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How to confess your love to a girl so that she believes. Is it worth it to confess to a girl in love and how to do it right? How to confess your love if she does not love you

There is nothing shameful in true love, but how difficult it is sometimes to talk about your feelings to the one at whose feet you are ready to bring the whole world! And if a man can be hindered only by natural shyness and fear of being rejected, then a woman faces social obstacles. Modern civilization condemns women's initiative, especially in love affairs.

How to confess your love to a man? If you feel that there is something more than just sympathy on his part, be decisive and courageous. If you think that recognition will open his eyes to you and he, who previously did not notice you point-blank, will embrace you, then you may pay dearly for your haste. Therefore, before you take this brave step, make sure that you are not indifferent to him.

Hidden declaration of love

If you do not want to put your reputation on the line and want to protect your feelings, confess your love in an indirect way. Your words and actions should be ambiguous: if you have shown concern for this person, in response to gratitude, say that you are very pleased to do something for those who you really care about. The way to a man's heart is easiest to start with friendship. When there is trust between you, you can not be afraid to say something superfluous. As a friend, you have the right to say that he holds a very large place in your heart. If the guy is not too slow-witted, he will quickly realize exactly what you feel for him. And if he does not mind, further events will develop on his initiative. If not, you will not lose anything, but only gain a close friend.

Intrigue in letters

If you love games then why not play secret admirer? Under the guise of incognito, start sending notes to your loved one. If it interests him, continue the performance, and then admit that it was you who wrote all this. But again, you must be sure that the guy feels sympathy for both you and your virtual image.

The option of recognition through a letter or SMS message has its charm, but you will not see the most important thing - his instant reaction to it. His gestures, look, tone of voice - all this will tell you how he really feels about you and your words. On the other hand, a man has a lot to think about, and therefore you need to give time to collect your thoughts.

Get ready for the worst

When preparing to utter the cherished words, do not hope for reciprocity in advance. AT You must understand that this will significantly change your relationship. It is possible that the guy will react very sharply and permanently cut off any contact with you. In this case, you may experience a shock. Your feelings, pride, ego will be hurt. Are you ready for anything? Then gather your courage and say, "I love you."

Sooner or later, but each of us has a moment when that same life partner is found! When you have finally sorted out your feelings and realized that this is exactly the person you need, it remains to make a confession.

During this period, a hurricane of emotions sweeps through the head, causing various questions. But, having given an answer to each of them, you understand that confessing love is more difficult than it seemed at first.

Preparing for recognition

It is necessary that the confession be kept secret, otherwise the impression will not be fully realized. I know from experience: do not tell your best friends or sisters about your plans if they are unverified!

Only preparation can lead to the expected result!

Practice and Gifts

You need to carefully consider your words and choose the most appropriate tone. Practice in front of a mirror, observing your facial expressions and facial expressions, and also try gesturing. You must sound confident and assertive, without letting your woman doubt your intentions.

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Prepare some nice gift, it does not have to be expensive at all. Even a trifle in the form of a pleasant toy will noticeably improve your mood and give you a smile.

Place and Time

The same alley, street, restaurant or square where you were best together. Vivid memories are superimposed on top of words, causing much more pleasant feelings not only for your girlfriend, but also for yourself.

A favorite place will contribute to your confidence and give you a chance to succeed. Not only you, but she also appreciates him very much, remember this. Such places are strictly individual, so there is simply no one formula for everyone.

This time should be free from worries, be easy and suitable for what would change your life. Literally everything matters here. Starting from the coolness on the street and ending with grandmother's health problems. Understand? She should not be distracted by work or anyone other than yourself. For this period, you are her only entertainment and experience!

Find out when your woman will be free from routine affairs, when the frequency of her thoughts will be tuned to you! Choose the most suitable weather or even season.

If there is no convenient opportunity now, it is better to wait than to rush and make you laugh, however, here you need to feel the situation subtly, since excessive slowness is also harmful!

Be ready to be rejected

No ideal revelation will bring love itself, if it was not there before. By talking about your feelings, you may not feel her feelings. The girl has the right to ignore you, missing what was said, deaf, or, on the contrary, to answer sharply and unpleasantly.

You can not push and continue in the same spirit. If it is not ready now, then the time has not yet come, you only need to wait. Pretend that nothing happened, if you have already been refused, be strong to accept and try to understand why this is so.

One of the steps is to be prepared for failure. The guys who made the confession in the video didn't expect this turn, but you can't predict the future.

