Encyclopedia of fire safety

How to make a dormer window on the roof. Dormer window on the roof - design and drawings. The main nuances when finishing expanded clay concrete walls

A person, planning the construction of a house, dreams of creating something special, not like all the buildings that existed before.

For two centuries, people have been successfully decorating their homes with a variety of dormer windows on the roof.

It is this kind of "zest" that can give the house individuality, make it recognizable, memorable. To achieve the desired result, you need to carefully consider this element, choose the right materials and perform it with high quality.

A bit of history

Europe. Roofs with dormer windows appeared in the 19th century in all European countries almost simultaneously. They arose as a functional element of the building for ventilation and lighting of the attic, thanks to which the attic became suitable for the construction of residential and utility rooms.

But immediately dormers began to serve to decorate buildings. Europe of the 19th century was characterized by lucarnes - exquisitely decorated dormer windows in the same style as the facade of the building, be it Gothic, Renaissance or Baroque. And in different countries they looked different.

Russia . The appearance of dormer windows in Russia is associated with the construction of the Manege in 1817 in honor of the fifth anniversary of the victory in the Russian-French war. This grandiose building, 45 m wide, was covered with wooden trusses, to which a false ceiling was hemmed. But, since the construction was carried out in a hurry, the larches for the structures were damp, cracks soon appeared in the structures, the ceiling was bent.

According to legend, the artel worker Alexei Slukhov, whose name is associated with the name "dormer windows", took up the correction of defects. Under his leadership, rectangular holes were cut on the roof of the building and decorated with additional structures in the form of houses with walls, a roof and a glass facade - a window through which the building was ventilated. The design showed its effectiveness - the floor trusses, and as a result, the ceiling, straightened out.

The first experience turned out to be successful, the majestic building of the Manege still exists with dormer windows, which, undoubtedly, is its decoration. www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHG4QUszYhs

So this architectural design took root in Russia, making the attics of houses inhabited, first of all, in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Mostly people with low incomes settled here. In addition to residential premises, workshops and other utility rooms were located in the attics. Through the dormer windows, it was easy to go to the roof for its repair, as well as to escape in case of natural disasters - fire or flood.

The design has proven its survivability - today you can observe a wide variety of dormer windows.

Window classification

  1. In a gable wall;
  2. Dormer:
    1. triangular,
    2. square with pitched roof
    3. trapezoid,
    4. segmented with a trapezoidal roof (panoramic),
    5. arched ("bat", "bull's eye");
  3. Antidormer;
  4. oblique;
  5. Clerestory.

The classification does not end there. Thanks to the development of building technologies, the emergence of new materials, old window designs are being improved and new ones are being developed.

Constructive decisions

There are four basic schemes of dormer windows.

In a gable wall

The window is arranged in a gable (the upper part of the end wall in the shape of a triangle, limited by the roof slopes) in the plane of the facade. The window device does not require additional structures, through it you can easily get to the attic through the external stairs.


The window is completely located above the roof slope. The device of such a window requires strengthening the structural elements of the roof and thorough waterproofing. In terms of architecture, this is the most common and most spectacular type of dormer windows, which has a large number of modifications.

Diagrams of some types of dormers dormer are given here.


The window does not protrude beyond the roof slope, is built-in and therefore reduces the useful volume of the attic. This type of windows has not received wide distribution, although it is simpler in execution than dormer. The option is more economical in terms of the cost of materials and simpler in terms of waterproofing.

Inclined (dormer) window

It is located directly in the plane of the roof. Currently, effective designs of roof windows, in particular, metal-plastic windows of various shapes have been developed: standard rectangular, round, triangular.


It is a full glass window, it can have different shapes. The design provides maximum illumination. It is used on the roofs of industrial and public buildings.

Dormer windows on the roof photo - examples of use in individual residential buildings

The gable roof with a dormer window is a traditional solution. It is located in the plane of the wall on the slope of the roof.

Shed design, consists of three windows with piers.

Hip windows evoke a sense of antiquity, comfort and regularity of life. With this solution, the angles of inclination of the roof and the hip are equal.

A triangular dormer on the roof is a frequent attribute of a romantic, sometimes even fabulous, home.

Attention ! It is the triangular design of the window that is the simplest in execution, convenient for waterproofing.

The disadvantage is the limited amount of light.

The arched bull's-eye window will give the interior the features of a patriarchal mansion.

Roof dormer windows can be arranged vertically in groups in addition to the usual horizontal arrangement solution.

Panoramic window provides a wide view and maximum illumination.

There are no side walls at the window with a trapezoidal roof. All of its coverage is performed by the roofing material.

You can use different types of dormer windows within the same roof.

There are three types of windows on this large roof. But perhaps the most interesting of them are the windows, which received the name "bat" or "frog mouth" due to their recognizable outlines. Their device on a tiled roof is thoroughly developed by the tile manufacturer - Roben.

Batwing windows will also look impressive on roofs with a minimal slope.

It is difficult to decorate a building with the use of flat roof windows.

Nevertheless, they perfectly transmit light, do not require additional structures and, thanks to a well-developed installation technology, provide reliable waterproofing.

Basic design requirements

The number, type and size of dormer windows are determined by the purpose of the premises, the required illumination, the orientation of the building to the cardinal points, the general architectural concept of the building and the materials used. That is, dormer windows are designed at the sketch stage, and not at the stage of developing a roof plan.

The requirements of SNiP should be observed when designing windows of any design and style. This is a necessary condition for ensuring the strength and integrity of the roof structure and the durability of the building as a whole.

The top of the window is assigned arbitrarily based on the dimensions of the roof. The higher it is, the more light will enter the room.

The area of ​​dormer windows in living quarters should be 1/6-1/8 of the floor area.

The design and installation of the dormer window should be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP. Regardless of the design features and style of the chosen design, it is necessary to comply with building rules and regulations. This makes it possible to provide the necessary reliability and durability of this structure without weakening the operational parameters of the roof of the building.

The key requirements of SNiP for dormer windows include:

  • installation is permissible if the angle of inclination of the roof slope is 35 degrees or more;
  • add-ons should be located at a regulated distance from the outer walls of the building;
  • sashes that open and are located on the dormer window must have a minimum size of 0.6 × 0.8 m, which means that its allowable size on the roof will be 1.2 × 0.8 m;
  • if it is planned to equip a window with a hip roof and a quadrangular opening, its facade cannot be a continuation of the wall of the building.

A warning ! When designing, proportions should be maintained and the roof should not be overloaded with a number of massive windows.

