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Incredible facts

Want to know what a zodiac couple is considered the happiest in love and in friendship?

In this list you will find everything possible combinations Couple on the sign of the zodiac, and find out what your relationship will be.

However, remember that it is only general descriptionAnd about the compatibility of a particular pair can be found only on a personal horoscope.

prompt: Use the keys Ctrl + F.to find your pair.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in love

The happiest couple

1. Cancer + Scorpio

Many believe that this couple is the best in all zodiac. These signs are perfectly understood and complement each other, although they seem completely different from the outside. In this case, each partner in relations is strong where the other has weakness. They are both interested in strong relationships, and both have similar goals in life, to achieve which they want to work.

2. Fish + Fish

The combination of two fish can be very strong and compatible. Each of them finds a relative soul or missing link, which they are looking for a partner. Such relationships are typked instantly, which may first scare and push them away from each other. This happens when you find perfect partnerBut you are afraid to ask a question: how much is I ready for this?

3. Aries + Sagittarius

Both of these signs of the zodiac love to have fun and can make each other laugh. In a pair, there are plenty of jokes, understandable only by both of them, and their joint life should be mild and joyful. They have a big circle of friends, and they always underdese something interesting.

4. Sagittarius + Fish

Emotionally such a couple will be well balancing each other. Both are quite romantic, do not hide their feelings and respect each other. They know how to empathize and capture each other's feelings, trying to be the partner in which each of them needs a relationship. The only problem with which they will have to face, these are strong emotions that sometimes will be excavated.

5. Virgo + Capricorn

This is a truly strong couple that can set goals and hard to work. In a personal life, they can be a bit conservative, and they will need some time before opening each other. However, their interests are so coincide that as soon as it happens, they will become the perfect union.

6. Lion + Scales

Lion and scales both love to be the center of attention, but they wonder do not compete with each other. They will rather share their success with each other (which rarely happens to be quite rarely) and allow each other to become happier.

7. Taurus + Cancer

This pair has every chance of becoming the best pair in the zodiac. Taurus and cancer are largely similar, and their values \u200b\u200bcomplement each other. They like to build a happy joint Life and create homemade, having support for a dedicated and caring partner. In addition, both will poison each other with gentle touch, delicious food and other love signs.

8. Capricorn + Capricorn

This is an ideal pair, as Capricorn's values \u200b\u200bare so important for them that a partner who fully supports their ideals will be just their dream.

They will perfectly understand the needs of each other and work as a team to achieve common goals. In addition, both are unconditionally devotees and will defend their relationship.

9. Gemini + Fish

In this pair, partners are also barely balanced each other. While the fish are emotional and deep by nature, the twins of the separations and quickly understand the needs of fish. Fish tend to follow their heart, while the twins will play the role of who makes the choice logically. In this case, if the partners find a common language, they can give each other what is missing to another.

10. Sagittarius + Sagittarius

Sagittarius gets perfectly with the representative of his own sign of the zodiac. Of course, in such a pair, no one will patronize them so that they do not get into the grill, but both of them are not so important that everything is perfect. Both will have a lot of having fun and quarrel. It will be a union of casual partners who always make what they want.

11. Aries + Gemini

Aries and Gemini make up a delightful pair, which rarely is at home and will always find how to have fun. These are not lovers of a calm home furnishings. Their ribbon B. social networks Maybe a little tiring the rest, but they like an active lifestyle filled with adventures and new impressions.

12. Scales + Scorpio

This pair balances each other, as the scorpion is emotional and very feeling, and lightweight scales and carefree. Although in society, they both attract attention in their own way, they do not depend on each other. Both are beautiful in themselves, but together they will be able to achieve much more.

13. Taurus + Fish

This is an excellent union of the dreamer (fish) and realist (Taurus). Both prefer a carefree lifestyle and understand that their partner needs support and love. They will have a happy family life and unshakable communication.

14. Gemini + Scales

Both zodiac sign will become wonderful friends and happy lovers. They have natural compatibility and both prefer to spend time equally, in the society of people, or having fun. This is a sociable couple on which many others are equal.

15. Aries + Virgo

This union can also be called complementary. Aries will choose where to go on the journey, and Virgo will plan everything. They will challenge and balance each other by making the lives of other people better.

16. Scorpio + Capricorn

These relationships are created for family life. Scorpio is usually ready for marriage at a later age when coming down, and he wants something serious, and the Capricorn is always ready for this. Scorpion can have overestimated requirements, but Capricorn is always ready to understand and provide a personal scope of scorpion when necessary. The identity of scorpion can change, and Capricorn will become the stable partner in which Scorpio needs. Thanks to this, the couple will feel satisfaction and happiness.

