Encyclopedia of Fire Safety

Modern style in public interiors. Public interior What should the interior of public spaces be like?

The interior, its volumetric-spatial and compositional components play great importance in the design of public organizations, including souvenir shops.

The interior is the organization internal space building, which is a visually limited, artificially created environment that provides normal conditions for human life.

Internal space acts as a means for carrying out a certain process of social activity, that is, it is a medium of action. A harmoniously organized internal space affects the human psyche and participates in its development, that is, internal space is a medium of perception. But a person not only exists in space and perceives it, he also transforms it, creating an environment for himself in which he expresses his ideas about the structure of the world and society. From here follow the main functions of the interior - utilitarian and aesthetic.

The internal space becomes the fundamental principle of architecture, that is, the main reason for which the building is built. At the same time, the interior has some independence in relation to the external form.

The organization of the inner space itself is such that it determines the movement of a person. In this case, the perception of space occurs when entering a building, when moving inside it, and the perception of space at the end of the movement, at the goal. Thus, when entering a hotel, the first room - the lobby - orients the visitor and sets the direction of the main movement. Vertical communications - elevators and stairs - are used for this purpose.

The location of elevators and stairs should be such that the path of movement to them from the entrance is the shortest and most direct.

The concept “closed - open” describes the relationship between architectural spaces and natural ones. “Closed” means, first of all, the physical isolation of the created space from the natural one to ensure protective functions and imitation of favorable weather conditions of existence. The degree of isolation depends on specific natural and weather features. “Open” architectural space is located specifically in natural conditions. Most often, there is no enclosing surface of the “ceiling”, and the perimeter of the “walls” is quite arbitrary, that is, it can have a significant range of characteristics in terms of material, height and mass density.

The aesthetic feature of the “closed - open” space characteristic is associated with the manifestation of the properties of the material fence and pieces of equipment. The figurative and emotional feelings reflect contrasting ideas about the naturalness of nature and the intimacy of the room. This affects the choice of scale of shapes, types of material, lighting method, type of decor, and so on.

Internal space is the reality for which buildings are created. The designer organizes the interior space of a residential building in accordance with the specific needs of people using various material structures - load-bearing supports, external walls, partitions, ceilings and coverings. The combination of structural elements that limit and enclose space is perceived from the outside as the volume of the building, and from the inside as the interior of the home. In the interior composition, types of spatial form are distinguished - space, volume and plane, with which the architect forms the internal living space.

The volumetric-spatial composition of the interior is a system of interaction between space and the forms enclosing it. The shape of the volume of a residential building depends on its internal spaces, and vice versa, the internal spaces of a house dictate its volumetric shape. The initial measure for determining the required spatial dimensions of residential premises is the person. In accordance with this general measure, the dimensions of the premises, interior details and equipment are selected.

The most used form of element for constructing architectural space is a parallelepiped. Rectangular elements are conveniently combined into compact groups and can be easily combined with existing structural systems. Man chose them as the basis for the formation of a home at the very early stage of the development of architecture. A cylinder cannot be combined with other cylinders in a horizontal plane without loss of space. The sphere cannot be repeated when the composition develops in height. Spatial forms limited to curved surfaces are not applicable to structures that are created from repeating cells. Their use is effective in special cases, for the formation of single large spaces.

The principle of functional zoning of a room plays a significant role for public spaces with a single space.

When designing large public buildings, public and public shopping centers, characterized by a wide variety of internal spaces, it is advisable to carry out so-called functional zoning, that is, dividing into zones from homogeneous groups of premises, based on the commonality of their functional purpose and internal relationships.

There are two types of functional zoning: horizontal and vertical. In the first case, all internal spaces are located, as a rule, in a horizontal plane and are united mainly by horizontal communications (corridors, galleries, pedestrian platforms). In the second, the internal spaces are arranged in levels (tiers) and are connected to each other, as a rule, by vertical communications (stairs, elevators, escalators, etc.), which are the main ones here.

