Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Proper nutrition during training: diet, menus and reviews. Proper nutrition before and after exercise. How to eat before and after training for losing weight and not only


About fitness with love 19.01.2017

Dear readers, today we will continue our conversation in the section “About fitness with love”. Let's talk about what should be nutrition before and after training. After all, our results depend on what and when we eat.

The head of the column, Elena Shamova, a fitness and nutrition expert with more than 20 years of experience, the founder of the Strong & Happy family fitness clubs in Ukraine, has prepared wonderful material for us. I give her the floor.

Good afternoon to all readers of Irina's blog! I am often amused by this picture: women, leaving the club after training, go to the store, buy a bun and immediately eat it. Maybe they do this because they DON'T KNOW what can and cannot be eaten after training? But! If they didn’t know that they don’t need to do this, they wouldn’t hide the bun behind their backs at the sight of their coach . And then I tell them: "Here it is, the answer to your question, why have you been training for three months and have not lost a single kilogram."

Many people think like this: "I now go to workouts, so I can afford to eat everything." But monthly weighing speaks for itself. You cannot blame the club, program or coach for the lack of training results in this situation. Be honest with yourself first of all!

There are two main training goals: reducing fat mass and building muscle mass. Surely you are chasing one of them. For convenience, we will split the article into two such main sections. By the way, if your goal is simply to improve your health (for example, you need to strengthen your back), then first eat and exercise as for weight loss (if there is an excess of adipose tissue), and then aim at building muscle. If excess weight no, then immediately start strength exercises.

What to eat before and after weight loss workout

What you can eat before training

If you came to train at this time to lose weight, then 1.5-2 hours before the start of cardio training, there must be a meal rich in complex carbohydrates (cereals from wholemeal flour, cereals, vegetables, etc.) and proteins. For example:

  • cottage cheese with fruit
  • cereal bread with liver pate
  • omelet with vegetables and cereal bread

Due to the fact that when losing weight we must create a calorie deficit (consume more than consume), then the amount of carbohydrates must be reduced to 15-20 g, and protein - to 10-15 g.

Before exercising in the morning, you can drink about 20 grams of whey (fast-absorbing) protein right after sleep. It'll be enough. In other cases, you need a full breakfast, lunch or dinner. You have already watched my video on how to make them complete. Let's take a look at the basics of how to eat to lose weight.

What happens if you don't eat before your workout?

If you do not eat before a workout, any workout, then at best it will be ineffective (low-intensity), at worst - you will be dizzy or you will lose consciousness. This is because the blood glucose level drops very dramatically. The body cannot produce the right amount energy and includes protection so that you stop wasting energy that is already lacking. Not only can you get hurt when you fall, but in general, this attitude is very bad for your health!

If for some reason you did not manage to eat on time, 20-30 minutes before training, eat a glass of any fermented milk product or fruit to increase blood sugar levels. But that shouldn't be the rule!

People suffering diabetes mellitus, in training, be sure to carry a sugar cube or lollipop with you in your pocket so that you can maintain blood glucose levels during exercise.

Is it worth eating a lot before training?

Eating too much before a workout will drain your energy from food rather than your own fat stores. If the meal is too close to the start of the workout, then the meal should not be dense. It is desirable that it be loose and quickly digestible.

If the food did not have time to digest before the start of training, then this will threaten us with reflux (the discharge of food from the stomach into the esophagus), heartburn, belching, nausea, and decreased stamina during training, which reduces its effectiveness.

What can you eat after exercise

Now, let's talk about post-workout nutrition. How long can you eat after exercise? Don't eat anything for about 2 hours after your fat burning workout! Only whey protein is allowed for half an hour after it ends. it perfect option! It will "close" the so-called protein-carbohydrate window and properly "feed" the muscles.

But do not forget that when losing weight, it is important to eat often, at least every 2.5-3 hours. Therefore, if you ate 2 hours before training, and then you cannot eat for another 2-3 hours, then take whey protein after training as a snack. Alternatively, plan your meals in advance for your workout.

What and when to eat when gaining weight

Regarding nutrition BEFORE training when gaining muscle mass, the same recommendations apply as for losing weight. But there are some adjustments!

Pre-workout nutrition

To avoid muscle catabolism, you can add 5-8 g of BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids) to your standard meal just before or 20-30 minutes before your workout.