17. Taurus + Capricorn

Taurus and Capricorn are natural allies. Both love beautiful things, purposeful and stable. They are beautifully suitable for each other and can become a very happy and strong pair.

18. Scales + fish

This is one of the strong couples, which will be true to each other. They know how to empathize and always ready to support each other. This couple is good because when one lags behind, the other is ahead and ready to pull the partner. They do not supplement each other so much as they reflect their influence on each other.

19. Aquarius + Aquarius

Aquarius is perfectly soldered with their own sign. As a rule, they have a fairly high opinion about themselves and relationship with the same partner will benefit both. Both will mentally stimulate each other, and their romantic communication will be long thanks to constant spark.

20. Scorpio + Fish

When they say that the opposites are attracted, it can be considered to some extent to this pair. Scorpio is externally cold and restrained, it is difficult for him to trust and let others. They want to be leaders in relationships. Fish in turn is usually passive and show their emotions, giving scorpion all love. Although the confidence of Scorpio is difficult to win as soon as it happens, their union will be very strong, and both will be devoted to each other.

Happy and compatible couple on zodiac sign

21. Gemini + Sagittarius

This couple is able to hurt together in each other and will remember his love all his life. First, their relationships can be completely balanced and mutual, but over time, the Sagittarius will rely too much on the twins, and they in turn will be indignant and can stop relations. Even if they break up, both will respect each other.

22. Cancer + Scales

Cancer and scales get well with each other, and the only stumbling block will have a question of the time. Scales prefer to spend time with friends, while cancer avid Domossed. There is no strong chemistry here, but it means less tragic and more harmonious relationships.

23. Scorpio + Sagittarius

Both sign are stubborn enough and never stop fighting each other. Although both are strong personality, they will be able to be an excellent team and will always support each other. Problems in this pair will arise when one of them becomes too stubborn to apologize.

24. Gemini + Gemini

This couple may encounter problems from outside, as both are not very practical and inattentive to detail. However, their relationships can be full of happiness and joy, as both do not like to be too burdensome and can be themselves with a person who will not try to subjugate to themselves.

25. Scales + Aquarius

These partners will have a very strong mental connection. They can make friends with yoga classes or breakfast in a cafe. Their relationship will be lightweight, but serious enough, and both are happy with each other.

26. Scorpio + Aquarius

Scorpio may take a lot to your account and be very exhausted with respect to other people, while Aquarius may not pay attention to some little things. He can always give Scorpio necessary time Alone, so that he returned to him again. Aquarius will never tire their unnecessary attention, and they themselves require little, and Scorpio in turn can give them loyalty.

27. Lion + Virgo

Lion and Virgo can create happy and harmonious relationships if both emotionally mature and can evaluate strong and weak sides A friend, not to expect that the partner will look like them. Virgo will allow a lion to shine, which will have to do lion. Both will balancing each other and support the dreams and hopes of each.

28. Lion + Sagittarius

This is a beautiful couple who perfectly gets together and does not like drama. They understand and appreciate each other and prefer to do, and not speak. This is the ever-busy couple, which spends not so much time at home.

29. Scales + Sagittarius

This is a sociable couple who have many friends. They will try a lot of new things, engage in common matters and generally positively influence each other. In this case, the lack of intellectual and emotional communication can make the scales feel a little lonely.

30. Sagittarius + Aquarius

This is a good couple, as both partners are curious and love to explore the world. They will not hold each other and will be happy, embodying their ideas and studying the world together.

31. Cancer + Fish

Cancer and fish understand each other on basic levelBut they are so similar that it will sometimes be difficult together to work together. To both signs are best to be paired with a stronger partner, which is firmly on Earth, and not the same dreamer. Otherwise, they can be very happy and create a creative union.

32. Lion + Capricorn

Such a union is unlikely, but they can become a very strong pair. Lion and Capricorn love to be respected and appreciated, and both will protect their personal space and their reputation. None of them has a very hot-tempered character, and although Capricorn can be shy, as a rule, everything changes behind closed doors, and that's all you need.

33. Scales + Scales

Scales are the sign of the zodiac who gets very well with the same as they. Since valuables have an important role for them, a partner who has similar values \u200b\u200bis already the key to success. Together they can create very happy, harmonious and healthy relations, where everyone will support another emotionally, both will be devoted to each other and will help develop a partner.

