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Drying the body for girls. A practical guide to creating a beach body

The best way to outline the curves of the silhouette and model female forms is to perform the techniques from the program for drying the body within 1.5 months. Only for a start you need to understand the difference between the concepts of "" and "weight loss". A set of exercises for drying is aimed at reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat to 8-12% and the formation of a chiseled relief. Weight loss is due to a general loss of mass, including muscle mass.

It is possible to achieve optimal drying results only with a systematic approach. A well-designed training program for girls includes:

  • selection of strength and aerobic practices for the fitness room and at home;
  • multiple sets and repetitions;
  • accentuated loads for working out local zones;
  • correction of the nutrition system - the inclusion of 1.8 times more protein in the diet for the formation of protein structures and the growth of muscle tissue.

Drying exercises for girls in the gym

Leg press technique in the simulator

  1. Sit in a special simulator.
  2. Place your feet at the edge of the platform shoulder-width apart.
  3. Remove the restraints and proceed to the presses, bending the knees in the lower phase to 45 °.

Lower block pull

  1. Position your feet under the lever raised to the desired height.
  2. Place your feet on the edge of the platform so that your heels hang down.
  3. Pull the lever towards you and automatically lift your heels.

Twisting on the block

The drying complex necessarily includes practices for the press.

  1. Sit on a support, facing away from the simulator.
  2. Grab the rope, bend at the waist and pull your elbows towards your hips.
  3. When you reach the climax, loosen your grip and straighten your body.

How to train when drying the thighs and buttocks

Classics of bodybuilding -. Multi-joint practice strengthens the gluteal muscles, quadriceps, adductors and calves, abs, lower back. For girls, a neck of 20 kg is enough for drying.

  1. Get into a comfortable squat position with your toes pointing in different directions.
  2. Straighten your back, tighten your abdominal muscles, place or bar on a trapezoid, bring your shoulder blades together and raise your head.
  3. Transfer the center of gravity to the heels.
  4. Lower your pelvis without taking your knees out of the vertical plane.
  5. Get up slowly.

Drying exercises for girls at home

You can train at home, using a minimum of equipment for work.

A simple and effective technique is squats.

  1. From a standing position, lower your hips to a right angle.
  2. Stretch your arms out in front of you to balance.
  3. Watch the position of your legs. When lowering the body, the knees should not peek out from behind the toes.
  4. Don't forget to keep your heels firmly in place.

After the warm-up set.


The training programs for girls include techniques for correcting problem areas. A typical female problem associated with loss of muscle tone internal surfaces hips, solve wide squats. By changing their depth, at the same time pump the buttocks and quadriceps.

  1. Grab a dumbbell with a light weight, grab it with both hands at the base.
  2. Spread your legs wide, turn your toes outward. The larger the angle, the more actively the muscles of the internal zones work.
  3. Straighten your back, lift your chin, lower yourself to the maximum, holding the projectile in straight arms between your legs. After 2 sets, try to stand on your toes and repeat the movements.

Drying the body or training for the buttocks, quadriceps, legs and abs

A coordinatingly complex technique - lunges, requires mental concentration, the ability to maneuver with the body.

  1. Take the basic position, hold the dumbbells in straight arms.
  2. Move forward with your right foot, bend your knee, shift the weight of your body onto your heel. Keep your left foot on your toes.
  3. Push off with the heel of the left limb and return to the starting line.

Perform by analogy lunges in reverse side stepping back. Remember that with a wide step, the buttocks are included in the work, with a narrow step - a straight quadriceps.

Exercises for drying the abdomen

  1. Lying on your shoulder blades, raise your legs high.
  2. Having reached a critical point, pull up the lower back.

Your taskdo 100 repetitions in several sets, giving yourself time to rest. Start with 50 repetitions, gradually increasing the doubles and reducing the pauses between repetitions.

Drying the body is a series special techniques, the purpose of which is to burn subcutaneous fat without harm to the body and muscles. But do not forget that beauty requires sacrifice, and this case is no exception. During the application of this technique, a lot of effort and willpower will be required so as not to abandon what has been started. But if you still decide to start, then you need to properly prepare and study the description of the technique and its features.

