Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

How to feed cucumbers with cow dung. Mullein: properties, what it is, preparation, how to use. Sheep, lamb, goat droppings as fertilizer for garden crops

Without a doubt, mullein or cow dung is the most common and affordable fertilizer. It is used by large agricultural enterprises and gardeners who have their favorite six acres.

Article outline

Composition of mullein

This type of fertilizer contains almost all the nutrients that plants need for growth, development and fruiting. These include the following macroelements:

  1. nitrogen;
  2. phosphorus;
  3. potassium;
  4. calcium;
  5. magnesium;
  6. sulfur.

Microelements were also found in mullein: cobalt, iron, copper, molybdenum, boron and zinc. One ton of manure applied to the soil enriches it with 4.5-5 kg ​​of nitrogen, 2-2.5 kg of phosphorus and 5-6 kg of potassium.

Mullein is especially attractive due to the fact that its nitrogen is in organic form. You should definitely know that one third of nitrogen is released quite quickly during decomposition, but the rest is stable and has a long-lasting effect on plants.

Half of the phosphorus in mullein is also bound to organic matter, but the rest quickly becomes available to plants. Potassium, which is part of this organic fertilizer, almost all of it is easily soluble in water and can be absorbed by various crops almost immediately after application.

The use of mullein as a fertilizer helps intensive reproduction of microorganisms in the soil, since organic matter, contained in it, is a source of energy and food for them.

Cow manure improves the physical and physicochemical properties of the soil, making it possible to convert insoluble soil compounds into easily digestible ones.

It also helps create a structure of soil from small lumps, which is considered the best for growing any crops, since lumps of soil saturated with humus are not washed away by water and become strong.

For example, after adding mullein to heavy soil with a large amount of clay, it becomes looser, easier to work with, and warms up better and faster. All this helps with the growth and development of plants, as well as for obtaining good harvests.

Fertilizing with mullein can be carried out for all types of decorative and fruit trees and shrubs, on various perennial, biennial and annual flower plants, as well as on vegetable and agricultural crops. You can also use cow manure as fertilizer for indoor flowers.

But before we start using this species, let's get acquainted with its varieties and methods of preparing mullein before bringing it into the ground.

What types of cow dung are there?

Depending on the way the cows are kept (with or without bedding made of straw, sawdust and other materials), mullein can be:

  • bedding
  • or liquid.

Solid straw manure, which is obtained when bedding animals, rots during storage and eventually becomes humus.

The liquid form of mullein is used to prepare humus in compost pits, where it is mixed with soil, sawdust, fallen leaves, weeds, vegetable tops or straw. Moreover, usually two parts are taken of straw, tops, leaves or sawdust, and five parts of liquid manure. Wood ash or lime is also added to the compost (from 2 to 4% of the total mass).

Straw, sawdust or leaves are poured in a layer and poured with liquid manure, then the next layer and again - manure, and this happens until the pit is completely filled to the brim.

Cow manure as fertilizer can be used in any form: fresh, half-rotted and completely rotted (humus).

But you should definitely remember that fresh mullein can easily damage the roots and stems different cultures(causes severe burning and death).

Fresh mullein can be added to the soil only in the fall for digging, so that before spring it has time to burn out (rot) and no longer burn the roots of plants or seedlings. In spring and summer time Mostly half-rotted or completely rotted mullein (humus) is used.

Cow dung as fertilizer

You can buy mullein

For those who garden for the hobby and do not have their own cows, there is an option to buy ready-made fertilizer from mullein. Quite popular is the organic fertilizer “BIUD KRS Compost”, which is produced in 5 liter bottles, or the “Radogor” fertilizer in 1 liter bottles. According to manufacturers, such fertilizers replace half a ton of fresh cow manure (we are talking about 5 liter bottles) or 5 buckets of mullein (we are talking about liter Radogor).

Such ready-made fertilizers are sold in most garden stores. There are also many options to buy dry mullein in bags from 50g to 5kg. It all depends on the range of country stores in your city.

