Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

We make a gas burner with our own hands. How to make a gas burner with your own hands? How to make a gas burner with your own hands

In this article we will look at how it is made gas burner for soldering with your own hands. This device is often in demand both in private households and for commercial purposes - for individual technical creativity and various kinds construction tasks. In particular, with the help of gas burners, soldering, metalsmithing, forging, roofing, jewelry work is carried out, and a flame whose temperature exceeds 1500°C is produced for other purposes.

In metalworking, using a gas torch, you can heat a metal workpiece so that in the end it turns out to be sufficiently hardened. When conducting welding work With some metals, the areas of future seams must be heated.

Parameters for making a soldering torch

Firstly, the device must be made of refractory metals. With a properly adjusted burner, temperatures in excess of 1000°C can be achieved.
Secondly, the burner must be equipped with a reliable working valve, which will shut off the gas supply in case of a dangerous situation.
Thirdly, you need to use a reliable connection to a tank with a valve or a 5-liter propane tank with a reducer, which will eliminate the risk of accidents.

Shown below typical diagram and the operating principle of an injection gas burner:

Gas flows through the hose (1) under pressure - usually propane. When the cylinder evaporates liquefied gas, pressure is generated - sufficient to ensure a stable directed flame. Here a reducer is not needed; the working valve (2) is used to adjust the gas volume.
The jet flows through the supply tube (3) to the nozzle, and to the nipple (6), which sets the direction of the fire, which is located in the liner (5). This liner mixes gas and air. A screw secures the liner in the nozzle. The burner is dismountable, so the nipple can be cleaned.
From the liner, a mixture of air and gas is supplied to the nozzle of the nozzle (8). There, oxygen saturates the mixture even more. With the help of ventilation holes (7) stable combustion is achieved.

With these dimensions, the burner is designed for cylinders up to 5 liters.
Let’s look at how the liner is constructed separately; the drawing shows the dimensions:

The inner diameter of the liner tube (1) should be 0.5 mm smaller compared to the inner diameter of the nozzle. A washer (2) with air holes is welded inside. The sleeve (2) secures the tube with the nipple.

The design differs in that when moving the tab in the nozzle, it is possible to adjust the air suction through the ventilation holes - and, as a result, adjust the fire temperature over a wide range.

Making a gas burner from scrap materials: step by step

List of materials and tools:
brass blanks for the divider nozzle;
thin brass tube with a diameter of 15 mm;
wooden blocks;
silicone seal or FUM tape;
connection hoses;
valve for adjustment.

How to make a nozzle and handle

First of all, we take a brass tube and attach a handle to it - for example, from an old burner, or from wooden block, having processed it beforehand. We drill a hole in the block for a brass tube with the appropriate diameter. Having inserted the tube into the timber, we secure it with silicone or epoxy resin.

Important! To make it more convenient to work, we bend the brass tube above the handle at an angle of 45˚.

Next, we proceed to a more labor-intensive and time-consuming stage of work - manufacturing the nozzle. The hole size should preferably be 0.1 mm.

You can use a drill to make a slightly larger hole, and then adjust the edges to 0.1 mm. The hole must have correct form so that the flame is even.

After this, we fix the workpiece in a vice, take a hammer and carefully, in a vertical plane with a “pull” towards the middle of the workpiece, strike the future nozzle. We rotate the product evenly to form an ideal hole.

Then we take sandpaper with fine grain and sand the nozzle head. To connect to the tube, a thread is applied to the back of the product; the elements can also be simply soldered - but in the future, repairing the parts will be more difficult.

Now we connect the device to a gas cylinder and set it on fire - the do-it-yourself burner is ready for use. However, here you can see that to regulate the gas flow, you can only open and close the valve of the gas cylinder, and thus it is very difficult to obtain the desired flame. What can we do?

How to improve flame control

For normal operation our homemade unit we will install a divider and a tap on it. It is better to mount the tap near the handle, at a distance of about 2–4 cm, but it can also be attached to the supply pipe. As an option, take a burner tap from an old autogen or another similar tap that is attached with a thread. To seal the connection, take FUM tape.

