Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

How to plant beautiful flowers in the garden. What flowers and ornamental plants to plant at the dacha: designing flower beds. Perennial flowers that are planted in autumn

To create your own collection of beautiful flowers, you just need to know how to plant flowers correctly and how to grow them yourself from seeds. So, some types of flower seeds can be planted immediately in open land, eventually receiving, without the slightest hassle with seedlings, a charming flowerbed with a long, if not even continuous flowering. And there are those varieties that you have to tinker with, but the beauty of their flowers is worth it.

You can plant flower seeds in the ground before winter, or before the end of spring frosts, or even earlier - literally in the snow. In the snow, it is possible to plant only winter-hardy plants, also called cold-resistant plants. These include agrostemma or cockle, adonis and amaranth, cornflower and gilia, graceful gypsophila, godetia, iberis, calendula, clarkia, flax and lobularia. And also poppy, nicandra, phacelia, chrysanthemum and sage.

Seeds of various heat-loving flowers plant a little later than frost-resistant ones. There is information on how to sow them correctly on the bags in which they are packaged. It also indicates at what time it is advisable to sow and at what distance or depth the seeds should be planted in the soil. It also describes how tall the flowers will grow, as well as whether these species are cold-resistant or, on the contrary, heat-loving. Different kinds Flowers need to be sown using different methods, which is also indicated on their packaging. So the instructions will be quite enough to understand how to plant flowers with seeds. No additional data is required for this, since the process itself is extremely simple.


No matter how beautiful and attractive a flower may seem to you in the photograph of its packaging, you should under no circumstances buy it if the plant is not suitable for your climate. This is extreme important factor the correct choice of flowers for a flower bed or garden plot. When planting seeds with flower bulbs and when further care after them, you must strictly follow the instructions indicated on the packages. It is necessary to observe the recommended depth, as well as planting time, take care of the appropriate soil composition and comply with the requirements for the level of illumination of the site, and also try to monitor the frequency of watering and fertilizing.

To get a blooming dacha, in different corners of the site you need to plant flowers in the form of single-colored or multi-colored “islands”, as well as a row. They can be smooth or wavy. There are flowers that are most conveniently sown in nests, each with 3-4 pieces. It would be good to plant Gypsophila and Poppies, Cereals and Matthiola, Clarkia, Nemesia, Levkoya, Eschscholzia and annual Asters nearby. You can dilute your flowerbed with summer time and indoor flowers, such as orchids or violets. Just before planting such flowers, you need to learn about caring for them, even if they delight you on the windowsill. Type into a search engine the phrase how to care for indoor plants, or orchid diseases photo, and you will see how you need to care for plants so that they are not overtaken by any diseases.


By correctly choosing and planting flowers on a plot of land, you can get beautiful flower bed, which will delight you with flowering from spring to autumn. But, you should only choose plants that are suitable for your climate zone, as well as follow the rules for planting them and take into account the conditions of care.

How to plant flowers correctly - flower bed design

Very often, gardeners wonder which flowers are best to plant in their dacha to decorate the area? Which flowers to prefer - annual or perennial, how to choose from the whole variety of seeds of beautiful plants those that will decorate the site. Today I will describe (very little by little) some of them that we plant in flower beds, in garden beds, as well as near pergolas and trees.

Viola (pansy)

Violas are one of those flowers that (due to their unpretentiousness and beauty) many enjoy growing. This plant can be either annual or biennial. Annuals bloom from the third decade of June until the end of September, and biennials bloom from the end of May until almost the first frost. Their flowers have many shades and can be either one or two colors.

Viola welcomes well-lit areas, not ignoring semi-shaded areas. This plant loves moisture, is responsive to organic fertilizers (especially manure) and to regular loosening of row spacing.

When propagating viola by seeds (you can also use seedlings), we sow them immediately in open ground, starting from the time the soil warms up until the end of June. It is better to protect the shoots that appear after a couple of weeks from direct sun. At the beginning of autumn, we transplant the seedlings into flower beds, keeping a distance of 20 centimeters between seedlings. Sheltering the viola for the winter is not required at all.

Annuals pansies We sow seedlings at the beginning of spring, and in the first or second decade of May we plant the finished seedlings in the place chosen for them in the country house.


Blooming irises are a rainbow of different colors in flower beds. There are a significant number of varieties. Some varieties are propagated by bulbs, while others, which have thick rhizomes, are propagated by dividing the latter.

The place for planting these flowers should have sufficient lighting and be protected from wind and drafts. But shaded places will not be an obstacle to their flowering. Irises prefer loamy and sandy soil for planting. But in soil that is too moist, only the marsh type of these plants grows well. Iris flowering season: May-July (swamp, not double variety).

