Encyclopedia of fire safety

How to open your own minibus business. How to open your minibus

Minibus as a business - making a profit

The profitability of the route business is beyond doubt. The number of fixed-route taxis is growing, in Moscow there are already about 6-9 thousand of them.
To launch a minibus, you need to assess the risks, the level of investment.
The average revenue from one car per shift is about $800. From here we subtract:
- $300 - maintenance and operation of the car;
- $100 - insurance, leasing;
- about 50 - contributions to the payroll.
Taxes - per month from $20 to $200.

Without tax deductions, $ 350 per day remains from each car.

In modern cities and villages, the main transport has long been a fixed-route taxi. It is an indispensable passenger carrier with a number of advantages. Despite the fact that benefit holders cannot freely ride a minibus, this species transport still has a huge demand among the population. It is very difficult to leave during rush hour, all minibuses are overcrowded.
This type of business is very profitable. The number of minibuses is growing, and so is the need for them.

First steps - how to start a minibus?

The first step is to buy a car. There are several options here: buy a good expensive minibus of a well-known brand (this is about 30 thousand dollars), or a used car in good condition (so that there are no losses due to repairs), or rent a car (with the right to buy) .

The documents
Further, in order to open such a business, you need to obtain special documentation and permits. This includes: paying for insurance, purchasing a license to transport a vehicle. The license is valid for 5 years, selected for a specific car. The state license for transportation is issued by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation in three types:

1. For passenger car for commercial purposes.
2. For equipped road transport for the purpose of transporting more than 8 people (except when such activity is necessary for the own needs of a legal or individual, entrepreneur)
3. For transport with a carrying capacity of > 3.5 tons for the purpose of transporting goods (except when such activity is necessary for the own needs of a legal or natural person, entrepreneur)

The minimum income brings a small business of 3-5 cars. In this case, there are almost no opportunities to increase income, except to reduce maintenance and operation costs. With an increase in the fleet of cars, deductions from one car for permanent items of expenditure (for example, for the salary of a dispatcher, accountant) begin to gradually decrease.

Even with a well-designed route, you will have to wait until people get used to it, find out. Only then is it possible to obtain a stable high profit. However, even if the route is still new, you can still make good money during rush hour when the cars are full of passengers.

Additional income

The launch of minibuses also allows business owners to earn income for advertising (on board, in the cabin). This is an additional 200-300 dollars per month, taking into account the cost of manufacturing materials.

Real hidden mechanisms of business

Typically, the route business is built according to the following scheme. Some office punches a route for itself, it puts buses on it. The driver has his own minibus, for cooperation with the office he gives half of the proceeds, as a kind of tribute. With the remaining money, the owner of the car lives his life and repairs the car. The office, in turn, pays money to officials to open routes, UGADN and traffic police, in order to avoid any verification.
But, of course, the main interest of the office is completely different - cash turnover. Everything else is just minor points. Almost everywhere in Russia, places with a high turnover of cash are places where shadow capital is cashed out.

It is very difficult to accurately calculate how many passengers were transported, it is even impossible. Not all cars are registered in the documents, so there are almost always more buses on the routes in reality. As a result, the issue of strict, accurate financial reporting is open and unresolved, it simply does not exist.
The owners of route facilities have income from them on the scale of their entire core business - only a small part of the turnover. The fact is that the mechanism itself is important here, as it allows you to work on minibuses as in factories for laundering black funds.

The financial activity of such offices goes beyond the budget. They use registration as an individual entrepreneur, with simplified taxation (6%). The real profit is hidden, and it is impossible to take it into account from the outside, it is impossible to see it. In fact, they pay even less.

Ultimately, the withdrawal of the route business from the shadows would help to raise the budgetary security quite sharply. City, municipal transport pays a lot of money to various funds (insurance, pension), property taxes, profits, etc. The cost of tickets here includes 60% for the payroll. And do not forget about professional development, employee skills, training, bonuses and the like. The matter is not in the best way need to save. Therefore, in comparison with minibuses, this is heaven and earth.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

From 650 000 ₽

Starting investments

100 000 - 250 000 ₽

60 000 - 150 000 ₽

Net profit

11 months

Payback period

Minibus taxis are one of the most profitable and liquid types of auto business. However, launching it comes with many challenges that aspiring entrepreneurs need to keep in mind.

