Encyclopedia of fire safety

How to organize a nightclub. How to open a nightclub: a business plan with calculations

How to open a nightclub: 4 steps to opening from scratch, detailed financial calculations, necessary personnel, payback period for this business.

Capital investments: 15 million rubles
Payback period: 12-18 months.

Burning with an indefatigable desire to open your own business?

If you are a person who likes to take risks, is not afraid of difficulties, has a strong enough creative mind and has creativity to everything - such an idea how to open a nightclub just for you!

What should you pay attention to when opening a nightclub?

Since the opening of a nightclub requires considerable financial investments, and the possibility of failure is quite high, all the nuances should be calculated down to the smallest detail.

The primary tasks are market analysis and.

In the latter, the amount of investment, the payback period of investments, the planning of the distribution of finances, the choice of the direction of activity, taking into account the target audience and the general opening time, will be calculated.

As well as other issues, such as the choice of premises, recruitment, advertising, name and registration of the necessary documentation.

How to open a nightclub from scratch?

Interesting fact:
The subway car is considered the most unusual disco venue in the world. The Alexanderplatz metro stop in Germany is a favorite place for party-goers who love non-standard party solutions.

If you plan to open a nightclub from scratch, the amount of investment, of course, will be higher, because you will have to spend more on arranging the premises, advertising the club and attracting visitors.

In this area of ​​the market, competition is very high; opening an institution from scratch is a risky and complex business.

In order not to burn out and achieve a large number of visitors, you should think carefully about everything that can attract customers.

How to open a nightclub from scratch and attract the first visitors?

  1. Introduce some innovations that competitors do not have.
  2. Take care of financial convenience for regular visitors and for new customers.
    Also develop promotions, gifts and other surprises.
  3. Provide the institution with high-quality and powerful equipment, especially regarding lighting and sound.
  4. The interior also plays a big role in attracting visitors.

What is the name of the nightclub?

There are many options for how to call it, so submit some specific examples would not be appropriate.

The most important thing is to interest the name of as many potential visitors as possible.

And besides, to convey the slightest part of the style or direction (remember the "Blue Oyster" from the movie "Police Academy").

Visitors are attracted by interesting, original names, which are an extraordinary accent even in advertising.

People love originality and novelty.

We analyze the market for the successful opening of your nightclub

Before opening a nightclub, and indeed any institution in the business sector, you should study the market and the specifics of running this enterprise.

When deciding to open your own entertainment establishment, experts advise to decide on the main aspects:

What documents are needed to open?

No institution can exist without certain documents and licenses from various services.

Including mandatory permission from Rospotrebnadzor and an act on putting the facility into operation, which is signed by several government agencies.

In addition to the permission and registration of the club itself, important point will be - license, on sale alcoholic beverages which will require certain documents.

To obtain it, it is better to contact law firms, whose specialists will be able to quickly and correctly draw up everything, saving you from unnecessary hassle with documentation.

Choosing a nightclub venue

Build a new building or buy (rent) an old hall - the choice is yours.

In this matter, which option will be more profitable and successful is up to you.

The location of the club should be closest to the places where people related to the intended target audience spend most of their time.

The area of ​​the premises is on average about 3000 sq.m.

This question also takes into account the concept and additional services.

The construction of a new building will require additional documents and permits, besides considerable financial costs.

Less problematic will be the repair and decoration of an already finished building, which in our time has a very wide choice for rent for every taste.

We select personnel

Staff – The most important part of any business is the staff.

Properly selected staff can also attract up to 20% of regular visitors.

Oddly enough, but even now there are quite a few people who want to drink and “pour out their souls” to the bartender.

PositionQtySalary (rub.)
Total:25-50 From 429 000 rub.
Director1 35 000
Administrator1 27 000
Creative director1 25 000
DJ3-4 20 000
Bartender3-4 20 000
Cook4-5 21 000
cleaning lady/cloakroom attendant4-5 12 000
Security6-8 15 000

On average, the headquarters will consist of 25-50 people.

How to open a nightclub in a small town?

If you decide to open a nightclub in small town- You need to remember that the population is much smaller than in big cities, and therefore the client flow will be limited (not so many young people, and most of them, most likely, go to big cities to study or work).

Considering this, it is better to think over various entertainments (billiards, etc.), or rent a hall for special events in the form of additional services - so as not to lose the flow of customers, and with that the profit, which in this case will come during the day, which is very profitable .

How much does it cost to open a nightclub?