The divider is installed on a pipe with a nozzle; it is made of brass, diameter 15 mm. The most the best option is a detail cylindrical, where there is a hole for a tube with a nozzle.
If there is none, we do this:
1. Take a brass pipe with a diameter of 35 mm and cut a piece of 100–150 mm.
2. Take a marker, step back from the end and mark 3-5 points, with an equal distance between them.
3. Drill 8–10 mm holes in the pipe, take a grinder and make straight cuts to them.
4. We bend everything to the center and weld it to the burner pipe.

To properly fix the divider, place it in such a way that the nozzle protrudes 2–3 mm from the connection point. Due to this device, the flame will be protected from strong wind, and will also be fed by a flow of oxygen and maintain a stable and strong combustion.
We smooth out all welding points with a grinder - this way our unit will have more presentable appearance. The burner is now ready! We supply gas to it and you can start working.

DIY burner: video

Gasoline burners quite often help out fishermen. They can be divided into 3 main types:

  • Gasoline or running on other types of liquid fuel.
  • Gas powered.
  • Multi-fuel.

The last type of burners is designed to operate on various types fuel. It just so happened that gasoline devices appeared a little earlier than gas ones. Despite the fact that quite a lot of time has passed since the advent of gas burners, gasoline burners are still used in our time.

Moreover, they are not just used, but used more and more intensively. The thing is that each type of burner has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Under certain conditions, gasoline burners show best results And high efficiency. This article is aimed at introducing readers to the advantages of gasoline burners.

The design features of the burners depend on what type of fuel is used. For example:

  • There are burners that operate exclusively on gasoline and no other fuel.
  • There are designs that, in addition to gasoline, also use kerosene.
  • The operation of any type of burner requires a special device capable of maintaining pressure on a constant basis. Due to this factor, these devices are classified according to this method.
  • There are designs in which there is no pump, while other devices are equipped with a pump.
  • Burners are also classified according to the method of fastening the fuel container.
  • Some types of burners are designed so that the fuel container is located separately from the burner and the fuel is supplied to the burner through a hose. There are burners where the fuel container and the burner form a single structure.

Do you need a gasoline torch when fishing?

  • Very interesting question, since a gasoline burner has a certain weight and takes up some usable space. When you go fishing, every kilogram counts excess weight. Many people, when going fishing in the summer, do without gasoline burners, since they can light a fire without any problems. But not everyone is always lucky and there are situations when it is impossible to light a fire, especially in bad weather conditions. If wooden branches are very wet, they will not catch fire without additional effort and equipment. Having a gasoline burner will help you light a fire without much difficulty, even if the branches are wet. In addition, you can use a gasoline burner to heat a kettle of water or cook food.
  • There is another situation when fishing is carried out before dark and no one wants to light a fire because of fatigue. In this case, it’s easier to use a burner to quickly cook dinner, even if it’s late.
  • When cold and wet weather has set in for a long time, a gasoline burner will always help out and you won’t have to think about what to cook tea or food with.

Buy or make a gasoline burner yourself

The easiest option is to purchase the device in a store, especially since the manufacturer offers various models. It is very difficult to determine which of the developments is most suitable due to the design features.

Some models are too heavy to be taken with you, especially if there is no transport. If transport is available, this factor is not of fundamental importance.

Industrial designs are expensive, and for their normal operation only high-quality gasoline is required.

As for homemade gas burners, there are also several options for their manufacture. For self-production, you can use used parts from gasoline burners. After assembly, you get a high-quality, efficient, and most importantly functional device. This approach can be done by anyone, even an inexperienced fisherman. A gasoline burner operates on the principle of mixing gasoline vapor and air flow. The burner is designed in such a way that this combustible mixture is constantly supplied to the combustion area, which maintains the combustion process. At the same time, for some reason, lower grades of gasoline burn in homemade burners, compared to industrial developments.

DIY gasoline burner

Making your own various fishing accessories has its advantages. The most important thing is that each of the masters receives as a result the apparatus that he needs. At the same time, each of them uses its own spare parts for manufacturing, which correspond to a specific manufacturing method.

