Encyclopedia of fire safety

What polishing paste to polish oil varnish. Do-it-yourself polishing and grinding of surfaces and coatings, their further processing. Causes of defects after painting

How to properly prepare wood for applying varnish to make it smooth?

Fine wood finishing is the stage that crowns the wood processing process and ensures its true beauty. If you learn the basic steps of sanding and finishing and the techniques involved, you will be able to always guarantee a perfect result. This article contains the most helpful tips.

wood sanding

Sanding wood with sandpaper

Wood can be sanded with both sandpaper and a grinder. Scratches are less noticeable when they run parallel to the grain of the wood. However, even the most small scratches across the fibers will become visible after applying varnish (or paint). Wood sanding is done very carefully.

Sanding wood on curved surfaces

Sanding curved surfaces and other items where grinder inconvenient to use, should be done manually. It is important to use paper of the same grain size and try to apply the same force in all areas.

Sanding wood without scratches

Any centrifugal grinding machine practically does not leave scratches, so it is advisable to use such a tool in places where the direction of grinding changes and where it intersects with fibers. In this case, the machine should work slowly (no more than 2-3 cm per second) and with little pressure, otherwise you risk causing spiral scratches (in the next photo).

Why do scratches appear on wood?

Such scratches are left by a centrifugal grinder when used incorrectly.

Sanding wood should start with a rough sandpaper, gradually moving to more and more fine-grained types. Whether sanding by hand or with a machine, use 80 grit/inch paper first, then 120 grit and 180 grit.

Lacquer selection

Do not rely on samples displayed in stores. real color highly dependent on the type of wood being treated and how it was prepared for finishing. Therefore, collect wood scraps, sand them and use them to test the varnish. If this is not possible, then apply a test portion of varnish to an inconspicuous area (for example, on lower part countertops). Leaving the varnish on the surface for more or less time, you can get different shades. To obtain special colors, varnishes from the same manufacturer can be mixed.

Try different types of varnish

Polyurethane varnish on water based very little effect on the own color of the wood. At the same time, oil-based products have a rich tone that can drastically change the color of the tree.

Before applying varnish to wood, check

You will need a fairly bright light, while directing it should be at a fairly sharp angle to the surface. Inspect the wood for flaws and carefully mark them with masking tape. Then sand them down.

Watch out for stains when varnishing wood

Some types of wood absorb the varnish unevenly, which leads to the formation of dark spots on a surface. Birch, maple, pine and cherry can play such a cruel joke with you. This effect is quite difficult to avoid, but it can be limited by treating the wood with a conditioner before applying varnish. The conditioner prevents the wood from absorbing uneven amounts of varnish into the fibers. Such products are sold along with paints and varnishes.

In these photos you can see how to choose a varnish. The choice of varnish should be made in accordance with the type of wood.

Wood varnishing

Wood varnishing with a brush

Brush - best tool for applying polyurethane varnish. For water based varnish the best choice there will be a tool with synthetic bristles made of nylon or polyester. For oil-based formulations, natural brushes should be used. In both cases, do not skimp on spending when buying these devices. Quality brushes pick up more polish, apply it more smoothly, and are much less likely to lose bristles on the finish coat.

If you wash the brush immediately after work, it will serve you for a long time. Processing wood varnish with a brush provides efficiency and excellent results.

If after applying the next layer you suddenly notice a flaw in the coating, an uncovered spot or something like that, you will immediately rush to cover it up. You shouldn't do that! While the polish may still look wet, there's a good chance it's already set and you'll only mess it up with a touch of the brush. There are exceptions to this rule: you can pierce small air bubbles with a needle, you can pull a hair out of a layer, or you can pull out an unfortunate fly with tweezers.

Rubbing instead of spreading

Where it is difficult to apply the varnish with a brush, rub it into the wood with a soft, non-stringy cloth. When rubbing, the varnish layer is much thinner than when spreading with a brush, so it is worth repeating the procedure several times. Rubbing is only suitable for oil-based formulations, as water-based varnishes dry too quickly.

