Encyclopedia of fire safety

The technology of building a wooden house from glued beams. Glued beam manufacturing technology and its advantages. Delivery of timber to the object

Assembling a set of glued beams is one of the most important stages of construction wooden house. In order to comply with the technology and receive the declared performance characteristics at home, it is necessary to strictly observe and fulfill the conditions specified in the architectural plan. Second important factor– high qualification of builders and experience in building a box of a house from glued laminated timber.

In this article, you will learn about the basic processes for building a house from glued beams.

Delivery of timber to the object

The beam is delivered to the construction site in pallets packed in a sealed film to protect against external influences during delivery and unloading, which is carried out only on soft slings. Unloading and storage of timber on the site takes place at a pre-planned stage organizations construction process(OSB) place, so that it is more convenient to apply during installation. The entire set of building material is supplied only with the mandatory accompanying documentation, which greatly facilitates subsequent assembly.

Photo - unloading timber on soft slings

The procedure for assembling walls from glued beams

The first stage of the beginning of the assembly of the walls of the house depends on the foundation on which the walls are mounted.

On pile screw foundation work begins with the installation of the so-called "strapping beam" , which is attached to the heads screw piles through waterproofing material. Further, the first crown of the wall profiled glued beam is laid on the strapping beam.

Photo - an example of the assembly of glued laminated timber on a pile-screw foundation
The lower crown is a strapping profiled beam.

On reinforced concrete foundations, after the mandatory installation of waterproofing, it is mounted lining board from larch with which the installation of the first crown of the box at home begins.

Photo - lining (starting) larch board on the foundation

For the correct and trouble-free assembly of walls from glued beams, the foundation must be poured within the horizontal tolerance. The customer can always understand the quality of the starting board by the absence of any cracks and gaps that are not allowed in construction.

Photo - the quality of laying the lining board on the slab foundation

The subsequent assembly of the walls of the house from glued beams is carried out typically, regardless of the foundation. After installing the lining board, the first crown of the house is installed. In house cuts (corner joints), in door and window openings a stud is mounted, which runs from the first to the last crown of the box at home, growing every meter through the coupling. The hairpin pulls the beam together in significant places.

Photo - installation of the first crowns on a slab foundation

Photo - insulation Shelter for insulation in cups

Photo - overcut cup wrapped with Shelter insulation

After preparation, the finished part with insulation in cups is fed by a crane to the assembly site. To move the beam, slings and special mounting hooks are used, which are screwed into the beam.

Photo - special fasteners are used to feed the timber

Photo - supply by crane of a part of a house kit to the place of assembly

The crucial stage of the assembly is the fitting of the part into the cups. Installation is carried out in such a way as not to damage the corner parts of the timber. This requires high qualifications from specialists in the assembly of houses from glued beams.

Photo - "landing" of timber in cups

According to technological process assembling the box at home, after laying the timber in the design position, each crown is attracted to the lower one with the help of special screws for wooden structures- Shpaksov. .

Photo - high-quality fit of glued laminated timber

Depending on the architectural solution of the project, some parts of the house kit (for example, a balustrade, poles, other elements of balconies) can be painted at the factory and brought to the site ready for installation. .

Photo - parts pre-painted at the factory

We took care of the subsequent painting of the house. Details that need to be mounted before the start of the general painting are covered with a special film from damage until the complete assembly of the walls of the house is completed.

Photo - mounted balcony balusters

The upper crowns in the house are mounted using a special so-called "Power Knot" and "Power Knot 2". The nodes of force allow the upper rims of the beam to be pulled together, pressing them as much as possible to each other, thereby achieving a uniform adjoining of the beam over the entire plane.

Construction all year round

Glued laminated timber walls can be assembled regardless of the season. The main condition is the absence of precipitation (rain in summer, snow in winter). If during the assembly of the box at home a prolonged bad weather begins, work is suspended, the timber is covered with waterproof material around the entire perimeter.

Photo - sheltering the profile from precipitation

Photo - sheltering the beam profile from snow


Only if all the rules are observed at the construction stages, with the participation of experienced and qualified personnel, it can be guaranteed that the assembly of the stand at home will be completed quickly, efficiently and without errors.

In order to achieve an ideal result when assembling walls from glued laminated timber, mandatory preliminary work must be carried out.

