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Blue Phalaenopsis orchids are an ephemeral charm of color. Blue orchid: features of the origin and nuances of caring for a unique flower

Orchids with amazing blue flowers are currently very popular. Looking at them, you experience about the same feelings as if you are looking at a bright clear spring sky or a tropical sea. No wonder the blue color symbolizes enlightenment, eternity, spirituality. And the bird of happiness has the same color.

Blue orchids are grown in limited quantities, since the process of dyeing them is not easy, and it is quite difficult to obtain evenly colored flowers of the plant. The material for creating blue specimens is a white Phalaenopsis orchid.

The blue Vanda orchid (Vanda coerulea Lindl) with exotic purple and blue flowers, native to Thailand, China, Burma and northeastern India, was the idea for growing the artificially colored blue orchid.

Unusual Blue colour Phalaenopsis orchid acquires under the influence of special dyes that can inhibit it, so it requires special care.

It is not recommended to transplant a miracle orchid after purchase, since it may not be able to endure new stress. A blue orchid with a store pot is best placed in a beautiful ceramic vessel, on the bottom of which pebbles are poured. If you are lucky enough to find a vessel of tender- blue color, then as a result you will get the original solid composition.

In order for the orchid to please its owners for a long time, it is necessary to adhere to the following rules care:

An orchid needs bright diffused light and a certain temperature regime. best place for the plant in winter is the window sill in the southern part of the room. Orchids require 10-15 hours of bright light, so in winter, natural light is supplemented by backlighting. AT summer time the most successful placement will be the east window. Optimum temperature orchid content in summer is +20 degrees, and in winter period- +17. At the same time, air humidity should be high, for which orchid leaves are sprayed from time to time.

Watering an orchid depends on the intensity of the light. When bright sunlight the flower consumes more water, and on cloudy days the amount of water absorbed is significantly reduced. In any case, the soil must be constantly moistened. Water the plant soft, lightly warm water. Orchids are very fond of "taking a shower." When performing this procedure, it is necessary to monitor the pressure of water - it must be scattered and weak. In nature, orchids easily withstand heavy tropical rains, but in our case we are dealing with a plant grown in greenhouse conditions that requires careful watering. If flower pot is in a vessel with pebbles, then the best option watering orchids is to keep the pebbles in a constantly moistened form. Thus, the roots of the plant are protected from decay, and the air has sufficient moisture for the orchid.

The orchid does not tolerate stuffiness, so the room must be ventilated more often, even in winter. On a warm sunny day, the flower can be exposed to fresh air.

After the orchid has faded, it is not recommended to cut off its peduncle. Sleeping buds can be located on it, from which a new peduncle or baby will grow. And seeing on the new branch the buds are not blue, but white color, do not rush to water the plant with blue or ink. From this, the orchid will get sick and die. Better let it bloom and admire the beautiful snow-white flowers.

If, after acquiring a blue orchid, buds begin to fall from it, this may mean that it has not coped with the effect of the dye on it.

If brown spots appear on the leaves of an orchid, while they are hard to the touch, then sunburn is the cause. In this case, the plant is shaded, but the damaged leaves are not removed. If the spots are soft to the touch, it may be fungal disease. Damaged leaves in this case are removed immediately.

The gray mold that appeared on the leaves signals an error in care: spraying the plant at low room temperature. If the plant does not bloom. it means that it suffers from a lack of light.

Having provided the blue orchid with proper care, you will have a real window sill decoration in her face, even when she changes the color of her outfit from blue to white.

Blue orchids amaze with their beauty and rare, unusual color of the petals. AT flower shops these flowers appeared relatively recently, but have already gained popularity. However, not all buyers know what is the secret of the amazing color of these plants.

What is behind the paint?

Often, happy owners of orchids with blue or blue flowers are surprised to find that the next flowering, the buds are no longer bright, saturated, but dirty blue, or even completely white. This is due to the fact that plants are stained with a chemical dye. Many stores do not hide this and place appropriate warnings on the labels for the colors. But this information is not actively disseminated among buyers, so often the owners of dyed flowers are subsequently disappointed.

