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Beautiful greeting with wedding. Romantic congratulations on the wedding of the elderly. Beautiful greetings with wedding - poems

- Strong spiritual event for newlyweds, their parents and friends. The closest people want to participate in this joyful event and show your love, attachment to a pair. For this, they prepare beautiful and romantic wedding greetings. How to make them correctly, because the excitement is common when creating such words. And even greater to pronounce them in front of all guests.

Prayer for the well-being of a young family

We do not want to be formal. And we make every effort to support the bride and groom in their main desire - to get married, be loyal to each other. Preparing congratulations on a wedding, in the soul sincerely pray for the newlyweds. It will be although implicit, but very valuable gift for them. And believe me, it will definitely affect their well-being. After the wedding ceremony is completed, hand your young gift. And to him - a postcard - congratulations on the Wedding Day.

Subscribe it with your own hands or order in the printing house. The text of the postcard is relatives, close and friends can read at the wedding in front of all guests. It looks touching and beautiful. You express what honor for you is to attend the holiday and be invited to divide the happiness of the birth of a young family.

How to congratulate with wedding

Giving solemn text, do not hide the excitement. Let your feelings look natural: people will understand you, and the bride with the bride will appreciate such an attitude. Pronounce congratulations on the pure hearts, good soul. Heat and sincerity of phrases will support young and create a special mood after the wedding. Your kindness and soulfulness will be available to guests and multiply by other people.

Beautifully uttered words of congratulations on the wedding will find a live response among those present. They will leave romantic memories, especially if this moment is removed on.

These texts will help you choose the necessary words for the bride and groom.

Your marriage is blessed with heaven

Take our sincere congratulations on the mystery of the wedding! Your marriage is now blessed by heaven. Let them send you light and warm. So that your feelings are fixed every day. So that no adversity scared you, but would only strengthen the attachment to each other. We wish you to keep tenderness and love. Let there be many joyful events, and let the circle of loyal friends be expanding every year! Be happy.

Wedding greetings from parents

Dad and Mom are the main people at the wedding. Without them, there would be no happiness, family and love. They, like no other, are worried about you and wish only the best. Maternal and fatherly prayer, the words of wishes of favlements - a strong energy that helps you in your relationship, giving wings. Congratulations to parents emphasize the sacramental, the deep meaning of the mystery of the wedding and everything that happens to you now, at that moment.

Wedding is not just the date.
You are not just like that of the temple.
You remember this once
And you will appreciate your marriage.
Let the new skipping waiting
And let the icons catch!

Congratulations on the wedding from the best friends and girlfriends

Who is like not best friends And girlfriends, remember the moments of your childhood, intimate scenes of youth, turbulent university years, the first victories, support in defeats. Friends are always there. Therefore, congratulations on the wedding are very valuable. The best words - not invented in advance, and coming from the heart. And yet, the home billet does not hurt, will help the speaking not be lost.

You gave an oath before God
Love each other and take care.
Let them not scary sorrow
And many, many gentle meetings.

Congratulations on the wedding from brother or sister

Brother and sister are the next relatives. They wish you happiness and good luck, understand you and wish prosperity. These are important guests at the wedding. Their sincere joy of a divided light event is poured into the beautiful and solemn words of congratulations.

Dear newlyweds! You approached the most important and responsible moment of your new life - wedding! We sincerely congratulate you and praise God, for giving two loving souls reunification! From this point on, you are inseparable from both physical love and spiritual! Save your love and respect for my life in pristine clean look! Wedding you!

You congratulate you with the mystery of the wedding,
Today, God approved your union,
Live, not knowing about sadness,
And remember the holiness of those ultrasounds
That before God tied you in the family,
That loyalty obliges to save
That for two one soul you Dali,
And let the heavens bless you.

If you find it difficult to come up with your wedding greetings, use ready-made texts. Be happy and look for tips on how to organize a wedding, in other sections of our site.

Your marriage is now bonded in heaven.
I congratulate you heartily with this.
I wish you always in hand
In life, you walked, not knowing.

He's health does not leave you,
Still success and happiness will certainly.
Love and respecting you forever
And let them be changed for the better.

Great sacrament in your life together
I wish long years live a couple wonderful.
So as not to disturb your family bad weather,
So that there was a complete bowl of wealth and happiness.

God your union forever blessed,
So let him send you the patience and strength.
And let the bright road will open today,
With the wedding of you, dear, love you many, many!

With the wedding we congratulate you!
And the marriage is strong wish!
Be loved ones always to each other,
To be loyal wife, spouse!

Keep love wish you feelings
After all, in marriage live - already art,
Let the skill grows over the years,
Offend will not be between you!

Today, the angels are sanguage
On you in the temple of the Song of his
You connected two lives
On a beautiful day in one destiny.

With the wedding you congratulate you
I wish Fame Love,
To with faith with clean and hope
You just went to happiness together.

Comic cool greetings after wedding

Threads invisible you are associated forever,
To live in love and joy you for another hundred years.
In a moment, when it was married (this is not a sin),
With you together were happiness and success.

