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Trump Donald children son daughter. The Trump family empire: three sons, two daughters and eight grandchildren. Ivanka Trump's personal life

For many days now, the world has been discussing the new President of the United States, Donald Trump, his political program, which, by the way, is aimed at establishing cooperation with Russia, his current wife Melania and, of course, the eldest daughter from his first marriage, Ivanka.

35-year-old Ivanka Trump, we recall, is known in wide circles as a top model, writer, businesswoman and, more recently, her father's campaign manager. So it was not without the labors of his daughter that Donald received the largest number votes in elections. Moreover, Ivanka is loved by the younger generation, she often appears on the pages of glossy publications both as a fashion trendsetter and as a successful businesswoman, wife and mother.

We tell the details of Ivanka's life, which, perhaps, you might not know.

Ivanka Trump is the first daughter of Donald Trump and his first wife, Czech model Ivana Trump (nee Zelnichkova). She was born on October 30, 1981 in New York. At that time, her father was 35 years old, and her mother was 32. She has two siblings: the eldest is Donald Trump, the youngest is Eric Trump. Both brothers are businessmen and are currently working with Ivanka on their father's election campaign.

Strict upbringing and prestigious education

Despite the fact that Ivanka Trump was born into a wealthy family, her parents initially warned her that she should build her own life: be able to earn money and not rely on outside help. From an early age, the girl was brought up in severity. Donald himself has repeatedly told reporters that he does not intend to make "capricious daddy's children" out of his daughters and sons. And it seems he succeeded.

Until the age of 15, Ivanka went to the Chapin School for girls in Manhattan, and then moved to the private school Choate Rosemary Hall at the college of the same name. Last years at school it was not easy for the girl. In one of the interviews, she admitted that she had to gnaw at the granite of science while her peers hung out in clubs. But she could not quit her studies and get bad grades. How can you let your parents down?

But the fruitful studies benefited Trump's daughter: she easily entered the Catholic private university in Washington - Georgetown University. But two years later, she transferred to an even more prestigious educational institution - the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, from which she graduated with honors and a bachelor's degree in economics in 2004. Also, over the years of study, Ivanka perfectly mastered the French language.

In the footsteps of mom: shooting in magazines

Ivanka well remembered the words of her parents that she had to work hard in order to achieve something, so she began to earn extra money during her school years. And since her mother Ivana has always been a role model for her, at the age of 16 the girl decided to follow in her footsteps into the modeling business. Fortunately, appearance, height and parameters contributed to this very much.

First, Trump's daughter appeared on the cover of Seventeen magazine, and then she began to accept invitations from almost all the leading glossy publications. The girl was predicted to have a brilliant career in show business, but she preferred business to filming ...

In the footsteps of his father: from manager to vice president

After Ivanka graduated from university, she left the modeling business and got a job at Forrest City, a real estate company. For the top job, of course. But that was just the start of her career. After a while, Miss Trump realized that houses and buildings are a very boring business, but luxurious decorations are hers. So, she became a marketer in the diamond sales office of Dynamic Diamond Corp. And then she created her own brand for the production of jewelry, accessories, clothes and shoes Ivanka Trump Collection.

Without leaving his own business, Ivanka is already good experience work joined her father's business empire. Currently, the girl is the vice president of the Trump Organization and right hand Donald Trump. She was also his main assistant in the presidential election campaign. And, as we now see, she managed to cope with her work perfectly!

Having your own successful business seemed to be able to relax. But no! Ivanka Trump, like her father, does not stand still and is always ready for new projects and knowledge. So, in 2006, she decided to try her hand as a TV presenter. In this, of course, Donald Trump helped her. It was he who invited his daughter to the reality show "Candidate", in which he was the host and producer. The program has 16 participants from different states, performing business tasks, fought for the main prize - a contract for $ 250 thousand and the right to manage one of Trump's campaigns.

In the wake of the popularity of the show, Ivanka wrote her own book with tips on how to become a successful person in business and family. And this girl knows a lot. No wonder she was included in the rating of "Top 100 successful women in the world."

“I got the best contract of my life with my husband,” Trump’s daughter once joked. Or not joking? The fact is that before marrying Jared, Ivanka took a very serious step: she accepted his faith - Judaism and since then has been living according to all Jewish customs (and, as her relatives say, with her characteristic perfectionism).

The couple currently have three children: 5-year-old daughter Arabella Rose and two sons, 3-year-old Joseph Frederick and 8-month-old Theodore James. And, most likely, this is not the limit!

