Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Indoor flowers lesson for the middle group. Summary of a lesson in the middle group on the topic: Houseplants. Attitude to light

Summary of GCD in middle group: World of indoor plants

Antonova Maria Vasilievna
Description: I offer a summary of direct educational activities for children 4-5 years old. During the lesson, children's knowledge of indoor plants is consolidated. This material will be of interest to educators kindergarten.
Target: expanding and consolidating children’s ideas about indoor plants;
- Clarify children’s ideas about the structure, needs of indoor plants, and their benefits to humans.
- Improve the ability to distinguish indoor plants by appearance and description.
- Cultivate caring attitude towards plants, kindness, responsiveness.

Preliminary work:

Caring for indoor plants in a corner of nature;
Looking at the folder " Houseplants»;
Conversation "The World of Indoor Plants";
Didactic game“Which plant is gone?”;
Didactic game “Where is the puppy hiding?”
Material: An envelope with a letter, indoor plants, pictures of indoor plants, flowers with a task, cards about the needs of plants, an empty envelope, a “magic bag” with plant care items, a matryoshka doll, an envelope with plant parts. Children in the morning find an envelope at the entrance to the group. When all the children arrive, the teacher reads the letter to the children
"Hello guys. Thumbelina is writing to you. I decided to turn to you for help. In our fairyland of Elves there was strong hurricane, who took away five magical flowers - helpers. If you find them and complete all the tasks written on the petals of these flowers, then our country will be, as before, bright and fabulously beautiful. Hope for your help. Thumbelina."

Educator:- Well, guys, what are we going to do? (I lead the children to agree to help Thumbelina - find their flowers).
Children look for flowers in the group and find the first flower with the task.
1 task
Educator:- Guys, guess the riddle:
-They live next to us in pots with a tray,
They love earth and water, air and sun.
Educator:- That's right, why do people need indoor plants?
Children:- For air purification, beauty, comfort, health.
Educator:- You can also play with indoor plants. Let's play with our plants and matryoshka.
Game “Where is the nesting doll hiding?”
(Children close their eyes, and the teacher hides a small nesting doll behind any indoor plant, and the children must guess and name the plant).

The children continue to look for flowers in the group. Find the second flower with the task.
2 task
Game “Recognize the plant by description.”
The teacher reads a card - a description of the plant, and the children guess and name the houseplant.

Children find the third flower with the task.
3 task
Game "Magic Bag".
Children recognize an object by touch and determine what it is for.
(Water can, brush, cloth, spray bottle, loosening stick).

Educator:- Guys, I suggest you relax.
Physical education
There are houses stand on your toes, stretch your arms up;
And there are bridges bend forward, arms back, knees straight;
There are trees straighten up, round your arms above your head;
And the bushes sit down, stretch your arms forward;
And to everyone's surprise stand up, arms to the sides, body turns,
In the room the plants [i]shoulders are raised;
We can't live without them hands on the belt, turning the head to the right and left;
Because we are friends! spread your arms to the sides, clasp your body with your hands).
Repeat 2-3 times.
The children continue to look for flowers and find a fourth flower with a task.
4 task
Game “Assemble a plant from parts.”
In the envelope of plant parts, the child makes up a plant from parts and explains which part of the plant is needed for what.

Children find the fifth flower with the task.
Task 5
Game “What does a plant need to live and grow?”

In the envelope there are cards - diagrams. Children arrange cards and explain what conditions are necessary for the growth of indoor plants.

Educator:- Guys, let's count the flowers we found. (children count flowers)
Educator: So we fulfilled Thumbelina’s request. But what is their secret of these flowers?
(children turn reverse side, on which the rules for caring for plants are written.)
Educator:- Guys, I suggest you put flowers in an envelope and send them to Thumbelina, in the land of the Elves.
Children put flowers in an envelope and take the letter to the post office.
This lesson is the final one. During it I clarified what knowledge the children received during school year on the topic "Indoor Plants". I was pleased with the results. I will continue to work on this topic in the senior group.

Thematic week “Indoor plants”

Individual work plan

Cognitive development

Pirumov A.

Rudnev T.

Seredenko I Askerov I.

    Di : “Assemble a plant” - consolidate children’s knowledge about the structure of a plant, its parts and their significance for plant life.

    D/and mathematics “Find toys by touch” - teach children to compare the results of a visual tactile examination of the shape of an object.

    D/i “Fold from sticks” - practice making geometric shapes from sticks.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Ptichenko P.

Pidai A.

Belikova L.

    Drawing “Trace by dots” - learn to draw a drawing by dots, bring your plans to the end.

    “Trace the stencil” - develop fine motor skills and the ability to work with a stencil.

    Drawing “Color the flowers” ​​- development creative skills and fine motor skills.

Social and communicative development

Kuznetsov K.

Bibaev D.

Kharitonov S.

Koropov A.

    Game Polite words -development of respect in communication, the habit of using polite words.

    Game Hands get to know each other, hands quarrel, hands make peace -develop the ability to express your feelings and understand the feelings of another person.

    Game “Draw a proverb” -develop the ability to use non-verbal means communication.

    Game "Conversation through glass" -develop the skill of facial expressions and gestures.

Speech development

Karabasheva R.

Hailatzidis K.

Seredenko I.

Sendykh Yu.

Kurbanova A.

    Exercise “Say it in one word” - teach to enrich objects with one word, enrich lexicon.