34. Capricorn + Fish

This couple, most likely, will first be friends, where everyone will wait for the first step. But the relationship that began with friendship, as a rule, is very strong and long. These are the relationship when each partner enters the life of another when that tired of games and disappointments. In such a union, both will feel safe.

35. Cancer + Capricorn

For both, such relationships will be a certain difficulty at the beginning when they need to adjust their values, but they cannot be called incompatible. Capricorn will seem a slightly superficial cancer until he explains the cancer that love for good things is explained by the fact that they want to create a cozy home atmosphere. Above such purpose, both will be ready to work. Capricorn will appreciate the dedication of cancer, and both will benefit in this relationship.

36. Taurus + Virgo

The fact that many is called boring, for this pair will be perfect. These partners are on the same wave in relation to many things, starting with finances ending with whom they want to become in 5 years. They will support each other, and feel confident in such relationships.

37. Virgo + Fish

This is a combination of all parents for their children. These are practical, landed and productive relationships. They can not be called the most passionate couple, but their love will endure checking time. If they make their choice regarding each other, they will store our faithfulness.

38. Gemini + Lion

Gemini and Leo will be able to get much from life. They always build big plans and make each other laugh. The little things will not worry any of the partners, as both are essentially children in this pair. They will simply enjoy the presence of each other, passing the resentment by the ears.

39. Aries + Aquarius

Both partners in this union can talk for hours with each other, walking down until the morning. They are on the same level, and both have a lot of common interests that are delighted with them. They will be able to create a solid foundation for friendship where you can build relationships.

40. Virgo + Aquarius

Virgo can count the aquaus a little crazy first, but they can detect that they are not so incompatible. Aquarius, for example, despite all the insane ideas, not as mad, as twins, and may take care of themselves. This pair will spark, since both partners are a kind of exotic for each other.

41. Taurus + Taurus

For the Taurus, like anyone for anyone, values \u200b\u200bare important. The partner with the same values \u200b\u200b(dedication, constancy, comfort) helps start this relationship with the right note. Both know how to take care of each other, and they have durable base - Knowledge that you can completely trust your partner.

42. Aries + Aries

Two events have a good base for friendship and entertainment. They will challenge a partner a challenge and be able to interest each other. But in such a pair there will be a lack of equilibrium and depth, which would appear with those who complement them, and not like them.

43. Lion + Aquarius

Lion and Aquarius are perfect in the bedroom, where they are attracted by exciting and passionate relations. Outside the bedroom, however, they have little in common, but if they make an effort to learn each other better, they can create a solid alliance.

44. Virgo + Sagittarius

This is the attitude of the opposites where the strengths and weaknesses complement each other, but they are not so different to reduce each other's mind. Sagittarius will make a virgin to relax and have fun, and Virgo will watch the Sagittarius do not do nonsense.

45. Aries + lion

Aries and Lion are natural allies and wonderful friends. Both love to try a new one, go to the adventure, to amuse and throw a challenge to each other. All instagram subscribers will envy such a pair.

46. \u200b\u200bGemini + Aquarius

Both of these partners get better as friends, and not as lovers, but their relationship should be without interference. Both interesting personalities enthusiastic ideas. They can talk to each other without stopping and interest each other, so that their relationship will become more passionate.

47. Virgo + Scorpio

This is not the most best combination, but not the worst. The strength of such a union is that both will support each other. Both hardworking devoted to their work and purposeful. Relationships will not stand for them in the first place, but both partners will respect each other. After all, healthy relationships are not always the ones where you are constantly going to each other.

48. Cancer + Cancer

Cancer and cancer is a heavy combination. They can be perfectly soldered, and they can have a very deep relationship due to the fact that they perfectly understand each other. But in this pair there will be times when both are so immersed in emotions, which will not be a person who can soften the situation and look at everything easily. Both will want to get out and breathe fresh air.

49. Aries + Scales

This is the relationship of two interesting personalities, where every partner will become a challenge for another. However, if they find the basis, they will become such a force with which it is difficult not to be considered. It will be a very strong couple, with a large circle of friends they will adore.

50. Cancer + Virgo

In this pair, there is a potential for harmony, as both avoid conflicts and try to make a partner happy, substituting his shoulder to each other. Even if they have somewhere to lack chemistry, they will be able to make efforts to create good Soyuz. These active and sociable partners can put attitudes in the first place.

51. Virgo + Scales

Virgo and scales can be a stable pair where partners will make happy each other. Perhaps there will be a strong spark or permanent trips between them, but they will support each other and will not be annoyed to the partner. They value harmony and do not like conflicts for the sake of conflict. They can also communicate perfectly, making sure their partner is happy.