In most Russian cities, normal bus service is not developed. In frost, people are forced to stand idle at stops for half an hour, an hour, or even longer. You have to choose one of two evils: either you have to wait a long time for a single, but cheap bus, or you quickly get to your destination by an expensive taxi. Minibuses offer a third option: fast and inexpensive. AT last years fixed-route taxis in many cities of Russia have become almost the main mode of transport, in some places displacing large public transport. They run more frequently than buses, they are more manoeuvrable, they stop at stops on demand, and the conditions in the cabin are often more comfortable.

The shortcomings of urban public transport systems and the growing demand for comfortable transportation from the population make the minibus business very promising for small businesses. You can open your own small business even if you don’t have your own fleet and car maintenance equipment. When operating one minibus, an entrepreneur can count on a profit 3-5 times higher than the level of average wages. It is not for nothing that passenger transportation is called one of the most profitable and liquid types of auto business, which beckons with its passive and easy income.

But, as you know, free cheese is only in a mousetrap. In the minibus business, not everything is as smooth and sweet as it seems to many from the outside. Therefore, before making plans for how many thousand rubles a day a minibus will bring you, we advise you to carefully familiarize yourself with the market in your region, analyze the competitive environment and communicate with people working in this area. It should be borne in mind that in some cities of the country minibuses are prohibited or serious restrictions are imposed on their activities.

After such an analysis of the market is carried out, a clearer picture will form in the head regarding legal status and enterprise structure. Shuttle business is possible in many variations. You can acquire your own fleet of vehicles or work without it, provide only passenger transportation services or carry out other services (dispatching, maintenance, etc.). Most often, such a business is started either with budget buses, or by attracting drivers with their own cars.

What types of fixed-route taxis are there in Russia

You may have heard that there are different kinds fixed-route taxis. Which, for example, may not have a strict binding to the route, and passengers in them may indicate new directions to the driver. So, consider that there are no such types of “minibuses without a route” or “minibuses-taxi” in Russia. At least, the legal concept of "route taxi" does not exist. Since 2013, minibuses have been equated by law with public transport, that is, buses, trams and trolleybuses. This means that the transportation of passengers and luggage in minibuses is carried out on a regular basis and on a regular route. Such transportation is carried out on the basis of a public contract and is defined by law as “transportation by public transport”. In fact, this means that in Russia today there are two types of minibuses, which:

    carry out transportation with embarkation and disembarkation of passengers at stopping points along the route of regular transportation;

    carry out transportation with embarkation and disembarkation of passengers in any place not prohibited by traffic rules along the route of regular transportation.

In addition, according to the Charter of Road Transport and Urban Surface Electric Transport, there are 4 types of passenger transport routes:

    Transportation in urban traffic. They are carried out within the boundaries of settlements.

    Transportation in suburban traffic. Carried out between settlements at a distance of up to 50 km inclusive between the borders of these settlements.

    Transportation in intercity traffic. Carried out between settlements at a distance of more than 50 km between the borders of these settlements.

    Transportation in international traffic. They are carried out outside the territory of the Russian Federation or into the territory of the Russian Federation with the crossing of its border, including in transit through the territory of the country.

If we talk about the transportation of passengers and luggage in general, then three types of transportation are legally fixed in Russia: these are regular transportation, transportation on orders and transportation by passenger taxis. And, as you already understood, the activity of minibuses falls under the first category. So more correct name for this type of transport there will be not a “route taxi”, but a “minibus” or “small bus”. In addition, a minibus usually means not municipal transport, but private transport, which operates only at the expense of proceeds from ticket sales.

What you need to open your minibus

In Russia, the operation of minibuses, like all other public transport, is regulated federal law No. 220-FZ “On the organization of regular transportation of passengers and luggage by road ...” dated July 13, 2015 and the Charter of Road Transport and Urban Ground Transport.

So, today's legislation requires all carriers to use a special parking lot for parking, and in order to transport passengers in the amount of more than 8 people, it is necessary to have a license, a route map or a certificate for the right to transport passengers issued by the authorized body of the municipal, regional or regional authorities.

One of the main state documents for the implementation of passenger road transport is considered a license. The presence of this document indicates that the carrier can ensure the complete safety of passengers, that its services comply with established norms and standards, and that drivers have the necessary experience. You can get a license if you have your own transport or rented.

