Fire Safety Encyclopedia

The plant is a symbol of the life of eternal love of family well-being. Plants that open the door to the world of love

For many of us, plants are just decorative element- they decorate, enliven the interior, absorb carbon dioxide ... However, experienced housewives who are actively engaged in breeding indoor plants will tell you that the role of colors is much greater. The plant can become a real family talisman, and if taken care of properly, it will bring love, happiness and good luck to the house.

People have long noticed that some flowers improve the atmosphere in the house, create coziness, while others, on the contrary, negatively affect the energy.

So, here are 10 plants that will bring good luck to your home:

10th place: Anthurium

Anthurium is in awe of the stronger sex and gives its representatives masculine strength. For single men, the plant also brings success in women, for married men, happy family life into the house.

If you are an unmarried girl, it is worth starting this plant at least because of its beauty and, of course, for future family happiness. The flower has large dark green leaves, heart-shaped, as if suspended from long narrow cuttings. When properly cared for, a plant will flower all year round. Anthurium flower is a fluffy white or yellow spikelet in red-pink ( see photo) or a snow-white border.

The maximum growth of a houseplant is 80 cm. Leaves can grow up to 40 cm in length, flowers - up to 20 cm. You cannot call it a long-liver: the flower dies after 3 years.

Important! Anthurium is very poisonous, therefore it is necessary to protect small children and animals from it.

"Male flower" warm and light-loving, which is not surprising: his homeland is the subtropics of Central and South America. To make the anthurium feel at home and bloom better, spray it with water twice a day. Do not direct the stream into the inflorescences of the plant: they may darken and crumble. It is necessary to water the flower once a week in winter and 2-3 times in summer. Anthurium has long been included in the TOP 10 indoor plants of family happiness.

9th place: Oxalis

Oxalis or room oxalis ( see photo) can only bring good luck - this becomes clear from the first glance at the flower. The shape of the leaves resembles a giant clover, painted over with dark lilac in the middle. Therefore, it is customary to give the plant to the house for the holidays. The four-leaf oxalis is in special honor, promising incredible luck to its owner.

The taste of "luck" is slightly sour due to the high content of oxalic acid. The leaves of the plant can have different colors: green, lilac or two-color. At night and in cloudy weather, they add up. Oxalis blooms several times a year with charming small flowers:

  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • white.

Water this plant, your family "happiness" once a week, expose the plant to diffused light, do not allow temperatures above 25 degrees. Pamper the flower with mineral dressing from time to time.

8th place: Chlorophytum

Chlorophytrum has probably caught your eye at least once: it is a luxurious lush plant with oblong leaves of a juicy green color. As soon as they do not call this shock of greenery: "Spray of champagne", "spider", "green lily", "bride's veil". But most often the plant is called "family happiness", whose patron it is considered.

A flower can be not only a family talisman, but also bring considerable benefit to the house. Chlorophytrum has been proven to intensively moisturize and cleanse the air from harmful bacteria. The effect will be enhanced if you place a couple of activated carbon tablets in the soil at the roots of the plant.

A couple of pots of chlorophytrum, "charged" with coal, perfectly replace the air cleaner.

In addition, it contains a large number of essential oils... Therefore, inhaling the smell of the plant has a beneficial effect on nervous system and relieves stress. In a word, chlorophytrum literally relieves the atmosphere in the house. For this plant, you need to water more often and expose to the sun.

7th place: Calathea

At first glance, Calathea looks restrained and even somewhat strict. This is a real ascetic flower: it is unpretentious in care and can do without watering for a long time. It is known that in the tribes of South America, where Calathea comes from, its strong leaves were often used for weaving baskets. All of this fits in perfectly with the fact that Calathea is the patroness of a long and lasting marriage and brings happiness to the home where she is cherished.

The large and fleshy leaves of the plant are adorned with a delicate pale pattern. By the way, a sign of a healthy flower is a solid base color and clear lines on the leaves.

The size indoor flower can reach 60 cm. The length of the leaves is up to 30 cm. By itself, with minimal watering, calathea can last up to 4 years. If a plant is dealt with and transplanted on time, its life becomes endless.