Often 6-7 hours before the start of strength training, cottage cheese is consumed, which mainly consists of casein, a long-digestible protein. This is what "straight people" do - people who want to increase muscle mass without consuming products from the sports nutrition industry. This is done so that the amino acids already split from casein are in the blood precisely during the protein-carbohydrate window, when the muscles are most susceptible to the intake of amino acids and need to be restored.

Nutrition after strength training

Immediately after strength training for 20-30 minutes, a person whose goal is to increase body volume should consume 25 g of rapidly digestible (whey) protein and about 100 g of fast (light) carbohydrates. For example, a protein shake based on fruit juice or milk, or with the addition of maltodextrin (this is such a sugar). You can also use gainers (a mixture of proteins and light carbohydrates).

People who are gaining weight need a lot of protein (at least 2 g per 1 kg of body weight per day). Protein is construction material for muscle tissue. After all, they want to gain weight with muscle, not fat. Therefore, they almost constantly need to eat and eat protein foods (cottage cheese, meat, fish, eggs, etc.). We talked about the role of protein in the human body

For those who want to gain mass with fat , the methods of sumo wrestlers are suitable: grueling workouts from the morning on an empty stomach until lunchtime, then a plentiful meal and immediately sleep. Guaranteed fat mass gain!

Workout in the morning. Diet before and after exercise

But back to the more popular goals and consider eating and exercising in the morning. When exercising in the early morning, eat right after sleep:

  • 25 g whey (fast) protein + 5-8 g BCAAs + 15-20 g light (fast) carbohydrates
  • or porridge with fruit
  • or fruit juice with cereal bread

It will take more time to assimilate common foods, therefore, sports nutrition is preferable in this situation. But after a workout, you need a full-fledged protein-carbohydrate breakfast (see video above).

Workout in the evening. Diet before and after exercise

What can you eat after your workout in the evening? If you like to workout in the evening, then 2 hours before the start of your workout you need to have a hearty dinner. Immediately after training, eat 5-8 g of BCAA amino acids, and before bed, drink a mixture of 20 g of whey protein and 20 g of casein. All this can be replaced by 150 g of cottage cheese with a fat content of 1-5%.

Considering the fact that the body spends about 7800 kilocalories to increase 1 kg of body weight, then with an increase in weight it is important to consume much more calories than you spend in the same time. And at least temporarily exclude aerobic training (each of them burns about 300-500 kcal in half an hour).

What shouldn't be eaten before and after training?

In all cases, 2 hours before and after training, avoid consuming:

  • caffeine (firstly, it removes fluid from the body, and secondly, it inhibits the compensation of glycogen in the muscles and liver; promotes the development of arrhythmias; found in coffee, green and black tea, cocoa, chocolate),
  • nicotine (in short: it wears out the cardiovascular system, etc .; quit smoking altogether if you set foot on the path of a healthy life!),
  • fats (greatly slow down the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates; consumed instead of their own fat if eaten before training).

Be sure to consult your doctor if you have a health problem.

Drink plenty of water before, during, after your workout, and throughout the day.

Enjoy your workout, enjoy your food, enjoy a fulfilling life!

If someone has questions, you can ask them personally to me by writing to the mail, you can also discuss everything on Skype.

With care and love for everyone, Elena Shamova
mail: [email protected]
skype: elle_parus

Today you go to the gym! Someone anticipates this event and prepares for it in the morning, carefully putting together a uniform, postponing gatherings with friends in a cafe for another day, preparing dinner for household members, and by the end of the working day quickly turns off the computer and runs to the nearest sports club. Another perceives it as a necessity to maintain the image of an active fashionable person or as a habit learned from childhood, spent at training camps. But for everyone who plunged headlong and all other parts of the body into the world of fitness and healthy way life, the main thing is the result of what they see in the mirror after many hours of stepping over a step or swimming in the pool. Unfortunately, the desired effect of training is not always noticeable. Indeed, many people forget that an active rhythm of life presupposes a special regimen and composition of food.

Pre-workout nutrition

So, in the diet nutrition before training necessary:

1. Include:

- carbohydrates.

2. To exclude:

Fat (or not more than 3 g).

