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Drying the body for girls at home. Drying the body for girls: getting rid of subcutaneous fat

Not every girl who visits the gym is going to compete, but probably every one of them will want to sit down and see her body with a minimum percentage of fat one day. The period of fat burning should be carried out if a certain muscle mass has already been recruited and there is a constant experience, calculated for months (at least six months), otherwise there will simply be nothing to "dry". It is also important to understand that proper drying is not just weight loss, it is a decrease in body fat while maintaining maximum muscle mass.

Drying for girls at home and for competitions is not very different, as well as the menu for the day, since in both cases the main task is to acquire a beautiful relief body. The only difference is that in the last days competition is used over strict diet: water intake is limited and carbohydrates are completely excluded, and a day or a few hours before going on stage, the athlete consumes carbohydrates and gets a full muscle body.

But this is all very individual, and it is better to carry out such actions under the supervision of a personal trainer. If drying is required for life, then there is no need to carry out any schemes with carbohydrates and water. Let's find out what should be the drying of the body for girls. We will schedule a monthly menu by day for the first 7 days, and indicate the principles of nutrient manipulation in subsequent stages.

How to start drying for girls

On average, a fat burning diet lasts from 1 to 2 months, depending on the available body fat. Better to set realistic goals and not expect to dry out in one week. The entrance to the dryer should always be smooth and gradual, so it is much easier to endure food restrictions, and the result is a better shape than when you are in a hurry and do everything at an accelerated pace.

Food during drying should be fractional, in small portions - 5-7 times a day and nothing more. Carbohydrates should be consumed in the morning or 1-2 hours before exercise. Immediately after training, it is recommended to drink whey protein isolate, and after half an hour or an hour, eat a full meal of vegetables and protein.

When drying the body, any girl should definitely include polyunsaturated fats, which are found in (especially a lot in red - salmon, trout, pink salmon), nuts, avocados and flaxseed oil. Fat deficiency is extremely harmful to the female body, which can cause the absence of menstruation, deterioration of the condition of hair and skin, so you should not be afraid of the right fats.

What should be excluded from the menu right away:

  • sugar
  • cakes and any bakery products
  • products containing animal fats - butter, sour cream, milk, fatty meats - pork, lamb, fatty parts of chicken and beef

Can be consumed in moderation:

  • fruits with a high glycemic index - pear, banana, peach no more than 1 piece per day and only in the first week, sour berries and low GI fruits can be consumed throughout the drying process, but in moderation
  • sometimes you can eat starchy vegetables - corn, beets, pumpkin, potatoes (of course, boiled or baked without oil and only in the first or second week)
  • egg yolks, but not more than 2 per day

What can girls eat on drying:

  • boiled or baked chicken breasts, skinless turkey fillets, egg whites, any fish, including red, seafood
  • low-fat cottage cheese, but not more than once a day
  • fresh herbs and vegetables high in fiber - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, celery, asparagus, broccoli, green peas, all kinds of salads, celery, parsley

Non-starchy vegetables can be eaten as much as you want, they are not taken into account when calculating the calorie content of the diet, since there are practically no calories in them. It is also important to drink at least 2-3 liters of water per day.

How and how many carbohydrates to eat

Carbohydrates are probably the hardest part for girls on a drying menu. An excess of them can slow down the process of fat burning, and a deficiency will significantly worsen the psychological and physical condition. If you feel constant lethargy, fatigue and apathy while drying at home, you are ready to break loose and eat a huge cake, then you should increase the amount of complex (not simple!) Carbohydrates.

It is important to understand that serious limitations await you, and you will always experience a slight feeling of hunger, but if you feel like a vegetable and are unable to do anything, then this is wrong! Therefore, it is worth focusing not only on average indicators, but also on own feelings, the characteristics of the body, if necessary, increasing or decreasing complex carbohydrates.

For example, let's take a girl weighing 55-60 kg and a height of 165-168 cm. In the first week of drying, she will need 100 grams of carbohydrates every day, that is, 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight. With each week they will decrease, on the second they should be reduced to 60-50 grams per day, on the third to consume no more than 50 grams, but watch your feelings. The fourth week - we reduce the consumption of coal to a minimum, if weight loss is poor, then we alternate 50 grams - for two days, that is, one day without carbohydrates at all, the second day - 50 grams for breakfast.

All carbohydrates are calculated in dry form, since porridge swells when boiling, and, accordingly, the weight increases. Where to get it - from oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, whole grain bread, brown rice.

Protein amount

For drying, you need at least 2-2.5 grams per 1 kg of body weight, that is, a girl weighing 50-55 will need at least 100 grams. However, if a girl has a decent muscle mass, and her weight is 60-65 kg due to muscles, then she needs to increase the amount of proteins in her menu to 150-200 grams per day. Mainly, you should consume protein from animal food - meat, fish, eggs and protein, vegetable protein is consumed in an amount of no more than 10-20%.

In the first two weeks of drying, the amount of proteins is 50-70%, fats - 10-15%, carbohydrates - the remainder, in the third-fourth week of proteins - 70-80%, fats - 10%, carbohydrates - the remainder, in the last week proteins are reduced to a maximum, and carbohydrates to a minimum, fats remain, you yourself can determine the ideal ratio depending on your own shape and well-being.

