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Acupressure for pain in the knee joints. Acupuncture - acupuncture for osteoarthritis of the knee. Points for headaches and migraines

For many, just the word acupuncture makes them shudder. Others are not afraid to apply this technique on themselves. What kind of procedure is this and how many needles do you need to insert into yourself in order for the result of the treatment to become noticeable?

What is acupuncture

Acupuncture or acupuncture is a method of treating various diseases and pathological conditions by pricking biologically active points with special needles. These points are nerve endings located in the tissues.

Chinese healers believe that the points are located on invisible energy channels that distribute life-giving energy throughout the human body. By influencing acupuncture points, one can influence the flow of energy, restoring the energy balance and human health.

Healing mechanism

The mechanism of action of acupuncture has not yet been established. There are various theories of the manifestation of a therapeutic effect. Among them, the reflex mechanism is considered generally accepted. The healing effect of acupuncture is manifested due to the manifestation of a reflex response after exposure to active points. The impulse activates the part of the brain responsible for the work of a certain organ, which improves its blood supply, trophism and innervation.

The inserted needle performs several functions:

  • relieves pain;
  • activates blood circulation;
  • stimulates the improvement of innervation;
  • improves general condition by stimulating the release of endorphins.

Benefits of acupuncture

Acupuncture provides:

Benefits of acupuncture:

  • minimum contraindications;
  • rapid manifestation of the analgesic effect;
  • promotes rejuvenation of the body;
  • providing an increase in the protective properties of the body.

Brief history of the method

The technique of acupuncture came to us from China. It was there that the first written evidence of acupuncture was found in the treatise Huang Dinei Jing, which dates back to the reign of the “Yellow Emperor” Huang Di and dates back to the 3rd century BC. In addition, archaeologists have found needles made of gold, bone, bronze and stone dating back to earlier periods.

In 221 BC, the "Treatise on the Difficult" was written, which contained information on the causes and diagnosis of diseases, and also contained information on the technique of acupuncture. It described 295 biologically active points. And in 1027, a treatise was published in which more than 650 points were already described. Around the same period, acupuncture tutorials began to appear.

Thus, the method of treatment with the help of acupuncture has a very ancient history. In Europe, this method of treatment began to gain popularity relatively recently - in the 2nd half of the last century. Now more and more clinics offer this service.

Differences between Chinese and European acupuncture

Although acupuncture came to us from China, there are still differences between traditional Chinese methods and those used in European practice. The main difference is that in China, acupuncture is a traditional treatment, while in European countries it is only an auxiliary technique related to reflexology.

Chinese acupuncture has practically no contraindications, the course of treatment is up to 10 procedures, and up to 5 needles are placed in one session. Another feature of Chinese practices is the manipulation of the needle - the doctor can rotate them, move them deeper, tilt them, etc. When choosing manipulations, the gender, age of the patient, the time of day of the procedure, the biologically active point where the needle is inserted and many other factors are taken into account.

European acupuncture has numerous contraindications, treatment is up to 20 sessions, each of which is placed from 10 to 20 needles. Needle manipulations are quite rare, while treatment is often supplemented by the introduction of drugs, exposure to a magnetic field, electric currents, etc.

Indications for acupuncture

Acupuncture can be used for various diseases, pain syndromes and other conditions. There are a lot of indications for the use of the technique. The main ones are:

It is possible to use acupuncture for other diseases. The appointment of such treatment is considered in each case individually. In addition, acupuncture should be considered as an adjunctive therapy. In addition to it, medication, therapeutic exercises, massages, diet therapy and other methods of treatment can be prescribed.

Acupuncture technique

An acupuncture session should be held in a warm room that provides psychological and physical comfort. First, the doctor disinfects the skin, after which the needles are screwed into the points on the body necessary for treatment. Depending on the indications, from 5 to 20 needles can be inserted at the same time. The depth of insertion also varies from a few millimeters to several centimeters. The duration of the session is from 10 to 60 minutes. Acupuncture is carried out in courses from 3 to 20 sessions. Usually, no more than 2-3 procedures per week are carried out.

Acupuncture needles are different. Their length ranges from 1 to 12 cm, and their thickness is from 0.2 to 0.4 mm. They are made of stainless steel, gold or silver.

micro acupuncture

Micro acupuncture is a type of acupuncture, in which the time of exposure to points of the body is from 2-5 days (steel needles) to 2-3 weeks (silver and gold needles). Its difference from classical acupuncture is not only the duration of stimulation of the points, but also the smaller size of the needles - 0.3-1.5 cm.

How to prepare for an acupuncture procedure

In order for acupuncture to bring the desired results, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • you should only contact a professional doctor in whom you have full confidence;
  • only disposable needles should be used for the procedure;
  • it is impossible to carry out the procedure in alcoholic intoxication, on a “full” stomach, immediately after physical exertion, taking a bath.

Slimming with acupuncture

There are several methods of acupuncture for weight loss. The main ones are:

Acupuncture for spinal hernia

With a hernia of the spine, classical acupuncture is used. The duration of the session should be from 15 to 90 minutes. at least 10 sessions are required. Thanks to acupuncture, muscle tension decreases, the severity of inflammation in adjacent tissues decreases, pain syndrome is eliminated, metabolic processes and blood flow are normalized. This helps to speed up recovery, but does not exclude the need for other types of treatment.

Acupuncture in the fight against smoking

In order for acupuncture (acupuncture procedure) to help get rid of nicotine addiction, a person needs to have a strong motivation for this. The use of acupuncture will only help reduce brain activity and reduce the craving for smoking. Most often, needles are inserted into points located on the ear, wrists, and thumbs.

