Encyclopedia of fire safety

Can a paramedic become a doctor. Profession - Doctor, paramedic, nurse

The work of a paramedic has both advantages and disadvantages that those who plan to choose this profession should definitely be aware of. In this article, we will try to talk about all the features of the work of a paramedic, after which you can understand how this profession suits or does not suit you specifically.

All professions related to medicine are not only of great importance for society, but also impose certain duties on health workers. That is why only those who are ready to take responsibility, sacrifice themselves and help all those who suffer, sacredly adhering to the Hippocratic Oath, go consciously into medicine. This applies to everyone medical specialties, from nurse to surgeon, from internist to paramedic.

By the way, the paramedic occupies a special place in medicine: between a nurse and a doctor. He perfectly copes with the duties of a doctor's assistant, but if necessary, he can easily replace the doctor himself: to diagnose, establish a diagnosis, prescribe treatment, etc. At the same time, his knowledge is often very extensive and diverse: he understands pediatrics and cardiology, neurology and psychology, surgery and gynecology. The list of duties that he performs directly depends on the place of work, since representatives of this profession can work both in a hospital or at an ambulance, and at an airport medical center or military unit.

Who is a paramedic

This is a health worker who has a secondary specialized education and provides first aid. In places where the position of a doctor is not provided, the paramedic performs his duties (for example, in first-aid posts located in countryside).

The profession of a paramedic, as a separate specialty, appeared in the Middle Ages. This was the name of a field military doctor in Germany - the name itself comes from the German word "field" (Feld), since the paramedic was initially considered a field barber, and later a field doctor. A barber in this context may seem inappropriate, but earlier barbers could perform elementary medical duties: including placing leeches or bloodletting.

AT modern world The paramedic in terms of his duties and scope of knowledge is practically in no way inferior to the doctor - for example, in the course of working as part of an ambulance team, he often has to provide emergency care under various circumstances, independently making decisions that affect the lives of patients.

Paramedic like any other paramedic is required to attend refresher and qualification courses on a regular basis. With the proper level of qualification and higher education, a paramedic can apply for the position of a doctor or pharmacist.

The paramedic is a specialist general profile, therefore, depending on the specific place of work, it can perform different functions. In the absence of a doctor, he performs it official duties, and therefore can:

  • provide first aid and resuscitation,
  • prescribe treatment,
  • write prescriptions and sick leaves,
  • produce an EKG
  • puncture the jugular vein
  • perform simple operations
  • give birth if necessary.

The list of normal duties of a paramedic who performs the functions of a physician assistant includes:

  • pressure measurement,
  • history taking,
  • referring the patient to a highly specialized doctor,
  • fulfillment of doctor's orders,
  • monitoring the condition of patients in the hospital and at home.

What personal qualities should a paramedic have?

A paramedic faces many stressful situations every day, so a person who chooses this profession must have a strong and stable psyche. He must always remain cool, and be able to find the right words to calm the patient, and sometimes his family. It is also important that medic able to quickly navigate in an emergency and make an informed decision, correctly assessing the patient's condition.

A good long-term memory and the ability to learn are very important for working in the medical field. The paramedic needs to know anatomy perfectly, accurately remember the methods of first aid and the symptoms of various diseases. And also he must be guided in pharmacology in order to correctly prescribe treatment, and modern methods treatment of certain diseases.

Such work requires responsibility and self-control. In addition, the paramedic will need perseverance and attentiveness, since, among other things, the specialist has to keep relevant medical records.

Benefits of being a paramedic

The paramedic does not just work with people - he daily faces human grief and provides professional medical care. In other words, there are often stressful situations in the work of a medical assistant (especially if the specialist works in an ambulance team), which cannot but affect the psycho-emotional state of the medical worker himself.

This is a socially significant profession. She is in demand in the labor market, so it is enough for a paramedic to find a job. At the same time, training as a paramedic takes less time than obtaining medical specialization, and paramedical practice will greatly facilitate the receipt of higher medical education.

Thanks to the ability to make injections / dressings and put droppers, a paramedic can find additional income both on permanent place work, as well as in private.

Disadvantages of being a paramedic

In spite of high level in demand, the profession of a paramedic is not the most profitable specialty. So, the average monthly salary this specialist is about 20-40 thousand rubles (the lowest wages in rural health care centers, the highest - in prestigious private clinics).

to be a paramedic assistant) is very difficult for people who are closed and uncommunicative, since this specialty involves not only working in close cooperation with other health workers, but also daily interaction with a large number of the most different people. Moreover, it is necessary not only to talk with patients, but to listen carefully and delve into the problems of each person.

because of a large number stressful situations, the work of a paramedic over time can adversely affect the health of a specialist, especially if he has to live in an irregular work schedule.