    Examination of illustrations on the topic: “Indoor plants” - to develop speech and memory.

    D/and verbal “Name it in one word” - to consolidate children’s ideas about generalizing words.

    Didactic game “Choose Words” - exercise children in selecting definitions for a noun, teach them to find various characteristics of the same concept.

Physical development

Gostev D.

Bulanov M.

Pichugina M.

Ilyasova M.

    Development of movements. “Grasshoppers” - practice jumping in place with turns to the right, left, around yourself.

    The game “Hurry up to catch” - develop general coordination of movements; the ability to maintain direction when throwing.

    Development of movements. “Walking on a log” - consolidate the ability to walk on a log in a bear cub pose and maintain balance.

    Stepping over snow bricks (jumping) - learn to step over, jump over snow bricks, develop dexterity.

    Walking and running winding path- teach how to carry out the teacher’s task.

    Walking and running, raising your knees high “horse” - continue to teach walking and running, raising your knees high.

Plan for working with parents:

    Consultation “Indoor plants in your home”

Purpose: to offer parents useful information about safety measures for keeping indoor plants at home.

    “Competition for the best indoor plant grown for a kindergarten.

    Folder “The benefits of indoor plants.”



    Working in a corner of nature : consolidate the process of caring for indoor plants (diagram).

    Conversation: “Morning of joyful meetings” - develop children’s speech; the ability to share your impressions.

    Formation of KGN: reading the work “The Girl is Dirty” - pay attention to proper hand washing.

    Plot - role-playing game: “Gardener” - the formation of ideas about the role of indoor plants in human life.

    D/i “What’s in what?” - teach children to build a system by defining a subsystem.

    P/game: P/ and “Gardener and Flowers” ​​- introduce children to new game, develop children’s ability to act on cues


9.00-9.20 cognition (outlook ): “What’s growing on the window?” - expand children’s knowledge about indoor plants, cultivate a caring attitude towards them; develop speech, memory, attention, thinking, ability to find similarities and differences, p._____

9.50-10.10 music: .


Observation of birch and rowan - to develop knowledge about plant life in winter. Learn to answer the question posed. Foster a desire to protect and preserve nature.

Inspect the area, find familiar trees: birch, rowan.

According to what characteristic features Can you recognize a birch tree or a rowan tree?

Why do trees need snow?

What can happen if there is a lot of snow on tree branches?

On frosty days, the branches of trees and shrubs are very fragile and break easily, so they must be protected, not bent, not knocked on the trunk, and not run over them with sleds.

Artistic word:

Trees in winter, trees in winter

Permeated by the wind and the cold itself,

And slender pines and sharp spruces

They stand up like soldiers to face the blizzard.

Outdoor games “Bird and Cat”, “Colored Cars” - learn to move in all directions without bumping into each other.

Didactic game “Where is the snow?” - practice the use of the preposition na in sentences.

Work : feed the birds, pour food into the feeder - cultivate a desire to take care of the birds.


Spruce observation - learn to find and name spruce. Develop observation and memory. Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

Offer to find a Christmas tree among other trees.

How is it different from other trees?

The spruce looks like a pyramid, its branches are short at the top, long at the bottom, covered with short green needles.

What color is it? (Spruce is green in winter and summer).

Remember the song about the Christmas tree, they decorate it in winter different toys, beads, garlands.

Learn the riddle : Winter and summer, one color. (Christmas tree.)

Artistic word:

You will always find her in the forest -

You will go for a walk and you will meet:

Stands, prickly, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress.

And he will come to us

Under New Year -

The guys will be happy.

The troubles of the merry ones are full:

We are preparing her outfits.

Outdoor game : “One, two, three, run to the tree” - consolidate knowledge of trees, teach how to find a given tree on a site.

Didactic game : “Change the word” - teach how to form shapes genitive case plural nouns and diminutives endearing form nouns

Work: clear the paths of snow - instill hard work, teach how to use shovels.


Printed board game “Paired Pictures” - nurturing children’s ability to compare objects, find signs of similarity, activate vocabulary, speech

Work in the physical corner education: teach children to find something to do and independently organize motor activity, use attributes for active actions and movements. Encourage independence, creativity, activity, and determination.

telling the ecological fairy tale by L.F. Vorotnikova “How Man Tamed Plants” - to expand children’s knowledge about indoor plants.

Musical games: " Hares"-y to practice children in perceiving and distinguishing the nature of music: cheerful, dancing and calm, lullaby.



Household work: “Toy Rescue” - teach children to maintain cleanliness and order in the group room; teach the simplest work skills: wiping off dust; wash toys; wipe the toys with a towel and carefully place them on the shelves.

Corrective and developmental game (finger): “Begonia” - practice coordinating hand movements with the text.

Self-service: didactic game “Put the doll Masha to sleep” - continue to teach children how to fold carefully before going to bed.

Working in a corner of nature: “Let's plant flowers” ​​- involving children in the work of adults.

Situational conversation “How people grow indoor plants” - the development of thinking and the ability to reason on this topic.

Didactic game: “Find the difference” - development of thinking, visual perception, the ability to see the difference.

Round dance game "Entertainer" - practice the ability to maintain a circle while moving; develop leadership qualities.


9.00-9.20 speech development: “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” - compiling a descriptive story about a flower based on visual material; accumulation of experience in fantasy writing, development of dialogical speech, pp.______

9.30-9.50 physical education: 10.10-10.20 psychocorrection: according to the psychologist's plan.


