed of a son, even the name was chosen - Alexander. But a girl was born. M. Tsvetaeva wrote in her memoirs: “When instead of the desired, predetermined, almost ordered son Alexander, only I was born, the mother said: “At least there will be a musician.” When the first, obviously meaningless: the words turned out to be “gamma”, mother only confirmed: “I knew it,” and immediately began to teach me music: I can say that I was born not into life, but into music.

(Audio recording of the poem)

Who is made of stone, who is made of clay, -
And I'm silver and sparkle!
I care - treason, my name is Marina,
I am the mortal foam of the sea.
Who is made of clay, who is made of flesh -
The coffin and tombstones...
- In the font of the sea baptized - and in flight
His - incessantly broken!
Through every heart, through every net
My willfulness will break through.
Me - do you see these dissolute curls? -
You can't make earthly salt.
Crushing on your granite knees,
I am resurrected with every wave!
Long live the foam - cheerful foam -
High sea foam! (verse analysis - 1 group)

2 student. The mother rejoiced at her daughter's outstanding musical abilities, dreamed of raising her as a pianist. But the girl was only four years old when Maria Alexandrovna wrote in her diary: "The eldest keeps walking around and mumbling rhymes. Maybe my Marusya will be a poet?" Marina Ivanovna herself will say about herself: "I have been writing poetry since the age of 6. I have been typing since I was 16."

1 student. After the untimely death of her mother (Marina was then only 8 years old, her younger sister Asya - 6), interest in music gradually fades away, but another passion, poetry, grows stronger. Young Tsvetaeva writes poetry not only in Russian, but also in German and French. Do not borrow anything from anyone, do not imitate, do not be subjected to alien influences, "be yourself" - this is how Tsvetaeva left her childhood and has remained like that forever.

Marina published her first book "Evening Album" for non-literary reasons; as she herself said later - "in exchange for a love confession to a person with whom she could not explain herself otherwise." In the yard - the beginning of the winter of 1911. A great many collections of poetry were published at that time. And yet the first book of the still unknown Marina Tsvetaeva immediately received critical responses. The first to appreciate the book, and very positively, was the poet Maximilian Voloshin.

2 student. Sergei Efron: They met on May 5, 1911 on the deserted Koktebel coast. “Looking into his eyes and reading everything in advance, Marina thought: if he goes and gives a carnelian, then she will marry him. Of course, he found this carnelian immediately, by touch, for he did not take his gray eyes off her green ". Marina Tsvetaeva and Sergei Efron got married on January 27, 1912. Sergei gave his beloved a ring, on the inside of which the date of the wedding and the name Marina were engraved.

(Reading and analysis of the verse - group 2)

I defiantly wear his ring!
- Yes, in Eternity - a wife, not on paper! -
His face is too narrow
Like a sword.
His mouth is silent, angled down.
Excruciatingly gorgeous eyebrows.
Tragically merged in his face
Two ancient bloods.
He is thin with the first subtlety of the branches.
His eyes are beautifully useless! -
Under the wings of outstretched eyebrows -
Two abysses.
In his person I am faithful to chivalry,
To all of you who lived and died without fear! -
Such - in fateful times -
They compose stanzas - and go to the chopping block.

1 student. Then Marina did not yet know how much grief her faithful, sacrificial, reckless love would bring to her and her children. : And in general, her poems about love are most often tragic. Tsvetaeva is convinced that a woman is always right when she suffers, a woman is always beautiful when she loves. No one has seen, experienced or conveyed the spiritual beauty of all the abandoned, fallen out of love, abandoned Lovers better.

2 student Tsvetaeva was familiar with many poets of the early 20th century. She admired the poetry of Bryusov and Pasternak, Mayakovsky and Akhmatova. But her poetic idol was Alexander Blok. Tsvetaeva saw him twice, during his speeches in Moscow on May 9 and 14, 1920, but did not dare to approach him. Marina carried her admiration for the poet, whom she called "solid conscience", through her whole life.

(Reading and analysis of the verse - group 3)

Your name is a bird in your hand
Your name is ice on the tongue.
One single movement of the lips.
Your name is five letters.
Ball caught on the fly
Silver bell in the mouth.
A stone thrown into a quiet pond
Sigh like your name is.
In the light clicking of night hooves
Your loud name thunders.
And call him to our temple
A loud clicking trigger.
Your name - oh, you can't! -
Your name is a kiss in the eyes
In the gentle cold of sliding eyelids.
Your name is a kiss in the snow.
Key, icy, blue sip.
With your name - deep sleep (analysis)

1 student. Many years of friendship connected Marina Tsvetaeva with Boris Pasternak. For her, he was the only person on earth who could hear and support her without words in a moment of despair.