Method one

  • To make your first burner you will need two tin cans, which are usually thrown away. To use them for their intended purpose, they are cleaned of dirt and thoroughly washed, and then dried.
  • Take one of the cans and punch 4 holes in its bottom with a nail. The same holes are made on the side of the jar around the entire perimeter.
  • The side of the jar is cut off at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom. The result is the top of the burner.
  • Take a second can and cut it around the entire circumference to the same height.
  • The second part of the can will serve as the bottom of the future burner. A cotton wool is placed on the bottom of the jar, after which the lower part of the burner is covered with the upper one.
  • Gasoline is poured from above through punched holes. As a result, gasoline is retained by the cotton wool, and only the vapors are ignited. The burner can be lit.
  • The design of such a burner is quite simple. Unfortunately, it is also disposable, since after use, you can’t count on using it a second time.

Method two

The second design is more complex, but it is also more practical, since it is not disposable.

What is needed for this:

  • The burner itself will have to be purchased at the store.
  • A car camera is suitable as a compressor. Unfortunately, it needs to be filled with air from time to time to maintain the pressure at the desired level.
  • A 2-liter canister is suitable as a fuel tank, in the lid of which 2 holes are made where tubes are inserted. One of them should reach the bottom of the canister, and the second should reach halfway.
  • A transparent one is suitable for the receiver. plastic container, which can be tightly closed with a lid. Receiver volume – 10 liters.

Assembly steps:

  • Gasoline is filled about halfway into the fuel tank.
  • It is advisable to install a filter of the simplest design at the compressor inlet. To do this, use a plastic funnel, onto which a nylon stocking should be pulled.

How does such a device work?

Air from the compressor is supplied to the receiver, which smoothes out pressure unevenness. After this, it enters the tank with gasoline, as a result of which the flammable mixture of air and gasoline vapor is already displaced from the tank. This mixture falls on the burner, all that remains is to set it on fire.

Method three

For such a product you will need a metal flat jar, pumice and not large number gasoline.

How to assemble the product.

  • Pumice is packed quite tightly into a metal jar, almost completely.
  • After this, it should be soaked in gasoline. This is done very carefully so that gasoline does not spill. The manufacture of the burner is completed. This burner can provide heat for 15 minutes. You can use it to cook a modest lunch or heat a tent in extreme conditions.

Prevention of clogging

  • During operation, the gasoline burner may become clogged, so it is better to use high-quality gasoline with a high octane number.
  • If you use special additives for gasoline, you can solve the problem of burner clogging. Similar additives are used in injection engines.
  • To prevent the burner from failing at the most inopportune moment, it is better to clean it after use.

What is better than a gas burner compared to a gas burner?

  • A gasoline burner uses fuel that can be purchased at any gas station. As for gas, you still need to look for a gas station where they fill up gas cylinders. Therefore, we can conclude that gasoline is much more affordable compared to gas.
  • As gas is produced in a gas burner, the quality of its work deteriorates, which cannot be said about a gasoline burner.
  • Far from civilization, although by chance, you can get some gasoline, but gas is unlikely to be found.
  • Gasoline burners are lightweight and compact. You can put them in a backpack and take them with you on a hike.

Working in extreme conditions

In rarefied air conditions, a gasoline burner will never fail, but a gas burner will either burn poorly or not burn at all.

How to choose the right gasoline burner in a store

Choosing a burner in a store is not an easy task, especially when there is a choice. The main thing is to determine in advance the criteria by which the burner will be selected, depending on the expected operating conditions. What you need to pay attention to:

  • It is better to choose a model that has a detachable connection that separates the pump from the burner. This will make it easier to clean the pump if necessary.
  • The instructions should indicate how quickly you can boil 1 liter of water under standard conditions.
  • It should also indicate how much fuel it takes to boil the same 1 liter of water or indicate the fuel consumption per unit of time.
  • If weight is of fundamental importance, then you should also pay attention to this data. If there is transport, this is not important.
  • It is advisable to determine the availability of spare parts. Any device fails sooner or later, and the burner is no exception. If there are no spare parts for repair, then in the event of a malfunction, you will simply have to throw it away.
  • The presence of wind protection is another important factor that can influence the selection process.

In some cases, the use of gasoline burners may be justified. At the same time, we should not forget that such devices must be looked after and only high-quality gasoline must be used.

Any tourist, fisherman, hunter or just a lover of travel and outdoor recreation away from civilization will find it useful alcohol burner, with which you can cook food or boil water. You can make it yourself from the simplest materials at hand. And this process will take very little time.

How to make a burner with your own hands?