The amount of investment to start depends on where exactly you want to open a club.

For a small town, the answer to the question of how much it costs to open a nightclub will fluctuate at the level of 10-15 million rubles.

In large cities, the amount of investment will be much larger.

Since the business is very risky, banks do not always give loans to open a nightclub.

Because of this, you may have to take out a consumer loan that is more difficult to repay.

It is better to find investors who are interested in such a deal.

What will the costs be?

NameAmount (rub.)
Total:From 9 400 000 rub.
roomFrom 5 000 000
Repair and decoration500 000
PaperworkAround 500,000
Equipment250 000 -500 000
Staff salary3-4,000,000/year
Advertising and marketing100,000 - 300,000 rubles
Other additional expenses50 000-100 000

Tips on how to promote a nightclub are presented in the video:

Nightclub profitability and payback period

On average, subject to the successful promotion of the club, all investments pay off within 1-1.5 years, counting on the following income:

  • Ticket sales - 5-7 million rubles / year;
  • Sale of alcoholic beverages and snacks - 6-7 million rubles / year;
  • Advertising of sponsors' products - 2-3 million rubles / year;

Having calculated the income, you can count on a profit of about 17 million rubles a year.

In large cities, both the amount of investment and the amount of income, of course, is much larger.

Night club opening- a profitable business, if you manage to organize everything in such a way as to attract the maximum number of visitors.

Opening such a business is painstaking, but the investment pays off quickly enough, and the profit, if successful, is very large.

If you are not afraid of large investments and wide competition, and are also confident in your success, you can open and develop your business in the way that you think is most profitable.

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The business plan considers the idea of ​​organizing a nightclub, where residents and guests could have a pleasant rest and spend their leisure time. When drawing up a business plan, fairly detailed marketing research and market analysis were carried out in order to identify competitors and find a niche for the nightclub being created.

This material help you compose and write nightclub business plan.

Hoho nightclub business plan

AT last years nightclubs have become very popular, offering customers dishes of various cuisines, alcoholic drinks, music programs and some other entertainment. Along with clubs in the evening, young people visit less expensive popular discos.

Against the backdrop of an ever-increasing number of people able to pay for their entertainment and the workload of existing vacation spots, it looks extraordinarily attractive to create a place that can satisfy customers.

Thus, the objectives of this business plan are:

  • development and description of ways to create a night club organization, determination of its organizational and legal form,
  • determination of the intended position of the nightclub in the market (market niche),
  • a description of the services that the nightclub will provide to visitors,
  • analysis of the feasibility of creating a nightclub in terms of profitability and profitability,
  • choosing the best ways to solve the tasks set in the business plan,
  • development of specific activities related to the implementation of the business plan.

This business plan provides for the creation of a company capable of operating effectively in an open field of activity for everyone, including competitors. The creation of such a company requires a competent choice of such a market niche where the company could build its long-term strategy by establishing a promising scheme for establishing business ties, pursuing an optimal pricing policy, taking care of encouraging and supporting its regular customers, expanding the range of its activities and, thereby, reducing risks.

Such a firm can be the HoHo nightclub, which offers its customers excellent cuisine and pleasant music.

Project goals:

  • attracting investment funds to open a nightclub;
  • justification economic efficiency nightclub opening;
  • development of a phased plan for the creation and development of a nightclub.

The total cost of the project proposed by this business plan is *** rubles.

2. Description of the organization (night club) and services

  • this project is being implemented "from scratch";
  • location - Moscow;
  • good transport accessibility;
  • proximity to the metro (walking distance);
  • work schedule: from Monday to Thursday and on Sunday - from 18:00 to 1:00; from Friday to Saturday - from 18:00 to 6:00;
  • the value of the average check - *** rub.
  • total area – *** sq.m.

Income items:

  • entrance fee - *** rub.;
  • dinner in a restaurant - *** rubles;
  • ordering drinks at the bar - *** rubles;
  • receipts from other services (reserve of tables, billiards, hookah) - *** rub.
  • restaurant;
  • dance disco;
  • musical performance of popular artists and DJs.

The nightclub intends to provide visitors with additional services and services:

  • billiards or American pool;
  • bowling;
  • various entertainment machines;
  • hookah;
  • reservation of tables;
  • provision of rooms for private communication.

