Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

How to unclog a toilet at home. How to clean a toilet at home: a review of the most effective methods Clearing a clogged toilet

06/29/2017 1 4 114 views

Blockages are a common problem that every housewife has encountered at least once. If the toilet is clogged, how to clear the blockage yourself?

The answer to this question will help eliminate the problem and avoid unwanted consequences.

Causes of the problem

A blockage appears if the sewer pipes. And this can happen for several reasons:

  • Foreign objects getting into the toilet, for example, clothes, sponges, children's toys, rags, towels. If you do not remove them immediately after they fall, they will rush lower and form a blockage.
  • Attempts to dispose of excessively large or greasy food waste in the toilet. For example, large and insoluble pieces can become stuck and accumulate in pipes. And fat particles that do not dissolve in cold sewer water form plaque on the walls and narrow the lumen.
  • Salt deposits in pipes. They are formed due to excessively hard plumbing or sewer water and the lack of appropriate specialized filters.
  • Attempts to flush hygiene items that are not intended for disposal through the sewer system. The packaging contains information about the inadmissibility of throwing it into the toilet, but not everyone follows such recommendations.
  • A clog can also be caused by toilet paper, for example, too thick and used in large quantities.
  • Using instead toilet paper ordinary thick sheets. They are not intended for these purposes and, when wet, do not dissolve, but swell and form congestions.
  • Failure to flush the toilet in a timely manner will also lead to stagnation of waste and severe contamination.

How to clear a clogged toilet yourself?

If the toilet is clogged, what should you do? Of course, you can call a plumber, but most likely you will have to wait a long time for him, which is sometimes simply impossible. Therefore, it is better to start acting independently, but deliberately.

First you need to assess the scale of the problem: this will allow you to choose the most suitable way cleaning Blockages can be local, general within one apartment, or global.

  • With localization, the contents of the toilet bowl, albeit slowly, still disappear.
  • When there is a general blockage, water remains in all plumbing items.
  • The global scale means that the problem lies in the general building sewage system, and in this case, residents of several apartments will face trouble.

To determine the location of the blockage, open all the taps and watch how the water drains. If it does not stagnate in the sinks, then the problem is probably hidden in the toilet. In this case, you can act independently.

If the water does not drain from the sinks, then the blockage is localized in the common pipe, and then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Simple blockage

You can deal with a simple blockage on your own. To do this, proceed step by step:

  1. First you need to close the common tap to stop the water supply to the apartment and avoid flooding your neighbors. Make sure the valve is closed. And do not flush the toilet, as the water in the tank may overflow the edges and onto the floor.
  2. Now you need to drain the toilet as much as possible. Scoop it out with any small container.
  3. Put on thick rubber gloves and begin removing the item that caused the blockage. Having felt it, grab it tightly and try to get it out.
  4. Make sure that the cause of stagnation is completely eliminated. To do this, pour a small amount of water into the toilet: if it flows freely and immediately, then the cause has been eliminated. If you see stagnation again, then the problem is in the pipe. In this case, you will have to use more effective methods.

Tip: if you can’t remove the object by hand, try using a wire with a bent end. Perhaps with such a homemade hook you will catch what is clogging the drain.

What to do if the pipes are clogged?

It is much more difficult to break through pipes, because there is no access to them, so you will have to act “blindly”. You can use regular baking soda, which does a great job of removing stains without damaging the pipeline.

The powder is simply poured into the drain hole and left there for an hour or two. Next, start pouring hot water: it will quickly wash away soda and remaining dirt. Finally, try flushing the toilet. But first let out a small amount of water to make sure it will go away.

You can use a special anti-clog agent, for example, “Mole”. It is poured into the drain and also left there for a while. But if the pipes are old, they can be damaged by aggressive components, so prepare unnecessary rags in advance to wipe off the water if necessary.

We use a plunger

You can remove blockages at home using a plunger, but you need to use this item correctly. Its diameter must be larger than the drain, otherwise you will not be able to create a vacuum.