List of materials required for production:

Two tin cans(you can use beer cans or soda cans);
. cutting object (scissors, knife);
. hammer;
. sharp object (awl, large needle, button);
. sorbitol, brodrikite or sand;
. fuel ( ethanol 96%, any type);
. fire source;
. screwdriver and screw;
. ruler with felt-tip pen.

1. You need to take two tin cans and make marks 3.5 cm from the bottom with a felt-tip pen. You can use an elastic band.

2. Make 16-20 small holes around the perimeter of one of the cans, using, for example, an awl and a hammer. The holes should be made at the same distance. You need to be careful not to accidentally injure your fingers. The holes should be kept as small as possible. This will help you use fuel more efficiently. And the flame will turn out good and bright.

4. Cut the cans according to the prepared markings, being careful not to bend them. You can use a knife or scissors.

6. The bottom is filled with a filler that absorbs fuel, for example, sorbitol or brodrikite. Sand will also work. Fillers can be purchased at special stores for crop production. The filler is necessary for even fuel consumption.

7. The burner needs to be assembled. An element without holes is inserted into the part of the can with prepared nozzles. The screw should be unscrewed and fuel should be poured into the upper part until it is 1/4 - 1/2 full (during use you will determine what volume of alcohol is optimal for boiling required quantity water). The screw is screwed back.

8. A little fuel is poured into the recess and onto the nozzles, and ignited in the recess at the top. The heat will cause the alcohol to evaporate and burn. The flame will increase as it warms up. You should remember the rules against fire safety.

9. The burner is ready to use! Such a burner will always come in handy on a hike when there is nowhere to get wood to start a fire. The burner will help out not only when fishing or hunting. It can also be used at home if the gas suddenly turns off. This type of burner can boil half a liter of water in about seven minutes. This should be enough time to brew delicious tea or steam some instant food.

Video. How to make a burner from a jar.

Furnaces and boilers running on waste oil have long taken their rightful place among heating devices. Exhaust is a cheap and sometimes free type of fuel; it is often used for this purpose in car repair shops and garages. Many craftsmen, when choosing a design, ask the question: is it possible to convert a gasoline blowtorch into a burner for mining?

Operating principle of conventional blowtorch consists of igniting gasoline vapors pushed out under the action of compressed air. This effect is achieved by forcing air into the burner fuel tank.

What happens if you pour used oil into a blowtorch?

The oil itself, even under pressure, does not evaporate well - it needs to be heated. Due to poor atomization, the flame will be uneven and it will be difficult to ignite the burner. The oil burns with the formation of a large amount of soot and soot, so the nozzle will quickly coke, its cross-section will decrease, and the lamp will fail. Increasing the cross-section of the nozzle will also not give the expected effect - the oil will be sprayed in large drops, which will not allow obtaining a uniform flame of the torch.

In addition, used oil often contains impurities: diesel fuel, gasoline, antifreeze and even water, which can lead to flashes inside the lamp. To use waste as fuel for a blowtorch, you will have to install a filtration system, which will further complicate the task.

Considering all the difficulties, using a gasoline blowtorch as a burner during mining is difficult and unsafe. Therefore, it is necessary to modify or completely change its design.

How to make a burner for mining yourself

For successful combustion of oil, you must either preheat it to the evaporation temperature - approximately 300 degrees Celsius, or finely spray and enrich the oil vapor with air. You can heat the oil to such temperatures using powerful heating elements, but this will increase energy costs.
An oil aerosol can be created by applying a stream of compressed air through a layer of oil. This effect is realized in the Babington burner - a device, an analogue of which you can assemble with your own hands from available components.

Babington burner - an alternative to a blowtorch

The Babington burner was originally patented to run on diesel fuel. Later, having made minor changes to the design, the craftsmen changed the design with their own hands and adapted the burner for burning waste machine and edible oils. The degree of oil contamination in this case special significance does not, since the fuel channels of the unit are free of bottlenecks prone to blockages.

Unlike a blowtorch, where the fuel-air mixture is sprayed under pressure through nozzles, in a Babington burner oil is pumped from a reservoir using a low-power pump and flows in a thin film along an inclined or spherical surface, and the oil-air mixture is formed by blowing a thin jet of compressed air air through this film.

