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Kissing without a tongue with a girl. How to learn to kiss without a partner for the first time - effective ways

Most mistakenly believe that a French kiss and a passionate kiss are one and the same. Because they think that kissing passionately without a tongue is unrealistic. And here it is for real!

What is a passionate kiss

To kiss passionately means to do it passionately, so that the lips are intensely touching. After such a kiss, you can even observe a bruise. Why is it called French? Maybe the reason lies in the great passion and love of the French. But a French kiss is, and it is different from a kiss without it.

Kiss without a tongue

How to learn to kiss without tongue? First, take the time to exercise. And your wrist will help with this. Open your mouth, put your lips to your wrist, put your tongue to the skin and begin to gently suck the surface of the wrist, as if drinking juice from a straw. As a result of these movements, redness may remain on the arm. It is also called suction. But this is not the whole kiss, now you have seen the principle itself. Also, when kissing with a partner, you need to suck on each other's lips.

During a real kiss, you should not use force, in this case, it is first important to show tenderness, and only then passion. Experiment, try to repeat after your partner, if this is not the first time for him. It is important to feel your chosen one (darling), merge together and enjoy the process. The technique of kissing without a tongue is similar to French. Suck it on the outside or inner surface partner's lips. But do everything carefully so as not to hurt your loved one (beloved).

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When romantic feelings arise between people, they want to be as close as possible to each other spiritually and physically. Lovers show their state with the help of touches, hugs, kisses. The latter are important in a relationship, because after a kiss you can understand how deep the feelings for a person are, and whether they exist at all. How to kiss a guy and a girl on the lips, if they did not have such experience? There are many different techniques that deserve attention.

How can you kiss

Kiss - touching lips to something or someone. The process differs depending on the person's intentions. The second half is kissed for a long time, passionately, mother - gently, meekly, on the body of the long-awaited child there is no place where the mother’s lips would not touch. Inhabitants different countries approach the phenomenon differently. The most kissing nations are Spaniards, Germans, Dutch. Even when meeting with an unfamiliar person, they touch their lips to his cheeks. A loving couple kiss passionately - with the tongue. The Australians touch each other with their foreheads, and the Chinese draw in their partner's breath with their lips and nostrils.

The best kisses

There are many varieties of this phenomenon. The most common kisses in our culture are:

  • Welcome. At a meeting, people smack each other on the cheek, often quickly touching their lips. The phenomenon is not intimate.
  • Romantic. It happens to people between whom feelings arise. May first affect the earlobes, cheeks, neck, slowly move to the lips. It starts with timid, uncertain movements, then gains momentum and develops into a kiss with the tongue.
  • Passionate. This category is represented by biting lips, French kissing, "dancing" with tongues. This includes kissing on the teeth.
  • Body kisses. loving person carefully “explores” with his lips especially sensitive areas of the body - the neck, the curves of the arms, legs, stomach, chest.


The classic understanding of platonic love is sublime romantic feelings, based on spiritual attraction and not involving physical relationships. Kisses with such love are short, tender, romantic, without smacking and other sounds. Chaste actions are characteristic of teenagers who are not going to move on to intimate relationships but are already feeling. Another understanding of this phenomenon is a friendly, kindred kiss. It expresses joy, gratitude to parents, brother, sister, friend or girlfriend. It is also given at a meeting, farewell.

Kiss with tongue

This type of expression of feelings is extremely rare on a first date, although there are exceptions to the rule among adults. Boys and girls should wait with the transition to such a serious stage, so as not to be disappointed. You need to think about how to kiss with the tongue correctly when you are sure of your feelings, their reciprocity. This action allows you to feel the taste of a loved one, to know him better, to awaken sensuality and desires.

Kisses on the lips

They won’t tell you how to kiss properly, because each person has their own preferences. However, there are some tricks in this process. A little theoretical preparation will inflame the imagination and give a wide field of activity. A kiss on the lips is different:

  • Smooth - light sucking, biting lips.
  • Smooth - the movements are gentle and slow, they do not bypass a single millimeter of the partner's lips.
  • “Enjoyment of a bud” (a view described by the Kama Sutra) - a man gently squeezes the lips of a woman with his fingers and kisses them.

