Encyclopedia of fire safety

The composition of the adhesive for laying aerated concrete blocks. Overview of adhesive mixtures for laying aerated concrete blocks. Pros and cons of glue

The adhesive can be used for laying gas silicate or aerated concrete blocks, as well as facing facade bricks or products made of foam silicate or gas silicate. In addition, it can be used to level both vertical and horizontal surfaces.

The main distinguishing feature of the adhesive is its economical consumption. With its help, you can make seams with a thickness of 2 mm. It is recommended to use glue at air temperature not lower than -15°C.

The main components of the adhesive "Standard" are:

  • cement;
  • cleaned sand;
  • mineral and organic plasticizers from European manufacturers.

The "Warm" glue, in addition to the above components, includes a foamed insulation.

Surface preparation

Before using the adhesive for gas silicate blocks, buy b which is profitable you can with us, work surface should be prepared. Remove soot, old paint, grease and pollution. Irregularities align with plaster or glue solution. smooth surface should be sanded sandpaper or abrasive mesh.

How to prepare a solution?

The preparation of the solution consists of several stages:

  • pour water into a bucket;
  • gradually add the dry mixture in small portions and mix until smooth;
  • when the solution is the desired consistency, leave it for 5 minutes;
  • mix again and get to work.

The prepared solution will begin to set after 1.5 hours, during which time it must be used.

If the air temperature has reached -15°C, use frost-resistant glue, which includes special additives.

Specifications of QUICK BLOCK Adhesive:

The proportions of water per 1 kg of the mixture 0.21 -0.24 liters
Thermal conductivity adhesive solution at the age of 28 days: Standard; Warm with perlite 0.28-0.33; 0.20-0.22 W/(m*°С)
Consumption of the finished mortar at: 2mm - 3mm - 4mm thickness of the masonry layer 5 - 10 - 15kg per 1m2
Solution open time 25 minutes
Adhesion to concrete 0.5 MPa
Strength at the age of 28 days 15 MPa (M150)
Solution preparation temperature from +5 С to +30 С
Base temperature from -20 С to +25 С
Temperature resistance from -25 С to +35 С
Hardening time 24 hours
Grouting after 24 hours
Min. mortar layer thickness 2 mm
Maksim. mortar layer thickness 15 mm
Viability of the solution after diluting the solution 4 hours
Correction after laying the block at least 10 minutes
Frost resistance 150 cycles
Shelf life from date of manufacture (in original packaging) 6 months


Glue for gas silicate blocks, the prices for which we will pleasantly please you, has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • resistant to moisture and frost;
  • high adhesion;
  • low thermal conductivity, due to which "cold bridges" are not formed;
  • economical consumption;
  • easy to apply.

The position of the blocks during laying can be changed within 10-15 minutes.

Where to buy glue for gas silicate blocks

It is profitable to purchase glue for laying gas silicate blocks from us. All batches of glue have a quality certificate. You can place an order by contacting the manager by phone.

Distinctive properties of QUICK BLOCK glue:

– high adhesiveness,

– high plasticity,

- moisture resistance,

- frost resistance,

- setting time of the solution - 3-4 hours,

- time to correct the position of the block - 10-15 minutes.

Place of application of glue for gas silicate blocks:

There are only two of them:

- the horizontal surface of the already laid bottom row,

- the vertical part of the previous stacked block.

When the next row of masonry comes to an end, there is a need for an incomplete (cut from a whole) block. Its size is determined by measurement in place. The sawn additional block is smeared with glue on both sides and installed in the remaining space for it.

Features of laying on glue for gas silicate blocks:

Only the second row of foam concrete blocks is placed on the foam concrete adhesive. The first row is a must cement mortar in order to somehow smooth out the remaining irregularities of the base (foundation).

If foam concrete blocks are laid in one row, then the use of foam concrete glue is mandatory for their laying. Moreover, it has the same density as foam concrete. Laying foam concrete and gas silicate parts on a conventional cement mortar having a density of about 2000 kg / sq. see, you will get the so-called "cold bridges" in the form of masonry joints. The consequence of which will be a general decrease in the thermal conductivity of the wall during operation. Therefore, experts who are already in practice using glue for gas silicate, foam concrete, argue that more practical option laying blocks - in two rows, 20 cm each.

Harmless Tips:

1) Choose solutions that your builders know how to work with or you can handle yourself. The more expensive the mixture, the more professionalism is required. good solution you need to be able to put it thinly (!) (otherwise glue for gas silicate will cost you a pretty penny, and it is not designed for thick seams: it can crack and burst). And this will require skill, dexterity and an even gas silicate or foam concrete block! If any of the above is missing, then use a simple cement-sand mortar. But let's not consider the worst case...

