Encyclopedia fireproof

Veterinary stamps and stamps to order (oval and rectangular shape). Veterinary brand

Meat branding is the most important operation when accepting and slaughter of farm animals, wild animals and birds. Movement of meat is carried out on the basis of the "Instructions for Veterinary Magnifying Meat" approved by the Ministry of Agriculture Russian Federation On April 28, 1994, the branding of meat is carried out by regular veterinary doctors and Gosteadzor's paramschers.

Oval veterinary stamps

Veterinary stamp has an oval shape in the center of which there are three pairs of numbers (11-22-33), where 11 - denotes the sequence number (edges, regions) in the Russian Federation; 22 - the sequence number of the district or city; 33 - the sequence number of the institution, organization or enterprise. In the upper part of the stamps there is an inscription "Russian Federation", in the lower Gosvetnadzen.

This stamp confirms, carrying out a complete veterinary-sanitary examination of meat and meat products, and makes meat processing and meat products for food targets.

Rectangular veterinary stamps

The rectangular veterinary stamp that has the top inscription "Vehvaljb", in the center inscription "Preview", in the bottom of the brand three pairs of numbers with exactly the same meaning as in the oval veterinary stamp. In contrast to the oval veterinary stamp, this stamp has a different value - the veterinarian confirms that the meat is obtained from the slaughter animals that have passed the precern and post-delivery inspection and killed on a slaughter point in a safe area of \u200b\u200bquarantine diseases. This stamp does not allow the right to sell and process meat without carrying out complete veterinary and sanitary expertise.

Veterinary stamp

Veterinary stamp has a rectangular shape. From above, there is an inscription "Vetervuzhba", in the lower part of the stamps three pairs of numbers, with the same value as in veterinary stamps, and in the center indicate special conditions for processing or disposal ("on canned food", "on meat bread", "tuberculosis", "Provarka", "Util", etc.).

The scheme of applying veterinary stamps or stamp on meat and meat products of slaughter animals:

On meat carcasses or half-doors - one in the area of \u200b\u200beach blade and hips;

For each quarter, slices of scuffs - one stigma;

On the sub-products put one stamp one;

On carcasses of rabbits put one stamp on the bladder part and one on the outer surface of the hip;

On the bird put electroclayer on the outer surface of the leg.

For applying stamps and stamp use two kinds of paint:

Purple - she brands all types of meat to store and implement.

Red - designed to marking meat intended for industrial processing inside the enterprise.

All eggs.

During the examination in the egg markets, they inspect and haggard, and in doubtful cases, some of them operate and investigate the contents. Only fresh benign eggs with a clean shell, without mechanical damage, with a height of an air chamber (PUGI), not more than 13 mm, with a dense translucent protein and durable low-speed, which occupy a central position, or a slightly movable yellow and slightly movable yolk are allowed.

The contents of the egg should not have signs of damage and comply with the following requirements: protein - clean, viscous, with a well-pronounced dense layer (it is allowed to be loose), without mutted, white, or with a slightly greenish tint; yolk - clean, viscous, evenly painted in yellow or orange color, without outsiders, germin without signs of development. On the eggs made on sale, they apply stigma with the designation "Windmatch".

Food defective eggs with vices are marked with bracemark "marriage" and return the owner. Eggs with "Tumak" vices, "Big Spot", "Krasyuk", "Blood Ring" and "Mirage" owner are not returned, but we will dispose of on the spot, which make up the act.

Sanitary assessment of YIITS

Eggs directed from farms in a trading network or markets are subject to mandatory sanitary and commodity assessment. Purchase and export of eggs from disadvantaged infectious diseases Economicians allow only in cases provided for by the relevant instructions. When establishing in the farms of infectious diseases of the bird, veterinary and sanitary activities are carried out according to existing instructions To combat the specified diseases.

The quality of eggs is installed with external inspection and heaping. With external inspection, pay attention to the color, purity and integrity of the shell. It should be clean, solid, with a matte surface. Sometimes the surface of the egg can be contaminated, have such vices as the "notch" (small crack crack), "crumpled side" (the surface of the shell is damaged, but imprisoned shells are intact). In these cases, eggs are subject to immediate implementation.

Egg translucent is carried out with a dumbered room. The fresh egg is shouted with yellowish (with a white shell) or pinkish-red (with brown shell), with a reddish field in the center (yolk). Ovoscoping makes it possible to establish fine cracks, protein and yolk condition, the value of the poe (air chamber) and the presence of vices:

Depending on the quality of the eggs divided into food, food defective and technical marriage.

Food include fresh benign eggs with a pure shell, without mechanical damage, with a height of an air chamber (Pugi) not more than 13 mm; with protein dense, translucent, viscous (allowed relaxed); With a yellow yellower, viscous, evenly painted in a yellow or orange color, occupying a central position (displacement is allowed).