You can replant two weeks after the end of flowering, cutting off the green parts shorter, during the summer and before frost.

beds under spring planting We prepare irises by mixing soil with humus and compost. As soon as the ground in the dacha thaws, we plant the bulbs in open ground. The holes for them: radius 20 cm and depth 16 cm. If we are working with a rhizome, then we make a hole slightly larger than its size. We lay it down, straightening the roots and straightening what remains of the leaves upward. After filling it with soil, water it.

Technology autumn planting Iris rhizomes are completely different from summer ones and are produced from late August to mid-October. It is better to cover bearded plant species with branches (straw), protecting them from freezing.

We reproduce and rejuvenate these flowers early in the spring and at the end of August. To do this, we clear the prepared bushes of soil, remove broken and dead parts, and trim the leaves. We divide the rhizome into several parts, disassembling it into planting material.

Basic plant care in the country: weeding, loosening, frequent watering. It is necessary to fertilize during the season. Irises are pruned after flowering and before the first frost.


Bluebells that love sunny places also grow well in partial shade. Level groundwater in the area where these flowers are planted, it should not reach their roots - bells do not like excessive soil moisture.

Before planting flowers, we fertilize and dig up the soil, add organic fertilizers. We replant with bushes either in autumn or spring. We take the bush along with the soil without damaging the root system. We add water to the holes before and after planting.

Bells with a strong root system can be planted in early April, and weaker bushes are planted only when there is no longer any threat of frost. In the fall, they are planted no later than the first ten days of October so that the bushes take root before the onset of cold weather. Bells, like other flowers, are responsive to timely watering, weeding, loosening the soil, and fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers.

Lily (daylily) Middendorff

(Sometimes, in local terms, saranki)

This type of lily grows in the shade, so we plant it under fruit trees. The soil for planting is fertile and loose. Daylilies reproduce either by bulbs or scales. Can also be propagated by seeds. They are planted in mid-summer, and the first shoots appear only in spring. Such lilies begin to bloom only two or three years after germination. Flowers are planted in country flower beds or garden beds (but preferably in the shade).


Peonies are perennials that grow in bushes. The color range is different - from white to dark burgundy. These are fairly unpretentious plants that usually bloom in June.

By dividing the bush. We divide bushes that have reached the age of 5 years. Similar reproduction occurs from the beginning of August to the first ten days of September. First, we trim the foliage of the bush, then carefully dig it out (we try not to damage the rhizome). Then carefully divide the main root ( sharp knife help!) into pieces. We transplant each one into a hole, having prepared it in advance.

The place for planting peonies on the site should be sunny and fairly open. We dig holes using the bayonet of a shovel and fill them with a mixture (peat, humus, river sand and soil). You can also add a little ash, superphosphate and vitriol (preferably iron).

We carefully plant peonies in the prepared holes, but do not bury the plant buds below 4 cm from the soil surface. Sprinkle the top of the rhizome with the remaining soil and mulch with peat. After planting, flowers require watering (quite abundant), and during the season - regular watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, as well as timely removal of weeds. Usually transplanted peonies begin to bloom 3-4 years after planting. Or maybe not at all, and here's why.

Balsam tall and low growing

This annual flower We grow seedlings of both heights and heights in open ground. For seedlings, we usually sow balsam seeds in the third ten days of February in boxes with slightly acidic soil prepared in advance. After planting the seeds, moisten the soil abundantly and, leaving it in a warm place, cover it with glass (film) so that seedlings appear faster.

After almost all the seeds have sprouted, we plant the seedlings. Usually the seedlings grow strong by the end of April.

You can also grow this flower from cuttings. After cutting them, we grow them at home in pots from late winter or early spring. We plant seedlings grown from seeds or cuttings in an open flowerbed (late May-early June), when frosts on the soil subside.

Garden balsam - tall, completely unpretentious plant, growing beautifully on country flower bed next to many other flowers (gypsophila, phlox). The best place for cultivation - western or eastern slopes. Due to the fact that balsam does not tolerate excessive moisture in the soil, coolness and drafts, we exclude its planting in lowlands. It is better to fertilize the soil with humus or compost before planting seedlings.

Every 3 days after planting, we water the plant; it is better to add moisture in the evening (we do not water in rainy weather). A couple of times a month we fertilize the flowers with potassium and nitrogen fertilizers at the same time. We protect the health of balsam by spraying it against pests and diseases.


Chamomiles are perennial plants for any garden. The soil in the area where these flowers grow best is neutral or alkaline, well fertilized and loose. They love a lighted place, protected from drafts. Chamomile can be grown in one place for 6 years, and then transplanted to another place of residence.