6th place: Aichrizon

Aichrizon is a small shrub that is easily recognized by its thick stem and many round and fleshy leaves. By the way, they resemble hearts to many. Perhaps this is also why the flower is called the "tree of love." Romance is also added by the fact that in the wild aichrizon often grows "through the rocks", that is, in crevices where little is found.

The flower can reach a height of 30 cm. The color of the plant varies from juicy green to light green, with whitish, reddish or brown spots. In the photo - aikhrizon Gucci.

To in due date(second half of spring) Aichrizon has blossomed, you need to try hard. In summer, the flower requires a temperature of 20-25 degrees and frequent watering, in the cool season - 10-12 degrees and one watering per week. It also needs to be sprayed from time to time. warm water and wipe the leaves-hearts. Then at the beginning of May you will get into the house bright inflorescence from small yellow or red "suns".

5th place: Myrtle

Fragrant myrtle is often given to newlyweds. It is believed to promote peace, friendship and trust between husband and wife. Spouses who have myrtle bushes in their homes will always support each other, seek compromises and hold back even in anger. Family happiness will not leave this house. Perhaps the reason for this is the subtle soothing aroma of the plant. Besides, literally from the Greek "myrtle" is translated as "balm".

If the shrub is planted as a houseplant, it can grow up to 1 meter. The plant is demanding: it can only be placed in sunny place, but the light should be soft and diffused. Likes moderate temperatures: 17-20 degrees in summer and 7-10 degrees in winter. Watering should be so frequent that the soil never dries up. In addition, the shrub needs regular spraying. By the way, tinctures and balms can be prepared from the leaves of an adult myrtle.

4th place: Hoya

Hoya is an alien from Asia. It is also called wax ivy. V indoor conditions is a medium-sized shrub with stunningly beautiful spherical inflorescences. Hoya is the patroness of young lovers, tenderness and fidelity. During flowering, it emits sweetish nectar and an exciting scent. Therefore, it is best to put it in the bedroom.

In order for the flower to grow normally and not be capricious, it is recommended to maintain a temperature of 22-25 degrees in summer and 10-15 in winter. Hoya needs absent-minded sunlight, but, as a last resort, it will manage with artificial lighting. Periodic spraying and watering of the plant with settled water is recommended. Blooming hoya produces inflorescences of small white flowers and purple stars in the middle. The house where the hoya blooms is considered happy.
3rd place: Chinese rose

The Chinese rose or hibiscus took the "prize" place for bringing passion into the house. Moreover, all indiscriminately: if you are free, you will soon meet a couple. If you are already in a relationship, then love will only intensify. In the photo - hibiscus on a trunk.

There are many interesting Asian traditions associated with hibiscus. Large red, yellow and white flowers look great against the background of silky black Asian hair. Therefore, the latter actively use hibiscus as decoration. A flower above the left ear means readiness for a new romantic acquaintance. Above the right one - the girl is already busy. The most immodest ones can decorate themselves with flowers on both sides, hinting that they are not averse to meeting another guy.

As “passionate” as hibiscus is, it is also thermophilic. Do not be confused by the deceptive appearance of a typical deciduous shrub from the temperate strip: the Chinese rose normally tolerates up to 35 degrees of heat. In general, the flower is unpretentious, but in the period from late spring to mid-autumn, more frequent watering is recommended, as well as mineral fertilizing. Bring into the house at the first night cold snaps.

2nd place: Uzambara violet

She is Saintpaulia, which is considered a symbol of endless love. Or love to the grave, as you please. It is quite possible that the bet is placed on the cute look of this plant: small bushes with velvet leaves, and during flowering, small multi-colored flowers can also be seen in them. Small pots with violets are certainly a symbol of endless comfort and home warmth... The bonus is a pleasant smell.

The little one, however, is a little capricious. It requires a lot of light, only soft, settled water, preferably with a mineral additive. Watering must be done carefully - if you spill water into soft leaves, they will rot. The violet should be transplanted every 3-4 years. Pink, white, purple - these are the flowers that violets are decorated with for several months of the year.