Most often, white flowers are painted, since it is easiest to achieve uniform coloring on them. Over time, the dye is washed out and they return to their original color.

How did blue orchids appear?

In 2011, the world's first blue phalaenopsis was presented at the Tropical Plant Show in Florida (America). Made it a grow farm "Silver Vase" from South Florida.

Only 3 months have passed, and it became known about the appearance of another blue beauty - Phalaenopsis Royal Blue (Royal Blue Phalaenopsis). This time the action took place in Holland at the annual FloraHolland flower contest. An exotic flower with blue petals was presented by the Dutch nursery "Geest Orchideeën", for which it received an award in the "Sales Concept" category. One of the jury members of the competition predicted the huge popularity of plants among buyers in the future.

An interesting fact: the producers do not hide the fact that the blue is not natural, as well as the fact that the next flowering will be white. They do the coloring by patented technology, the details of which were not disclosed. According to the producers, the essence of it is this: the plants are placed in a special environment, for the creation of which elements of natural origin are used, so the procedure itself does not harm the orchids.

We can conclude that blue is not natural look and not a hybrid bred by breeders. This is just a marketing ploy, and, I must say, very successful.

Flower in the house: features of care

The problem lies in the fact that some unscrupulous sellers, wanting to earn extra money, take on the coloring on their own. They pass off the result of their work as Phalaenopsis Royal Blue and sell it at a price three times higher than ordinary white flowers.

Naturally, we are not talking about any technology here. Coloring is sometimes easy barbaric methods. The dye, often ink, is injected into the peduncle, stem, or root. This procedure greatly weakens the plant, being a source of stress for it. Poisoned by harmful substances, the flower may simply die.

Purchased or received as a gift blue plant, inspect it carefully. If the injection mark is visible on the peduncle, then the plant has more chances of survival. If the injection was done at the root, then the probability of death is high.

Sometimes phalaenopsis is stained by watering with colored water, in which case a blue tint can be observed not only on flowers, but also on leaves and roots. Whether a plant survives or not depends on the degree of harm done to it.

Orchid released buds not blue, but white? No need to try to paint it yourself, water it with blue or ink. From this plant can get sick and die. It is better to enjoy her natural, no less beautiful outfit.

Do not rush to transplant a painted plant immediately after purchase - it may not withstand another stress. Otherwise, the care requirements are the same as for ordinary orchids, but you need to carefully monitor its condition.

If, after the purchase, the flower began to lose buds, it means that he could not cope with the negative influence of the coloring matter. In this case, you need take immediate action to save him. For this you should:

Japanese miracle

Japanese breeders in 2013 presented the result of their many years of work - a transgenic blue orchid. Scientists took as a basis the white phalaenopsis Aphrodite, which in itself is very prolific and can produce up to 30 flowers in one bloom. The plant was introduced the gene responsible for the blue color from the Commeline flower.

However, due to its exclusivity, the plant remains inaccessible for the time being. a wide range amateur gardeners.

Are there blue orchids in nature?

Fans of exotic colors will be disappointed: blue does not exist in nature. This species is simply there is no gene responsible for this pigment.

If you liked the blue flowers in the photographs, of which there are so many on the Internet, do not rush to get upset. You can choose not painted phalaenopsis, but Wanda - another type of family. This flower is amazing in its beauty, a real queen. But she requires a proper attitude and is quite capricious in terms of care. A novice gardener may have difficulty with it. If Wanda takes root in your home, she will please luxurious flowers. Their coloring in its beauty will not be inferior to the deep indigo that phalaenopsis is painted with.

Another example of a blue orchid is Cattleya. Compared to Wanda, she is less demanding in terms of care. In this species large, fragrant flowers, and their colors vary.

This is the most unpretentious appearance among the blue flowers. However, in nature you will not find that rich blue color that is found in colored buds. These will be subtle shades of blue or pink-blue, blue with a lilac tint. But this coloring is rare. Their flowers are small, but natural in color.

Should I buy flowers with blue or light blue petals? Everyone decides for himself...

