Fire Safety Encyclopedia

Sexually transmitted infections presentation at the institute. Presentation of "sexually transmitted diseases. AIDS and its prevention". presentation for the lesson on obstetrics (grade 11) on the topic. Syphilis in Russia

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs for short) are traditionally called sexually transmitted diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases (from Venus, the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology) is a group of infectious diseases, the causative agents of which are transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Currently, there are over 20 such diseases. It is noted that in the past 30 years, stereotypes of sexual behavior have changed significantly throughout the world. The attitude of young people towards sex is becoming more and more light, and various social prohibitions in this area are easily ignored. Sexual behaviors are increasingly common in early adolescence and even adolescence. A simplified attitude towards early sexual relations, promiscuous, casual contacts with different partners greatly increase the risk of contracting STDs.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 300 million cases of sexually transmitted diseases are registered in the world every year. The highest incidence rate of STDs is noted in the group of 2021-year-olds, then in the summer. The number of these diseases is also increasing in Russia. According to statistics, for the period the number of STD patients has increased more than 100 times, and among young people under 19 years of age, the incidence has increased more than 35 times. Hence the rapid rise in sexually transmitted diseases. In 1995, the incidence of syphilis in a number of cities reached epidemic proportions. The number of registered cases of infection among adults has grown 33 times over 5 years, and among adolescents - 51 times. The incidence of gonorrhea and other STDs is also on the rise. All STDs, including syphilis, have become younger; children and adolescents 1214 years old are increasingly ill with them.

Young people should be aware that the risk of contracting STDs increases with the number of sexual partners and the frequency of sexual intercourse. It is necessary to adhere to a rule that should become an axiom: think about safety before, not after sexual intercourse. Signs of sexually transmitted diseases may not appear for a long time after infection. An infected person often feels healthy, but at the same time can infect a sexual partner. It should be noted that persons who are intellectually and morally immature or who reject the norms of generally accepted morality are more prone to promiscuous sex life. For them, the purpose of communication is a recreational pastime, a prerequisite for which is sexual intercourse. Usually, in such cases, sexual intercourse is achieved on the basis of artificially induced sexual desire (alcohol, drugs, etc.).

Syphilis is a serious disease that affects almost all internal organs, the central nervous system, bones and specific changes in the skin and mucous membranes. Syphilis is usually sexually transmitted, but it can be congenital or transmitted through blood transfusion. The microorganism is sensitive to various influences and quickly dies from heat, cold, soap, disinfection and drying. Patient with syphilis at 3 stages of the disease

Symptoms of syphilis The main symptom of syphilis in the first stage of development is the appearance of a hard chancre at the site of infection. Chancre is a dense, red, painless mass with red erosion (superficial ulcer) at the apex. It is worth paying close attention to this signal, because after a week the erosion disappears, in their place the nearby lymph nodes become inflamed. Chancre

Symptoms of syphilis The tertiary period of syphilis (after 3-4 years) involves inflammatory processes on any tissues and organs of the body, which are accompanied by the formation of nodes - gums. When gums are destroyed, the tissue to which it is attached is also destroyed. At this stage, the disease is virtually untreatable. Chronic syphilis, the later stages of its development, have severe complications and consequences, up to and including death.

The incubation period is from 2 to 5 days from the moment of infection, after which the symptoms of the disease appear: purulent yellowish-brown discharge with an unpleasant odor; pain and burning when urinating; inflammation of the urethra. With this disease, the organs of the genitourinary system, the rectum, and the eyes are affected. With a long course of gonorrhea, the infection spreads to the respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. In severe cases, joint damage and blood poisoning (sepsis) are possible. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease, the causative agent of which is gonococcus, which affects the mucous membranes of the genitourinary system, and with a prolonged course, other organs and tissues.