Where can you get a job as a paramedic?

You can get the profession of a paramedic in medical colleges or technical schools (specialty: medical and preventive, medical or nursing). To work as a paramedic doctor's assistant) secondary specialized education is sufficient, higher education is not at all necessary. However, studying at a specialized university provides great advantages in the future. career growth. After graduation, it is not only easier for a specialist to find a job, but it will also take less time to upgrade your qualifications to the level of a doctor.

Almost every person who seeks to use medical care does not think about the qualifications of medical personnel. Moreover, few people know in advance who a medical worker is, a doctor or a paramedic. In fact, there is a significant difference between the two concepts.

Doctor and paramedic: basic concepts

A doctor is an employee who has a higher medical education. He has the right to conduct diagnostics to determine the effective direction of treatment, make the correct diagnosis and fully monitor the patient. The doctor must also address parallel issues, including correct filling all documentation.

A paramedic is a specialist who has a secondary specialized medical education. The term began to be used for the first time in Germany, and the concept is associated with field working conditions and the inability to use the services of qualified doctors. Paramedics could diagnose a patient and prescribe treatment, provide a prescription for medication and issue a sick leave, so they had to not only save lives, but also replace doctors.

Doctor vs Paramedic: What's the Difference?

At present, the difference between doctors and paramedics is still present, and it is noted especially clearly.

Paramedics in the 21st century still remain significant specialists, because not everywhere there is an opportunity to provide full-fledged medical care.

The main task of paramedics is provide the patient with first aid before the arrival of doctors. At the same time, there is the possibility of making a preliminary diagnosis and providing first aid. If necessary, paramedics must take care of the transfer of the patient to the hospital so that later experienced and highly qualified doctors provide appropriate assistance. To provide full complex paramedic services must have higher education, but at the same time, the doctor must have a higher education, and the paramedic is allowed to receive a secondary medical education.

What are Paramedics?

Paramedic is a multifaceted profession that can be divided into two large groups.

Paramedics without a doctor are specialists who must provide therapeutic services. Such professionals are most often found in rural areas and during night shifts. It should be noted that such specialists have numerous skills and most often turn out to be the only representatives of medicine in a particular point. The range of duties of such paramedics is truly rich:

  1. Primary diagnosis and appointment of a specific treatment course.
  2. If serious and dangerous diseases are suspected, the patient should be referred to a specialist doctor.
  3. There is an opportunity for surgical interventions which promise to be simple: tracheal intubation, tracheostomy, puncture of the outer part of the jugular vein, delivery.
  4. Collection of analyses.
  5. Conducting an ECG.
  6. Carrying out cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
  7. Defibrillation, which should be useful in cardiac arrest.

In the 21st century, a paramedic can successfully work with a doctor. In this case, the paramedic turns out to be only an assistant, because the range of activities is immediately limited to a minimum number of duties. If the paramedic has necessary knowledge and skills, he can be an assistant during operations. In addition, emergency resuscitation measures may be carried out. In most cases, such paramedics work in ambulance teams, obstetric centers, industrial enterprises and various factories. Thus, specialists should take care of providing medical emergency care.

In many cases, the paramedic must provide primary care, guaranteeing the saving of a person's life. For successful work activity, one should choose one of the specialties suitable for this: general medicine, medical and preventive work, nursing.

What are the duties of a paramedic?

Before you understand all the possibilities of a paramedic, you should list all kinds of work responsibilities. In any case, it is assumed that the paramedic should be a physician with a broad specialization, therefore his skills and knowledge must certainly be voluminous for effective work.

What duties are classical?

  1. Initial appointment, correct diagnosis for treatment with further observation of the patient.
  2. A paramedic can deliver a child if she works in an obstetrics station.
  3. The paramedic may work in specific conditions to provide direct medical care until the doctors arrive.
  4. A paramedic can perform medical duties (paramedical team), medical assistant (medical team).
  5. A paramedic with an advanced level of qualification can work in laboratories, resuscitation, surgery.
  6. The paramedic can determine which specialist the patient should be referred to.
  7. The paramedic can issue sick leaves.
  8. A paramedic can be an assistant in urgent and simple operations.

Any paramedic can continue their medical education in order to become a doctor.

How is a paramedic different from a doctor or nurse and what are the features of the profession? Where and in what specialties do you need to study in order to work as a doctor's assistant? The answers to all these questions are below.