The club will have a high-quality cuisine, offering a small, but typical range of dishes. Also, customers will be able to use the services of the bar, which will be served a large number of soft drinks and cocktails, and alcoholic drinks will feature a variety of beers and wines. Stronger spirits in the bar will be sold at high prices, which will create demand among customers for light drinks.

Nightclub HoHo will hold discos, show programs, banquets and corporate parties. Guests will be provided with billiards, bowling, entertainment machines, banqueting hall and hookah hall.

As potential consumers of the services provided by the club, one can consider everyone aged 18 to 45 years old, who has an income of over $ 500 per month.

Nightclub HoHo will be located in the city center in a separate non-residential premises area of ​​800 sq.m. and approximately accommodate up to 300 people. The interior, namely, the walls will be made in the "modern" style for "life in a mega city", i.e., it will give the impression that the visitor is in the very center of the city. Due to neon lighting, the effect of 3D space will be created. There will be a 2nd floor and a vip box overlooking the center of the hall and the dance floor. The stage is right in front of the entrance, above the stage there is a place for a DJ.

3. Marketing plan

The purpose of marketing is to create conditions for the work of the company in which it can successfully perform its tasks.

The set of marketing activities included the following activities:

  1. consumer research,
  2. market opportunity analysis,
  3. evaluation of the proposed service and development prospects,
  4. analysis of the form of sale of services,
  5. assessment used by the firm pricing methods,
  6. study of measures to promote the service on the market,
  7. study of competitors
  8. choice of "niche" (the most favorable market segment).

The club's market opportunities are determined by the maximum number of customers and directly depends on the area of ​​the premises in which the club will be located, since it is necessary to limit the club's attendance to the maximum number of people that will maintain a comfortable environment. The exact number will be determined in the architectural plan.

When analyzing pricing, consider:

  • cost of services;
  • competitors' prices for similar services;
  • the uniqueness of this service;
  • the price determined by the demand for this service.

The pricing policy of the firm, therefore, must take into account the average gross costs and the prices of competitors.

To successfully promote these services on the market, it is necessary to apply sales promotion methods that create additional advantages for the club over competitors:

  • the possibility of acquiring services by bank transfer, that is, the opportunity for firms to pay for the rest of their employees with maximum convenience for myself;
  • discounts for regular customers (or additional services offered free of charge), organization of specialized parties.

4. Investment plan

The building of a shopping center is considered as a place for organizing a nightclub.

The location of the club is very good from the following positions:

  • convenient access to the club,
  • proximity to the city center,
  • a large number of offices of large companies located nearby,
  • Proximity to food sources for the bar and kitchen.

The proposed premises need to be renovated in accordance with the architectural plan. Repair cost up to $45,000, including equipment.

Fixed assets necessary for the organization of work - *** rub.

Equipment contributed to the authorized capital by the founders - *** rub.

5. Organizational plan

The creation of a night club involves the establishment of a limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as the Company) with a minimum authorized capital of *** rubles.

The founders of this company are: ***

Shares of founders in the authorized capital of the Company are distributed as follows: ***

In the process of implementing the presented project, it is planned to increase the authorized capital by contributing the following funds by the founders of the Company:

***, contributes the right to lease the premises provided to the Company for the operation of the club -

***, contributes funds - *** rub. and equipment for the club in the amount of *** rub.

*** contribute *** rubles. respectively.

Thus, after the implementation of the presented project, the authorized capital of the Company will be *** rubles.

supreme body The management of the Company is the General Meeting of Participants, which appoints the General Director, who manages and controls the activities of the Company.

Organizational management structure:

  • The General Director manages the work of the club, resolves all financial issues related to permanent job club, and financial and organizational issues related to the use of part of the profits and directions for the development of the club are resolved jointly with the founders of the company.
  • The accountant-calculator keeps accounts. accounting of the company, removes the cash register, prepares financial reports, pays salaries.
  • Ch. the manager acts as the director during his absence. Organizes the work of all employees of the company, accepts applications from employees for the necessary components for the work of the club (from bartenders, cooks, cleaners). Issues orders to the purchasing department for the purchase of goods. Communicates with clients, i.e. negotiates if the client wants to become a member of the club. Accepts bookings for seat reservations. Carries out all the necessary contacts with clients that are not within the competence of a simple employee.