52. Taurus + Scales

In this pair, there may be a reason for jealousy, but the union may turn out if the scales will indulge the Taurus and assure it in the fact that it stands for them in the first place. First, the Taurus may seem that the scales are too showing, but as soon as they recognize their soft nature, they will conquer the heart of the Taurus. Weighs in turn will enjoy the solid framework that the Taurus provides.

53. Lion + Fish

In this pair, the lion will be a strong and stable partner, and the fish are more dependent. Since in the life of fish, much depends on how they feel, they need a partner who understands and is ready to take care of them. Where the fish will not have enough confidence, the lion will be the rock, next to which they will be squeezed by support. When fish will stumble, the lion will be strong. These relationships can be good if both partners take their part. However, problems will arise when the lion tires to be strong.

54. Cancer + Leo

Cancer may not like to play the role of a second violin for a lion, not because they want to be the center of attention, but because they can consider the vanity of the lion with unnatural and superficial. However, this does not represent such great problem In a relationship, after the partners have learned each other better. There is a potential for equilibrium, since signs are quite different to complement each other.

55. Cancer + Sagittarius

It is difficult to understand how these signs of the zodiac can come together, as they have different values \u200b\u200band personalities, but both are quite unfastened and avoid conflicts, so they will not often quarrel. If they can find a common language, it will be a light relationship, where the cancer will open the light side of her character, and the Sagittarius will become deeper.

56. Virgo + Virgo

Virgo gets good with another Virgin, but they are still better to find a partner who will complement them. With the same Virgin, they will lead a rather conservative lifestyle, instead of examining the world or try something new. However, they can very firmly set together together.

57. Gemini + Capricorn

Such a couple may turn out, even if they have no natural compatibility. Gemini will be able to pull Capricorn from their shell, and Capricorn will be able to clean up the twins so that they were able to show all the best in themselves. If both are patient with each other and can take the differences in the partner, they will be a beautiful pair.

58. Lion + Scorpio

In the relationship lion wants to be the center of attention, to which Scorpio is unlikely to agree. Although Scorpio knows how to defend its interests, both partners will fight for power in this relationship.

Complex and incompatible couples on the sign of the zodiac

59. Scorpio + Scorpio

Scorpio is the sign of the zodiac, which, how to anyone else need one who will complement it, and not copy. There is a reason why you will never hear from Scorpion: "I married / married my best friend." Scorpio will always keep the other in defense, and both will be not very comfortable to open each other to create a loving relationship.

This one of those ideal unions, which is capable of carrying love after years, provocations and tests, and remain the mounted elderly couple - a model of real love. Aries and Aquarius fit each other like puzzles. They equally feel peace, love freedom, adventure and know how to create novelty in relations. As a rule, the Union of these two characters is kept as much on love emotions as in a friendly mutual understanding and support. They do not bother each other, even if their relationships are in 24/7 format. Therefore, this union can often be found in one business space or in family business.

Aries + Sagittarius

This is not just a couple, but a "powder barrel" that explodes fireworks. They are filled with energy, adventurism, a childish enthusiasm union that can infect with his enthusiasm of all around. Many may seem that there are no romance in this relationship, and they simply agreed on the common interests of two dummy friends who can and shake, and to start a serious war against enemies. But this is a superficial vision. Aries and Sagittarius - Some of the few who manage to protect romantic relationship from the destructive life and habits. However, they rarely demonstrate to a curious world.

Taurus + Cancer

These two signs have a relationship with mathematical accuracy. But there is no place of mercantility and the calculation. Their "Formula of Love" is created by heart. This is a very psychologically delicate and weighted union. Cancer-Family and sensual sign, not inclined to verified strategies. With this, the Taurus, in turn, lacks lightness and romance. The combination of two opposites and gives rise to the perfect union in which signs complement each other. Unconditional support allows them to form a solid foundation for harmonious relationships.

Taurus + Capricorn.

The ideal relationship of the Taurus and Capricorn hold on a strong passion and physical attraction. It is very united, and their love, like a good wine, over the years only fastens and becomes an intolerable force. They are as confident in each other, that with pride demonstrate their love, without fear of envy and provocations. Such "chemistry" does not have any other zodiacal steam. But the relatives of them are not only. In order not to take place with their characters, and no matter how much their personality broke their personality, each of the couple is confident that he got a true treasure.

Taurus + Deva.