An incredible palette of colors will satisfy the most sophisticated preferences, and the plant will fit into any interior.

Cultivation has long become a kind of hobby. Lovers of these exotic plants often think about what an unusual item you can buy in your collection.

In the difficult search for original and unique items, it is very easy to fall into the trap of cunning sellers. Due to ignorance of what colors orchids come in, you can accidentally purchase a flower dyed artificially.

Nature itself has taken care of the variety of colors of orchids.

orchid colors


Every year more and more new varieties of orchids appear in nature. However, in order not to get into trouble when buying a new pet, you should know them. primary natural colors


New color schemes orchid flowers are produced in the following ways:

  • injection using ink;
  • watering with colored water.

Experts claim that both methods provide Negative influence per plant. This is especially true of the second option, since when watering with colored concentrated water, the plant is very likely to simply die due to poisoning with chemical elements.

When you enter a flower shop, your eyes run wide from the variety of varieties presented. What colors you will not meet, often such colors do not even exist in nature, but only experienced flower growers know this.

Bright, for example, does not exist in nature. And if such an instance flaunts on the store counter, then most likely this is a clear result of staining, and not a selectively bred variety.

How to paint an orchid at home?

The choice of coloring agent

If the decision to become the owner is unshakable, experts recommend the plant on their own. Unscrupulous sellers often use ordinary ink, after which the plant simply will not survive.

For coloring flowers specialized paints are used. Another more or less safe way- Use of food coloring.

Execution technique

You should start the staining procedure with the choice of an orchid. In order for the color to meet expectations, it is recommended to take a plant with white inflorescences.

For coloring, it is better to choose white orchids.

There are two methods for painting orchids:

  • through watering;
  • through injections.

Florists prefer the watering method because it is considered more gentle. However, the effect of such staining is of poor quality. Together with the flowers, the petals are also painted, which makes the plant seem artificial, and color does not last long. As soon as watering with blue solution is completed, the plant will quickly return to its previous color.

How the irrigation method works:

  • you should mix the purchased paint with water;

IMPORTANT! The more paint, the brighter color and more dangerous solution for the health of the flower.

  • water the flower with the resulting solution in the standard watering mode.

Voila - unique blue flower will show off on the windowsill.

Second staining method injection, flower growers do not recommend using, since it has a detrimental effect on the state of the plant, but is more efficient.

If, nevertheless, the choice fell on this method, then preference should be given to careful methods of introducing the dye in order to cause the least harm to the plant. Usually the dye is injected into the peduncle, stem or root.

Most dangerous method , which both weakens the plant and leaves external defects - injecting dye into the root or stems. It is virtually impossible to save such a plant after flowering.

The situation is different if the dye was introduced into the peduncle. You can save a flower by simply cutting off the damaged area and transplanting.

The coloring process is simple:

  • dissolve the dye in water;
  • fill the syringe with the resulting solution;
  • carefully inject into the selected area.


Not every plant will painlessly endure such aggressive outside interference as staining. An orchid is a capricious and whimsical plant, and even the slightest changes in care often lead to serious consequences. A painted orchid requires even more attention and care.

When stained, both the leaves and the roots of the plant suffer.

Often, after the procedure, the orchid begins to hurt. Do not forget that staining does not change the genetic code, it is only a temporary measure. It is better to try to find such types of orchids, the natural color of which will be as close as possible to the desired one.

For example, if the soul asks for a blue orchid, you should pay attention to some, the natural color of which has a blue tint. Finding such plants is difficult, but possible. After all, it is more pleasant when the natural “outfit” of flowers pleases the eye.

IMPORTANT! If, after staining, the plant stops blooming or blooms with white buds, you should not try to resort to staining again.

Features of care

The state of the plant is primarily affected by a competent ratio between and lighting.

Perfect for full natural light windows facing west. This accommodation option is perfect for both summer and winter.

The south side is also great for winter, but north and east windows - an unfortunate option. For a painted orchid, maximum natural light should be provided.

The frequency of the flower directly depends on the lighting. The brighter the light, the more water the flower needs. Experts recommend with enough light painted orchid once a week.

