Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

What the coming year has in store for us: the USA and the DPRK are on the verge of a big fight. That the coming year? What does the year have in store for us?

Each zodiac sign will have reasons for both joy and sadness in the year of the Dog. But being the architects of your own happiness is not as difficult as it seems - the main thing is to make a wish, whisper it in the Yellow Puppy’s ear and believe in the fairy tale and in yourself, offers its readers.


Frivolous but persistent Aries in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog will be able to achieve career heights and financial well-being. But authority and the desire to insist on their own can prevent Aries from establishing relationships with management and colleagues; these qualities will especially harm business contacts.

Aries need to understand their own preferences and understand that the people around them do not always give sincere and useful tips– in the year of the Yellow Puppy, competitors and real scammers may be hanging around you. It is advisable to listen to your intuition more often and not ignore its prompts.

2018 is good for making important and responsible decisions, the main thing is not to retreat from your position. But the Dog allows you to look for workarounds - delay does not mean lagging behind. The spring months are suitable for interviews, business negotiations, deals and contracts. But Aries should expand their horizons and look for companions and patrons in other cities and countries.

The demands of fire signs will increase, and in the year of the Dog there is a high risk of getting into debt, and some Aries will even want to get rich through gambling and dubious adventures. Try to live within your means, especially in the summer. And you will always have time to live on a grand scale, especially since, as the stars promise, September 2018 is rich in profitable part-time jobs, victories in competitions and winnings in the lottery are not excluded.

In the personal life of Aries, the stars predict a lot of pleasant changes, regardless of the age and marital status of the fire signs. But single and married Aries will suffer from jealousy - the Dog is not familiar with this feeling, and they will have to find a way out of a difficult love situation on their own. The stars recommend not to go to extremes and not torment your loved ones with groundless suspicions. You just need to be brave and have a heart-to-heart talk. Perhaps it's time to understand yourself, get rid of unnecessary connections, or strengthen relationships with care and attention.

The richest month for weddings will be October 2018. Both November and December will pass in an atmosphere of love, and people born under the fire element will finally feel happy.

By the end of 2018, the financial situation will stabilize, professional life will also become quite successful, smooth and orderly - Aries will be able to devote more time to loved ones, without being distracted by such useful but exhausting things as earning money and fighting with competitors.


Smart and practical Taurus will not be lost in the year of the Dog, and your talents will be appreciated. You can wait for offers from new partners, but do not break old ties - they will still be useful to you. In a new position, earthly businessmen can relax and lose control over the situation - beware of the machinations of competitors, go out more often and communicate with the right people.

In 2018, your attention will be attracted to creative activities, some Taurus will be interested in politics. Partnership relationships will become stable, but earth signs should not disappear at work in order to please management and every colleague.

Establishing business contacts is a long and labor-intensive process, and Taurus will be distracted from their direct responsibilities for some time. The stars advise not to react to criticism and attacks from opponents, but to calmly and systematically implement your ideas.

Financial positions in the year of the Yellow Dog will be strengthened, support from government agencies and patronage of foreign partners is possible. Taurus can count on sponsorship or loans (on fairly favorable terms). In 2018, it is not advisable to waste money - you will have to live in conditions of austerity for several months, but it will be worth it. In the summer, Taurus will be able to exhale and start spending what they love.

The sphere of personal relationships will not disappoint Taurus, and many of your wishes will finally come true. Family representatives of the sign will establish communication with loved ones and learn to negotiate even with relatives from their marriage partner. TO difficult moments life can include moving and renovation work, but Taurus are not afraid of difficulties, and all these troubles will seem nonsense to them. Lonely earth signs will meet their person, and the year will be filled with romance and love experiences. However, one should not rush things - during the reign of the Dog, only balanced and deliberate decisions are welcomed.

For wedding ceremonies and family travel, spring and autumn months. And there should be no divorce proceedings in the year of the Yellow Dog - it is undesirable to bring the situation to the point of absurdity, because any problem can be solved with the help of a compromise.