Negative effects of therapy

With all the many positive effects, acupuncture can cause side effects. It:

The safety, as well as the effectiveness, of acupuncture depends entirely on the professionalism and experience of the doctor performing the manipulations. Therefore, it is very important to contact only acupuncturists for the treatment of diseases. In this case, it is necessary to undergo preliminary examinations to exclude the presence of contraindications to the use of acupuncture.

Method contraindications

Although the method of treatment with acupuncture is quite safe, there are a number of conditions and diseases in which it is prohibited. These include:

It is also contraindicated to introduce needles on the face and head in children under 7 years of age, with lesions of the skin and the presence of scars, wounds, scars at the injection site of the needles.

It is not recommended to use acupuncture for the treatment of elderly patients (over 70 years old), with physical overwork, exhaustion, stroke, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, emotional overstrain, poliomyelitis.

Orthodoxy and acupuncture

Is it possible for Orthodox Christians to receive acupuncture? This question worries many patients. There is no single answer to the question. There is a category of Christians who believe that acupuncture is a sin. This is due to the fact that many doctors, in addition to the treatment procedure itself, expose patients to the influence of other Eastern teachings. In addition, mythical mythology is seen in the method itself due to the presence of the concepts of harmony of the spirit (“yin”) and blood (“yang”).

But the majority of Orthodox Christians quite accept the treatment with the help of acupuncture in cases where the patient perceives acupuncture as a conventional treatment and rejects pagan mythology.

Reviews of acupuncture

The popularity of the acupuncture method is evidenced by the numerous reviews left by users on the network. Of course, among them there are neutral or negative. Such reviews are more often left by people who received treatment from insufficiently professional doctors.

Some reviews:

  • My joints were very sore, so much so that sometimes I could not sleep because of the pain. Taking painkillers gave only a temporary effect, and I decided to turn to a reflexologist. After just a few sessions, I felt a noticeable improvement in my condition. Now I go through treatment 2-3 times a year and feel much better.
  • Acupuncture helped me get rid of neurological problems. The pain went away fairly quickly and hasn't returned yet.
  • With the help of acupuncture, I was able to get rid of vegetovascular dystonia. I was very afraid of the procedures, but it turned out that they are practically painless. There is a feeling of fullness and pleasant warmth.

The cost of acupuncture in Moscow

The cost of acupuncture is influenced by many factors, including the location of the procedure (clinic or at home) and the qualifications of the doctor. In some clinics, the cost of the service depends on the disease being treated, the number of needles inserted, and the place where they are inserted. Additional fees may apply for prior medical consultation. On average, the price of one session of acupuncture varies from 1000 to 7000 rubles. Special methods of acupuncture are even more expensive - from 10,000 rubles.

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What to do if the joint on the finger is swollen

Most people face swelling of the joints of the fingers throughout their lives, since the limbs are the most mobile parts of the human body. Due to the fact that the number of right-handers is greater than that of left-handers, pathological changes most often occur on the right hand.

The reasons

The reasons that cause such a pathology are completely different, and the quality of treatment directly depends on the correctness of their determination. It is important to realize that such inflammation in itself is not a disease, but is only a separate manifestation, a symptom that can be caused by various factors that are completely different from each other and require radically opposite methods of therapy. This can be either a consequence of an old injury or a metabolic disorder, so independent measures to eliminate the symptoms will not be effective, and the disease will become chronic with periodic exacerbations.

Such a pathological change in the articular structures of the hand causes tangible discomfort, because the range of motion of the joint is sharply limited, fine motor skills slow down, it is inconvenient to write, type on the keyboard and perform small movements that are constantly needed.

The pain can be of different intensity: periodic and constant, aching, interfering with sleep at night, or practically absent.

The most common cause of swelling of the phalangeal joints is injury to soft or hard tissues. Less common are tumors that occur due to swelling, allergic reactions, muscle damage, or metabolic disorders.

Fractures and cracks

This pathology is the easiest to detect. Usually the patient knows exactly the moment when he received the physical injury. Symptoms may not appear immediately, but after a certain period of time.

Manifestations can be:

  • sharp pains in the finger or spreading throughout the hand;
  • cyanosis of the skin due to the appearance of internal hemorrhage or violation of blood vessels;
  • local inflammation;
  • problems with finger mobility;
  • redness and a feeling of heat or burning at the site of inflammation.

Violations of the integrity of the dermal cover

In this case, defects are visible visually: these can be punctures, scratches, splinters, cuts, and so on. Inflammation can occur not only at the site of injury, but also not far from it. Especially strong swelling appears when the wound is affected by a bacterial infection. In this case, the body temperature rises significantly. Over time, suppuration or abscess may appear.

Arthrosis and arthritis

There are many types of arthrosis that can lead to severe swelling of the finger on the hand. Although most of their symptoms are similar, they also have some differences, as well as different possible health consequences.

Polyosteoarthritis occurs most often in older age and predominantly in women. Represents a special group of deforming osteoarthritis. Main symptoms:

  • monotonous or aching pain with increased after exertion;
  • increased pain in the evening;
  • specific deformation of the phalanges - "nodal fingers";
  • special knots on the side and back surfaces of the phalanges, which are most often located symmetrically.

In some cases, pain does not accompany the course of polyosteoarthrosis, in other cases, burning and pain are felt.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a dangerous autoimmune disorder that affects small joints, including those of the fingers, especially those of the index and middle fingers. In most cases, arthritis appears symmetrically on the hands of both hands.

This is a systemic autoimmune disease with a primary lesion of the small joints of the body, including swelling of the fingers of the upper extremities. The nature of the course of rheumatoid arthritis is defined as chronic with systematic exacerbations.

Inflammation that occurs on the second or third articular phalanx accompanies weakness of the muscles of the hand and stiffness in the hands. Pain increases from the middle of the night with a peak in intensity in the morning.