"No. Politics is a complicated business,” daughter Ivanka answered the question of whether she plans to stand as a candidate in the 2024 presidential election. It sounds as unambiguous as it is sly: 35-year-old Ivanka has already proved with her successes that difficult tasks do not frighten her, and she feels no less confident in politics than in business. studied the life and professional path of the ambitious daughter of the 45th President of the United States in order to understand whether she is capable of becoming the 46th head of the American state.

Broken childhood

On October 30, 1981, a daughter was born in the family of construction magnate Donald Trump and an American model of Czech origin Ivana. She was named after her mother, adding a diminutive suffix to the name. Ivanka, the second child of the couple, quickly became the favorite of an influential father.

Her cloudless childhood was spent in the chicest district of Manhattan: from Ivanka's bedroom on the 68th floor of the Trump Tower skyscraper, a panoramic view of Central Park opened. In addition to a three-story 50-room apartment in the heart of New York, the family had a 45-room summer house in Connecticut and a 118-room Mar-a-Lago mansion in Florida.

Her political finest hour came on June 16, 2015: it was after introductory remarks Ivanka's father went down the gilded escalator of the Trump Tower skyscraper - the same building where she, as a little girl, loved to listen to his conversations with contractors - and announced his intention to become President of the United States. The billionaire's daughter became the most important participant in the campaign: even during pregnancy, Ivanka traveled around the country, spoke in front of thousands of halls and defended her father from the attacks of opponents.

If Donald Trump was accused of sexism, she stated that her father spoke harshly about both men and women; and if in racism, she called him "color blind". She said that she knows her father like no one else and he is really a worthy person. Because of her unwillingness to condemn her father's sexist statements, she even announced a boycott.

As noted by the conservative publication The Federalist, Ivanka has many qualities that her father sometimes lacks: she is restrained, intelligent and reasonable. "She has an innate ability to be both - practically perfect and loved by everyone - especially by women, even when her beauty and belonging to a wealthy family can make her look arrogant," said Mary Kathrie Ham, the author of the publication.

This paid off, as The New York Times wrote after the election, white women - "Ivanka's voters" - helped Trump win.

Office in the White House

Before winning the election, Donald Trump said that he did not see a role for his daughter in his administration, but after moving to The White house changed his position. Ivanka became an aide to the president, while her husband Kushner became a senior adviser. Trump's wife Melania stayed in New York with her son Barron, which led the American media to call Ivanka "the unofficial first lady."

Ivanka's popularity has gone far beyond the US. Reportedly The New York Times, under the name Yi Wan Ka, she is considered almost a goddess in China, accustomed to influential children of high-ranking officials. “She is beautiful, has a career of her own, works hard, and has a wonderful family. She inspires me, ”the publication quotes a student from one of the universities in Beijing. Clinics plastic surgery with an influx of clients who want to become like the daughter of the American president.

Internet users of the Middle Kingdom were delighted with the video, where Arabella, Ivanka's five-year-old daughter, sang a song in Chinese for the President of China and his wife.

According to the daughter of the head of state, in power she will be engaged in the fight against gender inequality in the United States and abroad, she will try to develop a system of paid maternity leave And available assistance mothers, and will also create a global fund to help women entrepreneurs. “I'm just starting to understand how things work. But I already know enough to be listened to in the White House,” she explained.

, Ivanka and Kushner within the Trump administration act as conductors of the ideology of neo-conservatism and globalism, in conflict with another senior presidential adviser, alt-right protege Stephen Bannon.

So far, apparently, the President's daughter has the upper hand - Bannon was recently expelled from the Council national security, and the role and influence of Ivanka and her husband are steadily growing. It is possible that she will continue to follow in her father's footsteps and a new presidential dynasty will be formed in American history.

Donald Trump, both in business and in his personal life, tries to follow the principle: be proud of everything you do. The President of the United States can rightly be proud of his family. He has been married three times, has five children, the youngest of whom is only nine years old, and eight grandchildren.

Trump's wives

Melania Trump- the third legal wife of the President of the United States.

Ivanna Zelnichkova- the first wife of a politician, whom he married in 1977.

She is originally from Czechoslovakia, a former skier and fashion model. After the divorce, she was able to make a good career in business: she released her line of perfumes, a number of autobiographical books, and opened a modeling house. Trump gave birth to three children: Donald, Ivanka and Eric. After the divorce, she sued the billionaire for $ 25 million in cash, a luxurious villa and $ 650 thousand a month for the maintenance of three children.