December 2018 will be a month of intense communication. Different personalities will appear around Taurus, and success and popularity will await you. It is important not to forget about relatives and friends - fame and recognition fade, but loved ones always remain close and need care and attention.


Strange and sometimes mysterious Geminis in the year of the Yellow Dog will finally understand themselves and learn to plan. Frivolity and inconstancy will not go away, but air signs will become calmer and more balanced. You can take a short break from work and do something that brings not only money, but also mental satisfaction. But there is no need to burn bridges, because Geminis can do thousands of things at once - old work will give you stability, and new activity will give confidence in the future and increase self-esteem.

Very soon the Dog will take star power into his strong, furry paws. This good-natured beast is the most in a positive way determined for success and happiness in the life of representatives of the star world. Most main theme year the institution of family and marriage becomes. If you carefully study, you can see that in the coming year it will be possible for almost every representative of the star world to resolve all their family problems in a positive way. If the relationship between spouses or lovers is quite strained, then a good-natured Dog will help overcome all difficulties and guide partners on the right path in life.

The year is very successful for creating strong family ties. Forecasts of famous astrologers claim that the newlyweds who played wedding celebration in, will definitely be happy. Friendly and mutually tender relations will always reign between them. The coming year is also ideal for the birth of long-awaited children; the symbol of the year will give newborns a happy destiny and good character.

The topic of finance remains very relevant. What will the coming year be like in this plan? The material wealth of each of the representatives of the stars will depend only on themselves. If the character of a star representative contains solid qualities, he will be able to accumulate considerable financial capital. In that case, if zodiac sign If you are prone to adventurism, then it is pointless to hope for a successful and stable financial situation.

The year can be successful for people whose main purpose in life is to increase their career opportunities. Special luck “shines” creative people. Frequent entrepreneurs can also hope for a successful professional opportunity. The only thing that is not recommended to do now is to participate in obviously unfair operations, as well as various types of fraud.

To achieve sustainable success, Aries need to stock up on strong character traits; resourcefulness and ingenuity will be very useful to them. Thanks to such manifestations, they will be able to achieve what they have dreamed of for a very long time. The professional activities of star representatives are developing quite successfully; if Aries are classified as hired workers, then they will be entrusted with responsible work, the positive result of which will bring the latter sudden jump up the career ladder. Aries managers are advised to be more careful in their treatment of their subordinates; it is likely that a person will “start up” in the team and begin to “do dirty tricks” using all sorts of methods.

But in the area of ​​love, Aries will have to face global difficulties and significant obstacles. Partners need to learn to be consistent and more loyal to each other. Romantic trip will help smooth out tense relations between spouses. But lonely Aries need not be afraid of either new acquaintances or romantic dates, they will all bring pleasant impressions, but you still shouldn’t hope for seriousness.

The stars recommend that Aries engage in their favorite hobby more often; it is this that will help smooth out the aggressiveness in the soul and guide the zodiac representative on the right path.

Predictions for 2018 for Taurus

For Taurus, the predictions about what the coming year 2018 has in store for us are quite contradictory. The main problem of the sign’s representative is his own insecurity. Taurus are very often dissatisfied with their appearance and do not believe in personal strength. If you gradually get rid of such weak thoughts, then a bright light of good luck and great happiness will “loom” ahead.

It is important for Taurus to become bolder; perhaps to achieve this they will need someone’s help or active support. Representatives of the starry sky cannot be led by their own weaknesses; they are forbidden to panic when troubles or minor obstacles arise. You need to be able to relax and think about yourself and your successful opportunities.

The year for Taurus is good in terms of personal relationships. This is especially true for a single representative. There is no need to be afraid to visit entertainment clubs, various parties, creative evenings, because it is in such places that you can meet good man, which will radically change the lifestyle of a lonely Taurus.

