Encyclopedia of fire safety

Calculate the size of the roof. How to calculate the area of ​​the mansard roof? How to calculate the roof on the online calculator

The construction of each house does not begin with digging pits and not with pouring foundations.

Construction begins with the development of the project and the execution of calculations.

With the roof, everything happens in the same way: before proceeding with its installation, a careful calculation of the height, the size of its surface is performed, the number of structural elements and the amount of material for the roofing pie are determined.

The strength and reliability of the roof, as well as the amount of financial resources that will be spent on its installation, depend on the correctness of the calculation performed.

The surface calculation always starts with:

  • measurements of the main parameters of the roof: the angle of inclination, the length of the ridge, the length, width and height;
  • species definitions roofing material, which is planned to be used in the construction of the roof in the future.

One of the most important characteristics is the calculated coefficient used in almost all formulas in calculations.

The value of this coefficient depends on what is the angle of inclination of the slopes on your house.

For the most popular tilt angles, the coefficient is:

  • 9 degrees - coefficient. 1.01;
  • 14 degrees - coefficient. 1.03;
  • 18 degrees - coefficient. 1.05;
  • 23 degrees - coefficient. 1.08;
  • 27 degrees - coefficient. 1.12;
  • 34 degrees - coefficient. 1.20.

If the shape of the roof is complex, irregular in shape, then during calculations its surface is divided into separate regular figures, the area for which is considered elementary.

And at the end the results are summarized.

The order of calculations for a pitched roof

This is the geometry of school course.

Houses on which a shed roof is arranged are usually covered with simple materials.

And rectangle is the most common shape.

Therefore, it is enough to measure the length and width of such a rectangle and multiply them.

Also, do not forget the coefficient mentioned above.

We calculate a gable roof

Surface calculations gable roof more difficult.

Yes, and there are many more factors to consider in such calculations.

To begin with, we decompose all complex elements into separate simple shapes: rectangles, squares, triangles.

Indeed, on the roof, each corner is formed only by an overlap and a slope.

Therefore, in order to calculate the roof surface, it is necessary to multiply the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach slope by the cosine of the angle of inclination.

With this calculation, the length of the slope is the distance from the ridge to the eaves line.

In exactly the same way, any roof with any number of slopes is calculated.

You just need to sum the resulting surfaces of all the slopes, multiplied by the cosines of their angles.

If the roof element has a complex irregular shape, then it is also divided into several simple geometric shapes and the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach of them is considered.

Then all surfaces are summed.

Let's look at how this is done in the following example: the house has dimensions of 10 x 8 meters.

The rafters are 4.5 meters long.

Naturally, there is an overhang.

The length of the overhang is standard - 50 cm.

First, we calculate what surface one slope has:

S = (10 + 0.5 + 0.5) x (4.5 x 0.5) = 55 square meters.

Since the building has two such slopes, the total area will be 55 x 2 = 110 square meters.

Despite the fact that on any roof there are ventilation ducts, chimneys, dormer and dormer windows, parapets, they are not taken away from the resulting area value.

We consider a hipped roof

Then you should determine how difficult each of them is.

The simplest has a pyramidal shape.

Therefore, when calculating its surface, the formula for the pyramid is used.

If all the slopes are the same size, then it is enough to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone of them and then multiply by four.

In the case when it has a complex shape, then it is divided into simple figures and the surface of each of them is calculated separately.

Then the results are summed up.

But there is one subtlety: when calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach slope, it is necessary to take into account the angle of its inclination.

After all, such a roof for different rays tilt angles can vary significantly.

It should also be remembered that dimensions are taken not along the perimeter of the building, but along the overhangs of the cornices.

We calculate the hip roof

In order for the calculation to be performed correctly, it is necessary to take into account the following:

  • window size and chimney size;
  • the length of the slope (between the ridge and the eaves);
  • details that are roofing not included (overhangs, parapets, etc.);
  • when performing the calculation, the adjunctions are not taken into account roof slabs, block ledges, standing folds.