For village residents, of course, it will be more profitable to use their own mullein, or buy manure from their neighbors at a cheap price.

How to use mullein as a top dressing

To prepare liquid fertilizers, cow manure in any form is taken. It is diluted in water in certain proportions and then allowed to ferment for 5-15 days. The finished infusion is diluted in the right amount water (it is different for different crops) and water plants, trees and shrubs.

Completely rotted mullein or humus is perfect for feeding any crop. It is often used as a mulching material (layer height varies from 4 to 8 cm), which retains moisture in the ground, looseness of the soil and at the same time serves as top dressing.

Mullein can also be used for foliar feeding. To do this, take 10 liters of water and dissolve half a liter in it liquid mullein, then stir thoroughly and filter. The effect of this foliar feeding can be enhanced by microfertilizers, which can be added in small quantities.

Let's find out how you can use mullein when feeding various crops.

Cow manure for fruit trees

It is best to fertilize fruit trees with mullein in the fall before digging, so that the deep-lying roots receive nutrients. But you can also feed at other times. When fertilizing in the fall, you need to evenly scatter the rotted mullein over trunk circles, that should be larger diameter crowns, and seal it to a depth of 30 to 35 cm.

Attention! It is worth remembering that on permeable light soils (with a lot of sand), manure is applied at two times: when the buds open and immediately after flowering. And where the earth contains a large number of clay and mullein are added in several stages. The first time fertilizing is carried out in the fall, then in early spring, and then after flowering in equal shares.

Recipes for the best summer fertilizers for trees with mullein


Fertilizing strawberries with mullein is carried out before the flowers begin to bloom and during flowering. To prepare the fertilizer, take half-rotted manure, add water in a ratio of 1 to 10 and leave it in barrels for about a week, stirring several times a day (3 to 5 times).

The infusion is poured between the rows, making sure that it does not get on the leaves and flowers.

Without fertilizing cow dung The queen of flowers, the rose, cannot do without. Feeding rose bushes with mullein for the first time is carried out immediately after pruning in early spring. Completely rotted manure is distributed in a small layer (from 2 to 4 cm) around the bush, but at the same time it is necessary to retreat 10-15 cm from the root collar. The fertilizer must be embedded in the soil using a hoe or a small rake.

It is advisable to give the next fertilizing to rose bushes just before flowering. To do this, prepare an infusion, for which you take one bucket of rotted manure and ten buckets of water. It is advisable to add a little ash to the barrel with the infusion. One bucket of this fertilizer is used to water 2 to 4 plants (depending on the age and size of the bush).

To ensure that roses bloom well, during repeated flowering, another fertilizing with manure solution is carried out in the first ten days of August.

Attention! After such fertilizing, a fairly strong crust usually forms on the surface of the earth, which prevents the roots from breathing. It must be destroyed with a hoe and the soil underneath must be loosened.

When growing white cabbage, it is best to use a mullein solution for fertilizing, prepared at a rate of 1 to 10 (one part manure and ten parts water).

  • It is advisable to combine the first feeding with hilling.
  • The next time the plants are fed is after three weeks.
  • The third feeding is carried out only for late varieties cabbage In this case, it is necessary to add manure to the solution (from 20 to 30 grams) and 10 grams for every 10 liters of water. The third feeding is carried out 10-15 days after the second.

Mullein for ornamental plants

Feeding ornamental trees mullein is carried out several times per season:

  1. During a period of intensive growth;
  2. Before and during flowering;
  3. During the period when trees are preparing to go dormant.

Moreover, for this it is best to use completely rotted bulk mullein. They mulch (cover) the soil near the trunk with a layer of about 4-6 cm. You can also use an infusion of cow manure with the addition of superphosphate and wood ash, which is prepared for 7 to 10 days.

It is worth remembering that before each fertilizing it is necessary to carry out good watering, and after it loosening.

Apple trees

The apple tree is fed with mullein several times a year. The best time Autumn is the time to apply this organic fertilizer.

Half-rotted cow manure is spread around the trunks of apple trees and buried to a depth of 20 to 30 cm. It is imperative to ensure that the root system is not damaged during this work.