Functional zoning is carried out on the basis of the general idea of ​​architectural and planning composition and functional and technological organization of the premises of a large public building or complex. Functional zoning brings a certain clarity to the architectural and planning solution, helping to clarify compositional and structural schemes.

Vertical zoning, compared to horizontal zoning, is in some cases a more progressive spatial and functional organization of large public buildings and complexes.

The basis of the planning and spatial solution for the interior of an apartment is the principle of its functional zoning. The multifunctionality of the premises, caused by family dynamics and changing needs, necessitated flexibility and variation in the structural elements of the apartment. In this regard, new methods of creating an interior have emerged.

In achieving the compositional unity of the interior, such means as laconicism, moderation in the use of convenience items and color schemes, and the absence of complex profiles, the integrity of the internal spaces of various zones, the introduction of elements of living nature into the interior, etc. The organization of the interior with the disclosure of the internal space to the environment has a healing value, increases the comfort of the apartment and is a means of emotional and artistic influence.

An important means of interior composition are the decorative and artistic properties of materials, special meaning has color. Color, as well as the decorative properties of materials, can enhance the importance of the main thing in the composition, individual important compositional places, achieve harmonization of the entire interior, and change the visual perception of space.

In organizing the interior of an apartment, furniture is of greatest importance. Due to the changes that have occurred in the space-planning solution of apartments, as well as in everyday life, achieving compositional unity of the interior using individual items, or so-called piece furniture, has become impossible. Piece furniture, when each item was a compositionally complete product, did not allow rational use of the apartment area, since the items could not be blocked and required a free zone around them.

The search for a new organization of the interior as a rational and compositionally integral volumetric planning space required a new approach to furniture design. Furniture becomes functional. From individual elements no independent compositional meaning is required. It loses the character of isolated objects, but becomes an element of the complex equipment of the apartment.

Designing the interior of administrative and public buildings is a significant challenge due to the wide variety of their functions. Even in mass-produced buildings of the same type, there must be an individual approach to the organization of interiors.

Formation of the interior of administrative and public buildings requires consistent resolution of a set of requirements. It begins with solving the problems of the architectural system, which consist in the formation of internal space and the establishment of connections between its individual elements. The internal space and its enclosing surfaces are components of the interior. In addition, it includes significant private components: openings, partitions, equipment, furniture, etc. All components must receive such a solution in order to create a unity from many different qualities, a holistic environment that satisfies all human needs.

In order for the project to best suit your ideas and meet your needs, we move towards the goal gradually, in four stages, at each of which we clarify and adjust our work.

  • 1.Concept

    To begin with, it is necessary, together with the customer, to draw up a detailed technical specification for the design, reflecting the number of workplaces, the number of groups and departments, and their hierarchy, the expected number of visitors, the requirements of the management company, etc. It is also necessary to decide on future engineering systems: ventilation and air conditioning, the method of installing electrical equipment. After the design assignment has been drawn up, we carry out detailed measurements of the premises with an analysis of the structural and engineering features of the building. At the first meeting with the customer, stylistic preferences are discussed, and references and prototypes are selected for clarification. After this, we prepare several options for planning the future interior. After several iterations, when the customer is completely satisfied with the layout, we perform 3D visualization of one or two key rooms to determine the course on which we will move further.

  • 2.Sketch design

    On at this stage we study every room. We think over the architectural and color scheme, we develop lighting scenarios, select furniture that suits the style. A detailed 3D model is made for each room. At the customer's request, we can even assemble an interactive model of all interiors, which allows you to walk around all the rooms, examining every corner. The work continues until the customer is satisfied.

  • 3.Working draft

    After we have decided on the visual part and the customer has a complete visual understanding of the future interior, we begin work on the detailed design. This is a set of drawings that builders will use to bring their plans to life. When working on a working project, we make lighting calculations to determine the amount of lighting needed. lighting fixtures, we calculate the areas of all finishing materials that will be needed when purchasing materials, we work with related organizations working on engineering systems. We also produce drawings and diagrams for all individual products.

The individuality of a person is reflected in the interior of his home, and the individuality of society is reflected in urban architecture and the design of public spaces. This is the environment where we spend most of our lives, and it must meet the ever-changing demands of society. Interiors of public spaces - a reflection of life modern man.