1st place: Spathiphyllum

Who could have got the first place in the ranking of the best 10 indoor plants of family happiness? Of course, the main female patron - spathiphyllum ( on the picture). It is called so: "female happiness". It gives love to single women, renewed feelings to married women, pregnancy to barren women, peace and tranquility in the family, etc. to those with many children.

Spathiphyllum has narrow, flexible stems on which buds form during flowering. The stems are bordered by large, but rather thin and sinewy leaves. The plant blooms with smooth white buds. By the way, sometimes the flower is called the room "lily" because of the similarity to the calla lily.

Unlike anthurium, it is extremely unpretentious. It grows normally at temperatures between 18 and 23 degrees. If it gets hotter or cooler, it will simply "freeze" at one stage of growth. In the photo spathiphyllum with white flowers.

Like most plants, spathiphyllum needs to be watered more often in the summer, and in winter, on the contrary, the water supply must be reduced. In the spring, the flower can be transplanted.

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Since ancient times, plants have been attributed the role of healers and amulets, our ancestors treated them as living beings with a soul, their own character and the ability to fill their owner and his house with favorable energy.

V modern world old traditions are reviving again, because many are really capable of attracting happiness, prosperity and love to a family.

Flowers that bring happiness and well-being to the house


A versatile houseplant revered in many homes. As the legend says, it was he who gave the leaves to cover nakedness, as well as fruits and shelter to the first people - Adam and Eve, expelled from the Gardens of Eden. Ficus can be placed in any of the rooms, because it has a positive effect on the energy of all households.

UZAMBAR VIOLET (Saintpaulia)

A pretty plant in the form of small bushes with velvety heart-shaped foliage, blooms with small flowers of different colors, which have a pleasant aroma.

Many romantic and mystical legends are associated with the violet, one of which says that its flowers are the tears of Adam. In ancient times, this flower was used as a decoration for the marriage bed of newly made spouses, and in France it symbolized loyalty and devotion.

With all its appearance it symbolizes endless love, harmony, comfort and warmth hearth... White violet flowers promote mutual understanding between spouses, and purple flowers - creative development... This plant will be an excellent talisman for preserving comfort and peace in the house, if you place it on the windowsill in the bedroom.


These delicate flowers known to all. However, few people know about the amazing property of the plant to remove nervous tension, bring peace, tranquility and mutual respect to life together spouses. In order to forget about frequent quarrels and conflict situations in the family, it is recommended to place a pot with pansies opposite windows facing west or east.


A small shrub with a massive stem and many fleshy, heart-shaped leaves. The people have a romantic name - "tree of love". It is believed that this plant contributes to the revival of cooled relationships, the return of passion and vivid emotions to them.

In addition, aichrizon can be called a kind of indicator of the family atmosphere - the rich and bright color of the foliage speaks of complete harmony, peace and fidelity.


An unpretentious plant native to South America, its large foliage with a pale pattern gives severity and restraint to the flower, which is in perfect harmony with its role as the keeper of the hearth, lasting marriage, family happiness and well-being.


Plant with oblong foliage color juicy greenery... It can often be seen not only on the windowsills of residential apartments, but also on office premises. People call chlorophytum "family happiness" and believe that it will really fill family life with happiness and prosperity.

It is worth noting that its ability to purify the air, relieve stress and strengthen the nervous system due to the presence of essential oils in it helps to literally discharge the tense atmosphere in the family. In gratitude, he requires only frequent watering and an abundance of sunlight.

Dwarf pomegranate

Miniature tree with bright colors and deep green foliage has a beneficial effect on the health of all the inhabitants of the house, promotes their trusting relationship and brings material well-being.


This scented plant is capable of bringing good luck, happiness, trust and peace to the family. That is why it is popular as a wedding gift for newlyweds. Superstition says that family well-being will not leave a house in which there is myrtle, conflicts will be minimized, and spouses can always find support from each other and come to a compromise.

GERANE (Pelargonium)

Since ancient times, this plant has been considered a source of positive energy that can instill confidence in own forces, to tune in a positive mood, to cope with stress and depressive states, as well as to mitigate a sharp and irascible character, to bring calmness and peace to the family.