Distance - standing: versts, miles:
We were rass - put, rass - planted,
To be quiet
On two different ends of the earth.
Distance - standing: versts, gave:
We were glued, unsoldered,
In two hands they parted, crucified,
And did not know that it was an alloy
Inspirations and tendons:
Not quarreled - quarreled,
Wall and moat.
They settled us like eagles -
Conspirators: miles, gave:
Not upset - lost.
Through the slums of the earth's latitudes
Dispersed us like orphans.
Which one, well, which one is March?!
They broke us - like a deck of cards (analysis - group 4)

1 student. In 1922, Marina Tsvetaeva, exhausted by a long separation from her husband, leaves with her daughter abroad to Sergei, who found himself in the ranks of the white emigration.

Emigration met Tsvetaeva as a like-minded person. But then everything changed. Emigrant magazines gradually stopped publishing her poems. All around the deaf wall of loneliness closed closer and closer. "My reader remains in Russia, where my poems: they do not reach, .." - wrote Marina Tsvetaeva. Being 17 years in exile, she constantly thought about the Motherland. In 1934, an amazing poem "Longing for the Motherland" was written:

Homesickness! For a long time
Exposed haze!
I don't care at all -
Where all alone
Be on what stones home
Walk with a market purse
To the house, and not knowing that it is mine,
Like a hospital or barracks.
So the edge did not save me
My, that and the most vigilant detective
Along the whole soul, the whole - across!
Birthmark will not be found!
Every scrap is alien to me, every temple is empty to me,
And everything is the same, and everything is one.
But if on the way - a bush
Gets up, especially rowan:

2 student. In the same years, Marina wrote: “I have never been as lonely as this five-year anniversary.

1 student. “I don’t have a person to whom I could come in the evening, having passed the day off my shoulders, who, opening the door, would certainly rejoice at me. Not a single person who would not need to be asked in advance:“ May I? ".

2 student. In 1936 - 1937, Tsvetaeva was already preparing to leave for her homeland. Ariadna left first, followed by Sergei Yakovlevich. In the summer of 1939, Marina returned to Russia with George.

It was then that in our country there was a time of cruel and merciless terror. Sergei Yakovlevich and Alya were accused of treason and arrested.Yelabuga, where Tsvetaeva spent the first months of the evacuation, became Marina's last place of residence. There was nothing, not even work.

1 student. The separation of her son, who had painfully survived the terrible misfortunes that befell him, sharply aggravated Marina's loneliness. She continued to work: she prepared a collection, translated a lot.

But there was no more Sergei! She didn't know what happened to her daughter. A streak of alienation grew between her and her son. The meeting with reading Russia did not take place.

On this note of last despair, M. Tsvetaeva's work ended. Then there was just human existence - and that was just enough:

Teacher. She turned out to be right. Today, it is the turn of Tsvetaeva's strong, complex real poetry, because the real in art does not die.


1. Analysis of the poems "I wear your ring with a challenge" (1914) "You go, you look like me:" (1913) , "Elderberry" (1931-1935)