Dormer windows on the roof, construction

The basis of the design of the dormer window is the frame, which is mounted simultaneously with the roof truss system.

The structure is most often made of wood, although the side walls can be made of brick.

The installation of the dormer window is carried out after the roof frame - gables must be erected and the truss system of the building must be mounted. Openings are made in the places where dormers are installed. If the opening is larger than 110-130 cm, then in order to compensate for the increased load from the window structure, the rafter legs framing the opening should be double or triple. The side walls of the dormer window structure are installed perpendicular to the outer wall supported by floor beams.

Important ! When installing lintel beams, cutting into the roof truss structures is unacceptable, as this weakens its structure. To fasten all frame elements, metal fasteners should be used.

Particular attention should be paid to waterproofing. The design of the dormer window should be insulated with the same layer of insulation as the roof. External wall cladding is usually made with the same material as the facade of the building.

Greetings, dear readers!

The construction term denoting an important part of the roof called "dormer window", according to Dahl's explanatory dictionary, means an opening prepared "for hearing".

This is not an accurate definition of the functional abilities of the window with the definition of "auditory" suggests that Vladimir Dal, of course, was a writer, ethnographer, doctor and a very educated person, but had nothing to do with construction.

If he were a builder, he would have given a different definition to this element, which is installed on almost all pitched roofs and is not intended at all for the unhindered penetration of sound waves.

Why and how dormers are installed correctly, you will learn by reading this article.

Dormer window - what is it?

A window opening in a roof slope, in which a vertical frame is installed, closed at the top and sides, is called a dormer window.

Initially, such a window was conceived as a way to ventilate the under-roof space, but over time it became one of the elements of the roof structure, which can simultaneously perform several functions.

To give a "zest", to revive and decorate the roof of any house - this is one of the purposes of the dormer window, acquired by him over the many years of his operation.

Changing its appearance and its dimensions, the window began to evoke different visual associations and received many original names: "bull's eye", "frog's mouth", "pike window", "dwarf's house", "bat".

When houses in densely populated cities could no longer accommodate all their inhabitants, they had to look for a way out: how to expand the living space. And an interesting solution to this problem was found - to arrange attics in the attic.

Simultaneously with the arrangement of attic spaces, another important function appeared at the dormer window - to serve as a source of natural light.

Thus, as a result of all kinds of additions and changes, the usual "birdhouse" on the roof has become an architectural and structurally necessary part of the roof and the room under the roof.

In the future, for the qualitative performance of all the functional duties added over time by the dormer windows, they began to be installed in certain areas of the roof space, which are located in the south direction.

When a dormer window is installed in an ordinary non-residential attic, and its main purpose is to ventilate the space under the roof, then a simple ventilation grill can be inserted into the opening instead of a frame.

It allows the dormer window to cope as much as possible with the duty originally assigned to it.

As a result, in the attic space there are no such negative phenomena as:

  • condensate, into which warm air is converted, penetrating under the roof from the lower floors and rapidly cooling in the under-roof space. In the absence of proper ventilation, this phenomenon not only adversely affects the roof of the roof, but can have a destructive effect on the load-bearing structural elements and significantly reduce the period of their trouble-free operation;
  • mold and mildew growth, which, under comfortable conditions, may well find their way and move to the room under the attic. Sometimes residents of the upper floors of residential buildings for a long time try to cope with black spots in the corners and under the ceiling in their apartment, not finding the true cause of this phenomenon. But the installation of a dormer window can help them completely solve this issue - for additional access of fresh air to the under-roof space.

There is another meaning in the installation of a roof element called “dormer window”, which does not lie on the surface, but has a special meaning for the reliability of the roof structure and its operation in strong winds.

Only a flat roof is not subjected to the pressure of air masses.

All one-, two-pitched, as well as broken protruding roof structures are built with the expectation of providing decent resistance to wind loads.

Left unattended, the wind load factor can destroy the roof, gradually creating vibration and loosening the supporting structure.

Destruction can also occur simultaneously, when due to the high speed of the air flow outside the building under the roof, an air vacuum is created. The stronger the wind, the greater the pressure drop outside and below the roof, and this in some cases ends with the entire roof rising like a balloon takeoff.

To resist such a scenario of development of events, the installation of a dormer window in the roof is called upon - at first glance, an ordinary ventilation opening, but in fact a structural element that takes into account the complex laws of physics.

It is this window that is the valve that, if necessary, will work and relieve the under-roof space from excess pressure.

Even if the dormer window is closed not with a ventilation grill, but with a glazed frame, the air flow will rather squeeze out the glass than have a destructive effect on the roof itself.

The technology of installing a dormer window on the roof in the video:

Design features of the classic dormer window

The standard dormer window is a rectangular structure, which is an additional roof superstructure. Its purpose is to, without letting precipitation into the under-roof space, provide access to fresh air and daylight.

A conventional dormer window is installed in the gap between the rafters in order not to disturb the supporting structure of the roof. If it is necessary to provide more air access, it is allowed to install several dormer windows in the spaces between the rafters in one row or one above the other.

The classic dormer window looks like a glass window frame with ventilation holes around it, covered with a ventilation grill in the form of louvres. If the window is small, then, as a rule, it is closed only with a ventilation grill.

Often, this type of window openings combines the function of doors for free access to the roof surface, if the building is not equipped with a fire escape.

For the attic space, a difference of about 5-10 degrees is considered optimal compared to the air temperature outside the building.

Temperature values ​​that differ upwards will be fraught with the formation of condensation on the internal structure. And this, in turn, may require the use of special materials that can withstand high humidity.

Such troubles are fought by installing dormer windows, which come in different shapes and design features.

The most popular are:

  • lean-to. One of the longest used and structurally the most simple auditory superstructures on the roof. The angle of inclination of the roof of this window should be about 15 0 . An increase in this size is permissible only with a significant slope of the roof itself. If this rule is not observed, water may leak at the junction of the main roof with the roof of the dormer window, which will require additional waterproofing measures for this area;
  • gable. As well as lean-tos, they have been installed on roofs since the Middle Ages. This is confirmed by many historical architectural monuments that have preserved these decorations on the roof to this day.

A distinctive feature of the gable acoustic design is the relative complexity of its installation. To do this, it is necessary to correctly calculate the docking of all its components, both among themselves and with the main roof structure. But the complexity of manufacturing a gable dormer window (compared to a single-sided one) is fully justified by greater practicality in terms of the distribution of water flows.

Visually, the two slopes on the roof of this window look like a complete architectural form and do not require any additions.