How to start kissing

In this case, it is important environment, feelings for an individual of the opposite sex, mood. A young man should invite his soulmate on a romantic date. If it goes well, the girl will have "butterflies in her stomach" and you can kiss her, seeing her home. By the behavior of the partner, you will understand whether he is ready for this stage of the relationship. Burning eyes, reciprocal movements when hugging, stroking - all this suggests that you can act.

Before kissing on the lips, you should think about oral hygiene. In order for the smell to be normal, it is worth brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, properly removing plaque from the tongue. After eating, be sure to rinse your mouth, use a cleansing thread. Keep an eye on the health of your teeth, because caries, holes in the enamel, its darkening or yellowness kill self-confidence.

How to kiss a girl

Previously, women rarely showed such initiative. Today, girls are increasingly taking matters into their own hands and winning. How to learn to kiss first? Three cases in which a kiss is appropriate:

  1. The young man is older than you. He is afraid of harm, so you yourself let him know when you are ready for the next stage. A girl can give her partner a light kiss or immediately move on to decisive action.
  2. The guy has no relationship experience. Your gentle movements will help to liberate and teach young man how to kiss properly.
  3. You are in a playful mood. You know for sure that the guy likes you, but he is in no hurry. During parting, you can approach your partner, clearly making it clear that you are not against something more. Lightly touch the lips of a loved one and linger close, waiting for a response.

How to kiss a guy

Love intentions should not be voiced in the question. This will create a tense environment. How to kiss a guy right? A girl should be loved and loving, then all the embarrassments themselves will go away. The guy needs to relax, be gentle, decisive, not skimp on pleasant words(tell her how cool, beautiful, the best she is). It is not necessary to practice kissing on tomatoes or the tip of a pillow, act intuitively and avoid common mistakes. If a girl closes her teeth or holds her tongue against the palate, then she does not want to continue.

Kissing technique on the lips

It's never too late to learn, even if you know how to kiss properly. The condition of the lips should be taken care of in advance - make a sugar peeling, apply a softening balm. Be open psychologically - keep your eyes straight, do not cross your arms over your chest, smile, do not cover your face with your palms. Further training will not cause you difficulties and will lead to complete euphoria in practice.

With tongue

The first serious manifestations of feelings are very exciting. The tongue kissing technique will help you become a little more confident:

  1. Gently look at your partner's face and with dry lips touch his lips. For a few seconds, perform light pinching, squeezing.
  2. Moisturize your lips. Then, with the tip of your tongue, run over the closed lips of a loved one. If he reciprocates (opens his mouth), the kiss will continue.
  3. Slip your tongue into your partner's mouth. It is right to do it gently, without pressure. not welcome too deep penetration. Move your tongue in different planes - up and down, right and left. You can close your eyelids and completely surrender to the process. Swallow saliva in time, because too slobbery kisses do not cause pleasure.
  4. Completion. Touch foreheads, look at your partner. Enjoy togetherness.

No tongue

How to kiss properly without a tongue? The instruction is given above, only point three is excluded. Touch lips, clasp, squeeze, bite, suck them. Act randomly. Embrace your partner with your arms, touch your face, neck, slide over your shoulders, waist, but do not be overly active. That's right, if the lipstick has long been erased, men do not really like such a "dish".


Since ancient times, a kiss has been considered an expression of the true affection of two people for each other. Moreover, it doesn’t matter if it’s just on the cheek or an unusually passionate kiss, which is very often shown in films. Many are simply embarrassed to express their feelings for a person with the help of a kiss. But quite often a person is simply afraid that he cannot kissing right. That is why, on the Internet there are now many different sites dedicated to solving the issue: on the lips?

It is worth noting that in the world there is a huge variety with which a person can show his feelings and affection for a loved one. So in connection with this assortment, it can be quite difficult to decide how to kiss in this case, and how to kiss to please the other person. In this article, you can find a solution to your fears related to the question of how to do it right, as well as small answers on the topic "When and lips." In addition, here you will find how to prepare for a kiss and some useful tips.

What to do before a kiss.

1. If you want to answer the question of how to learn how to kiss on the lips, then you need to properly prepare your lips for this intimate procedure at the very beginning. When kissing, your lips should be smooth and pleasant to the touch, and in no case dry or chapped. These tips for preparing your lips for a kiss are helpful for both men and women. In order to make your lips more attractive and seductive at the same time, you need to either do lip peeling, using sugar, or moisturize the lips, due to water or another drink. This will help make your lips softer and retain moisture.