Carbohydrates v nutrition before exercise are necessary to provide the muscles and brain with energy. During training, "fuel" is burned very quickly, and it is necessary that it be glycogen, since the body cannot supply the required amounts of energy from fat (due to lack of oxygen).

Protein in pre-workout nutrition they will not be a source of energy, they are a source of amino acids for working muscles. As a result, muscle protein synthesis increases dramatically immediately after training.

Fat should be absent in the diet before exercise, because it slows down the work of the stomach and the speed of digestion. Fatty food stays in the stomach longer and can cause colic, nausea and belching during exercise.

Best Pre-Workout Meals:
- poultry meat (turkey, chicken breasts) with coarse bread or rice;
- low-fat steak with potatoes;
- an omelet from egg whites with oatmeal.

The calorie content of food before training should be normal, as well as at other times. Bulky food (a large portion of salad or a bowl of soup) is best eaten an hour or two before training so that it has time to be digested and the stomach is empty. More dense food (half a bowl of porridge or cottage cheese) can be eaten 30 minutes to an hour before the start of the workout.
If you're exercising to build muscle, eat one large, low-glycemic fruit (apple, pear, strawberry, or any other berry) 30 minutes before your workout and drink it with a protein drink (preferably whey protein). The protein calculation in this shake is as follows: 0.22 g of whey protein per kilogram of body weight. For example, if you weigh 68 kg, then the cocktail (mixed with water) should contain 15 g of protein.
Also, 30 minutes before training, drink a glass of strong black coffee (you can use a sweetener, but not with cream) or very strong green tea. This will help the secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine, which mobilize fat from fat cells for the body to use as fuel. Thus, during exercise, you will burn more fat and less glucose, glycogen and amino acids. Fatigue during training will come much later. Your head will be better able to understand and you will be able to train more intensely. The effect of pre-workout coffee lasts approximately 2 hours. It is better not to eat anything immediately before training, since physical activity distracts from the digestion process (rhythmic contractions of the stomach in order to digest food). As a last resort, if you are very hungry, you can drink a glass of protein shake or milk.

Drinking regime during exercise

The most important thing during your workout is to remember to drink! Already at 2% dehydration, training will be sluggish and ineffective. Don't be guided by the feeling of thirst. Intensive exercise suppresses the receptors for thirst in your throat and digestive tract, so by the time you feel thirsty, your body will already be dehydrated. In addition, with age, the thirst sensors in the body lose their sensitivity. Adults need to drink water because they need to, not because they want to.
If you notice symptoms of dehydration (two or more at the same time):
- feeling of thirst,
dry mouth
- dry or even chapped lips,
- dizziness,
- fatigue,
- headache,
- irritability,
- lack of appetite,
immediately start drinking water and interrupt your workout for a few minutes until symptoms resolve.

Drinking regimen Next: just before starting your workout, drink a glass of water and during exercise, drink a little bit every 15-20 minutes. How much you drink will depend on how much you sweat. You need to keep your body hydrated and even super hydrated while exercising.
If the workout lasts more than an hour then it is advisable to drink special sports drinks. With sugars, about 30-60 g of carbohydrates per hour should come from them. The body will not absorb more than 60 g of carbohydrates during training, and training productivity may decrease. Drinking high-calorie drinks should be a little, sipping every 10 minutes. Sports drinks also contain beneficial electrolytes (salts), which the body loses through sweat and urine.
During your workout, you can also drink fruit juices, preferably freshly squeezed, not store-bought. It is safe to say that all commercial juices, even those sold with the label "100% juice without added sugar", are diluted with water and contain mixed sugars. Orange juices most often contain beet sugar, while apple juices contain corn syrup and inulin. The best juice is freshly squeezed orange juice diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Post-workout nutrition

