Fire Safety Encyclopedia

DIY epoxy jewelry. Epoxy resin for creativity: filling, product options. Transparent resin products: how to do it yourself

To do wonderful gift or decoration, you can take various materials and when used correctly, no one will guess that this work was done at home. Crafts from epoxy resin have long been in vogue and amaze with their diversity. It can be not only jewelry in the form of pendants, earrings and rings. Caskets, medallions and fridge magnets will look great.

How to properly work with epoxy

This material is two-component and consists of resin and fixer. In sets, they are usually packed in two containers. There is also a measuring cup, because the ingredients should be diluted in strict proportions of 1: 2, where 1 part is for the fixer, and 2 parts for the epoxy resin itself.

The resin is a gel-like transparent mass, which is coated on the desired surface. You should work with gloves that are included in the kit for creativity. The resin should be mixed with the fixer with a special wooden spatula, with which, in further work, the resin is applied and distributed over the product. The mixing process must be carried out carefully so that no air bubbles appear. They will disappear, but it will take time.

The proportions must not be violated, because if you add a little fixative, the resin will be viscous and sticky, which will ruin appearance products. Apply resin to flat surfaces as this material is liquid and spreads. If you need to cover round surfaces, for example, earrings, then there must be a protective rim or ring in them, which will prevent spreading.

Since epoxy is a transparent material, dried flowers, dried insects, and decorative elements... A decoupage-style magnet looks pretty nice, which is covered with a transparent layer of resin on top.

DIY epoxy products

We offer you a master class on creating transparent jewelry with your own hands. Decorations are made from epoxy resin and dried flowers. The charm this method is that you can create absolutely any shape of any size.

For work you will need:

Manufacturing process

  • On an ordinary office sheet of paper, draw 2 identical blanks for future earrings. You can draw by eye, or you can use any ready-made templates. Cut out the blanks with scissors. It is necessary to prepare the surface on which the resin will be poured. It should be as flat as possible. Before pouring, it is advisable to degrease the surface with alcohol, otherwise, if you do not remove the dust before pouring, all the villi and dust particles will end up inside the product. As such a surface, you can use the back side of a silicone textured mat, on which a paper sketch of future earrings is applied.
  • Take the glue for the mosaic white and applied to the edges of the paper sketch, holding the paper with your fingers so that at the time of applying the glue it does not slide out. As soon as the contour is closed, carefully pry the paper sketch and remove it from the silicone mat. Do the same with the second workpiece. This contour dries up within 20 minutes, and if you put it on warm battery then it will dry out in 5 minutes.
  • Dilute epoxy resin with hardener in proportions 2: 1. The container in which these two ingredients will be mixed must be clean and disposable. The combined components must be thoroughly mixed with a wooden stick for 5 minutes. If air bubbles appear, you can set the container with the components aside for 10 minutes in a warm place, but the heating should be no higher than 60 degrees.

  • Epoxy resin of different color is prepared in different containers. It is best to use a special silicone palette with indentations. A little resin is poured into it, a couple of drops of blue stained glass paint are added to one mold, and a few drops of green stained glass paint are added to the second mold and mixed thoroughly. Ideally, you should get delicate shades. blue, symbolizing the sky, and light green, symbolizing green grass.
  • After the sides of the earrings have dried, create the bottom of these jewelry. It will consist of two shades: blue - a symbol of the sky and green - a symbol of delicate grass. Therefore, first, a little blue resin is poured into the hollow molds and, with the help of a wooden stick, the resin layer is spread over the upper wide part of the workpiece exactly up to half of the product. Special attention pay to the edges. The resin should fit snugly against the glue edges. From the middle of the earrings blanks, green epoxy is applied with a wooden stick. The resin is evenly distributed over the workpiece. The filling layer must be thin, as this stage only the substrate is formed.
  • Dried flowers are prepared. With the help of tweezers, dried flowers are placed on the liquid surface of the base of the earrings. The resulting workpiece is set aside in a warm place until it solidifies completely.
  • After drying, the products are removed from the surface of the silicone mat and dried mosaic adhesive with tweezers.
  • The resin is diluted with a hardener and the blanks are poured from the front side with an already thick layer of resin, forming a transparent convex lens. After that, the workpieces are again set aside until the epoxy layer is completely dry for 24 hours.