The materials for the side and front gables of the dormer windows can repeat those that decorate the facade of the building, but immediately take on the appearance of a decorative element if their exterior finish is made in contrast with the facade finish.

Dormer roofs, unlike gables, are usually covered with the same material that covers the main roof.

Why a roof window?

If you look at the dormer window from the street, the answer to the question why it is on the roof comes by itself: in many cases, to decorate the general appearance of the building.

The builder, on the other hand, will explain the necessity of building a window with practical benefits, citing several purely technical arguments as evidence.

A person living under a roof in an attic will talk about the comfort that a dormer window creates. In particular, he will tell about the daylight and fresh air coming through it, and most importantly, about the opportunity to look at the world from a different point of view than through the windows below.

A building with original dormer windows becomes unlike others that do not have such an element in their design.

Here you can draw an analogy between buildings and people - a different hairdresser will transform his client with an elaborate hairstyle so that his own mother hardly recognizes it. A dormer window on the roof, as well as a hair on the head of a fashionista, can be one and only.

Over time, fashion trends have not bypassed this element of the roof structure. Fanciful dormer windows, through which residents of cozy attic spaces looked out three hundred years ago, were replaced by inconspicuous dormer openings in rapidly erected houses of the last century.

But fashion and freedom of thought are now making themselves felt again with the appearance on the roofs of many private houses, seemingly left in the past "houses for the gnome" and the look of the "bull's eye".

Our time has not been able to wash away the plaque of centuries from the dormer windows, except that it has added a few changes in the form of a double-glazed window in the frame and automation for self-closing the window in case of bad weather.

But for the attic space not equipped for housing, the dormer window remained exactly the same and performs the same functions: maintaining the performance of the roof structure and the material covering this structure.

The principles of dormer windows on the roof with a cold attic in the video:


The definitions by which dormer windows are classified correspond to the visual characteristics of roofs installed over a particular opening.

For example:

  • flat roof. It is used mainly for purely technical purposes and does not affect the appearance of buildings. The angle of inclination with respect to the main roof is from 5 0 to a maximum value of 15 0;
  • single pitched roof. It is very similar to a flat one, but differs in the angle of inclination, starting from 15 0 and increasing in parallel with the increase in the slope of the main roof;
  • gable. In addition to mandatory functions, it also has architectural significance for the appearance of the building;
  • hip roof. A type of gable roof, with a cut front slope located at the same angle as the main roof;
  • triangular roof. Minimum daylight source;
  • glass roof. Designed to provide maximum access to daylight in the attic;
  • semicircular roof. The famous "bull's eye". A stylish option that differs from all the others not only in its attractive appearance, but also in the significant cost of its installation.

Acute dormer window

A dormer with a triangular or, as it is also called, a "sharp" roof can often be found on buildings of historical value.

The main problem with the installation of windows with such a roof is that they are not too large or too small in relation to the total volume of the roof. Their sides should have the same angle as the main roof. If these conditions are not met, the triangular window will look like a foreign fragment on the roof.

Another condition for the compliance of acute-angled windows with the general style of the building is the correctly chosen places for their installation. They should be on the same axis with the windows of the facade located under them.

The advantage of these dormer windows over other options is that they can be located at a higher level.

Another advantage of acute-angled windows is the simplicity of waterproofing the junctions. Since the window roof covering is connected at a developed angle with the main roof, their joint is formed as an internal junction on ordinary broken roofs - internal and external.

The installation of triangular dormer windows does not significantly increase the volume of the attic space, and this factor is their main drawback.

Design features of the installation

There are no clearly defined rules and strict instructions for installing a dormer window. The main requirement relates to maintaining the rigidity and reliability of the entire roof structure.

The installation location depends on the individual requirements of the developer and the aesthetic perception of the entire appearance of the building.

Before drawing a dormer window on a plan, it is important to decide what function it will have to perform - aesthetic or practical. The choice of the shape and size of the window largely depends on this decision.

If you install two dormer windows at a close distance (less than one meter), then it will become difficult to install a roof covering between them.

In winter, nearby windows will contribute to the formation of snow bags, which will negatively affect the waterproofing of window adjoinings and cause an increased weight load on the main roof structure.

Dormer windows, which carry only purely technical functions, are usually installed without disturbing the structure in the gap between the rafters.

When it is necessary to install a dormer opening in the place where one or more rafter legs are located, then changes are made to the design of the main roof, based on calculations related to snow and wind loads. At the same time, reinforced rafter legs are necessarily added under the side walls of the dormer window.

How to expand the attic space

Arranging a living space in an attic under a roof is quite simple - it is enough to insulate the walls and roof. However, there is a certain difficulty in how to access a sufficient amount of daylight into the room and at the same time at least visually expand the attic space.

Installing a roof window in the plane of the roof partially solves the problem - it allows light and fresh air to pass through. But this is a partial solution to the problem, since the actual volumes of the room do not increase, but remain in the same contours limited by the roof.

The device of a large-sized dormer window allows you to install the same (in size) window in its front gable as on the facade of the building, increasing the height of the ledge in the room under the dormer opening to the height of the ridge of the main roof.

With sufficiently large dimensions - the height to the roof ridge and the distance from the central axis of the building to its side wall, the opening built into the roof under the dormer window may well be a separate house for its residents.

Increasing the internal living space, one must not forget that this can negatively affect the external appearance of the building. Therefore, it is important to monitor the observance of the proportions between the dimensions of the main roof and the dormer window installed on it.

Dormer window configurations

The architectural style within which a certain building was built is not limited to the foundation and facade. Like a point set in any business, the same point in construction is the roof installed on the building. Its outlines should not violate the general idea of ​​the architect. Therefore, many creators of grandiose projects install spiers or domes instead of a roof.

You can play with the external perception of any building by adding ledges in the form of dormer windows to the roof of various shapes.

This solves two problems at once:

  • technical. A solution that is necessary for long-term and trouble-free operation of the structure and roofing;
  • aesthetic. Without the solution of which, in principle, the construction of modern buildings is impossible.

Arranged in a certain sequence, in the right places and with dimensions that meet certain proportions even the most ordinary shed dormer windows can look like a decorative fragment of the interior.

With pitched roof

Flat roof windows are the simplest form of dormer windows installed on roofs.

The slope of the single slope above this window is not much different from the slope of the roof itself.

Windows of this type are most often installed on ready-made roofs, because their installation does not require cutting into the supporting system. It is enough just to cut out a part of the crate along with the roofing between the rafters.

