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"Adventures of a Dunno and His Friends" Reader's diary on children's literature

The tale of Nikolai Nosov tells about a small wonderful town inhabited by tiny people. Because of their small stature, they received an affectionate name - shorties. In the colorful town it was like in a fairy tale, there grew everywhere beautiful flowers, so shorties gave names to the streets by the names of flowers. The town of shorties because of the abundance of flowers was called the Flower City. Boys and girls lived in the Flower City, the boys were called babies, and the girls were called babies.

Toddlers and babies bore names that spoke about their characters and activities. The smartest kid was called Znayka. The short man who treated the kids was called Dr. Pilyulkin. There was a mechanic named Vintik in the city, his assistant was called Shpuntik. The hunter Pulka had a dog called Bulka. The paintings were painted by the artist Tube, the little Guslya played music, and the rest of the kids had the same speaking names. In the flower city lived the most outstanding short man, who was called Dunno, because he knew absolutely nothing. Dunno and his friend Gunka spent whole days loitering around the city and bullying the little ones.

Shorties in the city lived very friendly, helped each other. Znayka, a smart kid, read a lot of books, and often told other kids and babies about what he had read. All the little ones loved to listen to his stories, especially about travels and distant countries. The kids dreamed of going on some kind of trip, and Znayka offered to make a balloon that could fly. The kids happily agreed, and Znaika began to figure out how and from what to make a ball. A few days later, Znayka came up with the idea of ​​making a rubber ball. The shorties collected rubber juice, and, with the help of a pump, pumped up a huge ball. Then they covered the ball with a net, and tied a basket made of birch bark to its ends. The ball was ready, it remained to make parachutes in case of an accident, as well as load sandbags for ballast.

And so Znayka appointed the date and time of the flight. On the day of departure, the shorties filled the balloon with hot air, climbed into the basket, and set off to travel. The little ones rose into the air, admiringly observing the surroundings passing by under them. The balloon rose so high that it turned to ice from the cold. From the cold air, the air in the ball cooled down and the ball began to fall rapidly. Znayka said that we should put on parachutes and jump down. He jumped first, and the ball flew up again. Dunno shouted that no one else jumped, and that he would now command instead of Znayka. The kids began to ask each other, and the ball, the air in which had completely cooled down, again began to sink to the ground. To go up again, Dunno suggested throwing one of the shorties down with a parachute, then the ball would fly further. Nobody wanted to jump, and the kids decided to count with the help of a counting rhyme. While Dunno built the kids in order to count, while choosing a rhyme, the ball went down, the basket hit the ground and overturned.

The shorties spilled out of the basket, and so ended their journey. The kids fell into different places when they came to their senses, they all went to some city. So the kids ended up in the Green City, in which only babies lived, because the kids from their city did not like to work and moved to Zmeevka. The kids from the Sun City made friends with the kids from the Green City, with the kids from Zmeevka.

Travelers returned home on foot. After the trip, Dunno changed a lot, he stopped offending the little ones, rarely began to play and began to study, he had to learn to read and write in order to write a letter to Sineglazka in the Green City.

The tale teaches kindness and friendship, as well as honesty.

The world of literature has replenished with another bright work - a trilogy about the adventures of Dunno. The first of these books is "The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends". Summary This colorful, kind and cheerful story can definitely prompt the thought of reading it. Introduce your child to the full version of the work, and you will have to reread it again and again.

Why do you want to read Nosov's books

Nikolai Nikolaevich, the author of the book, managed to become a favorite writer not only for children, but also for adults. This is because his works are both realistic and fabulous, children are taught goodness, and adults are immersed in the warm atmosphere of a joyful childhood.

The idea of ​​creating a book came to Nikolai Nosov when his son was born. He created in his mind original stories about the life of ordinary boys from the yard and told until the younger Nosov grew up. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" is why readers like it so much because they are close, understandable and witty. The author's love for children is read between the lines, and the books themselves are timeless, which is why they have not lost their attractiveness to this day.

"The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends": a summary

The events of the work take place in which shorty kids inhabit. That's what they call shorties. This is because they are "the size of a small cucumber", so the flowers, grass, leaves, insects surrounding them are simply huge. In these "jungles" shorties have adapted to live, build their houses, walk and even make scientific discoveries!

This small model of society, in which everyone is engaged in a certain business, has its own character and is responsible for their actions. The only one who does not do this is Dunno. This prankster is able to disturb the general peace with one of his appearances, but more on that later.

Shorties - who are they?

Acquaintance with all the characters occurs gradually, depending on what trouble it gets into. main character, described in the work "The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends". The summary of the book can fit into one of the chapter titles (there are 30 in total). For example, the section "How Dunno was an artist" tells about what kind of work it cost him to comprehend the basics of art, and the chapter entitled "How Dunno wrote poetry" tells what poetic masterpieces he managed to create (the rhyme "stick - herring" was remembered, probably, to all readers).

The fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" tells about short men as professionals or outstanding personalities. Even their names match this. Live here: Znayka (scientist, wears glasses and comes up with various scientific ideas), Dr. Pilyulkin (doctor), mechanics Vintik and Shpuntik, creative personalities Guslya, Tube and Tsvetik (musician, artist and poet), culinary lovers Donut and Syrup, astronomer Steklyashkin. The features of the rest of the characters can not be explained, these are: Toropyzhka, Grumpy, the twins Avoska and Neboska.

Dunno and his team

Carefree and calm life flower city impossible without periodic outbreaks of pampering, intrigues and eliminating the consequences of the chaos caused by Dunno. This uneducated fellow is always in the place where something has been smashed, someone's pigtails pulled or teased.