Weather observation - continue to get acquainted with various natural phenomena. Learn to distinguish the weather, associating it with the state of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

Conversation on issues.

What time of year is it? (winter)

Is it warm or cold outside? (cold, frost)

How did we know it was freezing outside? (pinches nose, cheeks)

Pay attention to the sun and sky. What sun? What sky?

The sun shines brightly, but does not warm like in summer.

Name the signs of winter: snow fell; it's frosty outside; people put on warm hats and fur coats; puddles and rivers froze.

Artistic word:

It has grown to my eyebrows,

He got into my felt boots.

They say he - Father Frost,

And he plays pranks like a little boy.

Outdoor game “Hares and the Wolf” - continue to develop children’s motor activity; accustom to independent implementation rules

Didactic game: “Choose a word” - learn to name adjectives denoting characteristics. Develop thinking, memory, coherent speech.

Work : build a snowman - learn to roll a lump different sizes, work together, together.


Snow observation - continue to introduce children to the natural phenomenon of snow. Learn to name the properties of snow. Develop observation and memory.

Invite children to look at the snow and touch it with their hands. . What kind of snow? (white, fluffy, cold, light).

Offer to squeeze the snow with your hand, what happened to it? (he falls apart).

When it's cold outside, the snow crumbles, you can't sculpt with it. Invite the children to walk in the snow and ask what they hear. Notice that the snow crunches under your feet.

Artistic word:

Snow fell, snow fell, and then I got tired...

What snow, snow-snow, have you become on earth?

I became a warm feather bed for winter crops,

For aspen trees - a lace cape,

Made for bunnies down pillow,

For children - their favorite game.

Outdoor game: " The little white bunny is sitting” - teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text, teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing last words text.

Didactic game: “One, many” - teach children to name one object and many objects on the site; develop attention and memory.

Work: collect dry twigs and sticks from the area - instill a desire to maintain order in the area and help adults.


Conversation on ethics and culture of behavior: “Who would you like to be friends with?” - form friendly relationships in a team of children, create an atmosphere of mutual trust.

Familiarization with art. literature: reading A. Barto’s “We Left” - teach to be sensitive to the literary word when getting acquainted with A. Barto’s poem.

Role-playing game: “Flower Shop” - we expand children’s knowledge about the work of flower shop employees.

Didactic game (holistic picture of the world): “Tree, shrub, flower” - consolidate knowledge of plants, broaden children’s horizons.

Music game"On the path » - learn with children how to make sounds on tambourines, maracas, spoons; develop children's rhythmic hearing.



Preparing for breakfast, breakfast: " Cultural food skills" - pay attention to how children treat bread (repeat to them that they should not crumble the bread or throw it on the floor.), (the proverb “When there is no bread.”).

Board and printed game: When does this happen? - consolidation of knowledge about the seasons, development of coherent speech, attention, endurance

Corrective health game: “Ficus” - develop coordination of hand movements with the text.

Observations in a corner of nature: examining indoor plants that are in the group - developing observation skills and the ability to see indoor plants.

Role-playing game: "Chauffeurs". The plot of “Fixing the Car” is to teach children to unite in a game, distribute roles, choose comfortable spot for Game. Invite the children to play various situations

Outdoor game: “Cars” - practice running in all directions; develop visual attention.

Artistic work: application (collective) “Our indoor plant” - teach children the ability to convey in applications their impressions of observing indoor plants, fix the name and structure of the plant (FICUS), color, size, shape of its parts.


9.00-9.20 FEMP learning: “Let’s plant flowers” ​​- consolidate the idea that the result of counting does not depend on the distance between objects (within 5), p.____

9.30-9.50 physical education (walk): “Fun Walk” - continue to teach walking and running between objects; repeat the task in balance; cultivate sense of purpose; practice running and jumping around a snowman, Penzulaeva L.I. With. 60 (N16-17).


Vegetation monitoring - develop knowledge about plant life in winter; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.
After a snowfall, walk around the trees and shrubs planted in autumn . Remind me how carefully they were planted, how thin and small they are. Ask the children if they shouldn’t be covered with snow to make it warmer, because even the grass doesn’t freeze under the snow. Show me how to do it.

Artistic word.

Immediately it became quiet,

The snow lies like a blanket.

Outdoor games « Find your color" -to develop the ability to navigate in space, to distinguish the main colors of the spectrum.

"From bump to bump » - develop in children the ability to jump on two legs moving forward. Act on a signal, practice deep jumps, standing long jumps, and fast running.

S.R.I "Dolls" » - hstrengthening knowledge about different types of utensils, developing the ability to use utensils for their intended purpose. Fostering a culture of behavior while eating. Consolidating knowledge about the names of clothes. Strengthening in children the skill of undressing and folding their clothes correctly in a certain sequence.

Self-play activity children with take-out material

Remote material: shovels, brooms, scrapers, snow molds, sleds.



Monitoring the work of a janitor in winter - expand knowledge about adult work; develop respect for their work.
The teacher asks the children questions.

What tools are needed to work as a janitor in winter?(Broom, shovel,

scraper, bucket.)

What work does a janitor do in winter?(Cleans paths to group entrances, collects garbage.)

What is a janitor's job for?(To keep the territory of the village clean.)