Place the rubber part of the plunger directly on the drain hole, completely covering it, and then begin to give quick thrusts. Next, sharply pull the item out of the toilet. Hydraulic shocks will push the blockage, and the vacuum created by the rubber funnel will remove it.

If the plunger is on this moment no, but you need to remove the blockage urgently, then you can use home methods. A regular plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters or more will come to the rescue. The bottom is cut off and the lid is screwed on tightly.

Grasp the upper narrow part and place the wide one in the drain, trying to bring the cut edges closer to the walls of the hole. You should feel the air resistance. Submerge the bottle sharply, and then remove it with the same confident and quick movement. This homemade device works about the same as a plunger.


Chemicals will dissolve contaminants and remove food and paper blockages, but they are not suitable for removing foreign objects.

Usually the composition contains acids, alkalis or other similar aggressive components that literally eat away blockages. The most popular products are “Mole”, “Tiret”, “Tofix”, “Domestos”. Caustic soda, that is, sodium hydroxide, is also quite suitable.

To save time and budget, you can use chemical folk remedies, prepared from ingredients available to almost every housewife. A few proven recipes:

  • Soda and vinegar. First, pour soda into the drain, and then pour in 9% vinegar or essence diluted with 7-8 parts of water. After such manipulations, hissing will begin, and this will mean that it has started chemical process, as a result of which the contaminants will dissolve.
  • An effective remedy from blockage - lemon acid. Dilute the powder in hot water to prepare a concentrated solution. Pour it into the drain hole and leave it for several hours, and then flush the toilet hot water.
  • Laundry soap with a high percentage of alkali. Grate it and dissolve it in water: you can take half a piece per glass. This solution is poured into the toilet and left for at least an hour. The drain is then washed with hot water.

How to clear a blockage at home using a cable?

You can remove a clog in the toilet with your own hands using a cable. This device is made of metal and has the shape of a dense spring with a handle on one side and a pointed spiral on the other.

The diameter can vary from 6-7 mm to 12-16, and the length can vary from five to fifty meters or more. For use at home, a small household cable that you can handle will be sufficient.

Your actions should be as follows:

  1. Place the spiral end of the tool into the drain and lower it until it stops.
  2. Rotate the handle clockwise to move the cable along the drain and pipe. Hold the device with one hand and constantly rotate it with the other.
  3. When you feel an obstacle, begin to rotate the device more actively so that it breaks through the blockage.
  4. When the cable goes down the drain almost completely, pull it out with both hands while wiping it with an old rag.
  5. After manipulations, it is better to wash the cable with a disinfectant.

Cleaning the toilet surface

If the toilet is clogged, the surface will likely remain dirty after removing the blockage, so be sure to clean it. For this you will need a sponge, detergent, brush or brush, gloves, and water.

Residents of private and apartment buildings often face the problem of clogged toilets. There are many reasons for this unpleasant situation, related to both improper operation and poor installation. But, no matter what caused the clogged toilet, the main thing is to be able to quickly eliminate it.

This article will help with this. It describes the main causes of sewage pollution. Effective ways to combat them are given, and also given useful tips for blockage prevention.

Signs of a clogged toilet

There are primary signs that indicate a polluted sewer system. If you observe at least one of them, this is a reason to urgently begin eliminating the blockage, without waiting for the problem to worsen.

  • filling the toilet bowl with returned sewage fluid;
  • slow passage of water through pipes into the sewer system;
  • appearance unpleasant odor sewage waste.

Why does a toilet clog?

The toilet becomes clogged over time. Like any other plumbing fixture, it needs to be cleaned periodically. To do this, it is necessary, if possible, to determine why the traffic jam formed. A clogged toilet occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Incorrect installation. The cause of blockage is often incorrect installed system plum. The sewer pipe has a small angle of inclination as a result of which waste is poorly washed away. They linger and gradually accumulate, completely clogging the system.
  2. Organic waste. Various food items are often flushed down the toilet. For example, leftover porridge, potato peelings, seeds, apple cores and much more - the list can go on for a long time.
  3. Household waste. The third cause of blockage is household pollution, such as glass shards, stationery, paper, bags and much more. This happens when a toilet is used as a garbage disposal.
  4. Litter for a cat's litter box. Modern litter for animal litter is made from bentonite, a special clay that absorbs moisture and retains it. Once in the toilet, the clay lumps stick together, forming a plug in the channel.