Insufficient slope of the flat roof of the dormer window, if it is covered with tiles, may cause snow to accumulate on its surface and water to drain poorly. This disadvantage can be eliminated by replacing the coating with a more suitable one, for example, a metal tile or a profile sheet.

For drainage, ordinary semicircular or square gutters are used.

With gable roof

Windows with a gable or semicircular roof require special attention in the approach to their installation.

The opening for a gable dormer window, as a rule, cuts into the structure of the main roof and can significantly affect its reliability.

The location of this dormer window may have special bindings depending on the purposes that the window should fulfill.

If this window is a technical exit to the roof surface, then its location in the attic space should be at a height of free access.

A window with a gable roof can be decorated in different architectural styles:

  • with or without a pediment;
  • with or without a ledge;
  • with or without water drains.

The best option for the appearance of a gable window is when it has one window opening on the front gable that is not separated by partitions. Several small windows make the dormer too bulky.

The process of installing a dormer window in the finished roof

The first step is to choose the optimal installation location. If a mistake is made and the window needs to be moved to another place, it will be extremely difficult to close the opening in the roof.

Having decided on the installation site, you need to pay attention to the location of the rafter legs in this place. The best option would be not to touch the rafters at all.

But if the distance between them is small, and the dormer window is wider than it, then it is necessary to carry out actions to insure against subsidence of the roof plane.

To the place where the rafter leg will be sawn and after it, you need to install reliable supports.

They can be dismantled only after the complete installation of the dormer window.

Then you should consider how and with what material the cut opening can be temporarily protected from precipitation.

If the marking has been carried out and all safety actions have been completed, you can proceed to dismantle the crate and the material covering the roof.

In order to avoid downtime and inconsistencies in the process of installing a dormer window, the builders must have a draft of the future finished product and all the materials necessary for work before the start of work.

Dolmer dormer installation technology on the roof of the house in the video:

How to issue

On buildings built in our country, four types of dormer windows are most often found. This:

  • with a flat roof, the slope of which does not exceed 15 0 ;
  • with gable roof, the slope of both slopes of which must correspond to the slope of the roof;
  • gable roof- a variant of a gable with an additional slope starting from the ridge and lowered to the front gable;
  • semicircular roof with an arched front gable.

There are no strict restrictions on the use of covering materials for these roofs, but there are recommendations.

They are as follows:

  • it is desirable to cover a flat roof with materials that allow water to drain freely with a slight slope;
  • in cases where the slope of the slopes is sufficient for good drainage, they should be covered with the same material as the main roof.

To decorate the gables, you can use any materials used in the decoration of the facades of buildings, but with an indispensable condition for their low weight.

Window openings in dormer windows (both rectangular and arcuate) are installed in the same way as on the facade of the building - strictly horizontally.


Dormer windows are installed on many residential and industrial buildings with a roof that has a general slope.

The space under the roof can be used for arranging a room there or for purely technical purposes - maintenance of the truss system and roofing.

Depending on the purpose of the attic space, approaches to choosing a dormer window defined in form and functionality change.

The functions that the dormer window performs include:

  • room lighting;
  • constant supply of fresh air;
  • the possibility of access to the roof surface;
  • decorative design of the building.

The main part of the auditory opening is the window itself, which can be:

  • round or oval;
  • square or rectangular;
  • triangular.

The shape of the window does not affect the reliability and design features.

Window contours are important only for the aesthetic perception of the architectural integrity of the building.

Ramp slope

To provide for the correct slope of the slopes and to protect the problem areas of docking the dormer window with the main roof from leaking is the main task in its design and installation.

With a large roof area of ​​the dormer window, water should be drained using gutters.

It is best to additionally waterproof the joints of the walls of the dormer window with the roof, as well as install a valley there, and the lower one must necessarily go a few centimeters beyond the main roof.

The slope of the slope for a flat roof should not exceed 15 0. In other cases, the slope must be selected relative to the slope of the main roof.

Roben dormer window device in the video:

Window outlines

If you choose a dormer window for the simplicity of the device and practicality, then the triangular or acute-angled shape meets these criteria better than the rest.

This configuration has a small line of contact with the roof, which greatly reduces the problem of possible moisture penetration under the roof.

When choosing a triangular window for installation, you should be aware that it gives the least effect to the illumination of the room, and increasing it to eliminate this drawback will negatively affect the appearance of the building.

How best to position

In order not to disturb the visual design of the building design, architects can arrange the dormer openings in one row along a horizontal or vertical line. And they can scatter windows randomly or in a checkerboard pattern - there are practically no restrictions on location.

The only condition is that external beauty does not create inconvenience for those who may have to use the dormer windows from the attic space.

Given this aspect, it is desirable to place windows at a distance of about one meter from the attic floor.

How to Install a Skylight

When installing different types of dormer windows, there are some features inherent in the device of a particular type of windows, but there is no fundamental difference in the order of actions performed.

However, the order itself must be strictly observed:

  • draw up an exact plan for the location of dormer windows, taking into account all the features of the main roof. Make a drawing of the window with an exact indication of all overall dimensions;
  • if necessary, it should be determined in which places the safety props should be located, and install them before starting work;
  • cut a hole in the roof for a window according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing;
  • reinforce the opening with horizontal bars by attaching them to the ends of the trimmed rafter legs;
  • strengthen the rafter legs on which the sides of the dormer window rest - they will carry the entire load from the cut rafters;
  • after sheathing the opening along the perimeter and creating a rigid base, you can proceed to the construction of the selected type of dormer window;
  • the further procedure repeats the procedure for constructing a conventional roof with mandatory vapor and waterproofing and the installation of an appropriate insulation system;
  • before the device for the exterior decoration of the walls and the roof of the dormer window, the sections should be carefully waterproofed joining with the base roof.

Before installing a dormer window, it is advisable to calculate the cost and the need for its installation. Perhaps the installation of a conventional roof window will solve all the issues of lighting and ventilation, moreover, it will certainly cost less.

If the decision is made in favor of the dormer window, then you need to competently approach the choice of its shape. Because an attractive-looking arched window called a "bull's eye" will cost its future owner a price equal to installing several windows of simpler contours.

What is the optimal shape of the dormer window to choose for each specific case, you can find out by systematizing the data presented in this article.

In this article, we will consider the question of what advantages a gable roof with windows has, why roof windows are needed, what types of skylights exist, whether it is necessary to violate the integrity of the roofing when installing the described element.