Use a roller when working on large areas

On large surfaces water-based polyurethane compounds are conveniently applied with a paint roller. Due to the fact that water-based varnishes dry quickly, applying them with a brush to large area can be difficult. Before you start varnishing wood, clean the workpiece and work area. Dust when applied to a fresh coat of varnish will ruin your work. So clean up your desk and let the dust settle.

How to apply varnish on wood step by step

Always lightly sand the surface between coats of varnish - this will help to achieve evenness and perfect laying of the layers. Wait for the previous coats to dry before reapplying wood varnish.

Required wood finishing tools:Required materials for finishing wood:
dust mask;Several types of both medium and fine-grained sandpaper;
centrifugal grinding machine;For polishing between coats of lacquer, 180 grit/inch sandpaper and steel wool pads;
paint roller;Water or oil polyurethane varnish;
for water-based varnishes, use synthetic brushes and sponges;Compatible paints (if required). If in doubt, use varnishes and paints from the same manufacturer.
For oil-based polishes, use natural brushes.

Car polishing. Click on the photo to enlarge.

To give an irresistible shine to a freshly painted car and to make the color more saturated, it is necessary to polish it. Polishing the surface of a car after the painting procedure differs from the usual polishing by applying wax, as this is a complex work, during which various car cosmetics and equipment are used. As a result of properly performed work, all scratches and bumps are eliminated from the surface of the car, it becomes perfectly smooth. In addition, the varnish protects transport from the effects of adverse external factors.

It is important to remember that polishing is not done immediately after staining. Paint and varnish should dry and harden well, and this may take approximately 3 weeks. During this time, the varnish will settle a little, and repair defects will immediately become noticeable in the form of dips, scratches, “shagreen leather”. Identified flaws must be eliminated by grinding, and only after that you can start polishing the car - this situation is especially true for black cars and other dark shades.

The garage in which the polishing will be performed must be prepared. The room must be clean, otherwise it will get under the lacquer skin, which can lead to serious damage to the enamel and varnish. Also, direct impact is not allowed. sun rays at the time of polishing, as under their influence the polish dries too quickly.

In addition, the issue of lighting is extremely important. It is best to use fluorescent lamps installed both from above (under the ceiling) and from below (at knee level). It is possible that you will have to additionally use a portable lamp.

Work surface preparation

Before polishing the varnish applied to the body after painting, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the car. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • thoroughly wash the car from dust and dirt;
  • elements that will not be polished, paste over with masking tape (if possible, it is better to dismantle them altogether);
  • to remove dust residues, blow the car, Special attention give to hard-to-reach places;
  • degrease the surface of the body.

If the first two procedures can be carried out even on the street, then the last ones can only be carried out in a prepared room, where polishing will subsequently be carried out. After all the procedures are completed, it is necessary to proceed with the main task.

Body sanding

Tools. click on photo to enlarge.

Before polishing, the car undergoes a thorough grinding, but on condition that all layers of the coating are completely dry. They must be hard so as not to be deformed during grinding, and the abrasive must not quickly "load".

  • planer or rubber block;
  • grinder with disc speed control;
  • clean water container;
  • polishing wheels - dense (light shade) and soft (dark shade);
  • piece of clean cloth.


  • sandpaper with an index from 1,500 to 3,000 (depending on the shagreen and quality of painting);
  • polishing paste (abrasive, non-abrasive and finishing);

Surface grinding can be carried out using a special tool or manually. In the second case, a sandpaper is used, which is wrapped around a felt or rubber bar. Just like that homemade tool and the procedure is performed. Movements should be uniform and smooth, do not exert strong pressure on the surface. But polishing with a bar is only the initial stage for comparing shagreen, smudges and eliminating debris that accidentally got into the varnish (dust particles, small insects etc.). After that, you need to completely mat the surface with your hand.

In process of erasing and salting, the skin needs to be changed. If the part of the car is small and has a rounded surface, then it should be sanded without a bar. Grind grooves, openings and bottlenecks by hand.