Toilet cleaning methods

Depending on the type of contamination, apply various ways cleaning the toilet. To restore the drainage system to its former performance at home, two main methods are used:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical.

Serious blockages can only be removed mechanically. To deal with minor contamination, various chemicals are used. You need to decide which method to use after determining the cause and complexity of the blockage.

Mechanical methods for removing blockages

Mechanical methods for clearing blockages are used most often. This work is done independently, without the involvement of professional plumbers. Various mechanical devices are used for cleaning.

The most common tool that is found in every home. It will help deal with shallow blockages. The best plunger for a toilet is one that has a special cone on a rubber nozzle.

Application: To use a plunger, you need to fill the toilet about one-third with water. The tool is installed on the drain hole so that its edges overlap the drain as much as possible and are tightly adjacent to the surface of the toilet. Then, using the handle in a back-and-forth motion, you need to create pressure in the drain to break through the blockage. The procedure is repeated until the congestion is completely eliminated, until the water begins to drain quickly.

Plumbing cable
A plumbing cable is often used to remove blockages. This is a long cable that bends easily. At one end of the tool there is a handle (knob), and at the other there is a special metal brush. The plumbing cable may have different lengths. They are very convenient for clearing deep clogs in sewer pipes. But in most cases, one meter of length is enough to clean the toilet.

Application: Insert the cable into the toilet flush hole and push it as deep as possible. The tool has a handle that can be rotated to easily navigate bends. drain system. When you reach the blockage, break through it. Clean until the water from the toilet begins to drain quickly, carrying remaining dirt down the drain. After removing the blockage, clear the drain by rinsing it generously with hot water and added detergent.

Chemical methods for removing clogs

To remove mild blockages, use a variety of chemicals. You can find a whole arsenal of chemicals on store shelves. These substances come in the form of powders, liquids and granules. They help clean the toilet well without damaging the drainage system.

Soda and vinegar
The simplest and most affordable chemical that can clear the blockage is regular baking soda and vinegar. To clean, you will need to buy a pack of soda and one bottle of seventy percent vinegar.

Application: Scoop out first excess water, leaving a little in the drain. Then pour half a pack of baking soda into the toilet and push it as deep as possible. Pour a glass of vinegar on top and wait 15–20 minutes until the reaction is over. To improve the effect, use hot water. Pour it into the toilet and the clog will disappear faster.

Pipe cleaners
These substances can destroy blockages in sewer pipes formed from grease, salts and other contaminants. Depending on the type of pipes and the complexity of the blockage, you can choose imported or domestic products. Imported chemicals are suitable for any pipes (plastic and metal), and domestic ones are suitable for metal ones.

Popular foreign-made cleaners are: Domestos, Mr. Muscle and Tofix. These products are suitable for all types of pipes. They will carefully remove blockages and unpleasant odors.

The following domestic products are in demand: “Ruff”, “Chimney Sweep” and “Mole”. These cleaners are great if your toilet is clogged. But do not forget that they can corrode not only the blockage, but also the walls of the pipes.

Application: Read the instructions and, following the dosage, pour the pipe cleaner into the toilet. Then add the required amount of hot or cool water. Leave the cleaner for 1.5–2 hours. After the specified time has elapsed, rinse the toilet with hot water.

Preventing blockages

  1. Do not use the toilet as a trash can. Garbage thrown into it will certainly lead to complete blockage of the sewer pipe.
  2. Periodically clean the toilet water seal using chemicals.
  3. Flush the system with hot water every week.
  4. If your sewer system has a background riser, monitor it to ensure it is working properly.

After reading this article, you now have general idea on how to deal with a clogged toilet sewer system yourself. It is difficult to eliminate the consequences of careless use, so be careful preventive measures. Try to regularly monitor the condition of the drain system. This will help you avoid big troubles.

