Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

A service agreement concluded between legal entities. Sample. Agreement on cooperation and joint activities

Regulates legal relations related to the conclusion of an agreement on joint activities. In practice, very often business entities prefer to enter into an agreement on cooperation and joint activities. This makes it possible to combine forces to achieve certain goals. For example, two companies that operate in the same field can enter into a similar agreement and define the goals for which it was signed.

Below are the features and character traits agreements on cooperation and joint activities.

Features of drawing up a receipt

Procedure for concluding an agreement

As a rule, the signing of the text of the agreement is preceded by a negotiation process. In practice, the negotiation process may take several months, especially if large entrepreneurs intend to sign such an agreement.

After negotiations, as a rule, one of the parties draws up a draft agreement, on the basis of which the text of the main document is developed. And only after agreeing on all the terms of cooperation and conducting joint activities, the corresponding agreement is signed.

Parties and subject of the agreement

Business entities may act as parties to this agreement.

note: parties to the contract may be commercial organizations or individual entrepreneurs who carry out business activities in accordance with the requirements of current legislation.

The text of the contract must carefully regulate the subject of the contract. In particular, the subject of the agreement is those activities that the parties decided to carry out jointly. It could be:

The parties may also provide for the procedure and process for providing mutual financial assistance(providing credits, loans, etc.).

What needs to be provided?

The text of the agreement must provide:

  • types, quantity and order of use of resources that the parties transfer to each other;
  • obligations of the parties;
  • a list of confidential information and the procedure for its use;
  • procedure for obtaining benefits from joint activities, etc.

If, as part of an agreement, one party transfers any equipment, machinery or other assets to the other party, then the fact of the transfer must be recorded by drawing up an appropriate document.

It is also necessary to carefully consider all types of services that the parties provide to each other, as well as the procedure for their provision.

As a rule, the parties receive a certain income from joint activities. The procedure for determining the amount of income received and the process of its distribution must be clearly regulated in the agreement.

What to pay special attention to

When concluding such an agreement, it is first necessary to pay attention to Special attention for confidential information.

Important: confidential information - data that is protected by law and cannot be published without the consent of the copyright holder. Certain technologies and know-how that are used by one of the parties can also be considered confidential.

The text of the agreement must indicate a list of confidential information and provide for appropriate measures of liability for its disclosure.

When concluding such an agreement, it is also necessary to pay special attention to possible tax obligations. After all, as a result of joint activities, the parties receive a certain income, which is taxed. Accordingly, the text of the agreement must indicate the procedure for calculating and paying taxes.

Completed sample document

about cooperation and joint activities

No___ "___"__________20____

Hereinafter referred to as _____
(name of organization, enterprise)

represented by ___________________________________, acting on the basis

On the one hand, and ___________________________________
(name of enterprise, organization)

hereinafter referred to as _____________________ represented by
__________________________________ acting on the basis ______
(position, surname, first name, patronymic)

We have entered into an Agreement as follows:

1. Subject of the agreement

1.1. In order to assist each other in solving the statutory tasks, the Parties agreed to provide each other with financial and technical assistance in the form of loans, gratuitous loans, equipment and technologies, carry out charitable activities, provide mutual services, exchange information, make mutual supplies of goods, equipment, services, participate in joint practical projects and other types of joint activities that do not contradict the law, on a commercial basis.

1.2. The parties carry out joint marketing activities in the field of development and introduction of high technology into industry.

1.3. The parties undertake the search for partners and buyers for products, goods and services offered to the sales market.

1.4. The parties may provide dealer services to each other, including advertising and sales of manufactured products (services), pre-sale inspection, packaging and testing, warranty and post-warranty service, and market research.

1.5. The parties may delegate to each other the right to provide their commercial interests in all of the above types of transactions with third-party legal and individuals.

1.6. The parties may provide each other with all types of financial, technical and organizational assistance on mutually agreed terms.

1.7. The parties carry out priority exchange of commercial, technical and other information, unless this contradicts previously accepted obligations.

1.8. The parties may organize joint ventures or productions operating in accordance with existing legislation.

1.9. The parties have the right to refuse proposals if the proposed transactions are not economically viable, or if the party is unable to fulfill this order properly.

2. Responsibility of the parties

2.1. The parties undertake not to disclose confidential production and commercial information that became known in the course of joint activities.

2.2. The parties provide each other with assistance in protecting patents and other exclusive rights and in protecting against unfair competition from third parties.