Photos of girls before and after drying

The best way to outline the curves of the silhouette and model the female forms is to perform the techniques from the body drying program for 1.5 months. Just to begin with, you need to understand the difference between the concepts of "" and "weight loss". The set of exercises for drying is aimed at reducing the volume of subcutaneous fat up to 8-12% and the formation of a chiseled relief. Losing weight is due to a general loss of mass, including muscle mass.

Achieving optimal drying results is only possible with a systematic approach. A well-designed training program for girls means:

  • selection of strength and aerobic practices for the fitness room and at home;
  • multiple approaches and repetitions;
  • accentuated loads for working out local zones;
  • correction of the nutritional system - the inclusion of 1.8 times more protein in the diet for the formation of protein structures and the growth of muscle tissue.

Drying exercises for girls in the gym

Leg press technique in the simulator

  1. Sit on a special exercise machine.
  2. Place your feet at the edge of the platform shoulder-width apart.
  3. Remove the restraints and start pressing, bending your knees in the lower phase to 45 °.

Lower block thrust

  1. Place your feet under the arm raised to the desired height.
  2. Place your feet on the edge of the platform so that your heels hang down.
  3. Pull the lever towards you and automatically raise your heels.

Twisting on the block

The drying complex necessarily includes practice for the press.

  1. Sit on the support, facing away from the machine.
  2. Grab the rope, bend at the waist, and pull your elbows towards your hips.
  3. Having reached the climax, loosen your grip and straighten your body.

How to train while drying the thighs and buttocks

Bodybuilding classics -. The multi-joint practice strengthens the gluteal muscles, quadriceps, adductors and, lower legs, abs, lower back. For girls, a 20 kg bar is enough for drying.

  1. Get into a comfortable squat position with your toes turned in different directions.
  2. Straighten your back, tighten your abdominal muscles, place the bar or bar on the trapezoid, bring your shoulder blades together, and raise your head.
  3. Place your center of gravity on your heels.
  4. Lower your pelvis without bringing your knees out of the vertical plane.
  5. Get up slowly.

Drying exercises for girls at home

You can train at home, using a minimum of equipment for work.

A simple and effective technique is squats.

  1. From a standing position, lower your hips to a right angle.
  2. Stretch your arms out in front of you for balance.
  3. Watch the position of your legs. When lowering the torso, the knees should not protrude from the toes.
  4. Remember to keep your heels firmly in place.

After the warm-up set.


Training programs for girls include techniques for correcting problem areas. A common female problem associated with loss of muscle tone internal surfaces hips, tackle wide squats. Changing their depth, at the same time pump the buttocks and quads.

  1. Take a dumbbell with a light weight, grab it with both hands at the base.
  2. Spread your legs wide, turn your toes out. The larger the angle, the more active the muscles of the inner zones work.
  3. Straighten your back, raise your chin, lower yourself to the maximum, holding the projectile in straight hands between your legs. After 2 sets, try standing on your toes and repeating the movements.

Drying the body or workout for the glutes, quads, legs and abs

Complex coordination technique - lunges, requires mental concentration, the ability to maneuver the body.

  1. Take a basic position, hold dumbbells in straight arms.
  2. Move forward right foot, bend the knee, shift the weight of the body to the heel. Keep your left foot on your toes.
  3. Push off with the heel of the left limb and return to the starting line.

Perform lunges by analogy in reverse side, stepping back. Remember, that with a wide step, the buttocks are included in the work, with a narrow one - a straight quadriceps.

Belly Drying Exercises

  1. Lying on your shoulder blades, raise your legs high.
  2. When you reach a critical point, pull your lower back up.

Your taskdo 100 reps in multiple sets, giving yourself time to rest. Start with 50 times, gradually increasing the takes and shortening the pauses between repeats.

A slender figure is the dream of any girl. All kinds of mass media dictate to us strict rules according to which women with curvaceous forms are considered not the most attractive. Whether this is true or not, the fact remains. You and I live in a society and cannot neglect its standards without any consequences.

You've probably already heard about this method of losing weight as "drying". You could hear this word both among professional athletes and from your girlfriends. In this article we will tell you what is the correct drying of the body for girls at home, and how to implement it.

What is body drying

To begin with, let's figure out what the drying process itself is, and how to dry girls correctly to lose weight. Most diets remove water from the body, which allows the figure on the scales to decrease, and we are naive to rejoice. After the end of the diet, the weight returns, usually even with extra pounds. Due to some strict diets, weight is lost due to the loss of muscle mass, which is very dangerous to health.

Body drying techniques allow you to lose the hated pounds by reducing the subcutaneous fat layer and even replacing it with muscles. This is a laborious process, but very revealing and effective.

Many people abandon the idea of ​​drying, because they do not know how to properly dry the body of girls to lose weight. They are afraid that in order to lose weight, you need to contact many nutritionists, spend a lot of money on food and special equipment, but we hasten to reassure you - this is not so. Everything will be described in detail below.

If you, too, have ever wondered how to dry a girl's body from fat, read on.

Drying and losing weight are the same?

Losing weight is aimed directly at getting rid of extra pounds in no time, by actively creating a calorie deficit and endless physical activity... Weight loss in this case is mainly due to the loss of water, muscle and, at best, adipose tissue.

How do athletes and bodybuilders dry? They also adhere to a diet and increase training, but their weight loss does not come from cutting calories, but because proteins become the main part of the diet. If you reduce the number of calories consumed per day, then you will not gain muscle mass, the preservation of which is the main point of this method of losing weight.