The principle of operation of the technique

When eating food, a person receives useful material that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. These substances are carbohydrates. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with them, but sometimes it happens that carbohydrates come in excess. Then the human body is not able to use all the carbohydrates received, which in this case are deposited in muscle tissue. Further, when overeating, they tend to turn into fat, which no girl has ever dreamed of. But when eating healthy, low-calorie foods and special exercises, you can reduce the amount of carbohydrates received to a normal state, after which the body itself will begin to apply for its reserves. It is necessary to continue the technique until the day the fat disappears from problem areas. The average period for obtaining results is about 4 weeks.

Diet for drying

At the heart of this diet, as well as at the heart of any other, is the principle - to spend more than receive. Second main principle is to maintain a high metabolic rate.

So you need to remember: if you reduce food intake to a minimum or refuse food altogether, you will slow down your metabolism very much and achieve nothing at all. The body, sounding the alarm due to a hunger strike, will begin to put aside "in reserve" all received nutrients and stop wasting subcutaneous fat. As a result, on the second or third week of a strict diet, you will generally stop losing weight, plus you will earn lethargy and dizziness, not at all from success.

So the basic rules for proper body drying for girls are:

  • calorie deficit
  • high metabolic rate.

The first point is, of course, doable. But how to achieve the second? Very simple - using the principles of fractional nutrition. Divide your breakfast, lunch and dinner into several small meals and eat many times a day.

At the first stage of drying, it is worth abandoning carbohydrates altogether. In the subsequent stages, carbohydrates and fats should be consumed only in the morning. The basis of the drying diet is easily digestible protein.

Don't forget to exercise too - heavy weight training also helps keep your metabolic rate high. And get ready for some hardships, especially at the end of the drying period, when you have to give up even vegetables.

Drying the body for girls: nutrition


Fats are divided into 2 types - saturated and unsaturated

Saturated These are "bad" fats. They are included in:
- high-fat dairy products: in milk, eggs (yolks), cheeses, mayonnaise, butter;
- meat: pork (the most harmful - lard), lamb, any poultry skin;
- cocoa butter. Therefore, the most delicious milk chocolate is at the same time the most dangerous.

Unsaturated are the "good fats". They are included in:
- sea fish - there is a lot of both protein and useful Omega-3 fats, which help to get rid of fat reserves faster. But remember: you should not buy canned fish - there is too much salt.

Orekhov. Choose hazelnuts, walnuts, pine nuts. Ignore salted nuts.


Carbohydrates can be of two types - simple and complex, or fast and slow.

Complex carbohydrates very important and should be emphasized. Complex: cereals, rice, buckwheat, durum wheat pasta.

simple carbohydrates- these are sweets and fruits, They contain sugars, maltose, fructose. You have to be very careful with them. You should not completely exclude them from the menu - you just need to use them in the morning or immediately after training, even if it is evening.


They are of animal origin (meat - poultry, fish, beef) and vegetable origin (beans, beans, peas). Men have a harder time digesting vegetable protein, while women have it easier due to the female hormone estrogen.

Unfortunately, on drying you will have to abandon even such obviously useful products like fruit. Reduce vegetable oil to 1-2 tablespoons per day, reduce salt intake.

Body Drying Products

You need to eat 4-6 times a day in small portions. This speeds up the metabolism for subsequent fat burning. The fact is that when a person eats twice, or even once a day, the body perceives this as a limited food and stores carbohydrates and fats in reserve. As a result, subcutaneous fat accumulates.

If sometimes you can't afford to eat every three hours, take protein shakes or BCAA capsules with you.

Grocery list

1. Meat. But by no means fatty, boiled chicken breasts are ideal - this is pure protein.

2. Seafood. You can fry fish (only without oil), eat seaweed.

3. Dairy products and eggs. Choose low-fat dairy products: in cottage cheese, the fat content should not exceed 5%, choose 1% kefir.

4. Slowly digestible carbohydrates. Eat bread and cereals for breakfast (but not fast food!).

5. Fruits. You can consume in small quantities, for example, 1 apple per day. Grapefruits, lemons are allowed, but bananas are by no means allowed!

6. Vegetables. The exception is potatoes. Green vegetables can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

It doesn't cost anything to eat 2 hours before and 1.5 hours after training, as your recovery and energy will come from the fat layer under your skin. You need to drink at least 3 liters of water a day. In order not to "drain" the muscles, monitor the level of protein. Eat 6 times a day in small portions, after 6-7 pm do not eat cereals and cereals. Best Products: lean meat, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, low-fat kefir, milk and cottage cheese, fish, vegetables, fruits, legumes.

