Encyclopedia of fire safety

What causes wood lice in the apartment. White insect in the bathroom. Silverfish, wood lice: causes and methods of control. Getting rid of unwanted guests

Often our home is visited by not the most pleasant guests - insects. Cockroaches, ants, midges, spiders, etc. - far from the best full list illegal tenants. Wood lice often settle in the kitchen and bathroom. They love places with high humidity and are difficult to get rid of.

Such an insect as wood lice belongs to the order of crustaceans. Their body is divided into segments that take an oval shape. Consists of the belly chest and heads. Active life is mainly conducted in spring and autumn. The summer is the breeding season. The female woodlice carries eggs in a sac inside her body and lays them only when she is convinced of the safety and absence of predators nearby. Woodlice are the most adapted insects from their order for life on land, but they breathe with gills.

Why do wood lice appear?

Woodlice, due to their origin, love places with high humidity. Therefore, most often in apartments they can be found in the bathroom or in the kitchen. AT wooden houses they can be in places where there are patches of damp wood or rotten pavement. Often wood lice settle in basements. They can feed on spoiled plants, sometimes fresh flowers. Cacti, orchids, ferns are at risk of damage. AT in large numbers wood lice can seriously harm. In the wild, their function is to enrich the soil, since by eating spoiled plants, they produce nutrients.

How to discover?

Quite often about the existence uninvited guests the landlord has no idea. Woodlice love wet air and hide well. They are active only at night. Most often they can be found in places where wet rags are stored, in dark corners, under tiles or baseboards. If with sewer pipes water is constantly dripping or neighbors have flooded you, then wood lice will soon appear.

For the life of these insects are required special conditions, consisting in high humidity and lack of light. In such a comfortable environment, they multiply quickly and live well. After they can give the impression of an invasion of insects, but this does not last long.

Are wood lice dangerous?

Woodlice are not dangerous to either humans or animals. They can harm only the garden and some indoor plants. Otherwise, they are safe. They have disgusting appearance and therefore they are trying to bring them out when they are discovered.

How to get rid?

As with other insects, before removing woodlice, it is important to determine the cause of their appearance. Tidy up your home thoroughly: throw out all wet rags, wash all corners, audit among indoor flowers, and also clean kitchen cabinets for moldy products.

Carefully inspect the sewer pipes. Do they drip water? Is there a puddle somewhere? Is it leaking from the faucet? If you find a leak, then call a specialist and fix it.

The first stage of getting rid of wood lice - draining the home - has been completed. Next, it is important to remove already existing insects and this is not so easy to do.

Most often, an anti-ant remedy is used to get rid of wood lice. It must be sprayed in habitats. From folk remedies the use of alum is popular. They are dissolved in a small amount of water and applied to the places where wood lice appear.

Sometimes insects can appear from neighbors and crawl through the ventilation. In this case, all measures to destroy the guests will be useless. Then you should talk to your neighbors and ask them to take measures to destroy the pests.

Woodlice and chemicals

There are many different means for the destruction of wood lice. They can be divided into:

  • Gels;
  • Lure traps:
  • Crayons;
  • Aerosols;
  • Dichlorvos:
  • Insecticides;
  • Poison;

Before using any insect repellent, read the instructions carefully. Follow safety precautions, especially if there are small children or animals in the house. When cleaning the room, wear gloves and a protective mask on your face. Then ventilate the room. It is advisable to leave the house empty for this time and go somewhere for a walk for a couple of hours.

Folk remedies for wood lice

Many mothers do not risk using household chemicals due to the presence of small children in the house. For such cases, there folk recipes. The easiest way to make safe potato traps is to make tunnels in the fruit and leave them in the habitats of wood lice. After a while, the potatoes need to be collected and thrown out into the street.

Another common way to deal with wood lice is to dilute tobacco, red pepper and soda in equal proportions in a liter of water. The resulting mixture should be washed with insect habitats.

Effective against wood lice and simple means. For example, in a pharmacy you can buy boric acid and process the localization of insects with it. Salt has the same properties. It must be scattered in the places where wood lice are located and soon they will disappear.