You need to eat immediately after training, preferably in the first 20 minutes. If you refrain from food for 2 hours after the end of the workout, then the workout loses all meaning - as a result, ANYTHING DOES NOT WORK, a little fat will be burned, and that's all, but there will be no gain in strength, muscle density, harmony and metabolic rate. In the first 20 minutes after training, the body opens the so-called post-workout (anabolic) window for the consumption of proteins and carbohydrates (but not fat). Everything that will be eaten during this period will be used to restore muscle and increase muscle mass, not a single calorie from food will go to fat. It is very important.
Post-workout carbs are best consumed in liquid form from simple, high-glycemic sources. You need to achieve sharp leap insulin levels, with its anabolic and anti-catabolic (helps build lean muscle) properties. Cranberry and grape juice are considered the best because they have a high ratio of glucose to fructose. Consume approximately 1 gram of juice carbs for every kilogram of PERFECT weight. A glass of grape juice contains 38 g of carbohydrates (155 kcal), and a glass of cranberry juice contains 31 g of carbohydrates (115 kcal). You can also eat any fat-free carbohydrate food (bread, jam, sugar, potatoes, rice, pasta, fruits, vegetables, etc.).
In addition, you need to load up on proteins immediately after training. Best in the form of a protein powder drink. In this way, protein synthesis in muscles after training will increase by 3 times (compared to fasting). So take a bottle of protein powder and juice with you if you are exercising outside the home, and drink it all as soon as you stop exercising. The amount of protein from the powder should be 0.55 g for each kilogram of ideal weight. If you cannot drink protein shakes for some reason, rely on egg whites.
If you can eat within an hour after training, then choose any protein food, just calculate the required amount of protein. Your protein dose can be determined very simply: it should fit in the palm of your hand. Since the nutrition after exercise There is only one important goal - to promote muscle growth as quickly and efficiently as possible - that fat in this meal should not be contained at all. Fat will slow down the flow of carbohydrates and proteins from the stomach into the bloodstream.
Protein food should be low-fat, that is, if chicken - then breasts, not legs. If eggs, then only proteins. Beef and pork should be avoided, as they are always very fatty, prefer veal. You also need to be careful with cheese, milk, yogurt and cottage cheese - as a rule, they contain at least 5% fat. The only exception is fatty fish (not fried!). It can and should be eaten as often as possible.
After training, within two hours, it is advisable to exclude everything that contains caffeine: coffee, tea, cocoa and all chocolate (even protein powders with a chocolate flavor). This is because caffeine interferes with insulin and thus prevents your body from reloading glycogen into muscles and liver and using protein to repair muscle. So if you exercise in the morning, endure 2 hours, and only then drink real strong coffee. A pre-workout cup of coffee should help you stay alert and energized. If you can't give up coffee or tea at all, choose their decafinized counterparts.

Weight loss training and nutrition

Drinking and eating regimen before and after exercise for weight loss

If you want to lose weight, it is to lose weight, and not to build muscle, tighten, etc., then:
- do not eat proteins 5 hours before training,
- do not eat at all 3 hours before training,
- stop drinking 30 minutes - 1 hour before training,
- it is advisable not to drink during training,
- do not drink for an hour after training,
- Do not eat for 3 hours after training.
The results will be tangible.

2 week fitness diet

Fitness diet involves five meals a day.

With an average of about 1400-1800 calories per day, this diet provides safe weight loss. An exemplary fitness diet is low in fat, high in carbohydrates, and high in protein. If you are on a diet, you need to drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day. Even if your weight increases on the scale, it's okay, then you are losing fat and gaining muscle. You should not rely entirely on the scales. The main thing is how you look when you look in the mirror, and you can also judge about the changes by your clothes. If you cannot eat strictly according to the diet, then try to count the calories consumed and choose the menu according to the calorie table, trying to eat the least fatty foods. If possible, do not take too long breaks in meals, they contribute to body fat!

Fitness diet menu

1st day
Breakfast: 2 eggs (1 yolk, 2 whites), 100 g of oatmeal, 1 glass of orange juice, 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
Second breakfast: fruit salad, low-fat yogurt.
Lunch: 100 g of boiled chicken, 100 g of rice, green salad.
Afternoon snack: baked potatoes, low-fat yogurt.
Dinner: 200 g stewed fish, salad, apple.

2nd day
Breakfast: 100 g muesli, 1 glass skim milk, 2 eggs, some fruit.
Second breakfast: 1 glass of carrot juice, 50 g of cottage cheese.
Lunch: chicken salad (150-200 g of meat), 1 potato, apple.
Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, fruit.
Dinner: 150 g of fish, 1 cup of boiled beans, salad (you can use a low-fat salad dressing).

3rd day
Breakfast: 200 g strawberries, 100 g oatmeal, 2 egg omelet.