Literature. Grade 11
Lesson #2
Lesson topic: M. Tsvetaeva's poetry as a lyrical diary of the era.
- to acquaint students with the main themes and motifs of the lyrics;
- to show the exclusivity of the feelings of the lyrical heroine in the poetry of M. Tsvetaeva.
Equipment: portrait of M. I. Tsvetaeva, epigraph, texts of poems.
Epigraph on the board:
my verse,
Like precious wines
Your turn will come.
M. Tsvetaeva, 1913
During the classes
I. Introduction. Introduction by the teacher.
Marina Tsvetaeva entered literature at the turn of the century, in a troubled and troubled time. Like many poets of her generation, she has a sense of the tragedy of the world. Conflict over time was inevitable for her. She lived by the principle: to be only yourself. But Tsvetaeva's poetry is opposed not to time, not to the world, but to the vulgarity, dullness, pettiness that lives in it. The poet is the protector, the herald of millions of the destitute:
If the soul was born winged,
What are her mansions - and what are her huts!
What is Genghis Khan to her and what is the Horde!
I have two enemies in the world,
Two twins are inextricably merged: The hunger of the hungry - and the satiety of the well-fed!
August 18, 1918.
Tsvetaeva was destined to become a chronicler of her era. Almost without touching the tragic history of the twentieth century in her work, she revealed the tragedy of the attitude of a contemporary person. The lyrical heroine of her poetry cherishes every moment, every experience, every impression.
The personality of the poet is revealed in the image of the lyrical hero. The lyrical hero is close to the lyrical "I". He brings to us the thoughts and experiences of the poet-artist, opens the spiritual world of Tsvetaeva.
II. Collective analysis of the poem:
Who is made of stone, who is made of clay, -
And I'm silver and sparkle!
My business is treason, my name is Marina,
I am the mortal foam of the sea.
Who is made of clay, who is made of flesh -
The coffin and tombstones
- In the font of the sea baptized - and in flight
His - certainly broken!
Through every heart, through every net
My willfulness will break through.
Me - do you see these dissolute curls? -
You can't make earthy with salt.
Crushing on your granite knees,
I am resurrected with every wave!
Long live the foam - cheerful foam -
High sea foam!
May 23, 1920.
A name is given to a person at birth and often determines his whole life. What does the name Marina mean? (Marine)
1. Reading a poem by heart (individual task). Everyone follows the text.
2. Who are the heroes of this poem? (This is Marina and those “who are created from clay”, i.e. ordinary mortal people. This opposition alone makes one think about the peculiarities of Marina.)
What is the main word in the first stanza? (Treason)
What are the antonyms in the second stanza? (Coffin - christened)
- Why does the heroine with her dissolute curls not want to become “earthly salt” (“folk glory”)? (She does not want to lose her freedom, to become a hero; she does not want to litter the shore, as salt water does.)
What does the word "resurrect" mean? What word is close to it? (Baptized, and confronts "granite".)
Conclusion: Marina is everyone, therefore it is “a matter of treason” for her, therefore she breaks - resurrects. This is her soul.
III. Milestones of life - in verses, milestones of time - in verses.
1. Marina Ivanovna was born in Moscow on September 26, 1892.
a) Reading the poem “With a Red Brush...” (individual task).
red brush
The rowan lit up.
Leaves were falling.
I was born.
Hundreds argued
Bells, the day was Saturday:
John the Theologian.
To me to this day
I want to gnaw
hot rowan
Bitter brush.
(b) What is autobiographical about this poem? What did the mountain ash become a symbol of in the fate of Tsvetaeva? (During the period of leaf fall, when the mountain ash ripens, Marina was born. At that time, the bells rang. The feast of John the Theologian was coming (one of the 12 apostles, a beloved disciple of Christ.) Marina Ivanovna's life is bitter, like a mountain ash.)
2. The Tsvetaev family lived in a cozy mansion in one of the old Moscow lanes; spent summers in picturesque places near Moscow, in the Kaluga town of Tarusa. Marina's father was a famous professor, philologist, art critic, mother, a talented pianist who opened the wonderful world of nature to her children (Andrey, Asya, Marina) and gave the best books in the world into her hands, came from a Polish-German Russified family.
Moscow in the early collections is the embodiment of harmony, a symbol of the past. Here is admiration for the capital, and love, and tenderness for it, a feeling of Moscow as a shrine of the Fatherland. The motive of holiness, righteousness sounds in most of the poems of the 1916 cycle “Poems about Moscow”. It is associated with the image of blind wanderers wandering the Kaluga Road, with the image of the lyrical heroine:
I will put a silver cross on my chest,
I will cross myself and quietly set off on my way
Along the old road along Kaluga.
- Whose work do these motifs resemble? (N.A. Nekrasova.)
3. Throughout her life, a huge number of people surrounded Marina. They were completely different and revealed her poetic and human talent in different ways. The poems she composes are grouped into cycles, one of which is dedicated to A. Blok. This is a passionate monologue of love, although she only saw the poet Tsvetaeva from afar, did not exchange a single word. For her, Blok is a symbolic image of Poetry.