For good growth and big harvest Apple trees are fed during bud break and just before flowering begins (for better fruit set).

Attention! If the harvest is expected to be small, then it is good to fertilize in June before shedding the ovary. And if the harvest is large, then it is better to fertilize after the ovary has shed.

Fertilizing flowers with mullein is carried out at different times and different numbers of times, depending on the growing technology and the nutritional requirements of the crop. For example, peonies are fed only two or three times during the entire season at the beginning of spring, when the mass of leaves rapidly increases and buds form.

It is best to prepare mullein in a certain way for this:

  1. One bucket of fresh cow dung is filled with 5-6 buckets of water and left to ferment for a week and a half.
  2. Before feeding, the prepared mullein is diluted with water, and one bucket of infusion is taken, and two buckets of water are taken.
  3. To feed the peony, make a circular hole at a distance of 20 cm from the base of the bush. Its depth should be from 8 to 10 cm.
  4. Fertilizer is poured into this hole, after it is absorbed, watered with water, and after a while covered with earth.

Mullein is also used for feeding when growing delphinium.
. For this they take fresh manure and dissolve it in water (1:10), then leave for several days (from 7 to 10 days). Fertilizing is carried out at the rate of one bucket liquid fertilizer for 5 adult plants or 10 young bushes.

And so many years old ornamental shrub Just as cinquefoil also cannot do without feeding with mullein. Moreover, to prepare the infusion, completely rotted manure is taken, which is diluted with water (1:10), and then supplemented with a small amount of wood ash. Before feeding, the soil around the bush must be loosened to a depth of about 5 cm and watered with plenty of water.

Since mullein is an environmentally friendly pure fertilizers, then it is good to use when growing cucumbers for feeding. Fertilizer can be prepared in several ways.

In the first case, fresh cow dung is taken and filled with water in a 1:1 ratio and infused for a week. The finished infusion is diluted with water, using 10 parts of water for one part of mullein. Cucumbers are fed between rows at the rate of 10 liters of diluted fertilizer per 1 square meter.

In the second option, to prepare the fertilizer, take slurry and mix it with water (1:4) and leave it in a warm place for a week. The resulting fertilizer is diluted again with water (1:3 or 1:4) and fertilized.

Attention! Fertilizing cucumbers with mullein must be combined with good watering.

It is advisable to feed cucumbers throughout the season every 10 or 12 days, but you need to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.

Natural liquid organic fertilizer from mullein - how to prepare


Tomatoes, as well as cucumbers, are best fed with organic fertilizers such as mullein. After planting the seedlings and their rooting (15-20 days), you can begin fertilizing at intervals of two weeks.

To do this, take completely rotted manure and fill it with water (1:6), then add superphosphate (about 20 grams) and ash (20 grams). The infusion will be ready in 5-7 days. The plants are fed between the rows at the rate of half a liter of infusion per tomato plant.

It is worth remembering that it is advisable to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers when fertilizing. It is especially advisable to fertilize so that it occurs at the opening of the second and third clusters. But then it is better to fertilize after two weeks.

27.11.2017 3 459

Mullein – effective fertilizer for the garden

Mullein is a fertilizer of organic origin, actively used for feeding garden plants, and how to use fresh cow manure effectively, how to breed and apply it to the beds for tomatoes, strawberries, garden trees when is it better to fertilize - in autumn or spring, read on...

Fresh manure as fertilizer

Mullein is a fertilizer that is almost ideal for all types of plants - firstly, organic matter is absorbed faster than mineral fertilizers, and secondly, cow dung contains almost all the elements necessary for the growth and development of plants - nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and many others . Fresh manure is used as fertilizer in the form of slurry, humus or infusion.

Pure mullein should be added to the soil in the fall after harvesting so that the organic matter burns out before spring without scorching the roots of the plants. It is best to spread and cultivate the soil with fresh cow pats, as over time they lose a very important element - nitrogen. Infusion, humus or half-rotted composition can be used at any time during the growing season. Cow dung can be used in two forms, each with its own benefits.