Should skylights be installed? If the house has a large area, if the space under the roof is equipped for housing, yes. The described element helps to equip the ventilation of the attic, properly executed, it easily becomes a spectacular design move that allows you to complete the overall stylistic concept. Simple dormer windows are doors to the roof, they allow, if something happens, to repair the roof, to help evacuate in case of fire.

The roof window can be of different shapes, different designs. To understand how one species differs from another, the next section of the article will prompt.

Types of skylights

A roof window is a glazed frame built into the plane of the roof. The shape of this frame may be different. Experts distinguish four main types of structures. They are clearly shown in the published photo.

Frame in gable wall

A window in a gable wall is the easiest option for installing a glazing frame. Located between two slopes, it can be of any shape: triangular, round, oval, trapezoidal.

The most popular option is considered to be a rectangular dormer window. It is easy to assemble and install such a frame with your own hands, without resorting to the help of specialists. Semicircular frames have an unusual name. The people called them "bull's eye". A frame of this shape looks very impressive on roofs covered with tiles. This type of dormer windows has one advantage - the absence of sharp corners prevents the accumulation of snow, rainwater from such a frame flows immediately, without lingering on its ledges.

Triangular dormer windows often adorn the roofs of country mansions. The side walls of this design replace the slopes located at an angle of 60 degrees to each other. The triangular frame design has certain features: their main purpose is to ensure the flow of fresh air into the attic. The triangular design does not contribute to the penetration of sunlight, therefore, such structures are not used to illuminate the attic. The side walls of a triangular window do not need to be carefully sealed. And all because they are joined to the roof with the help of a groove or an irregularly shaped valley. The front part of the triangular frame is not buried in the roof, it is flush with the rest of the walls. For special showiness, a triangular dormer window must be located closer to the lower tier of the roof.

Installing such a design is quite simple. There is no need to build additional roofing elements for this. Most often, those who are going to perform the auditory opening on their own choose just such an option for its installation.


Dormer - a frame structure that is located above the roof slope. It is quite difficult for non-professionals to perform it on their own. And all because before installation it is necessary to carry out complex calculations. The main installation condition is the need to strengthen the supporting structure on the gable roof and to waterproof the frame well before glazing. The photo shows all types of dormer, you can make it gable, arched, built-in, panoramic, triangular.

Note! The chosen version of the dormer window must be combined with the architectural style of the house.


Antidormer, its design is directly opposite to the design of the dormer. It also settles on the slope of the roof, but does not come out of the roof, but, on the contrary, goes deep into the roof of the roof. Designing this type of frame is easier than drawing up a dormer drawing, but despite this, the anti-dormer did not take root well in Russia. And all because the described design reduces the useful area of ​​​​the attic space.


An inclined window (it is also a roof window) is in line with the roof slope. The use of metal-plastic allows you to perform an attic version of any configuration. Such an element does little to decorate the roof, but without it it is impossible to equip the attic with natural lighting. The choice of this option is justified when the attic is converted into a living space.

Roof windows are installed between two rafters located next to each other. It is possible to equip such window frames only where the angle of inclination of the roof is at least 20 degrees. Otherwise, the roof window will become a barrier to water flows. No waterproofing in this case will save the roof from leaking.

Doing frames yourself for skylights is not worth it. It is better to buy ready-made insulating glass, produced in the factory. Its design is carefully designed and developed in such a way as to exclude the very possibility of flooding the under-roof space. Installing a ready-made window is not particularly difficult. Support frames are attached directly to the roof. The roof window can be opened for ventilation even when it rains.

Design features

Many years of experience in installing frames in the roof made it possible to formulate the basic rules for their placement. You should definitely familiarize yourself with them in advance.

  • Firstly, any dormer window should not be close to the roof ridge, as well as to the roof eaves. Do not install window frames close to the front parts of the roof.
  • Secondly, when installing two elements adjacent to each other, the distance between the two elements should not be less than 80 cm. If the location is closer, it will be impossible to lay the roofing. The closer location of the dormer windows provokes some difficulties in the operation of the roof. So, for example, this will certainly make it difficult to carry out preventive measures, the close location of the dormer windows will provoke the accumulation of snow on the roof in winter. And this is also not good from an operational point of view.
  • Thirdly, dormer windows can only be installed on those roofs whose slope angle is at least 35 degrees.

Note! Cuts and tie-ins into the common roof frame system cannot be made.

Mounting Features

We will describe the features of installing the auditory frame using the example of installing a dormer.

It is necessary to install dormer windows on the roof immediately after the installation of a common truss system. To do this, it is necessary to assemble the fronts, rafters and ridge timber. Then a drawing of the dormer is drawn up in advance. It should look something like the one shown in the photo.

As you can see in the photo, the dormer frame is assembled from bars. The walls of the dormer window rest on the roof guides, the bars are attached to them at a right angle. If the window width exceeds the standard dimensions, the load on the rafters will be increased. In order to prevent the roof from collapsing, where the dormer will be installed on the rafters, another one is placed next to one beam, increasing the stability of the rafter.

Note! It is better to fasten the racks of the dormer walls to the doubled rafters with special fixing metal corners. Jumpers should not be used for these purposes. They will help weaken the entire structure of the dormer.

The next stage is the construction of the window frame frame. In fact, it is a miniature roof, which is why it is so important to first carry out the correct calculations of the described structure. First, window openings are fenced with strong wooden beams, which roofers call legs. The photo shows this stage. They will take on the load of the entire frame.

The transverse beams are laid in such a way that the lower one lies parallel to the wall of the house, the upper one - where the height of the future window ends. The longitudinal bars are installed. They help secure the frame to the top beam of the rafter guide. At this stage, it is necessary to arm yourself with a building level and check with it the location of the assembled frame vertically and horizontally. It is important to “cut out” all the elements of the dormer in advance, according to the drawing made, the dormer frame is assembled according to the photo, which shows the schematic structure of the dormer window.

Note! Roofing on a gable roof is mounted simultaneously with the roofing of the dormer window. Only in this case it is possible to build a solid coating, durable and of high quality, capable of withstanding the effects of precipitation.

The front sides of the dormer are pre-sheathed with either moisture-resistant plywood or sheets of OSB boards. Roofing material is laid on top of them. In order for the slopes of the dormer windows to be docked with the roof slope, valleys are used.

Generalization on the topic

If you want to install a dormer window on your roof, you must definitely contact the experts. Their help will help you choose the right frame design, which will most successfully fit into the stylistic decision of the house. It is important to start the installation work with drawing up a drawing of the frame structure. As a rule, modern window manufacturers produce ready-made double-glazed windows of standard sizes. The easiest way is to take them as a basis and, starting from such decisions, calculate the structure of the dormer window frame. If you study the topic in advance, watch the training video, you can try to install the decorative element on the roof yourself. The main thing in this matter is not to rush, carefully think through all the stages of work in advance and strictly follow the plan. When working on the roof, it is imperative to follow safety rules, always be insured and not work on top alone.