If you focus on these tips, the likelihood that everything will go exactly as it was intended increases! A list of useful actions that can help get out of a difficult situation, or vice versa - not to get into it!

  1. Do not talk right and left about your feelings! Learn about them, your girlfriend should just from you!
  2. Be yourself, do not be too shy or embarrassed, confessing your love.
  3. Do not rush her with an answer, let her think as much as she needs!
  4. Answer the question for yourself - "Are you sure of your feelings?"
  5. This is an important day, and you should look accordingly. Put yourself in order, yet confess your love!
  6. Match your words! Every spoken word of love must be reinforced by your feelings. Speak sincerely, confidently and calmly!
  7. Be attentive to your interlocutor, do not take your eyes off her, but there is no need to stare stupidly!


  • If you abuse words of love too often, it will make them priceless and unnecessary.
  • Never lie. This is especially true when it comes to the future.

Original examples

Monotonous standard themes are already tired, and I want something new! Being special and the best guy is sometimes not as easy as it seems!

For a unique recognition, your chosen one herself can help, her tastes and interests should take shape and be reflected in you. It's time to show your creative abilities, as there may not be a second such case.


  • Write a love play and act it out with your friends.
  • Write a poem or write a song.
  • To paint a picture, even if it doesn’t work out very well for you, symbolism is important here!
  • Go to one of the desired places.
  • A paper note in one of the chocolates.

The most successful example of an original confession of feelings I saw in the movie “Love Actually”

Declaration of love

So the much-desired moment came directly, where it would be necessary to put into practice all the theory collected earlier. Take a deep breath and relax.

The first time is the most difficult, but as a rule, the first love most often, if it does not bring eternal happiness and life together, then it will certainly give you experience for the future.

  • Banal - "I love you" ideally can do everything you need, producing the desired effect. If the girl herself has very strong feelings for you, then such a simple phrase will be more than enough, of course, if she feels your sincerity and purity of intentions.

Tell us what exactly is so dear and important to you in it, why does it not allow you to fall asleep at night and why did you choose it? However, it is up to you to decide exactly how to say these words, and no one can do it better than you yourself.

  • Strengthen gentle and affectionate words with deeds. Alternatively, after a declaration of love, give the girl the opportunity to answer only after a while or at the end of the walk, caring for her as much as possible all this time.

Make her as happy as possible for this day, and perhaps she will make you happy for life.

  • Be supportive and supportive. In a serious relationship, everything is built on trust in each other. Learn to fully believe and accept the girl's whims, even if they are not clear to you.

At the moment of recognition, this foundation should already be in place, and if for some reason it still doesn’t exist, lay the first brick by fulfilling one of the desires or by providing your physical support in her work.

  • Her problems are now your problems. This is the responsibility that falls on you from now on and you must accept it. If earlier you could still have separate difficulties that needed to be solved, now these are your common difficulties.

You, as a man, should take the initiative in all possible cases, and, if possible, offer a solution. The girl’s hope is on you in the first place, since it is you who are her main amulet and talisman from all the failures and difficulties of life.

How to overcome insecurity?

They are afraid, and doubt is normal and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Absolutely all people are afraid of the unknown and uncertainty in their future, they are afraid to make important decisions, as this will significantly change the life to which they are so accustomed.

To get rid of the constraining uncertainty, first of all, it is necessary to understand what exactly is its cause?

Most often, the main reason is doubt about personal merits and qualities. You underestimate your talents and put yourself deliberately below her. Think you can only be her friend? That you are unworthy of such a beautiful companion? Nonsense! Relax, any guy is able to conquer any girl, and your uniqueness alone will be enough for this. So use it and just be yourself! Don't pretend to be someone you weren't and never will be. You are You, no more and no less, understand.

If you don’t like something in your own character traits or don’t like the physical body, do it! No one will do it for you, and putting on the costumes of other characters is not only self-deception, but also a deception of a girl. And what kind of relationship can be built on lies?

If, doubts arise because of the consequences of your confession? If you are afraid of responsibility, are not ready for serious conversations, then this is not the time to make such bold statements.

Confessing love is not just saying 3 short words and walking by the hand. Love is above all a responsibility that comes with age and should not be expected in the early years. Love is more difficult than it was in your life before. Love is a complex wave that, in addition to pleasure and happiness, can bring tears and disappointments.

To experience true love, with all the consequences that come from it, is a heavenly delight. If you are afraid of being covered by this wave, if you are ready only for its light and light side, then move away from the shore and let it spread away from you, tempering your character and preparing at this time a new wave, already yours.

Not everyone will be able to do this, but if you prepare all the necessary materials in advance, everything is possible!