  • The front of the earrings is already completely finished. There remains the last fill of the back side, where you also need to form a convex lens from epoxy resin and let it dry completely.
  • Blanks for earrings are ready. Now you need to sand and polish the edges sandpaper fine-grained, then it is necessary to drill through holes in the upper part of the blanks and fix the hooks in them.

You can choose any design of the product in the photo. With the help of epoxy resin, you can bring any idea to life.

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Decorations and paraphernalia that are not made at the factory are becoming more and more popular. Such products are called.

Epoxy resin is an excellent material for making various subjects at home. We will talk about this in this article.

What you need to know about resin

What is epoxy resin? This is a substance consisting of several components: directly resin and a hardener, with the help of which it acquires a solid state. When both components are mixed, hardening and subsequent polymerization occurs. ... Epoxy is not allowed use without hardener, this is as important a component as the first one.

The two substances are mixed differently, depending on the brand. To find out how to mix the components correctly, you need to read the instructions that are in the package. The resin becomes very hard. And also it is unique in that it retains its transparency in any state. It is harder than plastic, and outwardly very similar to organic glass, sometimes even to real glass, but such that it will not break when dropped.

Epoxy resin for pouring is often used in handicrafts due to the fact that it is very hard, it resists wear well, and craftsmen love it for its initially liquid state, which means that it can be poured into any shape.

So, when you figured out the properties of the substance, you can move on to creating jewelry from epoxy resin. Epoxy for a great fit!

Required Ingredients

To create any decoration made of epoxy resin, you will need:

  • Silicone molds;
  • various natural materials such as pebbles, shells, flowers and the like;
  • epoxy itself;
  • a container in which the substance will be stirred, as well as sticks or an unnecessary spoon.

To understand how resin jewelry is made, you can consider in detail the creation of this multifunctional liquid. First you need to wash and dry the silicone mold.

By the way, you can create a silicone mold yourself or buy a ready-made one. But it is worth noting that when making a silicone mold yourself, you will have to spend a lot of effort and patience, therefore, in order to avoid wasting time, you can also purchase a ready-made mold. Next, you need to start mixing the resin with the hardener.

As mentioned earlier, mixing instructions can be found in any product packaging. It is necessary to stir both components very well so that they become homogeneous, after stirring it is better to put the composition aside for a minute. It will take time for unnecessary air bubbles to come out of the resin.

Next, you need to prepare the necessary accessories in the form of dried leaves or pebbles, which will fit inside the resin and serve as decorative elements. When a few minutes have passed and the epoxy has got rid of unnecessary bubbles, you need to very carefully pour it into a silicone mold.

This process must be performed very slowly and carefully, because if there are overflows, then you will have to grind the product later. After pouring, you need to take the prepared decorative elements, and very carefully place them inside the resin, which is already in the silicone mold. It is very important to ensure that all these elements do not stick out of the epoxy, but are completely immersed in it.

After the operation is completed, you can put the silicone mold in the oven for 10-15 minutes. The temperature should be 80 degrees. The silicone mold should be placed in the oven exactly at the moment when it is already completely preheated to the right temperature... As soon as 80 degrees are reached, you must turn off the oven. It is at this point that the silicone mold must be placed in the oven. Thus, the product will dry out and harden faster, and at the same time the last bubbles will come out of the resin.

Now you can put the products to dry for 24 hours. After that, she will be completely ready. And now the bracelet can be removed from the silicone mold. If the product turned out to be sloppy in some places, then you can walk on it with fine sandpaper. The bracelet can now be varnished. Actually, that's it, the transparent bracelet is ready. By the same principle, you can make various souvenirs from epoxy resin.

It was short instruction, which will give an idea of ​​how exactly to make various products made of epoxy resin. But epoxy makes it possible make not only small items like a bracelet. As soon as the manufacturing technique is mastered, you can move on to more complex products.