Geraniums are best kept in the hallway as they have a strong scent that can cause headaches.


Flowers symbolizing chastity and marital fidelity. By placing them in the bedroom, you can protect your marriage from lies, betrayal and betrayal.


The energy of this plant has a beneficial effect on the mood of all family members, brings good luck and prosperity to the house.

What plants bring love?


This beautiful flower with a sensual scent is called the flower of unquenchable love. In addition, it is a symbol of prosperity, serves to attract romance and love.

A flower placed in the bedroom of a lonely girl helps her find a soul mate, creates a beneficial energy to attract a caring and reliable man. A peony placed at the entrance to the apartment will help maintain warmth and harmony in a relationship.


The sun-loving plant with fleshy heart-shaped leaves is considered a symbol of the harmony of the union of man and woman. The flower attracts love to life, contributes to the formation of harmonious relationships filled with trust and loyalty.

In some countries, it is customary to give hoya kerry on Valentine's Day as a valentine. The plant will provide maximum beneficial influence if you place it in the bedroom.


This heat-loving plant with extraordinary energy is popularly called, it attracts love to the house, where it is taken care of.

According to the sign, single girls should put spathiphyllum in their bedroom and soon they will definitely be lucky enough to meet their soul mate. It will also become an excellent helper for young couples who dream of replenishing their families.


The flower is capricious, but magnificent in beauty. Orchid owners will never be deprived of the attention of the opposite sex, it grants attractiveness and attracts love into their lives.

OXLITS (Oxalis)

Heat-loving representative flora, with thin leaves, shaped like a large clover. Just like clover, the four-leaved oxalis is very much appreciated, which must certainly bring good luck to its owner.

To quickly find your soul mate, you should plant this extraordinary plant at home. It is believed that at proper care, flower can, conceived after sunset.


Flower with Of the Far East, is considered a symbol of nascent love. Despite the superstitions associated with yellow flowers, it is this color of chrysanthemums that gives them the greatest magic power, attracting true and happy love to the fate of its owner.


The heat-loving plant, which came to us from the subtropical forests of Central and South America, has large, dark green foliage resembling a heart.

With proper care, anthurium blooms throughout the year with interesting-looking fluffy spikelets of white or yellow color framed with a red or white border.

White inflorescences of anthurium are a symbol of innocence, purity of feelings, purity and boundless fidelity, and red ones are the personification of passion, energy and ardent love feelings. Legend has it that stopping flowering and wilting of a plant means the extinction of a man's passion or the appearance of an insidious rival in a woman.

In the people the flower is called "male happiness", it is believed that he is especially supportive of the stronger sex. The plant endows the owner with real masculine qualities: courage and strength, stamina and confidence.

In addition, he will help a single man find success with the opposite sex and attract true love to fate, and provide a married man with strong family relationships and the loyalty of the chosen one.

HIBISKUS (Chinese rose)

The appearance of this heat-loving plant in the house portends for lonely people in the near future a relationship filled with passion and romance. And for established couples, the Chinese rose will become an indispensable talisman against the fading of feelings, will help on long years keep a vibrant relationship.

Hibiscus is an integral part of a variety of Asian customs. For example, women use large flower not only as a decoration, but also to show the readiness for new love relationship positioning it over the left ear.

For many of us, plants are just a decorative element - they decorate, enliven the interior, absorb carbon dioxide ... However, experienced housewives who are actively involved in the cultivation of indoor plants will tell you that the role of flowers is much greater. The plant can become a real family talisman, and if taken care of properly, it will bring love, happiness and good luck to the house.

People have long noticed that some flowers improve the atmosphere in the house, create coziness, while others, on the contrary, negatively affect the energy.

So, here are 10 plants that will bring good luck to your home:

10th place: Anthurium

Anthurium is in awe of the stronger sex and gives its representatives masculine strength. For single men, the plant also brings success with women, for married men - a happy family life in the house.