Litter manure is a mass collected from animal bedding, contains straw or peat, is rich in magnesium, which helps increase productivity, helps the plant survive temperature changes, and is rich in nitrogen. There is no magnesium in peat litter, but it is rich in ammonium nitrogen, which is much better absorbed by the soil - it is used to prepare humus and complex soil fertilizer during autumn and spring plowing.

applying fresh cow manure

Mullein is pure manure without any impurities, containing more than 50% ammonia nitrogen, used to prepare slurry. Clean manure is included in compost pits. Fresh manure is used as a complex feed during autumn and spring plowing, but using cakes in their pure form is dangerous - you can burn the roots. During spring plowing, it is best to mix the soil with rotted manure or use dry mullein, which is also used for mulching.

How to prepare slurry

Preparation of mullein infusion will require a large container - pour in the pure substance, add water in a ratio of 1:5 so that there is free space up to the lid, since it is more convenient to mix the liquid. We close the lid, put pressure on top, otherwise the lid will fly off when gases are released, leave the mixture for 5-7 days, depending on the weather. The liquid must be stirred periodically, and when the liquid becomes lighter, undissolved elements will settle, and bubbles will form on the surface - concentrated slurry ready. The concentrate is stored under a tightly closed lid.

diluting cow dung in proper proportion

How to dilute cow manure for irrigation depends on soil moisture - for wet soil you need to dilute the mixture by half, for a dry garden 1:4. In any case, it is recommended to water the soil before and after fertilizing, and to get maximum effect, you can add 100 g of superphosphate and 0.5 kg of wood ash to the mixture. It is advisable to make a groove around the trunk of the plant, pour the resulting mixture into it, and then bury it.

If the mixture has not fermented, and replenishment needs to be done urgently, it is better to use a 1:10 solution of mullein. Sometimes the unfermented mass is used to resuscitate yellowed leaves suffering from a lack of nitrogen, to resuscitate weakened or diseased crops. This mass restores plants well after temperature changes.

They use fresh cow manure as a foliar feed - a concentrate of slurry diluted with 20 parts of water is sprayed on the plants, and thanks to this the soul garden plot comes to life - the leaves become bright green, the plants grow stronger and become disease-resistant.

Mullein - fertilizer for the garden and vegetable garden

Before fertilizing trees with mullein, a ditch is dug around the tree trunk area or pipes are dug in for root feeding, after which diluted slurry concentrate is poured into them at the rate of 1 bucket per young tree, 2 for an adult. The hole is buried immediately after the soil has absorbed the liquid.

Mullein is a fertilizer, the use of which is advisable to stop in the second half of summer, since the composition of the substance provokes the growth of shoots - starting from mid-July, the branches prepare for winter, become woody, and the fragile branch will probably freeze and die in cold weather conditions.

You can start fertilizing cucumbers, zucchini, melons, watermelons and pumpkins at the seedling stage - to prepare mullein slurry you need to pour in the mixture hot water in a ratio of 1:10, leave for 3-4 hours, dilute again 1:5 and water the seedlings. Next time, the seedlings are watered two days before transplanting into the ground, and the final feeding will be the introduction of mullein into the beds 2 weeks after planting with a solution of 1:10, 1 liter for each bush.

feeding greenhouse cucumbers

Cucumbers can be fertilized with 1 glass of cow dung diluted in a bucket of water until the ovaries appear, and the procedure can be repeated several times during fruiting - 8-10 liters of the already prepared mass are added to each bush.

It is important to know how to fertilize tomatoes and peppers with mullein - to do this, pour a mixture diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20 into the holes prepared for seedlings. The second feeding is carried out after 10-14 days, 0.5-1 liter per bush, subsequent ones - as necessary during fruit ripening. Before each procedure, the bushes must be watered abundantly.

Spinach, cabbage, lettuce, and other spicy greens are watered with a standard mullein solution at the beginning of the growing season. Beets are fertilized after thinning, when the root crop reaches 3-4 cm in diameter - for this, pure manure is diluted 1:8 and watered at a rate of 500 ml per bush.