In this video we are talking about rheumatoid arthritis, its causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment:

Rhizoarthrosis occurs on the thumb and is associated with physical overload of the phalanges, so it is often referred to as an occupational disease.

When moving in a swollen joint, a crunch is heard, articular deformity and a change in the shape of the finger are noticeable. Over time, the pain from temporary develops into permanent against the background of a decrease in the overall tone of the cartilage tissue.

The group of infectious arthritis includes pathologies in which pathogenic microorganisms enter the joint after injury or are brought there with the blood stream, continuing their development there inside the joint cavity.

With such an infection, all symptoms begin to appear sharply and acutely, with fever, severe pain in the hand.

Violation of metabolic processes

Pathological processes such as gout and diabetes can cause swelling and thickening of the joints of the hands. These inflammations occur paroxysmal, both fingers of one and both hands can be affected, mainly large ones.

Attacks occur at night with pain of very strong intensity, which is difficult to bear. The skin in the area of ​​pathology turns red, reaching a crimson color. Attacks last from 3 to 7 days, after which they disappear until the next exacerbation.

Adverse effects

Such factors that cause swelling of the articular joints of the hand include strong vibrations that occur when working with special tools, high humidity, wearing tight rings that block the flow of nutrients to the joint, severe hypothermia, etc.

In such cases, it is enough to eliminate the causes that caused swelling or swelling. If the effect of the factor is prolonged, then the pathology can become chronic.


Having found swelling in the area of ​​​​the connecting joints of the phalanges, you need to contact a therapist who will conduct an initial appointment and determine which doctor you should go to. These may include the following professionals:

  • angiosurgeon;
  • traumatologist;
  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • rheumatologist.

The complex of diagnostic measures depends on the data obtained during the interview of the patient, and depending on the clinical picture, which is evaluated by the specialist. Palpation and testing of pain during flexion of the hand into a fist and reverse extension is carried out.

A diagnosis made on the basis of symptoms alone cannot be considered complete and final, therefore a more detailed instrumental examination is prescribed:

  • If an infectious agent is suspected, then a bacterial analysis for resistance to antibiotic groups is performed to select antibiotic therapy.
  • If the disease is caused by an injury, an X-ray of the hand is performed, on which it is possible to establish the presence of cracks, fractures and other degenerative phenomena of hard tissues.
  • Auxiliary means of instrumental diagnostics are MRI, arthroscopy and ultrasound, which allow to establish all the details of the structure of bones, muscles, tendons and nerves.


Based on the data obtained during the diagnosis, differentiated therapy is prescribed. Symptomatic remedies are almost always prescribed if the tumor is accompanied by pain.

Limiting yourself to drug therapy aimed at eliminating symptomatic signs is not only insufficient, but also dangerous to health. This approach is fraught with aggravation of the disease and the development of complications.

To achieve optimal results, treatment is carried out in a complex manner using the following therapies:

  1. medications;
  2. physiotherapy;
  3. massages and exercise therapy;
  4. surgical methods.

They can be applied all at the same time or selectively, which is determined by the attending physician.

Medical therapy

This method allows you to eliminate the acute manifestations of swelling and stops the process, preventing its further development. Most often, specialists prescribe such groups of drugs:

  • to reduce pain (Analgin, Ketolong, Ketonal);
  • muscle relaxants (Mydocalm);
  • to eliminate edema (L-lysine aescinate);
  • absorbable (Trypsin);
  • from inflammation (Meloxicam, Nimesulide, Diclofenac).

After the acute manifestations subside, oral or injectable preparations can be replaced with balms, creams, gels or ointments. Such agents are preferable in terms of side effects because they act locally.

With abscesses or suppuration, systemic and local properties are used.

In some cases, special therapy is necessary, which requires the use of special drugs to suppress the development of the disease:

  1. hormones and cytostatic drugs - in the case of rheumatoid arthritis;
  2. hypouricemic agents - for gout;
  3. antibiotics - for infectious causes and rheumatoid arthritis;
  4. chondroprotective agents - with osteoarthritic phenomena.

Dosage and timing of admission are calculated by a specialist, based on the age, weight and health of the patient.


Physiotherapy products are suitable in cases where injuries, gout, osteoarthritis and a number of other causes are identified, but their use in case of autoimmune diseases is not recommended.

Physiotherapeutic agents are used after the elimination of the acute process. The following procedures are mainly prescribed:

  • phono- and electrophoresis;
  • laser treatment;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • paraffin therapy;
  • balneotherapy.

To select the optimal complex of such procedures, a consultation with a physiotherapist is necessary.

Massage and exercise therapy

To improve the condition of the interphalangeal joints in the treatment of articular swelling, certain exercises must be done. If such gymnastics is accompanied by severe discomfort, then before starting the gymnastics, the affected area is treated with ointments with an anesthetic effect.

The course of massage reduces symptoms, relieves muscle spasms and improves blood supply to the periarticular zone.


With some types of joint swelling, the only way to get rid of the pathology is a surgical method. In case of severe injuries localized on the hand, with ruptures of soft tissues or accumulation of a large volume of blood at the site of a hematoma, osteosynthesis, punctures with washing of the cavities with antiseptic agents, followed by tissue stitching, are used.

Correct methods of treatment of phalangeal articular pathologies of the hand, chosen by a qualified doctor, will allow you to fully resume motor activity and strength of the hands, as well as ensure health for many years to come.

Cause pain in the knee joint can be different - dislocation of the leg, circulatory disorders, or diseases at different stages, such as arthrosis of the knee joint, arthritis, damage to the meniscus, inflammation of the knee tendons. The diseased knee may swell day or night, the mobility of the diseased area is often difficult, in most cases, special therapy prescribed by a qualified doctor is necessary. Helps a lot massage and the use of various devices and ointments.