Video: how to unclog a toilet

Everyone should know how to use a toilet correctly. Teach your children the basic rules for using the toilet, as they may end up clogging it. Also, a clogged toilet occurs due to a number of reasons, and not every owner knows how to clean it properly. Today we will look at - How to properly unclog a toilet at home.

Causes of a clogged toilet

  • One of the main causes of blockages is large quantities of toilet paper getting into the toilet, various items or hygiene products.
  • No valves installed or fan pipe, whose task is to equalize the pressure in the drain or pipe.
  • The toilet was not installed according to the instructions.
  • Poor toilet design.

How to deal with clogged toilets

1. Ask your family if anything is lost. A fallen toy or box of cosmetics may well block the toilet flush, and if so, then you cannot do without a special cable. But if nothing is missing, then most likely you are dealing with a blockage.

2. Place a few dirty towels or even an old blanket on the floor - no matter how careful you are, some of the dirty water will still end up on the floor.

3. Scoop out the water from the toilet into a previously prepared bucket, but not all of it. Leave a little water to cover the toilet plunger.

4. Lower the plunger into the toilet and begin to pump the drain hole, gradually increasing the pressure, 10-15 times. Keep in mind that rough, careless rocking may damage the toilet. If the drain hole is not too narrow, gradually increasing water pressure will likely clear the clog.

6. A special cable for the toilet will help complete the solution to the blockage problem. It is similar to a regular plumbing cable, but is coated with plastic to protect the toilet from scratches and damage. Toys, tubes of lipstick, or just severe clogs that have gotten into the toilet will most likely require a cable.

7. When you decide that the blockage has been cleared, flush the water. Take precautions: remove the lid from the toilet tank and be prepared to stop flushing at any time by lifting the plastic bottle up.

Other ways to clean a toilet

Hot water

If you don't have it at hand special means, then you can use regular hot water. Fill one bucket of water and bring the water to a boil. Next, you need to pour water very quickly into the toilet at a right angle. This way you will create pressure and there is a chance that small blockages will be cleared.


Take half of the soda from a regular pack and pour it all into the toilet. Under the influence of the lye, the clog will begin to dissolve.


Such products can be purchased at almost any household chemical store. Chemicals most often perform a huge number of functions:

  • Cleanse;
  • Disinfect;
  • Eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • Have a preventive effect;
  • Keep pipes in good condition.

The most famous brands:

  • Mister Muscle;
  • Mole;
  • Tofix;
  • Tiret;
  • Domestos;
  • Domol.

Plastic bottle

Take a plastic bottle, the volume of which should be 1.5-2 liters. Then you need to cut off the bottom and screw the neck tightly. Next, insert the bottle cut side down into the drain hole and do the same movements when you work with a plunger.

Rubber hose

You need to attach one end of the hose to the hot water tap, and lower the other end to the very bottom of the toilet. Next, you need to run hot water with sufficiently strong pressure. You can also use chemicals together to increase the effect.

How to get rid of a clogged toilet? - video

Late in the evening, when I was calmly sitting on the women's website “Beautiful and Successful,” my neighbor and best friend Lenka came running to me:
- I have an emergency! I poured some borscht into the toilet and that’s it: the toilet is clogged - you don’t know how to unclog it?

- Well, I got boiling water once. You take a pan of boiling water and pour it straight into the toilet. Have you tried it?
“No,” Lenka quickly left.

Hope 1: Clean the toilet with boiling water

I ran after her. A friend put the pan on and Electric kettle simultaneously.

- You just need water - real boiling water! – I encouraged her. – And your borscht will definitely be crowded.

Armed with gloves and a ladle, Lenka scooped up most of the water from the toilet and reduced its volume. With faith and hope to overcome the blockage, we quickly poured boiling water. The water gurgled and gurgled - and... nothing broke through. The second and third attempts were also unsuccessful.

Hope 2: Clean the toilet with a plunger

- Don’t you have a plunger? This is a little thing for clearing blockages in sinks and toilets. A wooden stick with a rubber cap on it. When you press, you get a vacuum shock that pushes the air. Under the influence of the impact, the clog moves further along the pipe, breaking through the toilet, I advised.