Medium wage: 24000 rubles per month




entry barrier


Paramedic in free translation from German means "field doctor". This is a specialist with a secondary basic or advanced medical education. He can simultaneously perform the functions of a resuscitator, or if he works alone, but quite often a paramedic works under the supervision of a doctor. The profession is justifiably considered very important and responsible, since it is its representatives who most often provide qualified first aid and save the patient's life even before entering the department. Today, a paramedic occupies a position between a nurse and a doctor.


The concept of "paramedic" came into use in medieval Germany - the so-called "field barbers" who were engaged in dressings on the battlefield, and in civilian life made diagnoses, performed simple manipulations, and provided simple medical care.

In Russia, the training of paramedics and doctors has long been carried out jointly. After three years of study, the student was already called a "under-doctor" and had the right to help doctors. To qualify as a doctor, it was necessary to unlearn two more years. And only at the end of the 18th century, the education of a paramedic began to be received separately from the specialty of a doctor. This is the system that continues to this day.

Description of the profession

In any medical institution, a paramedic is right hand. He transports the patient to hospitals and intensive care units, makes primary diagnoses, provides emergency care, and, if he has certain skills, assists the surgeon during the operation.

Paramedics have the right to work independently:

  • at ambulance stations;
  • in outpatient clinics;
  • in health centers of large enterprises and organizations;
  • in medical rooms of stations and airports, schools, kindergartens and other educational or cultural institutions.

But the vast majority work in FAPs (feldsher-obstetric stations) in rural areas and perform the functions of therapists, and often laboratory assistants, nurses.

As an independent health worker, the paramedic conducts an initial examination, makes a presumptive diagnosis, and sends seriously ill patients to hospitals. He has the right to issue disability certificates and recommend the necessary treatment. The health of the inhabitants of small settlements depends on his skill and knowledge.

Specialties, educational institutions and subjects of the Unified State Examination

To become a paramedic, you must:

  • get a general (grade 11) or basic (grade 9) secondary education;
  • graduate from a medical college;
  • receive diploma and certificate.

The term of study in college on the basis of 11 classes is:

  • 2 years 10 months on the specialty "" 32.02.01;
  • 3 years 10 months on the specialty "" 31.02.01.

You can go to college for a paramedic after grades 9 and 11, but for “medical business” - only on the basis of a complete (eleven-year) secondary education. You do not need to take any additional, except for those required for obtaining a certificate of mathematics and the Russian language. The term of study in the specialty "medical and preventive care" on the basis of 9 classes is increased by a year and is 3 years 10 months.

The paramedic can work in the following areas:

  1. Obstetrician. Conducts monitoring of pregnant women, participates in delivery, assists the doctor in conducting examinations and maintains documentation.
  2. Children's paramedic. Conducts examinations of newborns, monitors the state of health and provides assistance to children of all ages.
  3. Laboratory assistant. He collects material for analysis, some of them he does on his own.
  4. Sanitary paramedic. Supervises the condition of schools, kindergartens, hospitals, grocery stores, hairdressing salons.
  5. Paramedic ambulance. Leads a medical team or serves as a physician assistant. Works on calls, transports patients to specialized hospitals, performs all emergency procedures.
  6. Military paramedic. Engaged in checking the health status of conscripts, soldiers and officers. Helps in healing during combat operations in field conditions and hospital. As a rule, they are prepared at the faculties of secondary vocational education.
  7. District paramedic. In fact, he performs duties, works at a large enterprise, carries out treatment and prevention of its employees, monitors compliance with working conditions.

Medical assistant education can be obtained at dozens of medical colleges in Russia, for example:

  1. St. Petersburg medical colleges No. 1 and 2;
  2. Moscow State Medical Colleges No. 1.5 and 7;
  3. College of Rostov State Medical University;
  4. Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College;
  5. Medical College of the Ural University of Communications, etc.


The profession of a paramedic involves a wide scope of responsibility, the duties of a physician providing pre-medical assistance include:

  1. Receiving patients in the clinic, examining them at home.
  2. Maintaining reporting documentation.
  3. Rendering urgent to medical care in the event of an acute condition.
  4. Carrying out physiotherapy procedures as directed by the doctor.
  5. Participation in dispensary observation and accounting.
  6. Monitoring the condition of patients with frequently exacerbated chronic diseases.
  7. Patronage of pregnant women and newborns up to one year.
  8. Supervision of children under 2 years of age, included in the risk group.
  9. Conducting vaccinations.
  10. Implementation of measures to prevent industrial injuries.

The sanitary assistant conducts health education work, controls the living conditions of children and adults in dysfunctional families. Also, his duties include monitoring the good quality of food at public catering points, and this requires preparedness in terms of expertise.

The health assistant takes samples and prepares samples from them, in some cases independently conducts tests.