We listen to "Poems to Blok".
Beast - lair,
Wanderer - the road
Dead - drogs,
To each his own.
A woman - to dissemble,
King to rule
me to praise
Your name.
(May 2, 1916)
How do you understand these verses? (The main purpose of Tsvetaeva is to glorify Blok.)
4. For Tsvetaeva, poetic art was “daily work”, a holy, only craft: “I do not believe the verses that are poured. They tear - yes. Bold, impetuous fragmentation of the phrase into separate semantic pieces for the sake of almost telegraphic brevity. The impetuous and intermittent nature of the speech is unusual only because it reflects the state of mind of the poet with the swift immediacy of the experienced moment. The range of her poetry is wide: from Russian folk tales - poems to the most intimate psychological lyrics. Constant, tireless work, alteration, polishing of what was written.
Akhmatova also treated poetic work in the same way. An excerpt from the poem "Akhmatova":
We are crowned to be one with you
We trample the earth, that the sky above us is the same!
And the one who is wounded by your mortal fate,
Already immortal, a bed descends on the mortal. (...)
Domes burn in my melodious city.
And the stray blind man glorifies the Light Savior.
And I give you my hail of bells,
Akhmatova! - my heart in addition.
What are the similarities between the two poets? (They live on the same land, they are contemporaries.)
How does the lyrical heroine relate to Akhmatova? (Respects, appreciates, bows before talent, gives her his city - Moscow.)
- It is typical for Tsvetaeva to turn to “you”, willfully subordinating everything to her dream. But personal communication between them took place already in 1941, when the poetesses spoke alone for a long time.
5. Tsvetaeva dedicated poems to close people: friends - poets, grandmother, husband, Sergei Yakovlevich Efron, children, daughter Alya and son George.
The poem "Alya" (excerpt)
I don't know where you are and where I am.
The same songs and the same worries.
Such friends are with you!
Such orphans are with you.
And it's so good for the two of us -
Homeless, sleepless and orphans...
Two birds: a little up - we sing,
Two wanderers: we feed on the world.
- Who is the poem about? (About mother and daughter)
- What is the relationship between the characters? (They help and support each other.)
- How is their fate? (Not at home, they are wanderers, orphans.)
The son of Marina Tsvetaeva and Sergei Efron was born in exile, where her husband ended up with the remnants of the Volunteer White Army, and in 1922 Marina also went abroad. Life in exile was difficult. Emigrant magazines did not like Tsvetaeva's honest, incorruptible poems. “My reader stayed in Russia, where my poems ... do not reach,” she regretted.
Fragment "Poems to the son" (1932).
Neither to the city nor to the village -
Go, my son, to your country, -
To the edge - to all edges on the contrary!
Where to go back - forward
Go, - especially - to you,
Rus' not seen
My child... Mine?
Her Child!
What is the wish of the poetess? (He wants his son to live on Russian soil, regrets that he did not see Russia, but he is her son.)
6. And in 1939 M. Tsvetaeva returned to her homeland.
There are no friends nearby, no housing, no work, no family (her husband is not alive, the fate of Ariadne is unknown, alienation with her son). Under the yoke of personal misfortunes, alone, in a state of mental depression, at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, on August 31, 1941, Marina Tsvetaeva committed suicide.
Poem: “I know, I will die at dawn! On which of the two.”
I know I'll die at dawn! On which of the two, Together with which of the two - you can’t decide by order! Oh, if it were possible that my torch went out twice! - Heaven's daughter! With a full apron of roses! - I don’t break a sprout! I know, I’ll die at dawn! - God will not send a hawk night to my swan soul! With a gentle hand, taking away the unkissed cross, I will rush to the generous sky for the last greeting.
IV. Conclusion, results.
What can be said about the lyrical heroine Tsvetaeva? (A woman is proud, strong, determined, loving, faithful, self-willed. She is capable of friendship and love.)
Are the images of the lyrical heroine and the poet close? (In the image of the lyrical heroine, the author’s personality is revealed. “My poems are a diary,” Tsvetaeva wrote. And the diary is trusted with innermost thoughts, secrets, dreams, hopes.)
What topics are the poems of Marina Tsvetaeva devoted to? (Love, friendship, appointment of the poet, Motherland, wandering.)
Features of Tsvetaeva's poetry
1. Emotional tension
2. Conciseness of thought
3. Confession
4. Richness of intonation
5. Peculiar use of trails
6. Imagery, unusual syntax: author's marks, parcelling, an abundance of rhetorical questions, appeals and exclamations
A distinctive feature of M.I. Tsvetaeva's poetry is that her poems have become a kind of diary, capturing the emotional experiences of the author and the era, respectively.
Thus, the poetry of M. Tsvetaeva is a lyrical diary of the era and the story of the endless creation of oneself.
Homework: pp. 305-310. Answer (in writing) the question after the material of the textbook of choice.

