Encyclopedia of fire safety

How to replace a seal for plastic windows with your own hands. Replacing the sealing gum on pvc windows and doors Is it possible to change the seal on plastic windows

Good day, everyone! I have a childhood friend with whom we played ball in the yard. We are still in touch.

He works as a construction consultant. mall and often tells funny stories about customers.

One of the hot topics of the day is the purchase of window seals. Usually people, coming for them, first of all focus on color.

Although the quality of the seals for plastic windows varies greatly, which is my friend's bewilderment.

Replacing the seal with plastic windows- the matter is quite simple and within the power of every owner.

But before proceeding directly to the installation, you need to choose the seal itself, and after installation it must be periodically looked after. If you do it right, your seal will not need to be replaced for a long time.

The seal is an elastic rubber tube that runs around the entire perimeter of the window profile. It serves to better fit the sash to the profile, prevents the penetration of cold air into the room.

When the seal is deformed, the heat-shielding properties of the window are reduced, condensation may appear on the glass.

The seal can be of three types: EPDM, TPE and VMQ. These markings are used for international designation seal material. How to understand that the seal (gum) on the windows needs to be replaced? Seals should be changed at least once every 5-7 years.

You can find out that they need to be replaced by the following signs:

  • Visible damage.
  • There were drafts in the apartment.
  • Street noise has become much more noticeable.
  • The appearance of condensation on the glass.
  • The joints between the window and the window opening began to freeze through.

How to choose a sealant?

As already mentioned, window seals can be of three types: EPDM, TPE and VMQ. TPE seal is not resistant to severe frosts, and VMQ is too expensive, so EPDM-marked seal is most often used.

It is resistant to strong temperature changes, retains elasticity after long-term use, and is not affected by most types of alkalis and acids.

In order to speed up the process of replacing the window seal, many people purchase a product with an adhesive side.

According to the principle of its action, such a sealant resembles ordinary adhesive tape. It is used only for additional sealing of the seam between the window opening and the profiles; it is not suitable for sealing the sash.

The standard seal consists only of rubber and completely repeats the grooves in shape (recesses for the seal around the perimeter of the profile). In order to choose a quality seal, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose a sealant of the brand that is recommended by the window manufacturers themselves.
  2. Buy the product in large construction stores and not in the markets.
  3. Before buying, check the seal for elasticity.


A high-quality seal should be soft, bend at any angle and at the same time not lose its shape.

The main stages of replacement:

  1. Dismantling the old seal. To remove the old seal, just take it in the middle and pull. The seal is most often inserted into the groove without glue, so removing it will not be difficult.
  2. Surface treatment. Processing of the profile and grooves The entire profile and in particular the groove is washed with soapy water and then wiped with alcohol or any other degreasing liquid. This is necessary in order to completely remove all possible contaminants.
  3. Gluing corners. If you are using a seal with an adhesive strip, this step is not required. In the case of a conventional seal, this measure is necessary for a strong attachment to the profile. Construction, PVA or silicone glue is applied to the corners of the profile, while it dries, you can start preparing the seal itself.
  4. Sealant gauge. If you are using seals marked TPE and VMQ, you will need to make several cuts for each side. The EPDM seal can be bent at the corners of the profile without fear of losing its properties, so you only need one strip.
  5. Installation of the seal itself. Then the seal is inserted into the grooves. You can do it by hand, but much faster if you use special tools. Mounting the seal in the grooves At this stage, the replacement of the seal (rubber band) in the plastic windows is completed.

How to care for the sealant?

Improper care and operation reduce the life of the seal and the window itself by several times. In order to avoid this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Profile and seal should be washed periodically with a non-abrasive detergent(no hard particles).
  • Avoid contact with alcohol paintwork materials, acids and alkalis on the sealant.
  • Monitor the humidity in the room and near the window itself, to prevent freezing.
  • Treat the seal periodically protective equipment(You can read more about this in the article “How to lubricate a plastic window seal”).

source: http://osteklenie.tv

The main role in the sound and heat insulation of plastic windows belongs to the seals that run along the entire perimeter of the window.

Even with proper care, sealing rubber can dry out and crack, as its service life is usually 3-4 years. Replacing the seal allows you to solve the problem of sound and heat insulation.

When is it necessary to replace the seal?