AT sunny weather the flower will need watering more than ever, in cloudy weather the orchid will stop absorbing moisture. To determine the dryness of the soil, use an ordinary wooden stick. The water pressure should be weak and scattered.

IMPORTANT! If after staining the root system remained healthy, then further care is no different from before. If the buds have fallen off, remove the damaged arrow.

plant after painting, another stress for an orchid can be fatal. There are no other restrictions besides transplantation, the care requirements must be observed exactly the same as for the usual, healthy flower. However, you need to keep a close eye on the pet and respond quickly to any changes.

If after purchase- the plant did not tolerate the resulting stress. In this case should take care of the speedy flower.

If, after painting, the buds fall off the orchid, it must be urgently resuscitated.

Symptoms of a painful reaction, methods of treatment

If the negative effect of dyes has made itself felt, orchid rescue procedures should begin:

  1. AT without fail cut off the peduncle, it is in it that aggressive dyes are concentrated;
  2. Get rid of rotten parts of the root system and rinse it with warm water;
  3. Treat the resulting sections with charcoal and dry;
  4. Transplant the flower into a new soil, use fresh.

Experts recommend refusing to repeat the procedure, the next exposure to chemicals may be the last for a pet. It is better to do everything to reanimate the plant damaged by paint and the orchid will thank you with new snow-white inflorescences.

Useful videos

Watch a video on how to change the color of an orchid at home:

The second part of the video about changing the color:

You will learn about the consequences of staining orchids from the video below:

The following video talks about the resuscitation of a painted orchid:

In contact with

Blue orchids have appeared on sale relatively recently. They quickly found their fans and instantly became extremely popular. The blue flowers of phalaenopsis amaze not only with their bright shades, but also with the unique color of the petals. However, not all orchid lovers know what is the secret of the amazing colors of these exotic plants.

Description of the variety and characteristics

The blue orchid is a rare tropical flower that can be found in India, China and Asia. In nature, their representatives are varieties such as Wanda and Cattleya. Under natural conditions, they grow on trees, clinging with powerful roots to their trunks.

Orchid of the genus Wanda is a rather capricious plant. At home, it is grown in special planters or glass vases. The orchid blooms for 2-3 months in the spring and summer. Petals have a variety of shades: from blue to dark purple. Flowers reach a diameter of 9 cm. There are specimens with a strong aroma. Leathery dark green leaves are placed on a cylindrical stem.

Orchid Vanda prefers intense lighting. Therefore, it is grown on the south window, shading from the scorching rays of the sun. Thanks to Wanda, many hybrids were bred with purple flowers. All of them are characterized by large buds, long leaves, strong aerial roots and thick stems. The inflorescence can have up to 10-12 buds. Hybrids of the royal orchid feel great at home.

A distinctive feature of the Cattleya orchid are large fragrant flowers. The palette of shades of its petals varies from dark red to bright purple. Along with last year's flower stalks, Cattleya forms new ones, growing in width. At the same time, pseudobulbs appear on the plant, in which nutrients and moisture. The orchid blooms for one month in the autumn-winter period.

Is phalaenopsis blue

Many people wonder if there are blue Phalaenopsis orchids. Often, owners of an unusual plant with blue flowers are faced with the fact that during the next budding they lose their hue saturation and become pale blue or even white. This phenomenon is due to the fact that phalaenopsis are painted blue with special dyes.

Not all flower shops hide the fact of coloring plants. Labels are placed on orchids with the appropriate warning. But most often, information about the coloring of the flower is hidden from the buyer. Subsequently, the happy owner of the outlandish plant remains disappointed.

Among Phalaenopsis orchids, there are no specimens with natural blue flowers. The desired shade is obtained by introducing a dye into the plant tissue. Such experiments are subjected to specimens with white flowers, due to which the coloring is uniform. Gradually, the dye is washed out, and the buds acquire their original color.

Coloring phalaenopsis blue is carried out in two ways:

  1. Ink is injected into the peduncle, roots or leaves.
  2. The plant is watered with water, after adding chemical dyes to it.