Taurus and Virgo are two terrestrial (and very landed) sign that the sky has created specially for each other. And even if something hurts them to make lovelines, they will become best friends. The Union of Virgin and Taurus is so practical, calm and balanced that it may seem to seem to be between them a mutually beneficial business contract is concluded, and not love. But this is an illusion. Both Virgo and Taurus consider love to be too intimate feeling, and they protect him from strangers, envy and gossip. Their attitude towards each other is very trembling and passionate, but they do not need witnesses with the "candle".

Gemini + Scales

These two air signs fully correspond to their elements and in the Union. They are above the "mundane", and both could not find happiness in low-lying feelings and primitive instincts. Their relationship is based on intelligence. The main erogenous zone of twins and scales sincerely consider the brain. Mind games excite the love in them is stronger than games of muscles or tempting forms. They rarely have misunderstandings and protracted conflicts. They know how to agree, and philosophical films can be removed on their intellectual clarification of relations.

Gemini + Aquarius

This couple is the most crazy zodiac coincidence. But their recklessness has a very positive color. They are Yin and Yang, the beginning and completeness, puzzles that always find each other. These two characters have more often, love happens at first glance. Couple does not spend precious time at courtship. They are so well known about each other, everything allows you to open the world together. Not the last role in their ideal alliance plays freedom and inherent in both signs. They know how to give each other confidence freedom, because they know that more perfect couple No one from them find.

Cancer + Scorpio

This pair has one for two. How it can beat in unison - a mystery for many. Two too diverse emotional and sensual man, according to the majority, should not fall in the Unified Union. But no! Perfectly converge. Scorpio is very carefully related to the injection of cancer nature, which is endowed with the talent harmonize the passionate nature of the scorpion. Their union is combined on the deepest levels, which is not given to everyone. This couple knows how to feel each other at a distance and understand without words.

Cancer + Fish

About this pair say - "soul in the soul", and unfamiliar people Often they are called brother and sister, so together lived years they make their looks, in habit and preferences. The union of these two watermarks is kept on intuitive perception of each other. The wife rarely asks her husband, so that he wanted today to dinner, and the husband - what decoration will make her happy. But not only their material tastes are similar. The sexual area of \u200b\u200bthis couple is in full harmony. They are aimed at the pleasure of a partner, know how to turn sex into art, giving aesthetics with erotic games.

Lion + Sagittarius

These signs of one element have a common nature - a fire that in the Unified Union forms a real fire. However, this is exactly the case when burning characters only strengthen relations. By their strength, they are able to feed each other, help and help out of the most difficult situation. But the lion and the Sagittarius are absolute not like-minded. Friends or accomplices. Each of them has its own area of \u200b\u200binterest, respecting the partner's hobbies. Such unconditional mutual understanding melts the hearts of even the most adamant skeptics.

Fish + Scorpio

There is a real karmic connection between these signs. Their acquaintance looks like an agreement that has occurred long before birth. The union of this couple, truly, was concluded in heaven, and on Earth they simply play relationships that are carefully rehearsed in previous lives. Their love is strong and goes smoothly. But even if the relationship of these two signs does not end in marriage, they still go through life together on other roles. Love between fish and scorpion is always based on intuition. And how otherwise, if their union is a meant sky?

Incredible facts

Every sign of the zodiac has their own strengthsBut they multiply many times when they find themselves next to the appropriate partner.

One of the first signs on which the compatibility of the pair in astrology is judged, the related elements of the signs of the zodiac are.

However, there are other parameters. Not always the signs of the zodiac of one element are better to get along with each other, and not always directly opposite signs will not find each other with a different language.

To better learn about the compatibility of a particular pair, best to turn to professional astrologer .

Nevertheless, there are zodiac couples that are distinguished by a special force and passion.

1. Aries and scales

Aries has strong leadership maps, it can be aggressive and increasing. These qualities are reflected in both professional and personal life.

Aries prefer to take leading role in relationshipand can control partners.

Aries hates manipulation and deception and prefer that you be extremely honest with him.

In an intimate plan - these are very passionate partners and a good pair for them would be lions and scorpions that correspond to the same level of sexuality.

but the best partner for deep relationships will be scales. Aries attracts fair and balanced scales.

The need for weights in emotional communication and the ability to maintain craving for adventure is perfectly complemented by the ability of Aries to control.

When they together, they become very energetic and strong pair.

2. Taurus and Virgo

A reliable and landed caller will most likely be a domico, which most appreciates the time spent with the family. He is also adherent traditionsAnd you can always rely on it.

For the Taurus, making love has more importance than just a physical act.