Outdoor games “At the bear in the forest.” - teach how to run without bumping into each other.

"Shaggy Dog" » - develop skills inchildren move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement,run trying do not get caught by the catcher and do not push

S.R.I "Chauffeurs" - introducing children to the profession of a driver. Teach children to establish relationships in play. Develop the ability to interact in stories with two actors(driver-passenger). Encourage children to try to independently select attributes for a particular role.


Removable materials: shovels, brooms, scrapers, sleds, oilcloths for sliding downhill.

Sledding downhill - cultivate a caring attitude towards your health.


Playing with building materials: « City Garden Gate"- consolidate the ability to make a building commensurate with a toy (a gate commensurate with a matryoshka doll0; clarify the concept of “high”, “low”.

Work in the music corner education: game “Merry bell” - develop children’s rhythmic hearing, the ability to correctly produce sound on a bell.

Work in the book corner: reading Russian folk tale“The Cockerel and the Bean Seed” story in arr. O. Kapitsa - introduce Russian folk tales, understand the theme, figurative content and idea of ​​the tale, develop attention and speech.

Theatrical performance of the fairy tale “Thumbelina” (table theater) - involving children in helping and telling fairy tales and participating in the role of heroes.

P/i “Where We Were” - develop motor skills and abilities; develop observation skills.



Screening of educational films « The Scarlet Flower", "Stone Flower" - in any, even the most difficult situations, he teaches you to never lose spirit, even if this is not true.

Instructions for preparing for classes: training in labor skills for independently placing sketchbooks and paints on tables, filling cups with water.

Corrective and recreational game (vision, breathing):

Role-playing game: "Hospital". Plot "The Doctor Is Sick" - on license participant in the game, invite children to play out various situations related to this plot, to develop the ability to take into account the interests of their comrades.

Working in a corner of nature: tidying up flowers, loosening the soil, spraying - teaching people to work for the common good.

D/i “Spring, summer, autumn, winter” - expand and clarify children’s knowledge about the flowering time of individual indoor plants.


9.00-9.20 music : according to the music director's plan.

9.30-9.50 drawing : « Blooming violet" - evoke a desire to draw a blooming violet in a pot, develop the ability to draw flowers based on knowledge about the appearance of plants (stem, leaves, flowers); practice the finger technique for drawing violet flowers; continue to teach yourself how to choose the color and size of brushes; cultivate a caring attitude towards natural objects.


Monitoring the roadway - introduce the roadway - highway, rules traffic.

Walk to the roadway and watch the traffic. Explain that the kindergarten is located next to a big road - the highway.

Artistic word

The avenue is wide like a river,

There is a stream of cars floating here.

Ask what cars are driving on the highway. Let the children name cars they know. Pay attention to the fact that there are a lot of cars and trucks, and no one bothers anyone. This is because drivers follow traffic rules. Cars are moving slowly because there is snow on the road.

Outdoor games « From hummock to hummock” - to develop in children the ability to jump on two legs moving forward. Act on a signal, practice deep jumps, standing long jumps, and fast running.

"Birds in Nests" - teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, teach them to act quickly on the teacher’s signal, and help each other.

S.R.I "Train" - teach children to use in games construction material(cubes, bars, plates). To complicate and enrich the object-play environment through the use of multifunctional items and an increase in the number of toys. Cultivate friendliness.

Self-play children's activities with outdoormaterial.

Games with snow –


Watching the snow - continue to get acquainted with the natural phenomenon - snow.

Invite the children to walk silently in the snow and listen to how it creaks. Maybe he is “indignant” that we walk on him, trample on him? Or maybe he's talking about something? What can snow tell us? Listen to children's stories.

Artistic word

Snow fell, snow fell, and then I got tired...

What snow, snow-snow, have you become on earth?

I became a warm feather bed for winter crops,
For aspen trees - a lace cape,
Became a down pillow for the bunnies,
For children - their favorite game.

Outdoor games "Run to the flag" - learn to perform actions strictly on cue

"The Mother Hen and the Chicks" - develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, practice running in different directions and crawling.

S.R.I "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in play. To develop the ability to interact in stories with two characters ( mother Daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other.

Self-play children's activities with take-out material

Remote materials: shovels, buckets, snow molds, oilcloths for downhill skiing

Sliding downhill on the slopes - cultivate a caring attitude towards your health.

Games with snow – keep children in good spirits.


Conversation on the topic: “Professions of people involved in floriculture » - introduce children to the profession of florist.

Music game: "Do not snooze" - teach children to perceive and rhythmically reproduce a simple rhythmic pattern, improve the ability to distinguish the structure of a musical work.

Familiarization with art. literature : reading S. Yesenin “Winter Sings, Calls” reading - introduce children to the poet S. Yesenin, introduce children to the world of poetry, develop a poetic ear.

Work in the sensory corner: “ Learning to compare objects" -to train children in the ability to group objects by size, teach them to use measurement standards, and consolidate the ability to record their impressions in speech.

Didactic game: “Guess the plant by description” - develop children’s ability to find flowers based on the listed characteristics.



Conversation on the topic: “Indoor plants – our faithful friends” - to expand children’s knowledge about flowers.

Introduction to art: examination of a reproduction of D. Alexandrov’s painting “The Winter’s Tale” - continue to introduce children to various types of landscapes, cultivate interest in natural phenomena and their display in various types arts (poetry, music, visual arts).