The design of the dormer window on the roof + drawings and photos. Thanks to the variety of designs of dormer windows on the roof, they are suitable for any type of roof.

In this article, you will learn about the types and functions of such . The article describes information about standard designs, all the details of design, mounting and selection.

In modern homes, you can see four types of auditory openings:

  • Gable windows.

This opening device from the end (front) side is the most popular solution for mansard and gable roofs. In addition, the gable window has become a cost-effective option, since the installation is similar to the inset of a conventional window.

  • Dormer. In everyday life, a gable roof, which has a dormer window protruding beyond the roof slope, has the simple name "cuckoo". Such a window is also a popular option with many modifications. As an additional element of the architecture of the house, the cuckoo complicates the design, and this will lead to unplanned expenses. But still, the dormer also carries an aesthetic load, namely, it increases the living space and expands the view in a circle. Glass must be installed vertically, and this slightly limits the flow of light.

If you want to fill the attic space with sunlight, installing a skylight will be an excellent option. This is a special translucent structure that is installed on a flat roof. In size and configuration, they are so diverse that they will become an elegant addition to any style of home. But the installation of a skylight will require careful design and selection of materials.

Designs and their variety

It may seem that the variety of designs and design solutions knows no bounds, and every craftsman tries to make his dormer window better.

Most people know that a house must have at least one dormer, so the design of a roof dormer is always in the blueprint.

Modern windows on the roof have several functions:

  1. Airing. This is the first and most important function of the opening. In the attic, there must be high-quality ventilation, due to which the roofing material will not be in danger of damage and.
  2. Lighting. This is the second goal, which is also a practical one, and it fully justifies all the difficulties that will be encountered during the design and installation. For this purpose, skylights are best suited.
  3. Usable space expansion. But this is a quality that is not inherent in all varieties of dormer windows.
  4. Roof exit. If repair work is required, then a dormer window will be the safest and most convenient way to get to the roof.
  5. Design. A typical house with a standard roof looks a bit old-fashioned and boring. Dormers are a great opportunity to make yours unique and attractive.

Design nuances

First of all, the dormer window must necessarily correspond to the general concept of the architectural plan of a country house. When it comes time to decide whether a roof dormer is needed, the design will need to be included in the sketch, drawing, and then into the final project. The design of the frame for the future dormer window and the truss system on the roof of the house must be carried out simultaneously. The complexity of the project and the parameters of the window will be largely determined by what material you have chosen for the roof.

After the frame is ready, the turn for the roof will come. To obtain a high-quality layer, you will need to consider what kind of thermal insulation and waterproofing you will use, as well as choose the finishing material for the roof in advance.

There are certain SNiP standards in relation to dormer windows, although this applies more to private construction as recommendations, and the most rational design methods are proposed:

  • Arrangement possibility. It is unlikely that you will find a place for location if the slope angle is less than 35 degrees. In this case, we recommend using only window openings on the gables.
  • Dimensions. The minimum opening is 120 cm by 80 cm.
  • Accommodation. The main tasks of the design of the dormer window on the roof, attic and attic are ventilation and lighting, so installation on any side of the house, except for the north, would be the best solution.
  • Rooftop location. The choice of a place for a window opening on the roof is only a matter of taste. The main point is that the windows are not located too close to the edge of the roof (from the eaves, ridge, gable wall - at least 100 cm), as this can weaken the reliability of the system.
  • Location multiple windows. If you plan to make several windows in a row, then the distance between them should be at least 80 cm. This distance is required so that there are no problems when laying the finish coat. In addition, if the windows are close, preventive inspection will be aggravated in the future, and in winter snow will accumulate and it will be difficult to remove it from the roof.
  • Placement of a window in the attic. The distance of the openings to the attic floor should be no less than 100 cm.

The peculiarity of dormer windows, as elements of architecture, is that their number and type are selected depending on the style and purpose of the house (utilitarian or decorative). Since there are no clearly established rules in private construction, it remains to be guided by your experience in construction and the tastes of the customer / designer.

How to choose a skylight

When choosing the type of dormer window that will suit the roof of your home, you should highlight the goals you have set for windows. Determine what is your priority:

  • aesthetic improvement, when you want to add originality to the building. In this case, the ideal choice would be an arched dormer, a "bat" or a skylight.
  • Daylight, which will be most welcome in a residential attic. We advise you to buy a dormers double-glazed window for this, as it will be practical - with modern window models, even with a large glazing area, such double-glazed windows will be safe and equipped with energy saving, and these are additional positive characteristics.

Over the past few years, homeowners have become choosier and now opt for skylights over dormer windows. By the way, the latter are often found only in those houses that are made in the classical style.

This can be explained as follows:

  1. Skylights provide improved air exchange and are able to let in 35% more light.
  2. In most country houses, modern projects were used during the construction, and it is in this type of buildings that skylights will look more natural.
  3. Despite the increased cost, such windows are still more economical, since their installation does not require changing the roof structure and it is not so laborious.

If you decide that the design of the dormer window on the roof will be superfluous and want to completely abandon it, you will get the following unpleasant consequences:

  • The lack of timely air circulation through the ventilation system or window opening can lead to an increase in humidity and condensation.
  • In the absence of normal lighting, mold fungus will begin to form along with a high level of humidity, and this will start the process of system destruction.
  • A roof without a window opening is more airtight, but this has its drawbacks, since with a strong gusty wind there will be a difference in air pressure, and it is even higher inside. Also, because of this difference, a lifting force will act on the overly fixed roof, as on the wings of an airplane. And the dormer window, if available, equalizes the pressure on the street and in the room, which will prevent damage to the roof.


Dormer windows are far from the last element that affects the perception of the house, so you should design such elements even when creating a sketch.

In case of an error in calculations or work, you can turn the original architectural detail into a defect that will catch the eye and affect the reliability of the design. Prudent house owners entrust the creation of the roof and the installation of window openings on the roof only to specialized companies.

Experienced designers and roofers will give an amazing result - an excellent truss system, a reliable and aesthetically attractive finish.

A dormer window is a frame with glass that is built into the plane of the roof.

It can have a wide variety of shapes and designs, thanks to which the look of the whole house becomes original and unique and the building acquires its own style.