The main symptoms of the disease: ulcerative formations on the internal and external genitals; redness of the skin area around the lesion; itching, burning; urinary disorders; discharge of varying intensity and character, a general deterioration in well-being is observed: the patient's temperature rises, fatigue increases markedly, febrile manifestations are also possible. Despite the fact that once in the body, herpes persists in it for life, consultation with a specialist is still necessary. Minor blistering rashes with uncontrolled development threaten to turn into ulcerative lesions, covering large areas of the skin or mucous membrane. Genital herpes is a viral venereal disease that manifests itself in characteristic vesicular rashes on the genitals.

Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease, or during childbirth, the infection passes from mother to child. Symptoms: White or yellow discharge from the urethra, painful urination, itching in the opening of the urethra, recurrent pain in the perineum, testicles. The incubation period of chlamydia is from 5 to 30 days, but in 50% of cases, chlamydia is asymptomatic and is manifested only by the discharge of a small amount of cloudy mucus from the urethra after sleep. Pregnant women are especially at risk for chlamydia, in whom the infection can cause spontaneous abortion, missed pregnancy, premature placental abruption, etc.

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease that affects the vagina in women and the urethra, seminal vesicles, and the prostate gland (prostate) in men. The incubation period for trichomoniasis ranges from several days to several months. The main symptoms in men are: whitish or gray foamy discharge; itching in the urethra; itching and burning when urinating. Typical symptoms in women: yellowish frothy discharge; pain when urinating; redness and itching of the external genital organs. After three to four weeks, if no treatment has been carried out, trichomoniasis becomes chronic. Trichomonas infection from the urethra spreads to other organs of the genitourinary system, causing chronic prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis, vesiculitis, inflammation of the bladder and kidneys, and infertility.

Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases The most reliable way to protect yourself from STDs is to completely abstain from promiscuous sexual intercourse. To prevent infection through contact with sexual partners, you must use contraception and follow the rules of personal hygiene.

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Developed by: Teacher-organizer of the basics of life safety. Ushanov Stanislav Valentinovich St. Petersburg 2015-2016 academic year State budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 591 of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

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Review What role does hygiene play in maintaining health? What is morality?

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Dale Carnegie's 7 Rules for a Happy Family Life No need, no need to find fault !!! Don't try to remodel your spouse. Don't criticize. Express your sincere gratitude to each other. Show each other little courtesies. Be considerate. Read a good book on the sex side of marriage.

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Venus - in ancient Roman mythology, the goddess of love and beauty Sexually transmitted infections (STIs for short) are traditionally called venereal diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases (from Venus - the goddess of love and beauty in Roman mythology) is a group of infectious diseases, the causative agents of which are transmitted mainly through sexual contact. Currently, there are over 20 such diseases.

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STIs Sexually transmitted diseases are infectious diseases transmitted from person to person, mainly through sexual contact (synonyms: STDs, STIs). Currently, there are more than 20 sexually transmitted sexually transmitted diseases, the causative agents of which can be bacteria, viruses, protozoa, yeast fungi, arthropods.

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Attitudes over 40 years It is noted that in the last 30 years, stereotypes of sexual behavior have changed significantly all over the world. The attitude of young people towards sex is becoming more and more light, and various social prohibitions in this area are easily ignored. Sexual behaviors are increasingly common in early adolescence and even adolescence. A simplified attitude towards early sexual relations, promiscuous, casual contacts with different partners greatly increase the risk of contracting STIs.

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There are 300 million cases of infections per year. * According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 300 million cases of sexually transmitted infections are registered in the world every year. The highest incidence rate of STIs is observed in the group of 20-21-year-olds, then 15-19-year-olds. The number of these diseases is also increasing in Russia. According to statistics, for the period 1990-2000. the number of STI patients has increased more than 100 times, and among young people under 19 years of age, the incidence has increased more than 35 times.

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12- In Russia, over the past 10 years, it has grown 100 times. Under the age of 19, it has grown 35 times. STIs have become younger more and more often children and adolescents 12-14 years old are infected with them. The highest incidence rate of STIs is observed in the group of 20-21-year-olds, then 15-19-year-olds. The number of these diseases is also increasing in Russia. According to statistics, for the period 1990-2000. the number of STI patients has increased more than 100 times, and among young people under 19 years of age, the incidence has increased more than 35 times. Hence - the rapid growth of sexually transmitted infections. In the mid-90s. the incidence of syphilis in a number of cities has reached epidemic proportions. The number of registered cases of infection among adults has grown 33 times over 5 years, and among adolescents - 51 times. The incidence of gonorrhea and other STIs is also on the rise. All STIs, including syphilis, have become younger; children and adolescents 12-14 years old are increasingly infected with them.