Grade 11 Literature 08.12.16 lesson 40
Subject: M. I. Tsvetaeva. Poetry of M. Tsvetaeva as a lyrical diary of the era.
Objectives: to introduce students to the biography of M.I. Tsvetaeva;
- to reveal the originality of the poetic style of M.I. Tsvetaeva;
- to cultivate a sense of duty, personal responsibility for the fate of generations, the country, to instill love for the Motherland.
Type of lesson: learning new material.
During the classes.
Epigraph to the lesson: "Take poetry - this is my life ...".
1. Organizational moment. Hello guys, I'm very glad to see you.
2.Updating knowledge.
1.Checking dz. The story of students about Tsvetaeva.
4. This woman has a special place among the poets of the Silver Age. Perhaps today for the first time we will talk about a woman poet, a person of unusually interesting and tragic fate.
Read the epigraph to the lesson. How do you understand these lines?
Recording the topic of the lesson and setting goals for students.
5. The main work of the lesson.
1. Word of the teacher.
Marina Tsvetaeva entered literature at the turn of the century, in a troubled and troubled time. Like many poets of her generation, she has a sense of the tragedy of the world. Conflict over time was inevitable for her. She lived according to the principle: to be only herself - a Russian poetess, prose writer, translator, one of the greatest poets of the 20th century. Russian poetess. The daughter of a scientist, a specialist in the field of ancient history, epigraphy and art, Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev. In 1922 - 39 in exile. She committed suicide.
She was born on September 26 (October 8 n.s.) in Moscow in a highly cultured family. Father, Ivan Vladimirovich, professor at Moscow University, a well-known philologist and art critic, later became the director of the Rumyantsev Museum and the founder of the Museum of Fine Arts (now the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts). Mother came from a Russified Polish-German family, was a talented pianist. She died in 1906, leaving two daughters in the care of her father.
Tsvetaeva's childhood years were spent in Moscow and at the dacha in Tarusa. Having started her education in Moscow, she continued it in boarding schools in Lausanne and Freiburg. At the age of sixteen, she made an independent trip to Paris to listen to a short course in the history of old French literature at the Sorbonne.
She began writing poetry from the age of six (not only in Russian, but also in French and German), printed from the age of sixteen, and two years later, secretly from her family, she released the collection "Evening Album", which was noticed and approved by such demanding critics, like Bryusov, Gumilyov and Voloshin. From the first meeting with Voloshin and a conversation about poetry, their friendship began, despite the significant difference in age. She visited Voloshin many times in Koktebel. Collections of her poems followed one after another, invariably attracting attention with their creative originality and originality. She did not join any of the literary movements.
In 1912, Tsvetaeva married Sergei Efron, who became not only her husband, but also her closest friend.
In May 1922, she and her daughter Ariadna were allowed to go abroad - to her husband, who, having survived the defeat of Denikin, as a white officer, now became a student at Prague University. At first, Tsvetaeva and her daughter lived for a short time in Berlin, then for three years on the outskirts of Prague, and in November 1925, after the birth of their son, the family moved to Paris. Life was an emigrant, difficult, impoverished. It was beyond their means to live in the capitals, they had to settle in the suburbs or the nearest villages.
The last lifetime collection was published in Paris in 1928 - "After Russia", which included poems written in 1922 - 1925.
She dreamed that she would return to Russia "a welcome and awaited guest." But this did not happen: the husband and daughter were arrested, sister Anastasia was in the camp. Tsvetaeva lived in Moscow, still alone, somehow getting by with translations. The outbreak of the war, the evacuation threw her and her son to Yelabuga. Exhausted, unemployed and lonely, the poet committed suicide on August 31, 1941.
In 1914, Marina met the poetess and translator Sophia Parnok, their romantic relationship continued until 1916. Tsvetaeva dedicated the cycle of poems “Girlfriend” to Parnok. Tsvetaeva and Parnok broke up in 1916, Marina returned to her husband Sergei Efron. Relations with Parnok Tsvetaeva described as "the first disaster in my life." In 1921, Tsvetaeva, summing up, writes: “To love only women (a woman) or only men (a man), obviously excluding the usual opposite - what a horror! But only women (a man) or only men (a woman), obviously excluding an unusual native - what a bore!" Sofia Parnok - Marina Tsvetaeva's mistress
In 1917, Tsvetaeva gave birth to a daughter, Irina, who died of starvation in an orphanage in Kuntsevo (then in the Moscow region) at the age of 3 years.
Collections of poems 1910 - "Evening Album" 1912 - "Magic Lantern", the second book of poems 1913 - "From two books", Ed. "Ole Lukoye" 1913-15 - "Youth Poems" 1922 - "Poems to Blok" (1916-1921) 1922 - "The End of Casanova" 1920 - "The Tsar Maiden" 1921 - "Versts" 1921 - "Swan Camp" 1922 - "Separation" 1923 - "Craft" 1923 - "Psyche. Romance" 1924 - "Well done" 1928 - "After Russia" collection of 1940