2.4. The parties undertake to transfer to each other all materials necessary for advertising and selling their products, catalogues, prospectuses, drawings, technical documentation, photographs, slides, advertising samples, etc.

3. Payment procedure

3.1. All payments between the Parties are made for specific work performed and mutual services.

3.2. Profit from joint business activities specified

in clauses 1.1 -1.8 is distributed after reaching a mutual agreement and signing the relevant document.

3.3. Profit is determined by the Parties on the basis of financial and other documents for all works of this Agreement.

4. Force majeure obligations

4.1. If a circumstance occurs where it is impossible for one of the Parties to fully or partially fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, namely: fire, natural disasters, military operations of any nature, blockade, export or import bans or other circumstances beyond the control of the Parties, the deadline for fulfilling obligations is shifted in proportion to the time during which such circumstances will apply.

4.2. The Party for which it is impossible to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement must notify the other Party of the occurrence and termination of circumstances that impede the fulfillment of obligations no later than two weeks.

4.3. Documents of the relevant organizations will serve as adequate evidence of the existence of the above circumstances.

5. Other conditions

5.1. The parties will take all measures to resolve all disputes and disagreements that may arise in the process of joint activities on the basis of this Agreement in a friendly manner.

5.2. If the Parties do not agree, all disputes and disagreements are resolved in accordance with current legislation.

6. Duration of the agreement

6.1. This Agreement comes into force on the date of its signing by both Parties and is valid for _______ years.

6.2. The Agreement may be terminated with written notice and shall cease to be valid after two months from the date of sending notice of termination of the Agreement to the other Party. In this case, the conditions for termination of the Agreement are determined by mutual agreement of the Parties.

7. General provisions

7.1. Disputes and disagreements relating to this Agreement are resolved through negotiations or in the manner prescribed by law.

7.2. All changes and additions are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by authorized persons of both parties.

Done in two copies, both copies having equal legal force.

8. Legal addresses of the parties



________________ _________________

(signature) (signature)

Service agreement between legal entities- This is one of the most common agreements. From how carefully legal service organization's attitude to its contents, the likelihood of losses from a possible violation of obligations under it and the reputation of the campaign largely depend. The material we propose below highlights issues related to the most common contracts of this type concluded between organizations.

Legal regulation of the provision of services by the Civil Code and other regulations

Agreements for the provision of paid services represent one of the largest groups of civil law agreements, including those concluded between legal entities. Only a small chapter is devoted to their regulation. 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, consisting of 5 articles, with Art. 783 allows the rules on contracting to be extended to the contract for the provision of services to the extent that does not contradict its special subject matter. Also, the provision of services is subject to the provisions of Chapter. 25 of the Civil Code on liability for non-compliance with the terms of such agreements.

Since a significant part of the agreements are concluded in areas most important to the state, such as medicine, education, audit or communications, they are additionally regulated by specialized laws and regulations, among which:

  • Laws “On the Fundamentals of Health Protection...” dated November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ, “On Auditing Activity” dated December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ, “On Education...” No. 273-FZ, “On Communications” dated July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ;
  • Rules for the provision of paid medical services, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 1006 dated October 4, 2012;
  • Rules for the provision of paid educational services, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 706 dated August 15, 2013.

The last two acts have special meaning, since they directly indicate what conditions the relevant contracts should contain. In some cases, ministries even develop sample contracts for the provision of services (for example, in the field of higher and secondary education).

Additionally, the contractual activities of the organization are regulated by its local acts.

Civil contract for the provision of services (concept and conditions)

The Civil Code defines a service agreement as an agreement under which one party (the contractor) undertakes to provide the service, and the other (the customer) undertakes to pay for it in accordance with established conditions. Such contracts closely border on other civil law agreements, for example all types of contracts, but differ in their independent subject matter.

The subject of the contract for the provision of services is actions, the obligation to perform which is assigned to the performer. According to the rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, only this is its essential condition, however, in accordance with Art. 432 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, other conditions may also be considered significant - those specified in the law or those on which the parties consider it necessary to reach agreement. Thus, the rules for the provision of paid medical services establish that the contract for the provision of medical services must contain information:

  • about the conditions and terms of provision of services;
  • payment procedure and contract price;
  • rights, duties and responsibilities of the parties.