The procedure can be performed in two ways: wet and dry. In the dry method, the car body is moistened with water or another inert solvent. Periodically, the sandpaper is also moistened to remove dust and dirt. This technique helps to reduce the formation of dust, improves the grinding process and extends the life of the working tool.

If the car has a nitro-lacquer coating, then use a waterproof skin moistened with white spirit. grinding wet way can only be used for waterproof body coatings:

  • melamine alkyd;
  • oil-lacquer;
  • epoxy;
  • nitrocellulose.

Sanding will only be easy if the surface is completely dry and the material has been properly prepared. After completion of the procedure, the surface of the body becomes smooth and even. The polished car must be washed with water, wiped dry soft cloth and let it dry at a temperature of 18-20°C. Only then can the quality of work be assessed. For this, an electric lamp is used, which illuminates the surface from the side during inspection.

The main thing is not to get too carried away and not wipe the varnish in some place, since after that the part will have to be painted again. Especially carefully you should work with the ends - it will be enough just to wipe them with sandpaper 1-2 times.

polishing process

Abrasive polishing of the varnish, which is performed after painting the car, eliminates surface defects and dullness, giving the paint richness and shine. The process can be done manually or with a polishing device. An abrasive paste is used, which is applied to small areas of the surface and rubbed thoroughly. It should be noted that polishing manually performed in a circular motion, and mechanized - cruciform, i.e. vertically and horizontally. However, hand polishing is now almost never used - only with a grinder.

It is necessary to polish the car with different pastes. For primary deep polishing, a coarse abrasive paste is used, then they switch to fine abrasive and, finally, a paste without an abrasive is used. For cars dark colors the use of a non-abrasive paste after polishing is mandatory, since flaws in painting and varnishing are visible on their surface. If the car is of a silvery hue, then a finely abrasive paste will suffice.

Polishing with abrasive paste allows you to achieve excellent results. Depending on the abrasiveness of the paste, it is important to choose a polishing wheel. It is made from foam rubber of different densities. In case of incorrect selection of paste and polishing wheel, the surface of the car and the wheel itself may be damaged. Ideally, you need to purchase 2 circles - dense and soft. First, the surface is passed in a tight circle, after which they put a soft one.

If you plan to polish the body with a machine, it is important to remember that the surface to be treated should not overheat. To prevent this, the number of revolutions of the device cannot exceed 2500. Many masters exceed this threshold of revolutions, and quite significantly and there is nothing wrong with that. But in this case, it is required not to rub for a long time in one place, so as not to overheat the varnish. In such a situation, the circle literally "gets stuck" in the varnish.

As with stripping, polish the ends very carefully so as not to rub them. The circle must be periodically cleaned of adhering paste. In addition, you should not completely polish the shagreen - the part will appear “bald”, and there will be problems with re-polishing (after a while).

At the end of polishing with a machine, it is required to go through the car with another paste in order to remove the holograms arising from the rapid rotation of the polishing wheel. To do this, the polish is applied to small plot details and rubbed into it with a piece of cloth in a circular motion.

The final stage is protective polishing of the body. When it is performed, the smallest scratches that remain after using abrasive polishing are eliminated, and a thin protective layer. Its existence will directly depend on the applied polish.

Protective polish is of two types. Based on wax - it is washed off from the surface of the body after 4-6 washes, or based on Teflon - a more expensive, but also durable polish that is washed off after 12 washes.

Knowing exactly how to polish the varnish on the surface of the car after painting it with a Teflon-based product, you can ensure gloss for a long time. Teflon polish creates effective protection surface and protect it from harmful effects acids, alkalis and other aggressive substances. In addition, the Teflon contained in the polish has an antistatic effect, and as a result, the car keeps its cleanliness longer.

The polish is applied with a soft cloth, after which it is lightly rubbed over the body until a uniform layer is formed, which is allowed to dry for 4-5 minutes. As a result, the surface becomes matte white. Next, polishing is performed using a machine or manually. During the mechanized process, it is important to monitor the speed of rotation of the disk and periodically interrupt work so that the surface of the body does not overheat.