Body Drying Rules

  • Controlling the caloric content of the diet.
  • Gradual reduction in the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.
  • Until six in the evening, you need to eat 70% of your daily calorie intake ().
  • The last meal should take place 3 hours before going to bed.
  • Eat 5-6 small meals a day.
  • It is optimal to carry out 4 cardio workouts per week lasting 30-45 minutes and two strength training sessions lasting an hour during the drying. Stick to the following scheme: 20 repetitions per approach, rest between sets - 30 seconds, rest between exercises - up to 5 minutes. It is best to focus on basic exercises and full body workouts.
  • Eat an hour and a half before training and an hour and a half after it.
  • Don't forget to drink water during your workout.
  • Harmless consumption of fat - up to 1 kg per week.
  • Weigh yourself every three days in the morning.

Remember that drying the body for girls is a method that is unsafe for the body. A carbohydrate-free diet can cause serious health problems and should not be followed permanently. Our body is used to getting energy easily and quickly - from glucose, that is, from carbohydrates. This means that the rejection of carbohydrates causes the body to use up old stores of fat. After going through the drying phase, you can stick to your usual diet, giving up only fatty and sweet things that disfigure the figure in the shortest possible time.

4 265148 2 years ago

With the approach of summer, every girl begins to wonder more and more often: is it possible to put the body in order quickly, and even, preferably, without leaving home? The question is very relevant at the moment, given that visiting fitness clubs and training with a trainer entail certain financial costs. and also require a lot of time.

For those who are not ready to spend their savings on a personal instructor or are simply very busy, there is a good way out of the situation - drying the body for girls at home. In this article we will tell you how to “dry out” at home correctly and without harm to health.

The drying process implies a decrease in the percentage of body fat to obtain body relief. In order for the result to be positive, you should adhere to a whole range of activities, starting with a nutrition plan and ending with a training program and a daily routine in general. A properly composed diet is 90% of the success of the entire drying, therefore, let's start with nutrition.

Daily Calorie Calculation

In order for the drying process at home to go smoothly, first of all, the diet must be properly balanced and properly composed. The main criterion for choosing the optimal number of calories is the weight, age and physical activity of a person during the day. If with physical activity a big problem, you can buy proteins, which will stimulate muscles at any age.

BM = (9.99 * weight (kg)) + (6.25 * height (cm)) - (4.92 * age (in years)) -161

Having calculated the approximate level of basic metabolism, the result should be multiplied by the coefficient physical activity. At this stage, the main thing is to objectively assess the level of your physical activity and choose the right coefficient correctly:

The importance of the obtained value directly affects the further results in drying the body. We subtract about 20% from the value of the daily norm. The resulting figure is the key to starting weight loss.

Determination of the ratio of BJU

The next step in drying the body for girls is to draw up a diet and determine the correct ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. On the this stage also has its own features of determining these quantities. It is necessary to take into account the natural predisposition of a person and determine his body type. There are three types of human physique:

  1. Mesomorph - characterized by narrow shoulders, tall stature, thin bones.
  2. Ectomorph - naturally muscular build, low subcutaneous fat.
  3. Endomorph - a full physique, average height, a tendency to be overweight.

The most common BJU scheme is the use of 40-50% protein, 30-40% fat and 10-30% carbohydrates.

For a mesomorph, the optimal ratio will be: proteins and fats up to 40%, but carbohydrates should be cut to 20-25%. Ectomorph at the drying stage needs from 30 to 40% proteins, 20-25% carbohydrates, the rest is fat. Endomorph from 20 to 50% protein, 15-30% fat and 10-20% carbohydrates.
Having chosen the optimal ratio of BJU, we begin compiling the menu and diet.


Foods rich in protein:

  1. Meat: chicken fillet, lean beef, rabbit meat
  2. Meat offal: liver, tongue, heart
  3. Fish: salmon, tuna, pink salmon, mackerel, hake, cod
  4. Seafood: squid, shrimp
  5. Eggs: chicken and quail
  6. Low-fat cottage cheese
  7. Vegetables: Brussels sprouts
  8. Grains: quinoa, soy, lentils

An important criterion in choosing a protein is its biological value and amino acid composition. The more complete the amino acid composition, the better.


Approaching the choice of the main source of carbohydrates, you should know that carbohydrates are simple and complex.

Simple carbohydrates include foods such as baked goods and confectionery, pastries, sweets, carbonated drinks, fruits. These foods have a high glycemic index and contain a large number of Sahara. They should be discarded and almost completely excluded from the diet for the time of drying.