Unlike private interiors, public interiors are distinguished by some features. When designing an apartment, the owner of the room, if possible, creates a comfortable environment for him. When designing public places the interior of the room conveys information about the target audience of the establishment. In bars, clubs, boutiques, people stay indoors for a short time. Based on these considerations, the interior of a cafe, hotel, showroom or office is formed. The individuality of a person is reflected in the interior of his home, and the individuality of society is reflected in urban architecture and the design of public spaces.

Image source https://ru.pinterest.com/UrbanTeamStudio/

The public interior creates a kind of information space that can be seen first in the appearance of the room, and then in the human mind. This space creates an emotional and psychological background, which is also called the atmosphere of the room.

Modern public interiors are bold, fast-paced and unusual, just like their visitors. Loft, urban, industrial, ethno and even futurism – there are so many styles you won’t find in urban spaces. They differ from residential premises in their variety of directions and greater boldness. Urban and industrial styles and their elements are most popular in the design of public spaces. Urban interiors have a number of advantages for the design of public spaces.

Image source https://ru.pinterest.com/UrbanTeamStudio/

Open space, plenty of natural light, transformable interior allow you to place a large number of people, leaving a feeling of freedom and lightness. Taking into account the history of the room, you can highlight key elements, successfully combining them with a modern setting. Natural textures and lack of pathos create an atmosphere of naturalness and ease. Understanding the purpose of the room and attention to detail allows you to clearly solve functional problems: organize an exhibition, accommodate employees or visitors.

Image source https://ru.pinterest.com/UrbanTeamStudio/

The choice in favor of an urban style for most public spaces is justified. Everything that surrounds a modern person outside - architecture, materials, colors - appears inside the room, creating an atmosphere familiar to a person. Every person in the room feels at ease - after all, he is in a familiar urban environment.

Public interior

The concept of “public interior” is extremely capacious, since it includes a wide range of objects where designers’ efforts are applied: from the interiors of government institutions (from the offices of social services to the ceremonial interiors of the Kremlin) to the interiors of commercial real estate(from a flower shop to a luxury hotel apartment). In this case, interior design is everything; it itself is a product offered to the attention of a potential guest. There is no greater variety of styles and interior concepts, from historical to exotic, than in hotel interiors. A successful design also determines the consumer quality of the service. hotel business- in a cozy, psychologically comfortable environment, the guest will want to stay longer - “they don’t look for good from good.”

Original interior design is the success of cinemas, restaurants and clubs.

Memorable interior design is the key to the success of bars and clubs, from English style to techno style - this is the range of activities of a designer in this area of ​​business. But in the restaurant business it is generally accepted that the success of an establishment is created by the kitchen, although the original and benevolent design of the window display and entrance group than the smells of the kitchen. The role of interior design in luxury trade is quite high, when boutiques compete with each other in the ability to attract the attention of a sophisticated client with a clearly expressed stylish interior store. The design of stores owned by large retail chains, especially international, is unified, its role in ensuring sales is low, the key to sales is affordable prices goods.

Office interior design

The tasks and importance of office design in various areas of commercial activity are varied. Let's say success in banking sector presupposes the presence of a solid office in a classic style, which is confirmed by the widespread acquisition by large banks of historical buildings for offices. This process benefits both banks, raising their prestige, and buildings, which receive decent restoration within the limits permitted by law and decent subsequent maintenance. The designer is not the last figure in both the restoration process and the decoration of the interiors of mansions. Commercial firms engaged in trade, intermediary or technological activities also try to decorate their offices with some frills; a stylishly decorated office is evidence of the success of the business. This is where we find design samples office premises in an ultra-modern high-tech style.