Let them live everywhere in life,
Let them be generous, joke there and here.
So that you could live this life together,
Even through years to love sincerely.

Forever connected with one destiny
So be happy, super-gurl and super-fight!
On the day of the wedding, I wish love eternal to the coffin,
Let your family immunity be amenable to any microbe.

I wish you a hundred years to live without trouble and tedious days,
I wish you a loyalty to each other and many children.
And let the fate pamper you not in childish,
Live in the house of dreams with a bunch of money and butler.

We want to congratulate you with the wedding!
Let it not be punished
The connection of your destinies
The joint path will not be difficult!

We wish wisdom, patience,
Appreciate moments and instant
Loving and body and soul
Take care of your peace!

You married today.
All, forever you are in captivity.
Let his wife afraid of her husband,
Had a husband to his wife.

Joy to you, understanding
Forces let the Lord gives
I wish you a special day

Beautiful greetings with wedding in their own words

My dear, let me congratulate you with the accomplishment of the Great Sacrament. Now your marriage is bonded in heaven and listed in a special registry. Let the angels light your life Path, Help achieve success and always protect your family hearth. Love you sincere, patience and mutual understanding, faith and hopes. Having such satellites easily overcome any difficulties, survive and not doubt each other.

Congratulations on your excellent event, with a great celebration in your life. On the day of your wedding from a pure heart, I want to love to love sincerely and pretty, not to give a family hearth to extinct for a minute, avoid disclaiming in the family and quarrel, every day to meet with one dream for two and enjoy one of the happiness for one long wonderful collaborative life.

With wedding! You have committed a serious step - you are not just got married and wrapped, you agreed to become one of the whole, to be together in times sorrowful and happy, give birth and raise kids in lawful marriage, consecrated by heaven! Happiness to you, peace, passionate and tender love, trepidate relationship, understanding, patience, wisdom, long and joyful years in marriage!

Congratulations on the wonderful sacrament, with a wedding! Let this sacred ritual build your destinies together. Let there be a uniform belief and one for two dreams. I wish your family love, happiness and understanding. Let the Lord escapes you from worn, pride and indifference, but will give wisdom, patience and ability to forgive. Keep tenderness in the hearts and carry the light of grace through all your family life.

Short Wishes Wedding (SMS)

With the wedding you congratulate you
And I wish you a personal happiness.
In consent, the whole century live,
Be able to forgive, appreciate, love.

Happy Wedding Holiday I want to congratulate you
And wish love the most sincere, light,
Behind all the bad weather and the troubles leave,
Holding hands tightly for the dream to go cherished.

Friends, Wedding, Long Year!
Live in happiness and without trouble!
Don't offend each other,
Your marriage to strengthen over the years!

Love huge, faith strong,
I wish everyday wisdom.
Before God, marriage brought you,
With the wedding gently congratulations!

It is difficult to pick up faithful and warm words for congratulations on Wedding Day loved ones. I want to say something important, give advice for life. During the rite of weddings, people entering the Sacred Marriage Union receive a blessing from Christ and spiritual patrons. The bride and groom swear to each other in loyalty and love, promising to take care of marriage from fumeful trifles, quarrels and mutual offensive.

Congratulations on the Wedding Day are better prepared in advance. Here you do not need formal, high words - try to speak warmth and sincerely. You can tell about the family, happily living in marriage, to present the secret of their family happiness, their family values \u200b\u200b- care for each other, birth and raising children.

How to congratulate with the wedding in prose?

Congratulations on the wedding in prose Often are in the form of a small sermon. Here are some examples.

"You are two hearts that, by the War of God, could find each other in this life. Be grateful for it to him who collided you and each other, because you managed to build a strong family union from a simple sympathy. "

"Wedding is the blessing of the marriage union by God. You have a responsible thing - take care of your family, take care of each other and about your future children, raise them with love for God, peace and your parents. "

In the image of the wedding lies the image of the spiritual unity of Christ and the Church. Your souls joined the hand in hand to go forever - on earth and in heaven. Be prepared to share with each other not only joy, but also sadness, support each other. Be prepared to give life for your love, as Jesus gave yourself for the church. Remember the sacred covenant: "" Wives, obey your husbands, as the Lord, because the husband is the head of his wife, like Christ the head of the church, and he is the Savior of the Body; But both the church will obey Christ and his wives with their husbands in everything. "

Love begins when a person who was only one of many others, suddenly becomes the only one. Love begins when we look at a person without a desire to possess them and rule them - we are looking forward to the inner beauty that has discovered. If someday this feeling begins to fill up, in return to him the faith comes - confidence in the beloved person, his second half. Once seen becomes undoubted.

You are creators of creation. You are the creators of the spiritual union. Among the whole lies, scattering, petty and bustle, you create a stronghold of the Church, a sacred family. Maintain it in inviolability of disgusting manifestations of the outside world is not easy. And it will not be easy for you. But when it comes to seem that this task is impossible and for you is unbearable, do not despair. You are not alone. You're together. Despite the temptations, you store the family. This is the meaning of marriage. In this - hope for others.