If you are an unmarried girl, it is worth starting this plant at least because of its beauty and, of course, for future family happiness. The flower has large dark green leaves, heart-shaped, as if suspended from long narrow cuttings. When properly cared for, a plant will flower all year round. Anthurium flower is a fluffy white or yellow spikelet in red-pink ( see photo) or a snow-white border.

The maximum growth of a houseplant is 80 cm. Leaves can grow up to 40 cm in length, flowers - up to 20 cm. You cannot call it a long-liver: the flower dies after 3 years.

Important! Anthurium is very poisonous, therefore it is necessary to protect small children and animals from it.

"Male flower" warm and light-loving, which is not surprising: his homeland is the subtropics of Central and South America. To make the anthurium feel at home and bloom better, spray it with water twice a day. Do not direct the stream into the inflorescences of the plant: they may darken and crumble. It is necessary to water the flower once a week in winter and 2-3 times in summer. Anthurium has long been included in the TOP 10 indoor plants of family happiness.

9th place: Oxalis

Oxalis or room oxalis ( see photo) can only bring good luck - this becomes clear from the first glance at the flower. The shape of the leaves resembles a giant clover, painted over with dark lilac in the middle. Therefore, it is customary to give the plant to the house for the holidays. The four-leaf oxalis is in special honor, promising incredible luck to its owner.

The taste of "luck" is slightly sour due to the high content of oxalic acid. The leaves of the plant can have different colors: green, lilac or two-color. At night and in cloudy weather, they add up. Oxalis blooms several times a year with charming small flowers:

  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • white.

Water this plant, your family "happiness" once a week, expose the plant to diffused light, do not allow temperatures above 25 degrees. Pamper the flower with mineral dressing from time to time.

8th place: Chlorophytum

Chlorophytrum has probably caught your eye at least once: it is a luxurious lush plant with oblong leaves of a juicy green color. As soon as they do not call this shock of greenery: "Spray of champagne", "spider", "green lily", "bride's veil". But most often the plant is called "family happiness", whose patron it is considered.

A flower can be not only a family talisman, but also bring considerable benefit to the house. Chlorophytrum has been proven to intensively moisturize and cleanse the air from harmful bacteria. The effect will be enhanced if you place a couple of activated carbon tablets in the soil at the roots of the plant.

A couple of pots of chlorophytrum, "charged" with coal, perfectly replace the air cleaner.

In addition, it contains a large amount of essential oils. Therefore, inhaling the scent of the plant has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and relieves stress. In a word, chlorophytrum literally relieves the atmosphere in the house. For this plant, you need to water more often and expose to the sun.

7th place: Calathea

At first glance, Calathea looks restrained and even somewhat strict. This is a real ascetic flower: it is unpretentious in care and can do without watering for a long time. It is known that in the tribes of South America, where Calathea comes from, its strong leaves were often used for weaving baskets. All of this fits in perfectly with the fact that Calathea is the patroness of a long and lasting marriage and brings happiness to the home where she is cherished.

The large and fleshy leaves of the plant are adorned with a delicate pale pattern. By the way, a sign of a healthy flower is a solid base color and clear lines on the leaves.

The size of an indoor flower can reach 60 cm. The length of the leaves is up to 30 cm. By itself, with minimal watering, calathea can last up to 4 years. If a plant is dealt with and transplanted on time, its life becomes endless.

6th place: Aichrizon

Aichrizon is a small shrub that is easily recognized by its thick stem and many round and fleshy leaves. By the way, they resemble hearts to many. Perhaps this is also why the flower is called the "tree of love." Romance is also added by the fact that in the wild aichrizon often grows "through the rocks", that is, in crevices where little is found.

The flower can reach a height of 30 cm. The color of the plant varies from juicy green to light green, with whitish, reddish or brown spots. In the photo - aikhrizon Gucci.

In order for aichrizon to bloom in due time (second half of spring), you need to try hard. In summer, the flower requires a temperature of 20-25 degrees and frequent watering, in the cool season - 10-12 degrees and one watering per week. It is also necessary to spray it with warm water from time to time and wipe the leaves-hearts. Then at the beginning of May you will receive a bright inflorescence of small yellow or red "suns" into your house.

