Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

What temperature should the refrigerator and freezer be at? Optimal temperatures in the refrigerator and freezer

Does your milk turn ice cold and your eggs spoil quickly? You probably don't know what temperature your refrigerator should be. Finding the right temperature is vital for your food. This will keep them fresh by slowing down the development of bacteria.

In the refrigerator compartment, products such as milk, vegetables, fruits, and meat can be preserved longer, provided:

  • Their correct placement,
  • Properly set temperature.

Do you know what the temperature in the refrigerator compartment should be?

Experts on the subject have decided that the ideal refrigerator temperature is about 4°C. It is recommended to select t˚ 0°C to 5°C or between 34°F and 40°F. This is due to the following conditions:

  • External temperature. It must be adjusted based on the time of year. With the arrival of summer, the heat becomes more intense and there is a need to open the refrigerator more often.
  • The amount of food stored. An overfilled refrigerator is just as bad as an underfilled one (temperature changes occur every time the doors are opened). If you don't have enough food, fill bottles with water and place them on empty shelves.

This temperature range guarantees good preservation of food. Correctly set t˚ will not destroy pathogenic microorganisms, but will slow down their growth.

Refrigerator and Strategy: Maintaining Food Security

In addition to maintaining the temperature of the refrigerator, you must take additional steps to keep chilled food as safe as possible:

  • Try to quickly use provisions from open food bags.
  • Check the expiration date of food products.
  • Do not pack food tightly.
    The load on the refrigerator affects t˚. Cold air must circulate around the food to cool it properly.
  • Wipe the shelves more often - this will help reduce the growth of listeria bacteria, which grow at low temperatures.
    Special attention Pay attention to stains after defrosting meat - this will prevent cross-contamination, where bacteria from one food has spread to another.
  • Foil, plastic sealed containers – the best choice for storing most food products.
    Open packages can lead to foreign odors, drying out of food, and loss of nutrients and mold growth.

The temperature inside the refrigerator is not the same everywhere. For example, the bottom shelf - middle t˚ is about + 5 ° C. The cold area at the top is about + 3 ° C. This is why it is appropriate to place food on different shelves, according to their needs in terms of t˚:

  • Coldest area (between 0° and 3°C): top part refrigerator.
    Store: meat, raw fish, dairy products, fresh fruit juices, sausages, cooked foods, seafood.
  • Freshness corner (±4°): the middle of your unit.
    Place: meat, boiled fish and vegetables, fruits, baked goods, sauces, medium or hard cheese, yoghurts, cream.
  • Bottom drawers (between 4° and 6°C): space for vegetables and fresh fruit.
  • Doors - Temperate Zone (±6°): Least cold zone.
    Place provisions that need to be slightly cooled: eggs, butter, jam, mustard, coffee, drinks, sauces.

Have you ever had any doubts about what the temperature in the refrigerator freezer should be? How to support beneficial features prepared food? Most products can be saved longer good qualities, if you observe the temperature of the freezer 0 degrees F or -18 °C.

Time is important factor to maintain high taste characteristics of frozen food. Despite proper packaging, if kept in the freezer for a long time, many products can become hard or tasteless.

Duration of storage of frozen food in the freezer

Meat (products made from it) is stored:

  • Sausages, sausages, hot dogs – 1-2 months.
  • Salo - 1 month.
  • Minced meat – 3-4 months.
  • Steaks – 6-12 months.
  • Chops – 4-6 months.
  • Roast – 4-12 months.
  • Whole chicken – up to 12 months.
  • Chicken parts – up to 9 months.


Vegetables must be blanched (partially cooked) before freezing. Vegetables should be quickly frozen so they retain their good flavor and most of their nutrients. Keep no more than 12 months.

Do you know that:

  • By defrosting food at room temperature, bacteria multiply quickly and get into the food.
    It may cause toxicity despite high temperatures when cooking.
  • To preserve the beneficial properties of the food, it should be defrosted in: a refrigerator, cold water, microwave oven(start the cooking process right away).

Wipe down the refrigerator more often, constantly monitor its temperature, and you will not only eat healthy products, but will save some of your energy budget.

What temperature should the refrigerator be?