Beautiful epoxy resin table

As mentioned above, the epoxy contains truly unique properties that will help to embody the most insane design ideas... With this resin, you can even make a beautiful decorative table... And depending on the craftsmanship, it can be either a very simple table or a real work of art with a striking shape.

Epoxy resin countertop very hard, it will not be afraid of external damage, deform, and you should not be afraid of cracks during use.

Some precautions should be followed during manufacture:

  • it is necessary to work only in a special painting suit;
  • we must not forget about the use of gloves and a headgear.

Thanks to these precautions, you can avoid some of the negative effects in the form of getting the resin on the skin and hair.

For the manufacture of epoxy resin countertops it is necessary to have a blank form that will be located exactly horizontally, otherwise the table will turn out to be an uneven surface. And there will also be ugly influxes. The form in which the pouring will be carried out should be very well dried, moisture should not be allowed.

A glass base template is ideal as a mold. Of course, the glass must be washed well before pouring. And also the form should be detachable, this will allow you to easily remove the finished table from it.

When the form is ready, you can fill it in required amount of epoxy... While she will be in liquid state, you can add various decorative elements to it. It can be a tree of stones or whatever comes to mind of an enterprising craftsman.

Single color or multi-colored table

The epoxy itself is colorless. Therefore, the tabletop from it will be transparent. It is for this that needlewomen love her. Therefore, all decorative elements that will be added inside will be clearly visible if the table is transparent. However, specially for coloring epoxy resin, various pigments are made that will allow you to get almost any shade.

And you can also achieve such an effect that the table is of combined colors. In this case, it is necessary to use a resin with dyes of different shades.

After the mold is filled in, you need to wait 10-15 minutes, and then you need to remove unwanted bubbles, of course, if they appear on the surface. Large items, like a table, it is better to leave it to harden for two days, after which you can start grinding and polishing. After a week, the table will be completely ready and can be used for its intended purpose.


But this does not limit the use of epoxy resin for decorative purposes. Besides decorations and tables, resin can be used to make beautiful paintings.

Materials (edit)

For making a painting from epoxy resin you will need:

When you have decided on all the necessary components, you can start mixing the resin. This should be done in the same way as it has already been written several times earlier. And don't forget about the use of protective suits and gloves. Of course, as in any case of using resin as a handicraft, it is necessary to prepare the molds for pouring.

To make a picture, you need a frame, either purchased or made yourself. Ordinary glass must be glued to its inner side. Epoxy will now be poured onto the glass inside the frame. Filling is done in the same way, as in the previous cases, slowly and carefully. Care should be taken not to create unnecessary bubbles. On finished products, this will not look very nice, so it is better to avoid bubbles. You need to fill in a small layer first and wait until the substance hardens.

Now you can move on to drawing on this surface. Certainly some artistic talent will be needed. Drawing on a resin surface is very different from drawing on a sheet of paper. After all, the surface of the resin is very smooth, which means that the paint will not cling well to the surface. There is a slight difficulty in applying smears to the picture.

There are advantages to painting on epoxy. The main one is that if the drawing does not work the first time, then it will be possible to simply erase the paint with a cloth. Of course this can only be done if if the paint has not yet dried. Well, even if this happened, then you can simply scrape it off the surface of the resin.

As you can see, you can not be afraid of mistakes. To get started, you can do some experiments, make sketches and see how the drawing will look, and only after that apply the final strokes. And if you don't like something, you can easily delete the drawing and start over. You can use duct tape to get crisp, clean edges. In this case, everything will be very smooth after removing the adhesive tape.

This is followed by pouring the next layer of epoxy resin already on the finished drawing. After the drawing is finished, and the second layer of resin is poured, you can lightly sand the surface with sandpaper, of course, if there are some irregularities. If the surface is smooth, then you don't have to bother with it.

Surface protection

To protect your painting from ultraviolet radiation and yellowing from the sun, you can cover it with a special spray that will do an excellent job of protecting the surface. Such funds are easy to find in hardware stores at a very reasonable price. That, in fact, is all, the picture is ready.