Complex carbohydrates are foods with a low glycemic index. These are mainly cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, brown rice. Complex carbohydrates are the basis of a healthy and proper menu.


The importance of drying fats is underestimated by most girls, and sometimes even mistakenly believing that they are harmful, they are completely excluded from their diet. True, some people are predisposed to be overweight, for this there is an opportunity to buy fat burners, this will help solve this problem. Healthy fats are polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6, omega-9). It should be noted a huge role in choosing a source of fat. The main sources of healthy fats are:

  • fish oil (halibut, mackerel, salmon, sturgeon);
  • oil (linseed and hemp oil);
  • nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and pine nuts);
  • seeds (soybean, sunflower, flax and chia seeds);
  • fruit (avocado).

Having dealt with the basics of the diet, we will make a menu for the week.
So, small example. An endomorph girl with an average level of physical activity consumes 1267 calories, which is the daily norm for her to maintain the available body weight starts drying. Subtracting 20% ​​of the total calorie content, we get a value of 1013 Kk. We accept the approximate ratio of BJU: proteins - 40%, fats - 40%, carbohydrates - 20% of the total calorie content. In 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates - 4 kilocalories, in 1 gram of fat - 9 kilocalories. I.e daily rate protein intake will be - 100 grams, fat - 45 grams, carbohydrates - 50 grams.

It should be noted that in order to increase the level of metabolism, it is worth eating often and “splitting up” meals, making snacks between main meals every two to three hours. Also, don't forget to drink fluids. The minimum amount of water drunk should be at least 2 liters.

Menu for drying for a week

One of the menu options for the week for girls at the time of drying:

1 option Breakfast 40 g oatmeal on the water, two egg omelet
Snack a glass of fat-free yogurt
Dinner low-fat chicken broth 150-200 g, 40 g rice, 150 g chicken fillet
afternoon tea 2-3 walnuts
Dinner vegetable salad, 150 g boiled fish
Snack 2 hours before bed
Option 2 Breakfast 30 g diet crispbreads, drinking fat-free yogurt
Snack fruit (apple, grapefruit)
Dinner pea soup 150-200 g, 40 g buckwheat, 150 g boiled fish
afternoon tea boiled corn or two egg scrambled eggs
Dinner vegetable salad, 200 g seafood
Snack 2 hours before bed 200 g fat-free cottage cheese, a tablespoon of linseed oil
3 option Breakfast two egg omelet, slice of wholemeal bread with butter, vegetable salad
Snack fruit (peach, strawberry, orange)
Dinner low-fat soup 150-200 grams, 40 g buckwheat, 150 g chicken fillet, steamed vegetables on the water
afternoon tea a glass of fat-free kefir
Dinner vegetable salad, 150 g boiled fish, a glass of skimmed milk
Snack 2 hours before bed 200 g fat-free cottage cheese, a tablespoon of linseed oil
4 option Breakfast two boiled eggs, diet bread
Snack nuts or seeds
Dinner low-fat soup 150-200 g, 45 g pea porridge, 150 g boiled beef, vegetable salad
afternoon tea fat-free drinking yogurt
Dinner vegetable salad, 200 g chicken fillet
Snack 2 hours before bed 200 g fat-free cottage cheese, a tablespoon of linseed oil
5 option Breakfast 40 g corn flakes, skimmed milk, grapefruit
Snack two egg omelet with vegetables
Dinner low-fat soup 150-200 g, 50 g barley, 200 g boiled fish, baked vegetables
afternoon tea fat-free kefir
Dinner vegetable salad, 200 g grilled salmon
Snack 2 hours before bed 200 g fat-free cottage cheese, a tablespoon of linseed oil
6 option Breakfast drinking fat-free yogurt, oatmeal, fruit
Snack 100 g cottage cheese, nuts
Dinner low-fat soup 150-200 g, 50 g rice, 200 g boiled beef, vegetable salad
afternoon tea two egg omelet
Dinner stewed vegetables, 150 g chicken fillet
Snack 2 hours before bed
7 option Breakfast 100 g cottage cheese, fruit
Snack low-fat drinking yogurt, nuts
Dinner low-fat soup 150-200 g, 50 g lentils, 150 g chicken fillet, two-egg omelet
afternoon tea glass of yogurt, vegetable salad
Dinner stewed vegetables, 200 g chicken fillet
Snack 2 hours before bed 100 g fat-free cottage cheese, a tablespoon of linseed oil

One and a half or two hours before training, you should eat. During exercise, you must drink enough fluids. Twenty minutes after the end of the workout, you must definitely plan your meal.