5th place: Myrtle

Fragrant myrtle is often given to newlyweds. It is believed to promote peace, friendship and trust between husband and wife. Spouses who have myrtle bushes in their homes will always support each other, seek compromises and hold back even in anger. Family happiness will not leave this house. Perhaps the reason for this is the subtle soothing aroma of the plant. Besides, literally from the Greek "myrtle" is translated as "balm".

If the shrub is planted as a houseplant, it can grow up to 1 meter. The plant is demanding: it can only be placed in a sunny place, but the light should be soft and diffused. Likes moderate temperatures: 17-20 degrees in summer and 7-10 degrees in winter. Watering should be so frequent that the soil never dries up. In addition, the shrub needs regular spraying. By the way, tinctures and balms can be prepared from the leaves of an adult myrtle.

4th place: Hoya

Hoya is an alien from Asia. It is also called wax ivy. Indoors, it is a medium-sized shrub with stunningly beautiful spherical inflorescences. Hoya is the patroness of young lovers, tenderness and fidelity. During flowering, it emits sweetish nectar and an exciting scent. Therefore, it is best to put it in the bedroom.

In order for the flower to grow normally and not be capricious, it is recommended to maintain a temperature of 22-25 degrees in summer and 10-15 in winter. Hoya needs diffused sunlight, but, as a last resort, she will manage with artificial lighting. Periodic spraying and watering of the plant with settled water is recommended. Blooming hoya produces inflorescences of small white flowers and purple stars in the middle. The house where the hoya blooms is considered happy.
3rd place: Chinese rose

The Chinese rose or hibiscus took the "prize" place for bringing passion into the house. Moreover, all indiscriminately: if you are free, you will soon meet a couple. If you are already in a relationship, then love will only intensify. In the photo - hibiscus on a trunk.

There are many interesting Asian traditions associated with hibiscus. Large red, yellow and white flowers look great against the background of silky black Asian hair. Therefore, the latter actively use hibiscus as decoration. A flower above the left ear means readiness for a new romantic acquaintance. Above the right one - the girl is already busy. The most immodest ones can decorate themselves with flowers on both sides, hinting that they are not averse to meeting another guy.

As “passionate” as hibiscus is, it is also thermophilic. Do not be confused by the deceptive appearance of a typical deciduous shrub from the temperate strip: the Chinese rose normally tolerates up to 35 degrees of heat. In general, the flower is unpretentious, but in the period from late spring to mid-autumn, more frequent watering is recommended, as well as mineral fertilizing. Bring into the house at the first night cold snaps.

2nd place: Uzambara violet

She is Saintpaulia, which is considered a symbol of endless love. Or love to the grave, as you please. It is quite possible that the bet is placed on the cute look of this plant: small bushes with velvet leaves, and during flowering, small multi-colored flowers can also be seen in them. Small pots with violets are certainly a symbol of endless comfort and home warmth. The bonus is a pleasant smell.

The little one, however, is a little capricious. It requires a lot of light, only soft, settled water, preferably with a mineral additive. Watering must be done carefully - if you spill water into soft leaves, they will rot. The violet should be transplanted every 3-4 years. Pink, white, purple - these are the flowers that violets are decorated with for several months of the year.

1st place: Spathiphyllum

Who could have got the first place in the ranking of the best 10 indoor plants of family happiness? Of course, the main female patron - spathiphyllum ( on the picture). It is called so: "female happiness". It gives love to single women, renewed feelings to married women, pregnancy to barren women, peace and tranquility in the family, etc. to those with many children.

Spathiphyllum has narrow, flexible stems on which buds form during flowering. The stems are bordered by large, but rather thin and sinewy leaves. The plant blooms with smooth white buds. By the way, sometimes the flower is called the room "lily" because of the similarity to the calla lily.

Unlike anthurium, it is extremely unpretentious. It grows normally at temperatures between 18 and 23 degrees. If it gets hotter or cooler, it will simply "freeze" at one stage of growth. In the photo spathiphyllum with white flowers.

Like most plants, spathiphyllum needs to be watered more often in the summer, and in winter, on the contrary, the water supply must be reduced. In the spring, the flower can be transplanted.