When deciding who to become - a nurse or a paramedic, you need to decide whether you are ready to take full responsibility for the patient's life. The difference between these two similar professions is not only in the level of preparedness, but also in the degree of independence. The paramedic has the right to make diagnoses, prescribe, write prescriptions and open sick leaves, while the nurse can only follow the instructions of the doctor.

Who suits the profession

The work of a paramedic requires good health, stamina and endurance, so it is not suitable for people with the following problems:

  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • nervous and mental abnormalities;
  • chronic lung diseases with frequent exacerbations (especially bronchial asthma);
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • addiction to alcohol;
  • deafness, poor eyesight.

Medicine is a stressful field of activity, so the paramedic must have a stable psyche and the ability to act in emergency situations. Also very helpful:

  • fast reaction;
  • logical thinking;
  • the ability to find a common language with people;
  • endurance;
  • benevolence and humanism;
  • a responsibility;
  • lack of disgust;
  • good memory;
  • attentiveness and composure;
  • the talent of a psychologist who knows how to calm a patient who has fallen into despair and panic.

With these qualities and a desire to help people, you can safely apply to college and go to study as a paramedic.


The average salary of a paramedic in Russia is 24 thousand rubles. The amount depends on the category, location of the medical institution, work experience. The lower limit is in the region of 7 thousand rubles - this is how much a specialist in an outpatient clinic or a small hospital in a rural area, an ordinary laboratory assistant or a sanitary paramedic receives at the beginning of his career.

The highest salaries are in the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug (35 thousand rubles). Moscow and the region - 28 thousand, St. Petersburg - 25 thousand rubles. Slightly higher than the salary of ambulance paramedics (in the capital - 36 thousand). Private clinics pay more.

How to build a career

An increase in salary will bring an increase in the qualification category, and in order to advance in the administrative line, you need at least five years of experience and the completion of nursing management courses. Assistant manager position medical institution involves monitoring the work of nurses and paramedics.

There is an option to continue education, get into and become a practicing doctor, and then build a career in science or take the place of the head of the department or even the head physician.

Prospects for the profession

The relevance of the paramedic profession will continue until people no longer need qualified medical assistance. The versatile knowledge and skills possessed by a well-trained, even if not yet highly experienced, mid-level physician opens up broad horizons. Paramedics are in demand in state clinics and hospitals, in private health institutions. They are hired in beauty centers, and a laboratory assistant is always needed to conduct tests, without which no diagnosis is made today.

If you still have even the slightest doubt that the profession of "Paramedic" is your calling - do not rush. After all, then all your life you can regret the lost years for training and work in a specialty that simply does not suit you. To find a profession in which you can maximize your talents, go through online career guidance test or order consultation "Career vector" .

A paramedic is a specialist with a specialized secondary medical education who independently accepts, diagnoses and treats patients, and in difficult cases refers them for consultation to doctors of specialized specialties. The paramedic is also involved in first aid, transporting the patient to the hospital if necessary, issuing prescriptions and sick leaves.

In fact, a paramedic is an analogue of a district therapist or a family doctor in rural areas, in military units, airports, railway and river stations, health care units of large enterprises.

The profession of a paramedic involves close contact with nurses and doctors of all specialties.

There are many similarities between the professions of "paramedic" and "doctor", but there are several differences. For example, a paramedic does not have the right to operate.

The main differences between a paramedic and a doctor

The main specialties of a paramedic

  • Paramedic-obstetrician observes pregnant women from the moment of conception to childbirth and discharge from the maternity hospital, takes delivery.
  • Children's paramedic responsible for the health of newborns, children younger age, schoolchildren, teenagers.
  • Laboratory assistant collects biological material for analysis and conducts some of them. Proficient in working with modern analyzers.
  • Sanitary paramedic helps at work sanitary doctor, on his instructions, controls the sanitary condition of schools, kindergartens, grocery stores, hairdressers.
  • military paramedic responsible for the health of conscripts, soldiers and officers, treats them in the field, hospital, medical unit.
  • chief paramedic has a higher education and a certificate in the specialty "Nursing Management" or "Organization of Nursing", work experience of at least 5 years. He is an assistant to the head of a medical organization, organizes the work of middle and junior medical personnel.
  • Veterinary assistant treats animals, vaccinates, operates, renders emergency assistance, lulls. It also confirms the pet's pedigree and the state of his health before exhibitions and competitions.
  • leads a team of doctors or helps a doctor as part of a team, works on calls from patients, providing emergency assistance, transporting a patient to a hospital, ascertaining a fatal outcome.
  • District paramedic works at the sites of large industrial enterprises, is responsible for the health of the workforce and working conditions.

