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Artificial drying oil. Drying oil for wood: types of compositions. Application process. Work procedure

When building and decorating houses, wood is often used, because it is one of the most environmentally friendly materials. However, in order for the wooden elements of your home to last as long as possible, so that they are not destroyed by fungus and insects, they must be protected. This task is easily handled by a tool such as drying oil.

Application of impregnation

The use of drying oil allows you to increase the service life wooden elements designs for decades. This is especially true for rafters, because they are constantly exposed to moisture. Drying oils are synthetic and natural, purely homogeneous, polydiene, synthetically modified, slate, coumarone-indene, etc. The use of this agent will not harm either people or animals. After all, it is based on vegetable oil (up to 97%). Impregnation of facade wooden elements with drying oil allows you to protect them from temperature extremes and air humidity and, of course, from atmospheric influences. When processing a wooden surface with this composition, a solid, but at the same time elastic, is formed on it, which protects the tree from external influences, including from damage by a fungus. Natural drying oil is made from sunflower, soybean. The best product is based on linseed oil.

Currently, there are many impregnations that have chemical basis, with excellent, by the way, characteristics. But at the same time, drying oil has not lost its relevance. The use of natural impregnation, in addition to environmental friendliness, has another important advantage - this is the cheapness of such material. Drying oil is mainly intended for interior decoration, its use in outdoor work gives only a temporary effect, requiring further coverage oil or varnish. In the manufacture of putties, drying oil is also used. The use of such products protects wooden surfaces from decay. The use of drying oil as a pre-treatment also reduces the varnish when performing paintwork. Usually the product is applied in two or three layers, and after that the surface is painted. It is also recommended to heat the impregnation to a temperature of 80-90 degrees Celsius, and then apply it hot to the tree. Thus, better quality and deep penetration composition into the pores of the tree.

Drying oil: impregnation characteristics

Now drying oil of three types is common: natural, "Oksol" and composite. Natural impregnation consists of 97 percent natural oil, the remaining three percent is a desiccant (a substance that promotes rapid drying). Drying oil "Oksol" in its composition has only 55 percent oil (linseed or sunflower), forty percent white spirit and 5 percent desiccant. Such impregnation is cheaper than natural. Composite compositions are characterized by a pungent odor; they include petroleum polymer resins that serve as substitutes for natural resins, as well as other petrochemical products. This type of drying oil is the cheapest. Composite impregnations are not recommended for use in residential premises, even on balconies, because even after these compounds have dried, there is still a sharp characteristic smell.

Now many people want to protect themselves from unnecessary chemistry. This also applies to wood products. Olif in this regard - unique material! The origin of the name "natural drying oil" speaks for itself. Up to 95% of the composition may contain natural components of flax seeds, hemp, rapeseed, which is a very high indicator in the production of paints and varnishes.

The remaining 5% are synthetic compounds, but they specific gravity so small that negative impact practically does not occur on the human body. The lower the percentage of synthetic chemistry in drying oil, the longer the wooden thing will last you.

When choosing, pay attention to the composition and choose a product with the maximum percentage of natural ingredients, this is the key to enhancing the properties of drying oil in wood protection.

Main purpose

Given the characteristics of the material, it should be noted why drying oil is needed:

  • basis for painting external structures;
  • impregnation internal structures(wall and ceiling cladding, flooring).

Related article: How to protect wood from fungus and mold

After processing, it is necessary to give time to the coating so that it saturates the inner layers of the wood fabric. Drying time may vary, but you need to wait until complete drying. Further wood flooring at the request of the user, it is left in this form, or any oil paint is used.

The interaction of drying oil and oil paint will only strengthen protective layer tree. And also, the more drying oil is used, the less paint consumption, isn't it a plus?

You should not sit on the fence floors if you have just painted it, in the hope that the impregnation is entirely natural products, and it will be absorbed in 5 seconds. Wood processing indoors is as important as outdoors. Temperature fluctuations, air humidity - all this is not in the best way affects the tree.