Donald Trump children

Donald Trump Jr, who is the eldest son of a billionaire, lives quite quietly and without scandals. He has been married to actress and model Vanessa Haydon since 2005.

The couple is raising five children. Donald Trump Jr. is the executive vice president of the Trump Organization.

Ivanka Trump is the eldest daughter of Donald Trump. She is perhaps the most famous of all the children of a billionaire.

Ivanka is a model, writer, and executive vice president of the Trump Organization. Donald Trump has repeatedly admitted that he is very proud of her. Ivanka Trump married businessman Jared Kushner. The couple has three children.

Eric Trump second son of Donald Trump.

For a very long time, the man tried to stay away from the press and not appear on public events. He is married to Lara Yunaska, whom he dated for many years. Works as an executive vice president at the Trump Organization.

Tiffany Ariana Trump's second daughter.

She recently graduated from university. Tiffany is a star social networks in particular, Instagram. The number of subscribers to her page has exceeded 170 thousand.

Barron Trump

The youngest son of the President of the United States, who is adored by everyone without exception in the family. He is 9 years old, but his father already takes him to various business meetings.

Unlike Donald Trump's wife Melania, his eldest daughter Ivanka Trump has always been a style icon, a princess from a fairy tale about a rich life, and now the president's daughter is also called the most powerful woman in the White House. Will she compete with First Lady Melania? The answer is in the HELLO!

When in 2011 the eccentric billionaire Donald Trump announced his desire to participate in the elections, his daughter Ivanka told the English HELLO!:

I'm just sure that he will be a phenomenal president!

Then no one gave these words any special meaning. And now six years have passed. Capitol. Crowds of people. The entire American establishment is here. The 45th President of the United States takes the oath on two Bibles, and Ivanka is next to him and the first lady. Trump's daughter is irresistible in a snow-white Oscar de la Renta suit. It was not hidden from the press how admiringly Bill Clinton followed her! Not even Hillary's heavy gaze could distract him from this activity. At the inaugural ball, in a sparkling Carolina Herrera dress, Ivanka nearly outshone Melania.

Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner

Trump, a master at all sorts of surprises, turned the traditional dance of the first couple into a dance of several couples. Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Ivanka and her husband, millionaire Jared Kushner, appeared on the stage in turn, followed by the rest of the official “extras”. Ivanka and Jared, appointed senior adviser to the White House, danced downstage, next to the presidential couple. Now they will live next to the president - in Washington. There are rumors that Trump is going to give the office of the first lady to his son-in-law and daughter. Melania, to everyone's surprise, expressed a desire to stay in New York. The official reason for this is that Trump's son, Barron, must graduate academic year in her school and Melania wants to be with him, but only few people believe in such dedication.

The public is sure: Melania is deliberately taken into the shadows, she is a victim political game, and the true first lady will be Trump's daughter, Ivanka. They even found a definition for her: "the first lady is a daughter."

The secret of success, or knowledge is power

Of course, no one denies Ivanka's merits to the elected president. She gave interviews, campaigned, almost begged the voters:

I say to all critics: give my father a chance to sit in the Oval Office! And you will see how unfair you were to him.

While Ivanka was active, Melania kept silent more and more, and “ruined” the most important speech at the Republican Congress by reading the text with fragments of Michelle Obama’s old speech on a piece of paper. Even Trump apparently doubted his wife's abilities, although he had previously said that Melania would be a "wonderful first lady." Dancing with her at the inaugural ball, he paid almost no attention to his wife. Perhaps if he had a daughter next to him, he would have shown more feelings, because Ivanka is his favorite.

In 2016, the billionaire jokingly admitted:

If Ivanka wasn't my daughter, I would probably date her.

The press tried to distort the meaning of these words as much as possible, but they clearly contained nothing but indefatigable paternal love and admiration for the heiress. Actually, why not? Ivanka deserves it. Everything she has done so far has turned out to be successful, whether it's a business, shooting a TV show, or writing books about how to build a career and woman's destiny. Trump's daughter is feminine, always at the parade and on high heels. In all respects, Ivanka is a beauty: 180 centimeters tall, with pleasant features, blonde. In her youth, she starred for magazines, but she quickly got bored with it.

The only thing I liked in the work of the model was to receive fees, - Ivanka laughs. - They were really small! I didn't even need it.

Glamor has always been present in abundance in the life of Ivanka, who grew up in an atmosphere of boundless luxury. But she was smart enough not to make glamor a goal. Unlike her peer Paris Hilton, "the socialite of the planet", Ivanka was interested in such boring things as study and education.