What exactly I use and suggest to other massage therapists and physiotherapists: manual massage, vibration therapy device with infrared heat (radiation), electromagnetic pricking device (impulse), elements of Su Jok therapy, as well as massage or self-massage with tennis balls (if necessary).

Let's briefly analyze what it is, and how everything looks in the course-complex therapy for the knee joints:

One session includes massage and subsequent application of one of the devices.

1 option. Massage and use of infrared heat vibration therapy device: I am of the opinion of many experts who say that the effectiveness of knee massage will be better if you first massage the thigh for 4-5 minutes. After that, directly massage the knee joint for 5-6 minutes. Classical manipulations - stroking, kneading, rubbing.

Then we use the device, for this it is necessary to determine the location of the points that we will act on. The theory of Chinese traditional medicine was taken as the basis, according to them, there are three most active points of the knee joint. They are not hard to find:

  • first point: mentally divide the cup of the knee in half horizontally, it is in the middle of this line, on the inner edge of the cup;
  • second point: located just above the central horizontal line on the outside of the cup;
  • third point: centered at the bottom of the cup.

I make an impact alternately on these three points in the third mode with a nozzle - vibroacoustic and thermal effects for 2 minutes for each point. Then, to speed up blood circulation and relieve the inflammatory process, warming up under the knee without a nozzle is carried out - 2 minutes. The approximate time for a session of one knee joint is up to 18-20 minutes.

Option 2. Manual massage is performed in the same way as in variant 1, after it I make an additional impact and impulse with the Tianshi brand apparatus. A nozzle with a jade stone is inserted onto the head of the diagnostic wand. The same 3 important points of the knee joint (described above) are stimulated in turn for up to 1.5 minutes each.

The pressure is of medium strength, the nozzle constantly presses on the point, while a slight rotational movement is made clockwise with a diagnostic wand. After that, the nozzle is removed and an electromagnetic impulse is made (according to the manufacturer, it replaces the traditional acupuncture needle of Chinese medicine) to the points that we stimulated. Approximate time of the session is 15 minutes, two knee joints 30 minutes.

3 option. Massage of the knee joint is performed as in option 1, then I apply Su Jok therapy. On the hands or feet I look for pain points that correspond to the points of the knee joint. To do this, I use a diagnostic stick, after stimulating pain points I put special acupuncture needles Su Jok- diameter 0.16 mm, total height 20 mm, sufficient penetration depth 4-6 mm. I use disposable, sterile Novasan needles (Spain).

Ideally, the needle should be at the point of 20-25 minutes, if the patient does not have time, or he is against the introduction of the needle, then in this case I apply an impulse with the Tianshi brand device to the correspondence points.

In the treatment of arthritis of the knee joint, another very effective method of Su Jok therapy is heating painful points and correspondence zones with moxas or minimoxes. Warming up is recommended to be done every day. Overlaying seeds (buckwheat, black pepper, radish, lentils) on the correspondence points also has a good result. The seeds are fixed with a plaster, they need to be pressed periodically, and the seeds can also be placed overnight.

Massage or self-massage with a tennis ball

Massaging the knee joint with a tennis ball is a fairly new and very effective direction for relieving pain. Ideal for self-massage, for this you need to warm up the knee joint with your hands for 2-3 minutes, while doing rubbing movements. Then we put the ball on the lower point under the cup and first make light pressure with the hand on the ball. We change in a circle clockwise the place and points of pressure.

Massaging the entire knee joint in a circle, making a slight emphasis on 3 important points that we used in option 1 and 2. Such a massage will improve the blood circulation of the knee joint and is able to remove pain, legs after such pressure with a tennis ball, surprisingly, but very "come alive". I recommend pressing on the points for up to 5-6 seconds, the pressure is medium, and is selected individually.

Do you agree with me, dear visitor of this page, that in massage with a tennis ball of the knee joint there is analogy with Japanese shiatsu technique. Only in shiatsu, the points are affected with the thumb, part or all of the palm, elbow. The force of pressure in these two massage techniques the same.

For the best effect after the session, I rub an ointment or gel, I often use Viprosal B, which contains snake venom.

Approximate scheme of the course-complex

So, we have decided on the options for massage and therapy, now we can draw up an approximate scheme of the general course for relieving pain or treating the knee joint. Much depends on the nature of the pain or illness, and the number of sessions depends on this.

  • the first two sessions are carried out according to 1 option;
  • the next two in option 2;
  • 5th and 6th session according to option 3;
  • 7 session with a tennis ball;
  • 8 session according to 1 option;
  • 9 session according to variant 2;
  • 10 session for 3 options.

It is very important to ask the patient how he feels after each session, and the next day after it, so that it is possible to identify which version of massage and therapy we used was more effective. Recommend a person to perform self-massage with a tennis ball, as well as a complex - the second article on our site, which describes simple exercises using the ball, and exercises in the water.

Do not use this information as a call for self-treatment. Timely consultation and analysis with a doctor for pain in the knee joints will not allow the pain to turn into a disease, or it will be detected in the early stages, which will simplify treatment.

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As hard as it is to believe, modern medicine confirms the fact that the ancient Eastern art of acupressure - acupuncture without needles - can relieve pain. In China, it has been used by millions of people for centuries.

How can simply touching a specific point on the skin relieve pain?

According to ancient Chinese teachings, acupressure points, or qiubos, are places on the body where blockage of the body's vital energy, called qi, can occur.

Western science gives a different explanation: when pressing on acupressure points, the body releases its painkillers - endorphins and enkephalins.

Press your buttons and the pain will go away

“Although acupuncture is better known than acupressure, in China, hand therapy originated earlier than needle therapy,” says Michael Reed Gah, author of several books on acupressure and founder of the Acupressure Institute (Berkeley, California). Using needles to relieve pain is good for some ailments, but soft, warm fingertips are much better for others, such as arthritis.