2. Then you need to properly set yourself up and your partner for a kiss. Try to be more social and try to look friendly. When communicating, try not to cross your arms on your chest, and also do not often touch your face with your hands, and always look into your partner's eyes, smiling at the same time. At this moment, you should catch in a person a reciprocal attraction, or at least an interest in your nature.

3. After the partner is predisposed to you, you need to try to overcome the so-called "barrier of small touches." Try lightly touching your partner's arm or shoulder while talking. Moreover, do it so quickly that the person thinks that it happened "accidentally". Most importantly, do not attach to your movements of great importance. Well, if you feel that everything is going well, and the person is already internally predisposed to you and even flirts, then try kissing him lightly on the cheek. After that, you need to immediately pay attention to the reaction of the person. If he is ready for a kiss, then you can continue the chosen direction. Continue gently kissing your partner on the cheek and gradually move on to kissing on the lips.

5. Now you can approach your partner as close as possible so that you are comfortable in each other's arms. To do this, you just need to bow your head slightly towards the person and at the same time get a couple of steps closer. In general, try to just sit next to your loved one as comfortably as possible and do not let go of your partner's eyes on you. When you get close enough to your partner's face, kiss him gently on the lips. The most important thing during the kiss is not to think about how to kiss correctly, but simply trust your feelings. Thus, the answer to the question how to learn to kiss on the lips, received.

In addition, you should stop thinking about something extraneous and not doing introspection, or thinking about how to learn how to kiss on the lips if a person does not like it. Just commit yourself completely to the kiss, so that both you and your partner want to merge again in an embrace many more times.


Make sure your breath is fresh and pleasant for your partner. Mouth fresheners, daily hygiene with a toothbrush and paste, special refreshing rinses, healthy teeth, no bleeding gums, chewing gum will help you with this.

Before you kiss without a tongue with your loved one, practice at home at least on your wrist. At the same time, try not to activate the language itself. Only lips. Make sure that your mouth does not have profuse salivation. Home workouts will help you to approach such a pleasant procedure as the first kisses more relaxed. If you are lucky and your partner is not the first kiss, you know different kinds kisses on the lips, just repeat his movements. Don't bite too passionately into the lips of the person in front of you from the first minute you start kissing. At first there should be only tenderness. It is easiest to do this with relaxed soft lips.

Passion is quite possible to connect to the process a little later. To do this, lightly bite your partner’s lips, suck them a little, but do not insert your tongue into his mouth, because you are kissing now with the so-called “tongueless” kiss.

Grab and suck (gently!) with your lips his (her) lips alternately: then the upper, then the lower. Make sure that your lips are not hard, tense at the same time. Improvise, don't do the same mechanical movements lips, diversify them.


The fact that you are on the right track and doing everything well will be indicated by the rapid breathing of a loved one, his closer hugs, stroking your body, passion in the eyes. If your partner is passive, he is frankly bored - break the kiss. You are either doing something wrong, or now is not the time for erotic games.

Helpful advice

Do not overstrain your lips by constantly stretching them with caresses with a tube. Otherwise, you will feel that they have become wooden and are no longer so sensitive. Do not kiss mechanically, repeating the movements, like a learned lesson. Surrender to the feeling, get sincere pleasure from what is happening.


How to learn to kiss passionately without a tongue?

Many mistakenly identify a kiss with a suction and a French kiss. Therefore, they believe that it is impossible to kiss passionately without a tongue. And here it is possible!

What is a kiss passionately

Kissing passionately means kissing passionately so that the lips of the lovers intensely touch and suck the skin with force. After such a kiss, a small bruise may even remain. Why is a passionate kiss often called a French kiss? Perhaps the reasons lie in the loving nature and great passion of the French. But a French kiss is a kiss with the tongue, and it is very different from how kissing passionately.

Kiss passionately without a tongue

How to learn to kiss passionately without a tongue? To begin with, we advise you to devote time to training. Your wrist will help you with this. Open your mouth, put your lips to it, and now put your tongue against the skin and gently suck the surface of your wrist, as if you are drinking juice from a straw. After such simple movements with the lips, redness often remains on the skin. It's called suction. This is not the whole kiss sucked, here you understand the basis, the principle of the kiss. Thus, when kissing, partners suck each other's lips.