Children's experimentation: " Guess - understand that objects have weight, which depends on the material and size. Determine the dependence of the weight of an object on its size.

D\and life safety ""Guide" - develop trust in each other.

Working in a corner of nature: caring for large-leaved plants (wet wiping of leaves) -Encourage children to provide all possible assistance to the teacher in caring for indoor flowers: wipe large leaves of plants with a damp cloth, being careful.

Role-playing game: " Big Wash"- development of interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children. Instilling in children respect for the work of a laundress, careful handling of clean things - the result of her work.

Game exercise"Bus » - consolidate knowledge of traffic rules; practice proper communication skills, speech, social behavior.


9.00-9.20 applique/sculpting : « Seven-flowered flower" - consolidate the ability to apply plasticine to cardboard in a thin layer; develop fine motor skills and accuracy; clarify knowledge of the parts of a flower (stem, center, petals), p._____

9.30-9.50 physical education: according to the plan of the physical education teacher.10.00-10.20 socialization: according to the sociologist's plan


Watching the sky - continue to get acquainted with various natural phenomena; teach to distinguish the weather, associating it with the state of the sky (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds).

Invite the children to look at the sky and note what it is like.(Clear, blue.)

This means the weather is clear and sunny. What if the sky is covered with clouds? Then it is gloomy, gray, not joyful. What's the weather like?(Cloudy.) And if the wind blows, what happens to the clouds?(The wind will disperse them, the weather will change, and we will see the sun.)

Artistic word

The winds are blowing

The winds are violent.

Clouds are moving

The clouds are clear.

Outdoor games “Catch a mosquito” - develop in children the ability to coordinate movements with a visual signal, exercise children in jumping (bouncing in place).

"Sparrows and the cat" - develop in children the ability to fit in space and move in a group without touching each other. Act on a signal, practice deep jumps, standing long jumps, and fast running.

S.R.I “At the doctor’s” - familiarizing children with the activities of a doctor, assigning names medical instruments. Teaching children to implement game plans. To develop the ability to interact in stories with two characters (doctor - patient); V individual games with substitute toys, play the role for yourself and for the toy.

Self-play children's activities with take-out material

Removable materials: shovels, scoops, buckets.

Games with snow – keep children in good spirits.


Tit watching - consolidate the idea of ​​the name of the bird, characteristic features of appearance; cultivate a desire to care for birds.

Draw children's attention to a bird with a black cap on its head, white cheeks, and a yellow breast - this is a titmouse. Watch how she pecks lard and bread crumbs.

Remind children that it is difficult for birds to get food in winter; they need to be fed. Tits love lard and seeds. Think about the other birds that flew to the feeder. What are they called and what do they eat?

Artistic word

Small bird

Yellow-breasted Titmouse,

Walking around the yard

Collects crumbs

Outdoor games “Run to the flag” - teach to perform actions strictly according to the signal

teacher To develop children's attention and ability to distinguish colors. Practice running and walking.

« Mother hen and chicks » - develop in children the ability to perform movements on a signal, practice running in different directions.

S.R.I "Family" - encouraging children to creatively reproduce family life in play. To develop the ability to interact in stories with two characters (mother and daughter). Develop the ability to interact and get along with each other.

Self-play children's activities with take-out material

Remote material: shovels, buckets, molds for snow, dolls dressed according to the season, sleds for dolls, signets, oilcloths for sliding downhill.

Games with snow – keep children in good spirits.


Entertainment: “Friendship” - to develop children’s ability to manage their feelings and emotions, to expand their understanding of friendship.

Familiarization with art. literature: reading Russian folk tale “Frost and the Hare” - introduce Russian fairy tales, listen carefully.

Constructive games: " Bird feeders"-yTeach children to make bird feeders from waste materials. Instill a love for birds.

Didactic game: “Show parts of a plant” - consolidating knowledge about the structure of a houseplant

P/n “Burn, burn clearly! » - develop children’s self-control and spatial orientation; practice running fast.

Morning exercises “It’s frosty outside…”

I. introductory part.

Form a column one at a time. Walking is normal, alternating with corrective walking: with high knees, hands behind the back, sliding step, swinging with straight arms. Easy running, running diagonally. Walking, restoring breathing. Walking in three columns following landmarks.

Outdoor switchgear main part with gymnastic sticks.

"The wind shook the trees"

I.P. sh.s. hands with a stick below.

1. raise your arms up, tilt to the right side.

2.return to i.p.

"Sledding down the hill"

I.P. U.S. hands with a stick at the bottom.

1. squat with your arms forward.

2. return to i.p.

"Touch your knee"

I.P. sitting with straight legs, hands with a stick in front of you.

1. raise your straight leg, arms forward.

2. return to i.p.

"Bending Backwards"

IP lying on his stomach, hands with a stick in front of him.

1. raise your straight arms up, bend over.

2. return to i.p.

“Let’s stretch our legs now”

IP. Standing in front of the stick, hands on your belt.

1-10. jumping over a stick alternating with walking.

III. Final part .

Walking is normal with a task for the arms: swing back for each step, with the body turning to the sides.

Software tasks: to form children’s ideas about natural objects (houseplants): their names, structural features and methods of caring for them; develop coherent speech, the ability to reason, draw conclusions; instill in them a caring attitude towards indoor plants.