The guys showed the contrast between different approaches, a little sarcastic, but intelligible message:

The topic is so personal and frank that it makes no sense to go into multi-stage classifications and look for universal solutions. There is no universal way to confess love correctly, so each person comes to his own version, prompted by intuition, inner voice, emotionality, or something else. Sooner or later, everyone has to take this step: sometimes it's a necessity, sometimes a whim, and sometimes it's a cry from the heart. How to confess your love, how to perform the most important action, on which depends what will determine your future life.

Each couple in love has its own "coordinate system", its own special wave. Only you know when and in what form the most secret words can be said. Movie options are far from always justified, no matter how chic and spectacular they may seem. Those who scream loudly about love leave quietly and quickly, not as enchanting as their show. Window dressing and entertainment is not an indicator of sincere feelings, rather the opposite. It is not necessary to go to a restaurant and say pathetic phrases over a chic dinner. Sincere words spoken in the evening in the kitchen, on a walk, in the garden, at a moment when the time has just come and everything around does not matter, are much more expensive than chic gestures and loud words.

Declaration of love: the most common mistakes

First of all, it is important to consider a few BUT:

  • you should not make a confession in public, this can become a global mistake that a certain number of people will remember for a long time. Agree, it's annoying. Only in films such confessions end with applause, in real life they may not end so colorfully.
  • you should not confess your feelings on social networks: it is stupid, ugly and ambiguous. In addition, from such an act, at least, breathes cowardice.
  • Don't confess your love while drunk. This act will not have "legal force", the situation will become even more tense if, in a sober state, you are not ready for such confessions.
  • declarations of love during the dating period, when the relationship lasts only a few days, cannot be taken seriously. Words about feelings will sound too frivolous when you don’t really know each other.

Original ways to confess your love: the most win-win options

Everything is very individual, because the question “what is the best way to declare love” can appear both in a young admirer and in a mature, experienced person who is overwhelmed by an unexpected feeling. Life is very generous with gifts at any age, so the problem of how to confess feelings to a girl can be relevant for all ages.

For especially timid guys, there are several ways to help make the confession original and memorable. So, how can you confess your love to a girl if you don’t have the courage to say directly.

A video presentation or video with your photos, dating history, music and other features that will make this message unforgettable. Such a surprise will not be perceived as a cowardly escape from a direct conversation, this method is romantic and elegant.

There is no algorithm on how to correctly confess to a girl in love, but there is a great option: confession on the air. The fact that a thousand or two strangers will find out about your feelings will only emphasize the seriousness of intentions.

How to open up to your beloved, how to confess your love to a girl, if you are lost alone with her and cannot build an elementary sentence about the weather, let alone feelings ... There is an old, ancient way that connected many hearts - this is a simple letter written from arms. In the era of computers and instant messengers, such signs of attention become something extremely rare, and therefore valuable.

They do not lose their positions and recognition in the form of inscriptions on the asphalt opposite the windows of their beloved, or the words “I love you” laid out of roses under her balcony. A woman remembers such things all her life, because not only she, but also her neighbors, relatives and friends will appreciate the efforts of a man in love. It's a blast, a win-win.

Are you familiar with such a situation - you confess your love to a person, and he or she tells you: “Let's remain friends”? If you are unfamiliar, then you are damn lucky and this article is unlikely to open something new for you. Most likely, your partner reciprocated, and you even managed to start a family with him. But if the situation described above happened to you, and besides, more than once, then you probably already thought about what you are doing wrong. And so that you do not rack your brains, we decided to tell you in detail about the typical mistakes made by both men and women during a declaration of love. So, make yourself comfortable and let us begin.

This is the most common mistake that both men and women make. There are cases when a declaration of love sounded on, and this is a huge mistake! Most likely, the object of your interest will consider you an unreliable person who throws words to the wind and is able to switch from one person to another very quickly. Of course, you can translate everything into a joke, but you still "wet" the attitude towards yourself.

Remember , it is better to wait a little with recognition and choose the right moment for this (and it would not hurt you and your partner to get to know each other better), in a very extreme case after sex.

Don't try to "confess" with money or showering your love with gifts.

Mostly men sin with this problem, however, among women there are those who believe that expensive gifts speak better than any words about your warm feelings. Do not speak. Rather, they make it so that in the end there will be a person next to you who will only pull from you. And if for some reason you "block" the flow of expensive gifts, then you will not receive warm words from such a person.