Arthritis pain, according to Gah, is concentrated mainly around acupressure points.

In his book, Arthritis Relief Always At Hand, Gah writes, “Acupressure reduces joint inflammation by relaxing the muscles, allowing blood to flow more freely… Daily use of acupressure greatly relieves arthritis pain.”

So where are these points located? Finding them is quite easy. "Each of them can be found close to the so-called anatomical landmarks - the navel, a certain muscle, or behind the knee bend," writes Gah. The following illustrations show several important points used in the treatment of arthritis.

Getting to the point

"You'll know you've hit the right spot when your finger hits the indentation or notch between the tendon and muscle," says Gah. In addition, the skin in such a place is usually softer than in adjacent areas.

What should you do when you have found the right point? Acupressure specialists offer different approaches. Gah advises pressing on the point with the middle finger, supporting it with the index and ring fingers, or using the thumb. You can also apply pressure to the point with your knuckles and even round objects like avocado pits, golf balls, or erasers.

“Press until you feel the balance between pain and pleasure,” says Gah. - Usually it is necessary to press the points for 3 minutes. It is recommended to relax and breathe deeply. You need to press the point gradually and smoothly,” Gakh advises.

If you do not reach a certain point, then remember that you can always ask your friend about it.

Point number 1 massage when arthritis affects the hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders. It is located between the thumb and forefinger, closer to the bone of the index finger.

Point #2 serves to reduce pain in the hand. Apply pressure to the palm at the base of the thumb, in the middle of the pad that connects the palm to the thumb. Massaging this point will save you not only from pain in your arm, but also from indigestion.

Point #3 help you relieve tension or pain in your shoulders. To find it, bend your palm back. The point is located on the outer side of the hand at a distance of two finger widths (about 3 cm) from the bend of the wrist. It is necessary to press between the bones of the hand. To apply more pressure, wrap something around the brush and apply pressure with all fingers at the same time.

Point number 4 serves to reduce pain in the joints of the hands, wrists and elbows. It is located 3 cm below the elbow, on a muscle that sticks out if the arm is bent at the elbow . Point number 5 located on the elbow joint, on the outside of the elbow bend. Used to reduce inflammation in the elbows and shoulders.

Point number 6 located between the top of the shoulder and the armpit. By pressing directly on the muscle, you can get rid of pain in the shoulders and upper back. Point number 7 designed to reduce pain in the shoulders and neck; it is located 3 cm below the top of the shoulder, between the base of the neck and the edge of the shoulder.

Point number 8 Designed to relieve stiffness, stiffness and pain in the neck and back. It is located in the upper part of the neck, one finger's width from the spine. Point number 9 located in a depression between two muscles, just below the base of the skull. Pressing on this point relieves back pain, neck pain and headaches.

Point number 10- to reduce back pain - located a few centimeters from the spine, at waist level. With your fingers, press on the outer edges of the large muscles that run along the spine. Click on two points at the same time or alternately on each point. You can also stimulate these points by massaging your lower back with your knuckles.

Point number 11 located at a distance of four finger thickness from the patella and one finger thickness from the outside of the tibia. You will feel the protruding muscle in this place if you bend and unbend the ankle. Apply pressure to this point to relieve pain in the knee joint. You can do this with the heel of the other foot. For example, massage a point on your left foot with your right heel for a minute.

Point number 12 located between the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones at the top of the foot. Pressing on it relieves tension in the hips and shoulders, relieves pain in the side and acute pain. Feeling the bones, touch the tip of your finger to the desired point and press just below the place where the bones meet.

Acupressure for joint health

Acupressure, or acupressure, came to us from the Ancient East and took root so much that today it occupies one of the leading places among non-traditional methods of treatment. This method of treatment is based on the impact on certain points of the human body. These points were identified by ancient healers and tested over many centuries. By massaging active areas on the body, you can reduce pain, achieve a milder course of the disease, and speed up recovery. You can perform acupressure on your own. To master it, you do not need a medical education at all, for this you just need to have an idea about the bioactive zones on the human body. Each organ has its own point on the body, by influencing which it is possible to regulate the processes in the organ itself. There are about 700 such points in total. The main techniques that are used for acupressure of the knees are stroking, superficial and deep pressure.

Stroking done continuously. Moreover, stroking movements can be both fast and slow. The main thing is to perform them all the time at the same pace. Stroking can be done with one finger of the hand or with the whole palm.

superficial, or, as it is also called, light, pressure is performed with the thumb and consists in slight pressure on the active point.

Deep pressure performed similarly to the previous one, only with more weight. In this case, a small depression should form on the skin under the finger.

To enhance the effectiveness of acupressure, all elements must be combined with clockwise rotational movements. Make sure that the massaging finger is located strictly perpendicular to the bioactive point.

Many who were not familiar with acupressure before are wondering: how to understand that the right point has been found? If you find an active zone in yourself, it will immediately give a sign - it can be a slight heat, cold, or a barely perceptible tingling.

The list of indications for acupressure is large. These are diseases of the joints, and osteochondrosis, and other problems with the musculoskeletal system. Its effectiveness has been proven for colds, headaches and toothaches. Acupressure helps fight insomnia, depression and fatigue. But, despite the impressive list of indications, as with any procedure, there are contraindications.

Contraindications for acupressure are the following conditions:

Heart diseases;

Fungal lesions of the skin and subcutaneous fat;


Excessive fatigue.

The basic rules for a successful massage are as follows.

Massage only with clean hands.

During the session, concentrate only on your body, for this, remove all external stimuli: telephone, TV, and even noisy household members. You can leave only quiet calm music.