On the packaging of many products there is often a warning: store at a certain temperature. Many people don’t pay attention to it and simply put the package in the refrigerator for free space. In this case, you should not be surprised that food spoils before the expiration date expires. If you know what temperature the refrigerator should be at different levels and store food correctly, this will not happen.

So let's go through all the shelves and drawers and see how the temperature conditions differ and whether they can be adjusted.

How to adjust the temperature

The first thing you need to study immediately after purchasing the unit is the operating instructions. In addition to installation and connection recommendations, you will definitely find tips on temperature management in it.

To do this, any device has a control panel with buttons, sliders, toggle switches or a touch screen. Using them, you can set the desired temperature in the refrigerator and freezer. Of course, not any, but within the limits specified by the manufacturer.

These limits are standard and are observed by producers in all countries, which is not surprising: meat is meat in Africa too, and must be stored under certain conditions. Like cheese, eggs or vegetables.

But since these conditions differ for different products, the temperature also varies different shelves should be different. This is what happens if it is working properly and the temperature is set correctly.


The limits set for the freezer are from minus 6 to minus 24 degrees. In this case, the regulator has three switching stages, each of which lowers the temperature by 6 degrees:

  • First stage freezing from -6 to -12 degrees is used in cases where meat or fish is planned to be stored for a short time - no more than 2-3 months;

  • Second stage from -12 to -18 degrees Celsius is considered optimal for long-term storage of meat, as well as vegetable mixtures and berries;

  • Third stage from -18 to -24 degrees is a turbo mode, which is turned on for quick freezing. But if you need frozen meat to last longer than the recommended 8-12 months without loss of taste, this mode should be left working.

The temperature difference is explained by the fact that in one of the boxes intended for freezing, it is usually lower than in the others. In mine it is the middle drawer, which is used for longer storage.

cooling chamber

In the refrigerator and freezer compartments completely different conditions storage The temperature in the first does not fall below 0 and does not exceed +8 degrees. These are the upper and lower limits of the modern household.

Moreover, the chamber is divided by shelves into compartments, each of which supports a certain mode, optimal for the safety of certain products:

  • In the freshness zone the temperature is maintained within 0 - +1 degrees. This is the optimal temperature in the refrigerator for storing fresh meat, fish, semi-finished meat products, cheeses, sausages, dairy products, vegetables and herbs. It prevents the growth of bacteria without freezing food and without changing its organoleptic and beneficial properties. Exactly this appropriate place and for quickly cooling drinks. Unfortunately, not all refrigerators have such a zone. And the price of those that have it is usually higher.

  • In the perishable food storage area should be from +2 to +4 degrees. It is usually located next to the freshness area, and is intended for storing milk, sausages and confectionery, chilled meat, etc.

  • Non-perishable food storage area- the “warmest”. The normal temperature in it can range from +6 to +8 degrees, but not higher. Here you can keep homemade jams and preserves, pasteurized juices, and live yoghurts.
  • Door The refrigerator cannot boast of stable temperature and humidity, so products that are not very picky and do not require strong cooling are stored here: eggs, butter, soft cheeses, marinades.

Where each zone is located depends on the type of refrigerator, for example:

  • in a single-chamber with a freezer at the top, the coldest shelf will be directly below it;
  • in a two-chamber with an independent refrigerator, it’s the other way around: the top shelf is the warmest, as warm air rises.

In any case, look at the instructions - everything is explained in it.

If you have an electronically controlled unit with an LCD display, install desired mode not difficult. The display usually shows the average temperature.

But how do you know what the temperature is in the refrigerator if it is controlled by a slider or by turning the thermostat knob?

Very simple. You need to put a regular one inside outdoor thermometer and after a couple of hours look at his testimony. If they are below the recommended parameters, turn the regulator towards increasing the temperature. And vice versa.

How to use the refrigerator correctly

Now that you know that the temperature in the refrigerator should be different for each zone, you can talk about how to maintain it. And how to properly store food in it:

  1. Try not to leave the door open for too long. And always make sure it closes tightly. Otherwise, the regime inside the chamber will be disrupted.

  1. Do not place warm or hot foods in the refrigerator. First, cool them in the room or on the balcony.
  2. Even at one level, the back wall is always a little colder than the door.
  3. Try to pack any food. Wrap it in foil and place it in plastic bags or place in containers with lids. This will protect it from drying out and absorbing foreign odors, and will extend its shelf life.