Poems: The Enchanter (1914) On the Red Horse (1921) The Poem of the Mountain (1924, 1939) The Poem of the End (1924) The Pied Piper (1925) From the Sea (1926) The Attempt of the Room (1926) The Poem of the Stair (1926) New Year's (1927) The Poem of the Air ( 1927) Red bull (1928) Perekop (1929) Siberia (1930)
Fairy tale poems: Tsar Maiden (1920) Lane (1922) Well done (1922)
Unfinished Poems: Yegorushka Unfulfilled Poem Singer Bus Poem about the Royal Family.
Dramatic works: Jack of Hearts (1918) Blizzard (1918) Fortune (1918) Adventure (1918-1919) Play about Mary (1919, not completed) Stone Angel (1919) Phoenix (1919) Ariadne (1924) Phaedra (1927).
Prose: "Living about Living" "The Captive Spirit" "My Pushkin" "Pushkin and Pugachev" "Art in the Light of Conscience" "Poet and Time" "Epos and Lyrics of Modern Russia" memories of Andrei Bely, Valery Bryusov, Maximilian Voloshin, Boris Pasternak and others. Memoirs "Mother and Music" "Mother's Tale" "The Story of a Dedication" "The House at the Old Pimen" "The Tale of Sonechka." What did you learn about Marina Tsvetaeva?
- What role did her mother, Maria Alexandrovna, play in the formation of the personality of M.I. Tsvetaeva?
- What place does the theme of the house take in the lyrics of M. Tsvetaeva?
- How do you imagine the childhood of the poet according to the poems included in the collection "Evening Album"?
- How directly in M. Tsvetaeva's poems is the poetic image correlated with life circumstances?
2. Reading a suicide note. A note to the son: "Purrlyga! Forgive me, but it would be worse further. I am seriously ill, this is not me anymore. I love you madly. Understand that I could no longer live. Tell dad and Alya - if you see - that you loved them to the last minutes and explain that you are at an impasse.
Aseev's note: "Dear Nikolai Nikolaevich! Dear Sinyakov sisters! I beg you to take Moore to Chistopol with you - just take him as a son - and so that he studies. I can do nothing more for him and only ruin him. I have 450 r in my bag ... and if you try to sell all my things. There are several handwritten books of poetry in the chest and a pack of prose prints. I entrust them to you. Take care of my dear Moore, he is in very fragile health. Love like a son - he deserves. And forgive me. I couldn’t stand it. MC "Don't leave him ever. I would be extremely happy if I lived with you. If you leave, take it with you. Don't leave!".
Note to the “evacuees”: “Dear comrades! Don’t leave Moore. I beg one of you who can take him to Chistopol to N. N. Aseev. Steamboats are terrible, I beg you not to send him alone. "In Chistopol I hope for a sale of my things. I want Moore to live and study. He will disappear with me. Address. Aseev on the envelope. Don't bury him alive! Check it thoroughly."
3. Writing in a notebook.
Features of Tsvetaeva's poetry
1. Emotional tension
2. Conciseness of thought
3. Confession 4. Richness of intonation
5. Peculiar use of trails
6. Imagery, unusual syntax: author's marks, parcelling, an abundance of rhetorical questions, appeals and exclamations
A distinctive feature of M.I. Tsvetaeva's poetry is that her poems have become a kind of diary, capturing the emotional experiences of the author and the era, respectively.
Thus, the poetry of M. Tsvetaeva is a lyrical diary of the era and the story of the endless creation of oneself.
4.Selective reading. Read your favorite poem.
5. Work on the lyrics of Tsvetaeva. Work in pairs.
1. Waiting on dusty roads
2. “To my poems written so early…”
What is the tone of this poem?
- How does the poet feel about his poems and his gift?
What do you think made her think so?
3. “Prayer” (“Christ and God! I long for a miracle ...”) - What strikes you in this poem? Does the lyrical heroine yearn for life or death?
- What unites all the desires of the lyrical heroine in stanzas 2, 3, 4?
- Are they close to you?
What kind of life does she want?
-How does she feel?
6. Independent work.
Answer in writing the question: Why does the author have a desire to “die while all life is like a book…”? How to understand the paradox of this poem?
Conclusion: the lyrical heroine cherishes every moment, every experience, every impression received in her youth, and, despite the fact that she asks for death at the age of 17, the poem is filled with colors, life, flight, without which there is no Marina Tsvetaeva
7. Consolidation of the studied material.
Analysis of the poem "Who is created from stone, who is created from clay ..."
How does the author use his name in the poem?
- What is common between the poet and the sea?
What literary associations do you have when reading this poem?
- How are eternity and frailty combined in the image of the lyrical heroine?
- In what way does the lyrical heroine see her difference from other people?
-What do you imagine Marina Tsvetaeva, reading this poem?
-How would you portray her?
-On what background, in what manner, in what technique would you paint her portrait?
8. Reflection. Compilation of syncwine and crossword.
Incomparable, suffering.
She suffered, she worked, she loved.
I admire the genius poet-woman.
hunted beast
Crossword Answers:
1 - Moscow, 2 - Maria, 3 - Sorbonne, 4 - mountain ash, 5 - son, 6 - France, 7 - tradition, 8 - identity, 9 - Sergey, 10 - "Versts", 11 - emigration, 12 - Yelabuga, 13 - Voloshin, 14 - recognition. 9.DZ. Learn by heart any poem by M. Tsvetaeva. Find Tsvetaeva's poems set to music, bring audio and art video.