Strawberries are fed with dry mullein, pouring it between the beds. It is also recommended in the fall to dig up the soil for future beds with bedding manure. Conduct root feeding You can use slurry, adding it to the holes before planting, before the flowers set and during the formation of berries.

Mullein is a fertilizer that has some contraindications for use; in particular, the use of this organic substance is not recommended for the following reasons:

  • Carrots, radishes, radishes after feeding will acquire a hard, fibrous structure, growth will take place in spreading tops;
  • Beans, peas, chickpeas, asparagus and lentils intensively grow tops to the detriment of flower ovaries;
  • Cabbage loves fertilizer made from cow manure, with the exception of Kohlrabi and Chinese cabbage, the structure of which will become denser and lose juiciness due to fertilizing.

Onions and garlic also have mixed reactions to the remedy - they categorically do not accept cow dung in the ground, they begin to weaken and get sick, but watering with slurry can bring positive results.

This article provides brief information on the use of organic fertilizers such as cattle manure or mullein. Questions about the use of fertilizer at home and in the field will be revealed, the meaning of mullein, its composition and properties, how to properly prepare the solution.

Mullein contains all the macronutrients that are necessary for the normal development and growth of plants and soil. These elements include potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. In this case, nitrogen is in organic form. In addition to these three elements, fertilizer will depend entirely on what the cows were fed and how many vitamins they received from food.

Designed to fertilize the soil, enriching it important elements. All this is necessary for the normal growth of plants and various fruit and field crops.

Any person needs food that contains vitamins and various elements. For normal development and growth. Plants also need their vitamins to function well and benefit people.

There is also synthetic mullein, that is, in packages, in case there is no cattle. This fertilizer is called cattle compost.

Mechanism of action

This fertilizer is produced in three consistencies:

  1. Litter
  2. Without bedding
  3. Liquid

Litter implies a mixture of straw, hay, peat with cattle manure. It is used as bedding. Peat, in turn, serves as a source of ammonium nitrogen, which is absorbed by plants.

The best and most important elements in soil fertilization are:

  • Potassium
  • Phosphorus

Litter-free consistency is a suspension that contains a sufficient amount of ammonium nitrogen. It is this consistency that will enrich the soil many times more than litter, since it contains about 60% nitrogen.

Liquid manure also contains large amounts of potassium and nitrogen, necessary to improve soil quality before planting. This consistency should be diluted.

The mechanism of action of the fertilizer is the proliferation of microorganisms, because those elements nourish and give energy to the soil. There is an improvement physical and chemical properties soil. The structure of the earth is created, which promotes the formation of lumps. The clumps are stable and the plant will grow harmoniously.

Before applying it, it must be kept for at least six months. Then enter using the technology:

  1. Direct flow (farm-field)
  2. Transshipment (farm-burt-field)
  3. Two-phase

Depending on the area to which the fertilizing will be applied, its amount will be different. Solid fertilizer for sowing area field plants should be 1 ton. As for liquid manure, it is applied using two technologies:

  • Direct flow(for transportation distance up to 3 km)
  • Reloading(for transportation distance more than 3 km)

Condition for saving nutrients liquid mullein - quickly incorporating them into the soil using tillage units.

Advantages and disadvantages

Disadvantage The only thing is that not everyone has the opportunity to have cattle, whose excrement is useful for crop production, but there are even commercial fertilizers for this.

Advantages– obtaining milk + fertilizing the garden for sowing various plants and field crops, high efficiency, low cost, protection from diseases and harmful organisms.

Instructions for use

Proper preparation of the working solution

Liquid consistency fertilizer is prepared in a ratio of 1:10. 1 bucket of cow dung and 5 buckets of water are poured into the container. Stir and leave for about 3 days. Also add approximately 500 grams of wood ash, 100 grams of phosphate.

Before application, you need to water the soil with water.