Almost every month of the coming 2018 will bring Gemini a lot of interesting and unexpected things. This period of time will pass under the motto of changeability. Gemini will have to sort out their feelings and understand what they really want to receive from fate. In the end, it wouldn’t hurt for representatives of the stars to simply wish cherished wish and actively strive for its fulfillment.

In the field of professionalism, everything is fine and stable for Gemini. Many of them will have to change their field of professional activity to a completely unexpected one. It is possible that some of the stars are destined to move to another city, where they will begin a completely new life that will be different from their previous life.

Astrologers assure that Geminis do not need to be afraid of any changes. All changes will be for the good and only change the fate of the latter in a positive way.

Representatives of the stars may have minor problems with friends or relatives. The main problem with this is that Geminis are too carried away by the changes taking place and do not notice anything or anyone around them. If friendships fail, they need to be repaired urgently and in a timely manner. But Gemini lovers are expecting a new addition this year.

Predictions for 2018 for Cancers

In most cases, Cancers are indecisive and fearful, they are afraid of change and like everything to be stable and consistent. But in the coming year their character will change, they will become assertive, impetuous, and extremely active. Similar strong qualities will be very useful to representatives of stars in the professional field; with the help of their own determination they will be able to reach the highest career heights. But the same ones strengths character will significantly interfere with the establishment of personal life, moreover, they can lead to disagreements and...

Lonely Cancers are predicted to make acquaintances and interesting meetings. You can’t refuse fans a date, but you can hope for strong and mutual feelings after the couple romantic dinners still not worth it. Family Cancers should not succumb to the evil influence of jealousy; it is important to be able to understand and forgive their partner, otherwise the collapse of strong family ties cannot be avoided.

The Dog has prepared a calm year for Cancer. The representative of the zodiac will spend it with dignity and stability, if he himself does not participate in dubious operations and does not succumb to the influence of others.

A good time is coming for Leos who dream of acquiring family ties. If a representative of the star world is planning a wedding celebration in the coming time, then it will bring great happiness to the spouses, strong friendly relations, and reciprocity of passionate feelings. This is also a good time for Leos, who dream of children and have been working towards this for a very long time.

IN financially representatives of the star world are expected to have minor problems. If the latter pay too much attention to this and do not somehow correct the current negative situation, then bankruptcy cannot be avoided. To improve the financial situation, they need to work hard, and Leos may even have to change their place of work.

The family relationships of the representatives of the zodiac may be shaken, and the increased egoism of the latter will be to blame. Leos are advised to moderate their own pride and learn to be the first to take decisive steps for reconciliation. If Leo has distant relatives, then you definitely need to visit them. A trip to distant lands will help you relax mentally and strengthen the family roots of your family.

A difficult and morally difficult time is approaching for Virgo. Treason is written in their destiny, and if the zodiac representative forgives the wrong behavior of the spouse, then future relationships will be stronger and more stable. Many Virgos have plans that are not destined to come true. It's time to change your life tactics and start dreaming about what is accessible and real. The main problem of the zodiac sign is their increased craving for dreams; they want everything unusual and something unrealizable.

A person will appear in Virgo’s life who will contribute to changing the life principles of the zodiac representative. At the same time, such a person can become an enemy. You cannot trust strangers; you cannot trust material assets to unverified partners or friends.

Virgos who depend on bad habits, will try to correct the wrongness of their lifestyle. And this decision is very correct. By getting rid of bad habits, representatives of the star sign will effectively improve their own health. It wouldn’t hurt for Virgos to visit a sanatorium or dispensary during the year, since poor health can negatively affect their life expectancy.

A wonderful decision for Libra would be to say goodbye to the past. There is no need to hope for a return, since such hopes interfere with moving forward towards a positive future. There are several recommendations for representatives of the zodiac.

It's time for Libra to stop caring only about their own well-being. Representatives of the stars have a family, and it is they who are in greater need of care and guardianship. As a rule, Libras often overestimate their own abilities, they brag, but in reality their capabilities are much lower than stated.