Staff structure:

  • Employees in the halls are engaged in service.
  • Bartenders prepare non-alcoholic cocktails and sell all drinks and products that are in the range of the bar. They accept money at the cash desk from employees in the halls and waiters. Submit applications. acquisition manager a certain amount goods from the assortment of the bar that are running out. Wash glasses in the dishwasher.
  • Waiters take orders from customers, transfer them to chefs and bartenders for execution and ensure timely delivery of the order to the client. They clean the tables, change the ashtrays in the dining room. They count customers, monitor the correctness of calculations, transfer money to the cashier to bartenders.
  • Chefs submit applications in accordance with the menu Ch. manager, during work they accept requests from waiters and fulfill them.
  • The cleaners clean all the halls of the club, take out dirty dishes and change ashtrays in the gaming halls. Carry out constant cleaning of toilet facilities, submit applications for the necessary accessories for the premises of Ch. manager.
  • The cloakroom attendant receives and issues outerwear clients.
  • The security provides clients with access to the club and face control. Restricts entry to the club at full capacity. Solves issues that arise in case of incorrect behavior of clients and their exclusion from the club in the future.
  • The purchasing department receives applications from Ch. manager and makes purchases at the specified prices in previously determined places of supply.

Because club working hours from 12.00 to 03.00, i.е. is 15 hours a day, it is necessary to establish a two-shift work schedule for staff. All employees who work directly with customers must be neat and tidy. Management staff and accountant come to work every day. High qualification requirements are imposed on chefs, ch. manager, accountant, security and delivery service. Upon hiring, an employee passes probation, after which all employees, through anonymous questionnaires, express their opinion on the advisability of hiring this candidate.

The principles of wages.

All employees are paid a minimum wage, depending on the position held and a percentage of the profits received by the club. The percentage is determined depending on the work performed and qualifications. It is necessary to consider the possibility of bringing employees home at night after work.

The following permits and licenses are required to operate the club.


  • State fire supervision (training of 1 employee - *** rubles).
  • State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.
  • conclusion on the project - *** rub.
  • permission to open - ***rub.
  • certificate for obtaining a license - *** rub.
  • medical documents for employees - ***rub/person.
  • production and sale of public catering products ***rub.
  • retail sales of alcoholic beverages and beer ***rub.
  • retail sale of tobacco products *** rub.

To minimize taxation, it makes sense to hire disabled employees, which gives benefits on income taxes, VAT, property taxes, etc.

6. Financial plan

This section deals with the financial support of the club and the most effective use available Money based on an assessment of current financial information and forecasts for subsequent periods and provides answers to the following questions:

  1. How much money is needed to implement the proposed project?
  2. Where can I get the necessary funds and in what form?
  3. When can we expect a return on invested funds and investors receiving income?

The payback period of investments is 1.5 years.

Founders will be able to receive a return of 100% per annum on invested funds during the second year of operation.

7. Risk analysis

The risk of no sales. Its probability is small and sales volumes depend on the correct marketing policy of the company. The work of the club becomes profitable after overcoming 7% of the capacity utilization.

For some, a nightclub is a place of popular recreation, for others - a haven of pastime, and others consider it a "abode of debauchery." And only entrepreneurs know that a nightclub is a profitable investment in any time, even a crisis. And therefore, requests like: “How to open a nightclub from scratch” or “How much does it cost to open a nightclub” today are extremely “strain” for search engine robots. Today I bring to your attention typical business plan night club, which, after some refinement, can be successfully implemented in practice.


The presented project is a business plan for a nightclub (hereinafter - the Club) - an entertainment facility with a payback period of two years.

Project organizer and leader

Project goals:

  • Organization of a highly profitable enterprise
  • Obtaining a stable profit throughout the implementation of the project
  • Satisfying consumer demand for entertainment and leisure activities

Project funding source: own funds or bank loan

Total cost of the project: 30-40 million rubles

Loan interest rate: 23% per annum

The total amount of credit funds for the payback period will be: 13.8 million rubles

Payback period of the project: 2 years

Investor profit: 13.8 million rubles

Payments of borrowed funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of the project.

The main stages of the implementation of the nightclub business plan

The immediate start of the project implementation will begin immediately after the receipt of credit funds, or the acceptance of this business plan by the Customer. The conditional completion of the project is in 24 months.

The main stages of the implementation of the Club's business plan are presented in Table No. 1:

Stages of the projectDeadlines
Conclusion of an investment agreement1 month
Getting borrowed funds1 month
Entering into the state register, registration
in administrative and tax authorities
1 month
Location selection and design
1-6 months
Purchase and installation of equipment1 month
Recruitment1 month
Carrying out a marketing campaign1-24 months

General characteristics of the object

The business plan of a nightclub is designed to organize entertainment for people, mainly in the evening hours of the day.

