Encyclopedia of fire safety

How to install a grid on a plastic window step by step. Attaching a mosquito net: how to put it on plastic windows. Features of different fastenings of mosquito nets

The great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin wrote about the importunity of insects: “Oh, red summer, I would love you if it weren’t for ... mosquitoes and flies!” Indeed, in the warm season, you can’t even hide from insects at home if its windows do not have reliable protection. By installing a mosquito net, you will forever forget about these problems.

Benefits of mosquito nets

Mosquito nets for windows can be purchased online, like any other product. This is not only profitable, but also convenient. When ordering something, a prudent buyer always tries to evaluate the pros and cons of a future purchase. By installing a mosquito net, you will forget:

  • about unpleasant mosquito bites which are especially unpleasant for children; . pesky flies flying over dining table;
  • poplar fluff that flies into the apartment in June;
  • small debris that can enter the house through the window.

Services for the manufacture of window nets are now offered by many companies.

If you decide to entrust the installation of a mosquito net to a professional, you can not worry about how to measure correctly, what type of nets to prefer and other difficulties associated with installing it on a window or doorway. If you don't want to wait for the master - pick up a tape measure and start measuring! The easiest way to measure a mosquito net is to find out the height and width of the opening window sash. It will suit you if, when opening the window, from the light opening to its edge, there will be at least 25 millimeters on the side and at least 35 millimeters on top.

What you need to know when deciding to install a mosquito net yourself

In order for the mosquito net to be installed correctly, you will need the advice of professionals:

  • the mesh is attached to the window with outside using special upper and lower fasteners that are sold with it in the kit;
  • so that insects cannot penetrate the gaps between the mesh and the window, it must go onto the frame;
  • you can also find out the size for ordering the grid in this way: having measured the height of the light opening, add 3 centimeters to it, and do the same with the width.

How to install a grid on a window yourself

When you have the mosquito net, proceed with the installation of the mounts. It will take no more than a quarter of an hour and takes place in several stages:

1. the lower (smaller) fasteners are installed - mark with a marker or pencil the points located 2 centimeters below the light opening and fix them with electric drill or a screwdriver;

2. measure the length of the mesh from the installation site of the lower mounts and add 1 centimeter - this will be the place where the upper mounts should be located;

3. Check that the fasteners are secure by gently pressing on them.

Now you can install the grid itself.

The instruction prescribes the following actions:

  • grab the handles and pull the frame out of the grid;
  • put the top fasteners inside the frame;
  • fasten them over the seal;
  • fasten the bottom brackets in the same way.

Window mesh installed! As you can see, this is not so difficult to do. It is removed in reverse order.

If you have any questions, you want to order a mosquito net or invite a measurer, we are waiting for your call!

Sale of mosquito nets. All for 300!


Width Height Qty
1 335 1015 1
2 390 1390 1
3 405 660 1
4 430 1110 1
5 434 1115 1
6 435 1250 1
7 437 1264 1
8 438 1065 4
9 485 1045 1
10 525 1060 2
11 530 1114 1
12 545 1150 1
13 565 985 1
14 580 2035 1
15 588 1215 1
16 595 1312 1
17 595 1245 1
18 604 1055 1
19 620 1025 2
20 655 1110 1
21 690 1450 2
22 695 1213 1
23 795 1268 1
24 800 1370 1
25 900 1215 1

To protect the premises from bloodthirsty insects, install a mosquito net. What tools will be needed, how to choose and install the grid - we analyze all the nuances of the work.

Installing a mosquito net helps to solve the problem with insects that is relevant in the summer. However, the mesh very often breaks and requires repair. In order not to spend money every time on calling the master, it is worth mastering the installation of the grid with your own hands. This procedure is not too complicated, but it has some nuances that you need to know before starting work. Let's figure out what tool is required to do this job and how to do the installation yourself


To protect the apartment from insects entering through the windows, mankind has come up with many designs of varying degrees of effectiveness. To date, the most common are several varieties:

Despite the wide variety of options, frame grids are most often installed. Their price is not too high, and the quality is enough to solve most problems.