It is worth noting that the product will turn out to be quite weighty, so you should not try to hang it on an ordinary carnation in the wall. The surface should be significantly strengthened and everything should be thought out before hanging the picture on the wall. Such wonderful opportunities are provided by epoxy resin. This is a real find for creative people that they can create paintings or decorations that will amaze everyone around them.


As for the price of epoxy, it is not too expensive. If you plan to make small bracelets, then you can go to any hardware store and buy epoxy for about 100-150 rubles. If you plan to manufacture dimensional objects such as tables or epoxy paintings, it is better to go online and find sites that sell epoxy in large quantities. This will be much more profitable than buying small jars.

Good luck and success in your work!

Greetings, brain talents! How about making a painting ... a 3D painting? This article will help you create such brainwashing consisting of several painted layers of epoxy.

Disclaimer 🙂 3D creation crafts would require even more 4-dimensions. All of these spaces require patience, but the results are worth it.

Step 1: Materials

First of all, let's talk a little about security.

When working with epoxy, it is important to take appropriate precautions, namely, read and follow the manufacturer's warnings. I will not retell them, but nevertheless, I note that when working with epoxy, it is necessary to avoid contact with brain mixture on the skin and inhaling its vapors during mixing and hardening.

I use the following protections:

  • eye protection
  • rubber gloves
  • respirator
  • and an isolated room in which homemade products are left during the curing of the epoxy.

With security sorted out, let's move on to materials and tools:

  • epoxy resin (such as Parks Super Glaze)
  • disposable measuring cups 230ml
  • wooden mixing sticks
  • reservoir that will serve as a boundary loop
  • construction hair dryer
  • paint brushes
  • acrylic paints

Step 2: preparing the mixture

If you are going to be accurate in the thickness of the layers, then first you need to calculate the right amount mixture components for one layer. To do this, we determine the number of layers that you plan to receive, and divide by this value the depth of your confining tank, thereby obtaining the desired layer thickness. My layers are usually around 3mm thick.

Then we multiply the calculated layer thickness by the area of ​​the tank, and we get the volume of one brain layer... One fluid ounce is 29.6cc.

Divide the number of ounces in one layer by 2, and we get the final number of ounces to be measured for each of the resin components, A and B.

Now we put on protective equipment. After that, pour an equal amount of component A and component B into a measuring cup - for my epoxy resin, their ratio is 1: 1 - and mix for at least two minutes. The mixture is rather viscous, so we carefully "scrape" it from the sides and pay attention to the places where it might not mix. As a result, the mixture should be homogeneous (although this moment it will contain a large number of air bubbles). Now we are ready to fill!

Step 3: pouring resin and removing bubbles

The following steps must be performed in an area free of dust and hair, although dust will be present in your homemade, but we will dwell on it later.

Pour the prepared mixture into the restrictive tank, and tilt it in different directions so that it spreads evenly along the bottom. If you want, you can swing it so that the resin covers the walls of the tank, and this will make it easier to scrape off any pieces of paint that may have been there by accident, without wetting the walls it will be more difficult.

Removing bubbles
We turn on the hairdryer at minimum power and heat the tank with the mixture with it, evenly running it over it. We do not stay in one place too long, so as not to burn the resin and it does not crack. (Valuable tip: blow out dust from the hair dryer by turning it on and turning it somewhere else, not over under the tree).

Most of the big bubbles will come out pretty quickly (and at first glance will look pretty satisfactory), but more attention should be paid to the "crumbs". Highlight the filled layer and look for small bubbles, if they are present, they will cast shadows.

Step 4: "dusty" procedures

When we highlight the flooded layer and look for bubbles, we can see specks and fibers on the surface of the layer. During the incarnation of this brainwashing Except for creating it in a kind of "laboratory environment", these dust particles, hairs or fibers are so annoying, but it is almost impossible to get rid of them altogether. However, with correct technique(and with some luck) the dust in the 3D painting will be almost imperceptible.

For your information: It really amazes how much dust and hair all over the place. They "float" in the air and we breathe them all the time ... I think working with epoxy will surprise you a lot with how much is happening around us at the micro level.