Food is defective include eggs with the following vices:

"Fight" - eggs with damaged shells without signs of leaks ("notch", "crumpled side" and "crack"); The height of the air chamber is more than 1/3 of the height of the egg on a large axis;

"Caution" - eggs in which a partial mixing of a yolk with a protein occurred;

"Small spot" - eggs with one or more fixed stains under the shell of a total size of no more than 1/8 of the shell surface;

"Large spot" - eggs with one or more fixed spots under the shell of the total size of more than 1/8 of the shell surface;

"Mirage" - eggs seized from incubators as non-advocated;

the presence of extraneous inclusions (blood, worms, solid particles).

Eggs with the contents of "Tumak" are destroyed in place, and with other vices, they are sent to the recycling flour to the feed flour, which make up the act in the prescribed manner.

On the eggs made on sale, they apply a stigma with the designation "Windmatch" or give a veterinary certificate of the established form.

Requirements made to the quality of eggs.

According to GOST 27583-88, "Eggs chicken food", depending on the timing of storage and quality, the eggs are divided into dietary and dining rooms. The dietary has eggs, the storage period of which does not exceed 7 days, not counting the day of demolition. The dining rooms include eggs whose storage period does not exceed 25 days from the day of sorting, not counting the day of demolition, and the eggs stored in the refrigerators no more than 120 days. Sorting eggs on poultry farms is carried out no later than a day after a demolition.

Eggs depending on the mass divided into three categories. According to the air chamber, yolk and protein eggs must comply with the following requirements:

Do not be implemented in trading network And in the markets, benign eggs, the mass of which is less than 45 g. They are determined as small and direct on industrial processing.

101. Categories for livestock and veterinary and sanitary requirements for them.

The processing of animals and products of their slaughter are produced on meat-processing plants, meat processing plants, calamicers, slaughter points and poultry industry. Regardless of their type in enterprises should produce benign and safe products and raw materials, prevent pollution ambient, organize your production on wastewater technology. Veterinary and sanitary requirements are aimed at protecting public health and ensure its quality food, prevention of dissemination of diseases among animals, nature conservation and increase economic efficiency Industries.

Meat processing plants are large (Iquategories - with 50 tons of meat and more in shift, II - up to 35 tons), medium (III- to 20 tons) and small (IV - up to 10 tons of yvcategory up to 5 tons) mechanized enterprises producing products wide range and destinations, processing almost all slaughter products (Fig. 1). Meat processing plants are mostly specialized sausages and canned plants. Clamps are designed for slaughter and processing of animals. Meat products can be preserved with low temperatures, leather and intestinal raw materials - by the method of ambassador.

Miscellaneous points of different power are most common in countryside. They are processed by animals from 5 to 25 or more tons in shift, the meat and meat products are obtained, the leather and intestinal raw materials can be preserved. The largest have sausage shops. According to the degree of equipment with technological equipment and veterinary and sanitary criteria, slaughter points for 25 heads of large cattle To a certain extent, meet the requirements for small meat processing plants (V category).

During the construction or reconstruction of the departments of animals, the requirements set forth in Sanitary standards Design industrial enterprises, Veterinary and sanitary rules in the construction and maintenance of objects of animal husbandry, sanitary and veterinary requirements For meat industry enterprises.

When designing meat processing enterprises, take into account: terrain, level groundwater, Wind direction, the possibility of providing sufficient water and disinfecting wastewater, location with respect to other objects. Determine interior decoration Workshops, ventilation of the premises, their lighting, anti-corrosion resistance of equipment, inventory, etc.

Enterprises are located on the border of the links or below settlement From a leeward side of residential and socially ownership buildings. They should have a sanitary and protective area: the distance from the livestock farms should be at least 1000 m, to residential buildings - 500 m. For meat processing enterprises of non-database of the precern of livestock - at least 50 m to the housing massif.

To prevent excess moisture in basements and premises high level Standing groundwater should be 1 m below the floors of building basements. The terrain provides a somewhat attached away from settlements.

Roads, loading and unloading sites, transitions, platforms, open contamins, territory of the sanitary unit and the route of animals are covered with asphalt concrete, easily accessible for washing and disinfection. Shrubs, trees, seeds are not tolerated by air are planted on free areas.

The territory of the enterprise is fencing with a solid fence with a height of 2 m with a separate gate for imports of healthy animals and departures vehicleTo import sick animals to a sanitary slaughter, for the entry of transport for the finished products and its departure. Each gate is equipped with a disinfection barrier.

The entire territory of the enterprise is divided into three main zones: 1) economic, 2) base of precent content with a sanitary unit (quarantine, insulator and sanitary slaughter) and 3) production, where the main production buildings are located (Fig. 2).

The location of buildings and structures in the enterprise should ensure the transportation of raw materials and finished products Without crossing freight traffic: food products with animals, manure, canopa, etc.; Healthy animals who have passed veterinary and sanitary inspection, with infectious patients.

Protective gaps of locations and acceptance of food products to a sanitary unit are not less than 100 m; From cattle mains - 25-50 m.