How to properly measure a window

The most common practice during the installation of a frame mesh is when the organization performs the frame (by order), and the customer can do the installation with his own hands or order for a fee. In order for the manufactured mesh to fit perfectly to your window, the manufacturer's employees will ask you to name the dimensions. Therefore, it is very important to measure them correctly.

The window opening is measured by opening the window. Need to measure:

  • The distance from one elastic band to another horizontally.
  • Likewise, the vertical distance.

Measurements are made to the nearest millimeter. The more accurate the measurements are, the better mesh fit your window. It depends on how reliably it will prevent the penetration of insects into the housing.

Since there are no perfectly even windows, it is worth taking measurements at least three times (in the middle and at each edge) for each measurement. Take the largest result: this ensures that there are no gaps that small midges could enter.

How to assemble yourself

It is not very difficult to assemble the grid on a plastic frame yourself. There are several reasons for this decision: the ability to choose the protective material yourself, savings in manufacturing, and other considerations. For work, you will need to purchase a profile for making a grid, corners for connecting individual profiles into a frame and fittings. All this can be purchased from a company that manufactures grids to order.

Skills self-manufacturing frames are useful for repairs. Since the plastic frame is not too robust construction, it will have to be repaired periodically. And if the assembly skill has already been obtained by making a frame with your own hands, it will be much easier to fix the mesh.

First of all, you need to decide on the size. Measurement of the window opening is done in the same way as when ordering a grid in a company. But from the obtained values ​​\u200b\u200byou need to subtract 40 mm. This distance will be occupied by the corners with which the frame is assembled.

If the height of the frame is more than 1 m, it will bend and "play" in the wind. To prevent this, a plastic spacer is made in the middle of the structure - an impost. It is attached to special corners. They will also have to be purchased, along with the impost bar, and taken into account when determining the length of the frame.

The frame is assembled by hammering it together from two long and two short segments using corners. The corners are inserted into the main profile tightly, they cannot be inserted by hand. To connect the profiles, you will need a hammer, but it is not recommended to knock directly on the frame (you can crush plastic profile). To make the assembly without damage, the corners are clogged by placing a wooden block.

If the corner enters the profile easily, then it is not chosen correctly. The frame assembled in this way will simply fall apart on the first day of operation.

If the profile is too long, it can be cut to the required length. It is better to do this operation with a hacksaw. She gives flat surface cut, but then you still need to process it with a file so that there are not even small irregularities.

After assembly, you need to check each goal so that the profiles are connected strictly perpendicular. Otherwise, there will be gaps in the corners through which small midges can crawl.

Selection and installation

For the manufacture of nets that protect the room from mosquitoes, materials are used in which the cell diameter ranges from 0.5 to 1.2 mm. Too wide a cell may not hold up the most small insects. But putting too frequent mesh is also undesirable, because it makes it difficult for air to pass into the apartment.

For the manufacture of mesh, both natural and synthetic materials are used:

  • Cotton. Not afraid of ultraviolet rays. The threads have a pile that effectively traps insects. The main disadvantage of cotton is its fragility: it absorbs moisture and can start to rot.
  • Polyester, kapron fiber are synthetic materials that have neither special advantages nor significant disadvantages. They are one of the most common options due to optimal combination low price and acceptable quality.
  • Steel. durable material, which, however, is not used very often. The reason is the tendency to corrosion. A protective zinc coating increases the cost of the mesh, and cheap versions without such protection will quickly rust.
  • Nylon. Due to the fine weave, such a mesh can even trap plant pollen, dust and other histamines. Therefore, nylon nets are chosen by people suffering from allergies.

Other materials are also used. The mesh should be 3-5 cm larger than the frame in each dimension. It is laid on the assembled frame, covered with a cord and stretched, pushing the cord into the grooves of the frame.

There is a special roller for tensioning, but you can use a knife, screwdriver handle, scissors ring, or any other object that fits the shape. You can first press one side and then the other, or work on each side alternately.

The tighter the mesh is stretched, the better it will be. protective properties. After tensioning the mesh, it remains only to install the handles.