How to use a plunger?

Information for those who have a plunger (an inexpensive and necessary thing) is available in the house. How to use a plunger to break through a toilet?

  1. There should be some water in the toilet. Typically, if you are looking for ways to unclog a clogged toilet, there is standing water in the toilet.
  2. The plunger must be placed so that it adheres as tightly as possible to the drain hole. This is necessary in order to get a strong push.
  3. Press down on the handle of the plunger and pull it out as quickly as possible. This way you create water hammer.
  4. Repeat the movements until the water begins to flow freely. As a rule, from 3 to 5 pushes are done in one approach.

Professional plumbers have pneumatic plungers that resemble a bicycle pump. They quickly and effectively remove blockages by pushing them through sewer system. For organic clogs caused by food, breaking through the toilet with a plunger is not difficult.

- I don’t have a plunger - I could try it. ABOUT! Come on Sashka (our best friend and classmate) we’ll call. Still a man!

Lenka immediately grabbed the phone:

- Hello, Sanya, hello! Don't you know how to unclog a toilet without a plunger?

Hope 3: toilet cleaner bottle

- What would you do without me? I know of course. Instead of a plunger, you can use a plastic bottle. It is better to take a 1.5-2 liter. Listen carefully and remember, if the toilet is clogged, how to unclog it with a bottle:

  1. Cut off the bottom of the bottle.
  2. We lower the bottle into the toilet and give a sharp push. The action is similar to a plunger - it creates a shock that pushes the clog further down the pipes.
  3. We repeat until the blockage passes through the sewer pipes.

Lenka quickly pulled out the bottle, cut off the bottom and got to work. Push, another push. Water from the toilet splashed all over the toilet, but the clog did not go away.
“Okay, at least I changed my clothes,” Lenka summarized, looking at her work clothes.

Therefore, to the instructions on how to break through a toilet with a bottle, you need to add the first point - change into work clothes.

This method did not work for us.

“Are you sure it’s just borscht stuck there?” – I asked. “It seems to me that he should have pushed through from the boiling water.”
- Vovka! Come on, come here! Tell your mother what you threw in the toilet? — my friend interrogated my son.
“Mom, aren’t you going to scream?” This morning I cleaned the hamster's cage and flushed the sawdust down the toilet. I thought they would pass,” Vovka prudently hid behind me.

I won’t tell you what Lenka wanted to do and how quickly Vovka ran away. The toilet is clogged - how to clean it quickly - that’s our task. What else can you try? Maybe fill it with something?

Hope 4: chemistry!

Lenka found citric acid, bleach and soda at home.

  1. You need to add 5 sachets of citric acid - this is what reviews from those who managed to break through a clog in the toilet with citric acid say.
  2. Those who wanted to clean the toilet with soda write only negative reviews– soda does not help in this matter. It is very weak.

- All that's left is white. The whole apartment will stink,” Lenka was upset.
- I have a “Mole” at home! – I remembered.

We decided to switch to using special remedies for sewer blockages.

General characteristics of chemicals

Special toilet cleaners contain an acid or alkali that dissolves the clog. These include Mr. Muscle, Tiret, Pothan, Floop, Mole and the like. All chemicals for cleaning sewer pipes can be divided into two groups:

  • Bulk. Most often they are packaged in foil bags. They can be in the form of powder or granules.
  • Liquid. In the form of a gel or liquid.

Most often, all chemicals are produced in two types - preventive, which must be used periodically to prevent blockages from occurring, and special ones - anti-clogging. They are used in in case of emergency when the toilet is clogged, but you don’t know how to clean it.

Lenka and I put Krot in the toilet and went to bed, hoping that in the morning a miracle would happen and the blockage would break through. But in the morning Lenka called the plumber, Uncle Misha.

Hope 5: plumber Uncle Misha and... rag

The plumber, Uncle Misha, came quickly. In his hands is a suitcase with tools, on his shoulders is a plumbing cable.