Chamomile can be grown from seedlings. In this case, we plant the seeds in prepared boxes in the third ten days of March, after the appearance of a couple of true leaves, we pick the seedlings. Planting seedlings in open ground We produce in the second ten days of May. You can also plant the seeds directly into the flowerbed in the third decade of May, water them and cover them with film. The first shoots appear a couple of weeks after planting.

Reproduction is also done by dividing the bushes. A similar procedure is carried out once every 4 years, in the third ten days of August to mid-September.

Caring for chamomile is extremely simple; to do this, you should regularly loosen and water the flowers, free them from weeds, and also thin out their bushes. Before winter, the above-ground part of the plant should be trimmed, leaving only 4-5 cm above ground level. Chamomiles bloom practically all summer and early autumn (from the beginning of June to the 2nd decade of September).


The flower is grown mainly using the seedling method. To do this, we sow verbena seeds using boxes with moistened, loose soil (the first ten days of March). After sowing, I recommend covering the boxes plastic bags until the first shoots. As a rule, after two weeks the seeds germinate, after which we remove the film and place the boxes on windowsills in direct sunlight. As soon as real foliage appears, we plant the plants in the soil, where we add humus and wood ash.

The third ten days of May - transplantation into open ground, the distance between flowers is about 30 cm. It is better to water after planting in the country in the evening. For better rooting, we press the plants to the ground with pins and hill them up a little.

We choose a place for verbena on sunny areas, with fairly loose soil. Not very fertile loams are also quite suitable. It is resistant to drought and tolerates light frosts on the soil well. In fertile soil, verbena only grows and practically does not bloom. The beginning of flowering is June.


Very beautiful and quite unpretentious flowers. There are several varieties of these plants. They are most often grown by seedling method. You can plant petunia seeds for seedlings both in the third ten days of February and in early March. It takes several days for seedlings to appear. After the first true foliage appears, a dive is required.

To plant petunias in open ground, prepare the soil. Sandy or soy are best suited clay soils, to which organic fertilizers should be added (except manure, in order to avoid fungal diseases).

The flowerbed in which these flowers will grow at the dacha should be well lit during the day and protected from drafts. Planting of seedlings should be done in the third ten days of May (after the spring frosts have ended). It is better to carry it out in the evening or when it is cloudy outside. We plant along the outer edge of the flowerbed, or over its entire area if it is small. The plant blooms until late autumn.

Caring for petunias consists of fairly frequent watering, feeding with liquid organic fertilizers with the addition of potassium minerals. We begin similar feeding of seedlings a week after planting. Next you need to enter complex fertilizers every ten days until approximately the end of August.


These perennial flowers, with many species, decorate any area. These plants are planted with bulbs, and it is necessary to carefully select the planting material - the bulbs should not have damage or signs of rot. Before planting lilies, carefully dig up the soil and add humus or fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium. For acidic soil, adding lime or wood ash will help.

We plant the bulbs (August-September) at a distance of a quarter meter from each other. It is advisable to grow lilies in open, well-lit areas. Basically, these flowers do not require covering before frost. And for covering you can use sawdust, hay or old branches. As soon as the snow clears, all insulation must be quickly removed. The next year the lilies bloom.

They are also planted in spring time. But, at the same time, separately from those specimens that were planted in September, since in the spring, during care, these flowers are watered more and more often than those planted in the fall. Care consists of fairly frequent watering, loosening the soil around the flowers, and removing weeds. To prevent pests, we mulch the soil with ash.


Another perennial flower for decorating a summer cottage or any other area is gladiolus. Now it is very difficult to name at least an approximate number of its varieties. And their colors are also varied.

When planting and caring for gladioli, we remember that:

  • We do not plant them in one place for more than two seasons, the place should be sunny (it is advisable to exclude shade), with a slight draft (from infection with fungal diseases), we plant the “babies” in front of the adult bulbs (for their sufficient lighting),
  • we replant them, preferably, on different soils (if the soil in which these flowers grow is sandy, then it is necessary to spray the plants with fertilizers),
  • we purchase gladioli bulbs adapted to the local climate,
  • Watering should be done abundantly, but once every 7 days. Only in extreme heat can you moisten the soil every day after 7 p.m., combining this procedure with loosening and removing weeds. You can also spud gladioli,
  • bulbs require low temperature and humidity when stored in winter time, how they will grow and bloom next season depends on this.


We grow these perennial flowers on any type of soil, the main thing is that it needs to be constantly loosened. River sand or peat should be added to loam or other dense soil to prevent the tubers from tearing. A day or two before planting, we take the dahlia tubers out of the basement and, if propagation is necessary, divide them (don’t forget to treat the cuts with ash). There should be three tubers in one part; in the future they will give several strong stems.