I learned everything and quickly grasped everything,

She says. After graduating summa cum laude from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, Ivanka began working for a real estate development company not affiliated with Trump, but after some time returned to the "bosom of the family": in the empire of the Trump Organization, she took the third position - executive vice president of development and acquisitions.

Work in daddy's construction company was a childhood dream. My father purposefully developed my interest. He brought me articles from newspapers about real estate marked " Interesting article"What do you think about it?"

In 2007, Ivanka created her own jewelry brand, having come up with an original concept - jewelry for women who do not expect mercy from men, but make gifts for themselves. Rich feminists liked the idea, and Ivanka launched fashion lines of shoes, bags, clothes, accessories... The products were addressed to wealthy fashionistas, but in 2014 Ivanka went to the mass market. She began to sell goods at affordable prices via the Internet - so that customers do not waste extra time.

Our clothes are designed for working women who want to be beautiful in the office,

She says. Ivanka has always preferred a targeted approach in business.

The better you know your customers and their needs, the faster you can sell them something,

She thinks.

Future lady president?

After the appointment of her husband as the chief adviser to the president, Ivanka left the business, leaving things in safe hands. Jared also, according to American laws, was forced to sacrifice commercial interests in favor of the state: to leave his own development company, the New York Observer newspaper, which he acquired ten years ago, a skyscraper in the center of Manhattan and much more "for little things". But now Ivanka, Jared and their three children live just 13 minutes by car from the White House, in the most prestigious district of Washington - Kalorama. Their neighbors - Barack and Michelle Obama, sent to a well-deserved rest. Trump's relatives have at their disposal a $5.5 million apartment with six bedrooms and five fireplaces. Great place to celebrate your wedding anniversary in two years!

Tiffany and Ivanka Trump and Michelle Obama at the inauguration

The son of a multimillionaire and real estate mogul Jared Kushner met Ivanka in 2007 at a business event. Nothing foretold romance, but it turned out that better than a couple can not found. Age coincided (they were then 25), and position, and ambitions, and financial interests.

We immediately felt how much we have in common, and took it as a good sign,

Ivanka says. However, a serious obstacle was found for an early marriage. Jared is from an Orthodox Jewish family, and his dad, multimillionaire Charles Kushner, did not approve of the "non-kosher" union. Ivanka decided this question radically: she converted to Judaism, was named Yael, and thus obtained permission to marry.

Jared and Ivanka's wedding

In 2009 they got married. The event was held at the Trump Golf Club in the presence of 500 witnesses, among whom were Hollywood stars Natalie Portman, Russell Crowe and media mogul Rupert Murdoch. Ivanka-Yael wore a lavish Vera Wang dress that compared her to Princess Grace of Monegasque, and a six-foot-tall, petal-studded cake was hailed as a masterpiece of confectionery art.

In the early days family life It turned out that I can't cook at all, - Ivanka laughs. - I used to justify myself by the fact that I don’t have the necessary devices, but I couldn’t say that to my husband! Started from simple recipes Then I learned to combine cooking with work. It turned out funny. Jared comes home. I shout to him: "Dear, do not say a word, I urgently need to finish reading the contract." I continue to work and suddenly I remember: "Dumplings!!!"
No matter how busy they are, on Saturday Jared and Ivanka are always at home with the children. Saturday is a holy day. Shabbat. They follow all the rules. They don't do anything, turn off their phones...

For a long time, my father could not understand why he couldn’t get through to me for 25 hours, but then he got used to it,

Ivanka smiles. By the way, for the sake of the inauguration, the spouses had to ask the rabbis for permission to break Shabbat. The event took place on Friday, but could drag on past midnight, and on Saturday, Jews are even forbidden to drive a car. If the rabbis had refused, Ivanka and Jared would have had to walk home.

Ivanka Trump with her mother Ivana

About Ivanka's religion, Donald Trump speaks openly:

It wasn't planned, it just happened. And I'm glad it did.

Those who accused him of anti-Semitism subsided. But there was a new reason to accuse the president of having ties with Moscow. It turned out that Jared Kushner's grandparents were partisans in Belarus during the Great Patriotic War. They fought with the German invaders near Grodno. A detachment of Jewish partisans, in which grandparents met, saved more than 1,200 Jews from death. In Jared's family, the memory of the past is sacred. His dad Charles Kushner comes every year near Grodno, brings his grandchildren there and, as they say, is even going to build a memorial dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust...