Timing and method of treating plants with the drug

It is advisable to apply liquid fertilizer into the furrows. For fruit crops they are made wider and deeper. Mullein is added about 4 g per square meter. Mineral ones are used in a dosage of 9/20/4 ammonium nitrate, ammonium and potassium sulfate, respectively. These minerals are the basis for fertilizing, and mullein is a top dressing. Their use must be comprehensive.

Thus, fertilizing is done in advance before adding mineral water, depending on the variety and variety of crop.

Safety precautions when working with fertilizer

This section will concern purchased mullein, as it contains substances that will burn the plants.

Fertilizing with synthetic mullein should be done in the fall, because the root system of seedlings is weak and can be destroyed.

Compatibility with other tools

As mentioned above, after fertilizing the soil, mineral water is added. When it comes to synthetic products, mullein can interact with:

  • Wood ash
  • Eggshell

Since ash is a source of potassium and phosphorus, it is added simultaneously with mullein.

The shells are crushed and soaked warm water, infusing the mixture in the dark for about three days. After this, water the soil with seedlings.

First aid for poisoning

In case of mullein poisoning as a vapor, the victim should be taken to fresh air and warm up. If you feel itching, wash your skin with laundry soap. If there is pain in the eyes, then it is necessary to rinse the eye with tea. You should consult a doctor for any poisoning.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Mullein should be stored in some kind of pits or separate piles. The most important factor is not allowing the mullein to warm up to 60 degrees.

As for the shelf life of both mineral and organic water, it does not exceed 3 years. Dry synthetic fertilizers are stored for several years, and raw ones for about 9 months.

In conclusion, it can be noted that Mullein is used for almost all vegetable and fruit crops, root crops, tubers and fruit trees. If you use a fertilizer or product correctly, without missing out on the nuances, following the system of use, then no shortcomings or bad outcomes can be expected.

They must be provided with adequate nutrition. And for this you need to know how and what to feed them with. We will look at 5 main ways to feed cucumbers.

Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers

It is better to choose complex, soluble mineral fertilizers. Firstly, such fertilizers are easy to use, and secondly liquid fertilizers better absorbed by plants. You need to start feeding cucumbers 10 days after planting the seedlings.

For a bucket of water, take 1 tablespoon of complex fertilizer, for example “Mortar”. And when the ovary appears, the dose is increased. Cucumbers should be fed with a more concentrated solution during fruiting. Dissolve 1.5 tbsp in a bucket of water. spoons of fertilizer.

Feeding cucumbers with ash

Ash is unique complex fertilizer. No other mineral fertilizer contains such a quantity of useful microelements. Ash can and should be used to fertilize all garden crops, including cucumbers. You can sprinkle the beds with dry ash, but it is better to water them with an ash solution. This solution is very easy to prepare. Take a glass of ash in a bucket of water, stir it well and the fertilizing is ready.
You can water it. Just make sure that the insoluble sediment also gets into the garden bed.

An ash solution for foliar feeding is somewhat more complicated to prepare. Dilute 300 grams in 3 liters of water. ash. Put on fire and boil for 30 minutes. Then let it brew for 5-6 hours. Add a little soap to the solution and increase the volume to 10 liters. Strain and start spraying.

Feeding cucumbers with mullein

If you feed cucumbers with manure during growth and fruiting, this will give a noticeable increase in yield. To prepare mullein, you need to add fresh manure with water in a ratio of 1:3. Let it ferment for 10 days. Before watering, take 1 liter of mullein into a bucket of water.

And during fruiting, add another 50 grams. superphosphate into a bucket of the prepared solution. It is advisable to water not directly into the garden bed, but into pre-prepared grooves. After watering, the furrows are leveled.

The same solution, only diluted 1:20, can also be used for foliar feeding. And if you grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, then it is also better to place the container in which the mullein ferments in the same greenhouse. The smell will certainly not be very good. But all these fumes that are formed as a result of fermentation are foliar feeding for cucumbers.

By the way, if ordinary mash ferments in a greenhouse, the effect will be exactly the same. But that's true, by the way.

Fertilizing with liquid compost

How to feed cucumbers if you have neither ash nor manure on hand, but you don’t really want to use “chemicals”? There is one good one and absolutely free option. This fertilizer is literally lying under our feet.

