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Peat or humus - which is better? Peat fertilizer: composition, types and application What is better peat or humus for the garden


On this moment a huge number of people are beginning to understand that the land on their plot is mandatory needs to be fertilized. A similar procedure may be required in order to significantly improve soil fertility. Thanks to this, your plants will feel quite comfortable in the future. The only peculiarity when fertilizing is that you will need to choose black soil or peat. These are two types of soil that may have certain differences. If you want to order black soil with delivery, then remember that in this case you can make the purchase in our company.

Features of chernozem

If we study the characteristics of chernozem, then we can conclude that the formation of such land will occur during the formation of two types of climate: temperate continental or subboreal. Chernozem will have a dark-colored color, which will only form under certain circumstances. The main circumstances that may influence its formation include:

  1. The soil must be loamy.
  2. The earth will need to receive enough moisture.
  3. There should be a lot of herbaceous vegetation.
  4. The climate must necessarily contribute to the formation of such a climate.

With sufficient humidity and the required temperature, the vegetation will be able to mix with the soil and black soil will begin to form.

Features of peat

Today, lowland peat is also very popular. The formation of such a product will occur in the presence of 85-90% humidity. Only these conditions allow you to really get quality products. This high moisture balance may indicate that in the future the peat will saturate your soil with moisture. After purchasing this product, you will notice that the following nutritional elements will be present in the composition:

  • Nitrogen.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Potassium.

What to choose?

When choosing a specific fertilizer, you need to proceed carefully. If you make the wrong choice, then remember that in this case your soil can also be harmed. Before choosing a specific fertilizer, you first need to decide what exactly will be grown on the site in the future. Chernozem must be used for complete replacement soil on your site. Accordingly, if you plan to use peat, then you need to proceed with it carefully. It is simply irrational to replace all the soil on a site with peat. That is why you just need to mix the peat with the soil that is already present on your site. Thanks to this, it will be possible to obtain more significant results that will please you in the future.

Now you know exactly all the features of peat or black soil. If you are planning to make a purchase, then be sure to study all the features of this product. If you have a desire, then, if necessary, you can read a variety of reviews. With their help, you can definitely decide which product you need. After contacting our company, you can be completely confident that we are ready to deliver the products.

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Which is better: humus or black soil? This question is asked by many gardeners who are forced to bring soil to their plot due to the unsuitability of the natural option. Both of these substances have different origins and differ in purpose. This article examines these two concepts and lists how to apply them.

Chernozem is one of the types of soil, rightfully considered the most fertile and versatile. In Russia, the Black Earth Zone occupies a huge area. This is natural wealth, which cannot be created artificially. Chernozem is not a fertilizer, but contains all the necessary substances that allow you to grow plants without adding fertilizers.

Humus – organic fertilizer, it is prepared from animal waste products (manure), or from green manure plants by collecting them and laying them down to rot. This is the difference between the concepts under consideration: humus is a fertilizer, and chernozem is a type of soil.

Another popular type of organic fertilizer is peat, a substance of natural origin. It is obtained from plant residues that have rotted in swamps and along river banks. Adding rock improves the structure of the soil and saturates it nutrients.

Pros and cons of humus

The key to obtaining a harvest is fertile soil, but often places with poor soil composition are allocated for dacha plots. Even rich lands become depleted over time and require fertilization. The most common and profitable organic matter is humus. Main advantages of the product:

  • availability - it can be purchased at a fairly low price, and in rural areas easy to make yourself;
  • versatility (suitable for application to any type of soil);
  • ease of use.
  1. Obtaining humus requires a lot of time.
  2. Weed seeds and pest larvae are introduced with manure.
  3. There is a danger of overdose.

Humus soil is not; it must be mixed with soil, observing the required proportions.

Chernozem: features and advantages

The formation of soil occurs continuously over centuries, and the darker it is, the higher the humus content in it.

Signs of black soil:

  1. black color;
  2. lumpy structure;
  3. high concentration of nutrients;
  4. resistance to washing and weathering.

Chernozem contains chemical elements necessary for normal plant growth:

  • calcium – 70%;
  • magnesium – up to 20%;
  • nitrogen, iron, phosphorus and others.

Real black soil has no disadvantages, but acquiring it is not an easy task due to:

  • the fact that it is easy to run into a counterfeit;
  • high price.

Often instead quality soil selling land from greenhouses that has already given everything away nutrients and may be infected with fungi. Sometimes, under the guise of chernozem, they offer the top layer with construction sites, which contains garbage and harmful impurities. Some suppliers themselves produce a soil mixture of unclear composition, which can be contaminated with pest larvae, dangerous viruses and fungi. It is impossible to determine this visually; only laboratory analysis can distinguish a counterfeit from a counterfeit.

Advantages and disadvantages of peat

This unique natural substance contains all the basic nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium. The introduction of peat will make sandy and su sandy soil on personal plot, its addition to loams will improve the structure, make the soil breathable and light.

When wondering what is better - peat or humus, you should take into account the type of soil and the possibility of purchasing one or another fertilizer. Humus is richer in composition than peat, but the latter can be used in almost unlimited quantities without fear of harming the plants. These materials differ in that the manure product is usually recommended to be applied in the fall for digging, and the use of peat for the garden is done without prior preparation.

The disadvantages of the marsh substrate include its ability to increase the acidity of the soil, so it is recommended to add chalk or dolomite flour along with it.

Comparative analysis of chernozem, peat and humus on composition, properties and cost

The table shows that 1 m3 of humus is more expensive than the same amount of chernozem, but based on the fact that the first substance is fertilizer, it is required significantly less than chernozem.