The owners of plastic windows often forget about preventive maintenance window structures leading to a decrease in their performance.

Replacing seals helps solve problems such as:


Sometimes the formation of condensation on windows is due to a poorly closed window.

The seal wears out over time, the sash does not fit snugly against the window, as a result of which the temperature of the inner glass is lower than it should be, which leads to the formation of condensate in a limited area.


During severe frosts, plastic windows can freeze through, inner surface PVC profile is formed frost. The problem can be caused by partial or complete wear of the sealing rubber. Replacing the seal allows you to get rid of window freezing.


A draft walking around the room can often be caused by the fact that the window is not closed tightly, and this, in turn, is a consequence of the wear of the seal. By replacing the sealing rubber, you will return the windows to their original thermal insulation properties.

How much does it cost to replace a seal?

It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. The fact is that many factors affect the cost of replacement. The design of the window and its perimeter, the type of sealing rubber, etc.

At the same time, we can say for sure that replacing plastic window seals will not cause serious damage to your wallet. Turning to the specialists of the company, you can easily, simply and inexpensively return the initial performance characteristics to your windows.

Self-replacement of the seal - is it possible?

It is quite difficult to replace the seal on a plastic window on your own. It is necessary not only to have special skills, but also to understand the types of sealing rubber.

The fact is that at present there are a lot of types of seals on the market, each of which is designed for a particular window system, so the choice of rubber can be problematic for an unprepared person.

Direct replacement of the seal is also a rather complicated process for a non-professional.

If you do not have special knowledge and skills, we recommend that you contact a specialist service center, which will not only quickly and efficiently perform the work, but also provide a guarantee for it.

Otherwise, you risk damaging the double-glazed window or plastic profile, and their repair will cost much more. You can order the manufacture and installation of plastic windows of any design, as well as all types of repair work.

Replacing the seal, adjusting the window, repairing fittings, as well as many other types of work are performed within one day. The specialist will come to you at a convenient time for you and in as soon as possible restore your plastic window.

source: http://www.help-okno.ru/

Reasons for replacing seals

Technical rubber, from which rubber seals for plastic windows are produced, is designed for 10 annual cycles. But in fact, they serve less due to incorrect adjustment of the window frame clamping device.

  • Natural aging under the influence of temperature fluctuations and sunlight;
  • Poor quality initial installation;
  • Deformation as a result of the rubber band falling out of a special groove;
  • Poor quality processing of window corners;
  • Hardening of low-quality technical rubber.

Helpful advice!

At least once a year, usually after winter, it is necessary to wipe technical rubber with a special solution.

Replacing seals on plastic windows:

  1. Acquisition of exactly the brand of sealant that fits the profile of a particular window;
  2. You need to practice on the old compactor;
  3. You need to start inserting the seal from the side of the window that is on the curtains;
  4. "Start" is best glued to the plastic;
  5. The insulation is inserted without tension, only a little tension is given at the corner so that the rubber does not “jam” during the opening and closing process;
  6. The “end” of the seal is tightly fitted to the “beginning” and is also glued.

source: http://plswindow.ru

To determine the condition of your window sealing rubber, you can either call a specialist or evaluate its condition yourself.

To do this, you just need to visually inspect the seal around the perimeter of the entire window.

If you notice that in some places it has become dry), severely deformed and cracked, then most likely your window needs to be replaced with rubber seals.

In order to avoid such defects in the window seal in the future and significantly delay its replacement, it is recommended to follow several rules when operating the window:

  • try to avoid severe contamination of the sealing rubber;
  • periodically (preferably 2 times a year) clean and lubricate it;
  • do not wipe the window seal with liquids containing alcohol or acetone (most often this mistake is made when window glass is wiped with such liquids).

Cleaning the window seal

The degree of contamination should be checked both on the surface and inside (between the petals). The inner cavity of the window seal also needs to be cleaned of dirt and then lubricated. Observe these simple rules and your windows will serve you much longer!

Why it is better to entrust the replacement of window seals to specialists. If you are inexperienced with window seal replacement and do not have the special tools required for this procedure, then we strongly advise against attempting to do this yourself!

And that's why:

Firstly, for a window, you need to be able to choose a similar sealant, and then also find it (which is not so easy to do due to the fact that sealing rubber for windows is almost never sold at retail).