Save the plants

Woodlice can infect some types of houseplants. First of all, these are orchids. If life-saving measures are not applied, the flower will die in two weeks. The same goes for ferns.

By what signs can you determine the defeat of wood lice? In a pot, the earth will begin to compact for no apparent reason. Loosen it with a tool and if you see white worms, then that's it, the flower is infected with wood lice.

It is necessary to loosen the soil of orchids and ferns, otherwise the roots will not get the right amount oxygen and die. Woodlice make the earth dense. Therefore, it is important to take action. To do this, carefully remove the flower from the pot, shake off the roots from the ground and wash them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After the plant needs to be planted in new soil. It is best to throw out the used pot, as it can attract wood lice.

Prevention of the appearance of wood lice

The fight against any pests is easiest to prevent, rather than eliminate after they appear. To do this, it is important to keep your home clean and dry. Fix leaky faucets and sewer pipes promptly. Keep your floor cleaning tools clean and tidy.

A few tips:

  • It is best to dry things on the balcony;
  • Keep your trash can clean - this will not only protect you from the appearance of wood lice, but also protect you from an unpleasant smell;
  • Ventilate the room in a timely manner;
  • Dry the floor cloths, do not leave them wet;
  • Keep your kitchen cabinets organized. Throw away spoiled food;
  • Inspect indoor plants, regularly carry out preventive treatment;
  • It would be nice to install air conditioning or a fan in the room. So there will be air circulation in the room;
  • Do not let vegetables and fruits rot in the pantry. Follow the rules of storage, discard spoiled fruits;

If wood lice are brought into the house, then do not be alarmed - they are harmless. However, it is possible to get rid of them. To do this, use special means or folk ways. The main rule for preventing the appearance of woodlice is to keep the apartment clean and dry.

Woodlice are small crustaceans that prefer rooms with high humidity, lack of normal ventilation, which include basements, cellars, toilets, kitchens, bathrooms, etc. As traces of their vital activity, one can see the moves made in potato tubers, mutilated leaves of indoor plants, gnawed roots of indoor flowers, etc.

Many people think that woodlice are completely harmless creatures, but in reality this is not so. You can get rid of such insects in the apartment if you approach the solution of the problem in a comprehensive manner. The main task is to cover all possible ways penetration of these small crustaceans into the apartment. Depending on the number of pests, the means of control are selected. Sometimes it is enough to do with folk remedies.

In order for wood lice to appear in an apartment, it is enough to provide only 2 conditions: high humidity and elementary access to water. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess why these crustaceans appear in the apartment. As a rule, they appear first on the first and upper floors, which is associated with the presence of a basement and an attic.

Grow in length up to 1 cm and feel comfortable in conditions increased dampness and inadequate ventilation. These two factors, together with temperature conditions enough for small crustaceans to feel comfortable in an apartment.

Therefore, the favorite habitats of wood lice include:

If the woodlice is in danger, then it immediately curls up into a ball. In this position, it least of all resembles a crustacean, which annoys both the person in the apartment and the plants.

Why do these pests appear in the apartment:

  • Faulty water supply or drain in the bathroom and toilet.
  • Insufficient ventilation or lack thereof in the kitchen.
  • Waterlogging of the soil when watering indoor flowers.
  • Increased indoor moisture.
  • Pests can easily get into the apartment during the period of harvesting vegetables and fruits.
  • The presence in the apartment of cracks in the floor, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bplinths, platbands and window sills.
  • Woodlice are able to travel, so they get into the apartment through ventilation systems from neighboring apartments.

At first glance, these small insects are not able to bring any harm to a person, but this is not so. They can do significant damage. For example:

  • These small crustaceans burrow into root vegetables such as onions, carrots and potatoes, causing food to become unusable.
  • As a result of their vital activity, indoor plants lose their decorative appearance.
  • They are carriers of serious infectious diseases.
  • Move around the apartment, being in different zones. If the insect moves from the toilet to the kitchen, then nothing good should be expected from this.
  • These pests feed not only on fresh vegetables and fruits, but also on rotten ones. Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine what they carry around the apartment on their paws.
  • They can not only harm, but also destroy ornamental plant reaching the root system.