Donald, Melania, Barron, Ivanka, Jared, Tiffany

Ivanka's husband has an interesting family history, isn't it? And an interesting political "map of the world" in the Trump family. The son-in-law is the grandson of the Belarusian partisans, the wife Melania is the daughter of the Yugoslav communists, the mother of her beloved daughter, Ivan Zelnichkov, is from socialist Czechoslovakia. And Ivanka herself has such a pleasant name for the "Russian ear" ... With such a name, she clearly needs to become the president of America. By the way, this role is already being actively tipped for her. Trump himself even came up with the slogan for the new campaign: "Keep America Great!" And if you ask him, he will surely answer that Ivanka will be a phenomenal president.

The daughter of billionaire Donald Trump and his first wife, supermodel Ivana, cannot be considered a traditional "golden youth", because from childhood she was prepared for an independent life without relying on her father's fortune.

As a result, Ivanka herself built a career as a fashion model, now she writes motivational books, manages her business. The girl has already earned a millionth fortune. In 2014, business publication Fortune included her in the list of the most successful people on the planet under forty.

Ivanka Trump's childhood and education

Ivanka - second common child Donald Trump and actress and fashion model Ivana Trump. She has a 4-year-old brother, Donald John Trump Jr.

The girl was born on October 30, 1981 in New York. Despite the more than impressive condition, the parents did not plan to raise their offspring as minions of fate, but purposefully formed independent personalities from them.

Mom's attractiveness was transferred to Ivanka. The baby often accompanied her parents to social events, striking those around her with a sense of style.

Ivanka studied at private school for girls, located in Manhattan, then went to a private college in Connecticut. In the old educational institution children from American elite families studied - this is how the girl made her connections and influential friends. The next step was Georgetown University in Washington, but soon the student transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia. In 2004, she received her bachelor's degree in economics.

Fashion model, designer, businesswoman Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump became a fashion model back in her school years. Following in the footsteps of her mother, in 1997 she appeared on the cover of the youth magazine Seventeen. Her career developed very successfully: she was invited to photo shoots and fashion shows of Versace, Thierry Mugler, Mark Bauer.

In 2000, Ivanka graduated from college in Connecticut and became part of the family corporation The Trump Organization. The surrounding people characterized Ivanka Trump as a smart, ambitious and talented business woman, capable of working for results and demanding the same from her subordinates.

In parallel with her work in her father's business, Ivanka Trump launched a line of designer clothes Ivanka Trump, and also released a collection jewelry Ivanka Trump Collection. The latter were very expensive, but the slogan of the line did not deny this: "For women who are able to make such a gift to themselves." The newly minted designer designed clothes, shoes and jewelry and demonstrated them on the catwalk herself.

In 2009, the billionaire's daughter tried herself as a writer, publishing The TrumpCard: Playing to Win in Work and Life. On its pages, the daughter of a billionaire told how to find a professional path in life, do what you love and earn income.

Since 2012, Ivanka Trump began to take part in political campaigns, supporting Republican Mitt Romney, senator candidate Cory Booker and her father Donald Trump.

Ivanka Trump's personal life

In 2008, the businesswoman met millionaire Jared Kushner. By the way, Kushner has Belarusian roots: his ancestors fled from the concentration camp in Novogrudok and joined partisan detachments. Much later, they settled in the States, where Jared's father excelled in real estate.

The Kushners profess Judaism, and Jared in every possible way persuaded Ivanka to convert to his religion. What happened a year after they met - Ivanka converted to Judaism, was named Yael and married Jared.

In marriage, the couple had a daughter, Arabella Rose (born 2011), sons Joseph Frederick (born 2013) and Theodore James (born 2016). Spouses always appear together - and on a bike ride, and at a football match, and even in the movies. Husband and wife even played a cameo together in the TV series Gossip Girl with Blake Lively. Ivanka herself often appears on screens, flashing in various talk shows.

Ironically, Ivanka considers Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of the Clintons, her best friend. Moreover, in 2008, Trump's daughter donated funds to the election campaign of Hillary Clinton, her father's future rival. When it became clear that in 2016 their parents would come face to face, the women decided to cut off communication during the election hype so as not to provoke anyone. “Our friendship is beyond politics,” both said more than once.

Ivanka Trump now

When Donald Trump took office as the forty-fifth President of the United States, Ivanka Trump announced that she did not intend to apply for a position in the administration. "I'll just be a daughter," Ivanka Trump told reporters.

Ivanka Trump - new star Republican Party USA

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