If you strictly follow the agricultural techniques for growing these flowers, then we get dahlias from the basement (cellar) three weeks before planting them in the ground. Pour sawdust into a wide container, into which we place the tubers. Cover the top with a covering non-woven material. Every few days we water the sawdust. It is advisable to install the container in a sunny place. We plant dahlia tubers in the ground when the frost on the soil ends.

Taking into account the demands of flowers on moisture, we water more often. To avoid rapid evaporation of moisture, mulch the soil near the plantings. We water the plants only in the evening, when the heat subsides. We cut off fading flowers to stimulate the growth of new ones. For excellent flowering, we form dahlia bushes into four or five trunks.

They require regular feeding to help them fight diseases and pests. At the beginning of summer, we spray the leaves with urea or mullein solution. Foliar feeding(preferably once a week) we do it when there is no rain or the weather is cloudy.

Phlox (annual and perennial)

Phlox (in different regions) bloom on the site from May to the last ten days of September. This is quite possible if you know how to grow such flowers correctly. These perennials can be propagated either by cuttings or layering, or by dividing the bushes. But we grow annual phlox from seeds.

As soon as the ground warms up, you can make beds and sow annual seeds (maintaining 30 cm) in them. We scatter them over the garden bed (keeping them 30 cm apart), without sprinkling them with soil, but simply covering them with any covering material. When the first shoots appear, we remove the material.

But you can grow such phloxes with seedlings. The seeds are planted in boxes (beginning of March). After the first shoots appear, you need to organize regular watering, lighting and room temperature. As soon as the shoots appear, we dive. After this, you should not keep the plants in direct rays, avoiding burns on the foliage.

We plant these seedlings on prepared beds in the middle (or maybe a little later) of May, leaving a distance of about 20 cm between the seedlings. Annual phlox are quite resistant to cold snaps and drought, not tolerating overheating of the soil, but loving lighting. These flowers grow best in partial shade. The main thing in caring for phlox is to let them grow quietly. We loosen the soil around the flowers and lightly hill them up in the middle of summer. At the end of spring we feed with liquid organic matter, and at the beginning of summer we feed with mineral fertilizer with potassium or phosphorus.

Mallow (rose)

Mallow is a perennial plant. After planting the seeds in spring period this season it is only growing, turning green and gaining strength. We will enjoy flowers only next warm season summer season.

Its seeds are quite different large sizes, so it is very convenient to sow them (0.5 m between them) immediately in a permanent place. We plant mallow, like other flowers, either with seeds directly into the soil or with seedlings. Very often, self-seeding occurs in the ground directly with the plant, with new seedlings appearing there the next year. We propagate by seeds and cuttings. The latter is used when propagating hybrid species.

There is mallow - a biennial. It grows in the first year, blooms profusely the next season, then produces seeds and dries up. When these flowers grow on fairly fertile soils, they require feeding once or twice per season. If the soil is depleted, then fertilizing is required once a decade.

Before the onset of frost (in areas with harsh winters), first-year mallows can be covered with straw, branches or other covering material to prevent freezing. After the snow melts and the ground warms up, we remove the covering material and free the plants.


Mirabilis (and better in a group) will nicely decorate any flower bed. A plant with a lush bush, covered with both numerous buds and open flowers. Their colors are different - from white to lilac. Mirabilis inflorescences look like fragrant tobacco. Flowers bloom closer to dusk (as well as in rain and cloudy weather), and close only at dawn.

In our country, even when protected from frost, the roots of these plants freeze. Anyone who wants can dig them up late autumn and store in sand. And in the spring, move it to the dacha again.

You can also start from seeds by immediately planting them at home in separate cups at the end of April. The soil should preferably be neutral, watering should not be too frequent. You can plant flower seeds directly in a nursery directly on the site, covering it with a special film (non-woven material, plastic bottle). In this case, we plant the seeds at the end of April.

We plant seedlings in open soil after the threat of spring frosts has completely passed. This plant welcomes only sunny, well-warmed soils. The soil itself should be fertile and loamy. Mirabilis has good drought resistance and is very easy to care for.


Unpretentious to the composition of the soil, liatris is quite cold-resistant. Therefore, we sow its seeds (in this case, the full formation of the plant occurs only in the 2nd or 3rd year) or tubers immediately in open ground (late April or mid-October). This flower is not demanding of sunlight; it can also be planted in the shade.

The plant does not like stagnant water, so it is desirable to have a drainage system in the flowerbed. The soil should be moderately acidic, light and loose. Liatris needs regular feeding during and after flowering.


I end the review with a wonderful kobeya. This plant is valued for its excellent climbing. It grows and blooms for only one summer season. The flower loves open fertile lands that are illuminated throughout the day sun rays. It also feels good in partial shade, but in the shade and in a draft it practically does not grow. Young plants die in the cold, while adults can withstand even light frost.