Perform acupressure in a state of complete relaxation.

If during the session you feel worse, stop the massage.

Acupressure massage of the knee joint. By influencing the bioactive points of the knee joint, it is possible to reduce swelling, improve its motor activity and get rid of pain.

The duration of one session is 7-10 minutes. It is necessary to start massage outside the stage of exacerbation, that is, when there is no acute pain.

The knee joint corresponds to 8 bioactive points.

The first point is called the "control middle", let's denote it point 1. It is located on the back of the leg, in the center, slightly below the knee. Exposure to it relieves pain in the knee joint and back.

point 2 called "management". To find it, bend your knee. On the outer side of the formed depression, you will find the desired point 2.

Points 1 and 2

To detect the next point - "curving source" (3) – it is also necessary to bend the leg at the knee. When the knee joint is bent, a depression is formed, and in the place where it ends, under the knee, the desired active zone is located.

Point 4 -"Nutritional Valley" - located between the two tendons from the inner edge when the knee joint is bent. It is affected by pain not only in the knees, but also in the abdominal cavity, as well as to restore the disturbed activity of the reproductive system.

Dot 5 called "dark side of the mountain" is located on the inner surface of the lower leg under the head of the tibia (on the protruding part). Impact on point 5 gives good results in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and varicose veins.

Points 3, 4 and 5

Point "sunny side of the mountain" (6) located under the knee joint on the outer part of the lower leg almost in front of the head of the tibia. Her massage helps relieve muscle tension in the knee joints.

Impact on a point called "calf's nose" (7) relief of pain in the knee joints. Finding it is easy - it is located under the kneecap in a recess on the outside.

Point 8 - The three mile point is under the kneecap towards the outside of the tibia. Impact on it not only relieves pain in the knee joints, but also improves the general condition of the body.

Massage these points with acupressure techniques. A full course of acupressure of the knee joints is 10 procedures. Moreover, the first 5 acupressure sessions are performed every day, and the remaining 5 - every other day.

A set of exercises will help relieve pain in the joints of the knees. With their help, there is also an effect on the bioactive points of the knee joints.

Exercise 1. Starting position: sitting on the floor, legs straight. Place a tennis ball under each knee and move your legs in different directions.

Exercise 2. The starting position remains the same. Grab your knee with both hands and rub it vigorously until you feel warmth in your knee. Then do the exercise on the other leg.

Exercise 3 Grab your knee with your thumbs and forefingers and apply pressure to the points around the kneecap. Alternate between superficial and deep pressure.

Exercise 4 Place your palm on your knees and rub the skin over the kneecap in a circular motion. Alternate rubbing clockwise with rubbing in the opposite direction.

Exercise 5 Place the heel of the right foot on the left knee at the point 8 and rub it for about 30 s. Then switch legs and repeat the exercise.

I recommend finishing any acupressure session with the following exercise. Fold your arms at chest level, pressing your palms together (as during prayer). Use the knuckles of your thumbs to lightly press on your chest. This exercise is called the "sea of ​​​​calm". During its execution, you need to breathe evenly and deeply. "Sea of ​​Calm" helps to establish a balance in the body between excitement and relaxation.

This text is an introductory piece.

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Acupressure This massage refers to the achievements of the ancient Chinese physicians. It can be used both independently and along with therapeutic exercises. Here it is important to correctly find the points and act on them. It's not exactly easy to do this. Requires a lot of attention

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Causes of symptoms

In the development of symptoms of gonarthrosis, as a rule, several factors are involved. The first and most important is a violation of the normal blood supply to cartilage tissues. Because of this, the hyaline cartilage dries out, its thickness decreases, it becomes dry and does not perform a shock-absorbing function. The friction in the joint increases.

At the same time, the amount of synovial fluid in the joint decreases, its properties change. This fluid works as a lubricant for the joint. With gonarthrosis, it becomes viscous and poorly lubricates the surfaces of the joint during movement. The third factor is insufficient liver function. In Tibetan medicine, this is called the "cold" of the liver.

The "coldness" of the liver is one of the important causes of almost all cold diseases of the Bad-kan system. In the case of gonarthrosis, this means insufficient production of collagen, the building material that makes up articular cartilage. The renewal of cartilage tissues slows down, and they wear out.

Insufficient work, or "cold" of the kidneys, is another factor in the development of the disease. This paired organ is responsible for the blood supply to the pelvis and legs. With the "cold" of the kidneys, blood circulation in the legs and nutrition of the knee joints deteriorate.

Arthrosis of the knee joint of the 1st degree: symptoms and treatment of the knee

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases that affects cartilage tissue, as a result of which it loses its elasticity. In most cases, osteoarthritis affects the knees.

Arthrosis of the knee joint of the 1st degree is called gonarthrosis. This disease is considered female. In men, this type of arthrosis is diagnosed much less frequently.

Doctors believe that gonarthrosis can be fought with many effective methods, using both traditional and alternative medicine. A favorable prognosis depends on the stage of arthrosis of the 1st degree of the knee joint and the characteristics of the patient.

The reasons

Doctors know the following causes of osteoarthritis of the knee joint:

  • arthritis,
  • injury,
  • excess weight,
  • genetic predisposition,
  • constant physical activity in old age,
  • disruption of the endocrine system.

As for injuries, all kinds of fractures and dislocations contribute to the rapid progression of the disease. The knee joint begins to bend badly and loses its mobility. Then the circulation slows down.

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint may appear even several years after the injury has been received, but treatment has not been carried out. Damage to the meniscus threatens with especially dangerous consequences, in 90% of cases it will lead to arthrosis of the 1st degree. As a rule, problems with the meniscus await former athletes.

After a certain age, the elasticity of cartilage tissue decreases significantly. Therefore, it is important to measure physical activity with actual opportunities. Sports activities bring great benefits at 20, but at 45 you should approach this more responsibly.