Surface calculation hip roof consists in finding the area of ​​two end triangles and two trapezoids.

In any case, if hip roof has a complex shape, it is divided into several simple figures and calculations are made separately for each of them.

And then the calculation results for each figure are summarized.

You should know that even though the hip roof is the best roofing solution, its device is expensive.

Calculation for a hipped roof

A hipped roof is one of four varieties pitched roof.

So let's say this is a classic roof with four slopes.

The basis of this design is a quadrilateral.

And the slopes are isosceles triangles converging at the central upper point.

Such a roof is the most economical, since there are no gables in it.

Since the slope is equal to an isosceles triangle, then:

b is the length of the base of the triangle;

h - height;

S is the area of ​​the triangular slope.

Calculation of a broken mansard roof

The area, despite the apparent complexity, is quite simple to calculate.

To do this, first of all, make a roof plan indicating all dimensions.

The entire roof will be a set of simple geometric shapes: triangles, squares, rectangles, trapezoids.

For a square: a x a.

a is the length of the side.

For a rectangle:

In this formula:

a is the length

b is the width of the figure.

For a triangle:

In this formula:

a - the base of the figure,

and h is its height.

For a trapezoid:

h x (a + b) / 2.

h - the height of the figure,

a and b are the dimensions of the upper and lower bases.

After the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach of the simple figures into which the broken mansard roof is divided is calculated, the results are summarized.

Video about construction calculator to calculate the roof.

Sergey Novozhilov is an expert in roofing materials with 9 years of practical experience in the field of engineering solutions in construction.

Properly selected and mounted roof will withstand any weather vagaries and will last for decades. What will be the roof country house, and what materials it will consist of, is determined at the design stage. It is better to entrust the technical nuances of design to professionals. Before making a final choice, the future owner needs to get an idea about the features various kinds roofs and (importantly) about the amount that the chosen design and roofing material will cost. At this stage, it will help to calculate the material for a gable roof, or any other. roofing calculator- this is fast way get a detailed answer.

The calculator will help you estimate the cost of a roof in the early stages of planning Source colourbox.com

Online roof calculator

To find out the approximate cost of a roof, of various types, use the following calculator:

Calculation parameters for roofs and roofing material

Before calculating the roof of the house, the calculator will request certain data. One of them is the type of roof. There are two criteria by which you can determine the type of roof: the angle of the roof and the number of slopes (planes). If the angle of inclination of the roof is zero, the roof is called flat, if it is greater than zero - pitched. Pitched structures, in turn, are divided into types, depending on the number of slopes. In private low-rise construction, several types of roofs are common, including:

    Shed. It looks rather modest, but the simplest constructively and the least expensive in construction. It is a plane supported by walls of different heights. shed roof can be seen on the garage, shed or modern project in high-tech style. Such constructions are described by a small number of parameters and are calculated on all online calculators.

Common forms pitched structures Source remokna.in.ua

    Gable (gable). The most common classic version with two inclined planes rectangular view, connected by a ridge, and a long history. The vertical triangular planes between the slopes are called gables (tongs). In modern private construction, the symmetry of the slopes is an optional condition. They can have a different slope and vary in size (broken lines), which opens great opportunities in the design of roof structures. Double roof - perfect option for the device attic. For calculations on online calculator parameters such as the length and width of the slopes, the length of the overhangs and the height of the structure are used.

    Hip (four-slope). The main slopes are called hips and look like trapeziums, and the pediments are located not vertically, but at an angle, turning into slopes. hip system much more difficult to design and install than the previous ones, but this is offset by increased structural stability. In addition, the hip roof allows you to raise the ceiling for the attic, making it much more comfortable. The calculation of the hip roof on the online calculator has certain subtleties (the base can be square or rectangular) and includes the angle of inclination of the slopes.

    Multi-forceps. A complex structure consisting of several tongs ( gable elements). The calculation of such a roof is a job for an experienced architect. There are online calculators that calculate the roof area of ​​a three-gable roof, but they give a very approximate calculation result.