We grow kobeya using seedlings (and nothing more!), we plant the seeds from mid-February to mid-March. The day before planting, soak the seeds in water or some kind of growth stimulant. We immediately plant the seeds in individual cups, since kobeya does not take well to replanting. The first shoots appear a couple of weeks after sowing. After the true leaves appear, we transplant the seedlings into wider cups. To do this, generously moisten the soil with them and carefully pull out the seedlings along with the soil.

We move flower seedlings into a flowerbed (flower bed) only at the end of May and only under various kinds shelters that we remove when steadily warm weather sets in. We dig planting holes for kobei at a distance of half a meter. Fill the hole halfway with fertile soil. We carefully remove the seedlings from the cups along with all the soil, carefully lower them into the hole, dig in them and water them.

Usually these flowers are planted next to trees, or special supports are placed - pergolas, around which the kobeya will curl. It requires moisture, which requires regular watering. First, it requires nitrogen fertilizers, and when flowers form, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

As soon as the first shoots appear, we feed the plants with humate. And after planting in open ground, we fertilize the soil weekly. Usually mineral and organic types of fertilizers are alternated. Be sure to spray for pests.

Look like that's it. Although there is more decorative cabbage, very good fern complete with something, perennial rudbeckia, ...., if anyone suddenly likes it.

Photo of flowers at the dacha

Creating flower beds in a summer cottage is a pleasant and difficult job. After all, you should carefully choose colors. Perennial flowers that bloom all summer are perfect option and the dream of any gardener. After all, such flowers easily tolerate harsh winters and do not require annual planting.

You can easily decorate your cottage with flowers. After all, there are a large number of flowers that do not require any hassle during planting and care. You need to choose and choose the right plants that will emphasize originality and seasonal feature plot. The dream is possible, so you can admire the beauty of flowers from spring to autumn.

Flowers are a decoration for a summer cottage and the pride of a gardener. After all, the bright colors of flowering plants create comfort and harmony. The floral world is amazing in its diversity. You need to choose flowers for decorating your summer cottage that will delight you with beauty and harmony all season long.

What perennial flowers to choose?

Some gardeners prefer annual flowers, as they are unique in their colors. But many people choose perennial flowers.

Benefits of perennial flowers for the garden:

  1. Do not require approximately 2 years.
  2. Withstands light frosts.
  3. Amazing .
  4. Does not require additional.
  5. Look great throughout the warm season.
  6. Can be used as a basis for creating flower beds.
  7. Growing perennial flowers is much cheaper, since during transplantation the plant can be divided into several parts for.

In order for the flower garden to delight throughout the warm season, you need to take care of it in the fall. Autumn is not a time to be discouraged; you need to work in the garden in order to flowering plants pleasing to the eye.

Planting perennial flowers can be of three types:

  1. Bulbs.
  2. Roots.
  3. Seeds.

You can plant entire compositions that will not require replanting in the coming years.

Rules for planting perennial flowers

  1. Decide on a plan for what it will look like.
  2. You need to clearly know what type and size of flowers you are planting. Low growing plants should be in the foreground, tall plants in the background.
  3. Remember to place border flowers along paths and.
  4. Consider color scheme, flowering time and harmony of each plant.

Perennial flowers that are planted in autumn

Let's look at perennial flowers for the garden with photos and names so that every gardener can choose the flower that will look perfect in the flowerbed.

Bloom in spring

– there are 4 types, the most popular are Dutch hybrids. Each species blooms at different times in the spring, so plant all varieties.

– the plant begins to bloom in April. There are more than 30 varieties, which differ not only in color, but also in shape.

Daffodils - there are a large number of plant varieties, different colors and shapes. The bulb of the plant overwinters well, so in the spring it will be able to delight you with beautiful and elegant flowers.

Tulips. There are a large number of groups of tulips that differ in color, shape and variety.

Periwinkle is a low-growing flower, reaching a height of 20 centimeters, the flowers are small and blue. Grows wonderfully in the shade.

Adonis of the Amur - low growing plant. It blooms with yellow, red and pink small double flowers.

Perennial flowers for the garden that bloom in late spring and all summer

Daylily is a tall flower that comes in a variety of colors: pink, orange, white and so on.

Pansy is a delicate perennial flower that fascinates with its original shape and unusual combination of colors.

Peony is one of the spectacular tall flowers that look great not only in a summer cottage, but also in flower bouquet arrangements.

Phlox paniculata is a fragrant, bright, tall flower that pleases the eye with its diversity.

Lily is a delicate and incredibly cute flower. The buds amaze with their beauty. A capricious plant, sensitive to diseases. But if you carefully care for it, the flower will give you gorgeous flowers.

Cornflower is an extraordinary delicate plant. There are several species with white, pink, dark purple and purple-lavender flowers.