It is possible to get rid of wood lice in an apartment without analyzing the reasons for their appearance, but not for long, even if you use chemical agents. As mentioned above, only an integrated approach can give a positive result. In addition to the fact that wood lice need to be destroyed with chemicals or folk remedies, it is necessary to create conditions for them in which they could neither live nor reproduce. As a rule, after creating uncomfortable conditions for them, wood lice will eventually leave the apartment themselves, but if you also use folk recipes, this will happen much faster.

Alternatively, it is possible to use both purchased and makeshift traps, in cases where there are not so many insects. If there are a lot of them in the apartment and the conditions contribute to their active reproduction, then the traps may be ineffective. The use of traps can be seen as a preventive action.

Stages of getting rid of wood lice in the apartment:

  • First, you need to analyze the factors that influenced the appearance of wood lice.
  • After that, you should begin to create uncomfortable conditions for the existence of such insects.
  • Seal all cracks with sealant to deprive pests of secluded places where they can hide.
  • Install meshes with small cells on the ventilation holes.
  • Close up all the cracks that have formed between the walls and pipes, both cold and hot water supply. To do this, you can use mounting foam.
  • Sockets and switches should be checked for gaps, especially those installed on common walls with neighbors.
  • Then you can start processing the premises with chemicals or folk remedies. Special attention should be given to areas such as a toilet or bathroom.
  • It is equally important to destroy their nest, which may be in the attic or basement.


Oddly enough, but woodlice are crustaceans, although most call them insects. Despite this, all chemical control agents used against insects such as cockroaches, mosquitoes, bedbugs and the like are suitable for combating them. Chemicals are divided into several groups.

In addition to the fact that such drugs are effective, they win in price, since they differ in economical consumption compared to other types of substances. Moreover, they continue to act after processing for several more months, which is very beneficial.

Before using such drugs, you must carefully read the instructions and prepare the solution exactly according to it, maintaining all the prescribed proportions. Such effective drugs include: "Tetrix", "Xulat Micro", "Delta", "Zone", "Taran" and others.

Aerosol cans are very popular due to their ease of use and acceptable effectiveness. These are ready-made substances and do not need to be diluted before use. One can is enough to treat a medium-sized room. How to use - indicated on the can itself, it is enough to carefully read what is written there.

Effective solutions:

  • Dichlorvos "Varan", "Neo", "Eco" and others.
  • Kombat Superspray.
  • "Raptor" from various insects.
  • Aerosol "Clean House".

Insecticide sticks

Toxic pencils are used to control various crawling pests, including wood lice.

The advantages of this method include:

  • Can be used on both horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  • The method is considered to be fast
  • Drawing limiting lines, after penetration, for which insects still die.

Since the body of the woodlice does not have high protection, toxic substances penetrate into the abdomen without problems, after which the insect quickly dies. Recommended for use are the products "Mashenka", "Titanic".

As a rule, these are potent chemical compounds that effectively fight small crustaceans. At the same time, their application does not require complex manipulations. The powder is taken and simply scattered on the floor in various rooms especially in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.

Unfortunately, this method of struggle has one drawback related to the fact that wood lice can crawl not only horizontally, but also vertical surfaces. Therefore, toxic substances are recommended to be used as an additional agent that provides higher efficiency.

  • Phenaksin.
  • Clean house.
  • neonin.
  • Riapan.

Toxic substances in the form of gels

Such drugs have acceptable efficacy in the fight against wood lice, cockroaches and red ants. The drugs of this group differ in that they are not able to cause great harm for those around you. In addition, they are convenient to apply because they have a special consistency. Preparations in tubes in the form of gels are similar in principle to insecticidal sticks.

Toxic to insects, the gel is applied to any surface that is in places where crustaceans prefer to accumulate. As a rule, after a couple of weeks, pests begin to actively disappear. The following drugs are recommended:

  • Cleanbait.
  • Absolute.