2) It is necessary to put on glue for gas silicate blocks (that's right!), But it's not always possible. The reason lies in the lack of specialists who are able to provide a layer of glue of 2-3 mm, with the appropriate quality of the foam block, where the geometric dimensions do not deviate by more than 1 mm. The experience of our clients says that not every qualified bricklayer is able to perform such masonry. Therefore, when hiring a job, immediately stipulate this condition.

3) Highly qualified masons will not offer you laying on cement mortar.

A few words about saving...

Save on the solution will not work. The cement, sand, water plus lime or plasticizer included in its composition, if necessary, are reflected in the total amount of funds spent. And if we also take into account the cost of work, then the amount will increase at least 2 times.

Ordinary cement mortar will not differ much in density either. Glue density - 1400, cement mortar - 1700.

Seam when laying on glue when deflected foam concrete block geometry per 1 mm is 2-3 mm. If you use a solution, then the seams will be 6-8 mm. Here also consider.


On a previously prepared surface, apply a layer of mortar with a trowel (smooth grater), and then level with a notched trowel. The gas silicate block is laid no later than 20 minutes after applying the adhesive to the surface. It is possible to correct the position of the gas silicate block within 10 minutes after laying. Drying time at base and air temperature from -20 to +25 C is achieved within 1-2 days, and full strength after 3 days.

Glue for gas silicate blocks has thermal insulation properties, high adhesion, strength, plasticity, is easy to mix and apply, which makes

Before choosing an adhesive for gas silicate blocks, let's figure out what is what. its convenient to use. However, a number of obvious advantages are combined with insufficient adhesive spread.

Cellular concrete is a whole group of materials with similar properties. In fact, this is foamed concrete, and scientifically - inside the material (concrete) there are evenly distributed pore cells that provide improved physical and mechanical properties of the concrete itself.

Both foam concrete and gas silicate belong to the group of cellular concrete. Only one is activated by gas and then hardened with the help of an autoclave, and the other - with a foaming agent and without an autoclave. The difference itself lies in the technology of creating "cellularity".

Therefore, first you need to decide what you will glue.

Foam concrete blocks - a material for building walls, consisting of cement, sand and foaming agents. It is produced by methods of foam mineralization or solution porization with subsequent heat treatment. It is mounted both on sand-cement mortar and on special adhesives for foam concrete. Scope - erection of walls of houses, partitions, laying of apertures in monolithic housing construction.

Unlike aerated concrete, the composition of the mixture from which gas silicate blocks (gas blocks) are produced does not include cement or is included, but in very small quantities. This technology is very well developed, so the production of building parts from gas silicate is widely developed in the world. Like aerated concrete, gas silicate blocks "breathe" like brick or wood. Buildings built from them are easier to heat, since the heat resistance of aerated concrete (gas silicate) is much higher than that of bricks.

Gas silicate is 2-3 times warmer and stronger than foam concrete and has a different geometry. Gas silicate blocks are a building material consisting of sand, foaming agents and a silicate binder component. Differ in high vapor permeability that promotes creation of a comfortable microclimate indoors. Produced using the same technology as foam concrete. Mounted with glue. Scope - construction of partitions and not bearing walls.

How to prepare glue for gas silicate blocks?

Glue for gas silicate blocks mixes up with water the mixer, a special nozzle on a drill. The greater the power of the drill, the better the mixture will be mixed. Any water will do, taking into account the consumption: approximately 200 liters per 1 m³ of foam concrete or gas silicate.

So, in a container for preparing glue (preferably a plastic bucket), pour the amount of water indicated on the bag with a dry mixture. With constant stirring, gradually add the dry mixture. 10-15 minutes after dissolution, re-mix the solution. During the production process, periodically mix the solution to maintain its consistency.

There is no universal recipe for making the right adhesive for gas silicate blocks. Each brand and each manufacturer has its own. Before buying, it is important to remember that the quality of the prepared adhesive for gas silicate blocks directly depends on the amount of water that you add to the solution.


Finally, you need to remember about external factors that can play an important role in the fate of your construction undertaking. In particular, we are talking about the humidity and temperature of the air in the room. So, lowering the air temperature in the room can lead to an increase in the setting time of the adhesive for gas silicate. And vice versa, heat drastically reduces the setting time. In addition, it is because of it that shrinkage cracks can occur. In very wet rooms drying of dry mixtures is significantly slowed down. And in too dry, due to the high drying rate, microcracks that are not noticeable to the eye may occur. If you do not need an extra headache, monitor the air temperature and humidity in the rooms.