Club Visitors

The target audience of the Club is mostly young people aged 18 to 33-35, who, as a rule, earn a living on their own or have wealthy parents. However, visitors may be older than age. All of them are united by the desire to have fun, dance, drink alcohol, get to know the opposite sex. Of the more "higher" aspirations - to join the youth club culture, which is currently popular.

It is the latter factor that often plays a decisive role in the success of an institution. To catch a new youth trend in time, to feel the mood of visitors, to give the majority exactly what they want - this should be one of the components of the Club's marketing strategy.

How to open a nightclub from scratch with as little investment as possible? To do this, you should initially calculate what kind of audience the club will focus on, since there are a lot of youth movements that are often supported by adult accomplished people.

The close relationship of various aspects of business in this project is manifested in the dependence of the choice of the location of the Club on the residence of certain categories of its visitors. In other words, it makes no sense to open the Club in an area with old houses where a large number of elderly people live, who will not only not visit the Club, but also create certain obstacles to its activities.

Location and concept of the Club

Two main ones can be distinguished noteworthy project directions. It:

  1. A nightclub of a "democratic" type, intended for open visits by people of any social status
  2. Night club for wealthy people

Without a doubt, the most profitable in terms of profit is the second option. How much does it cost to open an elite type nightclub? As the practice of opening such establishments shows, at least 20 million rubles. The main items of expenditure in organizing the Club for wealthy people are the rent of premises in the central part of the city, and one-time costs for equipping the Club with high-class equipment.

A club of a "democratic" type is usually located in remote areas of the city, precisely because of the dissatisfaction with its work of local residents, as indicated above. The main thing for both types is convenient access roads and the availability of ample parking.

As a rule, "democratic" type clubs have more visitors than elite establishments, but average check in the bar they are several times smaller, the main income is the entrance fee. While the clients of expensive clubs leave the monthly salaries of budget workers in the bar. But there are very few such clients, especially in small towns, this circumstance must be taken into account when choosing the concept of the Club.

Most convenient location The club is its organization in a separate building. Most best option- This is the building of the former cinema, or the house of culture. Semi-basement and basements require additional installation fire alarm and equipment, organization of emergency exits. Since the infamous fire at the Lame Horse club in Perm in 2009, nightclub safety requirements across the country have become much more stringent and compliance checks have become more frequent.

The area of ​​the dance hall depends on the expected number of visitors, in any case it should be at least 200-250 sq. meters - with a smaller number of guests, the project runs the risk of working "in the red." Ceiling height - from 4.5 meters. The complete construction of a building from scratch requires a very significant investment, and is impractical due to high risks.

Club layout

How to open a nightclub that attracts hundreds and thousands of visitors. You need to start with the interior. Internal design the premises, layout and arrangement of furniture completely depend on the chosen concept of the Club's work. In order to attract a certain category of target customers, the atmosphere in the room must correspond to their interests and expectations.

The atmosphere of the Club is a kind of "spirit" of the institution, consisting of a combination of interior, entertainment offered, bar menu, musical accompaniment, lighting equipment, audience, and many other components. All this is inherent in the Club of the "democratic" type. There were cases when invested in 1 sq. meter 2-3 thousand dollars did not bring the expected result, and the nightclub was not popular with the public. And on the contrary, cheap, but with their own "zest" establishments collected a full house.

For a proper definition interior design it is recommended to contact a designer who has experience of successful work in similar projects. As a rule, it is enough for such specialists to voice the chosen concept in order to get several excellent options for the design of the Club.

Club Staff

Almost 80% of its popularity depends on the Club's employees. Therefore, the selection of personnel should be approached very responsibly. The main staff usually includes:

  • Administrator - a person responsible for the entire work of the institution, preferably with experience in similar work, communications with potential customers.
  • The promoter is a specialist responsible for attracting visitors to the Club, the main organizer of all parties, supporting and making the concept of the institution a reality. As statistics show, it was the unprofessional work of the promoter that was the reason for the closure of most nightclubs.
  • Bartender. The spectacular work of a professional bartender, who is able to perform tricks no worse than a real illusionist, is able to provide the Club with 50% of the entire daily income. At the same time, a bartender is a person who needs to be vigilantly controlled (best of all with a video camera), since the temptation and opportunities to damage the establishment often prevail over decency and responsibility.
  • A DJ is a person who is responsible for musical accompaniment parties. It must be a professional, always "in the trend" of the latest musical innovations of various musical styles preferred by visitors.