Despite the fact that folk recipes are not as effective as chemicals, their use is justified in some cases. Firstly, folk remedies are recommended to be used in cases where children, pregnant women, sick people, and also pets live in the apartment.

Proven Recipes:

To folk methods struggle should also include actions for the thorough sealing of cracks and joints, as well as repair sewer system and water supply systems. As a rule, such measures should be carried out before the surface treatment process. various solutions or infusions.

Prevention measures are aimed at avoiding an unpleasant neighborhood in the apartment. As far as we know, it is much easier to prevent the appearance of various insects in an apartment than to spend time and money to deal with them. That's why:

  • First of all, you should pay attention to the microclimate in the apartment and take measures to reduce the level of humidity in the apartment.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to carry out moderate watering of indoor plants, especially if they do not need it.
  • Proper care of indoor plants, including regular inspection of plants, with the removal of fallen and rotted leaves from flowerpots, will also help to avoid the reproduction of wood lice.
  • Eliminating sewer and water supply problems will reduce the chances of tiny crustaceans in areas such as the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.
  • Repair should be accompanied by the elimination of gaps formed between the walls and pipes, through the use of mounting foam.
  • Do not leave wet rags on the floor in the toilet or in the bathroom. In addition to the fact that they emit an unpleasant odor, they also serve as a comfortable haven for wood lice.

Small crustaceans - woodlice, which have an oval shape, then you should not be afraid of its immediate attack on you. In addition, such bugs do not bite a person at all, and are not particularly dangerous pests. The only inconvenience they bring to people is unpleasant appearance and the fact of their presence in the house. Therefore, in order to stop their fertility and reproduction to numerous populations, one should get rid of them.

What is this insect - wood lice

It is quite easy to recognize wood lice. Focus on the following external signs, and you will understand that in front of you is not some kind of mutant, but a wood lice:

  • light gray with a bluish tint bug, there are individuals in a brown-brown or marble-gray tint;
  • bug size from 20 mm to 1 cm, depending on age;
  • shell surface segmented;
  • small antennae bent in half;
  • 7 pairs of legs;
  • creep pretty slow compared to cockroaches.

The favorite habitat of wood lice is damp area premises. Therefore, they are so often found where people use water:

  • in the kitchen;
  • in any other places inside the house, where there is thrown damp rags, in crumpled bags, old damp newspapers;
  • under the windowsill if your windows often condense (“cry”);
  • near plumbing pipes where condensate accumulates;
  • in places where mold or fungus appeared on the walls, baseboards, etc. in the apartment;
  • near garbage chutes in apartment buildings;
  • near a water column in the courtyard of a country house;
  • under the stones near the well;
  • in cellars;
  • in garages;
  • in sheds;
  • under old bricks and so on.

Woodlice feed on plants that have already begun to decompose, rotting fruits and vegetables, and like to visit trash cans where there is plant debris. high humidity- this is natural conditions and a completely normal environment for wood lice.

Why are they dangerous to people?

Since wood lice do not attack and don't bite a person, feed exclusively on rotting plants, and not fresh ones, then they do not spoil indoor flowers, do not drink human blood, do not harm water, which means they cannot be carriers of pathogens of dangerous diseases. Of course, if you yourself do not often take small crustaceans, and then forget to wash your hands with soap and water. You can get rid of wood lice only if you get rid of the source of moisture. To do this, you can simply check the health of the plumbing, insulate the places where condensate accumulates, ask to fix cracks and cracks, or simply purchase a moisture absorber and periodically ventilate the room.

TOP 5 remedies against wood lice

In addition to all kinds of folk remedies for getting rid of these bugs, special tools are also used that are commercially available to the public, for independent application, without the involvement of professionals in the field of pest control. Let's consider the most relevant of them.


  • The drug is universal and is able to destroy not only wood lice, but also cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and fleas.
  • The tool has recently appeared on the insecticide market.
  • One gram of powder is capable of effectively process up to 60 sq.m. "Taraks" is notable for the fact that does not cause the notorious addiction of insects to the components contained in its composition, which increases its degree of active influence on pests and efficiency.
  • Package 1 gr. the powder is dissolved in water (200 ml - a glass) and the insect-affected area is treated with a spray bottle or sponge. Price - 80 rubles.