Ambulance Paramedic - Leads the medical team providing emergency care to patients.

Places of work

The paramedic works at an ambulance, in SES, laboratories, schools and kindergartens, sanatoriums, military hospitals, at railway stations, air and sea ports, large industrial and motor transport enterprises, hypermarkets, in veterinary clinics, in rural areas at FAPs (feldsher-obstetric stations).

History of the profession

The paramedic profession has purely German roots and its appearance dates back to the Middle Ages. "Field barbers" ("feldscher") were responsible for the state of health of the soldiers, helped the wounded on the battlefield, and provided first aid. Then, their responsibilities began to include the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, prevention, and the creation of new methods of therapy without age and gender limits. At that time, the concepts of a paramedic and a doctor were very close and did not have fundamental differences. Gradually, doctors emerged as a more status and highly qualified group of medical specialists, and primary diagnostics, pre-medical care and delivery were left to the share of paramedics. However, paramedics and doctors are often equally competent in medicine.

Ambulance paramedics. End of the 19th century.

Responsibilities of a paramedic

The main duties of a paramedic are:

The basic requirements for a paramedic are as follows:

  • Higher or secondary specialized medical education of an advanced level, a valid certificate in medical practice.
  • PC knowledge.

Higher or secondary specialized medical education of an advanced level allows the paramedic to conduct medical activities

How to become a paramedic

To become a paramedic, you need:

  1. Graduate from a medical school or college with a degree in General Medicine, Preventive Medicine or Veterinary Medicine (if you want to work with animals). The term of study is 3 years 10 months.
  2. Get a certificate for the right along with an advanced level diploma independent activity paramedic.
  3. To work as a narrow-profile specialist, you must complete advanced training courses.

Paramedic salary

The spread of income is large: a paramedic receives from 12,000 to 42,000 rubles a month. The need for specialists is high in the Moscow, Leningrad and Novosibirsk regions. The maximum salary of a paramedic was found at the RANEPA - 42,000 rubles per month.

The average salary of a paramedic is 17,500 rubles per month.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term studies on the market lasting, as a rule, from a week to a year.

Interregional Academy of Additional vocational education(MADPO) teaches in the specialization "" and issues a diploma and a certificate.

Medical University of Innovation and Development invites you to pass distance courses retraining or advanced training in the direction of "" with the receipt of a diploma or state certificate. Training lasts from 16 to 2700 hours, depending on the program and your level of preparation.

Specialties: general medicine, pediatrics, obstetric practice, organization of nursing, nursing

Specializations depending on the direction of medical practice (general therapy, surgery, microsurgery, cardiology and cardiac surgery, ophthalmology and ophthalmic surgery, pulmonology, otolaryngology, pediatrics, psychiatry, etc.)

Required education(level of education, type of educational institution)

Secondary special(paramedic and nurse, nurse) - medical school or college

higher medical(general practitioner, specialist doctor, biologist, nurse with higher education) - medical academies, institutes, universities; as well as medical faculties of academic universities

Specific abilities necessary for the successful development of the profession:

For a doctor: They are usually not detected. At least when accepting documents to the university. And entrance exams usually do not provide for any special testing for the professional suitability of the applicant. However, the teaching load in such a university is so high that it is capable of setting a precedent for dropouts. A doctor needs not only the ability to work in a mode of psychological, intellectual and physical overload - he must also have an excellent memory. In addition, if you really want to become a doctor to whom your patients advise their acquaintances to go, you will have to understand how tolerant you are, how much you can control yourself, because you will deal with a lot of sick people, most of whom make you want to put them out as soon as possible. them over the threshold. Of course, it is desirable to have a kind of medical thinking, a flair for a doctor, a healer, the ability to simply have a beneficial effect on people through communication, improve their well-being with just one kind word and look. But you can notice this in yourself even before you firmly decide to follow in the footsteps of a doctor.

For paramedics and nurses: Pretty much the same; the difference is that the paramedic and the nurse do not make complex diagnoses, their task is to provide first aid to the patient before the arrival of the doctor, and the nurse also helps the doctor to examine or assist the patient. The workload in a medical school, of course, is not comparable to the workload in a medical institute, and the responsibility of a doctor is much higher, nevertheless, he studies in this kind of specialized secondary educational institution is also not easy and it is required to remember a huge amount of information both about the internal structure of a person and about the symptoms of many diseases, as well as a long list of medicines and other medicines used in one case or another before the appointment of a doctor and according to his appointment.