- So, what do we have here? – looking around the place of work, he asked. - Give me an unnecessary rag, or better yet several. Close the drain holes in the bathroom and kitchen, otherwise nothing will work. Let's get started. Just don’t peep, girls, otherwise you’ll deprive me of my job.

Yeah, now. How many times have you suffered and still don’t know how to unclog a toilet? We began to carefully watch Uncle Misha to figure out how to clean the toilet with a rag.

Uncle Misha moistened a rag with plain water, wrapped it around his fist and reached into the toilet with his hand. With a sharp, but not strong movement, he drove his fist with a rag deep into the toilet and pressed the flush. He waited a second and abruptly pulled his hand back.

God, how simple it is! The water gurgled and passed instantly. That's the whole secret. Either the rag helped, or all our attempts previously used to deal with the blockage in the toilet gave a complex result.

- This is all? – Lenka was surprised. – Why don’t many people know about this method?
“So that we don’t end up without work,” Uncle Misha joked.

Satisfied that everything was over and the water in the toilet was draining, Lenka generously thanked the toilet cleaner, Uncle Misha.

- In general, girls, buy a plunger. The simplest device that helps solve many problems.

As I later learned from the Internet, the plunger was invented back in 1615 by the plumber Plunger De La Marcier Farte, who worked at the count's court. He noticed that the compressed air was pushing waste in the toilet further down the drain. A smart toilet cleaner came up with an invention that was later named after him - the plunger.

A short educational program from the plumber Uncle Misha

Before leaving, Uncle Misha shared some of the wisdom of his work, which we will tell readers of the site about. Before you choose a method for unclogging a clogged toilet, you need to figure out why the blockage occurred.

  1. If the toilet is clogged due to an object getting into the drain, for example, a floor rag or a bag, then it is better to use a special plumbing cable (the one that Uncle Misha came with on his shoulder). The tip of the cable is inserted into the toilet and pushed forward, rotating in a circle strictly in one direction. If compaction is felt, a push is made. Most likely, this is where a foreign object is stuck. When the blockage is cleared, you need to pour boiling water into the toilet. We didn't have to use this method.
  2. To break through the toilet from organic waste enough to use chemicals which will dissolve the resulting blockage. This method will be effective if the toilet is clogged with food debris.
  3. Well, the most popular and in an effective way, which helps in most cases to break through a clogged toilet, using a plunger or plastic bottle with a cut bottom.

This is how Lenka and I learned some of the tricks of working as a plumber.

Hard water, salt deposits, and sediment deposited on the walls of plumbing fixtures are the main factors that cause clogged toilets. But often such a problem can arise due to the fault of the owners themselves, who “sin” by flushing leftover food or fermented homemade preserves down the toilet.

And there are cases when, when draining dirty water after cleaning the apartment, they forget to take a floor rag out of the bucket, and it floats away with sewage, are not that rare. After such “feeding”, the plumbing refuses to work, blocking the passage of water into the sewer pipes.

If action is not taken in time, a small problem can develop into a real disaster. How to clean a toilet at home without resorting to the services of a plumber, and what methods can be used to deal with blockages? best result? Let's look at it below.

There are quite a few effective ways, allowing you to clear the blockage in the toilet yourself. But before considering each of them, it is necessary to determine the degree of blockage and identify the cause of the blockage.

The drain in the sink is functioning well - this means that the pipe at the outlet of the toilet, which supplies waste to the common sewer riser, is clogged

There are two types of blockages:

  • deaf - completely block the passage of water;
  • leaking - water passes through, but very slowly.

To check, pour a couple of liters of water into the clogged toilet and watch for 10-15 minutes how the water flows out: it may flow in a slow stream or not flow at all.

If after this time the liquid has not dropped into the pipe, refill the toilet with the same volume clean water. Often minor blockages break through on their own under water pressure.

It is not recommended to use for these purposes cistern. When you press the button, the entire volume of liquid, which is at least 3 liters, will fill the toilet and, if the channel is tightly clogged, will begin to overflow over the sides.