Drying rules at home

In order for a girl to quickly dry her body from fat at home, you need to adhere to strict rules:

  1. Try to keep your blood sugar levels consistently low. To ensure this, follow the rules of fractional nutrition: eat in equal portions 6-7 times a day at the same time.
  2. Water intake plays a huge role in the metabolism and fat burning in general. Try to consume about two to three liters of water per day (namely pure water, other drinks do not count).
  3. Try to gradually reduce and learn to count them. This is not difficult these days: there are many programs and mobile applications who will help you with this.
  4. If you drastically reduce your calorie intake from carbohydrates, glycogen deficiency can occur, leading to a decrease in muscle mass. To quickly dry the body for weight loss at home, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates gradually, by about 150 g per week.
  5. Workouts during drying are best done regularly, with reduced weights, but at the same time, increasing the number of approaches and repetitions. Don't neglect your aerobics classes. Strength training is preferable for young people, since the program and diet for drying the body for men are somewhat different from those for women.
  6. Do not neglect sports nutrition and dietary supplements. With their help, you can further increase your metabolic rate.
  7. An excellent addition would be the intake of glutamine as a dietary supplement. Take 5 grams after and before training, and at the beginning and end of the day.
  8. To avoid damaging your health, drying should last 8 to 12 weeks.
  9. Try to refrain from eating low-fiber carbohydrates, in particular starchy foods, white rice... The presence of fiber in foods will make fat burning more efficient.
  10. How to quickly dry the body from fat at home for a girl? Develop a special diet for yourself before training. It should preferably contain protein. Moreover, quick assimilation is obligatory. Slow-digesting carbohydrates should make up a smaller portion of your meal.
  11. Eat fish or vitamins that contain fish oil. It will help you make the process of breaking down subcutaneous fat more efficiently.
  12. Try not to eat two hours before bed, as the maximum production of growth hormone GH occurs when glucose levels are low.

Diet features

To understand how to dry properly, you need to know the main differences between drying and other diets. You should be spending more calories per day than you consume. Getting rid of subcutaneous fat requires a fast metabolism.

In no case should you go hungry! This creates a lot of stress for the body, which slows down all the processes we need. So, with each meal, the body begins to think that hunger will soon come again, and puts everything you eat into fat. This can also affect your overall well-being. Weakness, dizziness, apathy are possible.

To prevent the above negative consequences from overtaking you, follow the rules that will help you fully understand how to dry a girl's body at home:

  • you need to limit the amount of salt in your diet;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • Make lean protein the mainstay of your diet
  • follow special rules for limiting carbohydrate intake;
  • emphasize exercises with a lot of repetitions.

Control of carbohydrates and BJU

The entire drying process is tied to carbohydrates: when they enter the body, glucose is released in the blood, which is then accumulated and processed into energy. If the consumption of carbohydrates exceeds the norm, there is an excessive supply of glycogen to the muscles and liver. As a result, the active growth of adipose tissue begins.

What does body drying mean for weight loss? This means an active process of lipolysis - the breakdown of fats. It is very slow and requires a lot of energy. For better movement of the hormone throughout the body, insulin is needed, which helps glucose to be absorbed. Insulin is produced by the pancreas.

Let's take a look at some of the situations you may encounter during the drying process.

Excess carbohydrates

As mentioned above, with an excess of glucose, it accumulates in muscle fibers and in the liver, such substances are called glycogen depot. With excessive consumption of carbohydrates, glucose turns into adipocytes - fat cells, which form the hated folds on the body.

If you know how to eat during sports drying of muscles, then this process can be started in the opposite direction. With this diet, you are deficient in glucose by reducing your carbohydrate intake. The body replenishes the deficiency from internal glycogen stores, and then from fat cells. This process is called lipolysis and takes a lot of time and effort.

Lack of carbohydrates

But be careful when limiting your carbohydrate intake. Too low glucose levels can lead to ketoacidosis (coma caused by insulin deficiency). The body needs carbohydrates, both simple and complex.

How to calculate correctly

The number of carbohydrates consumed per day should be 1.5-2 grams per 1 kilogram of your weight. Strictly control the amount of carbohydrates you consume and their percentage in relation to others nutrients.

Eat more carbs in your first and second breakfasts, and in the evening meals, reduce their number to a minimum or eliminate them altogether.

Calculation of proteins

The key to effective drying is the correct calculation of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). The ratio of 1: 1: 4 is considered the norm, which is wrong not only within the framework of drying, but also in everyday life. Because of this proportion, the number of carbohydrates sharply prevails over the amount of proteins and fats. For healthy eating or light drying, a 4: 2: 4 ratio is suitable.

If you are wondering how to do hard body drying for girls, then the answer is simple: try to stick to a 5: 1: 2 ratio, where the number of proteins prevails over the sum of fats and carbohydrates.

Low Carb Diet

To understand what drying is in sports and what it is for, you need to know what a low-carb diet is. There are many varieties, but they all consist in cutting back on foods that have a high glycemic index.

In the process, the number of consumed carbohydrates is reduced by 25%, while the amount of proteins, on the contrary, increases by the same amount. As a result of such measures, the body takes the missing carbohydrates from its own glycogen stores, which accompanies a decrease in body fat.

Intermittent fasting

During drying, it is necessary to arrange periodic stresses for the body. Such as carbohydrate days and, for example, once a week. Such measures will help the metabolism to be in rhythm and not get used to the new diet, which can significantly slow down your weight loss.