Help Fedora

Material and equipment: Fedora costume, indoor plants, paper dragonfly, audio recordings: cheerful, relaxing music, “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by P. Tchaikovsky, structure table indoor flower, tools for caring for indoor plants, chart cards, a sheet of whatman paper with a picture of a pot and stems, according to the number of children: oilcloths, tassels, glue, paper flower blanks, napkins.

Progress of the lesson

Educator (V.). Guys, today I invite you to the Magic Land. And which one, you will find out by guessing the riddle:

Purify the air

Create comfort.

The windows are green,

They bloom all year round. (Houseplants.)

To get there, we must be kind, affectionate, attentive, and caring with you. Let's take each other's hands and hit the road.

To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children walk through the group and approach the living corner where indoor plants are placed.

IN. How beautiful it is here, how many flowers! Let's take a look and name what plants grow here. And a little dragonfly will help us with this. You name which flower she sits on. (Children name flowers: balsam, begonia, geranium, coleus.)

I see that our flowers liked you. (Scheme cards are displayed on the board: water, air, earth, sun, kindness.) Tell me, what helped them grow up so beautiful? What does a plant need to grow? (Children's answers.)

Fedora comes in and says that they gave her a flower, but he got sick.

IN. Do you, Fedora, know the name of your flower?

Fedora. No.

IN. Do you know how to care for flowers?

Fedora. No.

IN. Guys, can we help Fedora cure the flower? (Yes.) Tell me, what plant does she have? (Balsam.) People call it “light”. Why is he so ugly to her? (Because she didn't look after him.)

Let's guys tell Fedora what parts a flower consists of. The table will help us with this.

Physical education minute

IN. We will be flowers with you. (Children stand in a circle and squat.)

Flowers grew in pots on the window.

(They gradually stand up, raising their hands up.)

They reached out to the sun, they smiled at the sun.

(Open your palms and turn left and right.)

The petals of the flowers are turned towards the sun.

(They lower their arms to their sides and spin around.)

The buds will unfurl and drown in the sun.

(Gradually squat, joining hands above your head.)

IN. What needs to be done to make Fedora’s flower beautiful? (Children's answers.) How do you know that the plant needs to be watered? (Children's answers.) What kind of water and how should you water it? What is it watered from? (Children's answers.) Let's show Fedora how to care for flowers.

The child demonstrates watering the plant.

IN. What does a plant need to grow? (Children's answers.) Why do you need to loosen the ground? (So ​​that water flows well, the roots breathe and it is easier for them to grow.) How do they loosen the soil and how to do it correctly? (Loosen with sticks, from the very edge of the pot, so as not to damage the roots.)

The child shows how to properly loosen the soil.

IN. How else can you care for a plant to make it beautiful? (Wipe dust from the leaves.) Why do you need to wipe the leaves? (So ​​that the plant can breathe.) How to care for the leaves? (We wipe the large ones with a cloth, and spray the small ones with a spray bottle.)

Children show how to care for plants.

IN. And also, Fedora, for your flower to grow well, it needs to be spoken with kind words.

Game “Name it kindly”

Children call flowers with affectionate words.

Fedora. Guys, you are so great! Today I learned how to care for plants. Now I will always take care of them.

IN. While your flower is growing, the guys and I want to give you a postcard.

On the table lies a Whatman paper with a picture of a pot and stems.

IN. Guys, what's missing on the postcard? (Colors.)

Sounds"Waltz of the Flowers" by P. Tchaikovsky.

Each child has blanks of flowers made of paper; the children take turns going to whatman paper and gluing the flowers. Then they give a card to Fedora, she thanks and leaves.

IN. Guys, who came to visit us today? (Children's answers.) How did we help Fedora? (We taught Fedora how to care for indoor plants.) We have done a good job, and now it’s time to relax.

Children sit comfortably on chairs and close their eyes. Relaxation music plays.

IN. Now we are leaving the Magic Land.

Educator: Pershina N.G. MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2 in Lgova"

Relevance of the project:

Introducing preschoolers to nature is one of the most important tasks in working with children. At the same time, it is very important that the acquired knowledge is not presented in isolation, without reference to the whole complex of phenomena surrounding the subject of study. Children should always see the connection a separate type With environment, its impact on this environment, they must understand that plants and animals depend on each other and on their habitat.

Environmental education is one of the main directions in the education system; it is a way of influencing children’s feelings, their consciousness, views and ideas. Children feel the need to communicate with nature. They learn to love nature, observe, empathize, and understand that our Earth cannot exist without plants, since they not only help us breathe, but also treat us from diseases.

Flowers are not only beauty, but also a part of living nature that must be protected and protected, and, of course, known. Know the structure of a flower appearance, features, healing properties.

Anyone can pick a flower, but not everyone can say which flower they picked. Ecological project in the middle group of the kindergarten "Flower Kaleidoscope".

Project type: research, cognitive and creative. Participants: children 4-5 years old.

Project implementation period: short-term (2 weeks).

Problem:“What kinds of flowers are there?”

Game motivation : "Journey to the land of flowers."


Experiencing Diversity flowering plants, their connection with the environment; formation of a consciously correct attitude towards representatives of the plant world;

Development creativity children.