Conclusions: in what cases is it more profitable to use chernozem, peat, humus?

If you need to fill new areas with infertile soil with earth, raise the surface level in the lowlands where it stagnates. rainwater, build a high flower bed or replace the soil in a greenhouse, then it would be right to bring in black soil. This will make it possible to grow plants for several years without worrying about fertilizing.

If you need to increase soil fertility in developed garden and garden plots, it is more advisable to choose humus or peat. The use of these substrates is more profitable because a lot of black soil is required, and humus and peat are fertilizers that are mixed with the soil available in the beds, i.e. Their difference from chernozem is the volume of application.

What is preferable for the garden, humus or black soil? It all depends on what task the materials will perform.

For guaranteed collection big harvest The soil on the site must be suitable. It is a mistake to believe that absolutely everything will melt on black soil and bear fruit several times a year. Each plant puts forward its own conditions for the soil, which the gardener/gardener must fulfill. Of course, chernozem is present in almost every type of soil. It is only important to ensure the correct combination with others components soil.

One of the main problems when buying black soil is fraud. Visually, black soil is not yet black soil. Summer residents without extensive experience in gardening often do not have the ability to distinguish between truly natural black soil and its “cheap substitutes.” Naturally, buying ordinary soil at the price of black soil is idiotic. On the website http://ekogrunty.ru/chernozem/ you can be guaranteed to buy chernozem of the highest quality. Logistics problems can also be solved.

In order to reliably distinguish chernozem from peat, it is necessary to have a detailed understanding of their specificity. Chernozem is a type of soil that is formed naturally as a result of the rotting of huge amounts of root material.

In addition, we should not forget that chernozem is a participant in the natural ecosystem. In fact, chernozem cannot arise if living organisms do not live in it: earthworms, marmots, moles, etc.

Peat is formed exclusively in swampy, wet areas. It occurs as a result of decay of animal and plant remains. Moreover, for peat to form, a natural lack of air is necessary.

Chernozem can be used on the site immediately. It is enough to scatter it over the surface of the soil and dig it up for enrichment. It is strictly forbidden to introduce peat into the soil unprepared. It must first be composted.

By by and large, today there are two methods for identifying these differences:

  • squeezing a ball of soil in your hand;
  • filling a lump of soil with water and waiting for it to dry.

Indeed, it is enough to squeeze a lump of black soil to understand whether the seller is deceiving you or not. After you release the compressed lump from your hand, a greasy and dark mark will remain on the skin. This will never happen after peat.

The second method is even simpler. The lump of chernozem and the lump of peat are saturated with moisture to the limit. After this, they are left in the sun - you need to wait until dry. Chernozem retains moisture very well and for a long time.

Peat dries out literally before our eyes (after all, peat in the overwhelming majority is used to ensure soil looseness).

The video explains how to use peat in gardening:

It is no secret to anyone that in spring period many people are faced with the problem of choice fertile soil, for landscaping various sites, or gardening on your own summer cottage. Ordinary plant soil, which is located in the Moscow region, is quite poor, it contains too little fertile and plant particles, and therefore it is too poorly suited for these purposes. So, what is peat, peat mixtures, fertile and vegetable soil, black soil, soil and top layer? So in what cases is it better to use? We will try to answer all these questions in this short article. We would like to note right away that we do not professionally engage in landscaping or gardening. But we collected all the information posted on this page during communication with our customers, and among them I can assure you that there were quite a few professionals in these difficult issues.

Materials for landscaping and gardening:

Peat - depending on the process of decomposition of its constituent elements, it can be various colors, from brownish-yellow to brown turning into dark black. But this is not the main thing that characterizes its properties. Peat itself is not the most the best fertilizer- this is mainly due to low percentage contains ash particles, but it maintains the optimal ratio of water and air in the soil for plants.

Peat sand mixture- mixing peat and sand in specified proportions. Active natural starting substances (sand and peat) ensure that the peat-sand mixture optimizes the agrochemical properties of the soil, increases bearing capacity soil, etc. Peat - 70%, Sand - 30%.

Plant soil is a special form of soil. That is, the soil, in fact, is the upper part of the fertile layer of soil. But also a wide variety of mixtures of soil with other nutrients, such as peat, mineral fertilizers, microelements and other things also represent plant soil of high fertility. Vegetable soil is mostly used to restore the fertile properties of depleted soil. Peat and peat-based soils are already self-sufficient, high-quality helpers in restoring the fertile functions of the soil. Moreover, by purchasing plant soil from us, you guarantee yourself high quality fertilizer properties. Peat - 60-70%, Soil - 30-40%.

Fertile soil (top layer) is ordinary soil mixed with any other layers of soil. For example, when a new site is being developed in a sand quarry, the top layers of soil or the so-called sandy soil are cut off to get to clean layers of sand. Fertile soil is not very expensive compared to its counterparts and is very actively used for preliminary landscaping or leveling plots of land before subsequent landscaping.

Chernozem is a highly fertile soil. Chernozem has a granular-lumpy structure and black color. Chernozem is formed by perennial herbaceous vegetation in the steppe and forest-steppe zones and is considered the best soil for agriculture. The differences between chernozems include: good water-air properties, acid reaction is neutral or close to it. Chernozems contain a lot of humus (up to 15 percent in the upper horizons). The method of using chernozem is the same as the use of peat and peat mixtures. When mixed with sand, heavy loamy chernozem forms an optimal fertile layer rich in nutrients.

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