Receivers for garbage are installed on asphalt platforms, clean them daily followed by disinfection. Garbagers and non-banknalized courtyards are arranged no closer than 25 m from production and storage rooms.

The base of the precern of livestock includes platforms for disloading livestock, cattle weighting and scales, sanitary block, construction for disinfecting wastewater, the site for collecting manure, the point of sanitary processing of cars on which cattle is delivered.

The capacity of the quarantine compartment should be not more than 10% of the daily amount of processed livestock, the insulator is not more than 1%.

The sanitary slaughter is envisaged for meat processing plants over 20 tons of meat in shift. At lower power of slaughter of patients with animals, it is allowed to produce a slaughterhouse in specially designated days or at the end of the shift after processing healthy animals. On Sanbane, install special equipment for meat disinfection.

Food production facilities must be isolated from the premises for technical products. They are located along the way technological process Without crossing the streams of finished products with raw materials. IN production buildings Provide premises for veterinary and sanitary services, service personnel, recreation workers.

When designing the room for primary processing of livestock, it is recommended to provide for the separation of it on the "clean" and "dirty" zone. Plot of stunning and blood sacrifices separated by partition. Separate by the partition from the rest of the room also areas of blood collection, release of the stomach and forenswrows from the content, removal of mucule tissue and fat with the skins.

For the study of pork tubing on trichinosis, it includes a separate room for a trichineloscopic laboratory in close proximity to the sampling.

When recycling, there should be separate rooms to perform the following operations: hanging, electronically and blood sacrousing, regeneration of the rapids, the production of semi-finished products, sorting and packaging of birds, primary processing of pen-poet raw materials, refrigerator. To process a sick bird, it is necessary to provide for a sanitary chamber, with throughput 1.5% of the daily power of poultry processing. On the processing lines and birds provide jobs (points) for veterinary and sanitary expertise. The number of veterinary specialists is determined by " Typical standards time and regulations of the number of specialists on the processes of veterinary inspection of slaughter animals and veterinary and sanitary examination of meat at the meat industry enterprises. "

In the refrigerator storage chambers, all cargoes are laid on pallets, racks, sublinks whose height should be at least 8 cm from the floor. To freeze precluded meat, a capacity of more than 5 tons should be provided. Freeze of financial meat can be made in a common chamber, and stored on a specially selected area.

The meat processing enterprises should provide a production laboratory with chemical, microbiological, histological and radiological offices.

In the workshops of the slaughter of cattle and cutting of carcashers, offal, fat, intestinal, semi-finished products, sausage, food albumin and medical preparations of wall panels tile or oil paint. For equipment are used stainless steel, Polymer materials allowed by health authorities in food enterprises. For flooring, cast plates, acid-resistant bricks, polymeric materials are used. The shaking boards are made from polymeric materials or solid tree species. The angles of reinforced concrete floors in the locations of the outdoor transport are protected from damage to the angular steel to a height of 1 m, and in the places of movement of the suspended transport - to a height of 2 m.

The design of machinery and equipment must provide a convenient approach, the possibility of effective sanitary processing.

In industrial and auxiliary buildings and premises for each type of work, natural lighting should be optimal - 5 times brighter. The area of \u200b\u200bthe windows should be at least 30% of the floor area. The smallest illumination for premises and external sites should be on the floor of the unloading platform, databases for animal reception and their precerns: under incandescent lamps - 10 LCs, gas-discharge lamps - 30 LCs, the coefficient of natural lighting - 0.1. In the slaughterhouse, respectively, 150, 200 and 0.8. In places of veterinary and sanitary examination, these indicators must correspond to 200 LCs, 300 LCs and 1.6 Keo.

In order to prevent direct sun ray on meat products and overheating production premises The windows arrange sunscreen (blinds, visors). Meat and raw materials for sausage products Cool, frozen, and stored in cameras without natural lighting.

Gas discharge lamps are used in rooms at air temperature not lower than 100 ° C. For general lighting of premises, light sources are located on top to maximize jobs.

In workshops for processing raw materials, production and storage meat products Luminaires enclose protective nets to prevent their loss, and incandescent lamps - in the plaffones to protect against fragments in case of their destruction. In cooling I. refrigerators Mount emergency lighting.

Water intended for drinking, sanitary and production needs must correspond to GOST 2874-82 "Drinking water". In processes that are not related to food processing, such as watering the territory, compressor installations, we can use technical water.

Wastewater (production, household, rain) before the reservoir should pass through claiming facilities For biological cleaning and subsequent disinfection. Wastewater from quarantine compartment, insulator, sanitary slaughter, as well as after washing the territory, before serving, the disinfect is pre-disinfected before the sewage treatment facilities.

Air Wednesday B. production shops (Temperature, humidity, dustiness, bacterial pollution) affects the working conditions of people and on sanitary quality products. It is regulated by a supply-exhaust filter fistive system and is regulated by "sanitary standards".