Feedback: Natalia Ivanovna, Moscow

They bred wood lice under their Tarax bath. We were very pleased with this drug. No poisoning was observed. The drug does not appear to be highly toxic. Woodlice died immediately within a few hours. I recommend to all.

  • This is a gel bait that comes in a very convenient package - syringe with medication ready to use.
  • A thin stream in the form of a strip of gel is capable of penetrate into the most inaccessible places, which creates maximum comfort of using such a drug.
  • The consumption of one package of 30 g can cover the treatment for 3 medium-sized rooms. Price - 40-45 rubles.

Feedback: Svetlana, Moscow

We recently bought an apartment in an old Khrushchev, where we had to completely replace the plumbing with plastic pipes. It is clear that old plumbing it used to leak, the pipes were old, cast iron, a lot of small bugs started up under them, then, I recognized them - wood lice. Since there were too many of them, I had to look for a German-made product - "Schabengel", I heard that it is very effective. They did everything right, according to the instructions, the wood lice died in a few hours. Very convenient and everything worked out quickly.

Feedback: Sergey, Leningrad region

  • The drug Gett has its analogue - "Master" Both the analogue and its substitute are a liquid concentrate high toxicity to fish, therefore, in no case should you work with it near an open aquarium or pond
  • Cover with something hermetically sealed aquarium
  • For for humans and animals, this drug is completely safe
  • The effect of its impact occurs only upon contact of the insect with Gett microcapsules. Price - 700 rubles. (100 ml).

Feedback: Vitaly, Yekaterinburg

We have eliminated all the wood lice, which by their presence often gave us trouble in the kitchen near the trash can. Of course, I had to replace the siphon under the sink so that it would not leak. And then they dealt with wood lice with the help of Gett. A friend recommended this product to us and it turned out to be very effective indeed. There is still a little left in the bottle, useful for other insects.

  • Very strong and active on many different household insects
  • The active component of "Tetrix" is cypermethrin, so it destroys bedbugs, ticks, fleas and wood lice so quickly and for a long time.
  • Complete death of insects is possible only after 2 days.
  • The effect of the drug may last after treatment of the premises up to 70 days.
  • The drug is produced in the form of an emulsion in vials and canisters from 250 ml to 1-5 liters.
  • Expensive but very effective drug. The price for a 250 ml glass bottle is about 2,000 rubles, for a 1-liter canister - up to 5,300 rubles, and for a 5-liter canister - 21,000 rubles, 20 liters - 80,000 rubles.

Feedback: Nikolai Savelyevich, Moscow

As we work with construction company For finishing work inside apartments, our company often encounters such an invasion of various insects as wood lice, bedbugs, cockroaches and other harmful insects. In order not to lose our customers, and at the same time our time, while waiting for disinfection specialists, we decided to use insecticides ourselves. Tried everything, little help. But, when they used Tetrix once, they realized that there are no other poisons better than it. We have even begun to include Tetrikos processing in the price finishing works in apartments. Clients are happy, and we are calm.

How to get rid of wood lice in the apartment:

A woodlouse is not an insect at all, but a crustacean creature that even has its own gills. Therefore, it cannot be drowned with water, and it loves to settle in those places where there is dampness and a nutrient medium for it. In order to eliminate such an apartment phenomenon, it is desirable to first worsen the conditions for her living - to clean everything that is possible, even wipe the walls from dust. After that, if such insects appear for a very long time, then some insecticide can be used - special remedies against wood lice.

Where do woodlice mostly live?