The second thing you need to take care of is your own compliance. It's time to learn to both trust and give in to your loved one, otherwise problems in the family cannot be avoided. Married couples will make a trip, and such a trip will help strengthen partnerships. For lonely Libra, a fateful meeting is predicted that will bring a lot of joy and make Libra forget their past.

The last recommendation concerns career advancement. The coming year is not very positive for this. Of course, you cannot sit in one place and idle, otherwise such behavior will have a negative impact on the financial condition of the star representative.

2018 Predictions for Scorpio

Wayward Scorpios are especially interested in what the coming 2018 has in store for us, because they need happiness and strengthening their own positions in life. The main problem of the zodiac representatives is the activity of their own negative qualities. Scorpios do not want to change, even if harmful character traits prevent them from achieving prosperity in their lives.

Representatives of the sign need to eradicate from their character such qualities as selfishness, hypocrisy, and intransigence.

The personal life of Scorpio is about to become eventful; representatives of the zodiac will bathe in passions. Perhaps some representatives of the zodiac will have to change their partner, and the parting with the first one will not be entirely amicable.

2018 Predictions for Sagittarius

A rich love sphere will bring Sagittarius friendly relationships, bright passions, and new acquaintances. Single representatives will have to live an interesting year, which they will remember for a long time. Family Sagittarius can calm down. This year will be a stage of transition for them to a completely new state. The character of the family representative will no longer have vanity, mistrust and selfishness, and thanks to this, strong partnerships will develop in the family.

Sagittarians are recommended to travel more in the coming year. You cannot give up on your dreams; it is important to confidently achieve your goals. It is not recommended to go on a trip alone, but if there is no other choice, then you can take an individual tour.

Throughout the year, it is necessary to pay special attention to the functionality of the immune system. It is during this period of time that it will become unstable, and due to the weakness of the body’s defenses, an exacerbation of chronic diseases is possible.

All Capricorns will have to radically change their own character next year. If previously they were distrustful and did not like communication, now it is important to completely change their minds and become sociable and romantic.

Capricorn has career ups ahead, thanks to which he will be able to “make” a good financial fortune. But participation in adventures of various kinds is strictly prohibited, otherwise representatives of the sign will not be able to avoid bankruptcy. An ideal career is predicted for Capricorns, whose professional activities are closely related to creativity.

On love front star representatives are expected global changes. Lonely Capricorns will be lucky; they will be lucky enough to meet a person who will not only ideal partner, but also a reliable friend. U family Capricorns the long-awaited addition to the family is “prescribed” in fate.

Predictions for 2018 for Aquarius

For Aquarius, the hot topic of the year will be the health sector. The influence of bad habits and poor lifestyle choices have had a negative impact on the performance of all body systems. It is very important to begin active prevention in the fight against the development of diseases. You should take your cardiac system and nervous condition seriously.

Problems will appear in the service, and most of the troubles will be provoked by Aquarius themselves. If the situation escalates to the limit, then the representatives of the star constellation will have to change their place of duty. Choose new job you need to be careful and very prudent, there is a high risk of falling for scammers.

If there are problems in your career, then personal life Aquarius is simply perfect. Partners respect and love each other, they care about the welfare of their own family and try to actively protect it from all troubles. Lonely representatives are aimed at serious relationship, and fate will give them a chance to become happy.

Indecisive Pisces are accustomed to doing something first and then thinking. Such behavior will negatively affect the well-being of family life. The close love relationship between representatives of the sign can be disrupted due to an incorrect attitude towards their own partner. It is important to remember that the Dog (ruler of the year) has a friendly and good character, so she will definitely help her wards establish relationships with family and loved ones.

Pisces are advised to carefully monitor the general well-being of their own body. If the first painful symptoms appear, it is important to begin the necessary treatment in a timely manner. You cannot self-medicate, and you should not trust traditional healers. It is important to remember that effective therapy can be carried out by a qualified specialist only after a diagnosis has been made.