Taurus most compatible with the virgin, which also appreciates family life . Between them will also be good intimate relationsSince Virgo in the same extent gives preference to the sensual side of sex.

Sometimes, especially for calves with a proprietary vest, Scorpio can become a good pair.

3. Gemini and Sagittarius

Merry and carefree twins can talk anyone and will not let you be bored for a minute. However, the twin wrinkled nature prevents them from putting permanent relationships. Most twins do not like commitmentsAnd as soon as they feel that the case takes a serious turn, start to retreat.

Gemini are looking for a partner specification and wit. They need one who will not be strongly tied to themselves, and who will divide their sense of humor.

Smart and society Sagittarius quickly attract the attention of twins. Their impulsive characters complement each other and allow both blooming in relationships. When both of these signs are combined, they feel happy and protected.

Practical Capricorn is the most inappropriate pair for twins.

4. Cancer and Taurus

Cracks are some of the most responsive and Spring People From the whole zodiac. Samoa distinctive feature Cancer is his ability to empathize. Very often they simply cannot refuse to others.

In addition, they rarely seek relationships for one night. For cancer, relationships are very important, and they dream of deep and meaningful connection With a close man.

A good pair for cancer will be the Taurus who appreciates an emotional connection. Both love to sit at home and watch movies or build a love nest.

Craks usually take everything close to heart, and any careless statement can offend them.

5. Lion and Aries

Lions are quite noticeable personalities. They are always the center of attentionThey have a lot of fans, and they can always disarm you with their smile.

They strive to be the best in everything. Lions are very attentive lovers while you appreciate their efforts.

They love luxury, but ready to give gifts themselves.

Lions very much caress their pride and rarely recognize their mistakes.

The most suitable partners for them will be Aries, which are characterized by the same passion. Although both of these signs can raise the loudest quarrels, they will also grand will demonstrate their love to each other.

Many lions with difficulty tolerate the scorpion company, and in this pair both refuse to recognize each other's strength.

6. Virgo and Scorpio

The most organized zodiac sign is happy, when everything is in its places, and all the works are made. Virgin are the same perfectionists And in his personal life, which can give deplorable results.

They are too critical about the disadvantages of the partner and constantly try to fix something in it. However, when Virgo finds itself in a permanent relationship, the partner will be for them in the list of priorities.

Virgo can be very attentive in relationships, they give great importance Intimate side of life and know how to create a romantic atmosphere.

Passionate Scorpio is perfect for Virgin, which will also seek deep emotional communications. In addition, the well-organized nativity of the virgin will help balance the active scorpion, and the Scorpio in turn will help to open a restrained Virgin.

The worst pair for them will be a shooter who will be too windy for them.

7. Scales and twins

Scales are usually the first to try to resolve the conflict and help others come to a compromise. They are known by their sense of tact and are inborn diplomats.

They seek to communicate with other people and are actively looking for a relationship, as they face loneliness.

Lonely scales are immersed in longing and boredom while someone does not make them a company. They appreciate intellectual compatibility no less physical, and will not seek relationships only from carnal motives.

Scales and twins are a happy union. Both perfectly communicate and stimulate each other intellectually. Stable scales also help the shavy twins go down to the ground and look into the eyes of reality.

Scales rarely get along with the devies. They consider them boring and devoid of imagination.

8. Scorpio and Pisces

Scorpions seem impregnable and inseparable, but inside they are incredible sensitive, and crave love and attention.

Everything that scorpion does, he does it with passion. When some idea comes to them, they completely concentrate on it and do not notice everything that is going around around them.

It is also one of the most mustient Zodiac signs. Scorpio will remember how they were offended in junior classes and is able to enter the place of revenge for many years.

In relations, they prefer to dominate, can be a bit aggressive and very passionate.

There are certain things that help you understand someone better: Favorite food, favorite films, stories from childhood, and so on. But information about your astrological compatibility Much deeper than any of these things. In fact, it is possible to find out how much a certain person suits you, if you know the date of birth. Having studied the information presented below, it will be easier for you to decide whether your relationship has your relationship or not.

Scales and Lev.

Representatives of these signs love to complement each other, these are indispensable interlocutors. They both love social meetings, and also adore romantics and complement each other in an intimate plan. They both feel free in this relationship, are not afraid to show feelings. The lion requires attention, and the scales will be constantly and with pleasure to flatter this ego.

Aries and Aquarius

Such tandem is never bored together! These relationships will be delicious and complete adventures! They love each other, but also love their freedom. These two can be a very creative pair, and mutual admiration only warms the relationship.