For car polishing after painting a large number of manufacturers offer all kinds of equipment and autocosmetics. It is recommended to give preference to well-known brands. Of course, their products will cost an order of magnitude higher, but it is with its help that you can achieve the best result.

Varnishing is often used to protect and visually appeal to wooden surfaces. Although the applied varnish is shiny, however, the hairs of the wood, smoothed during sanding, often rise during varnishing, this negatively affects the appearance of the wood. And although the surface is shiny, however, it looks uneven. What can be done to make the lacquer product look like mirror surface? There is one effective method- polishing varnish, this procedure is easily performed at home.

There are several ways to do it yourself wooden surface perfectly shiny and mirror:

  • cover it with wax;
  • apply a varnish solution;
  • polish the lacquer.

Each of these processes will be discussed in detail below.

Foundation preparation

Before proceeding with polishing, it is first necessary to cover the wood with two or three layers of varnish, after which the composition should dry well. Typically, the drying process of modern varnishes takes several days. Often polishing varnish on wood is carried out with a polishing compound and some kind of abrasive material. The composition for polishing is called polish, there are several varieties of this solution. Depending on the type of varnish mixture, you can get a polished coating of the following types:

  • if you use shellac or nitro-lacquer, then the wood surface will have a glossy sheen;
  • after treatment with polyurethane, pentaphthalic and water-based varnish, the coating usually has a semi-matt appearance;
  • if the wood has been treated with an oil varnish solution, then a matte sheen will be present.


The procedure for coating wood products with wax material is quite easy and simple, at home. Thanks to the wax treatment, the texture and pattern will be much clearer and more expressive. natural wood, the surface will become velvety and soft. Waxing is often used on hardwoods such as oak, walnut, ash. It is possible to wax and soft rock, for example, linden, alder or birch, but it is desirable to pre-tint these types.

The waxing procedure involves carefully filling all the gaps between the wood fibers, so that the wax creates a very smooth base, which is subsequently varnished. The waxing process includes the following steps:

  1. The tree, previously cleaned of villi (by grinding), is covered with a small layer of mastic. When this composition is dried, the wood is wiped with a soft cloth, against the fibers. During the application of the first layer, all existing defects and irregularities, such as cracks and pores, are completely filled with the mixture. As a result, the wood has a perfectly smooth appearance.
  2. Approximately within 2 hours, the processed product must be kept in a warm room.
  3. The wax is applied a second time with a soft cloth. During the application of the solution, you need to slowly increase the pressure on the wood. After the second treatment, the base should become matte and smooth.
  4. The applied small layer of shellac furniture varnish is being polished.

Although such polishing of varnish on wood at home looks very beautiful, however, it has one drawback - the protective wax coating after polishing does not have sufficient resistance to moisture and water. Drops can leave marks on the surface of the wood.


Lacquering gives effective protection to the wood, fills all the pores and micropores, thanks to the lacquering treatment no new pile is formed. After drying, the film becomes resistant to water, moisture, chemicals and dust, the wood pattern becomes expressive and juicy. Lacquer is applied to the product either with a brush or roller, and swabs wrapped in a canvas cloth are used, so that no villi remain on the base. The process of applying varnish includes the following sequence of actions:

  • the varnish is applied in two or three layers, between each coating you need to wait a few hours for the layer to dry. The varnish fills all the bumps and cracks;
  • after drying varnish coating it is almost completely removed from the surface by grinding material. The varnish should remain only in the pores and cracks;
  • the next varnish coating is applied in one layer. This is a preliminary priming treatment;
  • after the second layer has dried, dust is removed from it;
  • a third coating is applied in a thin layer, which must be allowed to dry for several days, in a closed room or box. During drying on varnished wood dust must not enter. After drying, polishing or polishing of the varnish is carried out;
  • if necessary, a final coating is applied, it can be one, it can be two layers. Then the final polishing is done.

If streaks appear during the application of varnish, then after some time spots form on these places. To avoid them, you need to cover the wood with a small amount of varnish solution, with smooth, uniform and slow movements. It is not allowed to pause, for example, after covering half of the surface. You can use both shellac and other types of varnish material.