Gas silicate blocks are one of the most popular on modern market building materials. The houses built from them are characterized by durability, attractive appearance and excellent performance. But, of course, it is possible to build high-quality walls from such blocks only if right choice bonding mixture. In our time, there are several types of such a product as glue for gas silicate blocks on the market. The consumption per 1 m3 of these funds can vary significantly.

Solution or glue?

Sometimes gas silicate blocks are laid simply on. However, this method of building walls is used only in extreme cases. The advantage of gas silicate blocks is, first of all, that they are able to perfectly retain heat indoors. According to this indicator, such blocks are not inferior even to popular wood. Associated low thermal conductivity gas silicate material primarily with its porous structure.

When using a conventional cement mortar in the masonry of such blocks, And this, in turn, nullifies the main advantage of the gas silicate.

When using adhesives building blocks of this variety are stacked using a special technology. The fastening agent is applied to the rows and between separate elements very thin layer. As a result, no cold bridges appear in the masonry. Sometimes such mixtures are applied in a rather thick layer. But in this case, their composition necessarily includes special additives that increase their heat-preserving qualities.

Modern adhesive for gas silicate blocks: consumption per 1m3

The funds intended for laying gas silicate blocks are, in most cases, relatively inexpensive. But, of course, before buying such a composition, you should definitely calculate its required amount. Consumption for adhesives for gas silicate blocks different brands can be very different. Some adhesives are applied in masonry with a layer of 5-6 mm, others - 1-3 mm. The manufacturer usually indicates the permissible thickness on the packaging. Also in the instructions, in most cases, there is information about the estimated consumption per 1 m 3 of masonry.

To do everything necessary calculations, thus, if necessary, it will not be difficult at all. In order to find out right amount mixture, you must first calculate the total volume of masonry. To do this, you just have to multiply and the thickness of each wall, and then add the results.

In most cases, the consumption of glue for gas silicate blocks, according to manufacturers, is 15-30 kg per 1 m 3. That is, for a cubic meter of masonry, the master should take about one bag of the mixture. However, unfortunately, manufacturers usually slightly underestimate the consumption of sold formulations. In fact, most often when laying 1 m 3 it takes 1.5 bags of the mixture.

Characteristics of adhesives for gas silicate blocks

The basis of such compositions is very often the same cement mixture. However, in the manufacture of adhesives of this variety, manufacturers usually add to them, in addition to standard components, special substances that increase their plasticity, moisture resistance and frost resistance. Also, a solution for gas silicate blocks often includes additives designed to improve heat-retaining qualities.

These are, in most cases, dry mixes packaged in bags. The preparation of glue from them is done simply by adding water in the right quantities.

Thus, ease of use is what, among other things, distinguishes the adhesive for gas silicate blocks. The prices for such compositions are usually not too high and are quite comparable with the cost of a standard concrete solution.

Types of adhesive for gas silicate blocks

All compositions currently sold on the market intended for laying this material are divided into several varieties:

    adhesives used for the construction of partitions and walls inside the building;

    compositions intended for laying outside;

    universal mixtures, which can be used both indoors and outdoors;

    mixtures with increased speed solidification;

    construction adhesive intended for laying the enclosing structures of those buildings that will subsequently be operated in conditions of high humidity.

    Glue manufacturers

    Of course, when choosing the composition most suitable for laying walls from gas silicate blocks, one should pay attention not only to its specific purpose, but also to the brand of the manufacturer. Today, many companies supply similar mixtures to the domestic market. The most popular brands of adhesives among Russian developers are:

      Eunice Uniblock.

      "Founding Selform".


      "Etalon Teplit".

    Compositions "Unix" for cellular concrete

    The laying of gas silicate blocks on the glue of this brand can be done both indoors and outdoors. It is also allowed to use "Unix" for sealing chips in cellular concrete. It is possible to correct the position of the blocks when using this composition within 10-15 minutes. The advantages of Unix glue, consumers include, among other things, the fact that it differs in heat-preserving qualities almost the same as themselves

    Also, the advantage of such mixtures is resistance to moisture and very low temperatures. According to the manufacturer, "Unix Uniblock" is an absolutely environmentally friendly product. The recommended layer of its application is 5-10 mm.

    Another undoubted advantage of adhesives of this brand is their availability. You can buy "Unix Uniblock", unlike mixtures of many other manufacturers, in almost any building materials store.

    Blend "Found Selform"

    This summer glue is made on the basis of cement-sand mixture. He also earned relatively good reviews from consumers. Its undoubted advantages, among other things, include low cost with good performance characteristics. In order to give the adhesive the appropriate properties, the manufacturer adds special substances to it that increase its heat-preserving qualities.