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Think before, not after. Young people should be aware that the risk of contracting an STI increases with the number of sexual partners and the frequency of sexual intercourse. It is necessary to adhere to a rule that should become an axiom: think about safety before, not after sexual intercourse.

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Signs of STIs It should be noted that persons who are intellectually and morally immature or who reject the norms of generally accepted morality are more prone to promiscuous sex. For them, the goal of communication is a recreational pastime, a prerequisite for which is sexual intercourse. Usually, in such cases, sexual intercourse is achieved on the basis of artificially induced sexual desire (alcohol, drugs, etc.). Signs of sexually transmitted infections may not appear for a long time after infection. An infected person often feels healthy, but can infect a sexual partner. It should be noted that persons who are intellectually and morally immature or who reject the norms of generally accepted morality are more prone to promiscuous sex life. For them, the goal of communication is a recreational pastime, a prerequisite for which is sexual intercourse. Usually, in such cases, sexual intercourse is achieved on the basis of an artificially induced sexual desire (alcohol, drugs, etc.).

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The general rules of prevention are abstinence from casual sexual intercourse and intimate contact of the genitals; mutual loyalty of uninfected partners; correct and consistent use of condoms. Therefore, the general rules of prevention can be considered: abstinence from casual sexual intercourse and intimate contact of the genitals; mutual loyalty of uninfected partners; correct and consistent use of condoms.

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Syphilis is traditionally considered the worst sexually transmitted disease. The causative agent of syphilis is pale treponema, which looks like a thin spiral-shaped thread. Infection with syphilis occurs when a healthy person is in close contact with a sick person. The most frequent route is infection through sexual intercourse, but household contact is also possible, when infection occurs with a kiss, the use of household items (toothbrush, spoon) that the patient had previously used, smoking one cigarette with the patient.

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Pale treponemas penetrate the skin or mucous membrane through the smallest damage - abrasions, cracks, etc. The first symptoms of syphilis appear 3-4 weeks after infection. They are characterized by the appearance at the site of the introduction of pale treponemas of a hard chancre (a small painless erosion or ulcer on a solid base). After 5-7 days of the appearance of a hard chancre, the lymph nodes nearest to it increase.

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Primary syphilis These symptoms are typical for primary syphilis, which lasts 6-7 weeks. By the end of the primary period, patients may experience general phenomena: malaise, fever, bone pain, headache.

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Secondary period The secondary period of the course of the disease is characterized by the appearance of rashes on the skin of the trunk, soles, palms, mucous membrane of the genitals. The rashes do not cause inconvenience, and after a while they spontaneously disappear. The secondary period of syphilis lasts an average of 3-4 years. The tertiary period of syphilis develops in patients who have not received full treatment. This period is characterized by damage to the skin and mucous membranes, internal organs, bones, and the nervous system. It must be remembered that the earlier treatment begins, the higher the guarantee of complete recovery.

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Rules for personal prevention of syphilis Rules for personal prevention of syphilis. After casual sexual intercourse, it is recommended that immediately after intercourse, thoroughly wash the genitals and adjacent areas of the body with warm water and soap. In case of suspicion of infection with syphilis, you must contact the anti-STD care center or the nearest medical institution.

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Gonorrhea is a venereal disease caused by gonococcus. Gonorrhea is transmitted, as a rule, sexually from a patient with gonorrhea or from a carrier of bacteria.

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During sexual intercourse, gonococcus enters the mucous membrane of the genitals and urethra and causes local inflammation. Household infection is also possible through infected household items - bed, linen, washcloth, towel, etc. shared with the patient.