Ready-made ideas for your business

To obtain a license for passenger transportation, it is necessary to collect an impressive package of documents and submit them to the territorial body of Rostransnadzor. It should be borne in mind that separate licenses are issued for each of the four types of transportation (urban, intercity, suburban and international).

The list of documents required to obtain a license for the carriage of passengers includes:

    certificate of registration of a legal entity;

    an application for obtaining a license, filled out in a specific form, where the type of transportation must be indicated;

    documents confirming the tax registration of a person;

    copies of documents regulated by the “Regulations on Licensing”;

    copies of the constituent documents of the enterprise, certified by a notary.

And that's just, let's say, the main documents. You will also need documents from drivers who confirm them seniority(work book) and the ability to drive transport ( medical report for permission to drive vehicles), information about the premises in which the Maintenance and repair of vehicles, namely:

    copies of documents confirming the ownership of a specially equipped premises (extract from the register or contract);

    declaration of own parking;

    documents for Technical equipment in room;

    certificates or other documents confirming the compliance of the premises with generally accepted standards.

As additional documents, you will need an agreement for the implementation of a medical pre-trip examination of drivers, documents on the availability of the necessary transport, a registration certificate vehicle, a diagnostic card or a coupon for a technical inspection and the conclusion of a transport commission specialist.

The license is issued within 30-45 days after the application is submitted. Before submitting documents, you must pay a state duty in the amount of 7,500 rubles. If prior to 2011 licenses were issued for 5 years, now they are issued indefinitely. Before collecting documents, be sure to check the list on the official portal Federal Service Transport Supervision Authority, as requirements may change. You can get a license to transport passengers as individual entrepreneurs as well as organizations. For activities without a license, an individual entrepreneur faces a fine of 100 thousand rubles, organizations - 400 thousand rubles. Moreover, in case of repeated violation, the violator will face not only a fine, but also the confiscation of the vehicle.

One of the stumbling blocks in the business of passenger transportation is the choice and coordination of the route. The fact is that no one will simply allow a novice entrepreneur to carry passengers where they want. AT major cities it is almost impossible to wedge into existing routes, the market there has long been divided. Free niches remained only in small settlements, and they are quite rare. The situation there is different. You can enter the market, for example, if the local bus fleet is very outdated and needs to be replaced, and the entrepreneur is ready to put new buses on the route. To find out if it is possible to get a route in a particular city, you need to contact the local department of transport or transport companies serving the routes and conclude an agreement with them to enter these routes.

It is rather problematic to open new routes. They are developed by the Ministry of Transport of the region together with local governments, and a whole pile of papers is collected for their approval, including calculations of economic feasibility, organizational section, technological calculation, and so on. The choice of the carrier is carried out through tenders held by local administrations. It is almost impossible to win a tender without connections, especially when it comes to profitable routes.

Ready-made ideas for your business

To find out all the features of obtaining a permit for a route and entering this business in general, it is best for an entrepreneur to familiarize himself with its components from the inside in advance: namely, to communicate with bus owners and drivers and other knowledgeable people. It is quite possible that there may not be legal ways to obtain a route. And then they may demand an impressive amount of up to several hundred thousand rubles from a beginner. Moreover, the hope that the “one-time fee” will solve all cases may also be destroyed. It is no secret that those organizations that have managed to enter this business have to regularly maintain the goodwill of the inspection bodies.

Both carriers and passengers agree that the traditional "Gazelle" as a fixed-route taxi has already become obsolete. These cars do not enjoy popular love because of their uncomfortable size and too low ceilings. The capacity of an ordinary route Gazelle is 8 passenger seats, which is not very pleasing for carriers interested in the greatest financial return of their workhorses. On the other hand, Gazelle remains the most budget option to start your business. A used car until 2010 can be purchased within 40-170 thousand rubles, a car from 2011-2013. will cost 210-350 thousand rubles, and newer Gazelles can be purchased for 400-890 thousand rubles. The new "Gazelle" will cost around 1 million rubles.

