Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Ensuring personal safety of a person in case of fire

The relevance of training the population in fire safety rules is due to the high percentage of deaths from fires in residential buildings. The practice of rescuers shows that the outcome of an emergency largely depends on the outcome of an emergency. Controlling emotions, avoiding panic and following clear instructions will allow you to save not only your life, but also save those around you.

The exit is open

In the event that signs of fire are detected or the fire warning system has been triggered, you should immediately leave the building, warning other people about the danger along the way. If the fire occurred on the floors above, you can go down the staircase. In this case, the following must be observed:

  • you cannot open the front door without making sure that there is no:
    • strong smoke (visibility less than 10 meters) - you can look through the peephole;
    • high temperature - you need to touch the door handle, it should not be hot.
  • when leaving the apartment, it is important to tightly close the windows and doors in it, which will significantly slow down the flame advance time. Passing along the corridors, also cover the doors behind you;
  • if possible, turn off the gas and turn off the voltage at the electrical panel;
  • if the exit paths are smoky, you need to put a wet handkerchief to your mouth and nose and move, bending down as low as possible;
  • to protect the skin from fire, you can throw a wet cloth or coat over yourself;
  • do not use the elevator - it will become a trap if the electricity is cut off.

As a means of personal protection of the respiratory system, you can use a cloth or cotton-gauze bandage. The simplest cotton-and-gauze bandage will successfully fulfill its goal of personal protection of the lungs from toxic smoke if it covers the chin, mouth and nose to the eyes. Cotton wool serves as an additional filter and allows you to fill in the areas where the mask does not fit snugly to the face.

Choosing an improvised means of personal skin protection from burns, it is worth considering the type of fabric. It is best to choose clothes made from linen and cotton. Woolen clothing may look thicker and safer, but it can cause severe burns if caught on fire. It is very dangerous to burn synthetic clothes, since during its smoldering and melting, a significant release of high temperature occurs.

It is important to explain to children how following safety rules and using personal protective equipment can save their lives in the event of a fire. Among other things, they must definitely remember that in case of danger you cannot hide under the bed, tables, in the closet.

The exit is closed

In the event of a fire on the floors below, the staircase quickly fills with smoke. In case of significant smoke, when visibility is less than 10 meters, attempts to exit through the corridor are dangerous, as they often lead to poisoning with toxic smoke and burns to the lungs.

If it is possible to leave a dangerous place using a wall ladder, be sure to do so. Compliance with the rules of movement on the escape stairs will help to reach the ground unharmed.

In order not to rush off the stairs in a hurry, you need to pay attention only to your arms and legs, not looking down. At any given time, at least one arm and one leg must be on the step. It is safer to go down the stairs located on a multi-storey building with your back to the wall.

If the fire thwarted the plans for a quick rescue and it was not possible to leave the dangerous place in time, they will help to protect themselves from the high temperature and smoke:

  • wet cloth, which can be covered, as well as caulk the door, windows, ventilation in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet, protected from smoke;
  • water for wetting doors and floors, which can be drawn into the bathtub or any utensil, will help reduce the temperature in the room;
  • crawling or on all fours when filling the room with smoke.

In 1977, during a fire at the Rossiya Hotel, Japanese tourists lay down on the floor and breathed through wet towels, which allowed them to wait unharmed for the rescuers.

If the conditions in the room become unbearable, you need to be near the window, attracting the attention of passers-by. Do not open the vents and break the glass, as the influx of fresh air will only aggravate the situation, increasing the area of ​​the fire.

In the absence of an urgent need, you must not descend from the upper floors through drainpipes and tied sheets. A fall is inevitable if the skills of such an extreme descent are lacking. This also applies to jumping out of windows, since according to statistics, every second jump from a floor above the fourth is fatal.

Arriving at a fire, rescuers first of all identify people who are cut off from escape routes by fire and smoke, and direct all forces and means to rescue them. Ensuring the safety of people in the event of a fire is achieved by thorough observance of these rules together with the use of available personal protective equipment.

Saving people

Sad statistics show that 98% of people die in a fire before the arrival of firefighters. The fight to save people in case of fire should be the main task of caring eyewitnesses.

It is easy to lose orientation in a smoky room, so it is worth remembering your path, moving along the wall and noting the location of windows, doors, the direction of the parquet flooring. A long cord tied at one end near the entrance and at the other around the person's waist can also help. Holding onto the rope will make it easy to find your way back. You need to bring some personalized gauze bandages with you to keep out the smoke. When looking for victims, you should constantly call out to them. Unconscious adults should be found on the escape routes, and children - in secluded places.

If it is impossible to enter the building through the door, ladders are used to rescue people through windows located far from the fire. If people are unable to leave the building on their own, they are wrapped in wet blankets and carried out in their arms.

Frightened by the burning flame, people often start to rush about in panic, which further complicates the situation. Due to the air currents, the fire flares up more strongly, and the vertical position of the body contributes to burns of the face, hair, lungs. If a person's clothes are on fire, they must be thrown off and extinguished. If you can't remove it, you need to fall to the ground and shoot down the fire, cuddling and rolling on the ground. You can also cut off air access to clothing by covering it with a blanket or throwing sand. If there is a puddle, snowdrift, or container of water nearby, they can also be used.

When the effect of the high temperature has ceased, first aid should be given to the victim. Even if the rescued person does not need the help of a doctor, you need to look after him. It is not uncommon for victims of a fire to try to return to a burning building, trying to save documents, property, and pets.

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