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The first signs of the disease usually appear 2-5 days after infection. In men, it manifests itself in the form of urethritis (inflammation of the urethra), which is characterized by burning pain in the urethra at the beginning of urination. In women, gonorrhea is sluggish, barely noticeable. Almost all patients develop gonorrheal urethritis, accompanied by frequent urging and cutting pain when urinating. If gonorrhea is not treated, the pathogen can quickly spread through the bloodstream throughout the body, affecting the joints, heart, and brain. The best preventive measure against gonorrhea is the use of a condom, which protects both men and women alike from infection.

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Genital herpes is an ulcerative lesion of the genitals caused by the herpes simplex virus (a disease characterized by blistering eruptions on the skin). Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection that causes sores and sores on and around the genitals. Such rashes can appear every few weeks and last for several days, then they can disappear for a long time. However, even after complete healing, the virus remains in the body and mostly causes periodic or irregular exacerbations. The effectiveness of herpes simplex treatment largely depends on the timing of the initiation of treatment: the earlier it is started, the more effective.

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The effectiveness of herpes simplex treatment largely depends on the timing of the initiation of treatment: the earlier it is started, the more effective.

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Trichomoniasis A very common STI is trichomoniasis, which affects the vagina and urethra and manifests itself as white or yellow vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. This is the most common sexually transmitted disease.

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As a recommendation for the prevention of STIs, we offer you the advice given by the American psychologist Dee Snyder to adolescents: “If you are going to have sex, you must take the necessary precautions against sexually transmitted diseases. Of course, the first way to protect yourself is complete abstinence, but if you really can't wait, then experts advise in the event that you enter into a relationship with a girl whose infinite loyalty you are not sure to use a condom. So, you have double protection - from a sexually transmitted disease and from unwanted pregnancy.

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Some girls feel offended when a partner insists that he will use a condom if she herself is using contraception (birth control), as if he assumes that she is unwell. Guys, I dare say, you better be offenders. And to you, girlfriends, I dare to recommend the following: buy condoms yourself, in case your friend forgets about it. If he is offended by this, so much the worse for him. Insist that he use a condom. "

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In conclusion 1. If you have obvious symptoms of the diseases described above or if you have concerns about whether you are sick, do not hesitate and contact your doctor immediately. If, after the examination, a sexually transmitted disease is detected, it is necessary to involve your sexual partner in the examination and treatment. 2. Remember: infecting another person with a venereal disease, if you knew you had it, is a criminal offense (Article 121 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, 1997). It is punishable by a fine in the amount of two hundred to five hundred times the minimum monthly wage, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of two to five months, or correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or arrest for a term of three to six months.

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Historical references to venereal diseases The earliest mention of venereal diseases in the biblical parables of King Solomon, who experienced them on himself. And this is not surprising when you have 700 wives and 300 concubines. The ancients apparently suffered from a number of sexually transmitted diseases, but which ones are difficult to understand due to the fragmentary and vague description of their symptoms. In the Middle Ages, gonorrhea, or ripper, was a real scourge, especially in France, where it was called "Burning" or "Parisian rhinitis"

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Morbidity statistics In Russia over the past 6 years, for example, the incidence of syphilis has increased 40 times, and a catastrophic increase was noted among children and adolescents - the number of cases of congenital syphilis increased 45 times.

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Gonorrhea Gonorrhea is an infection transmitted through sexual contact, as well as through things that belong to a sick person. Therefore, it is unacceptable to use other people's panties, tights, washcloths, so through these you can become infected with gonorrhea and other sexually transmitted diseases. More details

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Signs of disease Diseases are purulent discharge from the genitals and severe pain when urinating. Purulent discharge is noticeable in the morning, after sleep. The infection spreads and invades the bladder, kidneys, and internal genital organs. Immune memory for this disease is also absent.

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Syphilis Infection with syphilis occurs not only during sexual intercourse, but also when the pathogen enters the blood of a healthy person through small abrasions on the skin. More details

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They appear only 3-4 weeks after infection. At the site of the penetrated infection, a dense abrasion or ulcer forms - a hard chancre. After 1-2 months, a rash appears on the skin, which disappears and reappears. Then headaches and bone pains may begin. In advanced cases, the nervous tissue of the spinal cord is affected, the sensitivity of the legs is lost, the nose collapses, the teeth are affected, and severe lesions of the skin and internal organs appear. Syphilis is inherited.