Astilbe - perennial tall plant, which blooms all summer and delights with bright colors. The flowers of the plant are small and can be pink, white, or purple. The plant is resistant to diseases and pests and does not require special care.

Hosta. The flower has large leaves that can be of different colors. Flowering stems are long, can reach 125 centimeters.

Bluebell - if you properly care for the flower, it can bloom until the cold weather. The type and color of bells is varied, so they can be found in almost every flowerbed of a summer cottage.

Choose perennial flowers that bloom all summer so that they are easy to care for. In order to create a flowerbed at your summer cottage, which will not be difficult, it is enough to plant from 8 to 10 varieties of perennial flowers that bloom in different terms. This method will ensure the continuous blooming of your favorite and most beautiful flowers. You need to clearly decide on the assortment and you can start.

Remember that almost every plant blooms for about 3 weeks. During this period, 2 or 3 plants can bloom, without creating a repeat blooming picture in the flower garden. There are many perennial varieties flowers that are resistant to pests and diseases. Thanks to photos of perennial flowers, you can understand in advance what kind of flower will be during the flowering process. This will help you create a flower garden or flower bed correctly and harmoniously.

Giving preference perennial plants, flower growers determine for a long time appearance your site. In order not to make a mistake with the selection of crops, it is useful to look at the catalog describing perennial flowers with photos and names.

The world of ornamental plants is incredibly large. But when choosing flowers for their flower beds, borders and borders, beginners often go by the colorful illustrations and do not take into account such important criteria as flowering time and the dimensions of a particular plant. What flowers should I plant in my dacha so that they bloom all summer long, are clearly visible, unpretentious and go well with the other “residents” of the site?

Tall garden perennials with photos and names

Planning flower beds begins with choosing plants that will occupy the main places in the plantings. If you want to create a flowerbed with an all-round view, its “main characters” will be tall, clearly visible flowers. In a flower garden located near a house or fence, such tall perennials are also irreplaceable.

It is important that the perennial flowers chosen for the garden not only decorate the area with bright colors, but also have decorative foliage, which, after flowering, will serve as a background for shorter plants.

Various varieties of meadowsweet bloom in the first half of summer. Lush brushes, reminiscent of light, pinkish or white clouds, not only float gracefully over carved foliage, but also repel horseflies, midges and mosquitoes, which are especially annoying at this time of year, from the area. The height of the plant reaches one and a half meters, the culture is winter-hardy and even has medicinal properties.

From the end of June or the first ten days of July, the time for luxurious stock roses begins. Tall, powerful peduncles hold up to 20 large simple or double corollas of all shades from white, yellow to purple.

Stock roses, or large-flowered mallows as they are called, are considered heat-loving plants, so not all regions of Russia will be able to survive the winter calmly. However, they can be easily replaced. For example, for the Urals there are perennial flowers that bloom all summer, with a photo and name close to the previous crop.

This is a zebrina mallow with spectacular lilac-violet flowers, decorated with characteristic patterns in their veins. Unpretentious plant forms a loose herbaceous bush up to 1.5–1.8 meters high with numerous green foliage and erect inflorescences of 10–15 flowers.

Buzulnik is even more winter-hardy and no less decorative, growing and blooming well in the harshest conditions.

The dense, erect inflorescences of foxgloves look incredibly impressive. The cultivated varieties amaze with the variety of colors of the numerous bell flowers. This perennial garden flower will decorate the area from June to August.

In midsummer it's time to bloom diverse different types and varieties of saplings. The lilac, pink, white or reddish caps of its inflorescences will look great in open areas, near ponds, next to dissected rudbeckia, or golden balls, and the same unpretentious alpine asters.

The latter crop is not very tall, but it must definitely be included in the list of names of perennial flowers for Siberia, the north of Russia, the Urals and other regions where plants are required to have endurance (photo above).

In a small area where the garden is adjacent to garden beds, along the border you can plant Jerusalem artichoke or tuberous sunflower with dense heart-shaped foliage, caps of yellow flowers and stems, sometimes exceeding a height of 2–3 meters.

Perennial flowers for a medium-sized garden

The middle zone of a flower garden or flower bed is left with flowering plants with a height of 40 to 80 centimeters. This catalog of perennial flowers for the garden with photos and names is incredibly extensive and for different regions of the country can include dozens and hundreds worthy of attention crops Moreover, in most cases, not only flowers, but also foliage can serve as decoration for a flower bed.

For example, already in early spring, light green leaves of the Persian poppy appear from under the snow, with a fancifully dissected edge. And huge corollas of red, orange and even blue colors appear from the first days of summer along with numerous types of garden daisies, aquilegias, multi-colored lupins and luxurious irises.