Any fresh grass, tops, as well as all fallen apples, pears, etc. are suitable for its preparation. We fill a barrel or any other container with all these “raw materials”, about two-thirds. Then add water, cover with a lid and leave to ferment. Fermentation will last about 10 days. After fermentation stops, the fertilizer can be used. This “talker” must be bred in the same way as mullein. 1 liter of solution per bucket of water.

This fertilizer has one drawback. From the barrel comes a strong and bad smell. To tone it down, add a little valerian to the barrel. And of course, cover with a lid.

Yeast feeding of cucumbers

Many gardeners use regular baker's yeast to feed plants. For this, both dry and regular yeast are used. Regular ones dilute 100 grams. for 10 liters of water. And you can water it right away.

Dry yeast (10 g packet) is also diluted in 10 liters of water, but it must be allowed to brew for 2 hours. In addition, it is recommended to add 2 - 3 tablespoons of sugar to this solution. Yeast-based fertilizers are also sold in stores. It's called Rostmoment.

Conduct yeast supplements cucumbers should be no more than 2 times per season. Yeast does not contain any beneficial microelements. Such supplements can be regarded as stimulating, not nourishing. . However, after applying such fertilizers, the cucumbers noticeably “come to life” and begin to grow. This means there are benefits from them.

All these feedings need to be done once every 10-15 days. The greatest effect is obtained by alternating in various ways. All these methods can be combined with each other. Of course, within reasonable limits. Fertilizing in excess will not lead to the desired result. Except regular feeding, you definitely need to study about all the subtleties

Feeding – important stage caring for cucumbers. Fertilizing saturates plants with microelements, after which the fruits become larger, healthier and tastier.. Feeding is done using various compositions and on different stages growth of green cucumbers. According to gardeners, mullein is considered one of the best organic fertilizers for feeding cucumbers.

The beneficial effects of organic fertilizer for feeding cucumbers

The high quality of mullein is also due to the fact that it mineralizes when it gets into the soil and becomes a source of nutrition for plants during the growing season.

The beneficial properties of mullein for plants can be characterized by the following qualities:

  • increasing the humus content in the soil;
  • natural enrichment of soil with nutritional components;
  • soil structuring;
  • complete nutrition of crops grown on summer cottage.

By feeding cucumber bushes with mullein, summer residents can be sure that the crop receives a full range of necessary substances. Mullein contains sufficient quantity for culture:

  • nitrogen and phosphorus;
  • potassium and calcium;
  • magnesium and boron;
  • sulfur and molybdenum;
  • zinc and cobalt.

The list is incomplete, but this number of elements is enough to provide adequate nutrition for cucumbers.

Options for preparing mullein at your summer cottage for feeding cucumbers

In order not to burn the roots of the plants with fresh manure, and also to get rid of pathogenic microflora, gardeners prepare mullein in several ways:

Components Preparation Mode of application
Water, fresh cow dung Fill the manure with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Leave for 7 days.

Dilute again with water in a ratio of 1:10

Root fertilizing between rows.

Composition consumption - per 1 sq. square meter 10 liters

Cow dung, clean water In a large container, mix the components 1:5.

Cover and leave to ferment for 2-3 weeks.

The mixture is stirred every 3 days.

At the end, the mixture is diluted with water (1:10) and 100 grams of superphosphate and 500 grams of wood ash are added.

Slurry, water Mix in a ratio of 1:4.

Leave in a warm place for 7 days.

Dilute again in a ratio of 1:3 or 1:4.

Root feeding in the usual way.
Mullein, water Dilute with water 1:1.

Add to compost in a 1:2 ratio with other components.

Preparing humus.

Water the layers compost heap or mix with tops, leaves and sawdust when laying.