But remember that the abuse of such shakes is fraught with serious health problems and lack of weight loss per se. Therefore, fasting or "gluttony" should be arranged no more than once a week.

Diet during drying

It should be noted right away that the diet menu for women for drying the body at home must necessarily include polyunsaturated fats, which are extremely important for women's health. Do not exclude foods loaded with the right fats from your diet while drying. Let's figure out how to eat.

Forbidden Products:

  • sugar (drinks with its content, sweets, sauces);
  • flour (bakery products, cakes, pastries);
  • animal fat (fatty dairy products, fatty meats).

Consume in limited quantities:

  • fruits, especially those with a high glycemic index (banana, peach, pear, apricot). The latter can be used only in the first week a couple of times;
  • vegetables with a high starch content (potatoes, corn) should be eaten rarely, only in the first weeks;
  • egg yolks. Limit yourself to 1-2 pieces a day, no more.

You can eat:

  • boiled or baked turkey or chicken fillet;
  • any fish and seafood;
  • egg whites;
  • low-fat cottage cheese (only once a day);
  • fresh greens and vegetables with a low starch content can be eaten in unlimited quantities;
  • be sure to drink 3 liters of water per day.

Sample menu for the day

Answer to main question how to sit down to dry the body for girls - correct program nutrition. It needs to be selected individually, depending on the height / weight ratio, the desired result and the lifestyle of a particular person.

Many girls worry that such large dietary restrictions can provoke breakdowns. The following will be the corresponding efficient drying body recipes for dishes that are not only healthy, but also very tasty, as well as a weekly menu for girls.

Various combinations of dishes from our list will help you to diversify your meals. Choose one of the options for each meal.

  • porridge with skim milk or water (oatmeal, rolled oats), light cucumber salad and linseed oil;
  • portion of baked fish with brown rice and light vegetables;
  • egg whites omelet baked with tomatoes;
  • freshly squeezed orange juice with avocado salad and nuts.


  • Recipe Body Drying Fruit Salad: Chop light fruits, add some nuts, without seasoning;
  • specialized low-calorie crispbreads with a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
  • low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt with small additions.
  • rye bread with boiled chicken breast and mushroom soup;
  • a portion of fish soup, baked fish without oil, light cucumber and tomato salad, whole grain bread;
  • lentil soup, baked turkey, vegetable salad, seasoned vegetable oil;
  • boiled beef, lean borscht without potatoes, vegetable salad with egg whites.
  • rye bread sandwich with chicken breast, lettuce, cucumbers and egg white;
  • a portion of cottage cheese with blueberries and nuts;
  • cocktail of fresh berries and skim milk;
  • vegetable salad without butter with hard cheese.
  • baked chicken with vegetables;
  • steamed cutlets and steamed broccoli;
  • low-fat cottage cheese seasoned with low-fat kefir;
  • low-fat in foil with onions and herbs.

Nutrition program for girls for a month

For the diet "drying the body for girls" to be effective, the menu for a month should be thought out in advance. Final result will depend both on your efforts and on the characteristics of the body, which also need to be taken into account. In order not to get health problems and not turn to a gastroenterologist once again, you need to choose the right diet for each week of drying, because these periods are responsible for different changes in your body.

First week

It is very harmful to start drying abruptly. To avoid negative consequences, try to gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates during the first week. During this period, you should not reduce the consumption of carbohydrates below 2.6 grams per 1 kilogram of weight. Make boiled skinless chicken fillets, greens, cucumber salad and fish, which you try to eat almost daily, as the main products of your new diet.

Second week

During the second week, the menu should be tightened. Protein food prevails over carbohydrate food, which, in turn, decreases to 1 - 1.5 grams per 1 kilogram of weight. Dinner should be low-carb, but not devoid of carbs at all.

Third week

During this period, fruits should be completely excluded from the diet. The amount of carbohydrates consumed daily should also be reduced to 0.6 grams per kilogram of body weight. Keep in mind that it is very important to stay hydrated and to drink enough fluids.

Fourth week

In the fourth week, carbohydrates should be eliminated almost completely. In the morning, 4 tablespoons of rolled oats are allowed. Carrots are also included in the list of prohibited foods.

Sports nutrition and supplements

There are many cases - from breakdowns to slow metabolism - in which a given diet may not be as effective as it might have been. Therefore, if you do not know how, for example, to dry the body of a woman over 40, then in this and many other cases, sports nutrition and supplements will help you. They will not only help you cope with the difficulties of losing weight, but will also speed up the process.

  1. Protein- an integral part of drying itself. In most cases, those on this diet will have 50% protein supplements and 50% dietary protein in their daily protein intake. Protein powder has no contraindications (with the exception of intolerance to certain types of protein, mainly milk). There are two types of protein: fast and slow. They should be consumed during the day and before bed, respectively.
  2. BCAA- amino acids, which are taken 4-6 grams before training. They help muscles recover faster and grow in volume. There are such types of BCAAs: leucine, isoleucine and valine.
  3. L-carnitine- a dietary supplement that corrects the metabolic process and thereby accelerates the process of losing weight.
  4. Vitamin complex- due to dietary restrictions during drying, the body loses a large amount of vitamins and nutrients that came with the usual, high-carbohydrate food. Therefore, it is worth replenishing their deficit with special drugs and additives. Good immunity and an abundance of all vitamins are the key to proper body drying for girls at home.