  1. By filling the entire space of the chamber with containers and packages standing close to each other and the walls, with our own hands we disrupt the air circulation in it. This cannot be done. Especially - place the packages close to the back wall, along which condensation flows.


Surely, after reading these recommendations and watching the video in this article, many will go to check their refrigerators to see if the mode established in it complies with the recommended standards. And also transfer products to shelves that correspond to their shelf life. And it is right. After all, following the optimal mode and operating rules helps not only keep food fresh, but also reduce energy consumption.

I hope you found the information presented here useful, and look forward to your feedback in the comments.

Is your refrigerator working well? Can it maintain the required storage temperature for your food? Previously, in order to find out this, many had to contact service center, but now there is no need for this. So that you can figure out for yourself whether your household appliances are working correctly, let's look at what temperature should be in the refrigerator.

Typically, household refrigerators are divided inside into several zones that support different food storage modes. In a two-chamber refrigerator, these zones will be the freezer and refrigerator compartment. The first is intended for long-term storage of food (it can be kept here from 6 to 12 months), respectively, working temperature This zone will be lower, the second is intended for short-term storage of products that you will not need to defrost immediately before use.

Single-chamber refrigerators may have only a freezer compartment or only a refrigerator compartment. In combined models, the freezer is located in a common chamber, but is isolated from the general area and can support the necessary proper storage products operating mode. At what temperature should one of these types of refrigerator operate? Normal values ​​for it will be from +3 to +10 in the refrigerator compartment and from -18 to -24 in the freezer.

Optimum temperature of the refrigerator compartment

In the refrigerator compartment, the average operating temperature will differ depending on various areas. As a rule, the following indicators will be observed:

  • In the freshness zone: 0… +1 degrees. This zone is not found in all refrigerators, but is present in some popular manufacturers, like LG and some others. It is designed for storing meat, fish and other perishable products (they can be kept here for 3 days). As a rule, in modern refrigerators such a zone is located at the top of the refrigerator compartment.

Important: you should take into account the specific temperature conditions of the presented zones when organizing food storage in your refrigerator. Otherwise, you will regularly encounter the fact that some products very quickly lose their properties and freeze (for example, fruits stored for a long time in the freshness zone), while others, on the contrary, spoil (for example, improperly laid out meat).

What is the normal temperature in the freezer?

The normal temperature in the freezer is -18 and below. This temperature regime is suitable for long-term storage of various products, including frozen fruits, meat, and semi-finished products. To quickly freeze products, for example, berries, a special mode with a temperature of -24 degrees is used (in some models the quick freezing temperature is -30 degrees).

Important: if you store food for a long time, it does not matter at all which mode of operation of the freezer you have chosen: constant temperature-18 degrees or -24. This does not affect the quality of food storage at all. But operating the freezer in fast freezing mode can significantly increase the energy consumption of the refrigerator, which housewives need to remember.

Optimal temperature for different brands of refrigerators

Recommendations on what temperature should be in the refrigerator may differ from one manufacturer to another. household appliances. In particular, the largest companies producing refrigerators and freezers adjust their equipment to the following temperature conditions:

  • Indesit can withstand temperatures in the refrigerator compartment from +3 to +8 degrees. In some models it can rise to +10 degrees (this value can be adjusted downward). The standard operating temperature of this manufacturer’s freezer is -18, but in fast freezing mode it reaches -24.

  • Modern Samsung models maintain the temperature in the refrigerator compartment from +3 degrees; if desired, it can be raised to +7. Most models recent years There is also a freshness zone in which you can set the temperature from -1 to +3, depending on the recommended storage mode for the products you have chosen. This manufacturer’s freezer is capable of maintaining values ​​from -18 to -25, but equipment manufacturers assure that -18 degrees is sufficient for normal food storage.

    • Bosch brand products have the same basic temperature settings in various chambers as Samsung. Additionally, there is also a super cooling mode that will keep the temperature in the refrigerator compartment at +2 degrees. Also, all the latest models from this company have a fast freezing mode.
    • Liebherr samples also maintain temperature values ​​of up to +8 in the refrigerator compartment and -25 in the freezer. Has additionally several automatic modes, including a super freezing mode, as well as a mode that adapts the operation of equipment to environmental conditions.