The spraying effect is clearly presented in the video:

    The Babington burner consists of several functional blocks:
  • Fuel - tank, pump and pipes for supplying fuel.
  • Air, it consists of a compressor and an air tube.
  • A hemisphere with a small diameter hole where the air stream mixes with oil.
  • A nozzle that directs the flame in the desired direction.

The standard design can be modified with your own hands, increasing its efficiency. To do this, the fuel tank is equipped with a heater that heats the oil before the burner starts operating, which makes it possible to increase its fluidity. In addition, a fuel channel made of a metal tube can be wrapped around the nozzle - this way the oil will heat up while the burner is operating.

The burner nozzle is directed into the boiler, where the fuel chamber and water jacket are heated. You can also use the device to melt and heat metals.

Advantages of a DIY Babington burner:

  • a wide selection of fuel - used machine oils, lubricants of any viscosity, diesel fuel, fuel oil, any vegetable oils, including food waste;
  • the presence of impurities in the fuel;
  • simplicity of design - you can do it yourself.


  • difficulty setting up the burner, especially often when changing the type of fuel;
  • smell and dirt - the burner cannot be installed in residential premises, a boiler room is required;
  • the use of the burner is associated with open flame Therefore, fire safety precautions must be observed.
There must be a powder or salt chemical fire extinguisher in the boiler room!

DIY Babington burner

You can assemble the burner with your own hands from simple components, for this you will need:

    • A hollow ball or hemisphere with such a wall thickness that you can drill a hole with a diameter of no more than 0.3 mm. You can use any metal objects of a similar configuration, for example, brass door handle spherical shape, nuts with plugs. The main condition is the possibility of reliable fastening of the air duct.

  • Metal tube for supplying compressed air from the compressor, diameter - 10-15 mm.
  • A compressor, for example, from a refrigerator, with an operating pressure of 2 atm, a maximum pressure of 4 atm.
  • Fuel tank with a built-in heating element of 0.5-1 kW made of non-corrosion metal.
  • Fuel sump and pipe to drain excess oil back into the tank.
  • Copper tube, diameter - 10 mm, wall thickness - 1-1.5 mm for the fuel channel.
  • Oil pump from a car or motorcycle with an electric motor to drive the pump. It is advisable to equip the pump with a filter with a large mesh at the inlet.
  • The nozzle is a 200-400 mm long nozzle with an external thread of 2 inches.
  • Crosspiece for two-inch metal pipe with internal thread.
  • A 1" threaded drain and a 2/1" adapter to drain excess fuel into the sump.
  • Adapters and fittings for connecting the fuel line, air duct and nozzle.

Preparing burner components for assembly

    1. The main and most important task is to make a hole of a given diameter in a spherical nozzle. The power of the burner depends on its size. For example, a boiler with a thermal power of 10-15 kW requires a burning torch obtained by operating a burner with one hole with a diameter of 0.2-0.25 mm. To obtain more power, there is no need to expand the hole - this will lead to larger droplets. It is better to make 2-4 holes with a diameter of 0.1-0.3 mm with a distance between them of 8-10 mm, otherwise the torches will be mutually extinguished. Fuel consumption can be calculated as follows: through one hole of 0.25 mm, 2 liters of waste are sprayed per hour.

Video about how you can make small-diameter holes in a metal hemisphere:

    1. The tank is made of corrosion-resistant metal. A heating element is built into it with a thermostat set to turn off the heating element at a temperature of 70 degrees Celsius.
    2. It is necessary to make a fuel sump from the same material, equipped with a pipe with an overflow. Through this pipe, oil from the sump will flow back into the tank. To drain dirt from the sump, you can provide a plug in its bottom.

  • Assemble the burner body: connect the nozzle from the squeegee to the 2-inch cross in the front part, then adapters: from the top for oil supply, from the rear side for air. From below, a 2/1-inch adapter and a squeegee are connected to the crosspiece, through which excess oil will drain into the sump. Adapters are made from plugs with drilled holes, into which the fuel and air channel tubes are inserted.

The housing can also be made from a tee, in which the air duct is inserted into the upper part, having previously drilled a hole of the required diameter.

  • The fuel path is made of a copper tube, one end of which is wound around the nozzle three times, and then led through a plug adapter into the housing at the top. The fuel pipe is connected to the pump, a coarse strainer is installed and the other end of the pipe is inserted into the tank. The fuel path can be equipped with a valve. The pump is connected to an electric motor operating from a 220 V network.