Temperature mode The main workshops are maintained at the level of 16-200c with a relative humidity of 65-85%, indoors for ripening of minced meat and in the shop of grooves, from 0 to 40 ° C, in the techniques of technical products - up to 270c with a relative humidity of 60%.

All workers are provided by sanitary (bathrobe or jumpsuit, cap, cake or cap, subjected sanitary processing) and special (boots or shoes, aprons) clothing.

Personnel entering work must pass medical control. Mandatory is to obtain knowledge of a sanitary minimum with the study of personal hygiene rules.

State Committee

Russian Federation


metrology and certification

Veterinary stamps and stamps for meat brand

And meat products (by-products)

1. Stamp oval shape

Size: 40 x 60 mm

Width of the rim - 1.5 mm

Height of letters - 6 mm

Height digits - 12 mm

2. Stamp oval shape (smaller) for migrating meat of rabbits, birds, nutry, etc.

Size: 25 x 40 mm

Width of the rim - 1 mm

Height of letters - 3 mm

Height digits - 6 mm

3. Stamp rectangular shape

┌──────────────────┐ │ Vehvaljb │ ├──────────────────┤ │ Pre-│ │ Inspection │ ├ ──────────────────┤ │ 17-09-37 │ └───────────────────┘

Size: 40 x 60 mm

Width of the rim - 1.5 mm

Height of letters and numbers - 7 mm

4. Veterinary stamps

┌──────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌──────── ─────────┐ │ Vehvaljb │ │ Vehvaljb │ │ Vehvaljb │ ├──────────────────┤ ├────────── ────────────────────────────┤ │ Finnos │ │ Provark │ Tuberculosis │ ├────────── ───────┤ ├──────────────────────────────────────┤ │ 15 -06-42 │ │ 09-06-41 │ │ 01-02-03 │ └──────────────────┘ └────────── ────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ ┌ ──────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Vehvaljb │ │ Vehvaljb │ │ Vehvaljb │ ├─ ─────────────────────────────────────┤ ├────────── ───────┤ │ On canned food │ │ on meat bread │ │ Util │ ├──────────────────┤ ├──────── ─────────────────────────────┤ │ 02-03-04 │ 03-04-05 │ 04-05-06 │ └───────────────────────────────────────┘ └──────── ─────────┘.

Size: 40 x 70 mm

Width of the rim - 1.5 mm

Height of letters and numbers - 7 mm

5. Additional stamps

┌──────────────────────────┐ │ Konified │ │ Meduszatin │ └───────────┘ └──── ──────────────────────┐ ┌────────┐ │ Khryak - PP │ │ Olenina │ └────── ────┘ └────────┘.

Size: 20 x 50 mm

Width of the rim - 1.5 mm

Height of letters - 7 mm

6. Electrokeeper for fleems of birds on meatoptitizers, poultry farms, poultry farms

Height of numbers, stigs - 20 mm

Appendix 2.

to the instructions

on veterinary stuffing meat


Rooms for veterinary stamps, stamps

In the republics in the Russian Federation,

The edges and regions assigned by the Department

Veterinary medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

Altai region - 01

Krasnodar Territory - 02

Krasnoyarsk Territory - 03

Primorsky Krai - 04

Stavropol Territory - 05

Khabarovsk region - 06

Amur region - 07.

Arkhangelsk region - 08.

Astrakhan region - 09.

Belgorod region - 10

Bryansk region - eleven

Vladimir region - 12

Volgograd region - 13

Vologda region - fourteen

Voronezh region - fifteen

Nizhny Novgorod region. - sixteen

Ivanovo region - 17.

Irkutsk region - eighteen

Kaliningrad region - nineteen

Tver region - twenty

Kaluga region - 21.

Kamchatka region - 22.

Kemerovo region. - 23.

Kirov region - 24.

Kostroma region - 25.

Samara region - 26.

Kurgan region - 27.

Kursk region - 28.

Leningrad region. - 29.

Lipetsk region - thirty

Magadan region - 31.

Moscow region - 32.

Murmansk region - 33.

Novgorod region - 34.

Novosibirsk region - 35.

Omsk region - 36.

Orenburg region - 37.

Oryol region - 38.

Penza region - 39.

Perm region - 40.

Pskov region - 41.

Rostov region - 42.

Ryazan region - 43.

Saratov region - 44.

Sakhalin region - 45.

Sverdlovsk region. - 46.

Smolensk region - 47.

Tambov region - 48.

Tomsk region - 49.

Tula region - fifty

Tyumen region - 51.

Chelyabinsk region - 52.

Chita region - 53.

Ulyanovsk region - 54.

Yaroslavl region - 55.

Republic of Bashkortostan - 56

Republic of Buryatia - 57

Republic of Dagestan - 58

Kabardino-Balkar Republic - 59

General provisions

Maski meat and organs (meat and sub-products) According to the results of veterinary and sanitary expenses are subject to mandatory veterinary branding (marking), indicating their benignness and fitness for food purposes.