Search for dust and hair
So, highlighting the resin layer, we look closely at the highlights on its surface. Debris on this surface will be visible due to the surface tension of the resin that "disturbs" the glare. Exploring the entire surface brain pictures to find those annoying bits. At the same time, we concentrate on the larger ones, since the too small ones for the most part disappear after pouring the next layer, but you should make sure that all the large hairs and fibers are found, they will be visible.

Removing debris
To “catch” debris, you can use a “bait” made of scraps of paper. The corners of the paper are especially good in this matter, as they catch the fibers nicely. You should not reapply these "baits", otherwise you can again "contaminate" the layer with previously caught debris.

Covering layers
After the resin has been cleared of debris, it is worth covering it with something for the time of its hardening in order to protect it from debris. For this I mainly use foil or a plank with which I cover the tank. Advantage of metal brain foils the fact that it can tightly wrap the entire tank, because dust is such a "magic" substance that it can seep through the smallest holes ...

Actions with "vile" specks
And what to do if large specks of dust, or even worse, hair, are interspersed into the layer, and it has already stiffened? You may have to change the concept of the painting to hide them. For example, I had to add elements to pictures for this more than once. But nevertheless, usually all these additions, caused by the initial defects, I liked as a result. Problem solving is one of the most attractive features of art and design. Do not cry over spilled milk, find a better graceful brainwashing! However, if you really need to remove something, you can grind the epoxy to remove this defect, the action is troublesome ... but we will cover it later.

Step 5: curing the resin

During the curing of the resin, keep the reservoir in a place where you will not inhale its vapors. The process of curing the resin itself is due to heat, not exposure to air or evaporation, so do not leave the reservoir with resin in a cold place, as this will significantly slow down the process. On the other hand, you can warm up brainwashing to speed up curing, but not too much - follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Once I left the resin tank in the preheated oven for too long, and it turned out ... really bad (see photo). At room temperature, the layer takes about 8 hours to dry, after which you can paint on it!

Step 6: drawing

The epoxy layer is ready, the fun begins!

Painting on resin is different from painting on canvas, as the surface of the resin is so smooth that the paint does not "cling" to it, making it difficult to apply opaque strokes in one go, but it also provides a great opportunity to paint translucent details!

The photo shows a brush stroke, and as you can see it is transparent, but if you need to make it opaque, you will have to wait until it dries brain paints and apply another layer on top. Another big plus of painting on resin is the ability to wash the paint without much difficulty, if it is not dry, and if it does dry, then it can be scraped off. That is, you can sketch and experiment with a brush, and in case of failure, simply erase or peel off the paint. At the same time, even if you slightly scratched the surface even when cleaning off, then when pouring a new layer, these small scratches will disappear.

To get crisp, smooth edges, I sometimes use electrical tape, and you can see this in the photos presented, the last 4 of which show the first 4 layers.

Preparing to fill the next layer
After the drawing process is completed, it is necessary to clean the surface to brainpicture was crystal clear. To do this, I use wet paper towels, after which I still wipe with microfiber, and control the process using the same trick with illuminating the surface and observing the glare, in order to thereby find spots and removable debris. Again, don't worry about minor scratches that may appear after cleaning.

Having finished with cleaning, we return to the previous step and repeat brain procedure pouring a layer, hardening and drawing a pattern, and so on until the tank is completely filled crafts!

Step 7: Eliminate Large Defects

With your homemade various troubles can happen that can become critical. For example, in the above photo of the top layer of epoxy, the material with which I protected it from dust during curing touched, and which left an unpleasant mark on the layer in the lower right corner. The flaw was significant, and I needed to fix it somehow ...

If the defect is critical and it must be eliminated in any case, then you can simply clean out the defect completely and fill it again, so that, ideally, it becomes transparent again. In such a case, ALWAYS wear a respirator, yes, and take other precautions so that neither you nor anyone else breathes in the dust being removed. You don't want to clog your lungs with hard particles, which are essentially tiny pieces of plastic.

If the defect to be fixed is too deep, then you can use a dremel or other similar tool to clean it up to speed up the process. Next, you should clean the place with large-grain sandpaper, and gradually increase it, bringing it to 600-grain, while wet grinding will significantly reduce the amount of sprayed solid particles.