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2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, and symbolizes qualities such as generosity, insight and giftedness. An ideal year for marriages and building new relationships.

The Earth Dog does not like risk, is selfish and is determined to receive material benefits. Although the Dog is Yellow, the color that will bring good luck this year is green.

Let's find out what different zodiac signs can expect from this year! According to astrological forecasts, it will be unforgettable for many!

In 2018, fortune will be on the side of Capricorns, Aquarius and Scorpios, but you shouldn’t hope that everything will be so simple. For them, the first months will bring minor difficulties, which they will soon cope with. The rest of the year will be incredibly successful and happy for them.

Astrologers warn Virgo and Cancer that they need to spend more time with their family and loved ones, otherwise the relationship could deteriorate extremely. It is worth remembering that work is not the most important thing in life. Set your priorities so as not to worsen family relationships.

Gemini should listen more carefully to the signs given by the Stars. Already at the end of 2017 they will receive very important clues on where to move next. It is worth taking them seriously and using the information for its intended purpose, so as not to go down the wrong path.

Similar to Gemini, many useful tips will be revealed to Leos, if they listen to them, success and prosperity await them. And this is connected not only with career, but also with personal life and old dreams.

Now let’s look at each zodiac sign in more detail!

What 2018 has in store for Aries

This year will be successful for Aries, especially for those who want to start a new business, start own business, go get an education or change your field of work. This year will be calm and measured for Aries; they will finally begin to behave like confident adults. The yellow dog will direct all their irrepressible energy in the right direction and help them achieve success.

Also on Osnova you will find interesting trips that will bring unforgettable impressions.

What does 2018 have in store for TAURUS?

This year is very important for Taurus, as it is set to strengthen family ties. The stars want Taurus to open up to their loved ones and devote most of their time to them. After all, the whole of 2017 was busy with completely different things, and there was no time left for family. This year Taurus has a chance to turn things around.

Taurus will also receive a tempting job offer that will help them reach new heights in their career, and all this at the beginning of 2018. How wonderful everything is going for this zodiac sign!

What 2018 has in store for GEMINI

For notorious optimists Gemini, this year also has many surprises in store. But at the end of the irrepressible and eventful 2017, Gemini will think about whether everything they achieved during this period was worth the effort and nerves they spent. Perhaps things should have been done differently.

Having received important tips from the Universe, they will only root their opinion on what is worth doing and where to direct all their energy. This could be self-education, a change of profession, place of residence, and a radical reassessment of priorities in life.

Well, that’s all, the goal has been set and it will really lead them to the desired and long-awaited happiness. Charming Geminis will be the happiest at the end of 2018. With one small “if” - if they listen to the stars and choose the right path. There will be plenty of signs!

What 2018 has in store for CANCER

Life has not been kind to Cancers in everything; many of them are closed people, but extremely loyal and constant to their friends and loved ones. People who win their favor will remain in their hearts for a long time. 2018 is not going to be easy for this zodiac sign. It will be quite difficult and will bring difficult changes. For some, they will come in the form of a change or loss of a favorite job; for others, moving to another city or even country, which will entail many difficulties and worries.

But no matter what, Cancers will still manage to overcome all difficulties, albeit with significant losses, and all thanks to their perseverance and vitality.

What 2018 has in store for LEO

For Leo, the year of the Yellow Dog will be quite favorable. At the very beginning of 2018, they will be subject to possible setbacks and may be drawn into an unnecessary business that could turn out badly for them. But if they show their caution, they will be able to avoid this.

Then the whole year will go like clockwork, but you shouldn’t relax either. There will be moments when you need to be quite insightful and hold back your surging emotions in time. And everything will be great!

What 2018 has in store for VIRGO

Virgos are renowned perfectionists and lovers of order; this year they may run into trouble with their “hard work”. This means that spending a lot of time at work, they will begin to noticeably move away from their loved ones. This can put an end to existing personal relationships, or those that are just emerging.