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AIDS AIDS is caused by a virus that infects the T lymphocytes of the human immune system. The virus enters a healthy cell and integrates into its genetic apparatus. The cell begins to produce separate parts of the viruses. A person with AIDS loses the ability to fight any infection and cancerous degeneration of his own cells. The body actually becomes defenseless and dies either from cancer or from infections, more often of the lungs. Know: Infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus is possible only in three ways - the sexual route, blood - blood, mother - child. More details

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Love is one, but there are thousands of imitations for it.
La Rochefoucault Francois de

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  • form a valuable attitude towards your health;
  • to form a representation of sexual education;
  • to form an understanding of how to determine ways of protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
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    Child pregnancy

    • In 2000, Russia ranks 1st in terms of the number of pregnancies among underage girls.
    • If there were 16 pregnant girls per 1000 people in 1976, then in the 21st century - 105
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    Sexually transmitted infections

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    What are STIs?

    • There are about 30 diseases that have been combined into one group, because they are all transmitted to humans through sexual contact.
    • They are abbreviated as STIs - sexually transmitted infections.
    • The causes of STIs can be various pathogens: viruses, bacteria, yeasts, protozoa and even arthropod insects.
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    STIs share common features

    • Transmitted through sexual contact;
    • have a latent period. From the moment of penetration into the body until any signs of the disease appear, it can take from 3 days to 6 months, sometimes even up to several years.
    • Often they occur latently (without any manifestations) and are accidentally detected during examination.
    • They damage many organs and tissues of the body (genitourinary system, nervous system, liver, heart, skin).
    • Starting treatment earlier is more likely to lead to recovery.
    • Do not heal spontaneously.
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    • Lead to a large number of complications (infertility, impotence, paralysis, cancer, skin and joint damage, loss of vision, etc.).
    • Some of these diseases are transmitted through blood (non-sterile needles, syringes, tattoo tools, ear piercing).
    • A combination of several STIs in one person is common. STIs are easily spread from person to person.
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    What diseases are STIs?

    For a long time, well-known diseases were referred to the number of STIs:

    • syphilis;
    • gonorrhea;
    • urogenital candidiasis (thrush).

    Recently, a group of second-generation STIs has emerged:

    • trichomoniasis;
    • chlamydia;
    • genital herpes;
    • venereal warts;
    • hepatitis B and C;
    • HIV infection;
    • pubic lice, scabies.
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    Major sexually transmitted diseases

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    • Even the ancient Greeks knew about herpes. It was they who gave this infection such a name, since the Greek word "herpes" means "to creep" (indeed, herpetic vesicles seem to creep over the surface of the skin).
    • Symptoms - pain in the lower abdomen, redness of the mucous membranes and skin, herpetic vesicles.
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    • Trichomoniasis is caused by the simplest organism - Trichomonas. Ways of transmission - contact-sexual and household - swimming in dirty reservoirs with stagnant water, including sometimes in private pools.
    • Symptoms are similar to those of gonorrhea, so any condition of discomfort in the genital tract - itching, discharge, etc. requires laboratory diagnostics in order to determine the pathogen.
    • The disease is curable.
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    • Syphilis is caused by a pale spirochete (treponema). It is transmitted sexually and when the pathogen enters the bloodstream through abrasions on the skin.
    • Signs of the disease appear only 3-4 weeks after infection. At the site of the penetrated infection, a dense abrasion or ulcer forms - a hard chancre. It is painless and severely restricted from healthy tissue. Soon the hard chancre disappears without any treatment, and the person feels healthy.
    • But this state is deceiving. The pathogen spreads throughout the body, and after 1-2 months a rash appears on the skin, which disappears and reappears. Then all this goes away, but after a while headaches and bone pains may begin.
    • In advanced cases, the nervous tissue of the spinal cord is affected, the sensitivity of the legs is lost, the nose collapses, the teeth are affected, and severe lesions of the skin and internal organs appear. Syphilis is inherited.
    • Syphilis is now being successfully treated. However, the success of treatment largely depends on the stage of the disease. Neglected cases are difficult to treat. The human body does not have an immune memory for this disease, so people who are cured can become infected again.
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    • Gonorrhea is caused by gonococci. The infection is transmitted through sexual intercourse, as well as through things belonging to a sick person. Therefore, it is unacceptable to use someone else's underwear, tights, washcloths.
    • Signs of the disease are purulent discharge from the genitals and severe pain during urination, fever. Purulent discharge is noticeable in the morning, after sleep. The infection spreads and invades the bladder, kidneys, and internal genital organs.
    • Immune memory for this disease is also absent.
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    Syphilis in Russia