After finishing sanding with 600-grit sandpaper, it will be possible to fill in a new layer brain pictures and it becomes transparent again. My process of fixing the defect in the above picture is in full swing, but the resin manufacturer assured me that everything should work out as it should.

Step 8: final touches

To protect your brainwashing from exposure to UV radiation, due to which the epoxy turns yellow, it is necessary to cover it with a special protective filter. 3D epoxy painting is quite heavy, so materials that can support its weight should be used to finish it. I carved the body of my first painting with laser cutter made of white acrylic that holds the UV filter, but does not hold itself under the tree... Therefore, to hang my 3D painting, I screwed eye hooks into the wooden restraining tank and tied a wire to them.

Step 9: get creative!

Here are a few more photos with my masterpieces, and I hope you like them ... :) I also started experimenting with glass containers, and such homemade rather graceful, as you can see through them from different sides... Plus, the top layer reflects the inner layers and it looks cool - you can see it in the second photo.

If you are interested, you can familiarize yourself with my other crafts, and I myself can not wait to see what others have created using this technique of creating 3D pictures! And let all your bubbles come out, and the dust particles will be invisible! Good luck to all!

Epoxy is a popular creative material. With its help, you can make jewelry with your own hands - earrings, pendants, and other jewelry. Furniture made of epoxy will be no less beautiful: it goes well with wood, wood shavings and sawdust, cuts of stumps and twigs.

Products made of epoxy resin and wood will decorate any interior, in addition, the price of such an exclusive is very high, and you can earn money on this.

What is epoxy resin, properties

Epoxy is a synthetic oligomer containing epoxy groups. In terms of the production method, it is very complex; it is a condensation product of bisphenol A and epichlorohydrin. It is impossible to use the material in its original form: only the introduction of a hardener can stabilize its condition, after which the polymerization reaction will begin.

Other components, such as chalk, cement, alabaster, can also be included in the composition of epoxies of different brands, which compact the mass. The resin also goes well with aerosil, wood chips, graphite, various dyes, and aluminum powder. Various oils and other substances are also introduced into the composition, depending on the needs of users.

For pouring wood and other creative activities, a transparent resin without fillers, into which plasticizers and modifiers are introduced, is perfect. The material has the following properties:

  • resistance to abrasives and mechanical damage;
  • low wear rate;
  • low moisture permeability;
  • no shrinkage during operation;
  • lack of response to action chemicals except for strong acids;
  • excellent adhesion to wood, plastic, metal substrates, glass, ceramics, rubber and leather.

Material application

Resin uses are varied. It finds application in most large industrial sectors:

  • electronics;
  • aviation;
  • manufacture of machines;
  • repair of equipment;
  • shipbuilding;
  • construction;
  • fiberglass production;
  • pouring floors;
  • production of glue, putty, grout;
  • production of paints and varnishes.

You can also work with epoxy at home. It is ideal for the manufacture and processing of furniture made of natural wood and its derivatives, slab. With the help of pouring, you can make an original stool, chair or table, cabinet doors. Souvenirs, jewelry, watches, figurines are also beautiful, cutting boards and products for the kitchen, bathroom, vases, tambourines and other toys for children.

Various types and states of glue

On sale there is different brands epoxy resin - domestic and imported. For the manufacture of furniture fit Most of them. It is only important to decide whether a colored or transparent resin is needed for decoration. Usually, so that beautiful cuts of wood and its fibers are visible, they acquire transparent compositions. For example, quality YD-128 resin is colorless and transparent like glass. Epoxy MG-Epox-Strong also has no complaints about transparency, it is even suitable for creating jewelry. By the way, such resins can be combined with colored ones - to make bright blotches inside the bulk.

These materials represent two-component adhesives... Stabilization liquid resin occurs when adding the hardener, which is included in the second bottle. You will not be able to pour furniture parts into molds with thick pastes, therefore you should not buy them.

There are 5 main states of resin:

  • liquid - this is a material without a hardener or immediately after its introduction, has excellent fluidity;
  • honey-like - resembles molasses, already a little thickened resin, which is better used for layer-by-layer filling of crafts;
  • thick - the fluidity is sharply reduced, the mass does not flow well and is only suitable for gluing parts or for putty;
  • rubbery - epoxy resembles rubber or hardened plasticine, sticky, but can change shape;
  • solid - fully cured resin.