Stages before the start of the assembly of walls:

  • Design - Architectural and planning;
  • Design - Design documentation(KD);
  • Production of a house kit (its quality control at all stages);
  • Organization construction site and building process.

How we assemble walls from glued beams at a speed of up to 35 m3 per shift and guarantee high quality standards:

  • Professional architects and designers with design experience wooden houses over 6 years;
  • Knowledge of equipment features and production capabilities of the leading glued laminated veneer lumber companies operating in the market.
  • Maximum quality control performance characteristics of glued laminated timber and own specifications for manufacturers;
  • Professional and experienced installers for the assembly of house kits.

In this article, we talked about only one, but milestone building a house from glued beams and affected important aspects wall assembly. To make the construction of a house from glued laminated timber more understandable and predictable, read the articles in which we will talk about other equally significant and interesting stages.

Catalog of projects of houses and baths

  • more about this house #terrace, #barbecue area, #balcony, #chalet, #attic, #second light, #boiler room area 301 sq.m number of storeys 2

  • more about this house #guest house, #terrace, #barbecue area, #mansard, #fireplace, #sauna area 106 sq.m number of storeys 2

  • more about this house #terrace, #barbecue area, #hi-tech area 161 sq.m number of storeys 1

  • more about this house #garage, #terrace, #balcony, #chalet, #attic, #hi-tech, #fireplace, #second light, #boiler room area 330 sq.m number of storeys 2

  • more about this house #guest house, #balcony, #mansard, #fireplace, #boiler room area 158 sq.m number of storeys 2

Against the background of other wood building materials for the construction of house walls, glued laminated timber can rightly be called the best. These products have many advantages that make houses made of this material strong, warm, durable and environmentally friendly. The technology for building a house from glued laminated timber is quite simple, so this method of construction can be chosen for self erection Houses. In the course of work you will not need construction machinery, which is an added benefit. You can also save on arranging the foundation, because easy wall material will not heavily load the base.

Manufacturing features

If you decide to make glued laminated timber yourself, the production technology requires specialized equipment. Without it, making such material with your own hands will not work.

The manufacturing technology of wood glued material includes several stages:

  1. Before manufacturing, a careful sorting of wood is carried out. Only high quality raw materials are selected. Wood is selected taking into account the grade, species, size and other important characteristics.
  2. The wood is then sawn and dried. The material is sawn into boards of a certain size. The thinner the workpiece, the better it will dry. Drying of products is carried out in special chambers with modern equipment. The material is dried to the specified moisture content under continuous monitoring of the equipment.
  3. Control and calibration. Next, the dried blanks are carefully controlled and calibrated. This can be done both on special equipment and visually by workers. As a result, defective boards are removed.
  4. Lamellar formation. This stage consists of two stages. First of all, the dried material is sent to the machine, where areas with defects are cut out of it. After that, the board is cut into thin lamellas, which are spliced ​​in length.
  5. Further, the blanks are treated with antiseptic compounds to protect against decay, fungus and mold damage, and are also impregnated with flame retardants to increase their fire resistance and resistance to environmental factors.
  6. After that, the blanks are lubricated with a special waterproof glue and sent under the press. As a result, under pressure, the adhesive composition penetrates into the pores of the wood and reliably glues the lamellas together. Total number lamellas in one bar can be 2-5 and depends on the required thickness of the product. The final thickness of the beam can reach up to 250 mm.

Important: in the process of manufacturing the timber, only high-quality harmless glue is used that meets all safety standards. In addition, the adhesive used should not interfere with the natural "breathing" of the wood.

  1. The last stage in the manufacture of timber will be its profiling. Now the timber is cut in length to the right sizes, after which it is sent to the machine, on which products are cut out in the body interlock connections in the form of spikes and grooves. These grooves and studs are precisely sized and fit together without gaps and cold bridges. Thanks to such a lock, when laying the timber, a hermetic connection is obtained that does not require the use of tape interventional insulation.
  2. To protect the product from mechanical damage or surface contamination, it is packaged before storage or delivery to trading network.

Usually glued timber is made from wood of the same species. But in some cases, to increase its aesthetic appeal, lamellas of more expensive wood species are used as two outer layers. Such products are more expensive than glued beams from one type of wood.