Treatment of arthrosis with mud

Patients with arthrosis, including gonarthrosis, are recommended to take annual courses of supportive spa treatment. This is a natural, physiological therapy that gives an excellent effect during the remission period. Its main components:

  • hardware physiotherapy procedures;
  • diet therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • acupuncture and other methods of alternative medicine;
  • balneotherapy (treatment with mineral waters);
  • pelotherapy (mud therapy).

For the treatment of generalized lesions, general mud baths can be used, with gonarthrosis, they mainly resort to local procedures - applications and compresses. Sessions of application therapy are carried out on a couch, which is successively covered with a blanket, oilcloth and sheet, a layer of dirt is laid on the sheet in the right place.

The patient lays down with his knees on this mud cake, then a thick layer of mud (from 5 to 8 cm) is applied to the joints from all sides, covered and wrapped. After 15-20 minutes, the patient is sent under a warm shower, washing off the dirt, you need to wipe yourself dry and lie down for at least half an hour.

More often with gonarthrosis, mud compresses are made, which can be kept for 5-6 hours. The compress consists of the following layers:

  • gauze, which should fit snugly against the skin;
  • a layer of mud 1–2 cm thick;
  • film or oilcloth;
  • cotton wool;
  • fixing layer, usually a bandage.

Healing mud in powder form can be sold in pharmacies, distributed through specialized stores. At home, from such a powder, you can prepare a mass for compresses by adding water and heating in a water bath. There are also ready-to-use preparations based on peloids. For example, Pelovit-R Osteo gel based on the mud of the Kuyalnitsky estuary.

A relatively new direction in mud therapy is its combination with various methods of electrotherapy. Such procedures are carried out only in a hospital.

Muds have good electrical conductivity, while exposure to peloids and current or electromagnetic field, the therapeutic effect of both procedures is mutually enhanced. This is the best option for non-resort treatment in institutions where the supply of healing mud is limited.

The most popular option is galvanic mud therapy. This is a kind of electrophoresis, in which instead of hydrophilic pads, bags of heated mud are placed under the electrodes, and through them, galvanic current is applied to the joints.

Mud therapy can also be combined with diadynamic currents, inductothermy, and amplipulse.

Treatment of gonarthrosis in "Tibet" is aimed not only at the joint and the symptoms of the disease. Usually it includes effects on metabolism, endocrine, lymphatic systems, liver, kidneys.

On the one hand, gonarthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the knee joint, and on the other hand, it is associated with the whole body. Therefore, the therapeutic effect should be complex and affect all the causes and factors of the disease. This approach differs from the usual practice of Western medicine and gives more successful and long-term results.

1st stage
(diagnosis, symptom relief)

At the initial session, the doctor interviews the patient in detail about the symptoms, the circumstances of the onset and history of the development of the disease, lifestyle and nutrition. After that, he conducts an external examination. In addition to the knee joints, he examines the tongue, skin, palpates bioactive points, pulse diagnostics.

With the help of these methods, the doctor studies the picture of the imbalance of the Bad-kan system in the body, which caused the disease. Pulse diagnostics provides information about the work of the liver, kidneys, organs of the digestive tract.

Your doctor may order an x-ray or MRI of your knee to get more information. An x-ray image shows the size of the joint space, and a tomogram provides more detailed information: about the structure of the articular cartilage, blood vessels, soft tissues, and the joint capsule. Often, gonarthrosis is accompanied by inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint - synovitis.

Based on the data of oriental and hardware diagnostics, the doctor draws up a treatment program, determines the scheme for the use of acupuncture, moxibustion, and prescribes Tibetan herbal remedies.

To relieve acute pain, inflammation, swelling, the doctor uses acupuncture, pharmacopuncture, massage, osteopathy. Reducing pain and relieving inflammation in the knee is usually achieved in the first 2-3 sessions.

The procedure is carried out using special disposable needles. The needles are very thin and made of high quality steel.

Immediately before the introduction of the needle, disinfection with alcohol is performed. Other drugs are not used, this allows you to exclude an allergic reaction.

For the procedure, the patient takes a horizontal position. The patient's body should be positioned as comfortably as possible and be as relaxed as possible.

Then the procedure will go comfortably and the effect will be most pronounced.

A needle with a rounded point is used. This makes it possible to influence the point more directly and effectively.

Depending on the goal pursued by the specialist and the disease itself, the needle is inserted in various ways (horizontally, obliquely, at right angles). Depth of insertion - up to 2 cm.

After all the needles are placed, the doctor leaves the patient to relax for a while. Thus, the nerve ending is irritated, blood flow increases, metabolic processes are launched.

The therapeutic course lasts from 8 to 12 acupuncture sessions. During one procedure, the simultaneous introduction of 3 to 10 needles is allowed. The average time for one session is 15 minutes. To consolidate the result achieved in the first course, periodic repetition of therapy is recommended. On average 2-3 times in 12 months.

This disease is chronic and is accompanied by the destruction of the cartilage of the articular surface, as well as a decrease in its mobility. At the initial stage, positive dynamics can be achieved using drug treatment of coxarthrosis of the hip joint in combination with alternative methods. A more advanced version is treated only by surgical intervention.