Complexity truss system multi-gable roof excludes independent planning Source yandex.ru

    Attic. The slope consists of two elements: the lower, steeper, and the upper, gentle. This design allows you to increase usable area premises, but in order to calculate it on an online calculator, you will need at least a preliminary drawing and understanding of the structure of the truss system.

Types of roofing materials

The issue of roofing material is also decided at the design stage. His choice is influenced not only by the preferences of the designer, but also by more real factors, including the amount of precipitation and the strength of the wind in the region. The online calculator makes it possible to find out not only the quantity, but also the cost of the selected material. A roof calculator is usually set up to calculate the following materials:


    metal tile.

    Soft (roll) roof.

    Rebate coating(steel, aluminum or copper).

    Roof tiles. Ceramic (piece), flexible (soft), cement-sand, composite.

    Slate(mainly for outbuildings).

Calculator for calculating metal tiles (works with several types of roofs) Source amvita.ru

The main elements of the roof structure

Roof country cottage- this is not only a decorative detail and a visiting card of the building, but also a complex engineering system. It includes a variety of building details, the main of which are the following:

    Mauerlat. A beam that is laid on top bearing walls. It is a support for the truss system and transfers the load from the roof to the building.

    rafters. Bars or boards located at an angle, the basis of the system. The online calculator allows you to calculate some parameters of the truss system.

    Auxiliary elements . Racks, beams, girders and puffs serve to fix the rafters and strengthen the structure.

    Skate. The upper edge of the roof, the intersection of the slopes.

    crate. Lattice structure on which the roofing material is attached. For some types of roofing, continuous flooring is required. The lathing parameters on the online calculator are calculated quite well, especially for a roof of a simple design.

Main structural elements truss system Source kafmt.ru

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of designing country houses. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

What is calculated on the online calculator: types and possibilities

Even with ready-made drawings in hand, the future owner will not always find time for their careful study and painstaking calculations on paper. Among all the ways to solve the question of how to calculate the roof of a house, the calculator in online mode will become the best option. There are two types of calculators that perform a certain type of calculation:

Standard Roof Calculator

The most common type that allows you to get the basic parameters, from the angle of the rafters to permissible load on the roof. In the calculation of roofing material, as a rule, there are all popular options (all kinds of tiles, slate, ondulin and other materials). Widely presented are calculators for calculating a single and gable and hip roof; there are services for calculating a hipped roof or attic. The online gable or shed roof calculator is designed for simple tasks; more advanced calculation programs you need to download and install on your computer.

Fragment of an online hip roof calculator Source citymang.ru

Construction Calculator

For calculations, complex calculation algorithms are used, as a result, you can get not only tables of numbers, but also a set of detailed drawings, as well as 3D visualization. In a construction calculator, as a rule, you can calculate any type of roof. In addition to the basic parameters, you can find out how much lumber is needed, pick up optimal insulation and vapor barrier. The drawings will show the layout of the truss system and the battens and will allow you to control the correct angle of inclination and the location of the rafters.

The device of an online calculator for calculating a gable roof

Calculator for calculating the truss system gable roof is an easy-to-use mechanism that allows you to perform basic structural calculations. The interface of any service has a convenient and intuitive look and looks like a set of empty fields with explanations. For the convenience of visitors, schematic images are placed next to the page. various types roofs with the parameters applied to them.

Before starting calculations, you should familiarize yourself with the designation of the fields. Source stankotec.ru

The user needs to enter the desired value (size) in each field or select an option from the available ones. When filling out, you should pay attention to the dimension - parameters can be entered in cm or mm. After filling in the fields, you press the calculation key and get the desired result in the form of the following data:

    Number of roofing materials. The calculator will allow you to calculate the amount of metal tiles (or other material) for a country house with a gable, hip or other roof.

    Calculation of the truss system and roof gable. According to the given wall width and height to the ridge, the service will help determine the length of the rafters and the area of ​​the roof gable.