With a real kiss, do not use the force of suction, the main thing here is to show tenderness at the beginning, and only then passion. Improvise, repeat everything after your partner, if he kisses not for the first time. It is very important to feel the partner, to merge with him together, to enjoy the kiss. The sucking kiss technique without a tongue is very similar to a French kiss. Suck your tongue on the inside or outside of your partner's lips. Be careful not to hurt your loved one.


How to learn to kiss without tongue?

Most mistakenly believe that a French kiss and a passionate kiss are one and the same. Because they think that kissing passionately without a tongue is unrealistic. And here it is for real!

What is a passionate kiss

To kiss passionately means to do it passionately, so that the lips are intensely touching. After such a kiss, you can even observe a bruise. Why is it called French? Maybe the reason lies in the great passion and love of the French. But a French kiss is a kiss with the tongue, and it is different from a kiss without it.

Kiss without a tongue

How to learn to kiss without tongue? First, take the time to exercise. And your wrist will help with this. Open your mouth, put your lips to your wrist, put your tongue to the skin and begin to gently suck the surface of the wrist, as if drinking juice from a straw. As a result of these movements, redness may remain on the arm. It is also called suction. But this is not the whole kiss, now you have seen the principle itself. Also, when kissing with a partner, you need to suck on each other's lips.

During a real kiss, you should not use force, in this case, it is first important to show tenderness, and only then passion. Experiment, try to repeat after your partner, if this is not the first time for him. It is important to feel your chosen one (darling), merge together and enjoy the process. The technique of kissing without a tongue is similar to French. Stick it to the outer or inner surface of the partner's lips. But do everything carefully so as not to hurt your loved one (beloved).

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How to kiss on the lips: types of kisses, without tongue, suction

Many articles and books have been written about how to kiss properly. This is not surprising, because a kiss is not only a manifestation of love and tenderness for each other, but also a whole art. It allows you to increase immunity, cheer up and avoid stress.

During the process, about 30 facial muscles are involved, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and helps prevent wrinkles. It has been proven that not only knowledge of how to kiss correctly, but also the number of kisses - at least 7 per day - play a significant role.

In contact with

There are so many kissing techniques that they are studied by a separate science - philematology. She considers the process from the point of view of physiology and psychology. Based on these criteria, there are different types of kisses.


It is this type of lip contact that has gained the greatest popularity. His key feature is the penetration of the tongue into the partner's mouth. This makes the process more sensual, but more technically challenging. Before trying it out in practice, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with how to kiss correctly:

  1. You need to prepare in advance. The success of a kiss largely depends on the freshness of breath, the pleasant smell of the body and hair, the neatness of the appearance. Immediately before contact with lips, you should use chewing gum or lollipop.
  2. It's better to start with a light kiss. Haste is not the best friend in how to kiss properly. Light touches should develop into a passionate French kiss gradually, and it is recommended to increase the pace slowly.
  3. Give in to emotions. Only a sincere gesture will bring real pleasure. How to kiss on the lips in many ways will prompt emotions and feelings.

Mastering French technique can require lengthy training. However, the simplest kiss with the tongue is within the power of lovers without experience. The main thing is mutual attraction and sympathy, and knowledge of how to kiss correctly will be applied.


Surprisingly, in France famous love gesture is called the English kiss. According to the assumptions of some historians, this name of the French method was obtained due to the celebration of Kiss Day. The custom originated in the 19th century in Great Britain and is still celebrated every year on July 6 to this day. Two decades ago, the holiday officially received international status.

Between how to kiss on the lips - in English or in French, there is no difference.


Italians are famous for their passionate behavior, both in everyday life and in love. However, the Italian kiss is quite different and is also known as the "flirting kiss". The gesture is soft, gentle, romantic. How to kiss in Italian:

  1. Touch lips. This must be done slowly and gently. Before kissing, it is better to moisten the lips or use hygienic lipstick. In this case, they will be the softest and give the partner maximum pleasure.
  2. Movement should not be abrupt. Lips should be driven carefully. Excessive passion is not acceptable with an Italian kiss.
  3. Don't use the language. In this case, the Italian kiss turns into a French one.
  4. It's important to make time. The main feature of the Italian method is duration. This lovely way how to kiss passionately without a tongue, if you have a few hours of free time. Such a protracted kiss can drive even the most persistent and reasonable people crazy.