Advantages and disadvantages

Glued laminated timber, the manufacturing technology of which is described above, has its pros and cons. Among positive qualities of this building material, thanks to which it is so popular, it is worth listing the following:

  • Qualitatively dried and chopped blanks absorb various protective compounds. Thanks to this, the finished product and the entire building are reliably protected from negative impact weather factors, moisture, spoilage by microorganisms, insects, and are also less prone to fire.
  • Thanks to a special technology for manufacturing and cutting locks, it is possible to achieve the most dense and hermetic connection of individual wall elements. There are no gaps and cold bridges in the wall construction, so your house will always be warm, which will allow you to save on heating. You will receive additional savings during construction due to the fact that you do not need interventional insulation. In addition, a tight and even connection of the elements, as well as the absence of a heater sticking out of the slots, will have a beneficial effect on appearance Houses.
  • The manufacturing technology of timber contributes to the preservation of all the positive qualities of wood, thanks to which a favorable microclimate is formed in the house, humidity and temperature in the room are regulated.
  • Thanks to technology chamber drying well-dried wood practically does not shrink, so after building a box at home, you do not need to take a long pause for shrinkage before starting Finishing work and move into the house.

Attention: the shrinkage of a house made of glued wood material, according to technological standards, should not exceed 1.5%.

  • The beautiful smooth surface of the timber allows you to do without any finishing at home, which will allow you to save a lot.
  • The bearing capacity of glued beams is much higher than that of solid wood products. In this way, it is much better than ordinary profiled timber, rounded and untreated logs.
  • Dimensional stability. This material is not afraid of changes in humidity and temperature, prolonged static loads, frost and thawing. It does not react to all these factors with deformations, shrinkage, cracking and changes in geometric shape and dimensions.
  • On glued material do not occur through cracks, That's why thermal insulation characteristics of such a beam is higher than that of other solid wood products.
  • Since during production it is possible to prepare glued laminated timber, the dimensions of which will be precisely adjusted to future construction, during the assembly process, waste will be minimal or even equal to zero. This helps to reduce the estimated cost, speeds up the construction process and saves on wages if the house is built by a hired team.

Among the disadvantages of glued products, it is worth mentioning the following points:

  • The weight of glued beams is slightly higher than that of conventional wood products. However, the increase specific gravity not critical, so it will in no way affect the manufacture of the foundation.
  • It is worth buying glued elements only from a reliable, trusted manufacturer, since you cannot control the manufacturing process. Unscrupulous manufacturers take advantage of this and use low-quality glue or defective wood, they can also work on outdated equipment, which will affect the quality of the product.

Beam laying technology

The construction technology of glued beams is no different from the installation of any wooden house. You can make a lightweight foundation by choosing a shallow foundation. strip base, pile-screw or columnar structure. After that, horizontal waterproofing of the base is mandatory. For this, two layers of roofing material are laid on bituminous mastic.

After that, follow the following installation sequence:

  1. A lining board made of larch is laid on the foundation. It must be subjected to antiseptic treatment. The board is level. Thanks to this board, it will be possible to protect the expensive beam of the first crown from the damaging effects of moisture and rot.
  2. Next, we proceed to laying the first crown crown. First, two beams are laid on opposite walls, and after that, the elements on the walls adjacent to them are mounted in grooves. To perform the crown crown, you should choose the most durable, quality products large section.
  3. Corner connection of elements can be performed different ways- “in the paw”, “in the bowl”, “in half a tree”, that is, with the remainder or not. The warmest connection is obtained with corner laying according to the Canadian bowl principle. As a result, all elements are securely connected into one structure without cold bridges and blowing.
  4. The first beam is attached to the foundation with anchor bolts that are inserted into pre-drilled holes.
  5. The following items are being installed. Lock connections of all rows are joined according to the "groove-thorn" principle. Places must be insulated corner connection elements.
  6. If there are no grooves for insulation in the thickets of the beam, then it can be laid directly on the bowl of the underlying element at the corner joint.
  7. After laying each subsequent row of timber, they are pressed. The width of the interventional gap should be no more than 1 mm. It will close after the building shrinks.
  8. Every three crowns make additional fixation with dowels - long wooden elements. They will give the structure additional stability and protect the logs from twisting.
  9. Also, the crowns are additionally tightened with studs to prevent the formation of inter-crown gaps after the building shrinks.
  10. The process of installing a roof is the same as when building a house from other wood materials.