Workout for the best results

It is impossible to keep the muscles toned and the body toned during drying without regular physical activity. Body drying exercises for girls will help you get rid of the hated body fat faster. Workouts that will be effective in the fight against extra pounds can be divided into strength and aerobic.

Aerobic (cardio)

Exactly what causes fat to decrease and calories to burn. This category includes:

  • swimming;
  • horse riding;
  • jumping rope;
  • various sport games such as: volleyball, basketball, tennis;
  • aerobics, step aerobics, water aerobics.

The specifics of these exercises are also very important. Aerobic exercise should be given to the body regularly, for an equal amount of time. It is better to do this before breakfast after waking up, since it is at this time that the body spends the most energy, which contributes to the rapid drying of the body for weight loss at home. Try not to eat two hours before training to avoid feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and reduced performance.


Workouts aimed directly at building muscle. If cardio training affects all muscle groups to a mild extent, then strength training focuses and loads on certain muscles of your choice.

You can run them like this:

  • gym - there you will definitely find everything you need for this lesson;
  • lifting weights;
  • exercises with dumbbells and barbells.

Strength training formats are conventionally divided into three types: supersets, circuit training and split training. Circular is that there are many approaches of a small number of exercises, there is a short break between approaches. Split workout is suitable for those who are interested, for example, in the rules of drying legs for girls. It provides for the development of individual muscles on separate days. Thus, you can work out exactly those places that bother you the most. And the last type - supersets, is something similar to circuit training, only with fewer sets and no rest between them.

Home workouts can also be effective in fighting excess weight. And if you do not know how to dry the abs and belly for girls at home, do not be alarmed. Exercises with weights and dumbbells help to keep yourself in shape. Exercise on a dedicated gym mat, even buying a new gym kit can motivate you to keep up with your workout.

Some basic exercises that are easy to do at home:

  • push-ups from the floor - first with bent, then with straight knees;
  • dumbbell squats;
  • various aerobic exercises with gymnastic ball;
  • lunges with a stick on your shoulders or dumbbells in your hands in different directions.

Ways to Improve Metabolism

It happens that products for drying the body for women do not have the best effect on the metabolism and slow it down. Here are some ways to speed it up again:

  1. Baths and saunas. The use of various scrubs and oils is encouraged.
  2. Wraps. There are many types on the market now, each of which gives its own special result, so you will definitely find something suitable for yourself. You can also get this procedure in many beauty salons.
  3. Massage will not only help improve blood circulation and metabolism, but also relax muscles after exercise.
  4. Has a positive effect on metabolism green tea and natural black coffee in moderation.

Exit drying mode

In no case should you leave the diet abruptly, otherwise the weight may return even in large volumes. After the end of the "feat", adhere to the same order of nutrition, that is, a list of products - what girls can eat while drying their bodies. Follow back to your planned meal plan. Do not stop playing sports, you can make them more rare, but definitely - regular.

Minor Results: Causes

If, after drying, the results are extremely small, this indicates any of the following errors:

  • lack of sleep, stress;
  • incorrectly compiled or violated training program;
  • BZHU is calculated incorrectly;
  • you did not follow the nutrition program.


These include:

  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • work associated with very active mental or physical activity;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastric tract, kidneys, liver;
  • severe malaise in the first weeks of the diet.

Diet for drying the body for men and what foods can be eaten during it are also selected individually. By following the rules that are incorrect for you personally, you risk, at best, simply not achieving the desired results, and at worst, finding health problems. Before starting a diet, consult a personal trainer, and preferably a doctor.

Motivation is very important in the process of losing weight. View the achievements of the girls after drying the body, their reviews and results, preferably with a photo before and after. You can even print photos, make collages. The constant presence of slender bodies in front of your eyes will remind you of your goal!


Useful information O proper nutrition during drying you will find in this video.

“Miss Universe”, “Miss Earth”, “Miss World” - who among us has not heard these loud titles that are awarded to beauties at various competitions. But today, when naturalness and a healthy lifestyle are in vogue, these titles are beginning to lose their former brightness. They are being replaced by the coveted titles "Miss Bikini", "Miss Sport", "Fitness Star" for which it is not always necessary to be born a beauty, but which can be achieved with hard work.

Drying is not food, or why dry?

V modern world beautiful body means almost more than Beautiful face... And, if imperfections on the face can be masked with the help of competent makeup or reasonable intervention of cosmetologists, then you will have to work on the body yourself. In order to achieve a body shape close to the ideal, you need to adhere to the rules of drawing up a healthy and wholesome diet and, of course, diligently play sports. And then, having got a taste, you can already participate in competitions for bodybuilders.

BTW For a long time, the concept of "bodybuilder" has ceased to mean "a mountain of muscles, like Schwarzenegger's." In fact, a body builder can be considered anyone who works to create their body according to ideal standards: strong, with well-defined muscles, but at the same time harmonious.

But what if, even after a long period of training, the muscles are not sufficiently prominent, the forms are not as tight as we would like, and after a couple of weeks - the competition? It is then that drying comes to the rescue: the period when the athlete switches to a low-carb diet and trains hard, literally drying out the fat layer on his body. Of course, this is a short-term and even extreme weight loss option, but nonetheless. It is much safer and more effective than strict diets and does not force you to limit sports.