You can process with drying oil the lining and floors. However, do not forget that the composition must be absorbed until completely dry, therefore it is strictly forbidden to enter the treated premises.

Remember that the main difference between internal processing and external processing is the lack of fresh air. If the sun and wind act as a natural “dryer” for outdoor premises, then for internal processing it will be required maximum feed fresh air. This is necessary in order to as soon as possible the surface in the room is well dried, and unpleasant odors, which even natural remedies, weathered.

In addition to wood, drying oil and oxol are great for painting and preparing metals (at the priming stage). And drying oil can be added to plaster - a kind of universal helper for the builder.

The choice of drying oil

How to choose drying oil correctly? You can not be guided only by the rule that the higher the level of naturalness, the better. There are the following types of drying oil:

  • Natural - the higher the percentage of natural substances in the composition, the higher the cost of the material and its quality. If a product with 45% composition vegetable oils can be used for exterior painting, then drying oil with an oil content of 70% or more can be used for internal works. In any case, the impregnated surface will be protected.

Related article: Ways to age a tree with your own hands

  • Combined- as close as possible to the source material. In its composition, as a rule, a natural base and white spirit (solvent) are mixed, which occupies 1/3 of the drying oil structure. Such a complex is used for external use - the effect of the solvent on the body is practically not noticeable, and drying is faster.

  • Drying oil "Oksol" - middle class product. The impregnation is made from 55% natural oils and is used both indoors and outdoors. Oksol is an excellent assistant in drying small parts.

  • Composite - the most cheap option impregnation. Almost 100% consists of synthetic substances, has a sharp pronounced smell. It is strictly forbidden to use drying oil for the floor and other wooden surfaces in residential areas, no matter how ventilated they may be.

Having oil in its composition, drying oil will be an excellent base for paint. And this is not about applying a layer of paint on a dried layer of drying oil. Oil-based paint - combines the properties of both substances and does not require varnish.

MA-25 - this is the name of the paint for the treatment of external surfaces, which is made from combined drying oil.

On the video: how to cook natural drying oil yourself.

Application method

In order to properly treat a wooden surface, you do not need to complete painters' courses, but you still need to follow the basic principles of working with painting:

  1. Before using drying oil or oxol, the wooden surface is cleaned of dust, grease and dried thoroughly. Application to wet material is extremely inefficient.
  2. Too thick a solution, if desired, can be diluted with a solvent or nefras. Paints are used only after thorough mixing. No matter how fresh the jar is, stirring gives the drying oil structure oxygenation and reabsorption of the released oils.
  3. To cover the tree with drying oil, either a roller or brushes are used. Small details are painted with small brushes.
  4. Drying oil for wood and oxol with a maximum natural composition dry for about 24 hours. Since you need to use several layers for greater effect, it is important to understand that it will take several days to carefully work out the detail. Synthetic drying oil dries out in much less time.

Drying oil is paint coating, which is used in construction and repair work for a long time already. Vegetable oil is present as the main component in the drying oil, and its special components complement it, which protect the wood from such negative manifestations as mold, fungus, rot.

In addition, drying oil prevents the emergence of harmful insects. As for the scale of applications, for example, under the USSR, this coating was the undisputed leader in the processing of various wooden products, materials and buildings.

Types of existing drying oils

Today, drying oil is usually divided into several types:

  • To natural.
  • Semi-natural.
  • Combined.
  • Synthetic.

To obtain natural drying oil, use various mixtures vegetable oils and are practically not used chemical additives. In order for the coating to dry faster, it is customary to add sikkatin to the mixture.

As for the scope, it should be said that due to the natural composition, it is practically impossible to protect wood from insects, and such drying oil is much more expensive. Therefore, the relevance of processing facades is questioned.

Such impregnation is much more relevant in the form of diluting paints on oil based and pre-primer tree.

Also, such impregnation can be used, for example, for flooring.

Oxoli, or mixtures of a semi-natural type, also have a base of vegetable oils, with one difference, the content of white spirit reaches 40%.