Since ancient times, the most popular building material was wood. It was used in almost any area where something needed to be built. But in some cases, for special architectural ideas, ordinary logs cannot be used. You have to use other materials. After the advent of glued beams, it became possible to build buildings of complex construction entirely from wood.

The appearance of the end section of glued laminated timber with a description of the advantages.

With such construction, it is required that the technology for building a house from glued beams is carried out very carefully and carefully. When a house is being built, the best and most quality materials.

are becoming preferred natural materials that meet the basic requirements. They must be durable, reliable and match the external design. The recently developed technology for building a house from glued laminated timber has revived the lost interest in building wooden houses. Indeed, recently houses made of bricks have become very fashionable.

The project and its features

Every construction always starts with a design. The construction of houses from glued beams is no exception. A special computer program. Of course, for such work you will need certain knowledge. When developing documentation and drawings of a glued beam house, it is required to prepare:

The foundation for a house made of glued laminated timber.

  1. Foundation plan. A drawing of the foundation is being developed, which indicates its type, the depth of the trench, the materials used, and so on.
  2. Plan of floor beams. The type of support beams will depend on the type of foundation chosen. For this, a special drawing is made, which will become the basis for the future construction of the floor.
  3. Floor plan of the building. Such documentation is considered the most time-consuming in the development of the plan. On the drawing it is necessary to show the places where they will be located: windows, doors, walls, internal partitions.
  4. For each part, all overall dimensions must be indicated. In addition, it is desirable that the completed drawing shows the location of the fireplace and the connections of all utilities.
  5. Razbrusovka. When designing, the drawing shows a section of the house wall. In accordance with these drawings, the preparation of glued beams is carried out. This process is the most time-consuming, it needs to be paid Special attention. I must say that this is the most difficult design point. When the spreading technology is developed, the walls of the future building are drawn, an axial section is made, all the details of the wall are shown, its connection with other walls. In the final form of the distribution of houses from glued beams, a drawing is made of each detail of the wall. All major dimensions, hole diameters, cutouts and cups are shown.
  6. Numbering. Each project gives all elements an individual number, with which it can be easily identified in the future.

Benefits of a glued beam house

Positive qualities are provided by the technology of manufacturing glued laminated timber. It is first cleaned, all knots removed, then sorted according to texture and color shades. This technology allows you to get a great look:

The construction of the walls of the house from glued beams.

  1. permanence overall dimensions. Glued wood is able to maintain its dimensions. She doesn't change shape after for long years operation. Houses made of glued laminated timber do not shrink, as the timber does not twist and does not begin to bend over time. The reason for such properties is the absence of internal stresses and ideally dried raw materials.
  2. Strength. Solid wood in this matter is much inferior to glued wood. Its strength is half that of glued beams. Therefore, such a beam began to be used in the latest wooden housing construction. The characteristics of houses made of glued beams meet the requirements of building technology.

Thermal properties of a house made of glued laminated timber

It has long been known that any wooden house is warm. Excellent thermal performance makes it possible to save on the purchase of expensive heating equipment and fuel. To heat houses made of glued laminated timber, ten times less fuel is required when compared with a house built of bricks.

The device of the wall in the house of glued beams.

The time for the construction of such houses is much less than the time required for the construction of the same building if raw wood is used. This became possible due to the fact that the glued laminated timber is manufactured at the factory with aging exact dimensions and good drying. The design of the house is assembled very quickly, installation is not particularly difficult. After laying the foundation, the assembly of the house lasts approximately 5 weeks.

A lot of space is given to warming the house. In ordinary wooden houses there are seams, which are very difficult to seal. With houses made of glued laminated timber, everything is much simpler. During assembly, the bars are precisely adjusted in size, so it is not necessary to install additional insulation to close the grooves. It should be noted that the design of such bars protects its middle from water. Such a house is never affected by rot.

Individual logs are very difficult to finish even with excellent fit. The walls still remain uneven, the finishing process is much more complicated. Glued laminated timber walls are very even, the surface is completely smooth. Such a wall looks like a monolith. It is not necessary to finish these walls from the outside.