Fresh mullein Laying “warm” beds in a greenhouse. To form cucumber beds lay a layer of mullein and cover it with a layer of soil.
Fresh mullein Application to the soil in a ratio of 30-40 kg per 10 square meters. meters. Fertilize the soil in the fall before digging so that it rots before spring and does not burn the roots of the plants.
Dry mullein Application to the soil in a ratio of 4-5 kg ​​per 10 square meters. meters Fertilize the soil in the spring immediately before digging so that the nitrogen does not erode.

Tip #1.When root feeding cucumbers, provide the plants with high-quality watering so as not to burn the roots.

Terms of feeding cucumbers with mullein at their summer cottage

Tip #2. When regularly applying mullein to cucumbers, be sure to alternate it with mineral fertilizers.

Feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse is carried out as follows:

Deadlines Method of application
When seedlings grow Mullein solution with added superphosphate
Before flowering A mixture of 0.5 mullein infusion, 1 tsp. potassium sulfate and superphosphate into a bucket of clean water.
Flowering phase 1 cup of mullein solution per plant as a watering
Fruiting phase Dilute 0.5 liters of mullein infusion with 10 liters of water.

Feed the cucumbers 3 times every 10-12 days.

IN open ground Cucumbers are fed with mullein according to the following scheme:

  1. The first feeding after the appearance of the first leaf for weakened plants. If all are strong, then the date is postponed to a later time and the bushes are fed before flowering.
  2. Fruiting stage. After the first mineral feeding, a week later, prepare a composition of 0.5 liters of mullein (infusion), 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate and a bucket of water. Continue feeding at intervals of 10 days.

Using fresh mullein for cucumber beds in a summer cottage

Fresh mullein should not be added to the soil when plants are planted. It is used in early spring 2-3 weeks before sowing when forming cucumber ridges. In this form, mullein warms the earth from the inside and creates ideal conditions for the development of cucumber bushes.

The soil is uniformly heated, protecting the root system from hypothermia. You can prepare special ridge boxes, which are very simple to make.

They knock down a frame of boards enclosing the intended bed.

Spread manure in a layer of at least 1 meter.

On the ridge, holes are made in the manure every 1.5 meters. The depth of each is from 30 to 40 cm, and the diameter is 50 cm.

The holes are filled with soil mixture for cucumbers and 5 to 7 seeds are planted in each of them.

As soon as the plants sprout, leave 2-3 of the strongest ones in the holes, pinching the rest.

If there is little mullein on the site or it is purchased, then an economical method is used. A 30 cm layer of soil is poured into the box, then crushed weeds or leaves are packed tightly. Give the heap a couple of days to compact and put a small layer of mullein on top.

Using rotted mullein for cucumber beds at a summer cottage

Dry organic matter is added at any time of the year, but the optimal time is spring. Dry mullein is laid out around the area before digging. For 10 sq. m, 5 kg of rotted mullein is enough. This is the most effective way to feed cucumbers with rotted mullein. It is important to seal dry mullein immediately, just like fresh mullein, so that the beneficial elements do not evaporate.

It is important not to get carried away with this complex of nutrients so as not to overfeed the plants. In this case, the green mass will be lush and dense, and the fruits will have voids and the yield will decrease.

Rotted mullein can be soaked and a solution can be prepared for watering rows. It is prepared in the same way as fresh.

When preparing mullein infusion, the container must be kept closed. The thing is that the fertilizer contains urea. It is transformed into ammonium carbonate. This is ensured by the microorganisms present in the solution. It then releases and evaporates if the container is not closed. But, in the greenhouse, gardeners insist mullein in open containers. Evaporation serves as foliar feeding of cucumbers indoors.

Gardeners' questions about feeding cucumbers with mullein

How to feed cucumbers at the dacha with mullein. When feeding cucumbers with mullein, try to carefully apply the infusion under the roots so as not to harm the plants.

Question No. 1. How to properly feed cucumbers with mullein between the rows?

A diluted infusion of mullein is applied into special grooves or grooves, which are laid either along the row or near each bush. As soon as the solution is absorbed, the grooves are covered with earth.

Question No. 2. Why should you avoid getting the solution on cucumber leaves?

Cucumbers do not like excess moisture. The second reason is that you can burn the leaves if the solution is concentrated.

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