Application of oil varnish

The lacquered oil coating takes a long time to dry, so thin layers of this composition should be applied. It is advisable to pre-prime the base, for this, the varnish is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 5. After the varnish layer is completely dry, it must be sanded, then coated again with a varnish mixture. If the solution becomes thick, it can be diluted with turpentine. You need to work with a brush slowly, do not make sudden movements so that air bubbles do not appear. After the finish coat has dried, the varnish is polished.


Thanks to polishing, you can achieve a very beautiful texture of wood, and, moreover, the pattern of natural wood is preserved. The result is a mirror base that can be made easily and quickly at home. However, it should be borne in mind that not every type of wood can be polished. A tree with a large texture is poorly polished. Typically, the polishing process includes the following works:

  • three times the varnish mixture is applied as a primer. After the first priming, it is necessary to sand the base, then remove the dust, and apply the next two priming coats;
  • polishing is carried out with a swab, it is necessary to cover the base with a thin layer of polish. It is then dried and sanded with an electric grinder or sandpaper. This process is quite laborious and lengthy, so it is advisable to use a power tool. After grinding, the product is again treated with polish, dried, and polished again. After several such treatments, an attractive, glossy, mirror-like surface appears. To prevent the tampon from sticking, you can add a few drops of oil to the mixture;
  • polishing matte varnish or glossy finish carried out by any kind of polish, to which you need to add a little oil. Using a swab, the product is rubbed until a beautiful shine appears. To prevent the previous layers of polish from dissolving, you need to add 1-2 drops of oil for every 10 square centimeters. This treatment is repeated 2 to 5 times to achieve the desired effect. Before each treatment, the product must be wiped with a cloth moistened with a mixture of water and polish.

If polishing is performed using any other technology, and if the above sequence of work is not followed, the result will be unsatisfactory. For the first time with your own hands, it is advisable to polish on any test area. If these recommendations are followed, the polishing of the varnish will be successful, as a result, a perfectly smooth, shiny surface will be obtained.

To make the wooden surface after varnishing resemble glass, and to look into it as in a mirror, the varnish is polished. The usual varnish coating does not give the expected effect. All the villi of the tree, which were smoothed by sanding, rise from the varnish and violate appearance products. Before the viewer is a shiny, but uneven canvas.

There are several options for how to give a wooden surface a mirror shine with your own hands. The most famous of them:

  • wax coating;
  • varnishing;
  • actually the polishing process.

Let's consider all the processes in detail.

Preparatory work

Do-it-yourself polishing work begins only after covering the product with several layers of varnish, when it has already dried well.

The process requires abrasive materials and the polishing composition itself, which is called polish. After processing, depending on the polish, the following types of coatings are obtained:

  • when using nitro-varnishes or shellacs, a surface with a glossy sheen is obtained;
  • the coating acquires a semi-matt appearance after water-based, pentaphthalic or polyurethane varnishes;
  • a matte sheen is given by oil or oil-lacquer formulations.


The process is not difficult and can be done by hand at home. When processed with wax mastic, the natural texture of wood is more clearly manifested, visually the surface becomes soft and velvety. The method has proven itself on hard woods - such as ash, walnut, oak. Soft woods such as birch, alder and linden are pre-tinted for greater effect.

The process consists in carefully filling the distances between the villi of the wood with wax until a smooth surface is obtained, followed by the application of varnish.

Wax technology

  1. Wood, which was previously cleaned of pile by grinding, is covered with a thin layer of mastic. At the end of drying, the surface is wiped against the fibers with a soft cloth. After applying the first layer, all irregularities in the form of pores and cracks must be filled with wax. The surface becomes smooth.
  2. Withstand the product or flooring two hours warm.
  3. Do-it-yourself application of the second layer is done with a soft cloth. When applying mastic, gradually increase the pressure on the surface. As a result of processing, a smooth matte surface should be obtained.
  4. The final polished look is obtained by applying a thin layer of shellac-based furniture varnish.