Secondly, when removing the old sealing rubber and replacing it with a new one, you will need to disassemble the window (remove the sashes and unscrew some parts of the fittings).

Third, without having a special tool at hand, you risk losing not only a lot of time and effort, but also harming the window.

Types of sealant for windows

The main materials from which the window seal is made:

  • Synthetic rubber (EPDM). the most common material for seals. It is a porous rubber with high elasticity and mechanical "memory". Withstands temperature fluctuations from -50º to +100ºC.
    Thermoplastic elastomer (TPE).
  • Silicone rubber. Seals made of this material are softer and have the longest service life. Working temperature from -60º to +150ºC.
  • Vinyl polyurethane. It is an open pore material. Vinyl-polyurethane insulation provides excellent protection. window blocks from dust and dirt, but they do not last long.

source: http://www.helpwindows.ru/

From the life of rubber bands

Plastic windows are a single mechanism, all the details of which are important and carry their functional load. The window seal performs the function of sealing the sash, protects the house from noise, moisture and cold air. Old, cracked sealing gum can cause blowing.


Regardless of the quality of the window profile and the completed window fittings, poor-quality or worn-out from time to time window seal can nullify all efforts to adjust the window for blowing.

On a photo taken infrared camera it can be seen that the coldest places in the window are the corners of the sashes. In this case, “bumps” appeared at the bends of the seal - the consequences of a stretched sealing gum.

First of all, the external window seal fails, as it is subject to external atmospheric influences. But there are exceptions, for example - repairs were made indoors.

Construction dust, all kinds of paint fumes, varnish, solvents, etc., cause the sealant to dry out and lose its elasticity, which, in turn, leads to loss of window tightness.

However, both sealing circuits (on the frame and on the sash) must be replaced. If only the outer sealing circuit is replaced, the pressure on the inner seal will be significantly reduced.

The need to replace the seal may be caused by such factors:

  • poor-quality factory installation of window seals;
  • untreated seat for the seal in the turning points (at the corners);
  • A laying roller that stretches a window seal sometimes results in "bumps" at the pivot points
  • window seal;
  • lack of proper care;
  • deformation of window hinges;
  • cheap analogue of gum (in this case, problems will arise after 5 years of operation).

Large volumes of work, initially low quality of windows and repair and finishing work in the room - all this leads to the fact that sometimes at the time of transfer of the apartment by the developer, the replacement of the window seal is already required.

An experienced craftsman of our organization will replace the plastic window seal manually, without stretching the rubber band, having previously processed the seats, which eliminates the formation of “bumps” on the window seal.

How to understand that the window seal has become unusable?

A suitable sealant has a rich color, it is soft and elastic. If you see that the gum has dried out, cracked, or "bumps" have appeared on the corners, it's time to replace the seal.

A modern seal for plastic windows made of EPDM synthetic rubber is designed for 9-11 years of operation. However, this figure is given taking into account the correct factory installation, average load and timely care.

Therefore, twice a year, the surface of the window seal must be wiped with a damp cloth and treated silicone grease, which forms a highly elastic film on elastomers (APKT, EPDM) and has water-repellent properties.

At regular care, the replacement of plastic window seals can be delayed by 5-6 years. In addition to the seal replacement service, you can order a white hard PVC window care kit from us, which includes a lubricant.

Myths about seals

  1. Life time. Information on the service life of sealing gum varies from 1 to 25 years. The manufacturer claims 10 years of operation. Such a golden mean.
  2. More thick. Some window repair companies advise replacing the plastic window seal with a thicker one, supposedly the pressure will increase and the blowing will disappear. In fact, a thickened sealing contour will only aggravate the situation, increasing the load on the hinge group and the window locking fittings.
  3. Universal seal. There is no universal seal for plastic windows. Seal gap in PVC windows varies from 2 to 7 mm.
  4. Sealant replacement. Like, for what money, five minutes of work, etc. To replace the plastic window seal, you need: materials, tools, skill and free time.

For example, in order to remove the sash, you will need a special key, and the elastic band is sold in puffs from 300 to 500 meters. In addition, the seller will try to sell you a Polish or Russian seal, the quality of which, to put it mildly, leaves much to be desired.

source: http://remokdok.ru/

Window seal replacement

The rapid and widespread distribution of plastic windows in our country is understandable. They provide excellent thermal insulation, are very easy to maintain, and have a long service life. After heavy wooden frames cleaning a plastic window is a pleasure.