The second method of staining is considered more dangerous due to the toxic effect of paint on the root system. Chemicals used to change the natural color of the petals cause significant damage to the plant. After such experiments, the orchid will most likely die.

On a note!

Dyes do not always penetrate directly into the petals. Depending on the place of injection of the chemical, not only peduncles with buds, but also leaves with roots can be colored.

Flower sellers specially give the buds an unusual shade. Thus, they sell an ordinary orchid under the guise of a royal blue phalaenopsis for a triple price.

Is there purple phalaenopsis

Purple phalaenopsis include a palette of shades from bright pink to purple. Some specimens may have a solid color of buds, while others may have petals with an unusual pattern in the form of dots, stripes and spots. The most striking specimens of phalaenopsis with purple flowers are the following species:

  • Phalaenopsis Schiller;
  • horse phalaenopsis;
  • Phalaenopsis Luddemann.

Phalaenopsis "Elegant Debora", "Spider Beauty", "Little Zebra" and others also attract attention with their unusual purple hue.

It is quite possible to buy phalaenopsis with blue-violet buds, but not in flower shops. You can try to find rare plant at exhibitions. Determining whether a copy is real or fake is quite simple: you need to find out the genus of the orchid and inspect the plant for damage from injections.

Is there a blue phalaenopsis

Real blue phalaenopsis are very rare on the shelves of flower shops. But it will not be difficult to purchase an exotic plant with blue buds. In nature, there are specimens of phalaenopsis with flowers of light blue, lilac, gray-blue or pink-blue color. In most cases, these are hybrids or species plants with small buds. Phalaenopsis blooms continuously for six months. The saturation of the shades of the petals can be different. The flower exudes a faint pleasant aroma.

Of the orchids in nature, the Vanda orchid has a blue color of buds. But buying it is quite difficult. Experienced flower growers know that phalaenopsis lacks blue pigment. The lilac shade of the buds is considered as close to blue as possible. The desired color is obtained by artificial dyeing. When buying such a tropical plant, you need to remember that it will soon cease to be an unusual specimen of the collection. Gradually, the blue color will fade until the petals turn white.

The history of the appearance of blue orchids

For the first time, the world saw a blue orchid in 2011 at an exhibition of exotic plants in Florida. Phalaenopsis blu Mystigue was created by Silver Vase Orchid Farm. After 3 months, at the FloraHolland floriculture competition in Holland, the Geest Orchideeen nursery presented another specimen of orchids with blue flowers - Phalaenopsis Royal Blue. The creator of the unusual plant received an award in the Sales Concept category.

Producers of blue phalaenopsis do not hide the fact that the shades of the petals are not natural and that the next flowers will be white. During staining, a patented technology is used. Its details are not disclosed to the general public. The technique lies in the fact that the flower is immersed in a special liquid, which consists of natural ingredients. Therefore, the procedure is absolutely harmless to the plant.

In 2013, at the Orchid Conference in Okinawa, Japanese breeders demonstrated the result of many years of experimentation - a new variety of Phalaenopsis orchids with bright blue flowers. For the experiments, a white orchid Aphrodite was used, into which the gene of the Asian Commelina, which is responsible for the production of blue pigment, was introduced. Phalaenopsis lack this gene. The new kind The plant was named Phalaenopsis Royal Blue. The buds of the orchid are small, but the flowering is plentiful. However, this miracle of genetic engineering will not soon become available to amateur flower growers.


My first encounter with blue phalaenopsis took place in a flower shop. A month after the purchase, the plant began to dry out, and only then did I notice traces of injections on the peduncle. Phalaenopsis was saved. It did not bloom for a long time, and then white buds began to form on the stem. The original copy has turned into an ordinary orchid.


I bought an orchid because of the unusual dark blue hue of the buds. Later I learned that phalaenopsis are specially dyed blue. After examining the plant, I found a hole from the injection on the stem. The coloring matter spread to the leaves, which began to gradually die off. I made sure that all blue phalaenopsis are weak and need urgent help. The plant survived and pleased with delicate white flowers, which I like more than blue ones.