This method has disadvantages. Waxing is not resistant to moisture - even a small drop leaves its mark.

Surface varnishing

The process is to fill all the micropores with varnish and prevent the formation of a new pile. The result is a film that is resistant to water and dust, a surface with a deeper and richer pattern. Processing is carried out with a cotton swab, which was previously wrapped in a clean cloth made of canvas that does not leave a lint on the surface to be treated.

The sequence of do-it-yourself work

  1. Generously apply varnish in two layers. During processing, all irregularities must be filled with varnish.
  2. Remove all varnish from the surface with sanding materials. The varnish remains only in cracks and pores.
  3. Apply the second layer. These two coats are considered a pre-made primer.
  4. After the secondary coating, dust is carefully removed.
  5. A third, very thin layer is applied and left in a closed box or room for a couple of days. During this period, not a speck of dust should fall on the product.
  6. Apply top coat once or twice.

All resulting smudges subsequently form spots. To avoid this, the surface is covered with a very thin layer of varnish, while trying not to destroy the film formed during the previous movement. Everything is done evenly, efficiently and quickly, without stopping. It is better to rehearse on a control copy. Works can be done with both shellac varnish and oil.

Lacquering with oil varnish

When working with your own hands, you must take into account that it dries for a long time. For a primer, a solution of 200 g of varnish per 1 liter of water is used.

The dried and polished surface is covered with a thick brush with liquid varnish. If the solution becomes thick, you can add turpentine. The brush is moved evenly, without sudden movements, the excess is removed. Do not allow the formation of bubbles when moving the brush.


This technology gives the most beautiful texture, keeping the wood pattern well. It turns out a surface resembling a mirror. The main thing is to do it simply and with your own hands. Not all materials lend themselves well to such processing.

Wood with a large texture does not tolerate polishing.

Work order

  1. Prime the surface with varnish in three layers. After the first coat, sand and carefully remove dust. Then apply two coats of varnish on the dried surface.
  2. Polishing is performed with a swab, the polish is applied in a thin layer. Dry and grind with abrasive materials or a grinder. The process is very long, it is better to use the technique. After each application of polish, the surface is dried and sanded again. As a result, gloss begins to appear on the surface. To prevent sticking of the tampon during operation, add a couple of drops of oil.
  3. Polishing is done with polish with a small amount of oil added. Rub the surface with a swab until the desired shine is obtained. In order not to dissolve the previous layers, oil is added in an amount of only 1-2 drops per 10 cm². Repeat the work several times. Between the processing of the layers, the coating is wiped with a rag soaked in a solution of polish with water.

Failure to comply with the technology and sequence of work or an insufficient number of layers will affect the result. The first do-it-yourself work is best done on a test plate. The above recommendations will help give the varnish a mirror shine, create a smooth smooth surface.

Lacquer polishing is done to make surfaces, even wood, look like a mirror. The most popular options and solutions to make wood shine like a mirror include polishing, varnishing and waxing the surface.

Polishing lacquerware is a process with many steps to consider.

The process is not complete without the use of abrasive materials and the polishing material itself, which in this case is called polish. The end of processing leads to the appearance of the following types of surfaces:

  • Nitrolacs and shellacs are a way to get a sparkling gloss.
  • Water, pentaphthalic or polyurethane varnishes make coatings semi-matt.
  • The result of the use of oil-lacquer or only oil formulations becomes matte. This perfect option for users who need to figure out how to polish the varnish.

The product is varnished in several layers, then they are waiting for complete drying.


There is nothing difficult in this process. Any master can handle it on their own. By processing the product with wax mastic, the owner gets the opportunity to make the natural and natural texture more clear and bright.

The polishing surface becomes soft and velvety, at least visually. For hard rocks, this method has become especially relevant. For example, it goes well with oak and ash, walnut.

Toning for greater effect is used in conjunction with soft woods. As an example, you can take linden or alder, birch. Wood polish is used in a special way.

During this process, the distances between the villi of the tree must be carefully filled with material. The varnish is applied only after giving the surface the desired level of smoothness.