    • In Russia, over the past 6 years, the incidence of syphilis has increased 40 times, and a catastrophic increase was noted among children and adolescents - 45 times! The number of cases of congenital syphilis has increased by a factor of 20.
    • The incidence of AIDS is growing steadily. According to the Russian Scientific and Methodological Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, by 2004, 7,591 HIV-infected children were registered. In Russia, 817 people with AIDS were recorded.
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    What to do if an STI is detected?

    • Start the treatment prescribed by your doctor as early as possible.
    • Be sure to follow the regimen and dosage of medication.
    • Take care to protect yourself from future STIs.
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    If STIs are left untreated or self-medicated, then

    • they can cause serious complications;
    • late treatment may not be effective.
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    How can you avoid getting an STI?

    • Refrain from extramarital sex.
    • Refuse contact with casual sexual partners.
    • Maintain mutual fidelity with the only sexual partner (necessarily healthy).
    • Use a quality condom correctly every time you have sex.
    • Do not use non-sterile needles, syringes or other people's instruments for medical purposes.
    • Observe the rules of personal hygiene.
    • Do not take strangers and do not give other people their things (linen, clothes, towels, etc.).
    • Refrain from using alcohol and drugs. Under their influence, rash acts are often committed.
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    The risk of contracting AIDS

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    Stages of HIV

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    How You Can't Get AIDS

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    Prevention of STDs and HIV

    • Having a permanent sexual partner
    • Condom use during sexual intercourse with casual partners
    • Strict adherence to personal hygiene rules
    • Sanitary and hygienic education and moral education of the population
    • In medical institutions: strict adherence to the rules for the use of syringes, needles, other instruments and single-use blood transfusion systems
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    Criminal Code

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    The final stage of an infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and transmitted through sexual contact and human blood.

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    Natural remedies. These are the funds of our grandmothers. This also includes the calendar method.

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    Mechanical (non-harmonic) means: condoms, spirals, caps. "A condom is your best friend", as it protects not only from pregnancy, but also from sexually transmitted diseases.

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    The situation with sexually transmitted diseases has now increased among the adult population 16 times among the youth - 28 times. (even children of 12-14 years old began to get sick, moreover, becoming infected on their own, and not from sick parents).

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    Syphilis The first sign of syphilis is the appearance of a small abrasion, or sore, which is called a hard chancre ("chancre" in French is a sore, but hard, because the bottom of the sore is really dense). Where does chancre arise? French doctors talk about it with humor: "he appears in the place he sinned." Therefore, the chancre is most often localized on the genitals and on the perineum, but it can also be on the lips, tongue, and anus. The size of the chancre is from the size of a millet seed to the size of a fingernail. The sore is filled with fluid, in which, when analyzed, a large number of pale spirochetes are found. From the moment a hard chancre appears, a patient with syphilis becomes contagious.