Differences between resin and glue

In master classes on pouring wood products, it is necessary to use epoxy resin, but not glue based on it. The main material differences are:

  • the curing time of the glue cannot be changed, and the freezing rate of the resin can be increased or slowed down;
  • the glue turns yellow, the resin remains transparent;
  • the glue has low elasticity, while the resin is malleable, it allows you to carry out the work required by the master;
  • glue is used to join parts, it will not be possible to fill the product with it, almost any figurines can be made from resin.

Pros and cons of epoxy for wood

Previously, epoxy was used in the form of glue for various parts, it was almost never used in art. Later, floors were poured with this material, noting its low abrasion, high strength and durability. Now resins with dyes or in their pure form are widely used to create unique products for the home. The advantages of epoxy for wood are as follows:

  • the mass can be given any shape - it flows, fills the smallest pits, depressions and cracks;
  • the hardened product is easy to grind and polish, you can drill holes in it, sharpen grooves;
  • epoxy is on sale different colors, but even a transparent resin can be given any shade by introducing a dye;
  • since the composition does not shrink, the furniture will retain its attractiveness for a long time.

The tool also has disadvantages. So, you need to strictly observe the proportions of resin and hardener, otherwise the mass can be irretrievably spoiled. Resin is expensive, especially with transparent grades. The cost of large items will turn out to be large. Another disadvantage is the toxicity of epoxy. During work, you will have to use a respirator, gloves, glasses, and ventilate the room well. After hardening, the composition is safe.

Features of working with epoxy

Wood is heterogeneous in structure, therefore, air can accumulate inside its parts, around which a vacuum is formed. After a change in temperature, the material expands or contracts, therefore, until the moment of complete solidification, air bubbles often appear on the surface, coming out of the internal cavities of the wood.

To avoid defects, it is necessary to stabilize the temperature in the room for 2-3 hours after pouring the epoxy. It is advisable not to work outside or choose a time in the afternoon when the sun is not so hot. If you intend to perform a thick layer of epoxy, it is better to divide the work into 2 stages. The risk of bubbles appearing in thin layers is lower.

Impregnation of wood with epoxy

For high-quality impregnation of wood with epoxy, the base, on the contrary, is heated. After the pores of the wood have expanded, they will perfectly absorb the mass, which will also become very liquid upon contact with hot surface... After the impregnated wood hardens, it is covered with a finishing layer on top. When drying, you will have to control the temperature again so that the air does not come out to the surface.

Eliminate air bubbles

It happens that bubbles still appear on the top of the fill. It is not necessary to heat the product, this may cause the formation of new bubbles. Better to use a thin needle to pierce the balloons. Another way to remove them is to sprinkle the resin with alcohol from a spray bottle. Although in this case there is a risk of discoloration or the degree of transparency of the mass. Large bubbles are removed after the resin has set. They are drilled, cleaned, degreased and re-filled.

Resin Uses - Design Options

Transparent resins for optical embeddings are ideal for combination with wood. Any design "tricks" will be visible through them - crumbs, sawdust, metal elements. If you decide to add a color scheme, it is better to buy it of the same brand, so that there are no problems with mixing.

Colored masses are usually cloudy, and they are not used for the main fill. But the filling with a colored composition of the pores of the tree, voids from knots, bark beetle moves looks beautiful. For example, a shelf or bar counter in which cracks are painted with resin with luminescent dyes will be unique. Then the furniture will glow on its own.

There are other interesting design techniques... So, when you add a droplet of water to the resin, you get milk stains. Also, drops make beautiful blotches in colored epoxy.

Cut furniture

Furniture that resembles jewel- its details are cut. For example, a beautiful stump is enclosed in a transparent cube, ground, polished and given clear edges. The product can be used as a table, chair, or simply installed as an element of the interior.