  • An air duct made of a metal tube is attached at one end to a hemisphere with a hole, having previously installed a plug adapter at the required distance. The hemisphere should be positioned so that the oil from the fuel tube evenly flows onto the rounded part of the nozzle, and then into bottom part housing and into the sump. The other part of the air duct is connected to a compressor, which is also connected to a 220 V network.
  • Since the installation will have as many as three consumers of electricity, which are not turned on simultaneously, it is advisable to equip the burner with a control panel: install a separate toggle switch or button to turn on the heating element and a separate toggle switch to turn on the compressor and pump. If desired, you can equip the remote control with a light signaling system made of diode lamps.
  • You can equip the burner with a controller that automatically turns on the units in accordance with the selected mode. Electric ignition is realized using spark plugs, and to extinguish the burner it is enough to turn off the oil supply.

Video - burner assembly diagram:

Preparing fuel for the burner

Almost any waste oil can be used in a Babington burner. Automotive waste with a large number of foreign inclusions is filtered before being poured into the tank through a mesh and mixed with cleaner oil. Oils with a small amount of impurities can be poured without preparation.

When using food vegetable oils, for example, deep-frying, it is recommended to let it sit for several hours and carefully drain off the residue. These oils are sufficiently fluid at normal temperatures, so they can be heated in the tank only when the burner is started. When using fuel oil and other thick materials, they must be heated to a temperature of 70 to 90 degrees, otherwise the pump will work with overload.

Security measures

    A burner using oils and other GSPs can be dangerous if installed and operated incorrectly. To avoid a fire, a number of measures must be observed:
  • floors and walls made of flammable materials are sheathed with metal or asbestos sheets;
  • fuel reserves are stored at a safe distance;
  • oil leaks must be removed in a timely manner;
  • electrical elements of the installation must be carefully insulated to avoid sparking in the oil spray area;
  • The burner must be placed out of reach of air currents and drafts.
A burner with an open nozzle must not be left running unattended!

The Babington burner, unlike a blowtorch converted for working in mining, is a reliable and durable unit that does not require complex maintenance. It is enough to clean it periodically fuel system, tank and sump, blow out the air duct in idle mode, and also monitor the serviceability of the compressor and oil pump. A working burner is a reliable and economical unit with a long service life.

For people actively working in a workshop or country house Often there is a need to heat a part or perform soldering. These problems can be solved with a high-temperature gas burner, which you can make yourself. With its help, you can heat parts for subsequent processing or welding, harden parts, and carry out roof repairs. This list can be continued.

All these problems can be solved using a gas burner. Such devices include devices that provide mixing, preheating, and supply of the required volume of gas and oxygen. It creates conditions to ensure the required combustion rate of the resulting mixture and create the required heating temperature.

There are a large number of such devices on the market, from specialized professional ones (for heating boilers and welding work) to universal household burners on propane.

Gas burners manufactured in industrial scale, are considered solely from the point of view of reliability and safety during operation. However, very often, according to the “efficiency - cost” criterion, gas burners industrial production do not stand up to any criticism. In addition, you can purchase a product of questionable quality or made in friendly China.

Having examined in detail the design options for such burners, an unambiguous conclusion arises. There is nothing complicated about these gas units. Therefore, many try to make such a device at home. It turns out to be a convenient and cheap DIY gas burner.

Burner classification

The device of a gas burner is quite simple. Modern gas burners are divided as follows:

  • Pre-mix. Education takes place gas mixture immediately before entering the outlet.
  • Injection burners. The air required for combustion is spontaneously sucked in (as they say, injected) by the gas jet itself.
  • Regenerative. The essence of their work lies in the preheating of gas and air. This happens before mixing. The heating itself is carried out by a special device - a recuperator.
  • Regenerative. Preheating in burners of this type is carried out in a regenerator.
  • Pressurized (supercharged gas burners). In them, air is forced into the firebox by a special fan. This happens after mixing the combustible mixture.
  • Diffusion. By design, these are the simplest burners. They consist of a regular tube with holes drilled in it. Gas is supplied through these holes. To ensure constant and reliable combustion, the necessary air comes from the environment.
  • Gas atmospheric burners for boilers. The principle of their operation is very similar to the principle of injection burners. The main difference is that oxygen enrichment is not carried out completely, but partially.
  • Gas burners for stoves, fireplaces, heating systems.