Lip contact without the participation of the tongue is typical for couples who have just started dating or for young lovers. However, even in family relationships a kiss of this kind can add novelty and romance, because it exudes naivety and tenderness from him. How to kiss without a tongue:

  1. Preparation. Before kissing without a tongue, it is important to freshen your breath. Before a date, you can not eat onions, garlic, horseradish and other foods that have a strong bad smell. It is advisable to use perfume, but in moderation.
  2. Lip condition. Smooth skin of the lips is an essential condition. It is better to take care of her condition in advance: make a scrub, lubricate with oil, use other moisturizers.
  3. Process. A signal that the partner is not against a kiss can be a long look into the eyes. It is necessary to slowly approach the face of a lover or beloved, touch your partner's lips with your lips, close your eyes. important points in how to kiss correctly, are relaxed lips.

With tongue

After mastering the touch with the lips, you can proceed to the next stage - kissing with the tongue. This is the same French method, in which two varieties can be distinguished:

  1. "Dry". How to kiss in French was indicated above, but the dry method has its own characteristics. This gesture does not tolerate excessive salivation, the kiss should be moderately wet. It's over preferred option for young couples, unfamiliar lovers or conservatives.
  2. "Wet". In addition to the traditional French method of tongue penetration, the process is accompanied by copious salivation. Not every partner will approve of this gesture, but there are true fans of wet kisses.


Passionate kisses can be with or without tongue. How to kiss passionately:

  1. Start. Approaching the partner, you need to touch his lips with your own. It is worth moving slowly, gradually increasing the pace.
  2. Complication. The lips of a lover can be sucked, bitten or run over them with the tip of the tongue.
  3. With tongue. If the partner opens his mouth towards you, then you can carefully enter your tongue. Do not do it abruptly, you need to accelerate in stages.
  4. Important. When answering the question of how to kiss correctly, it is worth noting that other gestures also play an important role. You need to hug your beloved, you can grab his head with your hands, run your hand through your hair. This will allow you to feel emotions brighter.

For this case, spontaneity is much more important than rules. In order for a kiss to be remembered and enjoyable, it is important:

  1. Choose the right person. It is this, and not the possession of numerous techniques, that is the key to success. A kiss with a loved one or beloved is a priori successful.
  2. Don't be nervous. Embarrassment or worries will not let you relax, which means they will spoil the whole impression of a kiss. Get rid of thoughts about how to kiss properly, should be in advance.
  3. You don't have to be afraid of making mistakes. It is impossible to make a mistake in a kiss if it comes from the heart, unlike the phrase “how to kiss properly”, which many users mistakenly drive into the search box.

The benefits of kissing

A single algorithm for kissing has not yet been developed by more than one scientist. To get an idea of ​​how to kiss on the lips, you can:

  1. Hone your skills on your own. Many people got their first knowledge of kissing with the help of tomatoes. Other smooth vegetables or fruits will work as well. It will not work to rehearse the French way, but it is quite possible to feel more confident when kissing without a tongue.
  2. Cinema and video. Romantic movie characters know better than anyone how to kiss properly. It is quite possible to adopt their experience by including a tape about love.
  3. Educational videos. Suitable material can be found on request on the Internet. In such videos, they not only tell how to kiss lips on the lips or with the tongue correctly, but also give valuable comments.

The most important thing is practice, practice and more practice. Regular kisses with a loved one will allow you to quickly learn all the secrets.

How to kiss for the first time?

The first kiss is a special and crucial moment in the life of a girl or a guy. It is he who will remain in memory, it is he who cannot be repeated or changed. How to kiss for the first time if:

  1. You are a guy. The main task is to choose the right moment. If you try too early, you can scare the lady of the heart. However, a long delay can have a similar effect. As soon as the girl begins to give signs, hold her gaze on her lips for a long time, look into her eyes, you can act.
  2. You are a girl. Women's waiting position is more beneficial for those who do not have practical knowledge about kissing. You need to show the guy your readiness for the process. If he does not decide in any way, then it is not forbidden to take the initiative into his own hands.

How to kiss a guy?

Most men take the first step on their own. The girl only needs patience and openness. There are a number of secrets that will bring this moment closer:

  1. Open face. You should not cover your face with your hands, scarf or turn away from the guy. Such behavior will certainly be regarded as an attempt to move away.
  2. Eye to eye. Making eye contact is the first step to lip contact.
  3. Give an answer. During the kiss itself, you should reciprocate the guy, even if you have not had to kiss before.