In winter, the sashes fit very tightly to the frame, they do not need to be insulated. However, this miracle of modern life needs care. Plastic windows need not only be washed, like all other windows. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the fittings and the rubber seal.

Helpful advice!

To prevent the seal from drying out and cracking (namely, it is responsible for the tightness of the window), it must be cleaned of dust and dirt and lubricated twice a year with silicone grease. If this is not done, then sooner or later you will have to replace the seal on the windows.

Do-it-yourself window repair is quite simple. To replace the seal on the windows, you need only the simplest tool that is in every apartment.

You will need:

  • rubber compressor
  • scissors

We purchased the sealant at a factory where plastic windows are produced. The glue needs to dry quickly. Silicone grease can be purchased at auto parts stores.

Seal replacement technology

  1. We calculate the required amount of sealant. To do this, we take into account that there are two sealing contours on the window: external (on the frame) and internal (on the sash).
  2. We measure both circuits and calculate the required amount. We purchase the required number of linear meters of sealant.
  3. Next is the actual work. Open the window, remove the old seal.
  4. Thoroughly wipe off dirt and dust, let dry.
  5. We insert the rubber into the groove for the seal and press it a little.
  6. Please note that the seal must be inserted from the top, from its middle.
  7. The seal goes in easily, with almost no effort. Difficulties can arise in the corners - you need to carefully make a turn, and at the place where the upper hinge is attached to the sash.
  8. It is not necessary to tighten the seal, it is enough to carefully insert it.
  9. When the entire circle has been completed, the seal is cut off with scissors, and the joints are glued together. We glued it with instant superglue.

Seal replacement completed. It makes sense to do this in late summer - early autumn, before we close the windows for the winter. In the spring, it will be necessary to lubricate the seal with silicone grease, repeat the procedure in the fall.

Many people think that the seal does not need to be changed, and if it is necessary, then only with a major replacement of the entire window. This is wrong. When it comes to replacing the seal, it is important to understand that this can be done with your own hands or with the help of a master.

Replacing the seal in PVC plastic windows necessary if you begin to feel a draft in the room.

Window gum is a special material that ensures the tightness of the junction of the sashes to the frames. With active use, the seal is subject to mechanical damage and rapid wear.

Also, the window seal, regardless of whether it is rubber, silicone or rubber, loses over time

elasticity, as a rule, needs to be replaced after 7 - 10 years of operation of windows.

Benefits of replacing plastic window seals by professionals

Our company offers services in replacement of a sealant on windows. Our specialists have extensive experience in the maintenance of window systems, which guarantees a high-quality approach to the task.

Many consumers believe that they can replace rubber bands on PVC windows on their own, without special skills. This opinion is wrong.

5 reasons to order a seal replacement in our company:

  • Departure of the master in Moscow FOR FREE
  • The masters have all types of seals available, the replacement is made immediately ON THE SAME DAY
  • Adjustment of fittings and lubrication of windows FOR FREE
  • We provide DISCOUNTS, by volume, to pensioners, persons of preferential categories
  • For all replacement work provided GUARANTEE

Our experts will choose the right required view seals: petal or tubular, rubber, silicone or rubber and will competently make a replacement.
The price for the performance of work by our company will be adequate to the quality of the work performed. The cost of materials will be lower than the individual purchase by the customer, because it is formed on the basis of wholesale prices.

How to find out the cost of replacing a rubber seal?

To call the master in Moscow, you can call by phone, or you can leave a request on the site. The specialist will arrive on the same day, this service turns out to be free.
Will be held necessary measurements, assessment of the scope of work. Based on them, the cost of replacement will be calculated. This process does not require the use of a tool, the operation of which is accompanied by noise, which means that it can be performed at any convenient time.

Seasonal discount: when ordering a replacement seal
You get 20% discount + adjustment FREE OF CHARGE
Departure of the master FREE OF CHARGE 8 499 755 73 60

Replacing the seal in plastic windows is the only way to eliminate heat leakage at the junction of the sash to the frame.

Employees of our company first make an external inspection and select the required brand of rubber seal.

When performing an operation on PVC profiles Only original accessories from the respective manufacturer are used. During installation, no accelerating devices are used, the use of which can damage the rubber band. The process is carried out both for external and for inner contour at the same time, the only way to guarantee the quality.