    The thickness of the masonry joint when using the Osnovit Selform mixture can be 2 mm. The advantages of this glue include the fact that it is able to penetrate into the smallest recesses and irregularities of the blocks, which, in turn, increases the adhesion strength. It also has one more unconditional advantage of this adhesive for gas silicate blocks. Consumption per 1 m3 of it is only about 25 kg.

    Means Ytong

    Adhesives of this brand are quite expensive. But they also have excellent features. It is possible to impose Ytong on blocks with a layer of only 1 mm. Therefore, its consumption is very small. The composition of the mixtures of this brand, in addition to cement, includes polymers, mineral additives and special substances that give it plasticity. Among the advantages of Ytong adhesives, consumers include, among other things, their ability to quickly set. Also, the advantage of mixtures of this brand is a high degree of frost resistance. Such adhesives can also be used in the construction of enclosing structures in winter time of the year.

    Mixtures "Etalon Teplit"

    Like Unix, such formulations are found on sale quite often. The advantages of winter glue "Etalon Teplit" consumers attribute primarily a high degree of its plasticity. Being applied to gas silicate, this composition does not exfoliate and does not spread. You can store this glue after preparation without loss of quality for several hours. At the same time, in masonry, it seizes literally in 10-15 minutes.

    Reducing the cost of construction is also what this gas silicate block adhesive is valued for. Consumption per 1 m3 of it is only 25-30 kg.

    Means "Prestige"

    It is also a very high quality mixture, which can be used both in the warm season and in the cold. The undoubted advantages of these compositions, consumers include primarily a high degree of plasticity and reliability. Viability glue "Prestige" keeps within 3 hours. It can be applied to blocks with a layer of 3-6 mm thick. The set mixture reaches its full strength after three days.

    Glue for gas silicate blocks: prices for products from different manufacturers

    The cost of compositions intended for laying gas silicate blocks may depend not only on the brand, but also on the supplier. The price of Unix glue is, for example, 240-260 rubles. per bag 25 kg. For the same amount of "Founding Selform" funds, you will need to pay about 200-220 rubles. Ytong glue costs about 310-330 rubles, and "Etalon Teplit" - 170-200 rubles. For a bag of 25 kg "Prestige" you will have to pay only 130-150 rubles.

As practice has shown recent years, the use of dry building mixes in most construction and repair work much more economical than using a conventional solution. So, with the help of glue for foam concrete, you can not only perform masonry much faster and better than before, but also save money at the same time. After all, the consumption of glue for gas silicate blocks is several times less than that of a conventional mortar.

The company "Osnova" offers glue for gas silicate blocks own production V a wide range. The use of modern equipment and advanced technologies allows us to produce world-class products that have passed all the necessary checks and have the appropriate certificates.

At the same time, we offer to buy high-quality foam concrete adhesive, the price of which is noticeably lower than the average market price.

Advantages of using glue for gas silicate (aerated concrete) blocks

The use of a special adhesive for foam concrete is almost always more profitable than a conventional cement-sand mixture, for the following reasons:

  • glue has better adhesion, which helps to increase the strength of the structure;
  • it is easy and convenient to work with him;
  • adhesive for foam concrete has an optimal setting time;
  • has high frost resistance and moisture resistance;
  • consumption of glue for gas silicate blocks is several times less than cement mortar;
  • the adhesive is resistant to temperature fluctuations and tolerates both high and low temperatures equally well;
  • the level of thermal insulation of the building is increased.

Calculation of glue consumption for aerated concrete blocks

Before starting work, it is desirable to calculate the number necessary materials to estimate the approximate cost of construction. Having a house plan, it is easy to determine how many blocks you need, since their geometric dimensions are well known. But how in this case to calculate the consumption of glue for gas silicate blocks?

In fact, everything here is quite simple. The consumption of glue, as a rule, is 15-20 kg per cubic meter of masonry, if the thickness of the adhesive layer is the recommended 2 mm. Therefore, knowing the number of cubic meters of block required for construction, it is not difficult to calculate how much foam concrete glue you need to purchase.

The building materials market is now developing rapidly, constantly replenishing with new and new commercial products. Each of them has its own characteristics, improved quality and improved structure. So, for example, if earlier the walls of the house were built of bricks laid on a heavy cement mortar, and created huge loads on the foundation, now everything is different. From lightweight block elements, you can build a durable dwelling by gluing them together with an adhesive solution. This article will tell you about what constitutes glue for laying gas silicate blocks or other types of block structures.