Oxol is used in the same place as natural compounds, but more often than usual it is used in the form of a primer mixture and dilution of oil paints.

Of the pluses can be noted:

  • Oxol dries a little faster than natural analogues.
  • She has a much lower consumption.
  • The cost is also lower than for natural impregnation.

Mixtures of a combined composition have properties similar to semi-natural ones, but they contain much less solvents, by about a quarter.

The main advantage of these impregnations is that they are less toxic to humans.

Apply this mixture in the form of a primer and it dries up in about a day, at an average room temperature and humidity.

Synthetic impregnations have a basis of exclusively artificial content.

They are made, as a rule, from waste from the manufacture of rubber, coal and oil. Any synthetic impregnation smells unpleasant and has dark shades. This characteristic does not allow the use of drying oil in the form of a primer and it is mainly used to dilute dark paints with which facades are painted.

Synthetics have the lowest cost among other analogues, respectively, it is lower in quality.

How to choose drying oil correctly

When choosing drying oil, you should be guided by the simplest rules:

  1. First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the composition of the impregnation, which is always available on the container, whether there is a GOST, it is indicated only on products with a semi-natural or completely natural composition. If it is a synthetic mixture, you should read the certificate.
  2. Any impregnating agent, natural or combined, must have a completely homogeneous structure. If foreign impurities or particles can be visually examined, it is not recommended to buy this impregnation.
  3. You should also pay attention to how transparent it is. natural formulations have only brown tints, synthetic ones can be expressed from colorless to rusty tones.

How to use drying oil to impregnate wood

With the help of drying oil, you can greatly reduce the consumption of paints and varnishes and because of this it is used as a primer mixture.

It is very easy to apply and does not require special knowledge. It is enough to simply apply it to the surface with a brush, natural rags, spray gun or roller and let it dry.

There are many options in total, but the most relevant are:

  1. Hot impregnation method. This procedure should be carried out in a water bath and it is suitable primarily for impregnating non-bulky parts. To do this, wood is taken, placed in a container with a heated solution and soaked in it for about 6 hours. After that, the part is removed and dried for 4 to 6 days until completely dry. If, however, about 2% of the total volume of red lead is initially poured into the solution, then the material will dry out in two days.
  2. FROM a mixture of drying oil and kerosene. To do this, drying oil for wood and kerosene are taken in equal proportions, mixed and the wood is kept in this solution. This method can be both cold and hot. The only difference is that with hot soaking, a few hours are enough, and with cold soaking, it will take a day. The coating dries after the procedure for 2-3 days no more.
  3. Drying oil and package. In order to process a tree with drying oil using this technique, you should fill the bag with drying oil by about 1/10 part. After that, you need to put an element of wood in the package, wrap it and firmly glue it. The average impregnation time is 3-4 hours. After a while, the bag must be opened and since the wood must be completely saturated, the bag should be refilled. This is done until the part stops absorbing.

How to dry drying oil

It should be noted right away that drying oil can dry in different ways and it depends on a number of reasons. The main ones include the amount of sikkavit, the temperature in the processing room, the quality of the impregnating composition, its variety and air humidity.

Maximum drying speed for drying oil with polymetallic desiccants. If we take, for example, natural raw materials from flax, which contain a manganese or lead desiccant, then it will dry for 12 and 20 hours. If you combine these components, then you can achieve a much faster period, in some cases 6-7 hours.

The most important factors on which the drying process directly depends are air humidity and temperature.

For comparison, we can give an example in the form of drying oil with cobalt desiccant. If the room temperature is from 25 degrees, then it will dry about twice as fast as at 10 degrees.

Again, to achieve this result, the humidity of the air must be within the recommended limits and not higher than 70%.

If wood products are placed in a room where it is dry, warm and there are no drafts, then it will dry quickly enough.

Important rule! Drying oil belongs to the category of highly flammable and flammable materials Plus, it's toxic. In view of this, any work with impregnation obliges to take precautions. Also, for drying drying oil, it is recommended to wear a special outerwear, goggles and use a respirator.