From the outside, this operation does not look too complicated, some try to perform it on their own. However, there are a lot of subtleties here, and therefore often such attempts lead to even greater drafts through unprofessionally installed elements. Do-it-yourself replacement is usually done to save money, consumers buy cheap components, which only exacerbates the problem.

Materials are sold in bulk in large quantities up to 500 m. They are intended for enterprises producing windows and doors, or companies involved in their installation, maintenance, and repair. IN retail their price is quite high and the client cannot get any benefits from self-replacement.

All double glazing pvc: Veka, KBE, Rehau as well as other manufacturers have their own systems with their own tolerances. The use of non-original seals only worsens general characteristics designs. This is easy to understand from the following example:
It would seem that if you install an elastic band of greater thickness, this will eliminate the influx of cold air from the outside.
But at the same time, the load on the locking elements greatly increases, which often leads to adjustment violations and even system breakdowns.

Our masters work in Moscow , MO, Kotelniki, Zhulebino, Novokosino, Reutov, Dolgoprudny, Korolev, Krasnogorsk, Odintsovo, Mytishchi, Lyubertsy, Pavshino, Aprelevka, Moskovsky City, Balashikha, Zelenograd, Khimki, Vidnoe, Vnukovo, Kommunarka, Shcherbinka, Butovo, at below market prices. For categories such as pensioners, we provide significant discounts.

Thanks to the ability to protect the room from noise, wind and cold modern windows plastic are popular.

The main role in creating tightness is played by the sealing element, which is located in the porch area: the connection of the sash to the frame. Unfortunately, any sealant loses its properties sooner or later, and unpleasant consequences appear.

The question arises: what to do? The easiest solution is to replace the seal. In addition, such a replacement is easy to do on your own. Let's consider in more detail.

About the seal

For reliable isolation of the room from the street, special sealing elements are installed in plastic windows, which are called seals.

Most often, seals are needed to seal three places:

  • The porch - the gap in the closed state between the frame and the sash is sealed. The seal is constantly under load, so it wears out quickly. With proper care, the operating period increases. Replacement does not require special knowledge and experience.
  • A double-glazed window ― the gap between a double-glazed window and a profile is sealed. Under normal conditions, the seal has no heavy load, and therefore practically does not wear out. Replacement requires knowledge and experience, and is usually performed by specialists.
  • Shtapik - the middle of the profile is sealed. Usually, insulation is installed only at the request of the customer to improve the insulation capabilities of the plastic window.

To seal the porch, a special elastic cord is used, which is attached along the entire sash. It is resistant to external factors.

The insulating element has a limited service life and depends on the care of the windows and their quality. In the best case, replacement may not be required for more than 10 years.

Proper care involves:

  • regular window cleaning. Wiping the seal with a damp cloth;
  • control over the state of the window: prevent sweating and freezing;
  • protection of the surface of the seal from the ingress of grease, acids and other agents that can destroy it;
  • care of accessories, first of all, lubrication;
  • regulation of the pressing density of the sash for different seasons;
  • processing of the seal with special means.

When to change the seal

Without error, it is possible to determine that a seal replacement is required by the following indicators:

  • it is visually noticeable that the cord has changed shape and flattened;
  • microcracks appeared on the cord, it became very rigid;
  • condensation appeared around the perimeter of the sash;
  • freezing occurs in the narthex area;
  • increased blowing of the room;
  • increased street noise when the sash is closed;
  • during the test, the sheet of paper is easily removed from the pressed seal.

Any of the above factors is the basis for replacing the porch seal.

How to choose the right seal

Most often, a cord similar to the one previously installed on the window is selected for the porch.

However, in some cases, the choice is made according to the differences between the types of seals. They are next.

Selection by material characteristic

  1. Rubber.

Rubber cord is made using volcanic rubber. The composition of the material contains soot, so its color is always black. All manufacturers have different material quality, as various fillers are used that change the structure of the material.

Material advantages:

  • due to elasticity, it seals joints well;
  • serves up to 20 years;
  • affordable price.

Material disadvantages:

  • temperature difference leads to drying and cracking of the seal;
  • under mechanical action is easily destroyed.
  1. EPDM (ethylene propylene rubber).