To designate the suitability of meat to food, on the basis of veterinary and sanitary examination, veterinary stamps (external signs of veterinary inspection of carcasses and organs) of oval and rectangular shape and stamps are used.

The veterinary stamp of oval form confirms that the veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products carried out in full and the product is manufactured for food purposes without restrictions.

On meat to be neutralized, only a veterinary stamp is set, indicating the procedure for the use of meat according to existing veterinary and sanitary and hygienic standards and rules, and the oval stamp is not put.

The branding of meat is carried out by veterinary specialists of state institutions and recycling enterprises for the processing of slaughter animals, certified and received the official resolution of the Chief State Publicletus of the District.

Veterinary specialists of other organizations and institutions when carrying out a veterinary-sanitary examination of car meat and organs obtained under the houses, at slaughter points and under other conditions that exclude the complete list of veatsanislasts, and sent for processing for meat processing plants (workshops) or sales on Markets that are under the control of the state-owner are branded "Pre-inspection" with a rectangular form.

Veterinary stamps and stamps

K l e y about about in a l n about y f o p m sit has three pairs of numbers in the center: the first of them indicates the sequence number of the region; The second is the sequence number of the district and the third - the sequence number of the institution, organization, enterprises. This stamp confirms that the veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products carried out in full and the product is manufactured for food purposes without restrictions.

Size: 40x60, width of the rim - 1.5 mm, height of letters - 6 mm, height

numbers - 12 mm.

For the branding of offal, as well as the meat of rabbits and birds use veterinary stigma of the same form, but smaller.

Size: 25x40, width of the rim - 1mm, the height of the letters is 3 mm, the height of the digits is 6mm.

In the ei r and n and r n y e w t a m nrectangular shapes indicate the procedure for the use of meat to be neutralized according to the rules of vetelaxpertization.

In the center of the stamp, the type of disposal or diagnosis is indicated: "Provar", "on the boiled sausage", "on meat bread", "on canned food", "on a passp" (fat, spic), "Util", "Lush'ur", "Finnish "," Tuberculosis ". At the top of the stamp, there is an inscription "Vehvaljb", and at the bottom - three pairs of numbers: the first indicates the sequence number of the region, the second is the sequence number of the area (city) and the third - the sequence number of the enterprise, institutions, organizations.

in e t with l y b a

in e t with l y b a

F and n n o z

pR O V A R K A

In e t with l y b a

In e t with l y b a

on canned

on meat bread

Size 40x70 mm; Width of the rim - 1.5 mm; Height of letters and numbers - 7 mm

Consequently, on meat and offal products to be released only after disinfection, and sent for processing on sausage and other products, only a veterinary stamp, indicating the method of disposal or diagnosis of the disease of the killed animal, and the oval stamp is not put.

D o p o l n i t el l n y e w t a m n sset to designate meat of individual species of animals (meat of horses, camels, deer, bears, mules, etc.) of the past vetsavexpertiz. Such meat is branded and there is an additional stamp.

Additional stamps of rectangular shapes have in the center the designation of meat of animal species: "Konified", "Olenina", "Meduszatina", etc.

In addition to veterinary stamps, the boar "Cryak PP" stamp is installed on the boar meat, in addition to veterinary stamps (the letters "PP" denote industrial processing).



X R I K - PP

Size: 20x50 mm., Width of the rim - 1.5 mm, the height of the letters - 7mm

K l E y m o p r i m o u r o l n o y f o p m sit confirms that meat is obtained from healthy slaughter animals who have passed the precern and the post-delivery inspection (horse in front of the taste is studied on SAP) and those killed in farms that are prosperous in quarantic diseases. But this brand does not give the right to implement meat without carrying vestspertism in full.

In e t with l y b a


Size: 40x60

Width of the rim - 1.5 mm

Height of letters - 6mm

Height digits - 12 mm

The order of the brand of meat and meat products

On the meat of all types of animals, the impression of oval veterinary stamps or stamp is set:

- on meat carcasses - one in the area of \u200b\u200beach blade and hips; for each quarter, slices of scuffs - one stigma;

- on the head, heart, tongue, lungs, liver, kidney - one stigma (required for laboratory vestspertiz);

- on carcass of rabbits and nutry put two stamps - one in the field of blades and hips;

- in the laboratory of Vetshanxpertiza on the bird carcasses (feathery diotch) put one stamp on the neck or the outer surface of the hip;

On the meat processing plants, poultry plants and poultry farms on a carcass of birds put an electroclayer on (1, 2, p) the outer surface of the tibia: the carcasses of chickens, chickens, ducklings, cesharok - on one leg; At car masses, gooshads, geese, turkey and turkeys - on both legs.

The grain of the stigma does not put on fat, and there are several labels with the print of veterinary stamps.

On the container with carcasses of birds to be neutralized, there are (several) labels with the imposition of veterinary stamps indicating the method of neutralization: "in the coach", "on canned food", etc.