The very polishing of varnish using wax will look like this:

  1. The wood is covered with a thin layer of mastic. How to polish correctly? The main thing is to pre-clean the surface of the pile using grinding. When drying is completed, the base is wiped with a small rag against the fibers. After applying the first layer, literally all the spaces remaining empty must be filled, otherwise smooth surface won't.
  2. Coatings and products are placed in a warm room for two hours.
  3. A soft cloth will help when applying the second coat. While the mastic is applied to the product, the pressure is constantly increased. We get a perfectly smooth and matte surface.
  4. A thin coat of shellac-based furniture varnish finishes the piece.

This processing method is not without drawbacks. In particular, resistance to exposure to large amounts of moisture suffers. Small drops are sufficient for the appearance of defects on the surface.

On the video: how to polish furniture with wax and transparent resin.

Lacquering work

Micropores after painting are filled with varnish. A surface with new pile formation is unacceptable. When processing wood, you can use a cotton swab. It is important to pre-wrapping in a cloth made of canvas. It does not leave lint on the surface.

Processing contributes to the appearance on the surface of a special protective film. It is resistant to dust and moisture. Images get more colors, clarity.

Subsequence independent work, including - with acrylic, looks like this:

  1. Applying the varnish itself in two layers. It is important to ensure that absolutely all surfaces are treated.
  2. Removal of the entire varnish coating is carried out with grinding materials. Only cracks and pores should contain a small amount of material.
  3. Application of the second layer. It is considered to be a primer made in advance. The paste is used in the same way.
  4. After the secondary coating, dust is removed.
  5. A small thickness is a requirement for the third layer. It is necessary to leave everything indoors for at least a couple of days. The main thing is that during this period no dust gets inside.
  6. Finally, go to top coat for polishing wood - in one or two layers.

If smudges appear on the surface at this moment, in the future they will remain in the form of spots. This can be avoided if the varnish layer is thin enough.

The main thing is not to destroy the film that was formed during the previous movement. The work must be done quickly and efficiently, without interruptions. It is good if there is an opportunity to use the so-called control specimens to test your skills and technique.

You can use both shellac varnish and regular oil. Polishing pastes are also suitable.

Oil varnish rules

Varnish with oil base spends a lot of time drying after the base is painted. The main recommendation is to use 200 grams of varnish per 1 kg of water.

Liquid varnish during grinding is applied with a thick brush to the surface, previously dried and sanded. The addition of turpentine is acceptable if the solution is too thick. Movements should be uniform, in no case abrupt. If there is something superfluous, it is removed. It is important that no bubbles appear during brush movements.

Polishing technique

Thanks to this technology, the most beautiful textures are obtained. The pattern of the wood is preserved quite well. As a result, the varnished wooden surface is indistinguishable from wood. The process does not cause any problems with self-processing. True, not all materials lend themselves to such processing.

Worst of all, polishing is tolerated by wood that has a large texture.

The work is done in the following order.

  1. First of all, the surface is primed in three layers. After the first, a thorough polishing is carried out, cleaning from all contaminants. On the dried surface, two subsequent layers are applied. Varnishing is done using a different technique.
  2. A swab performs the so-called polishing. The polish is applied in a very thin layer. grinders or abrasive materials are used in polishing. It is better to use automatic devices, otherwise the process will take too long. Drying and sanding is repeated after each layer of polish. It is as a result of these actions that gloss is added to the surface. A couple of drops of oil will eliminate the danger of the swab sticking to the surface.
  3. The next step is to obtain a polished surface, for which polish is used. Then a small amount of oil is added. It is necessary to rub the surface until there is enough smoothness and gloss. Only a couple of drops should be added per 10 cm2 so that the previous layers do not disappear. The work is done many times. Rags for wiping surfaces are used between stages. It is dipped in a solution of water and polish. In this case, the polished base will look better.

On sale there are a large number of compositions with polymers in the base. Those with special additives work especially well. The main thing is to contact companies that specialize in the production and sale of this type of goods.

Master classes from experts (2 videos)

Surface varnishing methods (23 photos)

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