Lunch: 200 g of fish, 100 g of rice, salad.
Afternoon snack: fruits, yogurt.
Dinner: 100 grams of turkey, 1 cup of corn, salad.

4th day
Breakfast: 1 grapefruit, 100 g of rolled oats, 1 glass of milk.
Second breakfast: banana, 100 g of cottage cheese.
Lunch: 150 g of chicken, 50 g of rice.
Afternoon snack: 1 glass of vegetable juice, bran.
Dinner: 120 grams of beef, a cup of corn.

5th day
Breakfast: a peach, 100 g of oatmeal, an omelet, a glass of juice.
Second breakfast: 1 glass of vegetable juice, 100 g of rice.
Lunch: pita, 100 g turkey, apple.
Afternoon snack: salad, 100 g of cottage cheese.
Dinner: 100 g of chicken, salad.

6th day
Breakfast: scrambled eggs, 100 g of buckwheat, 1 glass of milk.
Second breakfast: cottage cheese, banana.
Lunch: 200 g of fish, 100 g of rice, salad, 1 glass of orange juice.
Afternoon snack: baked potatoes, yogurt.
Dinner: 150 g shrimp, vegetable salad.

7th day
Breakfast: an apple, an omelet of 2 eggs, 100 g of buckwheat.
Lunch; 100 g of cottage cheese, peach.
Dinner; 100 g of beef, vegetable mixture (corn, carrots, peas).
Afternoon snack: yogurt, 100 g of rice.
Dinner: 150 g of chicken, vegetable salad.

8th day
Breakfast: 1 grapefruit, 100 g of muesli, 1 glass of skim milk, 2 eggs.
Second breakfast: 70 g of rice, 1 peach.
Lunch: 120 g of chicken, salad, half a plate of pasta, 1 glass of orange juice.
Afternoon snack: yogurt, apple.
Dinner: 120 g of beef, vegetable salad.

9th day
Breakfast: scrambled eggs, 100 g of buckwheat, fruit, 1 glass of orange juice.
Second breakfast: banana, cottage cheese.
Lunch: 100 g of fish, 100 g of rice, peach, 1 glass of orange juice.
Afternoon snack: yogurt, 50-100 g of dried apricots.
Dinner: 200 g of fish, baked potatoes, vegetable juice.

10th day
Breakfast: 1 glass of blueberries, 100 g of oatmeal, omelet.
Second breakfast: 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 50 g of raisins.
Lunch: 100 g of chicken, baked potato, 1 glass of vegetable juice.
Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, orange.
Dinner: 100 g of fish, vegetable salad.

11th day
Breakfast: a slice of watermelon, 2 eggs, 50 g of bran bread, 1 glass of orange juice.

Lunch: 100 g of rice, 200 g of squid.
Afternoon snack: 150 g of fish, salad.
Dinner: 100 g of chicken, corn salad.

12th day
Breakfast: 1 glass of carrot juice, 100 g of oatmeal, omelet.
Second breakfast: 100 g of rice with raisins and dried apricots.
Lunch: 100 g of chicken in pita, salad.

Dinner: 120 g of beef, 100 g of broccoli.

13th day
Breakfast: grapefruit, 100 g of oatmeal, omelet.
Second breakfast: 50 g of cottage cheese, peach.
Lunch: 120 g turkey in pita bread, boiled corn on the cob.
Afternoon snack: low-fat yogurt, apple.
Dinner: 150 g of fish, vegetable salad.

14th day
Breakfast: 1 glass of orange juice, 2 eggs, 100 g of muesli, 1 glass of milk.
Second breakfast: banana, 50 g of cottage cheese.
Lunch: 150 g of chicken, green salad, 100 g of rice.
Afternoon snack: yogurt, peach.
Dinner: 150 g of river fish, vegetable salad.

NS that diet is a rough example of how you can eat. It should be noted that all of the aforementioned dairy products are necessarily fat-free. Beef, chicken, turkey, fish, seafood - boiled or stewed (as a last resort, if you do not eat at home, grill). Watch also the amount of fruits eaten, give preference to citrus, green apples. It is advisable to use brown rice, natural juices.
Diet means regular exercise!