At the next flower show I bought a phalaenopsis with light blue buds. I have been growing orchids for a long time and I know that they need to be examined before buying. Not finding traces of injections, acquired unusual plant. Although Phalaenopsis has small flowers, the color is natural. small buds form lush inflorescences, the contemplation of which brings a lot of pleasure.

How to care for blue phalaenopsis

The problem is that unscrupulous sellers, trying to earn extra money, paint the plant on their own. They pass off ordinary white orchids as phalaenopsis blue and sell them for more. Often blue phalaenopsis dies due to poisoning with chemicals contained in the paint. Such a plant needs special care, which will keep it healthy and unharmed.

How to water a blue orchid

Watering orchids is closely related to the intensity of lighting and air temperature in the room. Taking care of tropical plants great importance has the right ratio of lighting and watering. When growing phalaenopsis in bright light conditions, the soil is moistened every 8-10 days. It is necessary to control the condition of the substrate and prevent its overdrying.

To obtain good harvest You need to use quality seeds. Most productive varieties can be ordered on the official website "Gardens of Russia". Large selection of varieties for every taste.

On a note!

In cloudy weather, the plant consumes less liquid. Watering can be delayed to prevent waterlogging of the soil, which can provoke the development of diseases and the appearance of pests.

The water used to moisten the soil should be warm. the best way watering is considered the application of a hot shower. In order not to damage the fragile roots and leaves of the orchid, the pressure must be made scattered and weak. After such a procedure, the plant must be dried with paper napkins, because. stagnation of fluid in the axils of the leaves can lead to decay. hot shower promotes the active growth of phalaenopsis, awakens it from dormancy, stimulates flowering.

Watering can be done by immersing the flowerpot with the plant in a container of water. It takes 30-40 minutes to saturate the substrate with moisture. Do not water phalaenopsis with tap water. Pressure can erode the top layer of soil, as a result of which the roots will be outside. Watering orchids cold water leads to the death of the roots.

Post-Purchase Care

The purchased plant must be carefully examined. If the injection marks are on the peduncle, the phalaenopsis will most likely survive. And if the paint was injected through the roots or trunk, the orchid may die. After staining, the flower is in a state of stress. That is why it is so important to provide optimal conditions and proper care. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the general condition of the plant.

It is not recommended to transplant the plant immediately after purchase. Blue phalaenopsis is placed on the south window, providing it with diffused lighting. To prolong flowering, additional lighting is organized for the orchid in winter. Fluorescent lamps are used for illumination.

The air temperature in the room where the flower is grown should be + 25-30 ° C. Near the phalaenopsis, containers with water or artificial fountain to provide the necessary humidity. Its performance must be at least 70%. If the room is hot, the plant must be sprayed. It is not recommended to grow this tropical plant on a cold windowsill.

If the condition of the plant remains satisfactory, continue to care for it like other orchids. And if phalaenopsis began to drop buds, you need to carefully examine the roots and peduncle. The damaged stem is removed so that chemicals do not get into the roots and leaves. It is recommended to remove the plant from the flowerpot and rinse the root system with water.

If there are injections on the roots with traces of rot, it is urgent to take the following measures:

  • cut off the affected areas with a sharp knife;
  • a badly damaged root must be removed at the base;
  • sprinkle slices with ash or crushed coal.

In the case of the spread of coloring substances to the root system, phalaenopsis is transplanted into a new substrate. With proper care, the plant will soon be covered with its magnificent white "butterfly".

You should not try to restore the blue tint to the flowers by watering the phalaenopsis with blue or ink. So you can completely destroy the plant.

Phalaenopsis with bright blue buds is just a successful marketing ploy, and not the result of the work of breeders. This species has no analogues of blue flowers in wildlife. Unusual color obtained by the use of special dyes. Whatever color the phalaenopsis is, proper care and care will make it a wonderful decoration for any home.

In the nature of orchids, there are more than 3,500 thousand species.

They grow on every continent except Antarctica. There are more than 60 varieties of phalaenopsis alone. Their coloring strikes the imagination with its variety and brightness: lilac, green with purple veins, burgundy, white, cream ... any, except for pure blue.