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    In its course, syphilis is divided into three periods. The primary period, or primary syphilis, begins with the appearance of a hard chancre and lasts 1.5-2 months. A week after the appearance of the chancre, the lymph glands near the sore enlarge. If it appears on the genitals, then the inguinal lymph nodes increase, and if on the lips - the submandibular

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    The secondary period, or secondary syphilis, lasts about three to four years and begins with the appearance of a rash that does not peel off, does not itch. Rashes of the secondary period are in the form of spots in the throat and lungs, pale pink spots on the trunk. Then cyanotic-red nodules appear on the genitals, perineum, in the groin folds. These rashes are very contagious. Having existed for some time, even without treatment, they disappear and then reappear. And so several times over the course of three to four years. Treatment, begun in the primary and secondary periods, cures the sick. But you cannot self-medicate:

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    The tertiary period affects the bones, blood vessels, spinal cord and brain. It lasts 10-20 years and ends with paralysis and dementia. With syphilis, as with many other infectious diseases, self-healing does not occur. The disease lasts all life, passing from one period to another, slowly destroying the human body. In this case, immunity is not developed. After healing, a person can again become infected with syphilis. The success of the treatment must be confirmed by tests. The first analysis is taken immediately after the end of treatment, and then after 3, 6 and 12 months. Without such control, one cannot be sure of a cure.

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    Gonorrhea Gonorrhea is the most common sexually transmitted disease, which used to give a vivid picture of the disease, and now almost everyone is asymptomatic. This makes the disease even more dangerous, since untreated gonorrhea becomes chronic, causing persistent infertility, inflammation of the urogenital organs in men and inflammation of the appendages in women. Immunity after a disease is not developed, so re-infection is possible.

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    Signs of gonorrhea in men are the first signs of the disease - redness around the external opening of the urethra, slight swelling, which is accompanied by burning and itching, pain during urination. Greenish-yellowish pus constantly flows from the opening of the urethra. Even if not treated or self-medicate, these symptoms gradually disappear and the disease becomes chronic. An exacerbation of the disease occurs after sexual intercourse, drinking alcohol, and weakening the body. In patients, pain reappears during urination and discharge from the urethra. Such phenomena usually last for a short time and disappear without any treatment, and the disease again takes on a chronic form.

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    Signs of gonorrhea in women affect almost all genitourinary organs. Abundant purulent discharge from the vagina appears, irritation of the external genital organs, skin of the thighs occurs. In some cases, there is heaviness in the lower abdomen, lower back pain during menstruation and pain during urination, but most often these symptoms are mild, and therefore women rarely pay attention to them, and the disease becomes chronic, affecting the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

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    Fungal diseases, trichomoniasis, gardnerellosis Recently, doctors increasingly determine the inflammatory processes of the vagina with very similar symptoms, but caused by various microbes. Any inflammation of the vaginal mucosa is called vaginitis (from the Latin vagina - vagina). The most common causative agents of vaginitis are yeast, Trichomoniasis and Gardnerella. The inflammations they cause have their own characteristics, but the symptoms characteristic of all of them are vaginal discharge, often with an unpleasant odor, itching and burning in the genital area and perineum, pain during intercourse.

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    Chlamydia The causative agent of the disease is a very small bacterium, which, unlike all other bacteria, multiplies inside a living cell, like a virus. Therefore, it is difficult to detect it. Chlamydia is transmitted only sexually when contaminated semen or vaginal secretions come into contact with the mucous membranes of a healthy person. The consequences of the disease can be infertility, ectopic pregnancy, purulent inflammation of the pelvic organs and even inflammation of the joints. Chlamydia diagnosis is difficult, expensive and not always effective. This disease is treated only in the acute stage with antibiotics.

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    Genital herpes and genital warts (warts) Both of these sexually transmitted diseases are caused by viruses. Both affect men and women equally and can cause cancer, miscarriage, premature birth, or stillbirth. And most importantly, in pregnant women infected with herpes, children become infected during childbirth and then suffer from pneumonia or their nervous system is affected.

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    The causative agent of genital herpes is the same virus that causes the so-called cold sores on the lips. Signs and course of the disease. The incubation period is four to five days. After infection, a group of small vesicles appears on the genitals, near the anus or on the perineum, which open, turning into small ulcers. They are very painful. Patients feel especially severe pain and burning when urinating. If the infection occurred for the first time, then, as a rule, the body temperature rises, headaches, muscles. The disease is acute for one to two weeks. Then outbreaks of herpes are repeated with a certain frequency, but they are subjectively more easily tolerated. It is especially dangerous to get pregnant during the next outbreak.