The last three years have been extremely difficult for representatives of this sign. They went through a lot: changing jobs, breaking up relationships, disappointment in people, empty hopes. Now the Year of the Dog can bring them happiness, but it’s worth thinking about it and distributing your time correctly and not staying too long at work.

The Year of the Dog will not be easy for Virgos, but good changes he will bring, changing fate. It is likely that new love will appear on the horizon, and material affairs will go up.

What does 2018 have in store for LIBRA?

Doubts always blow up Libra's heads, but the Year of the Dog will require unprecedented determination and perseverance from them. Most likely, in 2018 you will have to help your loved ones solve problems, and this will not be easy at all. Sometimes you have to restrain your emotions so as not to break down.

Libra will be given confidence and balance by their faithful friends.

What 2018 has in store for SCORPIO

For many, Scorpios are tough and cold personalities, but in fact, deep down they are quite kind and gentle people, captivating with their crazy energy.

2018 predicts for Scorpios new love and incredible emotions. Wow, it's going to be very hot there! It is likely that the new relationship could eventually lead to marriage and happy family. Just like that! A new partner will guide Scorpio in the right direction, help him to know and find himself.

What 2018 has in store for SAGITTARIUS

2017 was a busy and happy year for Sagittarius, he put everything in its place. Life has taken on the right shape, so what else can we expect in 2018?

This year will bring you new emotions from travel, new acquaintances, relaxation and a sea of ​​optimism. This year, Sagittarius can take on the most incredible things, everything will be successful!

What 2018 has in store for CAPRICORN

Capricorns have experienced many difficulties in their lifetime; nothing was easy for them. In 2017, many Capricorns were struck by the thought that luck had completely forgotten about them, and they had almost lost heart. But the Year of the Dog will gladly bring positivity and happiness into the fate of stubborn Capricorns. There's a holiday on their street! Long-awaited stability will appear in their lives and Capricorns will be able to breathe easy.

This is the beginning of a new happy successful life. Well, a very favorable year!

What 2018 has in store for AQUARIUS

Creative and sociable Aquarians will start 2018 quite successfully. Everything will be easy and simple at work and in the family, but this is only until the middle of the year. In the second half of the year, Aquarians will set themselves serious goals and be determined to achieve them. This could be purchasing a car or real estate, or moving to another country. Having focused all their attention on their goals, they can completely neglect their friends and loved ones, thereby risking losing their favor.

Still, you shouldn’t stress so much and forget about the people who are important to you.

What 2018 has in store for PISCES

This year will be successful for Pisces; finances will increase dramatically. But in the year of the Dog, Pisces will have to come to the conclusion that they need to become more independent from other people. Having become more independent, you can start taking on new things and even several. All projects will bring positive experience and material benefits. Go for it, everything will be cool!

It's November, and winter is just around the corner, and with it its constant companion - the New Year. And we have all been interested and curious for a long time: what will the new 2018 bring us?

Let's quietly lift the curtain of the zodiac forecast and take a sneak peek at what the stars have in store for us over the next 12 months.

1. Aries

2. Taurus

3. Gemini

4. Cancer

5. Leo

6. Virgo

7. Libra

8. Scorpio

9. Sagittarius

10. Capricorn

11. Aquarius

12. Pisces

1. Aries The next year for this sign will be, to put it mildly, very eventful. All your dreams, silently nurtured by you, will be fully realized. They can come true if you work tirelessly on them. Aries, unfortunately, are often distracted and also show terrible impatience, thereby putting a spoke in the wheels of their destiny.

2. Taurus 2018 will be a time of self-discovery for Taurus, they will experience several important insights regarding the revision of all their past experiences. They are likely to notice many changes in themselves, both internally and externally. The long and exhausting battle that Taurus fought to find their place in this world will be successfully completed, and they will begin to reap the benefits of their indomitable courage and tenacity in this battle.