Mounting types

The easiest installation option is the use of brackets Z shape. Staples differ in the size of the shelves. Big sizes- at the top brackets, smaller - at the bottom. For fastening, put two upper and two lower brackets.

Another affordable option for do-it-yourself installation - the use of four corners (two - from above, two from below). Such a mount looks somewhat more aesthetically pleasing, but it is a little more difficult to install it, since it is necessary to measure not only the height, but also the width. However, this method of attachment can be dealt with without much difficulty.

Mesh fastening on plungers is used on the first floors. Its main advantage is that the plunger will not allow the grid to be removed from the street, preventing its theft.

How to install a mosquito net with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

As an example, consider the method of installing the grid on the brackets. You need to prepare 2 upper and 2 lower brackets, 8 self-tapping screws, a long ruler, a pencil, a ladder for work, a screwdriver and a drill with a 2 mm drill.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. Set aside 30 mm from the bottom edge of the window on the outside. We draw a line.
  2. We apply a grid to the line, put risks along the upper edge. We run the second line. On two lines we mark 10 cm from the edges, we apply brackets for attaching the frame. The main thing is not to confuse the top with the bottom!
  3. We mark the places for self-tapping screws, drill holes.
  4. We fasten the brackets with self-tapping screws.

That's all! It remains to bring the grid to the upper brackets, and then insert it into the lower ones. It is removed in reverse order.

Although the process of installing the mesh on the brackets is simple, we recommend watching the video so that you can see all the steps for yourself with your own eyes:

Installing a mosquito net with your own hands is not very difficult. And then the mesh will reliably protect your home from the invasion of insects. If necessary, you can easily repair the frame or replace a torn canvas using the methods described in our article.

Reading time ≈ 10 minutes

Mosquito netting for plastic windows is an important accessory for the summer period. Manufacturers plastic windows they offer mosquito nets complete with window frames, however, branded designs are not cheap, and multiplying the number of nets by the number of windows in the apartment will turn out to be a round sum. More budget option is a self-made insect net - it will be just as effective, aesthetic, durable and lightweight. And to create it, you only need a couple of hours of time and a simple tool.

Pleated insect net.

Types of mosquito nets

Constructions mosquito nets may be of several types:

  • Frame. Represent an aluminum frame with a stretched panel. This is the only type of structure that allows you to make a grid of various geometric shapes, while other structures can be exclusively rectangular. Efficient, easy to install, inexpensive and durable. Protect the room not only from mosquitoes, but also from sand and even dust, prevent animals from falling out of the window.
  • Pleated. These are modern, high-tech mosquito nets, the canvas of which is made of special plastic. The principle of operation is similar to an accordion. Pleated designs are great for large windows(width and height of which is more than 3 m).
  • Roll. The design involves folding the mesh into a roll cassette in case of irrelevance (for the winter), while there is no need to dismantle the system. Due to this, the structure wears out less and has longer term services. The advantage is space saving.
  • Sliding. This design works on the principle sliding doors. Is used for sliding windows and doors on balconies, terraces, verandas. For reliable bridging of gaps along the perimeter in sliding systems a special sealing pile is used.

The main types of grids on the windows.

Also, nets can differ based on other parameters: the method of fastening (with Velcro / brackets / hooks / pins), by the presence of a frame (frame / frameless), by the installation site (external / internal).

Characteristics of designs and features of choice

In order to determine the type of construction for sure, it is necessary to consider the following points:

  1. Window opening frequency.
  2. Type of house (private / multi-storey). When apartment building number of storeys is also taken into account.
  3. Window frame material (wood/plastic).
  4. For plastic windows, the type of sash opening is taken into account: hinged, pivoting, folding, combined.
  5. When choosing the material of the cloth, the features of the area (dustiness, poplar fluff), as well as the presence of pets in the house, are taken into account.

Main functional element Insect nets are exactly the cloth, so when choosing it, consider the following parameters:

  • thickness;
  • cell size;
  • cell shape;
  • type of material and its strength.