Types of blocks used

The construction of a new architectural object invariably entails the choice of the necessary building materials. For a long period of time, brick remained the main element of construction, but now it is used less and less. main reason this becomes the complexity of laying bricks. In addition, the price of ceramic analogues of bricks is significantly higher compared to the cost of glue for foam blocks.

Building blocks, presented in a wide variety on the construction market, have become a worthy replacement for brick today. Their main varieties are as follows:

  1. Expanded clay blocks. The material has several advantages. It successfully combines qualities such as high strength and low weight. The use of blocks implies a small waste of time to create a solid masonry. Expanded clay concrete block elements allow you to build buildings up to 3 floors high manually, without the use of special equipment.
  2. concrete blocks. In the construction of residential buildings, this material is rarely used, since it is characterized by poor thermal insulation properties. However, their frost resistance and strength allow builders to use the material for the construction of buildings of economic importance.
  3. gas silicate blocks. In the construction environment, they are also known as cellular concrete. The advantage of their use is due to significant cost savings. The small dimensions of the gas silicate block save usable space.
  4. Polystyrene concrete blocks. When they are created, a special substance is added to the usual concrete solution, which helps to make the material frost-resistant, has good sound-proofing properties, and is durable. The low price of polystyrene concrete blocks makes the final cost of construction low. Polystyrene concrete blocks are used both in private and industrial construction.
  5. Foam concrete blocks. When conducting construction using foam concrete blocks, there is no need to use special equipment if the height of the building does not exceed 3 floors. Foam concrete blocks find their application in the construction of cottages. Their main advantages include environmental safety.

Types of glue for laying blocks

Adhesive for foam concrete and other types of block structures is gaining popularity year after year. IN construction industry it is used more and more often, and the demand for the material is due to many undeniable advantages. First of all, of course, there is a reduction in labor costs, because there is no need to knead the mortar based on cement, strictly observe the proportionality of the components, etc. And the question of how to calculate the amount of glue for foam blocks is solved faster and easier.

the basis of any adhesive composition is a cement-sand mixture, as well as a variety of polymer additives, which have the properties of structure formation, moisture retention and plasticization. It is not possible to prepare such a solution with your own hands, but manufacturers set a very affordable price for products of this kind in the range of 150-550 rubles for one bag weighing 25 kg. With a reasonable consumption of material for laying 30 blocks with standard parameters (600 * 200 * 300), one bag of dry adhesive mass is taken.

A large number of building blocks have now been invented, and each variety requires its own adhesive composition with certain properties.

For foam blocks

Glue for foam blocks is a special mixture based on cement and sand, and the structure of these materials is somewhat different from that of the bulk composition used to prepare the classic cement mortar. Among the components of glue for blocks is quartz sand crushed to the smallest fraction.

Advice! Prepare the adhesive mixture for blocks with the calculation of its production within 2-2.5 hours. After this time, the solution begins to thicken rapidly, losing its original properties. Adding water will not correct the situation, leading to a deterioration in the characteristics of the adhesive.

After applying the adhesive composition, its thickness is minimal due to the absence of coarse-grained components. In addition, the mortar quickly gains strength due to the use of high-quality Portland cement in its composition. When laying the foam block on glue or a solution with an adhesive base, you should know that this material consists of a whole range of additives that significantly improve it specifications. Among these components, there are compounds that retain moisture, increase the moisture resistance of block masonry and prevent the formation of mold fungi. The presence of special additives in the adhesive mortar gives the joints between the blocks greater plasticity than that of a conventional cement mortar.

Such a property as plasticity reduces the likelihood of deformations in the masonry, the appearance of cracks in it, distortions and cracks in the wall of blocks. The inclusion of auxiliary additives in the adhesive composition by manufacturers makes it possible to obtain frost-resistant adhesive for foam blocks. Its main advantage lies in the fact that winter glue for foam blocks allows you to carry out installation work even at negative temperatures down to -15 ºC.

For ceramic blocks

The use of ceramic blocks for the construction of buildings has recently become more in demand. ceramic blocks outwardly they look like bricks, but inside they have emptiness. They are made from baked clay, and the dimensions of such building material are significantly larger than those of ordinary bricks. Due to the internal emptiness, the thermal conductivity of the material decreases, and thermal insulation properties, on the contrary, increase.

In order for the laying of ceramic blocks to be perfect, experts recommend using a special glue. Such a solution helps to create seams with a thickness of only 2 mm. The composition of the adhesive in its structure, thermal conductivity and density is similar to ceramics, which makes it possible to form a uniform heat-insulating plane.

Glue for ceramic blocks is made from a cement-sand mixture with additives in the form of imported plasticizers. These components are made from organic and mineral raw materials, and are characterized by water-repellent properties.