The love of silverfish (or wood lice) for dampness, as well as the bait - the smell from the trash can, or from food that has not been removed from the table for a long time or dirty dishes in the sink - is the main reason for their settlements in the apartments of such creatures. So if you were not at home for a long time, and you forgot to throw out the garbage before leaving, or wash dirty dishes, you may be met by wood lice upon arrival. I must say that silverfish differ from wood lice in size and structure of their body, but their lifestyle is typical, the same. To know where, in what places to treat the premises when fighting bugs, you need to understand where they like to settle most of all. Such bugs can live in an apartment in the following places:

  • behind the toilet;
  • behind sewer pipes or water pipes;
  • in ventilation ducts;
  • under the windowsill;
  • inside sewer pipes;
  • near the trash can;
  • under skirting boards;
  • under rugs, rugs, carpet, where it is damp, dark and no one has cleaned for a long time.

Fight and destruction

To understand why you need to fight woodlice at all, when they don’t attack a person, don’t bite, don’t drink blood, you just need to pay attention to how dangerous and harmful it is. Woodlice can harm the following plan:

  1. It hinders air circulation flower pots, where she can clog with her whole "family".
  2. If such an individual begins to live in a pot with an orchid, then the roots and stem of the flower will quickly deteriorate.
  3. Due to the fact that woodlice can eat rotten fruits and vegetables, in places where they are stored, it often spoils normal food of plant origin.
  4. Infection by the transfer of various infections or bacteria occurs when wood lice walk on unwashed plates where there is food debris.

The most dangerous thing to think about is that wood lice are carriers various diseases and molds with fungal spores. That's why you need to get rid of it, otherwise health problems cannot be avoided.

Folk household remedies for wood lice

    Kvass solution for spraying. 100 g of dry mix for making homemade kvass is added to boiling water (0.5 l).

    Tobacco solution for spraying. Half a teaspoon of dry tobacco from any cigarette, soda and ground red pepper are mixed together and diluted with a liter of hot water.

    Solutions should be sprayed on those places where wood lice most often appear. The sprayed homemade substance should be kept for 1.5 hours, and then everything should be thoroughly vacuumed and washed. If the smell of bleach is not important to someone, then you can wash the floors and all hard-to-reach places with bleach or Whiteness (chlorine solution).

    Chemicals against wood lice

    To facilitate the fight against wood lice, especially in cases where there are a lot of them in the apartment, chemicals can also be useful. Now there are many such products, so we will list the most effective of them, which are also used by professional disinfectors, including.


    • The form is powder.
    • Volume - 1 gr. packaged.
    • The spectrum of action on pests is any insects that interfere with people living in an apartment.
    • Consumption - one package is suitable for processing 60 sq.m. premises.
    • The principle of operation - the substance creates a film that is a poison for wood lice that falls on the paws, the insectoid brings the poison into its nest and its relatives become infected from this.
    • The toxicity is very high.
    • The average price is 80 rubles.

    Feedback about Tarax:

    Milan, Yekaterinburg. In our bathroom, such insects ran under the sink and near the toilet. I already squealed all the time, almost ran out of the toilet - I'm so afraid of all kinds of insects! When my mother bought such a Tarax, she diluted it with water, and then sprinkled it around corners, pipes and near baseboards. After a few days everything went away. Mom also showed me dead ones so that I would be calmer. So Tarax helps, and it is quite inexpensive. We generally got at a price of 70 rubles.

    Get - microcapsule system

    • Produced by Belgium.
    • The form of the product is a liquid concentrate.
    • Volume - 100 ml.
    • The active ingredient is chlorpyrifos.
    • Features - no strong smell, barely noticeable aroma of orange.
    • Toxicity - the drug is safe for households and pets.
    • The spectrum of influence is on all half-breeding insects, even cockroaches, woodlice and bedbugs.
    • Average prices - 750-790 rubles.

    Review of "Get":

    сp>Alisa, 25 years old, Perm. My husband bought such a drug because in the kitchen, in the cabinet where the trash can is, these nasty bugs often crawled. We didn’t see them anywhere else in the apartment, even in the bathroom. The husband said that if you do not clean up immediately, then they will move to the bath. I did the spraying treatment through an ordinary spray gun. It seemed to me that the tool was not only effective, since the bugs had gone home, but also very convenient to use.