Any container with drying oil should be stored separately from any heating appliances in a place inaccessible to children.

Such impregnation as drying oil is practically a panacea for the treatment of any wooden surfaces. And most importantly, she great alternative expensive modern analogues. Nevertheless, drying oil should not be used without making sure that it is suitable for use in a particular room.

Video: drying oil on wood

Currently drying oil application decreased significantly, possibly due to the appearance on the construction market, a large number funds with a new composition. Although there are still consumers who have not abandoned the use of drying oil in repair and construction work.
Now three types of drying oil are produced: natural, combined and oxol.

natural drying oil

Natural drying oil consists of: 97% vegetable (linseed) oil, 3% desiccant. It is an opaque thick liquid, dark Brown color, has a slight odor. It is mainly used for dilution of paints and impregnation of wooden surfaces. For work indoors, natural drying oil is ideal, it is practically odorless, easy to use, does not emit toxins. For outdoor work, the use of natural drying oil is not beneficial.

Drying oil oksol

The purpose of oxoli is to work indoors, it can process wooden and plastered surfaces, it improves the adhesion of paints and fillers. For outdoor work, do not forget that the oxol is intended for temporary preservation of the material; varnish, paint or enamel should be applied on top. A good alternative to the buyer can be an oxol based sunflower oil, it is also used when working indoors.

Composite drying oil

Composite drying oil: its composition varies to some extent, but mostly these are synthetic substitutes, or rather, oil refining substances. Therefore, it is less costly. The difference between composite drying oil and natural and oxoli in external factor. It is liquid and lighter, sometimes has a reddish tint. A pungent smell and a long drying time also distinguishes composite drying oil from all the others. It is not used for work indoor areas, this drying oil is very toxic and harmful. In addition, even after drying, composite drying oil continues to smell for many more years. It has not found application in paint and varnish production, since the resulting coating is of poor quality.

We study the label

For processing and impregnation of wooden surfaces, all types of drying oil are used. Drying oil resistance to weathering, loses to others paint and varnish products. In the end, it must be said that when purchasing drying oil, you need to be very careful. Pay attention to packaging and drying oil color. Examine the label, which should contain all information about the manufacturer of this product, the number of GOST or TU. Read about the composition of the product, instructions for its use. Check the availability of a certificate of conformity and a hygiene certificate. The first is issued for natural drying oil and oxol, the next for composite drying oil. The degree of drying oil quality can be determined by its homogeneous composition, it must be without mechanical additives and without sediment. The weaker the smell, the better.

Drying oil for wood is one of the types of impregnation that combines decorative appearance and reliable protection. The main component of such a paint and varnish material is vegetable oil:

  • sunflower;
  • linen;
  • rapeseed;
  • soy.

No less often than for wood, drying oil is used to protect and prime plastered walls and metals, especially if they are subsequently covered with oil paints.

In total, there are three main types of drying oil, but only two of them have a specific GOST:

  • Natural. 97% natural oil and 3% desiccant (a substance that accelerates drying). It has a high price and is used to protect wooden surfaces that will be used indoors.
  • Drying oil "Oksol". Differs from natural, by adding 49% White Spirit solvent and increased desiccant content up to 5%, and more affordable price, while keeping all performance characteristics and even their improvement - can be used under open sky and doesn't fade for longer.
  • Composite. Each manufacturer has the right to manufacture it according to its own technology, therefore, in order to reduce the cost of the product, potentially dangerous for the state are introduced into the composition. environment and health components, which means that such drying oil is suitable only for coating structures and products in the open air.

In this way the best solution, in the context of the ratio of price and quality, drying oil "Oksol" is hard and penetrates deep into the structure of the tree. In addition, if it thickens, it is easy for her to return the desired fluidity by adding a little solvent. It is necessary to cover with it pre-sanded and degreased surfaces, in several layers, a break for drying between which should be at least a day. By the way, such drying oil, which you can buy almost everywhere, is the best suited for puttying cracks in wood, if you add sawdust to it.

Drying oil for wood. Types and application. Video.

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