Training while drying

High-quality drying of the body for girls at home, in addition to proper nutrition, also provides for a certain training process, which is significantly different from the usual one.

In this case, the fat burning process begins under certain conditions, one of which is an increased heart rate. To achieve this, the intensity of the training process and exercise should be increased. Thus, the number of repetitions in one approach will immediately increase to 15-20 times. Rest between trips is also reduced to a minimum. Optimal value pulse is 130-140 beats per minute.

Cardio loads are one of the most effective methods drying and burning fat. Interval cardio is the performance of loads in the form of running, or with the help of special simulators, performing exercises with a certain time interval, for example, half an hour of cardio, then rest for 20-30 minutes, half an hour of cardio. Proved that this system performing cardio loads most affects lipolysis and the breakdown of fat cells.

In addition, to consolidate the effect after a workout, a new generation of slimming underwear helps perfectly!

Drying training program

To perform elementary exercises, you will need a fitness mat, a jump rope, a pair of dumbbells up to 2 kilograms.
You should train 3-4 times a week. Rest between training days is usually 1-2 days, depending on the recovery of the body and general well-being. Before starting classes, you should thoroughly warm up and warm up the muscles to prevent injury.

1 day

  • Warm up 10-15 minutes
  • Push-ups from the floor 4 sets of 12-15 times
  • Squats 4 sets of 50 reps
  • Tilts with dumbbells 4 sets of 15-20 times
  • Leaning back legs 4 sets of 20-25 reps
  • Lying crunches 4 sets of 15-25 reps
  • Plank exercise 1 minute
  • Jump rope 300 times

2 day

  • Warm up 10-15 minutes
  • Wide stance squat 4 sets of 40-50 reps
  • Lunges with dumbbells 4 sets of 15-20 reps
  • Leg abduction while standing 4 sets of 30-40 reps
  • Jumping up with claps 4 sets of 20-30 times
  • Lateral torso lifts lying 4 sets of 15-20 times
  • Plank exercise
  • Interval cardio

3 day

  • Warm up 10-15 minutes
  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing 4 sets of 12-15 times
  • Lifting dumbbells sitting up 4 sets of 12-15 times
  • Dumbbell bench press 4 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Mahi dumbbells standing through the sides 4 sets of 12-15 times
  • Deadlift with dumbbells 4 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Plank exercise 1 minute
  • Jump rope 300 times

To receive end result the regimen must be strictly adhered to. Sleep should last at least 7-8 hours. Stress and nervous experiences should be avoided. If all the above recommendations are followed, the result will not be long in coming.

Dozens of fashionable glossy magazines promise young girls to lose weight by drying at home in almost a week. Is everything so simple? Alas, dreams of bringing your body into tone do not come true so quickly.

However, you can give relief to the muscles and get rid of excess subcutaneous fat if you follow two important rules. By the way, in addition to gaining attractive forms, the girl will discover the harmlessness of the method for her own health.

What is drying?

drying results are retained for several weeks

The concept came into use from bodybuilding. Bodybuilders call drying the process of getting rid of the subcutaneous fat layer in order to give an aesthetic relief to the muscles. The main goal of bodybuilders is to gain a fit body, for most girls who decide to try drying on themselves, getting rid of unnecessary kilograms. Another important plus is that you can get in shape at home.

  • professional athletes practicing training in cycles of "mass gain - drying";
  • men or women with acceptable muscle mass and body fat from 20%.

There are two groups of people for whom drying is categorically contraindicated:

  • overweight men or women(in their case, you first need to establish nutrition, increase physical activity, only then proceed to drying);
  • people who are underweight (or underweight) which to begin with is to establish a diet.

Drying is a complex process, including the observance of a special low-carbohydrate diet and the implementation of special exercise within a few weeks or months.

Drying exercises for girls at home

exercise should be performed with a small weight, at a fairly fast pace

Professional bodybuilders dry under the strict supervision of a trainer. They fix the amount of incoming food, observe the diet to the nearest minute, and subject themselves to grueling physical exertion almost daily.

Girls who want to lose weight for the first time using the method of bodybuilders do not have to make such sacrifices. It is only necessary to adjust the diet and add a few useful exercises for certain groups muscles.

No need to drastically load the body or change the usual diet - the body may react negatively.