Aries and cancer

Aries dare and desperately independent, he confident and smart, he has a head on his shoulders. Cancer will attract such energy, he will gladly take challenges, and will also help the Aries to show all his positive traits. Aries can teach cancer how to become independent.

Fish and Aries

These two are great fit each other, as they are both romance in the depths of the soul, which will carry sincere love through the years. These feelings will stimulate them to become better. Fish will be more sensitive, their reliability will help them go through a long way in relationships. Aries is an initiative leader, but he will not follow the fish without hesitation. He will also take on the role of defender.

Taurus and cancer

Representatives of these signs have complete mutual understanding with each other. Cancer is loyal and gentle, it provides strong emotional support. They are both in the house and family, stability, but also never refuse to relax in a good company. In addition, these are unsurpassed gourmets! In the end, a joint pastime in the kitchen is the key to understanding.

Taurus and Capricorn

These two respect and love each other, they have almost a telepathic understanding. Tales will admire the work ethics of a partner, strong ambitions and a fun character, while Capricorn will be grateful to someone else's sensible thought. Fortunately, these practical signs are, so to speak, on the same wave, they have a lot in common.

Sagittarius and Aries

Sagittarius - an adventure master who adores his freedom, always the next call of his heart. Aries is also a person who cannot live without adventure and cheerful communication, so that these two will rest everywhere together, and they will never get bored. They are also not instigated conflicts, these relationships are full of joy, there is no place for drama!

Cancer and fish

These characters have a natural spiritual connection. Fish will easily provide harmony, the couple intuitively understands each other. They both deeply sentimental and gentle, are well brought up and calm. And since in this relationship the need number 1 is love and calm, probably a couple together for a long time!

Lion and Sagittarius

They are both optimistic and generous, they also love parties very much! Both are a bit impulsive, but will it prevent common sense in the relationship? The lion may be a bit stubborn, but his partner will help find those solutions that are not visible at first glance. Sagittarius will love to the end, and lion flatters, he appreciates the lack of jealousy from the Sagittarius.

Virgo and Capricorn.

Virgo thoughtfully, calm, vulnerable, but she tries to hide it in every way. It is very difficult to get the key from her heart, but it looks like unlocking the code. Once upon reading it, you will always own them. Capricorn will pull out a virgin from his "sink", he is not afraid of her mysterious nature. As soon as the Virgo opens, Capricorn will begin to attract even more to it.

Lion and twins

This cheerful duet loves adventure! The lion appreciates loyalty, it is a strong and sufficiently decisive partner, while the twins are kind and focused on making others feel loved. They value the practicality of the lion, consider it attractive.

Aquarius and twins

These two signs will go through life together, overcome the ups and downs. Gemini simply adore fantasies, and the creative Aquarius is filled with them! Both of these signs enjoy their independence, so they understand the needs of each other, and no one will cling. Gemini supported vigor in relationships, and Aquarius is calm.

Scorpio and Lev.

It can be a kind of tense relationship. Scorpio may be mounted and jealous, with acute tongue. But the lion will eat this passion, wish her with all his heart. They both are very loyal, but also very decisive, so if they can work on their relationship, the fireworks will be more than explosive.

Gemini and scales

These signs can be said, intellectual relations, but they also love sex. Relationships will be healthy and durable with these signs. They both appreciate beauty (scales - in art, twins - in ideas). Scales that value harmony more than all of us will not encourage the love of twins to disputes will create peace of mind.

Cancer and fish

Both sign belong to the element of water, which makes them incredibly compatible. Fish love harmonious relationships, and when they are connected to cancer, which is intuitive and raised, their connection becomes unreasonable. They both follow the call of the heart, so they understand each other without words.

Perhaps you are the happiest!

Previously, the question "Who are you on the sign of the zodiac?" He was a stupid cliché and a bright phrase for a pickup, which never brings, writes URBO.

This is because the overall wisdom was that those who were born under certain star signs are more compatible with others.

Now this theory is mentioned less often, but the relevance did not lose, so we still picked up a list of the best couples.

These are the most combinations of zodiac signs for long and happy relationships:

Scorpio and cancer.

This passionate pair will create a balance between hard work and adventures. Scorpio will bring true loyalty to your life that cancer will be able to appreciate. Cancer will save emotions in relations and unpredictability.

Beware of some scorpions that may try to select what you own belong to you. When scorpions are "bad" tactics, they do not pay attention to how much your life works.

Some of the more dangerous scorpions can try to steal your partner, only to prove that they can!