The nuances of construction from glued beams

Every home starts with a foundation. For glued beams, a tape version is used. Such a foundation must necessarily have a well-ventilated space (directly under the house). Therefore, special vents are provided in this foundation, due to which the underground is ventilated. For every detail strip foundation there should be two showerheads.

At the first stage, the dimensions of the strip foundation are determined.

Scheme of fastening the beam.

A one-story house made of glued laminated timber usually has a foundation poured to a depth of 800 mm. Its width reaches 500 mm. 15 cm of the dug trench is covered with sand, which must be compacted.

After the foundation work is completed, all construction is carried out according to the classical system:

  • a reinforcing cage is made;
  • formwork is mounted;
  • concrete is being poured.

The formwork should rise above the ground by about 300 mm. Before pouring concrete, it is required to prepare ventilation holes in advance. For this purpose, mortgages are inserted in the right places, which are subsequently knocked out. You can, of course, do without the device of mortgages. It is possible to make holes using a puncher. However, such work is rather complicated and time-consuming. Exactly a month waiting for the foundation to dry.

The second step of construction is the installation of crowns. Before this operation, the foundation is covered waterproofing material. First, the entire surface is smeared bituminous mastic, and then put several layers of roofing material.

Schemes for marking the joints of the corners of the beam.

On the insulation made, the crown is installed, which is a beam that fits directly onto the foundation. First, the bottom trim is made. Together with it, sex logs are placed, after which the installation of the first crown is performed. This structural element laid along partitions: it is installed together with load-bearing walls.

After completion of work with the crown, the construction of the walls begins. In this case, the installation of a house from glued laminated timber is similar to the assembly of a designer. The beams are fastened with spikes, which are driven into pre-prepared holes. In this work, much attention is paid to when ligation of corners is performed.

Final moments of construction

The connection of the beam along the length with a straight overhead lock and an oblique overhead lock.

One of the penultimate steps in the construction of houses from glued beams is the installation of the roof. Its installation is similar in complexity to the construction of walls. As mentioned above, such houses are built according to a special project in the factory. They are brought to the construction site in the form of finished parts that need only be assembled.

One of these details is the roof. In this regard, its installation requires only correct fastening necessary elements in specific places. Basically, these houses have a roof made of colored shingles. It must be said that only roofing material in this case, it is not made of wood.

The final operation of building a house from glued laminated timber requires only finishing the surface of the floor and walls. Most important work during this technological operation, the production of the floor is considered. Usually this is a multi-layer structure, under which moisture-resistant plywood is placed. A special decorative coating. Both of these layers are separated by a reinforced screed, sometimes a strong boardwalk is laid.

Wall surfaces inside the house are most often made of wood, but decorating with other types of materials will also look good.

When building a house for our family, we try to choose high-quality materials for it. Preference is given to natural, but at the same time, produced taking into account modern requirements to durability, reliability, external design products. The relatively recent technology for the production of glued beams has renewed interest in the construction of wooden houses, which many had previously abandoned in favor of brick, stone or block houses.

Of course, all the materials listed above have their own advantages and are ideal for the construction of durable, beautiful and modern houses. But, nevertheless, they cannot be compared with a tree in terms of the level of comfort and coziness that you experience while being in a wooden structure.

Production of glued beams

Prerequisites for the emergence of technology

To begin with, let's figure out how and why the technology of glued laminated timber appeared at all, how this material differs from a similar product, simply cut from solid wood.

Everyone is well aware of the property of a tree to dry out and deform during operation. As a result of this process, houses built from it give a serious shrinkage, sometimes reaching 15-18% of the original height. Shrinkage, in turn, leads to deformation of the entire structure and its structural elements, for example, window and door blocks.

In addition, over time, external defects appear on the wood - cracks, fallen knots, blue discoloration, which requires protective and preventive measures.

Production stages

It should be noted that the production of glued laminated timber requires complex high-quality equipment - to create it with your own hands in artisanal conditions just impossible.

The process consists of several technological stages:

  • Wood sorting. At this stage, a careful selection of raw materials takes place: it is divided into species, varieties, sizes and other important parameters.