The nature and content of work in this profession:

  1. Outpatient. For a doctor : work in a public or private outpatient clinic: receiving patients, compiling an anamnesis (medical image of the patient), diagnosing during a conversation and examination, prescribing additional diagnostic procedures, searching for and prescribing a course of treatment; visiting patients at their site on call (for therapists and pediatricians), participation in consultations, meetings, duty on night shifts and on weekends; for paramedic : work in a rural outpatient clinic or health center of a village, town, urban area, manufacturing enterprise associated with a health risk: admitting patients, conducting an examination (measurement of pressure, temperature, listening to the respiratory tract, palpation of the abdomen, etc.), prescribing first aid in case of a simple illness (acute respiratory infections, non-infectious digestive disorders, contusion, shallow cut, high blood pressure, overwork, hit foreign body in the nose, etc., which does not require a complex operation) - the appointment of treatment, as well as a re-examination, referral of the patient to the doctor up to accompanying the patient to the clinic; in addition, the paramedic performs the work of a nurse; for nurse : work in a variety of medical institutions - from a rural health center to a clinic of a federal research institute of medical specialization, from receiving patients in a polyclinic to assistant work in a surgical department (operation): issuing prescriptions and referrals, helping the doctor when examining a patient, performing injections, distributing pills and other medicines for patients in the hospital, performing a dropper, on duty in the hospital department, fulfilling doctor's orders, general monitoring of patients in the hospital, during operations - giving the instrument to the surgeon, preparing disinfectant solutions, rinsing the surgeon's hands, etc., helping the anesthesiologist, providing urgent assistance to the patient, calling the doctor on duty in case of urgent need for the patient.
  2. Clinical. For a doctor: work in a hospital: duty in the department, providing urgently needed assistance to seriously ill patients, examination, diagnosing patients, monitoring the progress of treatment, for the surgeon - participation in operations or operations, including patients on the verge of life and death, conversations with relatives of the patient, listening to fears , experiences, claims, participation in consultations and meetings, filling out medical records of patients, writing many reports;

For paramedics and nurses - the same, only within the limits of its competence. In addition, a nurse or paramedic, as prescribed by a doctor, injects, droppers and other procedures to inpatients, distributes medicines, cleans their wards for orderlies, takes patients for surgery, measures their temperature, applies emergency assistance measures and calls the doctor on duty if necessary.

Nurse with higher education, usually supervises the nursing staff medical institution and solves various organizational issues, but can also perform nursing work and even assist the doctor during the reception of patients.

  1. Work in the ambulance system and in the Ministry of Emergency Situations : for everyone - daily duty on calls, urgent departures, immediate assistance, conversations with relatives of the victim, seriously ill or with eyewitnesses of the incident, emergency surgery at the scene, delivery of a seriously ill patient to a hospital with maintaining his viability, in the Ministry of Emergency Situations - participation in liquidation consequences natural Disasters, accidents, disasters or terrorist attacks, field resuscitation of victims, field operations, sanitary work, forwarding victims to a treatment center, etc., writing many reports, filling out medical records;
  1. Work in children's educational institutions (kindergartens, schools, boarding schools, orphanages, etc.): for everyone - conducting scheduled examinations of children, identifying patients, monitoring the sanitary condition of the institution, its kitchen, bathrooms, monitoring food quality, writing many detailed reports, maintaining medical cards, conversations with parents, educators, with inspectors from district health authorities and epidemiological services.

Major subjects of the school curriculum and additional education:

Biology, chemistry, physics, life safety, literature and Russian language, computer science, foreign language, physical education, Latin*

Obvious pluses:

A noble profession to save people, many patients tend to give doctors (paramedics and nurses to a lesser extent) gifts, sweets, congratulate them on various holidays. For a person raving about medicine and the fight against diseases, this is a wide field of activity. The opportunity to do science, to look for new methods of treatment and develop them, to make a career, working or collaborating with scientific research institutes, over the years, a doctor accumulates many different acquaintances. Opportunity to open your own private practice.

Pitfalls, obvious disadvantages:

The work is physically, mentally and psychologically difficult, especially when the patient cannot be saved. For the mistakes made, people pay with their health and life, which cannot but affect the mood of the doctor who made the fatal mistake. There is a high probability of getting sick yourself, contracting a dangerous infection, running into a major scandal with the patient's relatives. Working in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ambulances is fraught with getting into an extreme situation, when the doctor himself is in mortal danger. The profession requires constant professional development, constant self-education. The work schedule is often “ragged”, which complicates family life. Constant stressful situations and the presence of alcohol at hand puts pressure on the psyche of the doctor, creating conditions for addiction to alcohol. Instead of gratitude, doctors often receive insults and threats.