Congratulations on wedding in verse Also can be sustained in a solemn tone, with quotes from church books. They describe the path of two loving hearts To the sacred union, the rite of the sacrament. It is possible to focus on the details - the candles-burning candles on the altar, who kept the head of the bride, a fatherly smiling father, - or focus on the spiritual meaning of wedding and marriage.

Equally important to come up with for loved ones congratulations on the anniversary of the wedding. In congratulations, you can highlight the path that the newlyweds have passed for the year, show what heights they have achieved in their spiritual union. Congratulations on the anniversary of the wedding also express hope for further prosperity of the family. If the couple still do not have children, perhaps in congratulation it is worth expressing hope for a quick replenishment of the family, give a good advice on the birth and raising children. Warm I. sincere words Congratulations can be a real faithful to family values.

Examples of congratulations in prose

Here is an example of congratulations on the wedding in prose:

Another congratulation with the wedding in prose:

An example of greetings with wedding in verse:

Look also:

Congratulations on the anniversary of the wedding

Protected art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Union Ring

Union Ring, sacred before God,
And he promises, only happiness and warmth,
You chose friends, this way,
There was a year from the moment yes, that.
And on the day of the wedding, we want to congratulate you,
And again the holiday, big, wish,
In life together, undergo all the obstacles,
And only together, grief in life to win.

Congratulate congratulations on the anniversary of the wedding

Protected art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

This year has passed since your wedding
And in the heart of the sacrament of a church storage,
Congratulate you want and express recognize
That the temple came to say "love you."
You have snow-white pigeons allowed into the sky.
And the bell tower was pleased with the world,
Got native salt with bread,
And he was a cheerful wedding a noisy feast.
Let the first year remember for a long time,
After all, it was a solid honey year.
Let life flow in prosperity and delight
God to raise children will help God.

To congratulate family couple, husband and wife
congratulate on the anniversary of the wedding

Protected art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

Congratulations on a bright anniversary!

Wedding is a mysterious rite,
For joy - a wonderful reason!
And every guest to congratulate today is glad
Here is this couple with a bright anniversary!

We wish the Love Big Last
Age remember the oath, the data before God!
Live the soul into the soul - good
Go only joyful expensive!

Congratulate relatives, friends
wedding, anniversary, congratulations, oath, god

Protected art. 1301 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

On the anniversary of the wedding

We gathered all together to this hour
With wedding anniversary so that you
Dear, congratulate and on the road
Send again to you not sleep

On the segment live together
To together and at night and day
You stepped on, friends,
Otherwise, believe me, it is impossible:

Only together you will be able to
All obstacles that you are on the way
Meet, - overcome,
And, of course, in life to have time

Do everything that is possible on "5",
So that we can congratulate again
With the anniversary of the following
And so that there were more fun!

Congratulate her husband and wife
Just together, all have time

Take our sincere congratulations on the mystery of the wedding! Your marriage is now blessed by heaven! Let them send you light and warmth! So that your feelings are fastened with every day! So that no adversity scared you, but would only strengthen the attachment to each other! We wish you to keep tenderness and love! Let there be many joyful events, and let the circle of loyal friends be expanding every year! Be happy!

Today you are the most beautiful on the planet. After all, wedding is the brightest and responsible day in the life of a person. People come to the sacred church not by religious traditions, but according to real love. Come here to get the opportunity to be together not only in this life, but also in other.

It is said that a man and a woman are two halves of one whole. These halves are drawn to each other and are looking for their native soul. Today in this holy place two more souls connected to one whole. We witness the blessings of a man and a woman. Do not forget - you are now one and body one soul.

Your responsible step is now consistent before God. Do not be afraid in your life to make any undertakings, because they are given a blessing. But do not forget that God looks at all your actions, and you need to be responsible for them. Let the advice and love accompany in your sacred union!

On the day of the wedding, you say an oath. The oath before God cannot be broken, for God would not give you to pronounce it. So you found each other and you now have one soul. Never sin and do not defile an oath by bad actions. You are standing here on your own will, you yourself chose this path. The temple of the Lord is open to lovers, and you are awarded the most huge gift - love!

Happiness is not just fleeting joy, happiness around us in every part of this world. Today we gathered here to congratulate two lover. Let your hearts always be filled with love, every day will be unusual and new to you. Do not copy years, live every moment and never get used to love. You need to love not in habit, but as for the first time. As if you fall in love with each other, and this feeling overwhelms you.

Since ancient times, under the word "wedding" understood the connection of two souls into a single whole. And these two souls will even stay together after death. Swear to each other in eternal love And keep your word to the end. If you have chosen such a way, then you are ready for him, and agree on everything to see a native person every day.

In your life today is the most responsible day. You want to create a family and get a blessing from God. Give an oath before the sacred place and take the words to the end. Do not look back, do not be afraid of difficulties. Every day carries a new discovery. We wish you happiness, health to you and your children, we wish to go through life, keeping tightly, and never part.

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