But on this we do not say goodbye, come back again!

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Home flowers are not only pleasing to the eye, but also protect against negative energies. With the help of correctly selected plants, you can get rid of quarrels, attract happiness and prosperity to the house, and solve health problems. Signs: flowers for home well-being- what flowers can attract happiness and joy to our home? Let's consider the issue in detail.

The widespread opinion about the death of flowers in a house filled with negative energy is far from the truth. Plants are able to process negative energies and even feed on them - they extinguish quarrels and conflicts.

The death of one plant in the house suggests that it has taken on the mistress's strong negative on itself. But this does not mean that the whole house is filled with negative energy. The withered flower must be thanked for the help and buried. but if all the flowers in the house die- one by one - it is worth seriously thinking about damage to the house. If the question is not about poor flower care.

With the help of plants, you can determine the zones of trouble in the apartment. If earlier healthy flower begins to fade when moving to another place, which means that there is a zone of negative energy. Also an unsuccessful omen is considered to be an unexpected flowering of a plant out of season.

Never accept a flower in a pot as a gift - it is believed that all the failures of the donor will go to you. If it is impossible to refuse the gift, give the donor a symbolic payment - a ruble or a penny. Thus, you will pay off the trouble.

Happy flowers

Some varieties of flowers bring happiness and prosperity to the house, others help to eliminate or extinguish conflicts, and still others harmonize marital relations. What flowers do you need first of all - decide for yourself.

Monetary well-being and prosperity

The energy of abundance attracts fat woman or crassula. If the fat woman is properly looked after, she attracts the energy of abundance. Transplant the plant into a green or red pot and you will soon notice a change in your budget. In some cases, it is advisable to put a few coins on the bottom of the pot.

If you need a career, you can't do without bamboo. This plant has a powerful energy for growth and development. To bamboo helped in career growth, it should be placed in the study or near the work desk, but not in the bedroom.

Ficus, a variety of figs, attracts the energy of abundance and joy. This plant is considered the patron saint of the family hearth and the protection of the home.

Happiness in love

Plant spathiphyllum attracts female happiness. This flower must certainly be in the house for prosperity and well-being there.

Anthurium considered the flower of male happiness - it enhances the fire of passion and emotional attraction between lovers. A flower is considered to be an indicator of the loyalty of a loved one.

Roses help in marital relations and protect marriage from adultery. Place white roses in the bedroom and you will not worry about your spouse's infidelity.

Modest oxalis with delicate flowers in the shape of stars attracts happiness in marriage. If you are tired of being alone, put a bit of acid in your bedroom. Oxalis also helps to harmonize relationships in an already established couple.

Bright hibiscus attracts passionate love. it exotic plant placed in the bedroom. Hibiscus helps to build relationships for both young spouses and the elderly.

Flowers for peace and harmony in the house

Delicate violets help in conflict situations - extinguish the energy of a quarrel, preventing it from turning into a scandal. Also, violets are considered flowers of love and tenderness.

Geranium has a calming effect on the atmosphere in the house. The flower helps fight depression, despondency and loneliness.

Dracaena brings the energy of success and happiness to the house. All citrus plants have the same property.

Fern well absorbs negative electromagnetic radiation, not inferior in this to cacti. Therefore, ferns are recommended to be placed next to a computer and TV.

Century (aloe) takes care of a harmonious atmosphere in the house. If you are tired of visiting guests and want to feel peace in the house, put a plant near the hallway - the visits will stop.

Unlucky flowers

To avoid adversity, you need to know which plants are undesirable to have in the house. Unlucky flowers include:

  • ivy varieties;
  • cacti and their varieties;
  • calla lilies, monstera and orchid.

Ivy you can't have single women - he drives men away. Interestingly, ivy cannot do any harm in the house of an accomplished couple. Ivy cannot be placed in the bedroom - this plant absorbs energy. However, the property of ivy to absorb energy can be used for good purposes - the expulsion of intrusive visitors.

Cactus also absorb energy, so they are advised to be placed near computers and appliances. However, cactus tends to worsen marital relations - keep in mind.