He is not distinguished by neatness - his tousled mop of hair always sticks out from under a huge hat, which the hero never takes off. Yes, and he lives by the principle "why make a bed before going to bed, if you make it again in the morning?".

It should be noted that such behavior is not malicious intent. It is impossible not to love Dunno for his misdeeds, because he commits them out of curiosity and his childish spontaneity. His friends are Donut and Gunka. It just so happened that they are also not very useful to the rest of the inhabitants of the city. And where without a lady of the heart? This is Button. It is she who begins the hard work of teaching Dunno to read and write.

The adventures of the young hero are described in the book "The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends". The summary of his "victories" in the Flower City ends with how Znayka invents a balloon and the inhabitants are going to fly to other countries. Here the plot is just beginning to unfold and sends the reader along with the characters on an exciting journey with Dunno and his friends.

The shorties, tiny people living in the Flower City, decide to take a trip in a hot air balloon. Of course, only kids are taken to the ball, that is, short boys.

The journey is exciting at first. However, the ball gradually begins to lose height. Only the commander of a small detachment, Znayka, decides, as planned before the start of the journey, to jump out of the balloon with a parachute.

The rest of the kids, having obeyed the command of the unreasonable Dunno, do not jump after them and have an accident.

They find themselves in a wonderful hospitable city populated only by babies.

Know-nothing pretends to be the chief among the arrived shorties and attributes authorship hot air balloon yourself. The rest of the traveler babies only with his help get the opportunity to be discharged from the hospital, which is run by pedantic babies, and therefore agree to support his lies. The shorties go through many adventures until they are all together again and have the opportunity to return home.

Why I liked N. Nosov's tale "The Adventures of Dunno and his friends."

The reader will learn what real delicacy, kindness, care, forgiveness are. He will know how painful lies and boasting are, and above all for the one who resorts to their help. Thinking to increase self-respect, the naive, stupid Dunno only achieves his exposure and shame. However, true friendship endures all tests.

Adventures of Dunno and his friends

In one fabulous city lived short men. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber. "Kids and babies. Dunno, Znaika, Dr. Pilyulkin, mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik; Saharin Sakharinich Syropchik, Pulka the hunter and Bulka the dog, Tube artist, musician Guslya, Toropyzhka, Grumpy, Silent, Donut , Rasteryaika, brothers Avoska and Neboska, astronomer Steklyashkin, friend of Dunno Gunka.

Chapters: HOW THE DON'T KNOW WERE A MUSICIAN (Dunno wanted to learn how to play, went to Gusla, chose the loudest instrument - copper pipe, blew his trumpet and decided that there was no need to study, he already knew how. But everywhere he was asked to leave and not make noise.

Then Dunno decided that they “didn’t grow up” to his music, and stopped playing), HOW DON’T KNOW WERE AN ARTIST blue hair and a purple mustache (which he did not have), and at night - all the rest. “He painted the donut so thick that he didn’t even fit in the portrait. He painted Toropyzhka on thin legs, and for some reason added a dog’s tail to him at the back. He depicted the hunter Pulka riding Bulka. ears. By morning, he hung these portraits on the walls and made inscriptions under them "The first one woke up Dr. Pilyulkin. He saw the portraits on the wall and began to laugh. He liked them, but when he saw himself, he asked Dunno to take a portrait, threatening with castor oil. Then Pulka, and also said to take his portrait, promising otherwise ....

In one fabulous city lived short men. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber.” Toddlers and babies. Dunno, Znayka, Dr. Pilyulkin, mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik; Sakharin Sakharinich Syropchik, the hunter Pulka and the dog Bulka, the artist Tube, the musician Guslya, Toropyzhka, Grumpy, Silent, Donut, Confusion, Avoska and Neboska brothers, astronomer Steklyashkin, Dunno Gunka's friend.

HOW THE DON'T KNOW WAS A MUSICIAN. Dunno wanted to learn how to play, went to Gusla, chose the loudest instrument - a copper pipe, blew his trumpet and decided that there was no need to study, he already knew how. But everywhere he was asked to leave and not make noise. Then Dunno decided that they had not “grown up” to his music, and stopped playing.

HOW THE DON'T KNOW WAS AN ARTIST. Dunno wanted to draw, Tube gave him paints and a brush, he first painted his friend Gunka with blue hair and purple mustaches, and at night - all the others. “The donut was so thick that it didn't even fit in the portrait. He drew Toropyzhka on thin legs, and for some reason added a dog's tail to him from behind. The hunter Pulka was depicted riding Bulka. Doctor Pilyulkin drew a thermometer instead of a nose. Znayka does not know why he painted donkey ears. By morning, he hung these portraits on the walls and made inscriptions under them. Dr. Pilyulkin was the first to wake up. He saw the portraits on the wall and began to laugh. He liked them, but when he saw himself, he asked Dunno to take a portrait, threatening with castor oil. Then Pulka, and also said to take his portrait, promising otherwise not to take Dunno on a hunt. So it was with everyone. Tube was the last to wake up and, seeing himself, took away the brush and paints from Dunno. Only the portrait of Gunka remained, which Dunno allowed him to tear in exchange for peace.

HOW THE DON'T KNOW TO COMPOSE POEMS, HOW THE DON'T KNOWN WAS RIDING A GAS CAR, etc. In the end, Dunno made friends with Button and began to learn to read and write.

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  5. The action of this work by N. N. Nosov takes place in a country where shorty kids live - boys and girls the size of a small cucumber. All residents of the Flower City are...
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