To calculate the material for the roof of the house, the "gable" program will require you to enter the following values:

    Roof dimensions. There are separate fields for entering height, width (on each side) and overhang.

    Rafter dimensions. Sets the width and thickness, as well as the distance between the rafters and the distance to the edge of the roof.

Video description

About the calculation of the roof on the construction calculator in the following video:

    Lathing parameters. Enter the width and thickness of the boards, the distance between them.

    Roofing material parameters. If selected roofing sheet, set the height, width and overlap of the sheet.

The result of the calculation will be the following parameters:

    Roof size. The height and width of the canvas, the total area.

    rafters. Number and length of rafters. The volume is also calculated required material(in cubic meters).

    crate. The calculation shows the number of rows of boards, the length of each part and the volume of the boards of the crate.

    Roofing material. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bhydro and vapor barrier is calculated. So, if roofing material or glassine is chosen as the roofing material, the calculator shows the required number of rolls (based on the size of the roll), taking into account the overlap.

    roofing material. The calculator determines not only the coverage area, but also the weight and the required amount of the selected material.

Calculator for calculating the main elements of a gable roof Source stankotec.ru

Calculation of additional parameters

Many online services calculate additional, no less useful values:

    Roof slope. The calculator will determine not only the optimal angle value, but also tell you if it is suitable for the selected roofing material. By changing the height of the lift or the width of the base, it is possible to achieve full compliance with the angle of the material.

    Calculation of wind and snow load . For some areas, this load may be the determining factor for choosing the type of roof. The calculator will need to enter Additional information: region of construction, type of terrain, height to the ridge of the building, type of wood for the rafters.

    Chimney calculation. For safe operation it is necessary to determine the height of the chimney relative to the roof ridge. Incorrect design may affect stable performance heating appliances and entail unplanned financial expenses (if rework is required).

When calculating the chimney, the presence of obstacles near housing is taken into account Source stroim-dom.radiomoon.ru

Limitations in using the online calculator

Roofing calculators offered by Internet resources are an affordable and very fast way to get necessary information. But like any mechanisms designed for the mass user, such calculators tend to use generalized methods of calculation. Worst of all, the calculation process is hidden from the person who turned to the calculator; it is very difficult to double-check the output information.

The calculator for calculating the roof of a house may contain some (permissible) parameter variations, which, nevertheless, will affect end result. Among the possible results, which may contain inaccurate (approximate) values, there are:

Determining the total amount of roofing material

The building material is never butt-to-joint, so the surface area of ​​the roof and the area of ​​coverage will always be different. When calculating, the roofing area is standardly increased by 15% - this provides a margin for overlap formation.

Video description

About the calculation of a gable roof free calculator in the next video:

If the roof has complex structure, the calculation also becomes more complicated, since an experienced designer simultaneously solves the additional problem of minimizing waste. For such purposes, different algorithms are used (with different cumulative errors and with different results), which one is embedded in the calculator is known only to its developers.

It is believed that the calculator helps to save on the purchase of building materials. But when installing a complex-shaped roof, in this case it often turns out that extra (often expensive) materials were purchased. The reverse situation, when there is not enough material and you have to pay for an unplanned purchase and delivery, is no less annoying.

Determination of the slope for the roof

Building codes prescribe minimum slope ratings for each roofing material. They are calculated taking into account the slope of the roof and additional indicators (wind and snow load). Specialists perform calculations in accordance with the norms of SNiP "Loads and Impacts" and additional design standards. It is not possible to check what indicators the roofing calculator uses in its work.

Some calculators take into account Extra options(Availability skylights and drainage systems) Source stankotec.ru

Roof calculation: how to avoid mistakes

Calculations can be done in one of the following ways:

    Calculate the roof manually. If you have basic knowledge of geometry, do preliminary calculations can also be done manually. To do this, it is enough to stock up on paper, a pencil, an ordinary calculator, and remember that any roof is a set of simple shapes (rectangles and triangles), the calculation of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is described by the simplest formulas from the school course. The method does not work well if the calculations become more complicated. They take a lot of time and increase the risk of error.