There are two types of material:

  • with sulfur. The material is not recommended to be installed on white windows, as sulfur leaves yellow streaks;
  • with organic peroxides. The material is distinguished by its durability and reliability, but it is expensive.

Both types have the same advantages and disadvantages.

Material advantages:

  • resistance to temperature changes. Products do not crack even in case of sharp drops;
  • not afraid of sunlight;
  • resistance to cyclic deformation;
  • up to 20 years retains performance.

Material disadvantages:

  • fastening is carried out only on glue;
  • colored cords have a higher price than the black version;
  • sulfur, in addition to yellow stains, also has an unpleasant odor.
  1. Silicone.

The material is made of silicone rubber containing methyl. Seals made of this material have high operational qualities, but not widely used due to its cost.

Material advantages:

  • the state does not depend on the ambient temperature;
  • moisture is not absorbed;
  • very soft structure, which does not change with frequent deformation;
  • not afraid of exposure to chemicals;
  • resistance to sunlight;
  • absolute environmental safety;
  • Depending on the care, it lasts up to 40 years.

Material disadvantages:

  • easily torn and shape changes;
  • high price.
  1. TPE (thermoplastic polymer or modified plastic).

The material was obtained after the improvement of the silicone version. Due to the convenience of automatic assembly of profiles, it is currently a very common type of seal. In addition, a variant based on a mixture of rubber and polyethylene has been developed, which has higher qualities.

Material advantages:

  • you can create a section of any shape;
  • painted in any color;
  • does not burn;
  • low cost.

Material disadvantages:

  • small permissible radius of curvature, therefore, when mounting in the corners of the profile, welding is necessary;
  • does not tolerate temperature changes: it cracks in the cold, and softens in the heat. Recommended for use in mild climates;
  • when subjected to force, it is easily destroyed;
  • has permanent deformation.
  1. PVC (polymer).

The material is made from a modified polymer, similar in structure to the profile material. It has a low price and modest characteristics. Retains its properties for no more than three years.

Material advantages:

  • environmental Safety;
  • during installation can be welded;
  • high springiness;
  • resistance to open fire;
  • a wide range of colors;
  • low price.

Material disadvantages:

  • the condition depends on the ambient temperature: at low temperatures, elasticity is lost, and when heated, it softens;
  • deformed under constant mechanical stress. Suitable only for windows with a small load;
  • low elasticity.

Choice by marking

On sale there is a large assortment of seals, which belong to three groups. They are marked with the following:

For the manufacture of the seal, EPDM and TPE materials are used.

Choice by mounting method

  • self-adhesive seals - a special adhesive composition is applied to the surface. It is very convenient to use when replacing the seal yourself. When choosing, it is recommended to check the expiration date. Expired material may not adhere or hold loosely;
  • seals for glue - for installation, a layer of glue is applied to the surface of the sash. Installation work recommended to be done with warm air and degrease the surface before gluing.

Choice by shape

  • solid - an inexpensive sealant, which, as a rule, is used in windows with mass glazing. Temperature differences significantly worsen the structure of the material;

Choice by color

  • black is the usual color of rubber, since soot is included in its structure. Seals with this color are distinguished by their elasticity;
  • white, gray, colored - the color appears after the addition of colored polymers to the rubber. In terms of elasticity, they are inferior to black models.

Choice by price

When choosing a seal, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Finnish and Turkish products are considered the best. Quality seals are more expensive.

The average retail price per meter of material is as follows:

  • from silicone (Finland) - 55 rubles;
  • TPE (Finland) - 40 rubles;
  • EPDM (Turkey) - 30 rubles.

Retail prices are calculated for buyers who change the seal on their own.

With bulk purchases of coils of material, the price is reduced by 4 times.

How to replace a worn seal

Installation can begin after the materials are purchased and the tools are prepared.

  1. The corners of the frame are smeared with glue, after which a new seal is inserted into the grooves. There are styling rules:

  1. The quality of work is checked. The requirements are:
  • the sash opens easily;
  • no blowing when the sash is closed;
  • the seal does not come out of the grooves after several closings of the sash.

After eliminating all the comments, the seal is covered with silicone grease, which extends its life.

So, we have considered the replacement of the plastic window porch seal.

If the installation is carried out carefully and in a certain sequence, then the sealant will retain its insulating qualities for a long time.