Immediately after training, you need to eat within 20-30 minutes. Post-workout nutrition plays an important role in recuperating strength and energy. You can have a protein shake and eat fast or slow carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates are now allowed. It is advisable to give up fat after exercise in the next hour.

During this period, a protein-carbohydrate window opens and it is important to enrich the body with reserves nutrients, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities to properly function anabolic processes in the body for active muscle growth.

The role of carbohydrates after exercise

Carbohydrates provide the body with energy. In the period after training, a deficiency of carbohydrate reserves is formed in the body and muscle tissue begins to be destroyed under the influence of catabolic processes. It is advisable to eat fast carbohydrates. It is necessary to raise the level of insulin for the normal course of anabolic and anti-catabolic processes.

Depending on the intensity of your activity and weight, the norm is 60-100 carbohydrates.

Foods containing carbohydrates

  • Buckwheat
  • Pearl barley
  • Oatmeal
  • Durum pasta
  • Bread, bran
  • Bananas
  • Fresh Juice
  • Honey (not a large number of)

The role of proteins after exercise

A protein shake is the best for restoring muscle after exercise. Add to your post-workout meal food additive BCAA 5-10 grams. BCAAs contain 3 essential amino acids that are very beneficial for muscle fibers. Protein synthesis in muscles increases 3 times if you consume protein food for the first time 20-30 minutes after the gym.

Protein foods

  • Chicken fillet
  • Turkey fillet
  • Egg whites (cooked or omelette)
  • Seafood
  • Cottage cheese 0.5% fat
  • Lean meat
  • Protein dishes

Post-Workout Menu Options

  1. Buckwheat with fish, salad with herbs and green tea.
  2. Rice with chicken fillet, cucumber, tomato, onion, compote.
  3. Barley porridge with lean meat, radishes, carrots, vegetable or fruit juice.
  4. Pilaf, fresh vegetables, jelly.
  5. Durum pasta with chicken, 1 apple, green tea with lemon.
  6. Cottage cheese 0.5% with sour cream 5%, oatmeal cookies with milk 0.5% fat.

Immediately after all exercise:

  • Creatine - for him the best time for assimilation - after the gym. The norm is 3 grams to restore all processes.
  • Water - up to 900 ml to restore balance in the body.
  • BCAA (BCAA) - about 3-10 grams to protect muscles from destruction (catabolism) and enhance the anabolic process.
  • Glutamine - about 3-5 grams, is involved in the synthesis of muscle proteins, a source of energy, strengthens the immune system, helps to recover from physical exertion.

In 20-30 minutes (we will fix the information)

  • Carbohydrates - 50-90 grams, complex preferred.
  • Protein - 20-30 grams, animal or protein shakes.

Additional tips:

  • Sleep - take a nap for 1 hour after the gym, only for the benefit of the recovery processes in the body.
  • At the end of your main workout, cool down to calm your body.
  • Massage - improves muscle tone and blood circulation, improves mood.

Recovery after physical exertion

Recovery plays an important role in the growth of muscle fibers. You need to rest after the next workout for 24-48 hours. If you neglect this time, go to work out earlier, this will lead to the destruction of muscle fibers, because they will not have time to recover completely. If you want quality muscle, rest well.

  1. Take a cool bath. Scientists have concluded that a cool bath and a contrast shower after physical exertion reduce muscle pain and the body recovers better. Due to the temperature difference, the blood vessels contract and expand, while the toxins in the tissues are washed out.
  2. Avoid overtraining. Constant overload in the gym or in any other workout sometimes leads to injuries and poor results. This is because the muscles do not have time to recover and cannot progress. Do every 2 months a week with loads of -50%. This will allow the body to rest and recuperate properly. If you are over 25 years old, and you are not going to sacrifice your health for the sake of medals, then train at 80-90% of your maximum. After all, our body is like the engine of a car, if it is constantly overloaded, then sooner or later it will "overheat" and break down. So exercise long years and do not squeeze a little, so you will maintain the health of your bones, joints and the body as a whole.

3-Day Muscle Growth Program

When developing a training plan, you need to separate muscle groups on different days and you do not need to train the same muscle group 2 times a week. Enough 1 day for a good, hard, strength training.

An approximate training system, for muscle growth and keeping in shape, 3 times a week.