    • Manufacturer - Germany.
    • Product form - gel bait.
    • The volume of a tube similar to toothpaste- 30 gr.
    • Application - place in hard-to-reach places bait.
    • Spectrum of action - kills wood lice, cockroaches, ants and other crawling insects.
    • Consumption - 1 pack goes to 3 medium-sized rooms.
    • The average cost of goods is 45-55 rubles.

    Review of the Schabengel gel bait:

    Mikhail Valeryanovich, Tyumen region It turns out that even German drugs can be sold at a low price. In total, I gave 47 rubles for a tube of Schabengel, but the effect is obvious. In the bathroom, I treated the place under the plumbing itself from wood lice. Once was enough for them not to appear again.

    • Produced by the manufacturer of the Netherlands.
    • The form of the substance is a potent concentrate.
    • The volume of the container is 250 ml.
    • Active ingredients - citrometrin, metafoks.
    • Against whom it fights - against all crawling, flying and jumping apartment pests.
    • The consumption of the drug - 200 ml is enough for the treatment of 3 spacious rooms.
    • Market price - 2000-2250 rubles. for 250 ml, 6500 rubles. for 1 liter, 30,000 rubles for 5 l.

    Monitor lizard is an excellent universal dichlorvos

    • Country of origin - Russia.
    • The form is an aerosol.
    • Volume - 145 ml.
    • As part of the active substances - permethrin, tetramethrin and others.
    • Feature - no smell.
    • The spectrum of action is flying and crawling harmful insects.
    • Cost - 45-60 rubles.

    Feedback about "Varan":
    Mashka Yagoza, Moscow. O! And we often had such bugs running around the toilet until the folder brought home the newfangled dichlorvos "Varan". One puff, and bam, paws up! In short, dichlorvos really helped, however, they had to spray for several days in a row behind the toilet. In a word, when you go to the toilet, do not forget to add “freshness” to wood lice.

    How to deal with wood lice in the apartment:

Woodlice are unpleasant neighbors. One has only to face them, you will ask yourself the question: how to get rid of wood lice in the apartment? Not only do these creatures cause aesthetic disgust in most women, in addition, they carry a fungus that affects the surface of the bathroom, so it is very important to immediately learn how to get rid of wood lice in the apartment.

This fact brings a certain amount of harm to human health. Especially for children. Do you want to protect yourself and your family? Learn how to get rid of the woodlice insect in the apartment. Children's respiratory tract is much less resistant to infections (remember Dr. House - he was always looking for a fungus!). In addition, natural curiosity will encourage the baby to poke his finger into unknown dirt, and then with the same finger into his mouth, nose, eyes. In general, woodlice as a "pet" is highly undesirable. If you notice her in your bathroom, immediately deal with the destruction. Let's think about the question: how to get wood lice out of the apartment? Despite the fact that the task of how to get rid of wood lice in the house seems simple, there are a number of important nuances which you must consider.

How to get wood lice out: let's figure out what a wood lice looks like and how to detect it

The woodlouse insect in the apartment is a tiny, about 1 cm long, crustacean. Flexible, gray body, many legs and antennae. Slightly flattened, elongated, oval shape. The back is slightly convex. Feeling threatened, the woodlice curls up and pretends to be dead. Moves very quickly, thanks to the huge number of small paws. Some even wonder: how many legs does a wood lice have?

Now you know what a wood lice looks like, so it will be quite easy for you to detect it. Pay attention to the fact that there are several types of wood lice in the apartment. One of the most common varieties are white wood lice in the apartment. Her one serious question that arises in people who are faced with the phenomenon is: do wood lice bite? In fact, as mentioned above, the woodlice beetle is afraid of people, so it tries to avoid colliding with it.

Another question that should be dealt with is what the wood lice eats in the apartment. As a rule, they prefer plant foods, they can eat waste from the sewer.

Identification completed. How to deal with wood lice in the apartment?

In general, the question of where woodlice come from in the house is often asked by those people who first encountered the phenomenon. However, you do not need to be interested in where the woodlice come from in the apartment, but think about how to get rid of these insects. Woodlice at home, although they do not bite, can cause some danger. Are wood lice dangerous in an apartment, as well as what kind of harm they bring, we have already written above.