The power of any gas burner is determined by the volume of gas consumed per unit of time. It can differ quite significantly for different burners.

Burner design

A standard homemade burner functions this way. Gas is supplied under pressure through a special hose from the cylinder. Most often, propane is used as such gas. The volume of gas supplied is changed by a regulating operating valve located on the cylinder. Therefore, installation of an additional reduction gearbox is not required.

The shut-off valve is located behind the main valve and is mounted on the gas cylinder. It is used to open or close the gas supply. All other adjustments (length and intensity of the flame) of the burner itself are carried out using the so-called working tap. The gas supply hose through which gas is supplied is connected to a special nozzle. It ends with a nipple. It allows you to set the size (length) and intensity (speed) of the flame. The nipple together with the tube is placed in a special liner (metal cup). It is in it that the creation of a combustible mixture occurs, that is, the enrichment of propane with atmospheric oxygen. The created combustible mixture under pressure flows through the nozzle into the combustion area. To ensure a continuous combustion process, special holes are structurally provided in the nozzle. They perform the function of additional ventilation.

The design of similar gas apparatus are developed taking into account ease of use, prevention, and repair. Therefore, they must be easily disassembled. This simplifies the maintenance and repair process.

Based on this standard scheme can be developed own design. It will consist of the following elements:

  • housing (usually made of metal);
  • a reducer, which is attached to the cylinder (use a ready-made device);
  • nozzles (made independently);
  • fuel supply regulator (optional);
  • head (the shape is selected based on the tasks being solved).

The burner body is made in the shape of a glass. The material used is ordinary steel. This form makes it possible to provide reliable protection from possible blowing out of the working flame. A handle is attached to the body. It can be made from different material. The most important thing is that it provides convenience when working. Previous experience shows that the most optimal length such a handle is in the range from 70 to 80 centimeters.

A wooden holder is attached to the top. A gas supply hose is placed in its body. This allows you to give the structure a certain strength. The flame length can be adjusted in two ways. Using a reducer located on the gas cylinder and a valve installed on the tube. The gas mixture is ignited using a special nozzle.

Making a gas burner

Getting started self-production device, you need to prepare tools for work and select the required material. First of all, choose the material for the handle. There are no strict requirements, so everyone can use their imagination and capabilities. The main requirements for the handle are: its ease of use, so that it does not overheat during operation. Experience shows that it is advisable to use a ready-made handle. For example, a handle from a broken soldering iron, boiler or other household appliance.

Steel is used to make the supply tube. Choose a steel tube with a diameter of no more than 1 cm and a wall thickness of 2.5 mm. The prepared cutting is inserted into the prepared handle. It needs to be securely fastened there. The mounting method is selected in accordance with your capabilities.

The burner body is made of steel. The divider is made of brass rod. Several holes (usually more than four) are drilled in the divider body. This will allow for good oxygen circulation at the burner outlet.

After this, the divider is securely fixed in the housing. A small clearance should be provided for the inner flange. The recommended gap should be approximately 5mm. This gap will provide the necessary slowdown in the speed of gas flow that flows to the igniter. Slowing down will allow you to ignite the burner more reliably.

The nozzle is made of a metal rod. It will provide gas supply to the combustion area. It is made as follows. Using a drill with a diameter of 2 mm, carefully make a blind hole in the nozzle body. Then drill a hole with a 4mm drill. It is necessary to create a jumper. They are carefully riveted and polished.

The end of the manufactured tube is connected to the outlet of the gearbox. A flexible hose is used for connection. The material is selected from the list of approved materials for household gas systems. This may be special rubber or special fabric material. To ensure reliability and fire safety, it is more advisable to use certified material. The hose is put on the tube and secured with a standard clamp.

After completing the assembly of the entire device, you need to set the optimal pressure in the cylinder. Before igniting the burner, you should carefully check the entire gas supply system mixing with air for possible leaks. If they appear, they must be eliminated. Only after all checks can the burner be lit. The burner must provide a burning jet length of up to 50 mm.

A properly assembled burner will serve as a reliable assistant in business for a long time. It will be a tool that will help solve many everyday problems without resorting to the use of expensive tools.

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