Aries and twins.

This is another balanced steam. While Aries will demonstrate his dedication, the twins will be pretended to make the right decisions.

However, to get to the altar, you will have to work on the problems that pursue your signs. Sometimes Aries can be very impatient, it is worth paying attention to it.

Gemini sometimes pulls for a long time, which increases the impatience of Aries. If you are twins, turn on the "patience and determination" mode, and your novel will become incredible.

Sagittarius and lion.

These two were created for each other. Each of them can be a bit hot-tempered and reckless, but both of them are prone to positivity and kindness.

These mirror individuals can really eat apart. Real fire It can flared up between these two hot signs (but it can be good, especially in the bedroom).

Relations can threaten the habit of Sagittarius not to see potential problems, until it was too late, and the lean is inclined to include the power "boss". Stay open and you will always be together.

Scales and Aries.

By the way about strong pairs! This tandem unites diplomacy and leadership. Both of these signs will work together, and can rely on the achievement of high personal, social and professional goals.

However, those who were born under the sign of Aries are not the best in planning. Do not let your impulsive threaten relationships with weights.

As for the scales, you follow your natural tendency to coquetry. Do not force the ravines to jealous.

Fish and scorpion.

Fish and scorpion go together as "Yin" and "Yang." While the fish can cool the relationship with restrained and sometimes ingenious behavior manners, Scorpio will give them tensions and passion. When these two are going together, they will definitely find a common language.

On the other hand, such a situation may occur, in which scorpions too much control the life of fish. Be careful, well explore your partner. The strategy is never excess.

Virgo and Aquarius.

Clean bliss watch this pair. Aquarius will constantly bring new ideas, and Virgo - analyze, reflect on small detailsAs long as their partner proceeds to the next big idea.

These two complement each other in that when Aquarius suddenly wants to be alone, Virgo can fully immerse themselves in his thoughts.

Your main obstacle in relationships is the love of Aquarius to experiments and critical, the perfectionist nature of the Virgin. Learn to cooperate, and romance in the relationship is provided.

Aries and Capricorn.

This is another powerful pair; Both are ambitious and active, each of them brings their leadership style, helping each other to keep the Egor Ear.

Regardless of whether they want to arrange a party or conquer the world, if they decide to do it together, they will do it!

These amazing relationships may prevent periodic pessimistic reflections of Capricorn. If you are Aries, you just need to encourage your partner so that he continues to move back and up!

Fish and cancer.

Fish and Cancer Dress Passionate Couple. Cancer brings a new, romantic perspective, and fish will absorb her, respecting every gesture from his partner.

To get the most out of these relationships, fish will have to overcome the habit of keeping secrets from their second half.

Cancer must remember that it is not necessary to respond too much to complex situations. Learn to quietly solve problems together and your way to happy life It will be easier than you think.

Gemini and Virgo.

This pair is really good together. They together see all sides of the problem, which means they can break through all sorts of obstacles.

By combining your strength, they will be able to achieve incredible success.

When this couple arises a dispute, they can say a lot of superfluous, turning a minor conflict into a serious battle threatening relationships. Learn to exhale and settle everything in a peaceful way.

Capricorn and Aquarius.

This pair is an excellent combination of leader and thinker. One is developing a plan, while another actively implements it.

Unfortunately, the Capricorn and Aquarius are both a little depressive. Here's how to deal with it: you can work together, relying on your own experience to help your partner get out of the gloomy state.

Discuss your plans when you both in good moodTo be ready to meet with depression fulfill.

Taurus and Virgo.

This is one of the most stable, long-term steam. Taurus - delightful domestic manWho would rather prefer to spend the evening with Netflix and a loved one in the club. Virgo also prefers a quiet life.

This force is also their greatest potential weakness. Permanent intimacy can make you forget what it means to go out into the light, make new friends.

And when you finally decide to change a bit, one of the most unsuccessful qualities of Taurus can get out to the outside: a tendency to jealousy.

Sagittarius and Taurus.

Everyone knows that people born under the sign of Sagittarius love travel, adventure and freedom. Meanwhile, most people born under the sign of Taurus prefer comfort and silence. How can these two be an excellent pair, you ask?

This is a para-exception. Of all combinations of the zodiac signs, the connection between Sagittarius and Taurus is the most powerful.

Task Taurus - Give Full Freedom, in which it needs. Sagittarians need to remember how important it is the partner, and be grateful for such excellent relations.

Do not let sudden whim make you forget about who are next to you and that you have passed together.

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