  • 1 day - pectoral muscles, cardio load (exercise bike).
  • Day 2 - back, biceps, legs, abs, cardio (exercise bike).
  • Day 3 - shoulders, triceps, cardio (exercise bike).

Do 2-3 exercises for each muscle group and 3-4 sets for 8-12 reps. Rest between sets for 2-5 minutes, depending on the intensity of the workout and your goals.

Take care of your health, eat well after exercise, and your physical form will be super.

I must tell you that proper exercise nutrition is 70% of success in bodybuilding. You work hard, try to build muscle or lose fat, but if you don't get the right nutrients, then all your efforts are in vain. Therefore, I advise you to study this article several times, put everything on the shelves and understand for yourself that if you tried in the gym, then the strained muscles, of course, will begin to change. The question is, if you gave them the nourishment from the outside and what they need, then everything is fine. And if they did not give food, then they will take it from internal organs or from those muscles that did not work out in this workout. Here's a simple arithmetic. Meals before training should contain carbohydrates, proteins, while it is necessary to limit the fat content (preferably no more than 3-5 grams).
Food should be taken before the start of the training process no later than 2 hours before it starts. Physical activity is known to slow down and even suspend digestion, so go on an empty stomach. In addition, an overflowing stomach will interfere with proper exercise, and problems such as acid reflux, nausea, and decreased stamina can occur.
Pre-workout carbs will provide you with energy. The accepted proteins will be used by the body as sources of amino acids for working muscles, creating the so-called anabolic “prerequisite”. Fat in your pre-workout diet should be absent because fat in food slows down the absorption of other nutrients. Fatty foods stay in the stomach longer and for this reason can cause discomfort, lethargy, colic, nausea and belching.

Pre-workout foods
Below are examples that combine protein and carbohydrate foods, you can alternate between these options depending on your taste preferences:

  • Poultry (turkey, chicken breasts) with coarse bread or rice or pasta
  • Lean fish with potatoes
  • Lean meat with potatoes or pasta
  • Eggs with porridge
  • Cottage cheese with bread

The amount of food eaten should be as small as an average breakfast. If you do not feel a feeling of heaviness and fullness in your stomach at the beginning of the workout, then the amount of food was normal. A pre-workout meal should include approximately 20 grams of protein and 40-60 grams of complex carbohydrates.

Protein before exercise
A protein shake is digested much faster than regular food. Therefore, a serving of whey protein one hour before a workout will be perfect. By the beginning of the lesson, amino acids, which are required by the muscles, will begin to actively enter the blood.

Pre-workout nutrition for weight loss.

T As well as when gaining muscle mass, you need to eat food before exercise no later than 2 hours before it starts, while the amount of carbohydrates is reduced to 15-20 g, and the amount of protein to 10-15 g. Take only complex carbohydrates (vegetables, cereals, wholemeal bread, wholemeal pasta, etc.). If you do not eat before starting the training, then you will not be able to achieve high level intensity, since the body will not be able to produce the required amount of energy.
If you eat large amounts of food or eat immediately before training, then during it you will spend mainly food energy, and not fat stores.

Post-workout nutrition

About an hour after training, you need to eat food rich in protein and carbohydrates. This is the only time when carbohydrates with a relatively high glycemic index, that is, fast carbohydrates, are allowed to be included in the diet.
During this period of time, the so-called post-workout, anabolic or protein-carbohydrate window is open in the body. For this reason, post-workout nutrition is essential primarily for muscle recovery and energy replenishment.
Carbohydrates after exercise
Post-workout carbs are best consumed readily from simple, high-glycemic sources. You need to achieve a rise in insulin levels - this hormone has anti-catabolic properties. Carbohydrates are needed to replenish the expended energy, and if the body does not receive a sufficient amount of them, then the destruction of muscle tissue begins under the influence of catabolic processes.
The required amount of carbohydrates is approximately 60-100 g.
Carbohydrate products

  • Buckwheat (buckwheat porridge);
  • Pearl barley (pearl barley porridge);
  • Millet groats (millet porridge);
  • Oatmeal (oatmeal);
  • White rice;
  • Pasta (from durum wheat);
  • Bread (bran);
  • Honey (in small quantities);
  • Bananas;
  • Juice (preferably fresh).