It is not surprising that the blue orchid, which appeared in flower shops some time ago, made a splash, instantly becoming extremely popular. At first, it never occurred to anyone that the flowers were simply painted. Is this true, let's find out.

painted flowers

If you brought home a blue phalaenopsis not from an exhibition, but from an ordinary flower shop - congratulations, you have become the owner of a painted orchid. It's not yet certain that she will survive.

And yet, if you suddenly want exotics, then you can try to color the flowers yourself. It is quite easy to do this - special dyes are injected into the roots or peduncle of white phalaenopsis.

Far from always, dyes penetrate exclusively into flowers, very often leaves are also colored, which gives some artificiality and makes the plant unaesthetic. However, the result is achieved - in the first flowering, the petals amaze the eye with a stunningly rich deep indigo.

Unfortunately, the shade of subsequent generations of colors is becoming weaker - the paint is gradually washed out. By the fourth time orchids, as a rule, bloom already with completely white flowers, returning to their native color.

Rescuing injured flowers

It’s not the worst thing if the flower turns white in six months - it’s much worse when the plant, unable to bear the stress, begins to die.

If you notice that after some time the "blue" buds began to fall off, you first need to examine the roots of the flower. The obvious traces of injections found on the roots or peduncles indicate that the probability of a sad outcome is high, but if the paint was injected into the peduncle, then the orchid can still be reanimated.

To resuscitate a phalaenopsis with a colored peduncle, we cut off the stalk full of dyes. Then we take the plant out of the pot and, trying not to damage the root system, wash it with warm water. We examine the roots for the presence of traces of injections.

In the event that cyanotic places and traces of rot are clearly visible on the roots, we cut off the damaged areas, and sprinkle the sections with ashes or cinnamon, and dry them properly.

After that, the flower is placed in a new substrate with a special composition suitable for its life. The environment in which the orchid was located will have to be thrown away, as it contains too many chemically active harmful substances.

Do blue orchids exist in nature?

So do blue orchids really not exist and this is just a clever marketing ploy to increase sales?

Partly. Blue-lilac coloring is really found and it is quite possible to acquire a flower of such an unusual color. Finding out if you have a fake is quite simple: you need to find out the genus of orchid that the seller will offer you.

blue or blue phalaenopsis in wildlife and free sale is not. Blue phalaenopsis can now only be found at large orchid exhibitions. If you met a blue phalaenopsis in a flower shop - do not hesitate, you are being deceived.

Natural spotted bluish petals are found only in orchids of the genus vanda. This genus belongs to the orchid family, and includes about 60 epiphytic and lithophine species. The name given to the plant by the inhabitants of India has remained unchanged to this day.

Among the variety of flowers of the genus vanda - from orange and red to variegated, there are also petals of a lilac shade with light spots. This species is called - and if you want to get a natural blue orchid, you need to ask in stores for it.

Well, if someone nevertheless congratulated you with a “blue” orchid, observe its condition more than carefully. Caring for this baby is the same as for regular phalaenopsis.

Breakthrough of Japanese breeders

The dream of getting a pure blue orchid - we recall that even Wanda Blue has lilac-spotted petals - did not leave flower growers. And after many years of experimentation, a miracle happened.

In 2013, at an exhibition in Okinawa, Japanese scientists demonstrated to the world a new variety of Phalaenopsis orchids with a rich blue hue. To obtain it, they needed to introduce the gene of another flower, the Asian commeline, into the orchid of the Aphrodite species, since the phalaenopsis, which occurs in nature, does not even have a gene capable of producing a blue pigment.

The new species was named "Royal Blue". Such an orchid blooms profusely with small flowers - up to 30 pcs. 5 cm in diameter. This is a completely exclusive plant, which, alas, is not yet on sale.

As you can see, there are several ways to make an extraordinary blue orchid a decoration in your home! It is enough to choose one option and every morning will begin with a look at an unusual beautiful flower.

I wish you good and honest shopping in flower shops, beautiful flowering of purchased orchids and good mood!

Your Elena Skopich

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