    Calculation of the roof to carry out in online service . It should be borne in mind that the values ​​​​are always averaged; your planned home may require a custom solution.

    Check the calculation of the roof with a calculator manually. Online roofing calculators are a convenient way to model a roof structure and find out the required amount of building materials. Calculation simple designs it is easy enough to check, but if you do not have a specialized education, confusion with coefficients and percentages is inevitable. Differing results will cause lengthy rechecks and error checking, as well as distrust of the calculator's abilities (or your own).

Checking the results of the calculation will require time and care. Source transsib6.ru

    Professional calculation of the roof. For preliminary calculations in order to determine the materials and construction of the roof, this method is clearly not suitable. But when ordering a turnkey house, construction company prepare a full-fledged project, which will indicate all the calculations for the calculations and estimates. In addition, specialists can make preliminary calculations for you even at the stage of discussing the project.


Roofing online calculator is considered to be good tool to determine the main parameters of the future roof. But professional builders recommend using it only for a rough estimate of the quantity and cost of building materials. Also, the calculator can become an indispensable tool for comparing the costs of various technologies.

During construction, people face a lot of different problems. One of them is the arrangement of the roof and the calculation of the amount of material necessary for its construction. It can be recognized only if the area to be covered is correctly calculated.


It will not work to calculate the roof area using some universal formulas. For simple pitched roof such calculations are the simplest, but there are always nuances, ignoring which leads to sad consequences.

The calculation of the area always implies:

  • accurate height measurement;
  • determination of the degree of inclination;
  • determination of the volume of the necessary building materials and fasteners to them (as the final stage).

Construction forms

The area of ​​​​a pitched roof is calculated depending on which geometric figure the proposed roof corresponds to - most often these are isosceles triangles, trapezoids, rectangles and parallelograms. But it is important to consider that almost all roofs still consist of several slopes.

single slope option calculated according to the formula for a rectangle.

If there are two slopes, you only need to apply the same formula to each of them and summarize the results.

A roof of four slopes is calculated as the sum of a pair of trapezoids and a pair of triangles with equal sides.

If the form is very complex, more time will have to be spent but the basic principles remain roughly the same. The first step is a breakdown into the simplest geometric shapes. Then the same formulas are applied to calculate the area of ​​any of them, as in the standard case. We must not forget that the length of the slopes is measured from the final lines of the cornices to the ridge elements.

When the area is irregular in shape, it is advisable to divide it into even smaller fragments in order to drastically simplify the calculations.

Chimneys and ventilation ducts should not be subtracted from the results obtained., windows built into the roof and other similar elements. When calculating the area flat roof for laying built-up roll materials the area of ​​parapets is taken into account separately. It is necessary to take into account how the overhang will be located - along the perimeter, with a closed parapet or with a lower overhang and a three-sided parapet.

In the very simple form square flat roof can be taken equal total area buildings, with the addition of perhaps overhangs and other elements that go beyond the contour. But such a calculation scheme is acceptable only if there are actually no corners.

With due diligence, it will not be difficult to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pediment on your own. For this, there will be no need to even turn to the help of online calculators. The configuration of the gables is closely related to the geometry of the slopes: for example, triangular options most often accompany the formation of roofs with two slopes. When installing the structure before preparation roof frames it is necessary to calculate the area and height of the gables with special care.

Produce necessary calculations, as always, the use of "school" formulas helps. It is advisable to use electronic calculators only for self-examination.

The lengths of the walls of the ends, divided in half, are multiplied with the tangent of the angle that creates the slope and the base of the roof. For non-residential premises under the roof, the height will be much less than for actively used by people. The triangular wall is calculated by multiplying the height of the pediment itself and the length roof base. This result should be reduced by 50%. In the case of a “trapezoid” wall, take ½ of the total length of the bases, multiply it by the height. The pentagonal pediment is conditionally divided into an upper triangle and a lower trapezoid - this simplifies the calculation.

Calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe L-shaped roof with a different slope is also not difficult. By its nature, it is formed from a pair of typical gable structures joined at right angles. The general configuration is divided into four similar rectangular trapezoids to simplify calculations. The calculated areas are summed up and the final result is obtained.

You can simplify the work (refuse to measure individual slopes and planes) if you have a carefully prepared plan on hand.

Calculation Method

It will not work correctly to calculate the quadrature of the roof of a house if you do not figure out exactly what its shape is. In the absence of clear and unambiguous plans, you will have to prepare them yourself by drawing all the necessary drawings by hand. An isosceles trapezoid is calculated taking into account not only the width of the slopes, but also the lengths of the bases and height. The prepared roof plan should reflect all lengths, widths and heights with an error of no more than 1 cm. If you can measure more accurately, you should definitely take this chance.

It is advisable to prepare a plan in several projections at once, and recheck each measurement and each calculation step. A mistake can be very expensive, literally. You can determine the number of square meters from the ground, from the roof itself, and from the attic.

To improve the accuracy of measurements and calculations, it is recommended to pay attention even to the asymmetry of the edge, to the excessive width of the ridge, to changes in the angles of inclination in different places. A 9 degree pitched roof is 10% larger than an identical flat roof.

If the slope increases to 56 degrees, the conversion factor already reaches 1.8, and the approximate change in it with an increase in the angle by 10 degrees is 15%. The slope angles of the slopes in houses covered with symmetrical gable roofs, are determined depending on the length of the base of the isosceles triangle formed by the slopes. To calculate the overlap, you need to multiply the length of the house by the length of the rafters.

The area of ​​\u200b\u200ball slopes is individually determined as the length of the house with the addition of the front and eaves overhangs multiplied by the length of the rafters + the length of the overhang. If the roof is shed, doubling the resulting number is not necessary.

For the most accurate calculation of the footage of a triangle or any other geometric figure, the results obtained from the formulas must be increased by 10-15%. This will compensate possible mistakes and marriage when laying roofing material. It will be somewhat more difficult to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof for subsequent flame retardant treatment and for impregnation with antiseptic compounds. The methods are approximately the same, but it will also be necessary to take into account the coefficients recommended by the fire department. They will make it possible to compensate for both calculation errors and the overconsumption of impregnating mixtures.

The problem is that special impregnation is not applied to the roof, but on the crate and the upper parts of the floors, rafters, trusses and crossbars. But rafters, beams and other similar elements have a much smaller area than the roof itself. And therefore, in most cases, to accurately predict the need for flame retardant treatment, you will have to enter a factor of 1.2. He will successfully “absorb” all the bumps.

The angle of inclination of the roof is calculated between the inclined rafters and the ceiling. When calculating the surface area that sheets of metal, slate or corrugated board will have to occupy, we must not forget that one of the waves is spent on connections with neighboring sheets. Therefore, you will have to add another 10% to the resulting area after all calculations and adjustments. Also take into account that sheet materials measured in running meters, which will need to be first converted into square ones, and only then compared with the dimensions of the roof. Additionally, you can check yourself using specialized online calculators directly from major providers of selected coverage.

If the roof is not wall gutter, add 7 cm to the slopes above the cornices. And in the case when there is a gutter, and a cornice, and an overhang, the length can be reduced by 70 cm. It is necessary to additionally calculate the area of ​​parapets, a firewall wall and other structures that are not physically connected with the main coating. It is not necessary to take into account standing seams if single parts are covered with roofing steel.

You can also ignore the bypass of the base beam with rolled covers. Essentially, it does not play a role, as does the arrangement of aprons.

And about the ignored details: there is no need to calculate the roof connections to:

  • parapet;
  • antiaircraft lamp;
  • thermal seam;
  • pipe;
  • ventilation shaft;
  • wall.

Coverings of parts of the same roof, located in different planes and separated by other materials, are calculated each separately. If there is no building project or it raises certain doubts, it is better to measure all quantities in fact. The effort expended will turn a hundredfold, it will be much easier to repair or build from scratch. Moreover, centimeters unaccounted for on large-scale plans and diagrams in reality turn into whole meters of error.