Tsvetaeva's love for poetry woke up early. While still very young, she secretly released her first poetry collection, Evening Album, secretly from her family. The reviews for this book were very favorable, which instilled self-confidence in the young poetess. Tsvetaeva's poetry is a kind of diary, which reflects all the significant events of her difficult life: Efron turned Marina's whole life upside down. They not only loved, they idolized each other.

Here are the lines Tsvetaeva dedicated to her beloved: There are such voices that you are silent, not echoing them, That you foresee miracles. There are huge eyes of the Color of the Sea ... When the civil war began, Sergey fought on the side of the whites. This circumstance put Marina in an almost hopeless situation, because the Bolsheviks could arrest her at any moment, despite the fact that she welcomed both revolutions. In the war, Sergei goes missing.

For Tsvetaeva, it was a difficult and terrible time when she, with two children in her arms, vegetated in hungry Moscow. It was then that these merciless lines were born: I have two enemies in the world, Two twins, inextricably merged: The hunger of the hungry and the satiety of the well-fed! It is even impossible to imagine the grief of a mother who has lost her little child: Light-on a thin neck-Dandelion on a stem!

I still do not understand at all that my child is in the earth. For a long seventeen years the poetess lived far from her homeland, in exile. There was a lot of talk about this. Some condemned Tsvetaeva, saying that she could not stand the difficult life and hunger, having fled abroad, well-fed and prosperous.

But any condemnation here is simply inappropriate, because not every person will endure what Marina suffered. It was abroad, in Prague, that her beloved husband was found. So Tsvetaeva decided to emulate, because Sergei's arrival in Russia was simply impossible. Far from her homeland, Marina Tsvetaeva continues to write a lot. It was at this time that poems about fellow poets appeared. The poetess Blok was especially delighted, whom she idolized. In 1939, Tsvetaeva returned to the Soviet Union with her husband, daughter and son.

Soon the husband and daughter were arrested. The Great Patriotic War began. All these tragic events inexorably pushed Tsvetaeva to that terrible decision that she made and carried out on August 31, 1941 - she committed suicide. It is just as difficult for me to imagine myself dead.

Like a millionaire hoarder Among the starving sisters. What can I do to please you? Give me some news about this. they did not let her down.

This is how Boris Pasternak responded to her death.

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