Employees invited from time to time (and if the project budget allows, then working on a permanent basis), can be:

  • Strippers and strippers. The organization of a striptease is an expensive "pleasure", which, with open dances in a common hall, can increase the cost of an entrance ticket by 2-3 times. And with private dances, or dances in the VIP hall, it can raise the profit of the institution several times. Professional strippers tend to work for a fixed salary, and rarely agree to work for a percentage of the proceeds or tips from guests.
  • Musicians playing live. Of course, these should be artists of the musical genre preferred by the target audience of the Club.

Usually, visitors to nightclubs come to such establishments to use the services of a bar, watch an entertaining show program, and dance, so performances on other topics need to be “tested” in advance for acceptance by guests so as not to fail.

It can be noted that at present this niche, especially in the category of establishments of the “democratic” type, has become significantly empty, and competition is weak enough to cause serious obstacles in the organization and development of business. But for a successful start, you need a competent business plan for a nightclub.

Marketing plan

The current state of the entertainment market, in particular the nightclub industry, is in decline. The industry has just recovered from the crisis of 2008-2009, and began to gain momentum, as the economic and political sanctions imposed on Russia by a number of Western countries forced the population to reconsider their attitude to entertainment.

Wealthy young people and established adult businessmen did not particularly experience the consequences of the crisis that began in the country in 2015, and practically did not change their habits of visiting nightclubs. Therefore, elite establishments, like several years ago, continue to develop steadily, and the question of how to open a nightclub is still relevant.

in clubs for a wide range visitors are in a very bad place. During the 2nd half of 2015, more than half of previously successfully operating “democratic” nightclubs were closed in the country. The statement made in mid-February 2016 by the Ministry of Economic Development about the upcoming stagnation in the country's economy for several years made investors very cautious when considering projects of this kind.

However, there is an opinion of analysts that it is the general reduction in the number of nightclubs in the country that in six months or a year will make this business popular and in demand again. People have been accustomed to having pleasure for a long enough time to abruptly give it up. In addition, a person gets used to everything, and having settled into a new environment, our compatriots will return to their former way of life.

Experts in this field estimate the average amount of investment required for the successful operation of a nightclub in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, and some others. major cities with a population of more than a million people - about 500-600 thousand dollars. Profitability of projects in this moment estimated at 30-60%.

In the "club" business in the last 506 years, there has been interesting trend to a short time of work, which, however, has a rational “grain” under it. Having worked for 2-2.5 years, having become rather "boring" with visitors, the Club closes, so that after some time the same owner reopens it in a different place, under a different name, and with a different concept. True, only a few manage to achieve the previous level of income, but the profit is still higher than if the institution continued to work in the old place.

Particular attention in the management of the Club must be paid to "tolerance" pricing policy. As a rule, the influx of visitors occurs on weekends - from Friday to Sunday. It is on these days that prices should be set as high as possible. On Monday, there is a decline in guests, so on this day you can arrange a day off, a sanitary day, make the entrance to the institution free, or arrange a “day of discounts”. According to the experience of existing institutions, such a “policy” justifies itself.

Statistics on how people from the target audience spend free time can be seen in Figure 1:

The frequency of visiting nightclubs by 100 surveyed respondents from the target audience can be seen in Figure 2:

Production plan

The equipment for organizing the Club is basically the same for establishments with any concept, and differs only in brands. The main list includes:

  • Disco equipment
  • Acoustic system
  • Compressor
  • Smoke car
  • Equalizer
  • Controller
  • Lighting equipment for a disco

When choosing equipment, the area of ​​​​the room, the features of the building, the layout of the furniture and areas in the room, and even the style of the sounding music are taken into account. In this matter, it is best to trust specialists who know how to open a nightclub.

Financial plan

The main types of taxes payable are shown in Table 2:

Type of taxtax basePeriodInterest rate
income taxIncoming profitMonth20%
Property taxEstimated value of the propertyAccording to the payment schedule2,2%
VATAdded valueMonth18%
Income taxpayroll fundMonth13%
Social paymentspayroll fundMonth34%

An approximate plan for the volume of services provided is shown in Table No. 3:


The proposed analysis of the implementation of the nightclub project showed that this project has a high chance of becoming a highly profitable and very promising enterprise. The main condition for its successful work is competent "flexible" management, the availability of qualified specialists, the right concept, and a good nightclub business plan.