Salary range (in rubles per month)*

In Moscow: Doctor: 40,000 - 160,000 (usually up to 80,000)

Paramedic and nurse: 20,000 - 40,000 (usually around 25,000)

In major regional centers:

Doctor: 18,000 - 40,000 (usually up to 25,000), paramedic and nurse: 15,000 - 25,000 (usually 18,000)

In the depths of Russia: Doctor 15,000 - 30,000 (usually 25,000), paramedic and nurse: 8,000 - 25,000 (usually 10,000)

Every fifth grader knows that they study to be a doctor at a medical institute. There are also medical schools (now many of them are called colleges). But they assign the qualification of either a paramedic or a nurse. There are, however, nurses with higher medical education.

I immediately warn you: the profession of a doctor is so multifaceted and voluminous in terms of knowledge and specific skills that you can write a separate book about it. We just want to show the pitfalls in the professions, which the student will not get an idea about just talking with doctors in a clinic, hospital or seeing doctors in a movie.

Everyone, of course, knows about the different specializations of doctors. The most common of these is the therapist. It is they who come to our house on call when we have heat and unbearably sore head or throat. The therapist appoints us and consultations with narrower specialists - a surgeon, a neuropathologist, a cardiologist, an ENT specialist, a cardiologist, a phthisiatrician (a specialist in pulmonary diseases), a urologist, a gastroenterologist. Perhaps only to the ophthalmologist and dentist, and women to the gynecologist, we go directly, bypassing the therapist.

But specialization usually begins in the third year of medical school. Many students today are eager to qualify as urologists, knowing that these subspecialties in kidney and genitourinary diseases are now more than ever in demand in commercial medicine. A good urologist is paid extra by men even in an ordinary state clinic. Of course, there is always a huge competition for this specialization. But you just won't get it. You need to stay in the residency of the university and endure one more special competition, even in the paid department.

In addition, dreamers of high earnings in medicine should know in advance: the work of a urologist is so specific and requires such, literally filigree, ability to handle catheters (let's say, it is painless for a patient to insert a catheter into the urethra), which is not available to every doctor at all. Just like the work of a surgeon.

Disaster medicine has its own specifics. Doctors with this specialization are usually able to work effectively in really extreme conditions - at the site of a ground transport accident or a plane crash, in the area of ​​​​a recent earthquake, explosion natural gas, in a field or high in the mountains, in a cave, underground, far from any locality, in an airplane (train, etc.), in a mine, and so on. Doctors of disaster medicine are able to provide life-saving assistance even during natural disasters or hostilities, when any living being aims to save, first of all, his own life. And in this, extreme medicine professionals (by the way, paramedics, nurses, veterinarians too) are very, very similar to rescue system professionals (rescuers). They usually work in the same team. That is, imagine a situation when at night each member of the rescue team hears phone call, and each of them, having received an order for an immediate collection, urgently arrives at the workplace, from where the entire brigade immediately flies to another state - to rescue people left under the rubble of buildings. So, along with those who will courageously clear the rubble and carry out the found people, the doctors will also fly.

Of course, not all graduates of a medical school who have received a specialization in disaster medicine work in the institutions of the Ministry of emergencies. After all, someone needs to work both in ordinary emergency rooms and in an ambulance, where quite often you also have to urgently save someone. Of course, in special cases, the Ministry of Emergency Situations turns to the leadership of the ambulance, sorry for the pun, for help. And ambulance doctors in droves fly to the disaster areas along with rescuers. But unlike the doctor of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, emergency doctor participates in the rescue of victims of a disaster or a terrorist act occasionally. His main place of work is in a peaceful city (village). But even there, the work of an emergency doctor is often similar to extreme.

But often the most safe work the district therapist can be safely equated with work in extreme conditions. Many of those reading these lines, for sure, have themselves more than once visited a specialist in a state polyclinic at the time of large influx of patients. According to the standards, the doctor is allocated no more than 10 minutes for each patient. During this time, it is necessary not only to examine the patient, but also to write dozens of words in the hospital card. And the technology of making a preliminary diagnosis includes a mandatory conversation with the patient. How to have time to spend it with everyone, if more than half of the patients are lonely grandmothers who subconsciously just want to talk, but have no one to talk to. But you can't get angry. Even if the patients are poorly educated and behave inappropriately, the patient is sacred to the doctor. This I mean that the troubles of the profession can wait for you anywhere, even in the safest and quietest place, where there are never emergency moments.