Callas- flowers of mourning and funeral. You shouldn't grow them in your home.

Monstera actively absorbs oxygen, worsening the atmosphere in the house. Putting a monster in the bedroom is extremely dangerous - you will not get enough sleep, a headache is guaranteed.

Orchid takes vitality from a person, so keeping a flower in the house is dangerous. Orchids in the bedroom are especially dangerous, as they are considered vampire flowers.

There is a conflicting opinion about wax ivy. It is a nocturnal plant - flowers bloom at night and begin to exude a sweet scent. The plant patronizes lovers, however, too overgrown ivy destroys marital relations. Sometimes overgrown wax ivy can also expel a spouse from the bedroom.

Dangerous plants

These flowers and plants are dangerous for their poisonous properties, so they should not be kept in the house:

  • Dieffenbachia;
  • Oleander;
  • Croton;
  • Sims;
  • Mimosa Shy;
  • Ivy is evergreen;
  • Adenium;
  • Philodendron;
  • Primrose;
  • Steller Dwarf;
  • Nightshade;
  • Tulip Gesner;
  • Trichocerus.

Houseplants can carry not only beauty, but also danger. Therefore, to attract well-being to the house, the first step is to get rid of harmful flowers.

Guess today with the help of the "Card of the Day" Tarot spread!

For correct fortune-telling: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Flowers for good luck, money and family happiness

1. Spathiphyllum. If you have been single for a long time or are constantly quarreling with your husband, plant a spathiphyllum at your place, because it is not for nothing that its second name is "Women's happiness".

2. Violet. The violet is called the flower of the world. It is noticed that in a house where violets grow and bloom, households very rarely quarrel. The violet also symbolizes eternal devotion. If you are going through a difficult period in life - get a white violet, it helps to endure mental suffering easier.

3. Chinese rose, or hibiscus. Hibiscus is the symbol of Malaysia, the emblem of Hawaii. There, this plant is considered a symbol of peace, and also a symbol of passion.

4. Wax ivy, hoya. In many countries, this plant is ... a declaration of love, a green valentine for Valentine's Day. The best place for the hoya in the house - a bedroom.

5. Myrtle. The best gift for a young family. Myrtle will bring peace, happiness and understanding to your home.

6. Aichrizon. The folk name aikhrizona speaks for itself: the tree of happiness, the tree of love.

7. Calathea. Calathea will keep family happiness. Calathea - very good gift for those who are going to dissolve the marriage.

8. Chlorophytum. This unprepossessing plant, by its mere appearance in the house, promises peace and mutual understanding. it a good choice and for office space where many work different people with whom you need to be able to get along. Homemade chlorophytum purifies the air: put it in a room with new furniture or in an apartment where the renovation has just been completed, and the flower will absorb all the chemistry from the air!

9. Oxalis, or oxalis. Despite such a sour name, oxalis can brighten up the life of a lonely person. It is believed that oxalis helps the owner find true love.

10. Anthurium. This is a male mascot. Anthurium is also called "male happiness" because it has a beneficial effect on potency. Well, at least that's what they say. And therefore, such a flower has no place in the kitchen ...

Akalifa gives the strong half of humanity masculinity and strength of character, and the fair half - softness and femininity. Cyclamen drives away nightmares.

Flowers that bring trouble

But indoor flowers give us not only positive energy. They say, ivy An unreliable man “survives” from the house, and small children do not sleep well in the room where this energetically strong plant grows.

- a very strong flower, but this power is not useful for everyone. Monstera can not be turned on by people suffering from throat ailments. To tame the green vampire, hang a blue string on the flower, preferably with a piece of rock crystal.

And now the most important thing ... Remember that all plants are living beings, they respond with good to good. If you plant flowers just because they are fashionable, you will not get pleasure from being close to them, and they will not be in the best shape next to a person who cares about them. And you should not buy a plant for selfish purposes, for example, a money tree for wealth or spathiphyllum for the sake of personal life, because plants feel that they are simply being used. Love your flowers, take care of them, and they will become a faithful and reliable guardian of your home.

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