More capacious, elongated Gazelles for 12 seats will already cost around 1-1.3 million rubles. But with such money, the entrepreneur has much more choice. For example, you can buy a good used minibus of one of the foreign brands, or add a couple of hundred thousand and buy a new Gazelle Next with a capacity of 18 people. 18 passenger seats (in various modifications up to 20-22 seats) is the most common capacity of minibuses today. In this class, you can find about a dozen options, the most popular of which are minibuses Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Classic, Ford Transit, Volkswagen Crafter, Iveco Daily, Citroen Jumper, Peugeot Boxer, GAZ Next and Hyundai County. Moreover, the assembly of the latter in Russia has not been carried out since 2014, as well as supplies from South Korea, so you can only buy a used version.

Prices for the most popular taxi minibuses for 18-22 seats*



until 2010



New (2018)

Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Classic

Volkswagen Crafter

*according to the Avto.ru website as of 01/25/2018

There is no consensus on which model is definitely better and more reliable. Of course, buying a used car as a fixed-route taxi is always a risk, so if you have limited financial resources, you should use leasing services. For legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, leasing is a great opportunity not only to lower the threshold for entering a business, but also to save money in the process. tax payments, since payments under leasing contracts can be accounted for as current costs attributable to cost.

What are the requirements for bus drivers?

The carrier's staff can be completed only by qualified drivers with category “D” licenses. At the same time, the driving experience in this category should not be less than 3 years. It is also necessary to have a medical certificate of admission to the management of transport. The number of suitable candidates is limited, therefore, private traders often sin and hire non-professional drivers or employees fired for misconduct from municipal transport companies.

The driver of the minibus is obliged to follow the instructions of the dispatching personnel, follow the schedule along the route, know the places of stops, dangerous sections of the road, detour schemes for repair sites, navigate the location medical institutions, gas stations and service points.

As for salaries for minibus drivers, the salary system is not used by entrepreneurs in practice. In fact, drivers work according to the established norm, which may vary on weekdays and weekends, and the salary, if any, is minimal. In this case, the driver's revenue includes an amount in excess of the prescribed rate. The disadvantage of such a scheme is that, in pursuit of revenue, following the route turns into a battle for passengers with other minibuses, with cuts, mutual insults, standing idle at a stop and driving a race with speeding to the next stop. As a result, a vicious system is formed in many respects: drivers think about passengers in the last turn, massively overwork, spending 14-16 hours in the cabin, and in case of non-payment of the “plan”, they may be deprived of the bonus or require additional payment from personal funds. This is not to mention traffic violations, accidents and so on.

Often the scheme for building a business on minibuses is such that the owner of the minibus is the driver himself, who is obliged to be responsible for washing and refueling, perform minor maintenance, including replacing brake pads, oil, bulbs and filters, as well as carry out major repairs and provide parking in a personal garage. He, of course, spends the minimum on everything, since he already gives half of the proceeds to the business owner. As a result, passengers receive "broken" minibuses. Unfortunately, most often labor Relations between drivers and owners of carrier companies leave much to be desired and are more like a “tribute collection”. The turnover in this business is huge, and at the root of most of the problems, of course, is human greed.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Another option, which is chosen by more conscientious carriers, is to remove the bus driver from all other duties, except for driving on company-provided buses. In this case, the cost of gasoline, maintenance, washing and repairs remain with the company. With the solution of the issue of transparency of payments in public transport in our country is not in a hurry. The problem could be solved by the introduction of a cashless payment system with the installation of validators, but such a measure is effective only if it brings real benefits to passengers and applies to all types of urban transport. One way or another, the entrepreneur still needs to know the daily revenue plan, no matter what payment system he introduces. The best option will personally ride with the driver along the route as a conductor and calculate income on different days of the week.

Returning to the requirements for drivers, we should not forget about their human qualities. Drivers not only must not be reckless, they must be able to get along with people. It's no secret that working in a minibus is a rather nervous and exhausting business. Here, the ability to control oneself is extremely important, because almost every day you have to deal with inadequate passengers, violent, arguing, and so on.

What are the requirements for the service of minibuses

All vehicles must be serviced at a service station and checked by a mechanic before each trip to work for faults. Also, before the flight, drivers must undergo an examination by a doctor and obtain permission to perform their duties. If medical worker not in the state, then you will need to conclude an agreement with one of the medical institutions for the provision of appropriate services.

Minibuses must have licensed vehicle cards. Can't do without equipment satellite monitoring GLONASS and tachographs. Cars must be technically sound, and the type of vehicle must correspond to the type of transportation.