Solid wood table

To create a design table, use the technique of staining grooves and holes, which you can do yourself. Any kind of wood will do. You can take a single piece or make a tabletop from glued strips. To prevent the stained resin from leaking out, inside the boards are covered with paper tape, which is removed after hardening. Cured resin polished, then varnished.

Filling table

This method of creating furniture is more complex. Thick glass or plywood is used as the basis for the decor, which is given the shape of the future table. Light decorative elements must be glued, because they can float. Next, a side is made that will hold the epoxy on the base. It is neatly nailed down with furniture studs.

The base must be dry before pouring. The pores of the wood are treated with an epoxy primer. At one time, fill is made no more than 1 cm thick. Large pieces of wood, stones will have to be hidden in the resin several times, performing the work in layers. Each stage is carried out two days after the previous one. You can use the table only after 7 days, after the same period it is ground and polished if necessary. It is advisable to cover the pouring tables with varnish - this will reduce the risk of minor defects.


Planks are used to create luminous or ordinary shelves. the right size... Areas affected by mold, fungus are removed using hand tool... Next, the resin is mixed with a dye, choosing the desired color. WITH back side the board is sealed with tape, and the pores are filled with a dye composition. After drying, apply a layer transparent resin. At the end of the work, the surface is varnished.

Table with a map inside

Such a table is made in the same way, only a cut of a tree trunk with many cracks, streaks, and branches is selected. Holes are drilled to imitate a map of the world - seas, oceans. After that, the product is poured, painting the resin in the desired tones.

Ice in the house

A bar or countertop can be made to resemble a block of ice. Such plates are cast into molds with colored resin “cracks” inside. The use of such a product in the interior will become a unique design technique.

LED lamp made of wood and epoxy

Even nightlights and lamps can be made from epoxy resin. In such a device, a diode lamp is attached to the bottom of the frame; it also serves as a stand. The order of work is as follows:

  1. From pieces of chipboard, assemble a box 33x20 cm with strict observance of angles of 90 degrees, it will serve as a mold for pouring.
  2. Put the box on flat base, pull it off with clamps, seal the cracks with a sealant.
  3. Dilute dark resin and cover with a thin layer.
  4. After hardening, lay the piece of wood with the bark inside, decorate with decor (for example, dry moss).
  5. Pour clear resin on top (3 cm thick).
  6. Allow the product to dry.
  7. Attach it to the lamp.

Resin Jewelry

For self-made rings, key rings, pendants, earrings and other jewelry, you need to purchase suitable molds - silicone molds. You will also need high quality transparent resin, decor - rhinestones, glitter, beads, sequins.

Decorations with dried flowers

To make such jewelry, you need to prepare flowers in advance. Forget-me-not, veronica, heather, small roses or individual petals, buds look beautiful. Stencils of the desired shape are drawn on paper, laid out on a clean, film-covered surface. Top stencils are covered with multiforme.

The finished diluted resin is applied directly to the multifor, carefully distributing according to the stencil, using a wooden stick until it reaches a height of 2-3 cm.Then, the mass is covered with a dome shape on top - this option is ideal for making earrings, pendants. In a day, the workpieces are removed from the multifor, the dome is removed, and well polished. The work is repeated, only dried flowers are laid inside the workpiece. After that, both halves are glued together.


For work, you will need special molds for bracelets, resin, a mixing container, a stick and any decor. The filler is laid out in a dry form, the resin is carefully poured (in a thin stream). Spread the decor with a toothpick, pierce the air bubbles. Allow the workpiece to harden (24 hours), then grind it, removing it from the mold. To add gloss, the bracelet is varnished.

Colored resin products

Any jewelry can be made not only from transparent, but also from colored epoxy. On sale there are dyes of all colors of the rainbow, fluorescent and fluorescent colors. The work on filling the jewelry will be similar, only the resin is pre-painted with dry pigment. Knead it carefully, strictly in a circle, so that air bubbles do not appear. The workpieces are covered with lids so that dust does not get on them.

Some people prefer to fill in whole blocks, after cutting out sets of jewelry from them. By the way, when decorating them, it is quite possible to use a tree - tiny twigs, twigs, sawdust. This will give the jewelry uniqueness and originality, allowing you to create a real designer accessory.

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