Protein after exercise

Drink a protein shake immediately after your workout. In this way, you can increase the rate of protein synthesis in your muscles by at least three times (compared to not eating after training). Proteins also increase the secretion of growth hormone and have a pronounced restorative action on muscle tissue.
The required amount of protein is approximately 20-30 g.
Protein foods

  • Protein dishes (recipes)
  • Bird
  • Lean meat
  • Eggs - boiled or omelet
  • Fish - lean
  • Cottage cheese

Nutrition after exercise for weight loss

If your goal is to reduce fat mass, then the tactics of nutrition are changing - you should limit yourself to only protein. Carbohydrates in any form from the post-workout diet should be excluded. This is due to the fact that energy comes from carbohydrates, which eliminates the need to spend subcutaneous fat... After execution physical activity the blood contains a large number of fat molecules that have been released from fat cells, at the same time, activated metabolic processes can destroy these free fats for a long time. Carbohydrates taken immediately after training will force your body to return all free fats to tissues, and start using food energy.

It can take months of study to come up with a complete meal plan tailored for you. special literature and experiments. The short way is to consult a specialist. I will tell you a secret that the so-called dietitian doctor is not such a specialist. It would be wiser to turn not to an armchair theorist, but to a person who possesses practical experience... A personal trainer with his own competitive experience or an active bodybuilder who knows about "drying" firsthand understands biochemistry and nutritional science much better than certified nutritionists with abdomen and shortness of breath.

Have you gathered your strength and decided to start leading a sports lifestyle? This is a commendable initiative, and the main thing now is to observe the regularity of the selected workouts. If these are classes in gym, then a set of exercises to achieve certain goals will help you choose a personal trainer. If these are group lessons, then your task is to carry out the movements conscientiously and not to hack. However, in addition to the sports process itself great importance has pre-workout nutrition and post-workout nutrition. After all, you go to the hall to "build" beautiful body, truth?

First - we eat, then - we run ... or we carry the barbell!

Food is the building block of our body. She can become our friend and ally on the way to perfect figure or be the enemy standing in the way. Let's take a look at how pre-workout nutrition affects the results we'll show in class.

The first thing that food should provide is sufficient energy for physical activity... You don't want to die of fatigue and lack of strength during your workout, do you?

We are given energy and proteins help to prolong the feeling of satiety for a long time. In order not to feel hunger, but also not to jump and run with a full belly, you need to eat 1.5-2 hours before class. This can be porridge with water with vegetables, omelet with whole grain bread, pasta, and fruits - that is, foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins with a minimum content of fat.

When planning your meals before training, consider the nature of the exercise. If you are going to, half an hour before them, you can additionally drink a protein shake or eat some cottage cheese. This is necessary so that the amino acids that have entered the body are immediately used for protein synthesis and muscle growth. Immediately before aerobic exercise, it is best not to eat anything, but only to drink a little water. By the way, you need to replenish fluid reserves during the training process.

To eat or not to eat - that is the question!

You successfully and productively worked out in the gym, and when you came home, you felt a slight feeling of hunger. What to do? Should you eat right after your workout or should you wait? Again, it all depends on your goals.

If you want to build muscle, eat within the first 20-30 minutes after exercise. The fact is that during this period catabolic processes begin (active destruction of muscles), which contradicts your desires. So that the work in the gym is not in vain, you must definitely eat an easily digestible protein (egg, for example) and C is the first one, everything is clear, but why carbohydrates? They promote the production of the anabolic hormone insulin, which prevents the development of destructive processes in the muscles. It is also good to drink milk after exercise, as it contains casein and whey to help promote quick recovery muscles.

If it is not in your plans to increase the mass, but a cherished dream is a slim fit figure, then during the first hour after training it is better to refuse food, and then eat something light and low-fat. It should also be protein. A great option is lean fish or white chicken and a vegetable side dish.

As you can see, pre-workout and post-workout nutrition differs depending on the type of physical activity, as well as the goals we pursue when going to the gym.

Summing up, we can formulate the following rule: nutrition before training should be in any case, preferably a couple of hours before training. After strength exercises, you need to eat for half an hour (fast-digesting proteins + carbohydrates), and after aerobic exercises - not earlier than an hour later (lean proteins + complex carbohydrates). Eat right and reach your goals!

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