For reference. Sorting of raw materials is regulated by regulatory documents.
In particular, GOST 8486-86.

  • Drying. Wood is placed in special drying chambers equipped with modern equipment. In them, under continuous control, the lumber is dried to the specified moisture content. (see also article)

  • Manufacturing of blanks. This process consists of two stages. First, the dried wood is sent to the machines, which carefully cut out all the defects and damaged areas from it. After that, it is cut into lamellas, which are spliced ​​along the length.

  • Gluing . The blanks lubricated with environmentally friendly glue are connected and placed under a powerful press. Glue under pressure penetrates into all the pores of the wood, firmly fastening the lamellas to each other. The number of lamellas in a beam depends on its design thickness.

Note. Most often, glued beams consist entirely of one type of wood.
But there are varieties with one or two outer lamellas made of more expensive wood.
Accordingly, their price will also be higher.

  • Profiling. At this stage, the timber blanks are cut to length and planed, and then sent to special machines that cut lock joints in the body of the blank - precisely sized grooves. The technology of assembling a log house from glued laminated timber, thanks to the presence of these grooves and spikes that are ideally suited to each other, makes it possible to do without the use of sealing materials in the seams between the crowns.

  • Package . Finished timber Before being sent to a warehouse or distribution network, they are packed to prevent mechanical damage and surface contamination.

Some manufacturers, in addition to the timber itself, produce manufactured in a similar way details that facilitate the joining of walls in the corners, the installation of ceilings, the installation of door and window blocks.

Advantages of glued laminated timber

In addition to those listed above, glued laminated timber has other advantages that make it very popular in the construction market.

  • Well-dried and cut into lamellas, wood, which is a raw material for production, perfectly absorbs protective equipment, protecting it from decay and preventing fire.
  • The technology for the production of glued and profiled timber allows you to create products with precisely adjusted geometric parameters and ensure their tight connection with each other without gaps and cracks, which favorably affects the appearance and preservation of heat in houses, helps to save on their heating.

Since ancient times, wood has been the most popular building material. It was used in almost any area where something needed to be built. But in some cases, for special architectural ideas, ordinary logs cannot be used. You have to use other materials. After the advent of glued beams, it became possible to build buildings of complex construction entirely from wood.

With such construction, it is required that the technology for building a house from glued beams is carried out very carefully and carefully. When a house is built, the best and highest quality materials are selected for it.

Natural materials that meet the basic requirements are becoming preferred. They must be durable, reliable and match the external design. The recently developed technology for building a house from glued laminated timber has revived the lost interest in building wooden houses. Indeed, recently houses made of bricks have become very fashionable.

The project and its features

Every construction always starts with a design. The construction of houses from glued beams is no exception. A special computer program will allow you to carry out independent development and design of a house from glued laminated timber. Of course, for such work you will need certain knowledge. When developing documentation and drawings of a glued beam house, it is required to prepare:

  1. Foundation plan. A drawing of the foundation is being developed, which indicates its type, the depth of the trench, the materials used, and so on.
  2. Plan of floor beams. The type of support beams will depend on the type of foundation chosen. For this, a special drawing is made, which will become the basis for the future construction of the floor.
  3. Floor plan of the building. Such documentation is considered the most time-consuming in the development of the plan. On the drawing it is necessary to show the places where they will be located: windows, doors, walls, internal partitions.
  4. For each part, all overall dimensions must be indicated. In addition, it is desirable that the completed drawing shows the location of the fireplace and the connections of all utilities.
  5. Razbrusovka. When designing, the drawing shows a section of the house wall. In accordance with these drawings, the preparation of glued beams is carried out. This process is the most time-consuming, it needs to pay special attention. I must say that this is the most difficult design point. When the spreading technology is developed, the walls of the future building are drawn, an axial section is made, all the details of the wall are shown, its connection with other walls. In the final form of the distribution of houses from glued beams, a drawing is made of each detail of the wall. All major dimensions, hole diameters, cutouts and cups are shown.
  6. Numbering. Each project gives all elements an individual number, with which it can be easily identified in the future.