For polystyrene concrete blocks

Polystyrene concrete blocks are among the building materials from lightweight concrete. They contain mineral compounds of organic origin. The main components of the adhesive solution are water, Portland cement and additives, including small expanded polystyrene granules with a porous structure.

The unique combination of various useful components in the adhesive endows the finished walls with such characteristics as good water repellency, good thermal insulation properties, rot resistance, good bearing capacity transmitted and finished walls. Such an adhesive composition is sold in the form of a dry mixture, and requires mixing the powder with water and thorough mixing before use.

For gas silicate blocks

Glue for cellular blocks, which has another name - gas silicate, is presented in stores various brands, representing different manufacturers. Prices for glue for gas silicate blocks vary between 115-280 rubles, but this cost does not always indicate good quality adhesive compound. Sometimes the consumer has to overpay money only for a promoted brand. In order not to make a mistake, construction experts advise purchasing from the manufacturer not only the glue itself, but also building blocks desired variety. According to statistics, the use of gas silicate blocks helps to reduce the total cost of construction by about 40%.

Glue for gas silicate blocks has several useful benefits, namely:

  • Small cost. The consumption of glue for gas silicate blocks is about 6 times lower compared to cement-sand mortar and only double the cost.
  • The resistance of the composition to the effects of precipitation (snow, wind, rain).
  • No cold bridges. The material does not form interlayers characterized by high level thermal conductivity, provoking a decrease in the uniformity of block masonry.
  • High strength. If we compare the adhesive for gas silicate blocks with the cement-sand mortar mentioned above, then it helps to form masonry from blocks of greater strength.

When choosing glue for a gas block, you should pay attention to its composition and technical characteristics, because such information will help to get an accurate picture of what components the solution is made of.

This is interesting! Frost-resistant adhesive for gas silicate blocks consists of special substances that allow it to be used even at low temperatures (-15 ºC, and sometimes even -25 ºC) outdoors.

Information about the size of the fraction of bulk materials that make up the solution will be useful, at what temperatures the manufacturer recommends using the product, what should be the recommended layer thickness. It is also worth paying attention to the label, which displays useful data on the period of hardening of the adhesive solution, the amount of adhesive used in the course of work, etc.

Universal glue

Universal adhesive for blocks of different brands and types allows the consumer to purchase a high-quality dry adhesive mixture at a favorable cost, which can later be used both for gluing foam block elements and for fixing aerated concrete, ceramic, polystyrene concrete blocks with each other. Among the most famous universal adhesives for building blocks are TM Knauf and Varmit adhesives. They are designed to work in winter and summer periods of the year, are made from environmentally friendly components, frost resistance, moisture resistance and cost-effectiveness.

How to calculate how much glue you need

The consumption of glue when laying walls from foam blocks depends on several factors. Importance when performing calculations, it has the type of a block element. For example, for honeycomb block more glue will be needed, since the material is porous, which means it absorbs moisture well. Also, the consumption level depends on the brand and manufacturer of the adhesive composition.

In general, the consumption of any type of block adhesive is more economical than a conventional sand-cement mortar. Laying blocks with its use is obtained with thin seams, respectively, and the consumption of the composition is reduced by about 6 times. The use of such modern material as an adhesive for blocks, it makes it possible to achieve a seam with a maximum thickness of 5 mm, and if the laying technologies are observed, only 2 mm or even 1 mm. A small seam prevents the development of cold bridges in the walls, and the consequences associated with this unpleasant phenomenon - the appearance of fungus and dampness.

The geometry of the blocks themselves also has a certain influence on the consumption of glue. If the building material is uneven, then the adhesive solution for its installation will need more.

To minimize mortar costs, it is important to determine how much glue is needed for laying a cube of foam blocks. Knowing this information, as well as the exact number of block elements, you can easily calculate the amount of dry glue required for construction. According to the standards established in construction, the consumption of glue for aerated concrete per 1 m 3 is no more than 1.6 kg, provided a thin seam of 1 mm. However, this condition is met only with a perfectly flat surface. Sometimes for 1 m 3 building material takes up to 30 kg of dry adhesive composition. On average, per 1 cubic meter. gas blocks have to waste 1 bag of adhesive weighing 25 kg. But this is only from the point of view of theory. Often, waste is 1.5 packs of dry matter, or 37 kg. There are several reasons for this:

  • You need to know exactly how to lay gas silicate blocks or block structures made of aerated concrete. The experience of the masonry master has big influence on the quality of performance.
  • Surface irregularities increase the consumption of glue for blocks.
  • The number of layers of the adhesive solution affects its consumption.
  • The weather in which the laying of building blocks is carried out.
  • The number of rows formed by laying block structures.