With regard to the fair sex, it is better to act boldly and decisively. However, excessive zeal can cause resentment or aggression in the lady of the heart. You should not persuade her to kiss if she is not ready or does not want to.

How to kiss a girl the right way:

  1. You shouldn't do it in public. A quiet square, a non-crowded cafe or last rows cinema. Extra eyes do not add self-confidence.
  2. Better scout the situation. A light touch on the cheek, neck or hair will help to understand the readiness of the beloved. If she does not move away, then you can act.
  3. Be gentle. You do not need to immediately turn on a passionate macho, a gentle kiss is suitable for the first time. In the process, it is better to observe how the girl reacts.

Some timid young men are too shy to kiss a girl for a very long time. In this case, you can try to do it yourself. How to understand that a guy wants to kiss you.

What could be more beautiful than the long-awaited first kiss? An exciting touch of the lips, a pleasant trembling all over the body, an unforgettable pleasure - this is how, perhaps, one can characterize the first kiss.

However, all these sensations can cross out fear and excitement that nothing will work out - the kiss will not succeed. How to achieve bliss, overcoming the fear of the sacrament of the first kiss?

How to kiss?

Create a romantic setting that matches the first kiss. Do you want to remember this moment for the rest of your life? A shaded alley in the park, the intimate atmosphere of a cinema hall or a candlelit dinner are conducive to the mystery of the first kiss.

At the first kiss, if possible, exclude the moment of surprise. It's best when both of you are ready for it. Of course, there are emotional people who love all kinds of experiments and will be delighted with a surprise kiss. But still, if you are not very subtle in psychology, you should not be extreme and make such sudden surprises.

Get rid of tension. Shyness, isolation - main mistake, which is performed by almost all lovers at the first kiss. Relax and calm down, you are not in the exam, really! Extra nerves and excitement will become a hindrance at such a moment. A kiss is a way to give pleasure to a partner and get it yourself. Get ready for the magic of a loved one's touch. You loosen up, your lips become relaxed, soft and the kiss turns out to be very, very tender.

All the magic of the first kiss is easily destroyed if you forget about such a mundane thing as fresh breath. It is unlikely that you will be able to make a good impression and please your loved one if you, after eating onions, smoking or drinking alcohol, climb up to kiss. Stale breath can permanently repel a person. If you have a desire to learn how to kiss properly, do not forget to thoroughly brush your teeth before a date and take a pack of chewing gum with you.

First date rules

If you accompany your kiss with gentle touches and hugs, it will become much more pleasant for both you and your partner. Feel free to whisper pleasant words in the ear of your loved one in between kisses.

At first, the kiss should be slow. Let it be a romantic long kiss that you will remember for a lifetime. After all, learning to kiss means slowly seducing.

How to kiss with tongue?

Not a small role in the caresses of lovers is played by a passionate kiss. This kiss brings partners together like no other - during it, as if the souls of lovers are connecting.

It is not at all difficult to learn this kiss, the most important thing is to surrender completely to your feelings and passion. Your lips are relaxed, soft, but not overbearing - find a happy medium. At first, touches should be gentle and accurate, turn on your imagination: you can run your tongue over your partner’s palate, suck on his lip, etc.

Tongue kiss or french kiss

Lips of partners intensively adjoin, some time sucking skin of the partner. True, sometimes, small bruises can remain from such a kiss. Don't worry, they pass quickly.

How to kiss a guy?

Perhaps this is one of key issues, which excites every young girl during the period of falling in love. And it seems that guys should take the initiative in a kiss, especially the first one, girls worry and worry about this no less than young people. How can you especially kiss your beloved so that he immediately melts at the touch of his lips and remembers this wonderful moment for a long time?

In a kiss, as in all relationships, the most important thing is sincerity. If you don’t really want to kiss, and you’re just trying to please a guy or do a favor, a kiss will never be real, sincere and passionate, no matter how much literature you read on the topic “How to kiss a guy the right way” the day before. If you are passionately in love and madly want to merge in a kiss with your loved one, your kiss will be sincere and beautiful, even without theoretical knowledge in this matter.