On the carcasses (carcass, half-carcasses, quarters, slices of scuffs), recognized according to the results of veterinary and sanitary expertise unsuitable for food purposes, put at least 2 (on large carcasses 3-4) of the inscriptions of the veterinary stamp with the inscription "Util".

- On the carcass of the bird to be industrial processing, put in the back of the back of the electroclayer "P".

Meat, which has changed its veterinary and sanitary characteristics as a result of a violation of storage or transportation conditions, is subject to re-vetaxpertization and overlap with the application of veterinary stamps indicating the method of use with a preliminary removal of impositions of the brand of oval form.

Meat and sub-products of animals obtained in conditions that exclude veterinary-sanitary examination in full at slaughter points (platforms) of collective farms, state farms, other business facilities, brake with rectangular stigm "Preview" and sent to the laboratory of veterinary and sanitary examination or other state Veterinary institution that is allowed to exercise veterinary and sanitary examination in full.

Responsibility for execution

Veterinary specialists who have received the right of branding are responsible for the veterinary and sanitary assessment of meat and meat products (by-products) in the prescribed manner.

Magnifying meat is carried out only after the veterinary and sanitary examination.

Heads of business entities (collective farms, state farms, other agricultural enterprises, poultry farms, meat processing plants, meat processing workshops, refrigerators, markets, etc.) and citizens are responsible for the production of high-quality meat and meat products, timely conducting veterinary and sanitary examination and branding of the specified products, as well as For preservation of its quality when storing, transporting and implementing.

Trade and catering enterprises, regardless of the forms of ownership and departmental subordination, the reception, processing and sale of meat is allowed (in carcases, semi-sufficients, quarters, etc.) and meat products (by-products) only having a veterinary stamp of oval form and accompanied by veterinary certificate ( certificate).

Control over the implementation of the rules of veterinary branding is assigned to the state veterinary supervisory authorities.

Additional literature

1. Chernyavsky M.V. Anatomy topographic bases of technology and vestissexpertization of animal slaughter products. - M.: Food industry, 1977.-238 p.

2. Veterinary and sanitary inspection of cattle slaughter products. Recommendations / Subship. SOUTH. Kostenko, I.G. Seregin, M.V. Chernyavsky and other: in "Agropromizdat", 1989.- 40 p.

Meat and sub-products of all types of slaughter and wild animals, as well as agricultural birds are subject to mandatory brand veterinary stamps and stamps in accordance with regulatory document "Instructions for veterinary branding meat" (approved. GUV, 1992).

Meat and sub-products are branded with large and small oval stamps. The presence of oval stamps on the products of the slaughter testifies that they have passed the veterinary and sanitary examination in full. The branding oval stigma has the right to carry out only veterinary doctors and veterinary hospital, working in organizations and institutions of the state veterinary network. Previously they should obligatory Commission certification on theoretical and practical issues Wetchasansexpertzes and get the official permission of the Gospectspector of the district or city.

Veterinary specialists of other organizations and institutions when carrying out vetaxpertization of slaughter products obtained on slaughterhouses, with a housewidth or on slaughter points (platforms), mark the stigm "Preview". When these products are admitted to food markets or meat processing plants, sausage plants, in sausage workshops, this stamp does not give the right to implement products without carrying vestissexpertiz. The veterinarian (Feldsher) of these enterprises is obliged to conduct more thorough vestsparspert of products in full and put the stigma of oval form.

Veterinary stamps and stamps are manufactured on the written resolution of the Assistant region (city) from bronze or other stainless metal. Veterinary stamps can be made of rubber.

Lists veterinary doctors and veterinary paramedics, which are given the right to mark meat and offal, approves the chief state physiotractspector of the republic, the region or the region, as well as Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Veterinary branding is carried out only after the veterinary and sanitary examination of the slaughter products. For brand, paints are used, allowed by the states of state-poidnadzor.

Recipes dyes for meat marking.

Recipe number 1.

Methylviolet - 8.0 g.

Formalin - 80.0 ml.

Ether - 120.0 ml.

Ethyl alcohol (Rectified technical alcohol according to GOST 18300-87 is allowed) - 800.0 ml

Recipe number 2.

Paste from dining beets with dry substances content of 40-65% - 750 ml.

2% aqueous solution of chloridate-ramethylton (methylene blue) - 50.0 ml.

Ethyl alcohol - 200.0 ml.

The food dye, made according to recipe number 2, is intended only for marking meat used on prom and processing (PP) inside the enterprise in the pair and chilled state.

The veterinary stamp of oval shape has three pairs of numbers in the center: the first pair is the sequence number of the republic, the edges or region, Moscow and St. Petersburg; The second pair is the sequence number of the district or city; The third pair is the sequence number of the organization or institution in which there is a brand.

In veterinary stamps and stamps, the first pair of numbers is assigned to the leading veterinary authority of the country; The second pair is the chief state psychorespector of the republic, the edge or region; The third pair is a state-pilot examination of the district or city.

The veterinary stamp of oval form confirms that the veterinary-sanitary examination of meat and sub-products has been carried out in full and that these products are produced on food targets without limitation.