Indications for the use of acupuncture

The technique of acupuncture, or acupuncture, affects the body by activating dozens of active points. For this reason, the range of application of the method is unusually wide:

  1. Eye diseases: acute form of conjunctivitis, cataract, retinopathy, myopia;
  2. Diseases of the digestive system: ulcers, constipation, acute gastritis, colitis, diarrhea, dyskinesia;
  3. ENT diseases: rhinitis, incl. allergic, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis;
  4. Diseases of the oral cavity: gingivitis, toothache;
  5. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: bursitis, back pain, rheumatoid arthritis and other arthritis, osteoarthritis, sciatica, sprains, and inflammation of certain ligaments;
  6. Diseases of the nervous system: migraine, neuralgia, poliomyelitis, headaches, depression, radiculitis, sleep disturbance, facial paralysis;
  7. Respiratory diseases: pneumonia, bronchitis;
  8. Diseases of the genitourinary system: cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis, urinary incontinence, sexual disorders, renal colic.

Acupuncture activates the internal reserves of the body, which contributes to weight correction, normalization of metabolic processes, rejuvenation of the body, shows good results in the fight against smoking and alcohol abuse.

In addition to the quality of the needle, a positive effect is achieved due to the influence on a certain point. There is such a thing as reflexology.

This direction is a bit similar to acupuncture, since it is based on the impact on the points. Such a point is a section of the body about 10 square millimeters in size, on which a large number of nerve endings are located.

The skin in such a place is a dense network of nerve fibers and blood vessels. In this area, increased blood flow and lymph flow, as well as higher oxygen absorption.

Within a few minutes after the stimulation of such a point, the composition of the blood changes and the intracellular metabolism is actively launched.

There are about 700 acupuncture points on the human body. Most of them are concentrated in the feet, hands, head and shoulders.

Reflexology is called the main direction of ancient oriental medicine, known to mankind as early as 4 thousand years ago. This is one of the most ancient methods of treatment, which is based on the impact on certain points of the human body.

The foundation of reflexology is the ancient Chinese doctrine of the movement of energy in the human body. According to the Chinese, the human body is filled with a special vital energy ("chi"). It circulates along the meridians (special channels).

People diagnosed with stage 1 arthrosis of the knee should be prepared for long-term therapy. Constant consultations with the doctor and discussion of treatment are indispensable components of a successful fight against the disease.

Surgery is rarely used because there are other effective treatments. Treatment of gonarthrosis involves:

  • work of anesthesia,
  • removal of inflammation
  • cartilage restoration.

To eliminate pain in the knee joint, you should take non-hormonal medications, for example:

  1. diclofenac,
  2. nimulide,
  3. butadione and others.

Treatment of inflammation is expressed in the use of hormones and corticosteroids. But they have side effects. As a rule, doctors prescribe ointments and intravenous injections. In this case, the risk of unwanted effects will decrease.

Treatment of arthrosis of the 1st degree, first of all, involves improving the structure of cartilage tissue. This will require preparations that contain glucosamine.

Doctors advise to relieve inflammation with drugs such as chondrolone, artra or elbon. Medicines are taken in courses.

The use of drugs and injections should be combined with therapeutic exercises and manual therapy. Exercise therapy can be done only in the initial stages of arthrosis.

Special therapeutic exercises can improve the nutrition and blood circulation of the joint. Do not neglect physiotherapy, namely:

  • acupuncture,
  • radon baths,
  • ultrasound therapy,
  • magnetotherapy,
  • infrared laser therapy,
  • electrophoresis,
  • cold treatment.

In alternative medicine, there are alternative ways to treat arthrosis of the 1st degree of the knee joint. We are talking about rubbing and various compresses.

For example, you can make a compress with honey and cabbage and keep it on the affected area for several hours. It is best to change compresses 2 times a day. The treatment course is approximately 50 days.

If vinegar is mixed with turpentine, then an effective mixture will come out for rubbing sore spots. After the procedure, it is necessary to wrap the knee with a warm scarf. In general, the treatment of joints with turpentine is quite a popular and effective method.

To eliminate discomfort and pain in the knee, an infusion of olive oil and celandine leaves is perfect. In addition, it is important to drink water 2 times a day, in which a small amount of apple cider vinegar is diluted.

It must be remembered that all methods of traditional medicine should not be carried out without the support of traditional medicine. Visiting a doctor and prescribing treatment is a mandatory item in solving the problem of arthrosis.

If gonarthrosis is in advanced form, then a decision can be made about surgical intervention. Arthroscopic debridement and arthroplasty are currently the most requested knee surgeries.

The essence of endoprosthetics is the installation of a high-quality prosthesis made of plastic, metal or ceramics instead of a diseased joint. Such a radical intervention guarantees over 20 years of full life without discomfort and pain.

Cost of the procedure

At the moment, acupuncture has proven its effectiveness to the majority, and the demand for it is growing. At the same time, the price remains affordable for everyone. To the question "How much does acupuncture cost?" There is no definite answer for the reason that the cost of the course depends on many circumstances:

  • The general state of the organism;
  • Diseases;
  • Individual characteristics of the patient, etc.

Summing up all of the above, the question "What is acupuncture?" It can be argued that this is an effective prophylactic agent.

A minimum of contraindications, the absence of side effects and allergies, the cost of expensive medicines make acupuncture as attractive as possible both for prevention and for treatment.

Contraindications and side effects

  • Damage to the skin;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Hypertensive crisis;
  • Pregnancy;
  • post-infarction condition;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Alcohol intoxication and drug trance;
  • Severe depletion of the body;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Age over 75 years - it is considered ineffective to use acupuncture.

Acupuncture is widely used in the combined treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. A positive result is achieved due to the coordinated action of three factors: reducing pain, relaxing muscles and normalizing metabolism through improved blood circulation.

This triple effect is a key reason why acupuncture for osteoarthritis of the knee is an effective and highly popular non-traditional treatment.

After the session or during it, negative effects may also be observed. It can be nausea, dizziness, chills, swelling at the injection site. There are cases in which it is forbidden to carry out the procedure:

  • all kinds of infections;
  • the presence of tumors;
  • the use of narcotic and alcoholic substances;
  • mental disorders;
  • heat.

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