Also a detailed video about the replacement:

Windows can be a source of cold in winter for several reasons. For example, there may be a gap between the wall and window frame. But, most often, replacing the seal on plastic windows with your own hands will help improve the situation. By the way, in this article we will consider how much it costs to order a replacement, but already “on the shore” it is clear that it will be more expensive.

Most people know, but still make a reservation, there are only 2 rubber seals on plastic windows:

  • on the frame;
  • On the opening sash.

Both are easy to remove and replace.

How to determine if a replacement is needed

Looking ahead, we can say that the maximum service life of plastic window seals is about 8 years, and this is with proper care. If your windows have been standing for 5-6 years and you have not done anything, you definitely need to change them. Open the window sash, feel the sealing gum. IN perfect condition it must be flexible. If it is rigid, then it can no longer fulfill its function - protection from heat leakage and wind blowing.

There are especially running cases when the gum crumbles in the hands. Of course, one should not forget about main reason replacement - blowing. Condensation may also appear on the windows, which also indicates a lack of tightness. Sealing gaps solves all these problems. Most likely, at this stage it was determined that the replacement of window seals is necessary, so let's move on to the next step: choosing the right material.


The cutter for windows is divided according to several indicators. Firstly, initially window seals are removable and glued. The latter cannot be replaced by default, but are we Russian people? A little later, we will briefly look at how you can replace them too. Although, of course, it is better to initially choose plastic window profile with removable rubber bands.

Secondly, the type of window seal depends on the type of profile. The most common types of profiles are:

  • Rehau;
  • Veka;

Which sealant to use primarily depends on the profile of the plastic window.

There are also universal sealing gum, but they are ineffective. For example, specialists from the Goliath window company advise: “In no case should you use universal seals, for example, such as Eurostream.

How do I know which profile I have?

How can you find out which profile you have? There are two ways. Look at the frame itself. Usually, there is a name at the bottom right, such as "KBE". If there is no inscription, you can see the certificate of completion. The installer company always writes what exactly the payment was made for. After that, when ordering a profile, you can see the modification of the profile in the description.

In addition, it is important to measure the groove width. This will help you compare this figure with the size of the seal itself.

The third factor that affects the choice: the material from which the elastic is made. There are four main types:

  • Thermoplastic elastomer. Seals made from this material It costs significantly less, but you have to “pay” for everything. When the temperature drops to -20, the TPE rubber bands will harden, and air will begin to blow. It is recommended to use such seals only for the southern strip of Russia.
  • The most commonly used seals are ethylene propylene rubber. EPDM marking. It is believed that such elastic bands have the best price-quality ratio. It is stated that such materials have a service life of about 20 years. Although it is clear that in real life it will be 3-5 times smaller. The advantage of this material is a wide operating temperature range. The gum will retain its working properties even at a temperature of -40 degrees. Of the minuses of this type it is possible to note the impossibility of welding seams. The peculiarity of the material creates some difficulties when mounting the elastic on the corners of the frame.
  • PVC seals we do not consider at all, because it is a very short-lived material. PVC in its composition is close to paper, which is very afraid of moisture.
  • Even more expensive than EPDM are gaskets made from silicone rubber - VMQ. This material has an unconditional advantage, but it costs significantly more.

Main table comparative characteristics the two most popular materials can be seen below.

Why do we not separately mention seals for wooden windows? In many ways, their production and installation are the same as for plastic windows. Therefore, the same principles will apply. Below you can watch a video about one of the types of sealant for wooden windows.

How much does a replacement cost?

On average, for example, in St. Petersburg, you can change the seal for plastic windows at a price of 100-200 rubles per running meter. Lubrication of one seal will cost you 300-400 rubles. It if to address to services of firms. The cost of the material itself ranges from 20 to 50 rubles per linear meter.

How to replace yourself


If you consider it reasonable to replace the seal on plastic windows yourself, prepare:

  • Purchased gum;
  • Glue.

We remove the sash

Carefully remove the window sash. For this you need:

  • We close the sash if it is open!
  • Remove the cap from the top and bottom hinges;
  • Pry off the upper pin first and pull the holding pin down (The frame must be closed);
  • Do the same with the bottom pin;
  • While holding the sash, turn the handle to release the sash and remove it. Doing it yourself is quite inconvenient.
  • Remove upper loop from the sash - it will interfere with the installation of insulation.