Interested in what consumption of glue for aerated concrete blocks optimal, you should be aware that it will be smaller when using a fine-grained composition. In this case, the masonry turns out to be thin and as close as possible to the recommended parameters.

Manufacturers of adhesive solutions give various recommendations regarding what should be the consumption of glue for foam blocks 20 * 30 * 60.

They concern not only breeding, but also the laying of the composition, as well as the formation of block masonry with its help:

  1. First of all, read the instructions from the manufacturer's company before starting to mix the adhesive solution from the dry mass.
  2. Adhere to the technology for preparing the composition, then the material consumption will be less, respectively, and the cost of foam block glue will be reduced.
  3. When laying foam blocks on the prepared adhesive, observe the temperature regime required by the manufacturer.
  4. To maintain the uniformity of the composition, periodically mix it during the laying of blocks.
  5. At self-laying blocks for glue and the lack of proper experience from the master, it is better to purchase all the materials with a margin.
  6. Applying glue with a notched trowel to the surface of the block, you can reduce the consumption of the mixture by an average of 25-30%.
  7. It is better to prepare glue from dry mass in a warm room, and then deliver it to the place where the walls from the blocks are erected.

The right choice and use of glue for blocks allows you to build a high-quality and durable home, with good thermal insulation properties.

For laying gas silicate blocks, special glue or ordinary glue can be used. building mixture. According to experts, it is best to use glue for the construction of external walls.

For laying gas silicate blocks, it is best to use special glue.

The use of special glue for masonry has the following advantages:

Glue for gas silicate blocks allows you to connect elements with a thickness of a masonry joint (2-10 mm).

  • cement-sand mortar is much more expensive than glue. The adhesive consumption is six times less, and its price is only two to three times more;
  • the use of fine-grained glue completely eliminates the appearance of "cold bridges" (a layer of material with high thermal conductivity, which leads to a significant decrease in the uniformity of the entire masonry and a significant increase in heat loss);
  • using glue, you can lay walls made of aerated concrete, gas silicate blocks, shaped bricks and other foam silicate elements. The adhesive composition makes it possible to connect masonry elements with a thickness of a masonry joint (2-10 mm). It can be used to align horizontal and vertical surface, while the thickness of the layer can reach 5 mm;
  • adhesive composition for has excellent thermal insulation properties, high adhesion, good strength, excellent ductility;
  • if necessary, after laying the gas silicate block, it is allowed to correct its position within 10-15 minutes;
  • The adhesive is quite easy to prepare and apply, which makes this material very convenient to use.

Adhesive composition

Glue for the gas silicate block is a dry adhesive mixture of cement with small additives and fillers in the form of water-retaining, plasticizing, air-repellent substances. These additives help to increase the strength, frost resistance, water resistance and other parameters of the adhesive.

Why is the glue for the gas silicate block better than the mortar of cement and sand?

All elements that are part of the adhesive for blocks have increased strength, frost resistance and water resistance.

Among the builders there are opposite opinions. Some argue that it is absolutely not difficult to perform with glue, while others argue the opposite: in order to perform block laying with glue, competent masons are needed. The situation is further complicated by the fact that there are such regions for which it is absolutely not common and it will be quite problematic to find specialists to perform such work. But, according to experts, a non-professional can also perform block laying. To do this, you just need to carefully study the topic of execution construction works using gas silicate and foam concrete blocks, and then clearly follow the instructions studied.

A distinctive feature of the adhesive mixture for gas silicate and foam concrete blocks is the presence of a special additive that prevents the blocks from quickly absorbing moisture from the adhesive mixture. This additive retains moisture in the adhesive solution, which allows you to reliably glue gas silicate blocks.

Adhesive selection

Of course, it is most reliable to purchase glue from a direct block manufacturer. But very often its cost is unreasonably high. As a rule, the price tags for such goods are wound up several times.

Experts say that for the construction of a private house using gas silicate blocks, any glue that is designed for outdoor work can be suitable.

Preparing the mixture

In order to prepare the glue, you need to add a dry mixture to the construction bucket with a small amount of water, while stirring constantly. Stir again after 7-10 minutes.

The dry adhesive mixture for gas silicate and foam concrete blocks is mixed with water using a construction mixer or a drill with a special nozzle. In the absence of a mixer, it should be noted that the greater the power of the drill, the better the adhesive mixture will mix. Any water can be used, the water consumption is indicated on the packaging of the dry mix.

So, pour the required amount of water into the construction bucket. With constant stirring, gradually add the sticky dry mix. Approximately 7-10 minutes after complete dissolution, mix the adhesive mixture again.