How to connect the refrigerator correctly so that there are no problems with the temperature?

Important: it is necessary to take into account that for many manufacturers, the normal operating mode of both the refrigerator and freezer may vary depending on the model. Be sure to pay attention to this nuance and follow exactly the manufacturer’s recommendations that were developed specifically for your model.

It should also be noted that in refrigerators of these brands, as well as in many models from the manufacturer Nord and Atlant, the operating temperature of the refrigeration chamber can fluctuate throughout the day. These are the features of the No Frost system that prevent the formation of ice in refrigeration chambers. You need to remember this when checking the temperature conditions of the unit you have chosen, as well as adjusting it to the food storage parameters you need.

How to set the temperature

Food in your refrigerator has started to spoil and you want to check whether it is maintaining the set temperature? It's not at all difficult to do. You will need a regular thermometer with a scale from -25 to +30 degrees. You will need to place this thermometer in the compartment where you think the temperature is too high and leave it there for 12 hours.

Important: if you check the operating temperature of the freezer compartment household refrigerator, do not under any circumstances place the thermometer in water and then in the freezer. This will lead to damage to such equipment. You just need to place the thermometer on a free shelf to get the values ​​you are interested in.

Video: what’s special temperature regime in a two-compartment refrigerator?

Having detected deviations from given value, you can set a different temperature mode using the built-in regulator or an external display (depending on the model). Don't forget to check after this whether your household appliances normal food storage temperature. If after this manipulation you notice significant deviations from this value, be sure to contact the service center that services the products of the brand you have chosen so that they can debug your equipment.

A refrigerator is an indispensable thing for anyone. modern man. The low temperatures provided by refrigerators and freezers allow us to keep purchased food fresh for much longer. However, it is worth remembering that the safety of supplies is guaranteed only by correctly set temperature conditions for each zone and the correct distribution of products among the compartments of the refrigerator.

What temperature should the refrigerator be? We are looking for answers in our article

In this review we have collected useful information and answers to important questions. What should be the temperature in the refrigerator, how should food be placed, according to storage rules and how to operate the refrigerator so that it lasts longer.


Almost all modern (and not so modern) refrigerator models have a digital or mechanical temperature controller. Including for the freezer. Often, the adjustment mode operates in 4 positions, each of which indicates a decrease (increase) in temperature by 6 ℃.

The minimum temperature in the freezer according to the standard is −6 ℃, the maximum threshold reaches −24 ℃ (used for blast freezing). Exceptions are industrial refrigerators, where deep freezing is used at a temperature of −32 ℃ and below.

Optimal temperature for the freezer compartment of a household appliance is −18 ℃. But you need to select the mode individually, taking into account the recommended storage temperature for the products with which you plan to fill the freezer compartment.

Before freezing, food must be wrapped in film, foil, or placed in airtight containers. This will avoid moisture evaporation and protect the freezer from leaks in the event of a long power outage.

Blast freezing preserves the taste and texture of food. This method is suitable for berries, fruits and vegetables. They contain a lot of water, which freezes quickly and keeps the fibers intact.

cooling chamber

The temperature in the refrigerator fluctuates depending on the location of a particular zone. Standard range is from 0 to +8 ℃.

As a rule, there are 4 main zones in the refrigerator (both in modern models and in older devices). Let's take a closer look.

Freshness zone

Freshness zone (or zero zone) - this compartment has the lowest temperature readings: from 0 to +1 ℃. In single-chamber refrigerators, the zero zone is located directly next to the freezer compartment (above or below it); in two-chamber units, it can be located either near the freezer or in the middle of the refrigerator compartment, representing a separate closed shelf. Often, it is in the freshness zone that the temperature regulator is located and the air supply openings are located. Read the instructions for your model.

The freshness zone allows you to quickly cool champagne and strong alcohol. It is better not to keep beer and juices in this area; the temperature for storing them is slightly higher

Middle shelves

The next compartment is the middle shelves of the refrigerator. Here the temperature is +2…+4 ℃. They are suitable for storing meat and dairy products, slices, eggs, and baked goods.