The perennial flower kandyk, well known by photo and name in Siberia, will also be of interest to gardeners in the middle zone.

The plant, which blooms in April or early May, is an excellent diversifier for a flower bed with traditional types of crocuses, mouse hyacinth or muscari, also famous for their hardiness and excellent survival beyond the Urals.

They thrive well under the crowns of trees that have not yet fully blossomed and in the shade of buildings. They bloom in May, and then, until the second half of summer, the garden is decorated with a dense clump of wide-lanceolate leathery foliage with bright beads of scarlet fruits.

IN Lately Anemones, which do not bloom for very long, but are always lush and bright, are becoming increasingly popular.

Along with the traditional bulbous flowers, well known to everyone by name and photo, there are perennials in the garden and vegetable garden that are no less spectacular, but at the same time useful. These are available to gardening enthusiasts today. perennial species onions with large inflorescences-caps of purple, pinkish, white or greenish tones.

Equally unpretentious and beautiful cultivars ordinary yarrow, blooming in the first month of summer and almost disappearing under the snow with inflorescences of yellow, white, pink and orange shades.

The hot summer months are the time of flowering of aerial gypsophila, which rivals in tenderness such “stars” of the garden as astilbe, which feel best not under the scorching sun, but in shady corners.

Beginning in August, the variegated caps open above the dark green foliage of phlox and the bright corollas of daylilies, included in the list of names of perennial flowers that bloom all summer, as in the photo, for the North-West. At the same time, the time comes for plants of the aster family.

Above the bright rosettes of leaves rise the inflorescences of Doronicum, small-flowered frost-resistant chrysanthemums, and perennial gaillardias. The bushes of perennial asters are colored with lilac, pink and white colors.

Perennial low-growing flowers for the garden with photos

The foreground of the flower bed is given over to low plants, creating the effect of a continuous carpet. If you look at the catalog with photos and names of perennial flowers for the garden, this result can be achieved with the help of sedums of different types, which preserve the decorativeness and freshness of the greenery throughout the summer.

Dense cushions of carnation and low-growing carnation will look like excellent, bright spots against their background.

For open places Arabis can be planted in areas with light aerated soil. This plant will quickly take its allotted place and in the second year will delight you with pink or white piles of flowers.

To the short group garden perennials includes flowers called duchenea. Ornamental strawberries form a beautiful green cover, covered yellow flowers, on the meth of which red, but, alas, inedible berries later appear.

When decorating your dacha with perennials, you need to take care to protect them from the cold, which most people suffer from bulbous plants, lilies, clematis and decorative shrubs. They should be covered for the winter with a mulch mixture, peat or dry leaves, and then protected with non-woven material.

Perennial flowers for the garden - video

The choice of plants for planting in the country is very important stage because from them varietal diversity The appearance of the dacha area, the amount of time spent caring for the flower beds, and the mood of the owners and guests who visited the country estate depend. To begin with, you shouldn’t get hung up on difficult-to-maintain exotic species, it is better to choose several unpretentious, but prominent representatives flora. Let's take a closer look at what flowers to plant in your dacha so that it turns into a cozy corner of paradise.

Many lovers of country holidays visit their dacha only on weekends, therefore, they need to choose flowers that require minimal care. In addition, plants must be able to withstand drought or, conversely, prolonged rain. If you plant capricious roses in more northern latitudes, they will require daily attention, so let’s consider options that quietly develop on their own, at least within a week.

Cheerful yellow and orange marigolds are undemanding when it comes to soil and atmospheric “gifts.” The only condition for their successful cultivation is a sunlit place, and this can be a patch in the middle of the lawn, a narrow flowerbed along the path, or containers hanging from the wall. Low varieties of marigolds are ideal for creating ridges or borders.

Bright, monochromatic marigolds look more elegant when surrounded by plants with decorative large leaves, for example, against the background of an ordinary or spotted hosta

Climbing, freedom-loving nasturtium is perfect for lightly shaded areas. It grows quickly, so it should be planted in areas with plenty of free soil. In order for the nasturtium bush to retain its shape and size for as long as possible, it is placed in a pot or small container. Beginning of May - best time for sowing these pink, burgundy, lilac, yellow or variegated plants.

Imopoeia is distinguished by its large flowers, noticeable from afar, which can decorate both the wall of a house and a trellis specially constructed for it. Imopea loves support and has increased tenacity, so she can easily “pounce” on any object, standing nearby– a bench, a tree, a corner of the house. These beautiful flowers with large buds they love sunlight and organic fertilizers.

A special feature of growing nasturtium is the dosed application of fertilizers. A large number of mineral substances will cause rapid growth of leaves, but will suppress the formation of inflorescences

Two or three varieties of imopoeia with buds of different shades, planted near a trellis, arch or trellis, look original and harmonious.