A significant feature of such an agreement is the possibility provided for by the Civil Code of unilateral refusal of its execution by either party at any time, subject to compensation for losses incurred by the counterparty. In an effort to encourage the counterparty to fulfill its obligations, the parties often prescribe the possibility of terminating the contract in court as an additional condition. This does not violate the requirements of the Civil Code, but complicates the procedure for terminating the contract.

Contract agreement and service agreement - what is the fundamental difference?

Contracts and service agreements between legal entities may seem similar or even analogous, but it is necessary to clearly distinguish between these concepts, since the final result depends on what kind of agreement is concluded. There are a number key points that must be taken into account when drawing up a contract:

  1. Subject of the agreement. In the case of a contract for the provision of services, its subject is the activity of the performer itself. It must be described in as much detail as possible, and the result is not relevant to such an agreement and is not specifically provided for. For a contract, it is important to indicate final result- what the customer should receive as a result of the work performed, and this result must be material (a created item, a repair performed, etc.).
  2. Timing of work. When concluding a contract for the provision of services, this condition is not essential and does not affect the parties’ obligations arising from the contract. For a work contract, such a condition is considered essential based on the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art. 708 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. Contact with the performer. According to Art. 780 of the Civil Code, a contract for the provision of services for a fee presupposes the personal provision of services by the performers, and only if the contract specifies otherwise, the transfer of performance to third parties is allowed. No such indication is required in the contract.
  4. Termination of an agreement. Provisions of Art. 782 allow unilateral refusal to fulfill obligations under a service agreement on the part of both the contractor and the customer. The contract can be terminated either by agreement of the parties or in court.

What kind of agreement should be concluded by organizations in each specific case should be determined based on exactly what goals the parties have and what the subject of the future agreement is.

Types of agreement for the provision of services between legal entities

Download the contract form

A legal entity has the right to enter into all types of contracts listed in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and others, taking into account the principle of freedom of contract. Such agreements can be of either a business nature (for example, agreements on the provision of audit services) or household ones. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation defines a list of types of contracts for the provision of paid services, all of which can be concluded between legal entities.

In particular, based on the provisions of Art. 779 of the Civil Code, we can mention as an example contracts for the provision of services:

  1. Connections Often, enterprises enter into contracts with operators to provide communications at corporate rates for their employees.
  2. Medical. The law requires certain categories of employees to undergo regular medical examinations, for which the employer enters into an agreement with a medical organization.
  3. Educational. Often large enterprises enter into contracts with educational institution for targeted training of students, paying for such services.
  4. Auditing and consulting. Often, when companies pay for audit services, they also order advice on optimization of taxation and accounting.

However, according to Art. 779 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, other agreements for the provision of services between legal entities may be concluded.

One-time service agreement

The most common is a one-time agreement for the provision of services. This is the most simple form, the opposite of a multiple contract. In the first case, a one-time provision of a specific service by one legal entity for another is assumed, while in the second, the service is provided several times (sometimes even systematically).

One-time contract The provision of services between legal entities is usually concluded when all the conditions relating to a particular service are completely clear. The subject in such a situation is described specifically, as are the terms of payment for the service. After execution and payment, the legal relationship between the parties is terminated. Otherwise, such an agreement must fully comply with the requirements of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing specific types of activities.

Framework agreement for the provision of services

Unlike contracts for the provision of services to individuals, which are often one-time in nature, legal entities often enter into contracts for the systematic provision of services for a long period. Wherein entrepreneurial activity cannot always be accurately predicted.

If the parties have decided that in the near future they will enter into legal relations related to paid provision services, however, they cannot be absolutely sure of their volume, although otherwise they know the terms of the future agreement, they can enter into a framework agreement, i.e. an agreement with open terms. Such an agreement is aimed, rather, at identifying a specific counterparty and does not imply precise wording, but allows you to record the intention to receive and pay for services in the future, as well as specify the conditions that are already known. Most often we are talking about the amount of penalties/fines and the price of services. As a rule, such agreements are multiple, but the law does not prohibit concluding a framework agreement for one-time services.

When drawing up such an agreement, it is important to correctly combine specificity and streamlined wording. So, if it is desirable to specify the price and payment procedure as much as possible (even including a price list), then from detailed description It is better to refuse the list of services. It is advisable to establish which documents will be accepted to clarify the terms of the contract, as well as determine the obligation of the counterparty to accept them.

Framework and preliminary agreement - what is the difference and what to choose?