3. Gemini In the new year, Gemini needs to bite their lip and hold on with all their strength, preparing for radical changes in their lives. Gemini's eyes will simply sparkle with new and breathtaking opportunities, so representatives of this sign will need to not hesitate and grab them! No step back! You will very soon see and understand all the advantages of these chances, and they are not far away, but very close.

4. Cancer Next year will be a time of great breakthrough. It is full of luck and hope - what you have been missing for so long. IN Everyday life you will feel a new surge of long-awaited positivity and optimism. Your self-esteem will finally begin to grow. You will understand and see all the incredible things that you can offer and give to this world. 2018 is your heyday, use it to your health.

5. Leo Leo will be filled with positive and inspiring energy - there will be so much of it that you will begin to wonder where it comes from? The next year will open a new blank page for representatives of this sign, leaving all the difficulties and difficulties of personal relationships in the past. It will be a year of rest and relaxation, exciting adventures, new acquaintances and connections.

6. Virgo to Virgos New Year will bring the changes they most need, which they have put off for so long. This will be a time of personal development and your thoughts will become more rational and positive. You will show simply unprecedented and previously unusual confidence and overcome all internal doubts.

7. Libra 2018 will do its best to please Libra and make sure that all their problems are solved. You will finally gain the energy that will allow you to start taking care of your loved ones, instead of satisfying the needs of everyone around you. You will begin to focus on what really matters, which is yourself. Get ready, big and important events await you!

8. Scorpio This is a year of introspection and reflection. In the past, you have clung to and dwelled on your own mistakes, allowing them to destroy and eat away at you from the inside. Now everything will be much different. You will be able to learn important and invaluable lessons from the journey called life and will finally be able to use them effectively and correctly.

9. Sagittarius Next year, Sagittarius will not waste time. The energy in you will simply flow and lead you to your goal. No one and nothing will hold you back or slow you down. You have no idea how far you will come. So get ready to meet a “new” and improved version of yourself.

10. Capricorn In 2018, Capricorn's talents and skills will shine brighter than ever. Representatives of this sign will be calm and focused on their work, and this will pay off incredibly. In the past, you felt like your hard work and dedication were not being noticed. Now the reward for it will simply stun you.

11. Aquarius For Aquarius, next year will be a year of big changes. You doubted yourself for a long time and were captive of this feeling. However, you will begin to change yourself from the inside and definitely for the better. You will believe in yourself and your own talents. Passion, strength and recognition are yours keywords in the new year.

12. Pisces This sign should prepare for the fact that 2018 will simply overwhelm them with creative energy. This inspiring creative period may even encourage Pisces to try something new or make changes in other areas of their life. This is a time of inspiring adventure.

In our turbulent times, many people want to know what awaits us in the future? Unfortunately, over the past few years, the political and economic situation in many countries has been changing so quickly that sometimes people do not know what the next year will be like. Already, many political scientists, economists, and other experts are making predictions about what awaits the citizens of the Russian Federation and the entire world community in 2018; there have also been predictions about the near future from famous psychics and clairvoyants. Perhaps someone will say that this does not concern me, but most are anxiously awaiting the changes. Let's find out what to expect in 2018 in Russia? What new will the Year of the Yellow Dog bring us, what is the description and characteristics of 2018? What predictions are expected based on a person’s date of birth?

The main event of 2018 in Russia is the presidential elections. According to many political scientists, the upcoming elections will be held with the highest possible turnout, it will be planned that up to 70% of Russians will come to the polling stations. The Kremlin administration will use all possible ways to increase voter turnout. However, there are opinions that due to the current difficult situation in the country, the presidential elections may be canceled or held early.

The date of the upcoming presidential elections is already known - March 11, 2018. As for the candidates, the most likely, according to experts, will be the leaders of the main political parties, as well as the current president - V. Putin. Most likely, D. Medvedev's candidacy will be considered only if Putin refuses to participate in the race for the post of head of state.

After all, these two politicians are usually perceived only in tandem.