If you want to learn how to open a nightclub from scratch and start your own business in this way, you will have a lot of interesting troubles - starting with choosing the format of the establishment and ending with the development of unique offers, "chips" of your company. Another plus of such an undertaking is that you can even open a nightclub, and if you choose a site in a metropolis, nothing prevents you from identifying the target audience of the institution.

Where to find funds

It is very difficult to say with confidence how much it costs to open a club and how quickly it will pay off: it all depends on the contingent and the success of the institution, as well as on the scale and courage of the initial idea.

Even if you open a small dance floor, you will have to invest at least 4.5 million rubles: you will spend about 2.4 million on (acoustic system, light show system, furniture, interior items), about 1.9 million more will go on daily expenses (maintenance of the bar and restaurant, free drinks as a gift for those who bought a ticket). If the club is successful with a wide audience, the business could pay off in as little as a year, but it would be reasonable to count on longer periods.

If the scale of your undertaking is at least slightly different from the usual dance floor, you will have to invest 10-15 million rubles in the business.

The institution will be profitable if in the area or locality there are at least 10,000 young people aged 16-35. But where to get big money to open and promote the club? Sign agreements with sponsors, especially with suppliers of tobacco products and alcohol: you can be provided with 600 thousand rubles to organize one party.

Club types

At the moment, all nightclubs are conditionally divided into three types: closed, democratic and thematic. So, how to open a club depending on the format of your undertaking?

Closed clubs

These are elite establishments that pay off the fastest, but opening and promoting such clubs will require the most effort. Closed areas are focused on golden youth, so usually the owner of such a club receives revenue not from ticket sales, but from the sale of drinks and snacks: a non-alcoholic cocktail here can cost 500 rubles, an alcoholic one - from 2500. Is it profitable? More than! However, interest in such establishments quickly disappears - in two years you will have to open a club in a new place.

Get ready for the fact that you will always have to keep the brand: invite the best artists, provide guests with a rich bar assortment and introduce the strictest face control - this will encourage customers to enter the premises at any cost.

Democratic clubs

The main audience of such sites were, are and will be teenagers and students: the target audience is people aged 16 to 25 years. Accordingly, most of them will not be able to pay much for tickets and drinks: you can charge 100-150 rubles for entrance, 90-200 rubles for drinks. The organizers of such clubs take quantity, not quality: turn on the music louder, take care of a catchy campaign - and in one evening you can earn up to 100,000 rubles. By the way, you can ask for a significant price for an entrance ticket (1000-2000 rubles), and then sell drinks to everyone in any quantity.

Thematic clubs

Do you want to attract more regular customers, and not focus on one-time visitors? Great idea! However, before opening a nightclub from scratch, you should decide what to give preference to: one particular musical direction or a certain category of citizens.

You can create a rock or pop club, or you can position your institution, for example, as a platform for people of non-traditional sexual orientation. Oddly enough, almost half of the visitors to such a club are party-goers who do not belong to minorities: they just like the atmosphere of emancipation.

If your gay club is successful, it can bring in up to 60 million rubles a year, but getting into such a business is difficult: you need to have significant connections. But opening the doors of a thematic institution is much easier. However, this is not the best option for a small town - the audience will be small anyway, should it be further limited?

Room options

A spacious and stylishly designed room is exactly the component that will make your business successful: a nightclub should be located on an area of ​​​​at least 500 m 2, of which 250 m 2 will be occupied by the main dance floor. In no case should you organize such establishments on the first floors of residential buildings! Even if you manage to formalize the site, the doors of your club will be closed as soon as complaints from residents arrive.

If you are planning to open a business outside of Moscow or St. Petersburg, try renting empty premises of cultural centers and cinemas: in large cities, such buildings are mostly occupied. A great option is to rent or buy a separate building. But pay attention: the height of the ceilings must be at least 4 meters - you have to hang sound and lighting equipment.


Let's say you have decided how much it costs to open a nightclub, purchasing the necessary equipment and starting repairs to your liking. But do not forget that you will still have to pay salaries to employees. Even in the simplest club should work:

Ten employees will have to pay at least 200,000 rubles a month. But it is worth considering that most of the workers will work in shifts: first of all, these are waiters, bartenders and cloakroom attendants. As for the guards, they must be really strong people who can calm down any violent guest, so it’s better to immediately contact the agency and hire real professionals. People don't want to go to a club where they can't feel safe.