To understand what size cells you need, decide on the type of insects in your area, as well as other nuances (presence of poplar, dustiness of the territory, etc.). The largest cells are considered to be 3.7 * 3.7 mm in size. If the holes are larger, they will not be able to protect against the penetration of mosquitoes and flies, not to mention midges and small debris. Cells with a size of 3 * 3 mm are considered standard and are suitable for most territories. Cells sized 2 * 2 and 1.5 * 1.5 mm perfectly protect against mosquitoes and midges (small Diptera). The cross section of 1*1 mm and 1*0.25 mm allows you to protect the room not only from insects, but also from fluff, small debris, sand and even dust.

The most common types of cells:

  1. Anti-dust - section 1.5 * 1.5 mm (also 1 * 1 mm). Strong and wear-resistant, protects against large and small insects, but light transmission is low, therefore it is recommended to use the Anti-Dust cloth only in southern regions with high insolation.
  2. - designed to protect the room from mosquitoes and flies (ineffective against midges), well passes air and light. The cross section can be 2.5*2.5 mm or 2.5*3.5 mm. For the manufacture of polyester impregnated with a special substance.
  3. Standard - section 3*3 mm, average strength.

The main types of mosquito nets for their intended purpose.

Cells are most often rectangular and hexagonal, like honeycombs. The former perfectly trap dust, but poorly transmit light and air. Hexagonal cells are suitable for areas with an abundance of midges and little sunlight in the summer.

Regarding the material - earlier mosquito nets were made of fiberglass with a PVC coating. Such material is now considered ineffective and outdated: it does not pass well sunlight and air, and after a short time the cloth itself turns into a dust collector due to destruction under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. For the manufacture of modern grids polyester is used.

The color of the panel is important - contrary to popular belief, a light panel greatly reduces the clarity and contrast of the picture, but it increases the visibility of the room from the outside. Therefore, when choosing a panel, you need to focus on dark colors: black, brown, grey.

After you have familiarized yourself with the main types and parameters of designs for plastic windows, and made your choice, you can start making stacks on the window from mosquitoes with your own hands. At home, it is easiest to make a simple frameless mesh (stationary and removable) or a frame structure.

Manufacturing of frameless mesh

The most budgetary, light and fast way is the manufacture of a stationary grid. This will require a minimum amount of materials:

  • Panel (dimensions correspond to the parameters of the window with an increase of 1 cm on each side).
  • Fabric tape (length equal to the perimeter of the panel) for better adhesion of surfaces.
  • Glue for fixing the structure.
  • Metal buttons for additional fixation in case of wooden windows.

The course of work is as simple as possible: you need to measure the parameters of the window and cut out the panel of the appropriate size, attach the tape around the perimeter of the panel to the glue and then glue the mesh panel itself to the fabric tape. All work will take about an hour.

This design has one significant disadvantage- it cannot be opened or removed for repair/cleaning. When the need arises for washing, the entire structure will have to be dismantled and reinstalled after the work done.

You can learn how to make a frameless mesh on burdock buttons from the video:

Removable design

It is much more reasonable to choose a removable design with Velcro. This option is also cost effective, fast and efficient. However, its obvious advantage is “reusability” - if necessary, the mesh can be slightly opened or completely removed for washing. And if you choose a quality adhesive (for example, transparent rubber mounting adhesive Tytan), then it can be removed without a trace, which is especially important for preserving the attractive appearance of windows.

Mosquito net on burdock tape.

Necessary materials:

  • Mosquito cloth.
  • Construction adhesive.
  • Velcro tape.
  • Threads and needle.

The progress of work is as follows:

  • Take measurements of the inner quarter of the window frame - it is to it that the structure will be attached.
  • Cut the panel and Velcro to the required size.
  • On mounting glue, attach one side of the Velcro (the one with hooks) to the window frame, sew the second part of the Velcro (fuzzy) along the perimeter of the mesh.

Before fixing the Velcro to the frame, the window must be thoroughly washed from dirt and degreased with alcohol - this way it will be possible to achieve better adhesion.