Perennials as a symbol of stability

If you don’t have time to annually change the composition of your flower beds and replant plants from place to place, it is better to stick to perennials, which, once rooted, will delight the eye for a long time. Recognized leaders among perennials are luxurious dahlias and fragrant peonies, which during their flowering turn flower beds into huge white-pink-red clouds.

Get ready for the aristocratic peony to decorate your area for 10 years or more. This dominant plant blooms vigorously throughout the summer, and the rest of the time its decorative function is performed by its dark, glossy greenery. Peonies are not capricious: in the fall it is enough to remove their above-ground part. There is no need to cover or wrap plants from frost so as not to damage the sprouts in the spring.

Dahlias are perfect for individual plantings, for group compositions, and even for creating lush arrays. They love places that are well lit by the sun but protected from the wind. One of the conditions for planting is moisture-intensive, fairly fertile soil, as well as moderate use of organic matter (manure). Dahlias bloom towards the end of summer, so flower beds can be supplemented with shorter plants.

The roots of dahlias need additional air flow: by regularly feeding and watering the flowers, it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds

Unrivaled rustic style

The persistent smell of mint, herbs and slightly wild, unkempt flower beds - old childhood memories take us on a journey through the garden of our beloved grandmother, where colorful plants of unimaginable varieties merged into a single picture, which is now commonly called.

The center of the landscape, of course, is a lush rose bush, spreading a delicate soft aroma around itself. By choosing soil that is neutral in acidity, not over-moistened and fertile, you won’t have to think about renewal for the next 10 years. Timely planting, depending largely on the variety, regular hilling and fertilizing will help create a strong plant with large, noble buds. To give the bush a certain shape, additional pruning will be required.

It is best to prune roses in early spring. In climbing and climbing plants, old, dead shoots are removed, bushy stems are cut at a height of 20-30 cm above ground level

Tall delphiniums, reaching 2 meters, give the flowerbed a special lively flavor. Their slender stems soar upward, releasing many large, bright flowers, reminiscent of the inhabitants of the salty expanses - dolphins. Marine theme colors match different varieties delphinium - from soft lilac to deep purple and sky blue. The most successful place to plant a plant is the center of a flower bed or an area along the wall of a high fence.

Delphinium is very difficult to grow as seedlings, so experts recommend dividing the bush and planting cuttings. A good period for breeding is early spring or August

Some varieties of violets are propagated by seeds; for others, green cuttings are more suitable, which is best done in early summer

Shade-tolerant varieties of flowers

Shaded garden corners often look monotonous, boring and neglected due to the persistent belief that nothing takes root there. In fact, there are many beautiful plants that can turn even the darkest area into a colorful clearing. These include both perennials and noble herbs, mainly decorative element which are variegated, striped, spotted and multi-colored leaves. Consider to revive them.

Moderate flowering plants

Bright pink and blue flowers A low plant, lungwort, stands out against the background of greenery. The three most common species tolerate shade well: lungwort, Dacian and red lungwort. The plant is valued for its versatility and unpretentiousness: early spring flowering in the summer is replaced by decorative variegated leaves, which persist until the first snow. One individual is capable of developing and blooming for 30 years.

An excellent honey plant and medicinal plant, foxglove, also tolerates shade easily. Absence sunlight does not prevent it from reaching a height of one and a half meters and scattering with juicy soft pink or snow-white buds. To turn a boring corner of the garden into a comfortable area for reading or relaxing, just put a bench and surround it with lush foxglove bushes - a gloomy place will come to life and sparkle with bright colors.

Foxglove seeds ripen towards the end of summer. The most viable seeds are found in capsules at the bottom of the stem, at the site where the first flowers appear.

Original ornamental grasses

Forest thickets and shady places near walls and fences they are not afraid of garden ferns. From fern bushes and shade-tolerant plants form beautiful green compositions that can decorate a garden, a recreation area, and a local area. Most popular varieties ferns: maidenhair, foliage, multi-row, ostrich, kochedednik.

The fern easily reproduces by spores, which are best sown in early spring. The optimal soil for planting is a mixture of fertile forest soil and peat.

A garden wouldn’t be complete without the prima donna of shady areas – hostas, different varieties which sets the mood of the lower tier. Inexpressive flowering is compensated by the beauty and nobility of exquisite leaf blades, which can be decorated with wide white stripes, marble stains, large specks or a bluish-violet edging.

Perennial hostas feel great for several seasons in one place, so the soil occasionally needs to be dug up, fertilized and mulched

A summer cottage is a great place to experiment and implement own ideas. To turn a gloomy area into a positive and rosy place of relaxation, it is enough to plant a flower bed near the porch or arrange a small flower garden in the garden - the choice of its content is up to the owners.

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