For a kiss, especially the first one, it is very important to correctly capture the moment or create a situation. That is, your knowledge of kissing must be skillfully applied in the right place and in right time. Goodbye is perfect for a kiss. The most important thing is to feel the very moment when there is an awkward silence and a pause. At this point, both of you are ready to kiss. This option is especially good for conservative guys who are used to acting “as is customary”, “as mother taught”, “in the old fashioned way”. For them, a kiss goodbye will not come as a surprise.

If you are a lover of experiments and do not like to drive yourself into the generally accepted framework, then arrange a surprise kiss for your loved one. But here, too, the context is important. Even if you know how to kiss correctly, but "close up" a kiss during your boyfriend's enthusiastic story about his plans for the future - most likely this will be perceived by your loved one as disrespect for him and that you are not interested in listening to him. Most likely, he will not appreciate your surprise.

Taking advantage of a pause or silence, take your beloved by the hand, look into his eyes, feel his breath. Let him know that you are ready to kiss him. But do not rush too much - the guy will reach out to meet you. Slowly bring your lips closer to his lips, gently touch them, linger for a few seconds and also, slowly, tear yourself away. Your ability to kiss is not so important, how to show the guy that you are not against the development of relations and you are not indifferent to him.

How to kiss a girl?

Almost all girls have a stereotype: if a guy kisses badly, then he can hardly do the rest well. If you burst like a tornado into your partner's mouth and turn your tongue there, it is unlikely that the girl will be pleased. The right kiss- the key to a successful relationship with a lover.

Try to prepare so that the first kiss does not cause incomprehensible confusion and a feeling of fear in the girl, and the moment is remembered for long years. Prepare fertile ground: hold hands, take your time with a kiss, otherwise the girl will get the impression that you only need physical contact and you don’t feel any romantic feelings at all.

If your date girl takes your hand more and more often, and casually, gently presses her to her, then the time has already come for kissing. But you don’t have to immediately climb with a kiss, wait another day - the very expectation will cause pleasant languor and tension, and your partner will wait even more for the first kiss. But it’s also not worth delaying with a kiss - the girl can “burn out”.

Before the kiss, look the girl in the eyes, take her hands, slowly approach her and, like a breath of breeze, gently touch her lips. For romance, take your partner's face in your palms. Believe me, you still have time to master the technical side of the kiss, and young girls dream of a romantic kiss, airy and beautiful.

How to kiss a girl?

In order not to frighten or push the girl away with a kiss, try to make it very gentle, exciting, without a tongue. Leave a little intrigue, make the girl wait for the next date and kiss. The kiss should last a moment, break away from the girl and quickly leave without saying anything - believe me, everything has already been said by your kiss.

How to kiss for the first time?

Of course, the first experience is very important so that embarrassment does not come out instead of a kiss. But there is nothing wrong with the first kiss. The most important thing is more self-confidence, down with excitement. It is worth following some rules.

Agree that the smell from the mouth is not always a pleasant thing? Before a date, brush your teeth and carry refreshing candy with you. Do not forget to use them after eating or drinking, because an unpleasant smell is likely to repel your object of adoration.

For a kiss, it is better to choose the right moment: you look into each other's eyes for a long time, and it seems to you that this is an awkward pause. Not at all! This is the moment for a kiss. Gently and gently touch your lips to hers, linger a little and tear yourself away from her lips. After the kiss, you can whisper in her ear that you really like her - the girl will be very pleased. After the first kiss, you yourself will be surprised - what were you so afraid of? Most people have learned to kiss themselves, so experience will come with practice.

History and types of kisses

I wonder where such a beloved and familiar form of communication as a kiss came from? Even Plato tried to think about kisses. His theory is this: a man in ancient times was like a ball and had two heads, four arms and four legs. But a single creature was too arrogant and Zeus, angry, divided it into two halves - “female” and “male”. According to Plato, it is only through a kiss that the souls of two separated halves unite.

The first Christians always greeted each other with a kiss when they met. And in the Middle Ages, knighthood necessarily ended with a kiss.

In any case, the authorship of the very first kiss has not been established. It was not invented like the telephone or the radio. And they weren't even named after the person who first connected his lips with the lips of his girlfriend. But there are many types of this very kiss: loving, gentle, friendly, passionate, respectful, airy, etc.

The editors advise the site: do not be afraid to experiment during a kiss - kiss as your heart tells you. Be sincere in your feelings - and you will definitely succeed!
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