1. Deepen children's knowledge about flowers and their diversity.

2. Learn to compare plants, draw conclusions based on comparison.

3. Exercise in the classification of flowers, consolidate the concepts: indoor plants, garden, meadow, forest flowers.

4. Strengthen the ability to reflect received impressions in drawings and creative works.

5. Develop a caring attitude towards flowers, develop a desire to care for flowers.

6. Cultivate a love for beauty, the beauty of the world around us.

Expected results of the project .

1.Development of children’s cognitive interest, expansion of ideas about colors.

2. A positive emotional and conscious attitude towards nature, towards the colors that surround the child. Flowers are not only decoration of the Earth, but also healers.

3.Willingness to participate in practical improvement activities natural environment(planting, caring for flowers).

4. Skills of cultural behavior in nature, the ability to protect and care for it have been formed.


First stage. Goal setting (problem identification). At the first stage, the teacher formulates the problem and goals of the project, after which the product of the project is determined. Leads children into a game or story situation and then formulates tasks.

The tasks of children at this stage of the project are: getting into the problem, getting used to game situation, acceptance of objectives and goals, and addition to project objectives. The last point is very important, because one of the important tasks The teacher is to develop an active life position in children; Children should be able to independently find and identify interesting things in the world around them.

Second phase.Project development. At this stage, the teacher (in addition to organizing activities) helps children competently plan their own activities in solving assigned tasks.

Children are united into working groups and roles are distributed.

Third stage.Project execution (organization collaboration children and teachers on the project). The teacher, if necessary, provides children with practical help, A

also directs and monitors the implementation of the project.

Children develop a variety of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Fourth stage. Summarizing.

Project implementation


“Flowers are the beauty of the earth”, “Why were they called that”

Target: enrich children's understanding of colors and their diversity

· Heuristic conversation “Journey to the kingdom of indoor plants” .

Goals and objectives:consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants; continue to teach children to describe plants, noting the differences and similarities between them, characteristic features; develop speech and thinking; maintain interest in indoor plants, the desire to observe and care for them.

· Individual work in a corner of nature. Plant care.

Goals and objectives: Summarize children's ideas about caring for indoor plants; consolidate knowledge about the basic needs of indoor plants, provide information about the telltale signs of unmet needs; generalize knowledge about methods of caring for plants (watering, dust removal, loosening); develop coherent monologue speech through the ability to talk about the structural features of plants, about performing one’s actions taking into account the structure labor process; develop labor skills that correspond to the content of knowledge; introduce a new type of flower care - fertilizing; cultivate a love for plants, a desire to care for them, and the ability to communicate with nature as a living organism.

· Heuristic conversation “One flower, two flowers...”

Goals and objectives: Acquaintance with the variety of flowering plants, their connection with their habitat. Exercise in the classification of flowers, consolidate the concepts: meadow, garden flowers. Develop children's powers of observation and speech. Clarify ideas about the sequence of plant growth and development.

· Viewing a presentation with frontal discussion

"Plants heal."

Goals and objectives: introduce children to medicinal plants (in particular flowers), give knowledge about the simplest ways to use some medicinal plants for treatment, about the rules for collecting them: develop ecological thinking in the process research activities; instill interest in children in it; develop creative imagination and enrich communication skills, based on the free exchange of opinions; induce a positive emotional state.

· Artistic creativity– drawing “Flower Kaleidoscope”

Goals and objectives: Teach children to use their knowledge about colors. Learn to depict parts of a plant in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw with colored pencils. Improve your ability to look at pictures and choose the best. Develop aesthetic perception. Foster a love for living nature.

· Artistic creativity – application “Flowers-flowers”

Goals and objectives: To form children's environmental perception through artistic creativity. Continue to develop children's ideas about colors. Strengthen the ability to use scissors, glue, and colored paper.

· Didactic games.

Didactic game “Complete the flower”

Target:Strengthen the ability to quickly navigate on a sheet of paper in a box, complete drawing symmetrical objects according to a model, select desired shade felt-tip pen.

Material:Large checkered cards with images of drawn flower halves (chamomile, bellflower, cornflower, buttercup, fireweed, etc.)

Rules of the game: Children are asked to draw symmetrical halves of objects in the cells, color them and name them.

Didactic game "Flower meadows"

Target: expand knowledge in the field of quantitative representations; develop skills in word formation of adjectives (chamomile - chamomile meadow, etc.); consolidate the ability to coordinate numerals with plural nouns.

Material:hoops according to the number of children, in each of them certain meadow plants are laid out (in one - 5 daisies, in the second - 10 bells, etc.)

Rules of the game: Children dance to music in a common clearing. When the music ends, children must run into a certain clearing. The teacher asks “Which clearing did you find yourself in? What grows on it and how much. (I found myself in a cornflower meadow, there are 6 cornflowers growing on it, etc.)

Didactic game “Blind Nerd”

Target: Learn to recognize plants by smell.

Materials: meadow plants (clover, valerian, dandelion, chamomile, etc.)

Rules of the game: Children are invited to smell the flowers. Then the eyes are blindfolded, and plants are brought to the nose one by one. The child must recognize plants by smell and name it.

Didactic game “Collect a bouquet”

Target.Expand and enrich your vocabulary. Practice agreeing numerals with nouns.

Material.Subject pictures depicting flowers.

Progress of the game: Children look at flowers. Then the teacher asks the children to make bouquets of flowers. Children select the necessary pictures and list how many and what flowers they have in their bouquet.

· Outdoor games

We are flowers (Charger)

1. Straightened the stems, extended the branches (arms).

2.Straightened the leaves, rustled the leaves (fingers).