Main dangers

Considering how much it costs to open a nightclub and how much effort will have to be invested in finalizing every little thing, losing customers and profits would be especially disappointing. Most often, the following factors lead to the failure of start-up entrepreneurs.

Incorrectly formatted documents

If you do not have notarized papers confirming that the construction or re-equipment of the premises was carried out in accordance with all the rules, the success of the club will be short-lived. Also required: the conclusion of the SES, medical books employees, an agreement with a garbage collection company, permission to sell tobacco and alcohol, as well as any other goods.

Addict Visitors

Drug trafficking requires special control by the administration. If the higher authorities suspect that one of your clients is involved in the sale of illegal substances, one day people with weapons and in camouflage clothes will burst into your place. One such action will be enough for people to stop being interested in the club, and you will fall under criminal liability.

Entertainment venues are very popular today. Especially among young people. As a result, our ready-made nightclub business plan will be very popular among the young population of the city.

To begin with, we need to develop a business plan for a nightclub in a small town. Its location is planned in a small town with a population of only 300 thousand people. The reason why we decided to open a club is the increase in the income of the population, in connection with which, the demand for entertainment facilities is increasing.

In order to open your own nightclub, you will need to have about 4 million 200 thousand rubles on hand. Of this amount, the owner can contribute only 1 million from personal funds. We plan to take the missing amount - 3 million 200 thousand from a banking institution.

By economic indicators using the example of a ready-made business plan for a nightclub, it became known that the annual net profit will be 2 million 776 thousand 780. If we adhere to these data, then the full payback of our business will occur no earlier than one and a half years after the opening of the business.


We can consider the amount of costs on a sample nightclub business plan with calculations:

  1. Holding construction works in the premises and the development of a design project for the club - 1 million 500 thousand rubles.
  2. Preparing everyone required documents for opening and registering a business - 300 thousand rubles.
  3. Purchase of equipment for the hall - 600 thousand rubles.
  4. Furniture for visitors and staff of the institution - 450 thousand rubles.
  5. Payment for the lease of premises for a period of six months - 250 thousand rubles.
  6. Purchase of food - 400 thousand rubles.
  7. Technical equipment - 100 thousand rubles.
  8. Funds for staff development - 50 thousand rubles.
  9. Unforeseen expenses in the course of work - 200 thousand rubles.

Thus, for all this we need 4 million 200 thousand.

Choosing a taxation system

An example of a business plan for a nightclub, considers simplified taxation as a taxation system - USN, the amount of tax payment will be 15% of the organization's revenue. We register our activities as a "Limited Liability Company". The founders will be two people.

In the process of registering a business, we need to write an application, and it will definitely need to indicate the OKVED code. In our case, two of them can come up at once - 55.40 “bar activity” and 55.25 “retail sale of alcoholic beverages”.

List of required documents

The business plan of the nightclub is gradually carrying out activities to implement the conceived and developed project:

  1. Our business has gone through the registration process of "LLC".
  2. The premises we have chosen for the club meet all the established norms of the regulatory authorities. The total area of ​​the premises is 510 square meters and signed a long-term lease for a period of 5 years.
  3. We signed a contract with a construction organization to carry out the work, and the purchase of the necessary equipment began.

The business plan for opening a nightclub with calculations suggests that the list of services provided will include:

  • dance programs.
  • Holding parties on various topics.
  • Holding various celebrations.
  • Visitors will also be able to book tables.
  • Do shopping at the bar.
  • Order ready meals from our kitchen.
  • Stay in the VIP area of ​​the club.

Especially for visitors, we will develop a menu that will include not only alcoholic drinks, but also hot dishes and various cold snacks.

We will sell alcoholic beverages. To do this, we will acquire a license, which will allow us to sell them on sale.

We plan to make visiting the club paid. The entrance fee to the club from Friday to Sunday will be 200 rubles per person. In total, the club can simultaneously accommodate 180 people.

The staff of our organization is planned to have a DJ, a photographer, as well as dance groups.

Marketing plan

According to the data included in the business plan of the night club, it will be located in the city center. The main target audience are persons from 18 to 35 years old. Not far from us is a campus, so most of the visitors are students. The popularity of our club will also be affected by the fact that there are entertainment centers. Which have a large daily patency.

On average, the cost of staying for one person will cost 700 rubles, in connection with this, we cannot consider the institution an elite one, because of its low cost for customers. We will receive the main amount of revenue on the weekend.

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