The entrepreneur should also take care of where to leave the cars after hours and how the cars will be maintained: on your own or a third party. In order to be in touch with their drivers, an office and the territory of the car park adjacent to it are equipped. Rent can be a significant expense, so finding a location on the outskirts of town is a good idea.

How much does it cost to open a bus business

There is no definite answer to the question of how much it costs to open a business on a fixed-route taxi. It all depends on the region in which it is planned to start, whether it is planned to purchase a fleet of vehicles or not, whether other services will be provided. Some investment guidelines can be obtained from the ads for sale ready business. A ready-made business with all the documentation, a minibus and drivers who agree to work for a new owner will cost from 650 to 1350 thousand rubles. The option of buying a ready-made business can be attractive in that the entrepreneur will be relieved of many initial bureaucratic obstacles and will be able to count on a certain flow of customers. In this case, the buyer will only have to find out exactly why the owner is selling his business. In the main period, the expense part of the business may include parking rental, payroll, fuel, insurance, maintenance and repair costs. Also, current costs may include a subscription fee for the route, payment for medical care, taxes.

How much do taxis earn

Finally, we came to the very interesting question. Namely, to the question of how much fixed-route taxis earn. On average, a route with one minibus in the fleet brings about 85-90 thousand rubles a month. The range of net profit varies from 60 to 150 thousand rubles per month with turnover in the amount of 100 to 250 thousand rubles. Accordingly, three minibuses can bring profit from 180 to 450 thousand rubles.

The amount of income, in addition to current costs, is highly dependent on the specific route, the seasonal behavior of passengers and their weekly schedule. Of course, the most profitable is a business that earns on weekdays, that is, along the “work-home” route. No one makes a bet on weekends and transportation of summer residents. On weekends, revenue and net profit indicators can decrease by 2-3 times relative to weekdays.

You can increase profits by advertising inside or outside minibuses. In the cabin, printed materials are most often used: leaflets, banners, booklets, which are placed in places in full view of passengers, for example, on the backs of seats. A special film with a pattern is applied to the body of the bus. Registration is carried out by employees of advertising agencies.

What are the trends and pitfalls in the minibus business

Due to the fact that large amounts of money are circulating on minibuses in the business, one of its main features is closedness. If we are talking about large cities, then, most likely, all profitable routes have long been divided among major players. The minibus business is a very corrupt and highly competitive area. Even with the desire to strictly adhere to the letter of the law, an aspiring entrepreneur may find that playing by "fair rules" in this market is not quoted. In addition, newcomers often underestimate the current costs of transportation. Repair of minibuses, which are used in a tough operation, can be not only expensive, but also long-term. The lack of modern bus service stations can put transport out of service for weeks and even months. Moreover, the entrepreneur is most often unable to increase revenue due to fixed tariffs. Tariffs may not change for years, while services for repairs, maintenance and gasoline continue to grow in the meantime.

When opening a business on minibuses, one cannot ignore the main trends in this area. In recent years, there has been a growing understanding in Russia that a minibus is a type of transport that has a detrimental effect on the situation with public transport in general. One of the main problems of minibuses is their low capacity. If the minibus can accommodate 15-20 passengers, then the tram and bus can accommodate 120 people. For cities suffering from traffic jams, it is clearly more efficient to replace 6-8 minibuses with one bus or tram. Minibuses clog roads and stops, cause more accidents and generally exacerbate the situation on the roads.

Moreover, from the point of view of finances, minibuses are a real noose for municipal public transport. First, minibuses do not require expensive infrastructure. Secondly, owners of minibuses save literally on everything, from train repairs to paying taxes. They can leave the route late at night without consequences if they consider it unprofitable. Public transport, of course, does not have such opportunities. Initially, unequal conditions put minibusters in a winning situation. Gradually, they are crowding out city buses from the busiest routes, and trams and trolleybuses are left with only beneficiaries and unprofitable directions.

Encyclopedic reference: fixed-route taxi (minibus) is a type of public transport with a capacity of 10–15 people, combining the advantages of a taxi and a bus. Following the established routes, the fixed-route taxi can make stops arbitrarily, at the request of passengers. The fare is slightly higher than in a bus or trolleybus, but significantly lower than in a taxi.