Features of drying for girls: when roundness is not a joy

In women, the subcutaneous fat layer is distributed differently than in men. So, in the area of ​​the chest and thighs, girls a priori store more fat than the stronger sex, as well as in the lower abdomen. Naturally, it will be more difficult for a woman to burn these "reserves": the body will not give up without a fight - that is why it is the body, to take care not of beauty, but of procreation. Fat in the thighs and buttocks accumulates as an energy "reserve", which is used during pregnancy, deposits on the abdomen are intended to save the fetus from cold and damage, the same role is played by the fatty layer for the mammary gland. But, as they say, you need to work with what you have.

Therefore, drying for men and for women is, in fact, different complexes. Women need to eat even fewer carbs on a fat-burning diet, place more emphasis on split training and aerobic exercise than men, who prioritize weight training and increasing protein intake.

Diet for drying the body: an option for girls

So, we figured out that for you need to limit carbohydrate intake to a minimum, but raise daily rate squirrel. The intake of fats should also be limited, but they cannot be completely excluded from the diet. They are essential for maintaining the beauty of skin, hair and nails, for proper metabolism. The best choice will become vegetable oils containing valuable micro- and macroelements, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3 and Omega-6).

Let's highlight the basic rules of the diet:

  • consume a lot of protein: at least 50-60% of the entire daily menu;
  • count calories (calorie content should be reduced by about 200-300 kcal in comparison with the usual diet);
  • eat small portions up to 6 times a day, while consuming up to 2/3 of calories up to 16 hours, focusing on breakfast;
  • do not eat two hours before training and one and a half to two hours after;
  • reduce the carbohydrate content of the diet gradually;
  • increase your water intake by 20% (for example, if you drank 1.5 liters, you should increase the intake to 1.8 liters).

The drying diet can be roughly divided into 4 stages:

  1. It starts about 8 weeks before the competition and lasts up to a month. At this time, it is worth increasing the protein content in the diet to 60%, and reducing the carbohydrate content in the menu to 25% (the rest is fats);
  2. Duration three weeks. The goal is to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates to an absolute minimum (up to 10%), and leave fats at the same level.
  3. Last week of drying. Consume less water and reduce the fat content of the diet to 10%.
  4. A couple of days before the performance (the end of drying), you can increase the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet, but with a low glycemic index.

Sample menu for the drying period:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal with raisins / nuts / dried apricots, tea.
  • Lunch: two egg white / egg white omelet, cucumber / tomato.
  • Dinner: vegetable / fish / chicken soup without potatoes or a piece of lean beef / chicken / fish + vegetable salad with vegetable oil and herbs.
  • Afternoon snack: mushroom / broccoli / cauliflower cream soup or light salad or cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: boiled or stewed fish or cinnamon curd, or salad.
  • Second supper(optional): a glass of kefir.

This is not a balanced diet, so you shouldn't practice it often. Keep in mind that under such tight restrictions, the body needs more antioxidants: drink green tea.

Sports and body drying: fitonyashi - into battle

Of course, dieting alone is not going to go far, and exercise plays a major role in fat loss. Aerobic training is very important during the drying period: Nordic walking, cycling (), swimming, "hot" yoga.

Also, do not neglect strength exercises, which contribute not only to burning fat, but also to the development of muscle mass (and in fact it should be visible to the naked eye in the end). However, it is worth replacing heavy weight on average, while increasing the number of repetitions and approaches. Rest between sets should be kept to a minimum, trying to carry out the entire workout in one breath (figuratively, of course). Particular emphasis should be placed on isolated exercises, that is, those working only a specific group muscles.

You can train both at home (if you have the appropriate equipment) and in the gym.

Here are approximate complexes for both options:

Exercises to do at home

  • Warm up (cardio)... Run or walk (ideally interval jogging) for about 20 minutes, 5-7 minutes of jumping rope.
  • Power section:
    • Barbell Squats (5 sets of 20 reps)
    • twisting (5 sets of 20-30 reps);
    • lunges in step (4 sets of 30 steps);
    • standing leg curl (3 sets for each leg, 20 reps);
    • dumbbell exercises (4 sets for each arm, at least 15 reps per set);
    • with weights (4 sets of 15 times).
  • Cool down (cardio)... Running, turning into walking, is mandatory for stretching (5-10 minutes). Keep in mind that cooling down is just as important a part of your workout as the main one.

Exercises and programs in the fitness club

  • Cardio workout... Running on a track with varying incline and speed, exercise bike, elliptical trainer - at least 20-30 minutes, jump rope (5 minutes).
  • Power section:
    • reduction of legs in the simulator (4 sets of 30 times);
    • barbell squats (4 sets of 15–20 reps with minimal rest);
    • bending the legs in the simulator (4 sets of 20 repetitions);
    • wide grip block pull (3-4 sets of 20 reps);
    • hyperextension (3 sets of 30 times);
    • abduction of the legs in the simulator (3 sets of 20 repetitions);
    • push-ups from a bench or fitball or pull-ups on the bar (4 sets of 15 repetitions).
  • Hitch... Running on a treadmill with gradual simplification (slowing down), stretching exercises (to partially remove lactic acid and prepare muscles for tomorrow's workout).

A few more drying rules

There are also a few more "dry secrets" shared by female bodybuilders.