To maintain the required consistency of the adhesive during construction work, it is necessary to mix it periodically.

In order to properly prepare the glue, there is no universal recipe. Each brand and each manufacturer has its own recipe for preparing an adhesive solution. Before purchasing, it should be remembered that the quality of the preparation of the adhesive is directly dependent on the amount of water added to the solution and the dry mixture is added to the water, and not vice versa.

You should also be aware that an overdose of water significantly impairs the characteristics of the adhesive mixture. Therefore, before preparing working mixture, you need to carefully study the instructions for its preparation.

Very often, some home craftsmen ask the question: what glue to use when laying blocks in winter? Experts say that in the winter season, when the air temperature reaches -15 ° C, you need to use frost-resistant glue, which includes antifreeze additives, as evidenced by the inscription on the packaging of the dry mixture.

Block laying order

The laying of the blocks themselves is carried out 15 minutes after the work surface has been prepared.

First of all, if necessary, you need to prepare the work surface. It must be firm, dry and free of foreign matter. Soot, dust, oil and loose elements must be removed. Significant surface irregularities must be leveled; for this purpose, glue for gas silicate and foam concrete blocks can also be used.

So, on a pre-prepared work surface, we apply a layer of adhesive mixture using a trowel, after which we level it with a notched trowel. must be laid no later than 15 minutes after you have applied the adhesive to the work surface. You can adjust the position of the block for 10-15 minutes after you have laid it. The setting time of the adhesive at air and base temperatures from -15 to +25°C is 2 days, and the adhesive solution gains full strength after 72 hours.

Proper laying of the block involves applying glue to the horizontal surface of the already laid out bottom row and to the vertical part of the previous block. If necessary, lay an additional sawn block, it must be coated with glue on both sides.

The correct order of applying glue: on the horizontal surface of the already laid out bottom row and on the vertical part of the previous block.

Glue for gas silicate and foam concrete blocks can significantly reduce the consumption of the adhesive solution, due to its special composition, which allows you to lay blocks with seams of 2-3 mm. Of course, the consumption of glue primarily depends on the quality of the blocks used. When using blocks with ideal flat surface the adhesive consumption will be approximately 20 kg / m³ with a masonry layer thickness of 2 mm. Well, and, accordingly, if there is a need to lay blocks with a thicker layer, then the amount of glue will be increased. Experts say that it is always necessary to purchase an adhesive dry mix with some margin.

Features of use

When using glue for laying gas silicate and foam concrete blocks, it should be noted that only the second row of blocks is laid on the glue. The first row should be without fail laid on cement mortar. This is done in order to somehow smooth out the existing unevenness of the foundation surface.

Cold bridges appear due to a decrease in the thermal conductivity of the structure during its operation.

If you plan to lay gas silicate blocks in one row, then it is imperative to use glue. Since it has the same density as gas silicate. Laying gas silicate and foam concrete parts on a cement mortar, which has a density of about 2000 kg / cm², in end result you will get "cold bridges" in the form of masonry joints. The consequence of the formation of "cold bridges" will be a significant decrease in the thermal conductivity of the structure during its operation. Based on this, experts who have experience in using glue for, argue that the most practical way laying such blocks - in 2 rows (20 cm each).

It must be remembered that only the second row of blocks is placed on the glue, and the first is placed on the cement mortar.

When performing masonry work, you should take into account external factors influences that play an important role. In particular, this refers to the air temperature and humidity in the room. For example, lowering the air temperature in the room, as a rule, entails a significant increase in the setting time of the adhesive. Conversely, an increase in temperature sharply reduces the setting time. In addition, shrinkage cracks may form due to room temperature. In rooms with high humidity drying of dry adhesive mixtures is significantly slowed down. And in rooms with insufficient humidity, due to the enormous setting speed, microcracks appear in the masonry joints. So if you don't want to get extra headache, keep an eye on the humidity and temperature of the air in the room.

The more the adhesive solution costs, the more professionalism will be required to use it. A good adhesive mixture must be correctly (thinly) put, otherwise using it will cost you a solid "penny".

And for such work, a certain skill, skill and a fairly even foam concrete or gas silicate block! It should be noted that expensive mixtures are not designed for thick masonry layers, they will simply crack and burst. If all of the above is missing, then laying should be done on a regular mortar of cement and sand.

It is necessary, and rightly so! But this is not always possible. The reason lies in the lack of experienced specialists who could provide a masonry joint of 2-3 mm. Not every qualified bricklayer is able to perform such work. Based on this, when hiring masons, immediately negotiate this condition with them.

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