Physical activity is an essential component of proper drying of the body. Experts recommend performing the following exercises 4-5 times a week for such muscle groups:

  • arms ( , )- , ;
  • - lifting the legs in the hang on the crossbar;
  • buttocks- (with and without cargo);
  • legs- at a moderate pace and.

In the absence of dumbbells, 1.5 liter water bottles are suitable.

The given exercises - basic set for a girl who rarely came into contact with sports. As muscle mass, professionalism and self-confidence grow, additional exercises are added.

Sample workout programs

jumping rope, if intense enough, can replace cardio training

The duration of classes for beginners is 30-40 minutes. Training is held 3-4 times a week (preferably Monday - Thursday - Saturday or Monday - Wednesday - Friday - Saturday).

The lesson is based on the principle that is, a set of exercises is performed as quickly as possible and repeatedly with minor breaks for rest.

Circuit training for beginners

  • push-ups from the floor - 15 times;
  • lifting the legs in the hang on the horizontal bar - 15 times;
  • dumbbell row, standing in an inclination - 15 times;
  • squats without load - 20 times;
  • jumping rope - 30 seconds.

Allow 3-5 rest between repsseconds to change projectile, the break between sets (circles) for a beginner is 2 minutes, gradually decreasing to 30-45 seconds.

The ideal result would be to complete the scheme 9 times, but for a beginner in drying, it is enough to limit yourself to 3-4 approaches.

As the progression progresses, the complex becomes more difficult, and training is held 5 times a week (weekends are Monday and Sunday).

How to properly dry the abdomen? Video lesson:

Training for advanced weight loss lovers

when running, all the main muscle groups of the body work and a large amount of energy is expended, which leads to weight loss
  • oblique dumbbell row - 15 repetitions;
  • squats with dumbbells - 15 times;
  • push-ups - 15 times;
  • jump rope - 1 minute;
  • hanging leg raises - 15 times;
  • dumbbell bench press - 15 repetitions;
  • pull-ups - 5 reps;
  • jump rope - 1 minute.

It is better to add exercises than to double the number of repetitions available.

Jogging twice a week will be useful as a way of active recovery. Jogging at an easy pace for 30-45 minutes will burn extra calories and give you a great mood. The other two days off are just to rest from physical activity.

A few words about nutrition

counting calories, as well as proteins, fats, carbohydrates is required

The second component of successful drying is the quantity and quality of the food you eat. Proper nutrition when losing weight by the method of bodybuilders is based on the following principles:

  • it is better to eat 5 times a day for a little bit than three times a lot;
  • drink plenty of fluids (1.5-2 liters daily);
  • 2 hours before and after training do not eat;
  • focus on lunch (40-50% of food taken per day), breakfast and dinner are light;
  • 2/3 of food is absorbed in the first half of the day (up to 14-15 hours);
  • the total calorie content drops by 300-500 kcal compared to the usual.

to permitted and the right products include boiled meat, lean white or red fish, egg white, vegetables, cereals. Fast carbohydrates (baking, flour, pizza, chocolate), dairy products (except low-fat cheese) are strictly forbidden for girls during drying, fatty food(including cooked in vegetable oil). It is easy to create a menu based on the recommendations given.

Dry food:

Regardless of your preferences or other conditions, any body drying exercises for girls will not give the desired result without cardio. Therefore, if you do not want to look like a round buttock all the time, cardio training should be important element your program. And if there is anything worse than constant cardio training, which many people are so afraid of, then it is cardio training that does not bring any result. As a result, time and effort will be wasted.

Whether you're on the side of cardio fans or hardcore haters, you'll always want one thing - that your workouts don't go to waste. To help you with this, we have studied many studies and scientific works. All to deliver 4 science-based workouts based on three core principles:

  • Effective;
  • Fast;
  • Interesting.

Below you will see 4 different approaches that will make body drying exercises for women as effective as possible.

Which workout for drying the body of women is more effective?


A 2004 article in The Edge dotted the “and” on the question of whether or not to interrupt a cardio session. Research has shown that it is completely healthy people performed 3 ten-minute cardio sessions at moderate intensity and burned the same amount of fat as in one half-hour workout.

Expert conclusions:

Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Medicine of Science at the University of Dayton (Ohio) Lloyd L. Laubach says : “Whether you train for 30 minutes at a time or doing 3 ten-minute sessions with a break, the same amount of calories is spent. This means that there is no advantage that singles out one or the other kind of physical work.”