Sometimes parties confuse the concepts of framework and preliminary agreements. However, there is a fundamental difference between them:

  1. In the case of concluding a framework agreement, the parties are not required to sign the main agreement, while the preliminary agreement, by virtue of Art. 429 of the Civil Code, presupposes a mandatory conclusion of the main one (even if this means going to court).
  2. The framework agreement does not provide for a clear and full description the subject of the contract, its qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Preliminary presupposes the presence of all essential conditions (in the case of a service agreement, this is the subject).
  3. A preliminary agreement presupposes the signing of a future agreement in the same form, while a framework agreement can be specified by the main agreement, applications, or in another way.

However, the parties, by concluding a framework agreement, can still protect themselves from failure to fulfill its terms or the counterparty’s refusal to continue cooperation in the future. For example, you can fix a condition on penalties in connection with refusal to provide a service.

When deciding on the type of contract, you need to proceed from the goals you have set for yourself. If the goal is to be guaranteed to conclude an agreement in the future, then it is worth choosing a preliminary one, but if the goal is to sign an agreement with the most free terms and the ability to easily change the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the subject of the agreement at the discretion of the parties, then the choice, of course, should be made in favor of the framework one.

Tripartite agreement for the provision of services

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation does not contain restrictions on the number of participants in the contract for the provision of services, i.e. at least two are sufficient. However, such agreements can also be tripartite, for example in the case where a contract is concluded for the provision of services by one company, and payment is made by another. When concluding such service agreements between legal entities, it is worth taking into account some features related to their tripartite nature:

  1. Payment procedure. It is important to determine what kind of payment and in what order the paying party makes the payment.
  2. Work acceptance procedure. For example, it can be established whether representatives of the paying party and the service recipient (customer) can represent each other’s interests upon acceptance.
  3. The consequences of refusal to fulfill the contract by each party, the fate of the contract in the future in this case.
  4. Procedure for filing claims. It is necessary to decide whether representatives of the payer and service recipient can represent each other’s interests in contractual disputes.

Where can I download a sample contract for the provision of services and how to draw up a standard version of the contract?

The answer to this question depends on what kind of contract for the provision of services between legal entities needs to be concluded. For example, a sample agreement for the provision of educational services was developed and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science by order No. 1267 dated November 21, 2013. It is not necessary to apply it in practice unchanged, but it is worth focusing on it when drawing up your document.

Also, one of the sample agreements for the provision of services between legal entities is available for download on our website. To adapt it to a specific transaction, it is enough to indicate the data required in each specific case:

  • details of the agreement;
  • names of the parties;
  • subject of the transaction (detailed description of the service);
  • transaction cost and payment procedure.

If desired, you can include the terms for the provision of services, features of the procedure for resolving disputes arising from the contract and a clause on termination of the agreement.

In conclusion, it remains to be said that service agreements between legal entities can be of a very diverse nature and largely depend on the specifics of the organization’s activities. The main thing in any case is to describe their subject in as much detail as possible. If this is not possible, then you can limit yourself to a framework agreement, which will allow you to fix the relationship with the counterparty without a detailed description of the subject of the transaction.

It is often said that modern world based on the market of intangible objects. Indeed, not only the number of companies offering assistance in various fields of activity is growing, but also the network of their relationships with each other. Any interaction must be regulated.

Usually, service agreement between legal entities implies their provision in exchange for a monetary equivalent, that is, it is compensated. Less common is barter, that is, the mutual assistance of two or more legal entities to each other. For example, a law firm helps an accounting firm with documents, and that in turn takes on the audit. The provision of gratuitous assistance of any kind by one commercial company to another, as well as donations, is prohibited. A commercial organization can only provide assistance free of charge to a non-profit organization.

In general, the structure and meaning of the agreement are almost no different from contracts between individuals. But there is a difference with work contracts - the provision of services does not always have an end result. The procedure for such transactions is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and special laws (in accordance with the type of activity of the executing company).

Sample form of an agreement for the provision of legal services*

Agreement on the provision of legal services

Novosibirsk 08.11.2016

Limited liability company Legal Company "Spravedlivost" represented by director Rakhmanin K. A., acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor on the one hand, and _____________________________________________________________________ hereinafter referred to as the "Client", on the other hand, collectively referred to as the "Parties", concluded this Agreement as follows:


1.1. Under this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes, on the instructions of the Client, to provide the services specified in clause 1.2 of this Agreement, and the Client undertakes to pay for these services.