Oval stamp can be large and small. Big stigs brand mascaras, half carcasses, quarters of large animals. Meat rabbits, birds and sub-products are branded with low oval stigma.

On meat to be neutralized, only a veterinary stamp indicates the procedure for its use (for example, "on boiled sausage", "on canned food", etc.).

Veterinary stamp of rectangular shape has similar three pairs of numbers. It only confirms that the meat is obtained from slaughter animals who have passed the predicted and after-delivery inspection (the horses are investigated during life on SAP) and those killed in farms that are safe for quarantine diseases. This stamp does not allow the right to implement meat and sub-products without limitation, as it requires additional vestissexpertization in full. Only after that put the stamp of oval form.

Electro-strokes are used on bird element and poultry farms. Electrokelimo does not have a rim, but only numbers - 1 or 2 (depending on the category of fatness). This stamp put on the outdoor side of the bird's shin. When packing stews in the packages made of polymer film, the labeling of the type and category of poultry meat is carried out using labels printed by a typographic way. Labels are glued directly to packages.

Veterinary stamps of rectangular shapes have up the inscription "Vet. Service ", and in the center - the designation of the type of neutralization. Below, these stamps have three pairs of numbers, which indicate the same as in veterinary stamps.

There are additional stamps of rectangular shapes that have in the center designation of the type of meat: "Konified", "Olenin", "Medvezatina", "cameljatina", etc.

In the marking, the veterinary specialist draws attention to ensuring that veterinary stamps and stamps are clearly visible, and the text and numbers can easily read.

    Appendix N 1. Samples of veterinary stamps and stamps for migrating meat and meat products (by-products) Appendix N 2. List of rooms for veterinary stamps, stamps in republics as part of the Russian Federation, edges and regions assigned by the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

With changes and additions from:

1. General Provisions

1.1. Meat and meat products (by-products) of all kinds of agricultural and wild animals, including birds, are subject to mandatory branding by veterinary stamps and stamps in accordance with the requirements of this Instruction.

1.2. The branding of meat and meat products by oval brand is carried out by veterinary doctors and veterinary hospitmen, located in the states of organizations and institutions of the state veterinary network, in obligatory commissioned commissions, with the participation of the representative of the State Austinity of the Republic as part of Russia, the region, the field of certification for practical and theoretical issues of veterinary and sanitary and theoretical issues of veterinary and sanitary Examination, who received the official permission of the GosvetiShinsky district (city). Veterinary doctors and veterinary hospital of other organizations and institutions when carrying out a veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products obtained from the home-based slaughter and in slaughter points and sent for processing for meat processing plants (shops, plants) or sales in the markets under the control of the state-owner, mark the brand "Pre- inspection".

1.3. Veterinary stamps and stamps are manufactured in the prescribed manual with the written permission of the Assistant region of the district (city) from bronze or other stainless metal, mounted forms and sizes with deeply carved rim, numbers and letters in order to obtain a clear print on the surface of meat. Veterinary stamps can be made of rubber.

1.4. Lists of veterinary doctors and veterinary paramedics, which are given the right to mark meat and issued permission to manufacture veterinary stamps and stamps, approve the main state veterinary inspections of the republics as part of the Russian Federation, autonomous formations, edges, regions, city of Moscow and St. Petersburg.

1.5. Magnifying meat is carried out only after the veterinary and sanitary examination.

1.6. The stamps are stored at the branch of the branch (Ladfeldscher), which received the right of meat branding, in conditions that completely exclude their unauthorized application.

2. Veterinary stamps and veterinary stamps

2.1. Veterinary stamps and stamps on the suitability of meat are in food in accordance with their description in Appendix 1 of this Instruction are installed for meat markings.

2.2. The veterinary stamp of oval shape has three pairs of numbers in the center, the first of which denotes the sequence number of the republic as part of the Russian Federation, autonomous education, edges, regions, cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg; The second is the sequence number of the district (city) and the third - the sequence number of the institution, organization, enterprises. In the upper part of the stamps inscription "Russian Federation", and in the lower - "Gosvetonadzor". Oval veterinary stamp confirms that the veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products carried out in full and the product is manufactured for food purposes without restrictions.

On meat to be neutralized, only a veterinary stamp is set, indicating the procedure for the use of meat according to existing veterinary and sanitary and hygienic standards and rules.

2.3. The veterinary stamp of the rectangular shape has at the top of the "Vehvaljb" inscription, in the center "Preliminary inspection", and below three pairs of numbers: the first indicates the sequence number of the republic as part of the Russian Federation, autonomous education, edge, regions, city of Moscow, St. Petersburg; The second is the sequence number of the district (city) and the third - the sequence number of the institution, organization, enterprises. Rectangular stigma "Preliminary Inspection" confirms that the meat is obtained from slaughter animals that have passed the premieuer and after-delivery inspection (the horses are investigated during life on SAP) and those killed in farms that are safe for quarantine diseases, but this brand does not give the right for the sale of meat without vestissexpertization in full.