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh also found that if you don't enjoy your cardio workouts much, then using a series of short cardio sessions will make your overall workout longer, and therefore more effective.

Drying workout

Inspired by the results of Prof. Laubach, this program was developed by Sidney Whitmarsh, who is President of Ultrafit Nutrition Systems in San Diego. The basis of this workout for drying the body for girls is the alternation of cardio with strength work. For example, you start with 10 minutes on the treadmill, then do a 20 minute workout. pectoral muscles, after which you again do a 10-minute cardio session on the stepmile. Then you start again with a 20-minute triceps workout and finish everything with a 10-minute session of jumping rope.

Track workout by the minute:

  1. Warm-up - walking or light jogging at medium speed;
  2. Walking at an incline of 10 degrees at an average pace;
  3. Jogging ( Smooth surface) at an average pace;
  4. Full sprint at maximum speed (no lean);
  5. Jogging at an average pace;
  6. Running with an added step (sideways) for the right leg;
  7. Running with an added step (sideways) for the left leg;
  8. Walking at an average pace with an incline of 15 degrees
  9. Sprint at full speed;
  10. 30 seconds of jogging with walking to fully decelerate in the next 30 seconds.

When changing legs while running with a side step, it is better to hold on to the handrail to maintain balance.

Stepmile workout by the minute:

  1. Warm up at a slow pace;
  2. Walking at an average pace;
  3. The maximum possible pace;
  4. 90 seconds of lateral walking (left leg over right);
  5. 90 seconds of lateral walking (right foot over left);
  6. Walking the stairs back, stepping on the heel;
  7. The fastest ascent forward;
  8. 30 seconds of walking at a slow pace;
  9. 30 seconds of slow walking to normalize the pulse.

Rope workout by the minute:

  1. Light warm-up (on both legs);
  2. With two legs, but at a faster pace;
  3. Jumping with two legs at the same time (2 minutes);
  4. Double jumps on one leg with alternation (2 minutes);
  5. Jumping on both legs at a maximum pace;
  6. Cross jumps (legs together);
  7. Jumping at a fast pace (knees to chest);
  8. 30 seconds of cross jumps;
  9. 30 seconds of jumping at a slow pace.

It doesn’t matter if you are using some kind of body-drying exercise at home or doing it in the gym, alternating the pace of the load in any situation will bring a lot of benefits. Research at The College of New Jersey (Ewing) sought to elucidate the effects of exercise intensity on cardiorespiratory, metabolic, and perceptual responses. To do this, 12 selected participants performed two 30-minute cardio sessions. One workout consisted of 15 minutes of intense exercise and another 15 minutes of low-intensity work, and the second workout, on the contrary, from low-intensity to intensive. Also, every 5 minutes of training, oxygen consumption, heart rate and perceived stress were measured. In the first variant of training (from fast to slow exercise), oxygen consumption and heart rate were higher, and perceived stress was lower. As a result, it has been proven that between these types of training there is no difference in calorie expenditure and carbohydrate oxidation.

However, the most interesting fact it turned out that during the low-intensity phase (from high intensity to low intensity), fat burning in the “calm” phase was higher than in the “fast” one. That's why correct program workouts for drying the body for girls should include alternating loads. When doing cardio, it is best to start with fast paced, and later switch to low intensity, even if it seems like an easier option. Fat deposits with this option will be burned faster.

The concept of training for girls on drying the body

Your body cutting program for girls should use this principle in your treadmill cardio sessions to improve their effectiveness. Also, the principle of cycling can be applied to normal running in the park or any other area. The idea is to run every half kilometer faster than the previous ones.

For the first 15 minutes:

  • The first half kilometer or circle is easy jogging or walking at a comfortable pace;
  • The second half a kilometer or a circle - increase the pace (if on the track, then set a high speed);
  • For the third 0.5k and all subsequent laps, slowly increase the pace or speed on the lane until the 15 minute cycle is completed.

Next stage of training:

  • Do the workout at the same pace (between comfortable and moderate) for the next 15 minutes.

Choose exercises for drying the body for women and experiment with the intensity of the load


As featured in a 2005 issue of The Edge, talking can help you gauge the intensity of your workload. This will avoid overloading or under-training. According to the results, due to the conversation, it was possible to determine the threshold for a disproportionate increase in breathing to the intensity of the load.