What are dormer windows?

Types of dormer windows are determined by the shape of the roof above the window and design features: with a flat roof;

quadrangular single slope;

With a hip roof

· triangular;

quadrangular with a gable roof;

Panoramic with a trapezoid roof;


round or semi-circular;

full glass and many other options.

Dormer windows on the roof serve to ventilate the room in which no one lives, so that all wooden structures do not rot.

They are used as a door to the roof for repairs and maintenance, as well as an emergency exit in case of fire and other incidents. There are 4 main types of dormers:
In a gable wall. The location of this design is the top of the end wall between the slopes. As a rule, this area has a triangular shape. Such a dormer window is quite easy to mount, since no additional structures are required for it.
Dormer. This design is located above the roof slope and protrudes above it. The design of such an element is not simple, so the calculations will have to work hard. The most important thing is to strengthen the supporting structure of the roof and waterproof the window well. Dormer, in turn, has many modifications: gable, single-slope, arched, triangular, built-in, panoramic.

Antidormer. It is the antipode of a dormer, that is, it is arranged in the very slope of the roof and does not protrude beyond it. This type of dormer is not very common, although it is easier to construct and less expensive. But at the same time, the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe attic space is reduced.

Tilt window. Another name is a roof window, which is in line with the roof. These are the most modern designs, a huge variety of forms of which are represented by metal-plastic products. They do not add special beauty to the roof, but they do an excellent job with their functions: they let in a stream of light, do not require the installation of additional load-bearing elements and perfectly protect against moisture and water.

Helpful Hints

If you like a structure similar to the roof, the drawing should be ready at the stage of developing the roof frame. In the process of sketching and designing, everything needs to be well thought out, including the types of windows, as well as their number and location.

Many years of experience have shown that it is not worthwhile to place dormer window structures near the fronts, at a small distance from the ridge and near the cornices. The step between the windows should be such that it is easy to lay the roofing material. If the distance is small, snow will accumulate in the gaps, and preventive inspections of the roof will be difficult. Therefore, the minimum step between windows is 80 cm.

The lower edge of the window opening should be at a height of about 90 cm from the level of the attic floor. The owners are free to choose the height, it depends on the height of the ceiling of the attic itself.

Video instructions for installing a dormer window with your own hands:

Window installation

The installation of dormer windows on the roof begins immediately after the installation of a common truss system for the entire roof. Everything must be foreseen in advance.

The frame for the dormer window is made of beams, but sometimes the side walls are laid out with bricks. In this case, the side walls should rest on the floor beams and be located at right angles to the outer wall. If the window opening is too wide, you need to compensate for the load. To do this, use reinforced rafter legs (2-3 pieces together), framing the window opening.

Experts do not recommend cutting jumpers into rafters, this weakens the entire structure. The best option for fixing all elements is metal fasteners. Increased attention should be paid to the installation of the waterproofing layer. The window structure itself is insulated with the same material as the entire roof.

The frame for the window itself is another miniature roof, so you need to be very careful when calculating. Answering the question of how to make a frame for a dormer window, we give the sequence of work below:
Protect the openings with rafter legs prepared in size from durable wooden beams that can withstand the load of the entire frame.
Lay the cross beams, while the lowest element should be at the level of the wall of the house, and the top one - at your own discretion, depending on the height of the window.
Place the uprights on the lower horizontal beam, which is at the level of the outer wall, and tie them together with the upper cross beam.

Fasten the frame to the top beam using the longitudinal bars.
Check the position of the frame both vertically and horizontally.
Lay the ridge beam and rafter legs of the miniature window roof. It is better to make a template and cut out these elements on it.
Sheathe the walls on both sides with a durable moisture-resistant material.

The coating on the roof of the window and on the roof of the building itself are mounted at the same time, so that the roof is solid, durable and of high quality. When installing dormer windows, you need to be very careful so that the intended decoration of the roof and the house does not turn into its defect.

If you have a living space in the attic, then the design of the dormer window is used for lighting.

True, experts say that such openings let much less sun into the house than attic ones, since the side walls prevent light from entering inside.

They can be installed on the roof of almost any design - single-pitched, gable, four-pitched, broken, multi-gable.

There are a wide variety of options for combining the roof of the house with the view of the opening, and it can be placed both on the roof itself and on the pediment.

If you have chosen a flat roof option for your home, then it should be borne in mind that such a device must be equipped with additional gutters for drainage.

Therefore, the roof must be made at a slope of approximately 5 to 15º.

The quadrangular variant with a gable and shed roof is similar in design to a flat roof window, but the slope angle of the slopes should be from 15 º.

Triangular options are often found on the roof of private houses and summer cottages. Instead of side walls, it has slopes.

So you can mount it with fewer joints, but much less light will enter the room.

The round shape looks very interesting. It makes the appearance of the house very unusual.

The most interesting option, both in terms of functionality and appearance, is a dormer window in the form of a skylight.

It makes the house visually lighter and more airy, and it lets a lot of sun into the rooms.

The roof window is also attached between the rafters. Use them on slopes 15 - 20º. This is a barrier to water flow, so the device of this option is very complex.

Making this product with your own hands is almost impossible, so it is best to order ready-made wooden or plastic windows from specialists.

Finished products from manufacturers have a special salary, which, when opened, protects the room from water ingress.

Dormer window design

Before creating a drawing of your future dormer window, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements of SNiP, since the implementation of building codes for the installation of a dormer or roof window with your own hands is necessary.

By adhering to these requirements, you will receive a reliable and durable product, with powerful performance parameters.

· Installation is possible only if the roof has an inclination angle of 35º;

Superstructures must be placed at a clearly defined distance from the outer walls;

The sashes must be at least 0.6 by 0.8 m, that is, the size of the opening must be at least 1.2 by 0.8 m;

· If you want to make an opening with a hip roof, then it will not continue the wall of the house.

As for materials, copper, metal sheets, tiles are used for sheathing. Some options may have their own roof, ledges, gutters.

If a very large opening is made in the roof, then it can serve as a balcony.

Based on the parameters of your home, it also depends on what types of dormer windows you can make.

skylight frame

When you have determined the dimensions of your opening, you should develop drawings of the future product. It should not only fulfill its functions, but also decorate the facade of the house.

Experts say that the total width of the auditory openings should be more than half the width of the attic.

After you have drawn up a drawing, you can start the device of the product with your own hands. Production must begin when the roof support system of the entire structure is installed.

The roof of the opening has its own load-bearing structures and crate, if it is gable, then it has its own hobby. The design of the auditory opening is similar to the design of the roof of the house, only miniature.