You need to remove the mesh very carefully - in the process, the fleecy part of the Velcro can be detached from the panel. Therefore, such frameless structures are often installed on balconies, terraces and other premises, where they remain to serve throughout the year.

Burdock buttons or soft bipolar magnetic tape can be an effective alternative to conventional Velcro.

Frame mesh production

Frame structures will require more time to manufacture, but they can also last longer. This option is suitable not only for windows, but also for doors.

To make a mosquito window net (for wooden or plastic windows) with your own hands, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • Anti-mosquito cloth (window dimensions + 10 cm allowance on each side).
  • Cable channel with rectangular section 10*15 mm.
  • Metal corners (4 pcs.).
  • Blind rivets (16 pcs.).
  • Mounting adhesive.
  • Roulette.
  • Scissors and knife.
  • Electric drill.

Cable channel with rectangular section 10*15 mm

Blind rivets for fastening the structure

The construction process consists of the following steps:

  • Take measurements of the window and cut the frame from cable channel. The ends should be at a 45° angle.
  • Connect the structure with corners and rivets, having previously drilled holes in the profile.
  • Cut the mosquito net according to the measurements of the frame and leave allowances of 2-3 cm around the entire perimeter.
  • Starting from the long side part, we clamp the panel with the cover of the cable channel.
  • The cloth should be attached evenly, without distortions and sagging. To do this, you need to start fastening from the long side, then go to the opposite side. It is best to do this step with an assistant, as it is necessary to create a slight tension in the mesh.
  • Excess fabric must be cut with scissors.
  • For greater strength and fixation, as well as to prevent snapping off, some places can be additionally fastened with glue (apply between the profile and the cover).

Methods of fastening the frame structure

After the construction of the frame structure against mosquitoes, it must be attached to the window. There are several ways to do this:

  • With plungers. A very simple fastening, however, it has a number of disadvantages: they spoil the window frame, hold weakly (they can be blown away by the wind with external fastening), and are quite expensive.
  • Using Z-profiles. This is a reliable method of fastening, in which the whole structure looks very compact, neat, takes up a minimum of space. The disadvantage is the loss of warranty for window frames as a result of drilling them under fasteners.

Also, this mounting method is extremely dangerous for self-mounting on high-rise buildings- for doing work, a person must lean half out of the window.

  • With the help of staples. This method fastening is similar to the previous one. The difference is that the staples are attached to the mesh frame. The design can be external or internal, during installation the frames of plastic windows are not damaged, therefore the guarantee for the windows does not disappear. However, when winter storage all structures will have to be shifted with material (for example, cardboard) so that the fasteners do not break the mesh.

Various ways of fastening the frame to the window.

Mosquito net care

A homemade mosquito net must be properly cared for. Being a barrier between the outdoor space and the room, it traps not only large and small Diptera, but also debris, water drops, fluff, sand and dust. Over time, these contaminants accumulate on the grid, turning it into a source of dirt. Therefore, if the mesh is to be dismantled, it must be removed and cleaned 1-2 times a year. If the structure is non-removable, it needs to be updated every year (given the low cost of stationary improvised designs, this will not be a financial difficulty).

  • The frame and fasteners must be wiped with a damp sponge, you can add detergents.
  • The panel itself must first be cleaned in a dry way (vacuum or gently clean with a soft brush).
  • Next, the cloth should be washed with cool water without detergents (even the most non-aggressive ones).
  • For drying the panels, a natural way is preferable away from batteries and heaters - due to the temperature difference, the fibers of the panels can be damaged.

To make your handmade mosquito net serve you long years, it is recommended to remove it for the winter and store it in an upright position (not folding!).

As you can see, the mosquito net on the window is very cheap, it is simply assembled and mounted on plastic windows. Having spent only a couple of hours on making a simple design, you will get reliable protection from dirt, dust and annoying insects without hitting the family budget!

You can learn how to make a mosquito net with your own hands from the video:

The mosquito net is reliable remedy protection against the penetration of insects into the premises of an apartment, house or office. Grids are installed on the opening sash of a plastic window and fixed. If necessary, the grid can be easily removed. Prices for installing mosquito nets on plastic windows vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, and depend on the quality of the materials used in the production.