Expert conclusions:

“When speech slows down and it becomes difficult to speak in a normal manner, it almost exactly coincides with the onset of the ventilation threshold. When doing aerobics, you need to work just below the load at which it becomes difficult to talk. For anaerobic conditioning, you need to overpower yourself and exceed the speech difficulty threshold for 1-2 minutes, and then return to regular interval training again.

Drying intensity

John Porcari suggests experimenting to find out the best cardio pace for you. For this purpose, training for drying the body of women should begin with a walk. Increase the pace gradually and find a boundary when it becomes difficult to speak. Once you find the edge, slow down a little and this will be a comfortable intensity for your cardio session. This will allow you to find your personal pace and avoid overload situations during cardio.

When training in the gym, you can find the right pace quite simply. Start with a simple walk on the path. Increase the incline by 1% every minute. In 10 minutes, you should reach your ventilation threshold, which will not allow you to talk normally under such a load. Once this trait is found, you can train without going beyond this limit. Such a test is best done every 4-6 weeks to take into account the level of your preparation and development.

Correct determination of weight for training when drying the body for girls


Research at the Korea Sports Medical Institute has shown that using light resistance (dumbbells or rubber bands) when doing cardio work can help increase fat loss.

Renowned trainer Ray Wallace from New York used this principle in his program, using light dumbbells during cardio sessions to burn more fat. He even developed a table to demonstrate the effectiveness of a combination of cardio and light strength work. Such a training program for drying the body for girls shows much top scores than regular cardio.

Start with light 3-5 pound dumbbells and a speed of about 3-3.5 mph. Further, you can increase the weight of the dumbbells or the speed, based on your physical fitness.

Body Drying Nutrition Program for Girls

When choosing your diet, you can choose Various types foods that you like or are suitable for. However, it must be remembered that the menu and body drying exercises for girls work together and if the nutritional standards are not followed, the results of your physical work will deteriorate.

We have selected an example of what a body drying nutrition program for girls should look like and can be taken as a basis or guideline. You can also split up some meals by dividing them into two portions and eating at different times, or have 1-2 additional light snacks throughout the day.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal (on the water), a serving of protein, tea without sugar;
  • Lunch: a portion of buckwheat porridge (or baked potatoes), baked chicken breast (200 grams, without skin), a cup of green vegetables;
  • Dinner: any baked sea fish and seasonal vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast: 1 egg yolk and 4-5 egg whites scrambled eggs, a couple of slices of whole grain bread, 1 banana, tea without sugar;
  • Lunch: baked potatoes, lean beef steak (200 grams), greens;
  • Dinner: steamed fish, vegetable salad (no fatty dressings).


  • Breakfast: 1 yolk and 4 egg white omelet, 2 whole grain toast, tea or coffee without sugar;
  • Lunch: portion brown rice, baked chicken fillet (200 grams), avocado salad and seasonal vegetables;
  • Dinner: shrimp and vegetable salad (dressing - wine vinegar or olive oil and lime juice).


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk (skimmed), 1 glass of any berries, tea;
  • Lunch: a serving of durum wheat pasta, boiled chicken breast (200 grams), 1 cup of green vegetables;
  • Dinner: baked salmon (200 grams), cream of cauliflower and spinach soup.


  • Breakfast: 2 whole-grain tortillas, vegetables (spinach, broccoli, cucumbers), dressing with Greek yogurt and pine nuts, tea and 4-5 dates;
  • Lunch: Lean beef steak (200 grams), a portion of brown or wild rice, seasonal vegetables;
  • Dinner: salmon or tuna on a vegetable pillow.


  • Breakfast: omelette from 1 yolk and 4 proteins, yogurt with 1 glass of any berries, 2 whole grain bread with peanut butter (no more than 1 tablespoon);
  • Lunch: spicy salad chicken breast, feta cheese, bell pepper and Chinese cabbage (fill with salsa), coffee without sugar and 1 orange;
  • Dinner: 1 baked potato with skins, baked salmon (200 grams), 1 cup green vegetables.


  • Breakfast: low-fat protein pancakes, low-calorie topping, fruit smoothie;
  • Lunch: a portion of buckwheat porridge, several slices of turkey fillet, vegetable stew;
  • Dinner: stewed squid with Brussels sprouts, whole grain bread, 1 grapefruit.

Also, for snacks during the day, you need to use a portion of a protein shake, fruits (banana, apple, dried fruits with a low sugar content). Before going to bed, you can use fat-free cottage cheese.

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