3. Gymnastics for the stem: bending the body to the right and left; back and forth.

4. Gymnastics for the roots: pulled out right leg– rotated the foot; stretched out the left leg and rotated it.

5. We wash the leaves and stems in the rain: we raised our hands up, spread our fingers, exposed our palms to the rain, and twirled.

Living flower bed

All players are divided into three teams:

1.Golden balls;



Children are flowers in a flower bed. Golden balls grow in the center - the tallest ones. Children raise their arms up and spin around themselves. The second circle is marigolds, they dance around the golden balls. Third circle - marigold children squat, these flowers are the lowest.

The wind blew, the flowers came to life and began to move: golden balls were spinning, marigolds were going in a circle in one direction, marigolds were going in the other.

Magic wand

With a “magic wand”, touch a flower (toy or illustration), name it, describe it (color, size, shape, where it grows, when it blooms, where it is used).

Favorite flower

Draw your favorite flower or take an illustration and dance with it to the music of the “Waltz of the Flowers”.

Find your place

Two presenters. One picks up wildflowers, the other picks up garden flowers. Flower children dance to music. At the end of the music, the children run and form a circle with their leader.

Game for attention

The presenter shows cards with flowers. If this wild flower, children raise one hand. If a gardener - two hands.

· Finger games.

Goal and tasks: Develop gaming, cognitive, sensory, speech abilities, taking into account individual and age characteristics children.

To develop mastery of figurative - playful and imitative movements in combination with speech. Evoke positive emotions.


Our scarlet flowers open the petals, (Slowly extend your fingers from your fists)

The breeze breathes slightly, the petals sway. (Swing your hands left and right)

Our scarlet flowers cover their petals, (Slowly clench your fingers into fists)

They shake their heads and quietly fall asleep. (Swing your fists back and forth)


A poppy grew on a hillock (Make a bud with the fingers of your left hand)

He bowed his head like this. (Bud tilt)

A butterfly flutters over him, (cross your hands, wave,

Flickers quickly with its wings. (like a butterfly with wings)


Oh! What chrysanthemums! (Show with your fingers how a flower blooms)

We'll rip them off no problem. (We pick flowers with both hands.)

Wow! We've got an armful! (Show an armful with both hands)

Eh! Let's grab it for Valya too! (Wave your hand and continue to pick flowers)

Ehehe...the flowers are gone. (Shrug in surprise.)

There weren’t enough of them before... (Spread your arms to the sides.)

Oh! Why did we destroy them? (Press both hands to your cheeks)

After all, we didn’t raise them! (shakes head sadly)


Increased beautiful flower in a clearing, (Press your hands, showing a flower)

The wind sways its petals. (Wiggle your fingers apart)

Beauty and breath to all petals (Press your palms with the backs of your hands

Together they grow roots underground. (Spread your fingers to the sides and shake)

· Making riddles on the topic “Flowers”.

Target. Develop imaginative and associative thinking, imagination, memory; increase observation and interest in the native language, enrich the child’s speech· “The Red Book” is the final event of the project.

Goals: to develop children’s ideas about the purpose of the Red Book;

To develop in children a caring attitude towards endangered plant species.

Compile, together with your parents (with their help), the Red Book of Flowers, find out which plants (flowers) grow in our region, officially included in the Red Book.

In the middle group, it is necessary to develop in children the ability to see the various properties and qualities of objects and their parts. Children master more complex comparison techniques, learn to establish differences and similarities between objects, and generalize objects according to certain characteristics.

The corner in the middle group is replenished with new plants. Plants in a corner of nature should have different shapes and the size of the leaves.

Children in this group should:

Distinguish the characteristics of plants;

Know the conditions necessary for plant life;

With the help of the teacher, keep the plants clean and water them properly;

Be able to spray plants with small leaves with a spray bottle;

Use a dry brush to remove dust from pubescent leaves;

Determine the dependence of the method of caring for plants on the nature of the leaves.

Besides plants junior group, other plants are placed in the middle group. At the same time, there can be up to 6-8 species of plants in a corner of nature. It should be noted that in the middle group it is good to have different types plants of the same family. This will help teach children to recognize differences and similarities.

Plant type: succulent

Attitude to light: photophilous

Relation to moisture: drought-resistant

Flowering time: spring Summer


Value in culture

Plant type: succulent

Attitude to light: photophilous

Relation to moisture: prefers moderate moisture, drought-resistant

Flowering time: summer

Height: high (above 100 cm), low (10-50 cm)

Value in culture: decorative foliage, medicinal

"Begonia rex"

Plant type: shrub, herbaceous

Attitude to light

Relation to moisture: moisture-loving

Flowering time: Spring Summer Autumn

Height: high (above 100 cm), medium (50-100 cm), low (10-50 cm), hanging

Value in culture: beautifully flowering, decorative foliage


Plant type: shrub, liana or hanging, herbaceous

Attitude to light: shade-tolerant, light-loving

Relation to moisture: moisture-loving

Flowering time: summer

Height: high (above 100 cm), medium (50-100 cm), hanging

Value in culture: decorative foliage

"Scented geranium"

Plant type: subshrub

Attitude to light: photophilous

Relation to moisture: prefers moderate moisture

Flowering time: summer

Height: up to 1 meter

Value in culture: flowering, decorative foliage, medicinal, aromatic

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