Despite the apparent workload of modern cities with fixed-route taxis, the consumer demand for this type of service is satisfied by an average of 50%. At the same time, the answer to the question of whether a fixed-route taxi is profitable seems obvious: the number of cars on the routes, and the number of routes themselves, is gradually growing. As long as the market is not oversaturated, it makes sense to carve a niche in it. We hope our tips help you.

Step by step to profitable passenger transportation

Step one: preparing a legal framework

Commercial transportation of passengers in vehicles with a capacity of more than 8 people is subject to licensing. And this means that before you open your minibus, you need to get a license (valid for 5 years). At the same time, a card is issued for each car included in the fleet - expanding the fleet, you will have to receive additional cards. You do not need to be in order to obtain a license legal entity, it is enough to register an IP. At the same time, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the Transport Committee for the maintenance of the route.

Also, keep in mind that all cars must be insured under OSAGO. It is better, of course, to issue CASCO, as well as conclude a passenger insurance contract - this increases the confidence of potential customers.

step two: we form a car park

The reliability, comfort and cost of your fleet directly affect your profits. Most owners of already operating fixed-route taxis have chosen the Gazelle (GAZ-322132). This minibus is relatively inexpensive, adapted for operation in Russian conditions and repairable. The latest generations of the model are distinguished by good comfort. You can also pay attention to FordTransitBus, VolkswagenLT, Mercedes-BenzSprinter, HyundaiCounty. New or used - it's up to you. Often, used minibuses are sold along with the route, which allows you to save not only money, but also time for coordination with the Department of Transport.

If you think that there is nothing to “catch” on the existing routes, you can develop your own. It is advisable to start cars if at least 5% of the population living near the proposed route agree to use it. You can conduct your own social research. Please note that the route must be coordinated with the Ministry of Transport, and this will take time and nerves.

Step Three: assemble a team

Even if you only have one car and plan to work on the route yourself, you need a shift to reduce the downtime. The main requirement for drivers is the possession of category "D" rights.

Important: managing a minibus is associated with stress. This is a constantly changing traffic situation, and continuous stay in the company of people with different characters, moods and manifestations. Conclusion: you need stress-resistant people with a healthy sense of humor and a strong psyche.

Where to get money?

The answer to the question of how much it costs to open a fixed-route taxi depends on how many cars you plan to launch and which route you have chosen. If there is not enough own funds for everything, cars can be purchased on lease or on credit.

Don't miss the opportunity to earn extra money. For example, advertising on transport will help you shorten the payback period.

Underwater rocks

As with any vehicle-based activity, there is a risk of breakdowns, accidents and associated unforeseen downtime and costs. Another difficulty is high competition on popular routes and a long payback period where there is no competition, but there are few passengers.

Summing up

A fixed-route taxi can be called a business designed for long-term receipt of a small but stable profit. Entering the segment is quite difficult, since you need to obtain a license and the right to serve the route. To gain a foothold in the market, it is necessary to monitor the technical condition of the vehicle, provide a quality service and not refuse additional features earn.

Today, many see it as promising business ideas, the implementation of which allows you to exploit the existing personal property for the purpose of generating income. On the one hand, this guarantees the implementation of one’s own skills and abilities, on the other hand, it eliminates additional expenses for organizing a business, which is important in an unstable economic situation. For those who own a passenger Gazelle, Ford Transit or Mercedes-Benz Sprinter and other similar models of vehicles, business ideas in the field of passenger transportation by the type of fixed-route taxi may come in handy. Such a business has many advantages, in particular - high stable demand. Even in large cities, the population, according to market research transport services, provided with transportation by fixed-route taxi only by 50% of the value of effective demand. There are many routes that are not covered by mass transportation at all, except for the traditional taxi, which is not available to every consumer.

How to buy a fixed-route taxi with a route

The first option is the simplest technical execution- contact companies that offer to buy a ready-made business. This will save you from registration procedures, licensing activities, registration, and a number of other mandatory organizational issues. On the other hand, such a sale of a ready-made business will require additional investments, and if the budget for them is not provided, you can try to open a business on your own. For this you need:

  • obtain a vehicle license from the transport inspectorate at the place of residence of the entrepreneur. There are certain requirements for cars that are operated as a fixed-route taxi, and the car will need to be brought into line with them;
  • obtain a special certificate for the right to carry out passenger transportation, if necessary - undergo appropriate training. Driving license category D is needed. After certification of drivers, a license is issued, which is valid for the next five years;
  • the license for the right to engage in passenger transportation is provided by the Ministry of Transport. It allows you to register as a fixed-route taxi, that is, to transport more than 8 people on a licensed vehicle equipped for passenger transportation.