If the water is “stagnant”, the locality of the blockage should be determined. To do this, you need to observe how water flows into the sink drain hole by opening the faucet in the bathroom.

When a pipe in the toilet itself is blocked, a mechanical or chemical method is used to eliminate the problem. If the flow is weak at all points, the problem is in the common pipes. Then you will have to resort to more radical measures.

Mechanical methods for clearing blockages

If the cause of a traffic jam is the presence of foreign objects (large food debris, personal hygiene products, rags), the first step is to inspect the emergency area manually.

Manipulations are carried out wearing protective rubber gloves and a bandage on the face; as you move towards the location, it is better to scoop out the standing water in the bowl into a bucket

Having reached the drain hole with your hand, the presence of foreign elements is revealed by touch. Soft objects such as a sponge or rag can also be grabbed with your fingers. To pull out objects with a denser structure, you can make the task easier by prying them with a stiff wire with a hook bent at the end.

Some craftsmen, after unsuccessful attempts to remove the object from the drain, try to blow air through it. But such actions can only aggravate the situation, driving the traffic jam even further. And then the problem can only be solved by using the services of specialists.

When unclogging a toilet, you should always follow the rule: no matter what is stuck in the pipe, pulling out the clog is more effective than pushing it!

Punching with a plunger

If the cause of the blockage has not been identified, and the liquid, albeit slowly, seeps into the drain, use the proven method - cleaning with a plunger.

A plunger is a plumbing tool in the form of a rubber cup-shaped attachment attached to a plastic or wooden handle.

Working with this tool is quite simple. It is necessary to attach the rubber nozzle to the drain hole, covering it tightly so that the water in the bowl completely covers it.

To get the desired effect, you should use a tool whose rubber suction cup is larger than the diameter of the toilet drain hole.

The pushing of waste accumulated in the pipe into the sewer is facilitated by the hydraulic shock that occurs when pumping with a plunger.

During the pumping process, you just need to apply a few gentle pressures on the handle until the rubber nozzle is pressed inward, and then sharply lift the tool

The efficiency of work directly depends on the speed and force of pressing. If the water does not go away after removing the instrument, the manipulations should be repeated. After cleaning, press the flush button and make sure the system is working.

There are several models of plungers on sale:

  • A simple bowl-shaped one is the cheapest, effective for dealing with small blockages and cleaning pipes in sinks, but not toilets.
  • Cone-shaped - effective for cleaning toilets. The cone-shaped nozzle, made of dense rubber, fits perfectly into the pipe and provides better adhesion to the drain hole.
  • Pneumatic - an improved model with greater power and speed. It is equipped with narrow, wide and rotating nozzles for maneuvering inside the drain pipe.

But regardless of the chosen model, the main advantage of working with the tool is that to achieve the effect, you can use the plunger an unlimited number of times without damaging it. inner surface pipes.

Pneumatic plungers are professional and work on the principle of creating a vacuum with a piston over the blockage, causing a water hammer, due to which the plug breaks into small particles and passes freely into the pipe

But if the plunger turns out to be useless, you will have to use another method.

Cleaning with a spring cable (auger)

Deeper clogs can be easily removed using a plumbing auger, which can be purchased at a plumbing supply store.

A “snake” made of flexible steel wire is capable of reaching and crushing blockages in inaccessible places outside the drain hole

The auger, commonly referred to as “toilet wire-cable,” is equipped with a special handle that is designed to rotate the cable.

To clean the pipe, you need to carefully run the end of the tool through the drain hole and slowly move it along the pipe, carefully turning the second end of the device remaining on the surface.

When working with the cable, it is important to monitor its position: it must be as tight as possible, since when twisted, the steel auger can damage the walls of the plumbing equipment

Feeling that the end of the cable has hit an obstacle, they try to drill through the plug using rotational movements, winding the waste around the wire, and then carefully pull it out with the “load” back.

Having pulled out the contents, the auger is re-launched into the pipe to identify any remaining accumulation. After making sure that the obstruction has been eliminated, press the flush button and flush the toilet.