The Contractor has the right to involve third parties in the provision of services without first obtaining the Client’s consent.

1.2. Under this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to:

  • verbally advise the Client
  • represent the Client's interests in court
  • represent the Client’s interests before third parties and government bodies and institutions, as well as officials
  • draw up a legal position on the Client’s case
  • prepare and serve Required documents to a court / government agency / official / third parties
  • prepare and submit a statement of claim/response to the statement of claim

1.3. In the event of an increase in the volume of work within the framework of the concluded contract, the cost of the additional volume of work is determined by an additional agreement of the parties.


2.1. The Contractor undertakes:

2.1.1. Provide services under this Agreement in accordance with the norms of current legislation Russian Federation.

2.1.2. When executing this Agreement, act in the interests of the Client.

2.1.3. Promptly notify the Client of the need for the latter to participate in negotiations, court hearings, or of the need for the Client to be present at other events.

2.2. The performer has the right:

2.2.1. Require the Client to provide documents, information, information necessary for the proper execution of this Agreement.

2.2.2. Suspend the provision of services under this Agreement if the Client fails to provide the Contractor with the documents, information, necessary information.

The Contractor resumes the provision of services after the Client provides all documents, information and information.

2.3. The client undertakes:

2.3.1. Provide the Contractor with documents, information, information necessary for the proper execution of this Agreement, in addition, other information requested by the Contractor.

2.3.2. Be present at negotiations, court hearings, and other events indicated by the Contractor as necessary to attend.

2.3.3. Pay for the Contractor's services in the amount, manner and on the terms established by this Agreement.

2.3.4. Provide the Contractor with a duly executed power of attorney to represent the Client’s interests.

2.4. The client has the right:

2.4.1. Monitor the process of provision of services by the Contractor without interfering with the activities of the Contractor.

2.4.2. Be present at all court hearings held in connection with the case.


3.1. The cost of services under this Agreement is determined in the amount of ________ (__________) rubles.

3.2. Payment for the Contractor's services is made by the Client on the day of signing this Agreement by depositing cash Money to the cash desk or to the Contractor's bank account.

3.3. In case of impossibility of performance due to the fault of the Client, services are subject to payment in full.


4.1. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. The Contractor is not responsible for the consequences associated with the provision by the Client of documents that do not correspond to reality or incompleteness of the data provided.

4.3. The parties have the right to terminate this Agreement early in cases established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.4. The parties are released from liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement in the event of insurmountable obstacles, which are understood as natural disasters, mass unrest, prohibitive actions of the authorities and other force majeure circumstances.

4.5. The Contractor, providing services under this agreement in accordance with current legislation, is not responsible for the content of the resolution, ruling or decision of the court or official in the case against the client, as well as for the actions of other persons under the agreement.


5.1. This Agreement comes into force on the date of its signing and is valid until the Parties fully fulfill their obligations under it.

5.2. The parties undertake to resolve all arising disagreements through negotiations. If the Parties fail to resolve any disagreements that have arisen, the dispute shall be resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. All changes and additions to this Agreement are valid provided they are in writing and signed by both Parties.

5.4. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one copy for each Party.



Limited Liability Company Legal Company "Spravedlivost", Novosibirsk, st. Komsomolsky Prospekt, 1a-200, tel. 380-00-54, 8-913-484–0054, represented by director K. A. Rakhmanin ___________________________________________ M.p.


(Legal name of the organization, address, telephone number, full name of the director)

*Not a public offer.

If it is necessary to conclude a service agreement between legal entities, you should pay attention to:

  • Parties' data. Both companies must be uniquely identified. Full names, OGRN, TIN and legal addresses are entered. Contact information is indicated at the beginning and duplicated at the end of the document before the signatures.
  • Rights and obligations. The provision of services between legal entities in each specific case is regulated by certain conditions. Make sure you are happy with everything. Contact a lawyer if anything is unclear.
  • Price. Please also pay attention to payment terms. All actions must strictly comply with the agreement.
  • Deadlines. The provision of legal assistance is carried out in accordance with the prescribed limit; the duration of the contract is limited. When providing several services, they can be set different terms rendering.
  • Responsibility of the parties. Consider everything possible options developments and double-check these points, in particular, penalties in case of improper performance of duties and termination conditions.