Today in Russia fixed-route taxis are very popular. Residents of megacities and small towns fell in love with this type of transport for comfortable and fast movement. As a result, the route business every day uses all in great demand. People use these services on a daily basis, despite the lack of benefits when paying for travel.

Fixed-route taxis are especially popular in large cities, where they have almost replaced other ground public transport. In the most different places their popularity is growing year by year. In Moscow alone, there are almost ten thousand fixed-route taxis. This indicates a high profitability of the business. Therefore, many may have a question about how to open a fixed-route taxi. This will be discussed further.

Secondary Income

It is worth noting that in addition to paying for travel, this type of transport can bring additional income. This once again emphasizes how profitable a fixed-route taxi can be. Business can and should be multifaceted.

  • Advertising placed inside your vehicle. Posters, business cards, information booklets and other promotional materials - this will bring considerable income to the owner of the route business, if everything is organized correctly. Usually such products, effective and catchy, are placed closer to passengers in order to attract their attention.
  • Using the car body as an advertising surface. This design is applied by specialists of the relevant agency in the form of a film with a bright image. Despite the fact that this type of advertising is quite expensive, this does not prevent it from gaining more and more popularity.
  • Provision of transportation services for excursions and other organized groups.
  • Provision of a vehicle for various festive events.

So, if all of the above convinced you to open your own route business, you just need to familiarize yourself with the main stages of this process. They will be discussed further.


To draw up a document for the implementation of this type of activity, you need to contact the department of transport inspection at the place of residence. There you can also find out in detail how to open a fixed-route taxi. It will be mandatory to bring cars in line with the requirements established for this type of passenger transport. It is also necessary to have in the staff of people with the appropriate driver's license and who have passed special certification. The license is issued for a period of five years.

Obtaining this document is paid by two types of state duty, namely: for consideration of an application for obtaining a license and for its issuance. For each vehicle, the company has a separate registration card. AT different regions countries, the amounts that must be paid for a license are differentiated.

They can range from $350 to $500. Within 30 days you will have a ready-made license in your hands. Without this document, passenger transportation is strictly prohibited. For this legislation provides for a system of administrative penalties in the form of fines. Individual entrepreneurship allows you to engage in this type of business, you can also register as a Limited Liability Company (LLC).

But the most important document is still a license for the right to engage in transportation. This is important to know when organizing a route business. The license is issued by the Russian Ministry of Transport. It is issued for the transportation of more than eight people in a car that is specially equipped for this.

Required documents for obtaining a license

To get started, you need the following materials:

Charter of the enterprise;

Memorandum of association;

Certificate of state registration;

Documents on tax registration;

Statistics management codes;

Bank details;

Physical and legal address;

Lease agreement for a parking lot;

Passports of vehicles;

Driver's licenses DB and PC;

Certificates of technical inspection of vehicles;

Driver's documents work books, driver's license).

Selection and purchase of cars

In this case, an individual approach should be applied. You will form your car park based on financial capabilities. However, saving on this item of expenses is not worth it by purchasing used cars. Experienced owners of fixed-route taxis will definitely help with advice, which is worth heeding.

It is known that for work shift, depending on the given flight, the car can travel quite long distances. This is important to know if you want to organize a fixed-route taxi. Business in this case depends on the calculations. If you multiply the mileage by the total number of shifts per day, and even by the number of days in a year, you get an impressive figure.

Such long distances are not always mastered even by a brand new foreign car. GAZelles (GAZ-322132) for 13 passenger seats are recognized as the most popular cars today. Ford Transit with 18 seats and Mercedes-Benz Sprinter with 19 seats are also in demand. Despite their price attractiveness, GAZelles are not very comfortable and roomy, and their operating conditions leave much to be desired.

If your financial possibilities are still somewhat limited, use leasing. But just do not save on cars! With this type of loan, you will reduce the cost of buying the necessary machines and get a discount on some taxes.

Route development

This is an important point. To find out how to get a route for passenger transportation, you need to contact the city administration. They regularly arrange competitions for the implementation of transportation, in which you can and should participate.

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