  • Construction is often called an exact science. One cannot but agree with this, because in fact, any building does not begin with the preparation of the foundation for the foundation, the erection of walls or the purchase of the necessary building materials. First of all, it is “built” on paper - a project is prepared, which includes sketches, drawings and all kinds of calculations.

    One of the conditions for the "correct" construction of the roof is the choice of building materials and a well-compiled estimate for their purchase. Therefore, it is so important to know how to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof. For this, many resort to online calculators, which are widely presented on various sites on the Internet. Nevertheless, professionals recommend performing calculations "manually" taking into account the characteristics of a particular object.

    If you know how to calculate the roof area correctly, and when preparing project documentation adhere to the required scheme, then the roof will no doubt turn out to be quite strong and reliable. Moreover, it will avoid unnecessary financial costs when buying building materials and her device.

    What determines the calculation of the roof

    The roof calculation scheme depends primarily on architectural features buildings. For example, for outbuildings, they mainly use the easiest option for calculations - flat, attic - are more diverse:, and others, and each of these types involves its own calculation methodology.

    Among the defining parameters should also be noted:

    In almost any formula, the so-called design coefficient is used in calculations, which is selected based on the angle of inclination of the roof slope.

    geometric shapes

    Upon closer examination, it becomes obvious that the range of the most common forms of individual rays is limited to elementary geometric shapes, such as:

    • rectangle/square;
    • trapezoid;
    • parallelogram;
    • isosceles triangle.

    Of course the design modern roofs much more diverse and, as a rule, it does not do without a serious complication of the roof structure: its shape and dimensions change. However, even in this case, the "three pillars" on which the calculation is based remain elementary figures. The area of ​​​​any complexity for calculating the area is divided into a number of simpler ones. The desired area, therefore, is nothing more than the sum of the areas of the constituent elements.

    That is why, even if you have already graduated from school a long time ago, but are still at odds with elementary geometry, it will not be difficult for you to calculate the roof yourself.

    Just in case, we recall the formulas for the areas of the main figures:

    How to measure slopes and calculate roof area

    When there is no roof plan at hand indicating exact dimensions, then they are removed independently. You will need a tape measure, calculator, and other tools needed when working at height.

    For roofs with symmetrical slopes, it is enough to measure only one.

    shed roof

    To calculate the area, use the formula for a rectangle:

    S=K x L, where K is the length, L is the width.

    You can also measure the slope without climbing the roof - it is enough to measure the length and width of the house, taking into account the size of all overhangs:

    • the width of the slope will be equal to the resulting length of the building;
    • length - calculated according to the Pythagorean theorem, taking the height of the roof and the projection of the slope as the legs.

Roofing and roofing online calculators are must-have tools in the arsenal of architects and professional construction firms. Although, in principle, such calculators are useful to ordinary owners suburban areas who started building a house with their own hands (here you will also need to calculate the roof). And it is not surprising, because the quality and accuracy of such calculations directly affect not only the durability of the entire roof structure, but also on general form at home. This section of the site contains the best calculators for calculating the roof, which will help you in the most common cases when self construction at home! Here you will find useful tools according to the calculation of the area of ​​​​the three-gable roof, the amount of slate, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hipped roof, length rafter legs, skate height and much more! All online calculators were created by experienced specialists, each tool is accompanied by detailed explanations and instructions for calculating.

What are the advantages of our online calculators? They differ from their numerous (and often paid) analogues in that they do not need to be downloaded to local computer. Complex, carefully tested algorithms are used for calculations, and the results of calculations are displayed in a simple and accessible form. Another advantage is that you can add the page with the online calculator of interest to your browser bookmarks and use it at any time!

On a note! When making online payments, we use building standards, GOSTs and SNiPs, which are accepted in the Russian Federation and the world. In addition, the world practice of modern construction is taken into account.

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