Then, closer to the lower drawers, there is an area for storing ready-made food: soups, main courses, salads, canned food and pickles. This is usually the largest shelf where pots and three liter jars. The temperature in the refrigerator here reaches +5…+7 ℃.

The temperature in the refrigerator, in the area of ​​the lower drawers and shelves on the door, is +6…+8 ℃. It is recommended to store some fruits and vegetables, sauces (ketchup, mustard, etc.) and drinks here.

Thus, the optimal temperature in the refrigerator varies from point to point and is, on average, +3…+5 ℃. If the refrigerator door is closed during the day, the temperature gradually equalizes. Certain zones maintain their own microclimate.

If your unit does not have an electronic display, you can measure the temperature in the refrigerator and freezer with a regular outdoor thermometer. Just put it in the refrigerator for 12 hours

In order for your refrigerator to work without interruption and serve you for a long time, you need to be able to handle it correctly. Often, we ignore instructions and make annoying mistakes during operation.

Here are a few basic rules for using a refrigerator:

  • do not install the refrigerator near the stove, sink or heating appliances;
  • leave a distance of 5-10 cm between the wall and the refrigerator for free air circulation;
  • monitor the melt water drain hole and clean it at least once every 3-4 months;
  • Do not put hot food in the refrigerator, especially a pot of soup. Wait until it cools down. A large number of hot liquid and vapor will lead to disruption of the equipment;
  • Always close refrigerator doors tightly. Don't leave them open for more than a few seconds. Access warm air reduces the temperature inside the chamber and harms the operation of the refrigerator;
  • Do not fill the refrigerator and freezer compartments to capacity. Densely compacted products interfere with normal air circulation and disrupt the operation of equipment;
  • Do not overload the refrigerator by constantly turning it on to the most powerful cooling mode. Severe overloads will adversely affect the operation of all systems;
  • Be sure to package food before storing. This is necessary to prevent the food from drying out, spreading or absorbing odors. In addition, the packaging protects against the penetration of bacteria. This way you can avoid unpleasant odors in the refrigerator and premature spoilage of food.

When going on vacation, switch the refrigerator to low cooling mode. Many models allow you to turn off refrigerator, leaving the freezer in operating mode to preserve supplies

If your refrigerator suddenly stops freezing, there may be several reasons for this. The most common of them:

  • improper operation;
  • door depressurization (misalignment or problem with the rubber seal);
  • refrigerant (freon) leak;
  • loss of performance and malfunction of the compressor;
  • malfunction of the thermostat;
  • poor thermal insulation of the refrigerator.

In any case, do not expect the temperature in the refrigerator to normalize by itself; call a professional.

Take care of your refrigerator by cleaning it regularly, inside and out. Even NoFrost models need wet cleaning. Don't forget to unplug your equipment while washing.

If you want the refrigerator to work in economy mode energy consumption - regularly clean its back wall from dust, for example, using a vacuum cleaner. Unplug equipment while cleaning.

For your convenience, the table provides information on the recommended storage temperatures for some products.

Distribute food into refrigerator zones in accordance with the recommended storage temperature, so they will stay fresh and tasty longer.

Take proper care of your household appliances and they will serve you for as long as possible. We hope our tips are useful to you. Write questions and suggestions in the comments, share your experience.


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Graduated from the author's physics and mathematics lyceum and art school. Received a higher education in economics with a major in innovative management. Freelancer. Married, actively travels. He is interested in Buddhist philosophy, enjoys transurfing and loves Mediterranean cuisine.

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The topic of food storage has always occupied the minds of mankind. With the advent of refrigerators, everything became much simpler. We can stock up on food for future use and not worry about it going bad. But for proper storage, you just need to know what the optimal temperature in the refrigerator is, how to set it, how to measure it, etc. In this article we will try to cover all these issues and teach you how to use refrigerators to the greatest benefit.

Modern refrigerators are complex automated systems, providing best storage products. Typically they include:

  • freezer;
  • refrigeration chamber;
  • freshness zone.

The freshness zone is located at the bottom of the refrigerator compartment. Correctly selected optimal temperature in the refrigerator and freezer is the key to preserving all the beneficial properties of products and increasing their shelf life.


The freezer can be located under the same door as the refrigerator compartment or under a separate one. Its main characteristic is the minimum temperature that you can set. Ideal temperature in the refrigerator in the freezer is -18°C.