Watch a video on how to work with a flexible hose:

The easiest way to work with a plumbing auger is for two people: the first one rotates the handle, and the second one directs the cable in the desired direction.

Chemical control methods

If mechanical cleaning does not give the desired result, try to “corrode” the blockage by filling it with “chemicals”. Chemical method It is notable for the fact that the solutions are poured directly into the pipe cavity.

Folk remedies

In the kitchen, every housewife always has baking soda and vinegar on hand. They will help clean the toilet.

Soda and vinegar, reacting with each other, cause an “eruption”, which contributes to the detachment of fat and dirt deposits on the inner walls of the pipes

The cleaning procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • A glass of dry soda powder is poured into the previously emptied toilet drain. The powder must not be mixed with water or cleaning agents.
  • Half a glass of vinegar at room temperature is poured into the drain.
  • The treated drain hole should be plugged with a piece of cotton cloth so that the foam mass that arises during the reaction does not go into the drain, but goes inside the sewer pipe.
  • The mixture poured into the pipe is left for half an hour. During this time, it will dissolve small debris and all deposits on the walls of the pipes.
  • In the meantime, you need to boil a couple of liters of water. Half an hour after pouring the soda, open the hole and rinse it with boiling water.

Pouring boiling water should not be used to treat plumbing fixtures in which the connecting corrugation is made of thin-walled plastic. For final processing in this case it is better to use water at a temperature of 60-80°C.

We offer you another effective, but unusual at first glance, cleaning method.

Many of us love the sweet carbonated drink Coca-Cola, but not everyone knows that one of the components of its composition is phosphoric acid

Phosphoric acid can even clean rust from metal surfaces. It is not surprising that Coca-Cola, which contains this substance in the form of additive E 338, is capable of “corroding” fat and dirt deposits on the walls of pipes.

To clean the toilet, just pour one liter of drink into the drain hole and wait one hour. After this time, the system only needs to be rinsed generously with hot water.

Store formulations

If possible, as chemical washing You can purchase special products.

The operating principle of the compositions offered by manufacturers is to dissolve local deposits, thereby clearing the way for the unhindered passage of water flows

Store-bought products are available in the form of:

  • sprays;
  • liquids;
  • powders;
  • granular substances.

The use of each of them depends on the type of blockage. Well proven: universal remedy American manufacturer "Bio-Favorite", "Pothan" made in Israel.

Among domestic manufacturers, the following are especially popular: “Mole”, “Biocomposition Vantuz”, gel “Tiret”.

The chemical is poured or poured deep into the drain and wait until indicated on the label. a period of time, after the time has elapsed, the treated pipes are washed generously with hot water

Some owners, trying to enhance the effect chemical treatment, leave the composition for a longer time than indicated by the manufacturer in the instructions.

For the same reason, it is unacceptable to use 2-3 products at the same time. The outcome of such experiments can occur in one of two scenarios: either none of the agents will work, or the cumulative effect of both compounds will lead to serious consequences.

Preventing clogged toilets

It is easier to prevent any problem than to fix it. To avoid a repetition of an unpleasant situation, you should adhere to a number of simple rules.

Do not throw foreign objects into the toilet. To prevent accidental entry of bathroom accessories into it, do not place shelves with small items near the toilet.

  • If a large object gets in, immediately remove it before it penetrates beyond the drain hole.
  • Use filters that catch large particles of debris. Compliance with this condition is especially important when pouring dirty water into the toilet after cleaning.
  • After each use of the toilet for its intended purpose, press the flush button. Timely flushing of the system will prevent sedimentation urinary stone and lime deposits.
  • Educational conversations with children. Little children love to test their strength plumbing equipment, “bathing” their toys in it. Explain to the kids that this is absolutely forbidden to do.
  • Replace rusty pipes. The rough surface of a rusty pipe accelerates the formation of any kind of deposits. If you neglect this, there is a risk that blockages will form again and again.

To ensure that your plumbing equipment lasts as long as possible, use preventive maintenance chemicals. This will prevent the formation of a fat plug, which often accumulates on the bends of the toilet and in the area of ​​the drain hole.

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