The disadvantages of the profession also include the tendency to become attached to patients, to perceive them as your well-known, likeable people. On the one hand, it is impossible without this: a real doctor cannot be spiritually callous. But such sensitivity to pain patients undermines nervous system doctor. Often the doctor knows that the patient in whom he invests his strength and soul will soon leave the world anyway. And the person talks to the doctor as if he is completely healthy. Or he is tormented, but by an effort of will, so as not to upset the doctor, he restrains himself. And among such patients, to whom it is impossible not to become attached to the soul, often come across very young, with large naive eyes. But a doctor who communicates with a doomed child cannot have an iron psyche. But if you, our dear reader, find the strength to endure such a test, we will bless you from the bottom of our hearts for this noble choice. For the professions, which include the profession of a doctor, are among the professions that save lives.

What subjects from the school course are most needed by the doctor, you can probably guess. But speaking, taking into account the special sincerity of this profession, the future doctor needs to master all school subjects without exception. It is not at all necessary to be an excellent student - they enter the medical school with triples in the certificate. But only a versatile and attentive person can become a good doctor.

Biology, chemistry, physics These are profile items. At the university, these subjects are studied so deeply that it is hardly possible for a high school student to imagine. Chemistry also includes modern pharmacology, the science of dosage forms. This is a very difficult discipline to memorize, it requires special patience, since the content is a rather boring subject with a huge amount of material that is difficult to digest. But anatomy at the university is studied with no less scrupulousness. And all the names of the parts of the organs and the musculoskeletal system must be remembered in Latin. And learning Latin itself is not a great pleasure. In a word, the volume of purely professional knowledge alone is pushed into a student of a medical university immeasurably.

He is deeply mistaken who thinks that in a medical school he will part with the "damned" grammar, literature and English language. The presentation (and even the essay) will still have to be handed over, moreover, on a rather complex topic, and Russian language courses are now being introduced into the curriculum of many universities, even technical ones. English is also taught there for everyday communication, and special, for reading professional literature. And then, since ancient times, a doctor has become a tradition - always a very interesting, progressive, charming person and citizen, a patriot of his country. No wonder that until the fall Russian Empire doctors in the country were mostly men. Women found themselves either in the role of an affectionate and devoted wife of a doctor, or his nurse, or a sister of mercy (almost a nurse).

Now the path to medicine is open to everyone who is able to withstand the high competition in medical school, successfully complete it, complete residency and stay in the workplace for several years. Approximately half of medical school graduates do not settle down in the medical field. The reasons are different, ranging from the nervous situation at the workplace and ending with inadequate wages. In private clinics, doctors, of course, get well. But a novice doctor will most likely not be taken there, and a doctor who has gained experience in a district clinic (outpatient clinic or hospital), as well as an ambulance doctor, rescue service, gets used to his system so much that most often he does not want to go into frequent a place that charges a lot of money from patients

As for the work of a paramedic, in fact it is not much different from the work of a doctor. Roughly speaking, a paramedic is a doctor with a secondary medical education. And, by the way, in Russia there are a lot of paramedics who are practically in no way inferior to doctors. Quite a lot of them work at ambulance and blood transfusion stations, and in rural areas, the paramedic is often the only hope of the sick and infirm.

Of course, the medical school program is not as extensive as the university, and the paramedic, of course, lacks many theoretical knowledge. Nevertheless, paramedics are considered reliable colleagues and assistants to doctors and perform their extremely important mission where there are no doctors at all: either it is unprofitable to keep him in a particular place, or he does not want to go there. More often this applies to the Russian hinterland, especially villages and villages. In general, paramedics are taught to take birth, and put a dropper, and even perform emergency surgical operations.

A nurse is a faithful assistant to any doctor. She can do almost the same thing as a paramedic, but basically their training in a medical school is aimed at performing exactly nursing duties. Nurses are usually not authorized to make diagnoses, prescribe treatments, and prescribe medications. However, this does not mean that they do not understand the symptoms of the most common diseases. In general, a nurse, as a rule, does an excellent job with any injections, including intravenous injections, puts any diagnostic and medical equipment into operation, measures blood pressure and even gives massage.

What is the difference between the qualifications of a nurse and a nurse with a higher education? A nurse with a secondary education has an entry in the nursing diploma, and graduate nurse- "organization of nursing", that is, she can be a healthcare organizer at her level: become a head nurse, head nurse, work as head of the prevention department. Which in itself speaks volumes great opportunities in terms of a professional career as a nurse.

So, do you consider yourself worthy to take a place among the Aesculapius? Are you sure that you will succeed and not be disappointed? Love anatomy? Do not lose your head from pharmacology? Are you afraid of blood? Then go ahead - for textbooks, for sports, for many other things, in order to successfully pass the exams for medical school and pass through the competition, which rarely drops to 3-4 people per place.

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