First, you need to additionally familiarize yourself with the company’s activities and supporting documents (permits, acts, certificates, etc.). Reliable information can be obtained in a single state register. The responsibilities of the performer also include providing complete and truthful information about the assistance he provides.

Often, a service agreement between legal entities is the result of lengthy negotiations, both personal and remote. The standard form meets all the necessary requirements, but can be supplemented and changed. A sample is provided on this page. The execution of the contract is confirmed by official documents provided for under its terms.

If you have any questions about legal outsourcing, please contact the consultants of the Spravedlivost company; we guarantee an individual approach at all stages of cooperation.

A service agreement between legal entities is an agreement between two companies that one of them (the contractor) provides certain services to the other company (the customer), which has undertaken to pay for them.

Sample contract and its features

The main thing in this agreement is the process of performing the required activities. If the customer wishes to receive the material result of the services (in the form of some kind of document on a pre-agreed storage medium), then this is indicated in the contract.

This document is drawn up according to the following template:

  • Name, date and place of signing;
  • Names, addresses and details of the parties, their representatives;
  • Subject of the agreement (usually briefly, detailed information the type, timing and procedure for the provision of services is given in the list of services or task, issued as a separate appendix);
  • Rights and obligations of the customer and contractor;
  • Cost of services provided and payment procedure;
  • Procedure for acceptance of services (the Acceptance Certificate is signed, which is also an annex to the contract);
  • Responsibility borne by the parties;
  • general information(force majeure; confidentiality; disputes; modification, extension and termination of the contract);
  • Legal address, full details, signatures, seals.

In the above sample standard contract Additional provisions are made depending on what services are to be provided. Usually it is in simple written form.

Services provided within the framework of this document between legal entities are always paid. Gratuitous actions are equivalent to donation; The legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits such actions between two commercial organizations, since this contradicts the purpose of their creation - making a profit.

In order for the contract not to be declared void, it is necessary to indicate at least the most low price and pay the appropriate tax.

The only exception is an agreement where the customer is represented by a non-profit organization. He may accept certain services as a gift.

Legal and medical services

Most often, the parties agree to provide legal services. The contract or annex to it must clarify the composition of these services and indicate qualifications in the field of law and law. The section regarding cost should stipulate that the customer will pay the contractor's legal costs (if any).

Payment is provided only after the actions listed in the contract are completed. The customer has no right to refuse to pay for services received.

If we are talking about small disputes, then an agreement for the provision of legal services is often concluded between individuals. In this case, individual citizens prefer to contact a private lawyer or attorney rather than a law firm. The format of the contract remains unchanged; only instead of the organization’s details, the passport details of the parties are indicated.

A contract for medical services is signed if the actions of the performer are aimed at prevention, diagnosis, treatment or rehabilitation. If this is an agreement between legal entities, then third parties appear in it (employees or clients of the customer company, in whose favor this agreement is concluded and to whom these services are provided).

The Russian Ministry of Health has established a procedure for the provision of medical care, which the contractor must strictly adhere to when selling medical services. At the end of the cooperation, he must prepare documentation on the health status of those persons who received medical care.

The customer, for his part, ensures the accuracy and completeness of the information necessary to organize such assistance.

Agreements concluded to save money

The purpose of consulting services is to optimize the business of a particular enterprise. These include:

  • Increasing the efficiency of the company's commercial activities;
  • Increasing employee interest and increasing their productivity;
  • Organizational improvements;
  • Introduction of innovations in the field of marketing;
  • Creation effective system manuals.

Consulting services are widely in demand, as they provide good result for a reasonable price. Instead of a long process of training its own personnel and paying for their work on an ongoing basis, a company can hire specialists in this field for some time and assign them specific task. This provides cost savings and greater flexibility in an ever-changing market.

If an organization does not have available funds, it can enter into an agreement for the mutual provision of services. The principle of its operation is: “you - to me, I - to you.” One company provides certain services in a specified manner and within a specified time frame in exchange for the same actions from another company.

No settlement is usually provided unless the scope of work performed by one party is noticeably different from the scope of work performed by the other party. In this case, a clause on recalculation and additional payment is included in the contract. In such an agreement, it is important to specify in detail all the actions that are expected from the participants.

Thus, the contract for the provision of services between legal entities has a standard form, into which minor changes are made related to what services will be provided. A correctly drawn up contract protects the interests of both parties and guarantees the fulfillment of necessary actions and receiving appropriate payment for them.

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