If we talk about victory in the elections, then most likely, if the current president presents his candidacy in the upcoming elections, he will retain the post. According to recent polls, V. Putin's rating still remains high.

The situation on the world stage

What is new for Russia predicted in the field international relations? The forecast of some psychics is that soon cooperation between the Russian Federation and Western countries will start to improve. The main thing is that relations between Russia and Ukraine will warm up, the world community will not remain aloof from the problem, the neighboring state will have a new government, which will take the same course of improving relations between European countries. The clairvoyants’ predictions also touched upon the economic state of both states; in their opinion, the financial situation of Russia and Ukraine will begin to stabilize, imports and exports will increase, “exchange rates will level out,” and, as before, 1 hryvnia will be worth 10 rubles.

Russian politics next year

Will the map of the country change in the near future, what changes in policy will take place? Political scientists disagree about what will happen in the country next year. Some believe that the political position of the Russian Federation on the world stage will continue to deteriorate, Western sanctions will continue, while others believe that Russian state can dramatically change its political course, and serious changes are coming, the forecast is as follows:

  • Russia will stop the Third World War that is emerging;
  • will “annex” several republics former USSR, but definitely not Ukraine;
  • scientists will make huge scientific leaps in the study of certain diseases;
  • will take part in resolving problems with the flow of emigrants in European countries;
  • will take the “central” second place on the world stage.

Time will tell whose predictions will come true in the near future. True, no one answers the question of how to survive in Russia to the common man, whose salary does not exceed 15 thousand rubles per month. After all, despite the fact that, according to the authorities, the rate of inflation is decreasing, prices for vital products and medicines will continue to rise. Many people do not follow world news because... their main concern is finding a means of subsistence.

Ecology in the world

Most of the inhabitants of our planet are concerned about the question of whether we will live in an environmentally friendly world, whether scientists will soon be able to solve the problem of pollution environment? What to expect from 2018 regarding the environment? According to environmental scientists, global natural disasters will not occur next year.

However, the processes of melting glaciers and disappearance of fresh water sources are under constant monitoring.

Experts fear that if countries do not change their attitude towards the global environment, up to 80% of all humanity may soon disappear from the face of the Earth.

Will World War III break out?

The predictions of some clairvoyants are frightening: is the world on the verge of a new bloody war? What awaits humanity in the Year of the Dog? Psychics see that by next year military conflicts in many Eastern countries will only increase. North Korea may begin testing a new nuclear weapons, which will lead to aggravation of relations with South Korea and the USA. But no matter how the relations between states become aggravated, in the Year of the Dog 2018 you should not expect World War III. Clairvoyants try not to predict a global military conflict.

Will the End of the World Happen?

Everyone living on Earth is afraid of the end of the world, it’s scary to survive in a destroyed world, and, perhaps, humanity will perish altogether. Will the world disappear in 2018, what is the forecast of clairvoyants? Most likely, the End of the World will not happen, but some psychics see natural disasters in many countries:

  • major flood in Asia;
  • the emergence of a new virus for which there is no vaccine yet;
  • eruption of a large volcano;
  • for the summer of 2018 - the fall of a large meteorite in the USA.

Some clairvoyants even predict the first contact with aliens, which will lead to a new round of civilization.

Numerological predictions

Now numerology is extremely popular all over the world, what to expect according to numerological horoscope? You can find out the forecast for 2018 by your date of birth; to do this, you need to sum up all the digits of the day, month and year of birth until you get a number up to 9.

There are many numerology sites on the Internet where you can find out the decoding of the results obtained for the next year.

By the way, the number of 2018 itself is two. Which means stabilizing the financial situation, establishing relationships between people. True, it is necessary to observe tact and show modesty.

Now we know what new things to expect in Russia in 2018; perhaps, finally, an ordinary Russian will be able to live in peace, without thinking about how he will feed his family tomorrow. Let's hope that everything will change for the better, relations between nations will improve, and military conflicts will subside. We will find out very soon whether this will happen.

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