Be careful not to damage the handle. It is more convenient to put it on a soft surface, such as a bed or sofa. Otherwise, it is better to remove the handle.

We carry out a replacement

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, even if you have a sealing gum glued in, you can carefully cut it off and release the groove. If the seal is removable, also carefully pry it off and pull it out. After that:

  • Carefully remove the remnants of the old glue with a knife (if the gum has not changed for a long time);
  • Degrease the surface;
  • We apply a special adhesive for sealant.

If you are doing this operation for the first time, it would be useful to first practice placing the seal in the groove. Otherwise, the glue may not work.

  • we put the window seal in the groove;
  • it remains only to proudly throw away the replaced gum.


Window insulation is good correct solution. Of course, as always and everywhere, you need your own skills, but in general, there is nothing difficult in replacing the sealing gum. Windows that have been correctly replaced with a seal will reliably protect from the cold in a frosty winter.

In one of the following articles, we will tell you how to insulate windows using self-adhesives. Self-adhesive insulation has the main advantage - ease of installation. You can also blow out the window cracks with sealant. But, this is also a separate issue.

If you have any questions, please take a look short video, which will show how you can replace the seal on plastic windows in practice.

In just a few years, plastic windows have become quite widespread. This fact is explained not only by their practicality, but also by functionality. Metal-plastic structures fit perfectly into any interior and at the same time do not require special care. Of course, in some cases, it is necessary to replace some elements, for example, rubber seals.

When to change

Replacing seals on plastic windows is simple process which you can do yourself. But at the same time, not everyone knows when to do it. The service life of the structure directly depends on the quality of all components: seals, double-glazed windows, fittings and profiles. Each element performs its functions. But if something becomes unusable, then the window stops opening or closing normally.

Most often, problems arise due to Low quality rubber seals. But it is precisely these elements that provide snug fit sash design to the frame. If the window is used for too long, it may be necessary to replace the plastic window seal. Over time, these elements can lose elasticity, dry out and crack. If metal-plastic construction often used, the insulating properties of the seals are lost. The service life of these elements is from 3 to 5 years. Then they need to be replaced.

The main signs of a malfunction: drafts, condensation on the glass surface, freezing. In the latter case, on inside windows can be seen frost formed as a result of severe frost. The service life of a rubber seal depends not only on how plastic windows were cared for, but also on climatic conditions.

Preparatory work

In order for the replacement of seals on plastic windows to go without problems, it is worth preparing the window in advance. First you need to remove from the grooves old stuff. In this case, there will be no problems, since the seals are very easy to remove, and apply special efforts no need. After that, the surfaces of the structure must be cleaned and degreased. Dust and dirt must be removed. In this case, the use of abrasive substances is not worth it. Remove dirt with a soft cloth or sponge.

For those who do not know, the rubber seal is a black cord that has a figured or tubular section. It depends on the type of product. It is this element that is responsible for the microclimate in the room. It depends on the quality whether it will be warm in the house, or whether the window will blow through.

Replacing seals on plastic windows allows you to get rid of drafts, condensation and ice. However, experts recommend using material from European manufacturers, since Chinese or Turkish counterparts are of poor quality.

What will be required

Replacing rubber bands on plastic windows with your own hands will be done much faster if you prepare all the tools and materials in advance. For repairs you will need:

  1. Special scissors for rubber products.
  2. Seals for structures.
  3. Glue for rubber. You can also use special formulations.

When everything is ready, you can repair plastic windows.

main stages

When the surfaces are cleaned and prepared, you can begin to replace. To begin with, it is worth smearing all the corners of the frame with adhesive. After that, new sealing gum can be placed in the grooves. In this case, it is worth considering that you need to insert whole pieces, and not individual segments. Of course, without experience and certain skills, this is not so easy to do.

Replacing seals on plastic windows must be done carefully and in compliance with certain requirements. When laying in the grooves of the material, it must not be pulled, and also strongly compressed. Sealing gum should lie evenly around the perimeter of the window.

When the material is laid, carefully cut off its tip. The joint of the sealing rubber bands must be carefully glued.


If you are not sure about own forces, then you should seek help from specialists. After all, replacing rubber seals is a laborious process that requires skill and accuracy. Professionally performed work is a guarantee of warmth and comfort in your home. Moreover, it will save cash and, of course, nerves.

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