Don't confess when you or your partner are drunk

Everything is more or less clear here. If it is you who are drunk, then depending on the situation, of course, it will develop in different ways, but the result will most likely be the same - your drunken nonsense will at best be listened to and ignored, at worst - you will forever ruin your relationship with a person you like.

If the one or the one to whom you want to confess is drunk, then there is a possibility that you will receive the long-awaited (but drunk) “Yes”. It is highly likely that in the morning a person simply will not remember this, or he will remember, but will not agree with his previously spoken words. You will also fall under the distribution due to the fact that you took advantage of the inadequate state of a person, even if you are dearly beloved.

Do not confess your love by letter, on the Internet or by SMS

One of the surest ways to ruin things is to talk about your feelings through social networks, SMS or e-mail. Why? Because there are no emotions, intonations, views and everything else that is somehow present in live communication. During correspondence, such a situation may arise that you mean one thing, and the person will understand you in a completely different way and not in the best way for you. As a result, your declaration of love can develop into a showdown.

Remember that written declarations of love have long sunk into oblivion, which, in principle, is for the better, since there is nothing worse than talking about high feelings without seeing your object of adoration in front of you and his reaction to your words.

Do not confess your love "ostentatiously"

That is, of course, if your chosen one or chosen one loves such manifestations of feelings, then you can confess your love, for example, from the stage at one of the concerts, etc.

But many people do not like it when feelings are flaunted, so either carefully study the desires of a partner, or play it safe.

Try to exude confidence

Worst of all, if you start to worry terribly, sweat, stutter and show other signs of excitement.

Of course , uncertainty is common to all people, but try to pull yourself together. Yes, it’s difficult, yes, it seems almost impossible, but you won’t really be eaten!

In general, situations are completely different, and people are all different from each other (and these differences often attract us), so try to act according to the circumstances, while remembering all those points that we described in this article. We sincerely wish you good luck and believe that your soul mate will definitely reciprocate your words of love!

And finally, I would like to add one more piece of advice that many people overlook - do not confess your love too often, both to one person, and even more so to different people. In the first case, your love will begin to seem like an “annoying fly”, and in the second, you yourself will eventually cease to understand where your real feelings are and where your fleeting passion is.

The feeling when you love a girl, but you just don’t dare to tell her about it, is familiar to many. At this moment, you are overcome by the fear of being rejected, misunderstood and condemned by the public. It is for you that we have created this topic, in which we will talk about how best to confess to a girl in love and say: "I love you."


Remember, there is nothing better in how to confess your love to a girl than when you meet her in person. Although we will describe several ways to declare love, we recommend confessing and telling her about it only in person. We recommend that you read


As you read above, the best way to confess to a girl in love is to confess in person, but it is desirable to back up these words with something. And how can you reinforce a declaration of love other than flowers? You can, of course, give an expensive trinket, but believe me, there is nothing nicer than a big bouquet of red roses! Therefore, having decided to make a declaration of love to a girl, stock up on finances and at the moment when you say words of love, give her a bouquet of red roses. It is best to buy at least 21 roses, this is the number of roses you need for a large beautiful bouquet.


Of course, this way of declaring love to a girl is illegal, but it has its own effectiveness. So you can write her name and your declaration of love on the pavement where the girl lives. To be honest, not every girl may like such a declaration of love, because this inscription will be visible to everyone, and for a very long time. Because of this inscription, the janitors and grannies can then reproach the girl. We recommend that you read


Another way to confess your love to a girl is that you do it not openly in person, but hidden in your absence. So you can declare your love for a girl through a postcard that you send to her with words of love written in it, or you can order a beautiful bouquet, as in the first case, but they will deliver it to the girl by a delivery service, while you can put a small flyer with your words in the flowers love. You can secretly confess your love to a girl over a radio station, for example, by calling the radio station at a time when she usually listens to her, and on the air to confess her love to her.


An original declaration of love for a girl will be a serenade under her window, but in this case you need to be able to sing and play musical instruments, or at least have friends who will help you in this matter.


If you are a shy person and are not ready to confess your love to a girl in person, then do it by letter, you can send it by e-mail, regular letter or SMS. At the same time, if you confess your love to a girl by SMS, upon receipt of a refusal, you can always send another SMS with the inscription: “Sorry, this is not for you.” We recommend that you read


The ideal place for declaring love to a girl would be a romantic place, depending on the interests and preferences of the girl. It can be a river embankment, a sea or ocean beach, a beautiful place in nature, the roof of a building with a beautiful view, a cinema. You can even confess to a girl in love by ordering a balloon flight, thus, you will get a declaration of love on top.

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