Benefits of a glued beam house

Positive qualities are provided by the technology of manufacturing glued laminated timber. It is first cleaned, all knots removed, then sorted according to texture and color shades. This technology allows you to get a great look:

  1. Dimensional stability. Glued wood is able to maintain its dimensions. It does not change shape after years of use. Houses made of glued laminated timber do not shrink, as the timber does not twist and does not begin to bend over time. The reason for such properties is the absence of internal stresses and ideally dried raw materials.
  2. Strength. Solid wood in this matter is much inferior to glued wood. Its strength is half that of glued beams. Therefore, such a beam began to be used in the latest wooden housing construction. The characteristics of houses made of glued beams meet the requirements of building technology.

Thermal properties of a house made of glued laminated timber

It has long been known that any wooden house is warm. Excellent thermal performance makes it possible to save on the purchase of expensive heating equipment and fuel. To heat houses made of glued laminated timber, ten times less fuel is required when compared with a house built of bricks.

The time for the construction of such houses is much less than the time required for the construction of the same building if raw wood is used. This became possible due to the fact that glued beams are manufactured at the factory with precise dimensions and good drying. The design of the house is assembled very quickly, installation is not particularly difficult. After laying the foundation, the assembly of the house lasts approximately 5 weeks.

A lot of space is given to warming the house. In ordinary wooden houses, seams remain, which are very difficult to seal. With houses made of glued laminated timber, everything is much simpler. During assembly, the bars are precisely adjusted in size, so it is not necessary to install additional insulation to close the grooves. It should be noted that the design of such bars protects its middle from water. Such a house is never affected by rot.

Individual logs are very difficult to finish even with excellent fit. The walls still remain uneven, the finishing process is much more complicated. Glued laminated timber walls are very even, the surface is completely smooth. Such a wall looks like a monolith. It is not necessary to finish these walls from the outside.

The nuances of construction from glued beams

Every home starts with a foundation. For glued beams, a tape version is used. Such a foundation must necessarily have a well-ventilated space (directly under the house). Therefore, special vents are provided in this foundation, due to which the underground is ventilated. For each part of the strip foundation, there must be two air vents.

At the first stage, the dimensions of the strip foundation are determined.

A one-story house made of glued laminated timber usually has a foundation poured to a depth of 800 mm. Its width reaches 500 mm. 15 cm of the dug trench is covered with sand, which must be compacted.

After the foundation work is completed, all construction is carried out according to the classical system:

  • a reinforcing cage is made;
  • formwork is mounted;
  • concrete is being poured.

The formwork should rise above the ground by about 300 mm. Before pouring concrete, it is required to prepare ventilation holes in advance. For this purpose, mortgages are inserted in the right places, which are subsequently knocked out. You can, of course, do without the device of mortgages. It is possible to make holes using a puncher. However, such work is rather complicated and time-consuming. Exactly a month waiting for the foundation to dry.

The second step of construction is the installation of crowns. Before this operation, the foundation is covered with waterproofing material. First, the entire surface is smeared with bituminous mastic, and then several layers of roofing material are placed.

On the insulation made, the crown is installed, which is a beam that fits directly onto the foundation. First, the bottom trim is made. Together with it, sex logs are placed, after which the installation of the first crown is performed. This structural element is laid along partitions: it is installed together with load-bearing walls.

After completion of work with the crown, the construction of the walls begins. In this case, the installation of a house from glued laminated timber is similar to the assembly of a designer. The beams are fastened with spikes, which are driven into pre-prepared holes. In this work, much attention is paid to when ligation of corners is performed.

Final moments of construction

One of the penultimate steps in the construction of houses from glued beams is the installation of the roof. Its installation is similar in complexity to the construction of walls. As mentioned above, such houses are built according to a special project in the factory. They are brought to the construction site in the form of finished parts that need only be assembled.

One of these details is the roof. In this regard, its installation requires only the correct fastening of the necessary elements in specific places. Basically, these houses have a roof made of colored flexible tiles. I must say that only the roofing material in this case is not made of wood.

The final operation of building a house from glued laminated timber requires only finishing the surface of the floor and walls. The most important work during this technological operation is the manufacture of the floor. Usually this is a multi-layer structure, under which moisture-resistant plywood is placed. A special decorative coating is mounted on top of it. Both of these layers are separated by a reinforced screed, sometimes a strong boardwalk is laid.

Wall surfaces inside the house are most often made of wood, but decorating with other types of materials will also look good.

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