  1. Drying. Electric towel dryers are great for drying the air. You can use them for immediate help, or you can simply solve a ventilation problem, as a rule, this factor alone will come to your aid. We also advise you to ventilate the apartment more often in order to get wood lice out of the house.
  2. Tightness. Walk silicone preparations through all the cracks - tiles, floor, baseboard. Silicone won't come off long years, and not a single living creature will gnaw through this chemistry. This will help you solve the problem of why wood lice are at home. Also, this is good preventive measure so that the insects do not start up again.

These simple actions are not only included in preparatory stage, but also are methods of prevention and protection of the bathroom from unwanted guests.

Removal of wood lice without the use of chemicals

If wood lice are wound up at home, we do not recommend that you hesitate and wait for them to disappear on their own, without your intervention. There are many ways, and now we will look at popular ways to get rid of wood lice. Consider a few "grandmother's" methods:

  1. Boric acid - 20g, water - 1 liter. The solution is generously poured over the areas of accumulation of insects from the spray gun. At the end of spraying, the water supply in the house is blocked for at least a day.
  2. Chlorine - 20g, water - 1 liter. Apply the solution to all areas of the room, including plumbing. Pay special attention to joints, bends and hard-to-reach nooks and crannies.
  3. Put in a bucket quicklime, put it in the bath, close the door and do not enter the room for at least 3 days. On the 4th day, ventilate the room well.
  4. Mix one teaspoon of tobacco, soda and ground red pepper in enamel saucepan and "brew". Spray the cooled tea leaves from the spray gun in places where wood lice appear. Wait an hour and a half and wash the area with a weak bleach solution.

Woodlice, how to get rid of: the use of chemicals against woodlice

Chemistry is more effective. On the shelves of stores you can find dozens of drugs: with different properties, duration and methods of use. So how to poison wood lice in the apartment? To name a few popular ones:

  1. It's a syringe filled with gel. The shape provides comfort during application and allows you to reach the most remote nooks and crannies.
  2. "Tarax". Powder to be diluted with water. The solution is applied to the surface in accordance with the instructions. This is a representative universal means to combat various types insects.
  3. "Gett". An emulsion that is active for a short time, therefore it is diluted just before use.
  4. "Tetrix". Emulsion and one of the most powerful preparations.

A chemical agent against wood lice is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it acts on a large scale and quickly, on the other hand, no one has canceled the immunity of wood lice. If they are not able to produce it for natural, natural poisons, then it is easy for the product of human hands.

In addition, chemistry damages the person himself. Even if the sharp smell of bleach does not hit the nose, this does not mean that all its elements have disappeared from the surface without a trace. The presence of small children in the house, unable to understand why it is impossible to grab a bath, and then climb hands to the face, exacerbates the situation. If woodlice stubbornly return to your home, ignoring the "stupefying aromas" of lime and boric acid mixed with all drugs of chemical persecution - call the SES.

Private firms providing disinfecting services are not uncommon in our time. Why are they better? Not all drugs are available for free sale. First of all, because of its toxic effect. Large wood lice will be destroyed in a moment. At a minimum, without knowing the rules and not having a protective suit, you can earn chemical burns. There is a whole list of reasons why access is restricted.

Second positive side SES - speed. They will be able to quickly answer what to do if wood lice appear in the apartment. They not only do the job quickly, but their drugs themselves have an instant effect. In addition, they weather within an hour and a half and are odorless. In apartment buildings, it is desirable to carry out sweeping in large numbers, with neighbors - wood lice can simply “move” for a while and then return. Prevention - best method fight against wood lice! It is enough to keep the plumbing intact and control the level of humidity in the room.

How to get rid of wood lice in the apartment: who to turn to for help?

If you still have questions about the danger of wood lice in an apartment for a person, or any others, you can ask them to representatives of our company. Experts will advise on any issue, even tell you what wood lice eat. Call the numbers indicated on the site, and we will provide you with fast and qualified assistance.

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