  • Have take care of yourself: during the period of accelerated fat burning, it is extremely important to monitor the condition of the skin, moisturize it, make masks, anti-cellulite massage several times a week.
  • H Do not overload yourself with training until you lose your heart rate. You will not be able to shine on the podium with the winner's ribbon if you tear a muscle or "plant" your heart.
  • H Do not get carried away with sports nutrition, and especially with synthetic substances that speed up metabolism and enhance muscle growth. You will know that your victory will not be entirely fair.
  • D To make it easier to count calories and BJU, keep a food diary: in your smartphone, on a calculator website, or by hand. Cut back on calories gradually.
  • NS remember about positive attitude, without him, even in the best shape, you cannot win.

A competent combination of exercises (preferably under the supervision of a trainer, even for experienced athletes) and diet will give an excellent result, which will not be ashamed to present at any competition. A wide network of legendary Gold`s Gym clubs provides GYM's and cardiovascular equipment, as well as exercise pools. Experienced instructors will always help you choose an exercise program and draw up a training schedule for achieving optimal results, develop a nutrition plan for drying. Once upon a time, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Colombo were engaged in our clubs. Trust us too!

  1. The first thing that girls should pay attention to is a clear awareness of the desired result. It should be remembered that for the normal functioning of the hormonal balance, the percentage of subcutaneous adipose tissue should not fall below the 11-13% mark. For comparison, in sports girls with prominent muscles, this percentage is already 14-20%. An indication of obesity is considered to be a mark above 32%.
  2. The second important thing one must watch out for is the rate of weight loss. It is very important not to go too far. Loss of 0.2 kg of adipose tissue per day is considered safe for health.
  3. And the third important point Are contraindications. Drying the body is categorically contraindicated for women during pregnancy, lactation and in the presence of diabetes mellitus, diseases of the kidneys, pancreas or gastrointestinal tract.

Nutritional principles for drying the body

The disadvantages of drying the body for girls are stricter dietary restrictions than usual. This undoubtedly affects the emotional state of the woman, and sometimes also the physical well-being. Irritability appears, often there is an unreasonable bad mood. Please note that the menu for drying the body for girls should include fewer carbohydrates than men.

BZHU ratio

But at the same time, fast carbohydrates should not be excluded in order to prevent intoxication of the body. The amount of carbohydrates per day is easy to calculate, based on the fact that they should not be more than 20-30% of the diet. And if at the first stages it is 2 g per 1 kg of weight, then gradually the volume of consumption decreases to 1 g per 1 kg of weight. It is very important not to lower the bar below this line. You will find an approximate menu for a week when drying the body at the end of the article.

The most popular balance between proteins, fats and carbohydrates during drying is considered to be 40-50%, 30-40% fats and the rest are carbohydrates.

Of course, the correct calculation should be based on yours - as you know, there are 3 of them.

  • For the mesomorph it is recommended: B - 40%, F - 40%, U - 20%
  • Ectomorph is recommended: B - 30-40%, F - 35-40%, U - 20-35%
  • For endomorph: B - 20-50%, F - 15-30%, U - 10-20%

Exit drying

Another important point that we would like to draw your attention to, before moving on to specific recommendations for the menu, is the way out of drying. Its planning is just as important as a careful study of the nutrition program. The body has been deprived of a number of substances for a long time, therefore, as soon as you return to a more loyal diet, it will not miss the opportunity not only to replenish reserves, but also to save them for the future, increasing subcutaneous fat with interest.

Grocery list

Although food on drying should include proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is still worth remembering that, to a greater extent, the diet for drying the body for girls should still consist of proteins. Carbohydrates are encouraged only slow and in limited quantities.

Listed below are the recommended foods for drying your body, especially if you spend a lot of time at home. Thanks to them, the process of burning fat will be as efficient as possible. For convenience, all products are divided into groups.

Foods you can eat safely

  1. Meat: turkey, chicken breast, veal, lamb, rabbit, nutria.
  2. All fish, including river and sea.
  3. Any vegetables other than potatoes and legumes.
  4. Low-fat cottage cheese, milk, yogurt and kefir.
  5. Tofu cheese.
  6. Seafood.
  7. Greens.
  8. Egg white.

Restricted products

  1. Boiled or baked potatoes in their skins.
  2. Durum wheat pasta.
  3. Cereals.
  4. Nuts.
  5. Fruits.
  6. Berries.
  7. Low-fat cheese.
  8. Egg yolk.
  9. Legumes.
  10. Whole wheat bread.

  1. White bread.
  2. Flour products.
  3. Sweets.
  4. Soft wheat pasta.
  5. Mayonnaise.
  6. Canned food.
  7. Smoked products.
  8. Sausages.
  9. Processed cheese.

Monthly meal plan

The program is designed for an average weight of about 80 kg. If your weight is more, then simply increase the diet at the rate of 10% for every 10 kg of body weight. For a lower weight, reduce the calories in the same way.

white baked fish - 150 g

boiled brown rice - 100 g

vegetables - 100 g

boiled red fish, with lemon juice- 100 g1% yogurt - 100 g

1 grapefruit

8 boiled eggs without yolks

baked fish - 150 g

vegetable salad with olive oil

fruit salad 4th day green tea without sugar

1 orange

omelet from 3 proteins and one yolk

one apple

one percent cottage cheese - 100%

boiled turkey meat - 150 g

2 raw or soft-boiled eggs

brown rice - 100 g

fish - 150 g1-% cottage cheese - 100 g2 walnuts

20 g pumpkin seeds

5-6 day 100 g with milk

a glass of freshly squeezed juice

boiled chicken breast - 100 g

buckwheat porridge without oil - 100 g

200 g fat-free cottage cheesebaked poultry - 100 g

vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice

boiled veal - 100 g20 g pumpkin seeds 7-30 day Repeat from the first to the sixth dayRepeat from the first to the sixth dayRepeat from the first to the sixth dayRepeat from the first to the sixth dayRepeat from the first to the sixth day

You can download and, if necessary, print the plan by.