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    Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) In 1981, reports began to appear in the United States of a new, previously unknown disease that causes serious complications and often ends in death. Most of the victims were homosexual men and drug addicts who abuse intravenous injections. in France and the United States, it was soon established that this disease is of a viral nature and is called acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

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    Classification of the manifestation of HIV infection Group 1 Usually, a mild syndrome that manifests itself within 1-2 months. from the moment of infection. However, the development of a more severe disease with neurological symptoms is also possible. In both cases, spontaneous and rapid improvement of the patient's condition may occur.

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    Group 2 No clinical symptoms are detected during infection. In this case, infected people become asymptomatic carriers of HIV.

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    Group 3 Symptoms are: swollen lymph nodes, fever, malaise, increased sweating, fatigue, loss of appetite and weight

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    Group 4 Symptoms include fever, weight loss, diarrhea, neurologic changes, development of secondary infections (eg, pneumonia) and malignant tumors

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    In the process of development of HIV infection, five time periods are distinguished: 1. The period of time from the moment of HIV infection to its detection in the patient's blood in an amount dangerous to others. This period lasts only 1-3 weeks. 2. The time period from the moment of HIV infection until the onset of rapidly developing symptoms of the disease (group 1, see diagram 2). The duration of this period is 1-8 weeks. The disease is accompanied by fever, weakness, swollen lymph nodes, or is more severe, with neurological disorders. 3. The period of time from HIV infection until the moment when virus-specific antibodies are found in the blood (the most common method for diagnosing HIV infection). Usually this period is 2-3 months, but it can be longer. 4. The period of time from the moment of HIV infection until the manifestation of any delayed symptoms. The length of this period is not precisely defined (it lasts at least one week), but is often about two years. 5. The period of time from the moment of HIV infection until the development of AIDS.

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    The most important rules to follow for AIDS prevention are: never share injection needles or other tools that damage the skin; use condoms even when not necessary to prevent conception; before you enter into an intimate relationship, get to know the person well; avoid sexual contact with people who have many sexual partners and whom you may suspect of abuse of intravenous injections; if it is necessary to use donated blood or preparations prepared on its basis, make sure that they are tested for the presence of the virus.

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    Criminal liability for infection with a venereal disease (Article 121 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) 1. Infection of another person with a venereal disease by a person who knew that he had this disease, is punishable by a fine in the amount of 200 to 500 minimum wages or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to five months, or correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or arrest for a term of three to six months. 2. The same act committed against two or more persons, or against a knowingly minor, shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 500 to 700 times the minimum monthly wage, or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of five to seven months, or imprisonment for up to two years.

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    Responsibility for HIV infection of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Infection with HIV infection" states: 1. Deliberately placing another person in danger of contracting HIV infection is punishable by restraint of liberty for a term of up to three years, or arrest for a term of three to six months, or imprisonment for up to one year. 2. Infection of another person with HIV by a person who knew that he had this disease, shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to five years. 3. The act provided for in part two of this article, committed against two or more persons, or against a knowingly minor, shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to eight years. 4. Infection of another person with HIV due to improper performance by a person of his professional duties is punishable by imprisonment for up to five years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for up to three years.

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    Questions and Tasks 1. Into what groups does the World Health Organization classify sexually transmitted diseases? How do these groups differ? 2. List the signs of syphilis infection. 3. How does syphilis develop and proceed? 4. Under what conditions can syphilis treatment be successful? 5. Why is gonorrhea dangerous and what consequences does it cause? 6. What are the signs of a gonorrhea infection? 7. What are the symptoms of a vaginitis infection? 8. Why is chlamydia dangerous? 9. What are the ways of getting AIDS? 10. What are the most common signs of AIDS infection? 11. What sexually transmitted diseases can be fatal?

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    Homework Task 15. Formulate rules of conduct that will help you avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Task 16. Make a detailed table in which indicate the names of sexually transmitted diseases, their signs, consequences, methods of prevention and treatment.

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