The more often you use it and the more loaded it is, the lower the temperature should be. Down to -20°C and below. If there are few products in it and you hardly open it, setting it to -15 degrees is enough.

When using special options designed for quick freezing of fresh food, the freezer is set to the maximum low temperatures from -25°C to -30°C. This process takes several hours. With this method of freezing, products retain their beneficial properties and taste as much as possible.

cooling chamber

The temperature in the refrigerator compartment is distributed unevenly across the shelves. As a rule, the closer the shelf is to the freezer, the cooler it is. The average temperature of the refrigerator compartment ranges from +3 degrees to +6°C. It is not recommended to set it above 6 degrees, although some models have an upper limit of up to +9°C.

If you set it to +4 degrees, the temperature distribution will be as follows. The coldest place - against the wall on the shelf closest to the freezer - keeps the temperature at about +2 - + 3°C. On the middle shelves - +3 - +5°С.

The warmest place is the shelf and door of the refrigerator farthest from the freezer. Here it can reach up to +10 and depends on how often you look into the refrigerator compartment. The optimal temperature in the refrigerator for the freshness zone is from + 4 to + 8 ° C. If you do not open the door for a long time, the temperature inside the chamber will gradually equalize. In the freshness zone it usually does not rise above +1°C.

Store in the coldest zone sausages, sweets with cream, meat and semi-finished products from it, fish, milk, etc. The middle shelves are designed for storing soups, sauces, vegetables, main courses, etc. The topmost ones store fruits, root vegetables, pickles, etc. The freshness zone is designed for storing herbs, vegetables, fresh fish, meat, minced meat, etc.

Temperature measurement

It is quite natural that users want to know the exact temperature on the shelves of the unit. Sometimes this is caused by the need to check its serviceability or the requirements to comply with strict temperature conditions on the part of the product or medicine. Some modern models equipped with displays showing the current temperature level. But, as you already know, it is different on the shelves of the refrigerator compartment.

You can measure the temperature special device, which can be found and bought at any hardware store, or a regular thermometer designed to measure body temperature. In the latter case, place the thermometer in a container of water before placing it on the shelf. For a more accurate measurement, empty the chamber of food. Only the most perishable ones can be left. Place the container with the thermometer in the approximate center of the shelf and leave until the morning. It is advisable not to open the door during the temperature measurement period. This method cannot be used in the freezer.

To measure the temperature in the freezer, an outdoor thermometer with a scale of at least -35°C is suitable. It is especially important to know to what division the bar drops in super freezing mode. After all, the quality of frozen products depends on its level. The lower it is, the better.

Food storage table

Products should be stored at the temperature recommended by the manufacturer in strict accordance with established deadlines. You can find this information on the product packaging or label. For the most popular products, we provide a table indicating the shelf life at various temperatures:

Products Shelf life
0 to +4 0 to +6 Up to +8 -12 and below
Eggs No more than 20 days
Meat, poultry 3 days 3 months
Butter Up to 10 days 3 months
By-products 3 days
Chopped meat 12 hours
Milk 24 hours
Sour cream 3 days
Cream 12 hours
Cottage cheese 3 days
Vegetables 7 days
Cheese 7 – 15 days
Salads, vinaigrettes 12 hours 6 hours
Fish 2 days
Ketchup, mayonnaise, sauce from 15 to 120 days

To maintain the set temperature, follow the rules described in the operating instructions. To maintain a normal temperature, follow these simple rules:

  • Place only cold food in the refrigerator compartment. Even if the soup is lukewarm, first place it in cold water and refrigerate completely.
  • Try to always use packaging. It is better if these are sealed bags or containers.
  • To ensure uniform cooling, do not fill the chamber to capacity.
  • If you load a lot of food into the refrigerator and the door remains open for a long time, set the temperature to the minimum. After loading, return the regulator to your normal value.
  • Always close doors tightly. Some models are equipped sound signals in case the door doesn't slam shut. Otherwise, it's better to double-check. A poorly closed door will lead to unnecessary high consumption electricity, temperature loss and possible food spoilage.

Proper operation and adherence to temperature conditions will allow your refrigerator to serve for a long time, and you will always enjoy fresh food.

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