2.4. Veterinary stamps of rectangular shapes have the inscription "Vetervuzhba" at the top, in the center designation of the type of disinfection: "Provar", "on boiled sausage", "on meat bread", "on canned food", "on the passage" (fat, spits), "Ishur "," Finno "," Tuberculosis "," Util "; Below, three pairs of numbers: the first is the sequence number of the republic as part of the Russian Federation, autonomous education, edges, regions, cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg; The second is the sequence number of the district (city) and the third - the sequence number of the institution, organization, enterprises.

2.5. Additional strains of rectangular shapes have in the center the designation of meat of animal species: "horse". "Verbljatina", "Olenina", "Meduszatina", etc.

2.6. For the branding of offal, the meat of rabbits and birds is used by a veterinary stamp of oval shape, as specified in paragraph 2.2 of this Instruction, but smaller.

On meatoptitistems, poultry farms can be used by electroclayer without rim with the designation of numbers 1 or 2 (depending on the category), which is put on the outside of the bird's leg.

When packing carcasses in the packages made of polymer film, the labeling of the type and category of poultry meat are applied directly to the packages in a typographical way.

2.7. In veterinary stamps and stamps, the first pair of numbers is assigned by the Department of Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (numbers are indicated in Appendix 2);

the second pair of numbers is appropriated by the main state-owners of the republics as part of the Russian Federation, autonomous formations, edges, regions;

the third pair of numbers is assigned to the State Association of the District (city).

The main state psychospectors of the republics as part of the Russian Federation, autonomous formations, edges, regions are submitted to the Department of Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, a list of new veterinary stamps and stamps according to PP. 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 of this Instruction.

3. Order of the brand of meat and sub-products

3.1. On the meat of all kinds of animals, the impression of veterinary stamps or stamp is put in the following order:

On meat carcasses and half-doors - one in the area of \u200b\u200beach blade and hips;

For each quarter, slices of spits - one stigma;

On the heart, tongue, lungs, liver, kidney, head - one stigma (necessarily for laboratory vespanexpertiza);

On carcasses of rabbits and nutry put two stamps; one in the field of the blade and on outdoor side hips;

In the laboratories of the Vetshanxpertization on the bird carcasters, one stamp on the neck or the outer surface of the thigh is put (the game is also carried out in the same way);

On meatoptitistems, poultry plants and poultry farms put electroclayer on the outer surface of the tibia: carcasses of chickens, chickens, ducklings, cesharok - on one leg; Pasushki ducks, gooshad, geese, turkey and turkeys - on both legs;

On carcasses of birds to be industrial processing, in the region of the back of the electroclayer "P".

Meat of horses, camels, deer, bears, donkeys, mules, which passed vetaxpertiz, branded with a vetela and put next to an additional stamp according to claim 2.5 of this instruction.

The fat-raw stamps do not put, but stick a few labels with the print of veterinary stamps.

3.2. Meat and sub-products of animals obtained in conditions excluding full List Veterinary and sanitary studies, branded by rectangular stigm "Pre-inspection" and sent to one of the state veterinary institutions or enterprises for vetaxpertization in full.

3.3. On meat and sub-products to be released only after neutralizing and sent for processing on the sausage and other products, only a veterinary stamp must be supplied, denoting the method of neutralization or diagnosis, and the oval stamp is not put.

3.4. In addition to veterinary stamps, the Khryak PP Stamp is placed on the boar meat, in addition to veterinary stamp (the letters "PP" - denote industrial processing).

3.5. On the container with carcasses of the bird to be neutralized, there are several labels with the insistence of veterinary stamps, denoting according to the rules of the vestissexpertism of meat and meat products method of neutralization: "Provar", "on canned food", etc.. Veterinary specialists who have received the right of branding are responsible for the veterinary and sanitary assessment of meat in the prescribed manner.

4.2. Responsibility for the implementation of the instructions is assigned to managers of farms, enterprises and organizations carrying out the slaughter of animals and the processing of their slaughter products, refrigerators, cold-windows and transport services, as well as on citizens - cattle owners.

4.3. This instruction is mandatory for all veterinary specialists, managers of farms, enterprises and livestock processing organizations, markets and refrigerators, regardless of the forms of ownership, all ministries and departments without exception, as well as citizens.

4.4. Employment and catering establishments, regardless of their departmental subordination and forms of ownership, it is allowed to receive, processing and selling meat in carcasses, semi-sunsus, quarters, only having a veterinary stamp of oval form and accompanied by veterinary certificate (certificate).

4.5. Control over the implementation of the instruction is assigned to the state veterinary supervision.

Instructions for the branding of meat approved by the Ministry of Association of the USSR and the headwell of the USSR Ministry of Association on 08.04.71 (with changes and additions from 1977), from the moment of the introduction of this Instruction in a part defining the procedure for veterinary assessment and veterinary brand of meat in the Russian Federation Not applicable.

Registration N 575.

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