First, the pediments are made on the roof of the house, then the ridge beam and rafters are attached. Holes are made in the right places.

They are protected by very strong rafters, as they will bear the entire load. You can use double and even triple rafters.

After that, beams are attached across the rafters. The lower beam will be placed at the level of the outer wall of the building. And the top - as provided by the size of the future window.

Next, racks are placed on the underlying beam, which are connected from above with a bar. A further device involves linking the structure to the upper beam using beams. In recent years, the use of skylights has become more and more widespread. In addition, occupying the same roof area, they give more light, thanks to the slope, in addition, they are much easier to arrange.

Yet the dilemma often arises: what to choose? If the house was built a long time ago and it is necessary to adhere to some architectural framework, then in this case, most likely, a dormer window will do. If the house was built relatively recently and you just decided to make a residential attic of your house, then an attic may also be suitable.

First, let's look at the auditory variety. For its device, special niches are needed, which the roof must have. The frame of the truss and side walls requires a large number of connections to the main roof, it is quite difficult to make it “by eye”. Therefore, you need a drawing created by a good specialist. The pediment and side walls are sheathed with construction plywood and sheathed with facade material. Roofing materials are laid on the roof at the same level as the main roof. The junction of the dormer window to the roof is waterproofed and insulated.

The roof window is fixed between two rafters. Mansards serve as a barrier to water flows, therefore such a structure is usually equipped mainly on roofs with a slope of 15-20 degrees. Modern roof windows are quite complex structures that have good protection against leaks and cold. It will be very difficult to make it on your own, so that it turns out to be of high quality and reliable. Therefore, you will make your life easier by simply buying it from a reliable manufacturer. Fastening to the roof is carried out using a base plate. To drain water, the frame has a special salary, represented by a metal frame, which is located around the perimeter. In order to open it, the design has friction hinges, which are located just above the center of the window. They open the window frame so that all the water that enters it flows onto the roof and does not get inside.


In private homes, there is often a need for a window opening in the roof. Completely redoing the roof is a rather long and expensive task, therefore it is possible to construct an auditory opening using several techniques.
Determine where the window will be

Window parameters should occupy no more than 10% of the area of ​​​​the space below them. Large windows on the roof provoke a large loss of heat. In addition, their glasses are not strong enough and not as resistant to external influences as it is necessary. The best option is to position the window clearly in the center between the two roof beams.

Installing the window frame

Cut the desired opening for the window opening in the slate and begin assembling the window frame. It is installed on the supporting roof rafters using a special wooden frame 40x50 mm. It is better to fasten it to the rafters using stainless material. The frame is mounted with wood screws with tight fixation to the rafters. You can also mount a frame dormer window that will be parallel to the roof of the house, but such complex structures are best left to professionals.

Sealing and finishing the window opening

Sealants that are suitable for this:

Vapor-proof sealed self-expanding tape;




Self-expanding tape, laid in a layer around the perimeter, works best. From above, the gap can be sealed with acrylic material. Such actions are best done in warm and dry weather. If you decide to build a dormer window with your own hands, then let's talk about this in a little more detail.


A flat roof dormer is usually mounted with gutters, so the roof should have a slope of 5 to 15 degrees. The quadrangular design with a single or gable roof is similar to a flat roof window, but it must have a slightly larger slope of the slopes, at least 15 degrees.

A triangular dormer window is most often found on the roofs of country houses and cottages. This design does not have side walls, their place is occupied by roof slopes. This leads to a reduction in the amount of waterproofing work, but at the same time reduces the illumination of the attic if the front part of such a window is not directed to the facade of the house. Recently, an interesting solution has appeared in the form of a round shape. In the people, such designs are called "frog mouth" or "bat".

The most functional is a window in the form of a skylight. Visually, this is a lightweight construction that does not weigh down the roof, and it illuminates the attic perfectly. Specialists usually adhere to the following figures when drawing up drawings, determining the number and size of dormer windows: the total width must not exceed half the width of the attic, the lower edges of the dormer windows should be at a height of 0.9 m from the floor; the higher the location of the dormer window, the better the lighting occurs.


The frame of the dormer window is mounted at the time when the roof truss system is being installed. If the roof is gable, the frame has its own crate and its own rafters. Basically it is a separate mini-roof. When a rafter system is being erected, in those places where dormer windows are planned, it is necessary to provide openings that enclose the rafter legs with increased strength, because they will have to take on the mass of the dormer window structure.

Then, transverse beams are laid on the rafter legs: the upper one - according to the size of the window, and the lower one - at the level of the outer wall of the house. Vertical racks are installed on the lower beam, which are connected by a transverse bar along the top. We get a frame, which we fasten with longitudinal bars to the upper beam, which was laid on reinforced rafters. So we get the frame, but so far without the truss system of the window itself. The rafter system in the attic is made following the image of the main roof structure.
triangular window frame

When installing jumper beams, it is undesirable to cut into the rafter legs of the main roof structure in order to prevent a weakening of the bearing capacity. Fastening of all frame elements is carried out using metal fasteners. After checking the frame horizontally and vertically, you can install a ridge beam and small rafters of the dormer roof. The rafters are cut according to the template - this simplifies the work quite well. The side walls are sheathed with moisture resistant material. The roof of the window is mounted simultaneously with the execution of the roofing material on the main roof.

Properly waterproof the joints of the dormer window and the main roof so that there is no leakage.

So the rafters can lose their bearing capacity. All elements must be fastened to metal fasteners.

The rafters can be cut out in a pattern, which will greatly simplify the opening device.

The walls are sheathed with materials that are resistant to moisture, and the roof is made along with the installation of the roof of the whole house.

Particular attention should be paid to isolating the joints from moisture in order to prevent leaks.

Membranes, silicone sealants, clamping strips are used as insulating materials.

If you want to make a do-it-yourself skylight, then such a device is installed directly in the roof.

Their advantage is that they let more sunlight into the rooms, and installation is much faster.

How to make such a window in the finished roof?

Often, homeowners need to install a dormer window already in the finished roof.

Redoing it completely is not a cheap task, as a result of which many are interested in how to make such a window on their own. The manufacture of such an option is not at all difficult.

It is better to place the dormer window in the center between the supporting beams. So the window will be stronger and more stable.

An opening is cut in the roofing material. After installing the frame on the supporting rafters.

Fasten it with self-tapping screws, fixing it very tightly.

The window opening should be carefully sealed with bituminous, silicone or acrylic sealant or vapor barrier tape.

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