The MasterMax company offers clients from Moscow services for the manufacture and installation of mosquito nets on PVC windows. Cooperating with us, you will be sure that the product will last for a long time, performing the functions assigned to it during the entire period of operation.

Manufacture of mosquito nets for plastic windows

Employees of the MasterMax company make mosquito nets according to individual sizes, ensuring a perfect match of the mesh dimensions to the size of the opening sash.

At the choice of the client, the company offers three options for mosquito nets:

  • frame type - mesh on an aluminum frame, fixed in the window frame;
  • sliding type with a mechanism identical to that used in sliding doors, which are used for sliding windows;
  • rolled or roller type - mosquito nets rolled into rolls, and therefore practical and easy to use.

Installing a mosquito net on a plastic window

The order of installation of the mosquito net is determined by its design. The complexity of installation depends on the location, method of fixing and features of the window or door.

Tools used:
  • Screwdriver or drill;
  • Thin drills;
  • riveting tool;
  • Screwdrivers;
  • Line, roulette.

The mesh package usually includes fasteners, which is discussed when ordering and checked before purchasing the product.

Fastening to internal metal brackets is simple and safe way fixing the removable frame mesh on . Hooks are mounted on long slats with aluminum rivets. Installing the mesh in the opening is performed as follows:
  1. Using the side handles to hold the product, the top brackets are wound behind the window influx.
  2. The grid rises all the way up, the lower hooks are hooked on the frame ledge.
  3. The mosquito cloth is planted down to the end and aligned in the window opening.

External option for fixing the mosquito net - reliable way, which does not damage the rubber seals, but is dangerous because you have to stick out to screw the corners.

Mounting order:

  1. The bottom brackets are fixed with self-tapping screws, placing them at a distance of 20 mm from the edge of the opening.
  2. The height of the grid is measured, 10-15 mm is added, the mounting points of the upper brackets are marked.
  3. The corners are screwed at an equidistant distance between themselves and from the borders of the window opening.
  4. A mosquito net is installed: slipping it all the way into the upper fastener and leading it into the lower corners, the product falls into place.
Installation using plungers is used if the mosquito net cannot be fixed to standard brackets. For example, when closely spaced guards get in the way or there is not enough space on the frame to accommodate z-brackets. Plunger mosquito nets are not placed overlapping, but inside the window opening. Therefore, their dimensions must exactly match the perimeter of the frame.

Mounting on plungers:

  1. Places for pins are prepared in the grid frame: first, four holes are drilled with a diameter, like that of the threaded part of the plunger, then the holes in the outer walls of the profile are expanded to the size of the retractable tip.
  2. Pins with springs on are inserted into the frame and tightened with tips.
  3. The grid is tried on in the opening, marks are placed opposite the plunger outlets.
  4. Holes are drilled into which mating pin sleeves are installed.
  5. A brush seal is glued onto the mesh profile.
  6. One side of the product is placed by plungers in the reciprocal holes.
  7. Squeezing two tips with opposite side, the mesh is inserted into the opening and fixed.​
Anti-mosquito structures of swing type are installed on hinged hinges, taking into account certain features:
  • The doorway should be blocked by 10 mm on each side.
  • The minimum gap between the frame and the upper slope is 21 mm.
  • Sufficient space is provided around the self-closing mechanism for its adjustment.
  • The magnetic latch is attached to the opening, and the striker is attached to the frame profile.
  • The number of magnetic latches is selected based on the height of the door.
Roller mosquito nets can be mounted on the window frame or in the opening. Assembly of the structure is carried out according to the instructions of the manufacturers. The process is divided into stages:
  1. Cutting the body and shaft with a mesh to the required dimensions.
  2. Preparation of guides and fixing strips.
  3. Assembly of parts of the body and gearbox.
  4. Marking and execution of mounting holes.
  5. Fixing the system to the window frame.
  6. Operation check and adjustment.

It will be a simple matter to install a conventional frame or. More difficult, but also affordable to do it yourself, will be the installation of a rolling mosquito system.

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