Weekly menu when drying

This weekly body drying menu for girls, scheduled daily, is designed for an athlete weighing 50-65 kg. If you weigh more, then increase your total diet by about 5-7% for every ten kg of weight. The duration of the diet is approximately 4-8 weeks. It can be extended up to 12 weeks if necessary. This is a rough diagram and products can be changed. For example, chicken breast can be replaced with veal, and tomatoes with bell peppers.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1st reception 50 g oatmeala glass of skim milk

50 g oatmeal

2 slices of whole grain bread2 cups milk

100 g corn flakes

4 squirrels

2 slices of whole grain bread

2 slices of peanut butter bread2 cups milk

50 g oatmeal

2nd reception 3 squirrels

50 g green peas

150 g turkey meat

3 squirrelsa handful of nuts100 g low-fat cottage cheese150 g seafood salad

1 orange

100 g chicken breast

a slice of whole grain bread

3rd reception 50 g of boiled buckwheat

150 g chicken fillet

2 slices of whole grain bread

a cup of coffee

150 g chicken breast

vegetable salad

50 g brown rice

150 g veal

vegetable salad

50 g durum flour spaghetti

150 g baked potatoes

100 g broccoli

50 g buckwheat porridge

100 g veal

stewed carrot

100 g baked potatoes

100 g red fish

4th reception casein protein

dried fruits

no trainingcasein proteinno trainingcasein protein

dried fruits

no trainingno training
5th reception 150 g red fish

Vegetable Salad

vegetable salad

100 g shrimp

150 g chicken fillet with stewed vegetables300 ml yogurt

baked pumpkin slice

100 g of stewed seafood

150 g boiled turkey

vegetable salad

a handful of nuts

a handful of dried fruits

300 g yogurt
6th reception 100 g fat-free cottage cheese3 squirrels100 g low-fat cottage cheese

a handful of blueberries

100 g fat-free cottage cheese

a handful of raspberries

2 cups low-fat kefir

2 tablespoons of bran

2 cups low-fat milk

a handful of blueberries

vegetable salad

100 shrimps

You can download the menu for the week.

As you can see, drying the body for girls for each day provides for a separate balanced diet. This is the secret to the success of this type of weight loss.

Is it possible to "dry out" in a week?

Drying too quickly is far from the most useful and healthy way to get your body into shape. This rapid weight loss will stress the body and trigger it to “build up” reserves. So the effect will be, though obvious, but short-lived. However, in cases where it is urgent to get a result, a special buckwheat diet for drying the body for girls.

Its essence is extremely laconic. For five days, you can only eat buckwheat porridge cooked in water without oil and salt. You can't eat anything else. The main advantage of this method is that, despite the absence of restrictions on the amount of buckwheat, you will not eat a lot of it with all your desire. And, given its properties, you will not have any problems with the stomach or gastrointestinal tract during this period.

Popular questions about drying

There are many myths around drying and its methods, information that is unreliable and openly hazardous to health. We have tried in this block to refute the most common of them.

Questions Answers
What is body drying for girls for?As a rule, women who are professionally involved in fitness, bodybuilding and other sports, in which it is important to demonstrate the beauty of muscles, resort to drying. They do this on the eve of the competition in order to further emphasize the relief of the body. But also, recently, they began to use drying instead of the usual diet. simple girls who want to get rid of excess body fat. Experts strongly advise against doing this, so as not to harm the body.
Can I combine several meals into one if I have missed some?No. The calorie content should be on average 200-300 kcal, but in any case no more than 500 kcal. Because the body cannot absorb more at a time. Therefore, anything above this threshold will be “converted” into body fat.
In order for drying to be as effective as possible, you must completely eliminate carbohydrates. Is it true?This is a misconception. In the absence of carbohydrates, metabolic processes will slow down, moreover, the destruction of muscle tissue may begin. In addition, it is fraught with the development of ketoacidosis.
Is drying harmful to health?Correct, gradual drying is absolutely harmless to a healthy person. It is contraindicated only for people with disorders of the pancreas, liver and gastrointestinal tract.
What's the best drying method for a girl?The best is a holistic approach that includes training, sports nutrition and a special diet.
How many kilograms can a girl lose in a week of drying?It depends on the amount of fat initially, the intensity of training and the diet. Usually it is from 0.5 to 1.5 kg. If the weight goes away faster, then this is a signal to increase the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. Because this kind of weight loss is not healthy.
Can I dry out in 5 days?It is possible, but this effect will be short-term, moreover, it can be harmful to health.
How long can you be on drying without harm to health?Due to the peculiarities of metabolism, the period of healthy drying for girls is up to 12 weeks, while 8 weeks is enough for men. In the following months after drying, you need to constantly fix and maintain the result obtained, otherwise the muscle mass can quickly change to a fat layer.

Don't forget that 90% of your drying success depends on the right nutrition. And healthy drying can't be quick. This is a laborious and time consuming process. But in the end, you can safely brag not only about your perfectly dried and embossed body, but also by willpower.

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