Another thing is the offices of government agencies. Citizens have to visit public places of government institutions, regardless of whether they like the design of the institution or not. For example, a citizen will visit (and maybe more than once) the office of the state pension fund and spend a lot of time in it, regardless of whether the interior design is pleasing to the eye, and even regardless of whether there is somewhere to sit while waiting or if you have to stand in the corridors for hours. But this does not mean that a designer has nothing to do in such institutions. Its task is to create an environment in the office that will facilitate the mobilization of employees and increase the efficiency of their work by redesigning the office system into an office open type(a common room with separate workplaces by transparent partitions) and offer a competent color solution for the design of premises that can create a comfortable psychological environment for both employees and visitors.

Creating a Benevolent comfortable interior is a common task for designers when arranging the premises of state social services and, especially, government medical institutions. It is clear that budget interior will be stricter and more modest than the interior of a private clinic, or, say, an alternative medicine salon, decorated in ethnic style and furnished with antique furniture, but the ability to arrange a “correct” room from the point of view of psychodesign, the interior of which contributes to positive attitude patients, in conditions of limited budget - this is evidence of the high professionalism of the designer.

The design of the offices of heads of government agencies is a separate story. In this case, the main task of the designer is to convince the owner of the office to abandon excessive ostentatious luxury and limit himself to the interior in the style of reasonable functional minimalism.

Interior design of cultural institutions

The designer faces a special task of creating a highly artistic, unique image when decorating the interiors of public institutions that are visited by thousands of people - cinemas, concert and memorial halls, museums, libraries and other cultural institutions with a socially significant civic function. Such public buildings, designed for the simultaneous occupancy of a large number of people, usually have a hall layout with load-bearing columns, pilasters and arches, which opens up a wide field for the designer’s imagination. Using various and expensive Decoration Materials (a natural stone, valuable species wood, etc.) the designer creates, playing with the tectonics of the structure. An example of this approach to choosing a figurative interior idea is the design of the Moscow International House of Music on Krasnokholmskaya Embankment (2002), the interior of which is dominated by the architecture itself, its plasticity and proportions. The solemnity of such interiors can be emphasized by using works of monumental painting and sculpture as decoration.

Restaurant interior design

Investors and managers who invest money in the restaurant industry understand that the key to success in this business is two factors: the kitchen and good design interior of the establishment. You can even set your priorities in reverse order, because in order to try what is served in a restaurant, you must first want to go into it, that is, pay attention to the design of the window and the entrance group of the restaurant, feel interested in what is inside and not be disappointed when you see restaurant hall, but want to sit down at the selected table and order something.

Purpose of the interior public buildings(theater, library, etc.) dictates the choice of unique architectural, artistic, constructive and decorative means construction of interior space.

After all, the design of a building intended for sports, for example, differs significantly from the building where theatrical performances or trading operations are carried out. Uniqueness creates difficulty in design and construction and obliges the designer to look for an expressive image of each such structure. On the other hand, the construction of public buildings according to standard projects makes you diversify interior decoration, use individual details inherent in regional characteristics and national traditions. In this case, it is possible to create a memorable public building provided creative approach, search for original means of expression.

Knowing the requirements for the interior of public buildings, let's try to understand the general principles of their design. The dimensions of the building, its tectonic variant, and figurative structure will determine the parameters of the halls, rooms, lobbies and the main volume for which a specific structure is being created. The ratio of all internal spaces will be maximally subordinated to the purpose of the building. For example, a theater must have a box office, a lobby, a wardrobe, a foyer, an auditorium and a complex of artistic and auxiliary premises, rehearsal rooms, and a stage box.

Options for compositional solutions inside buildings can be different: this is the construction of a room in depth, along the axis (theaters), it can be turned frontally (stations), sometimes rooms are located on both sides of the corridor (hotels). In addition, the plan is sometimes dictated by the characteristics of the area where construction is taking place.

There are several methods for grouping rooms: halls of the same type are placed on one floor, halls that differ in size from the previous ones are placed on the next level, small rooms are located around the main volume, and finally, a separate building, for example a school gym, is built next to the main complex.

Often, internal spaces are separated by partitions, screens, furniture, and flights of stairs. All these structural elements provide functional purpose premises and at the same time artistically decorate the interiors.

The named techniques and principles of organizing space are applicable to all buildings, including standard structures. In specific types of premises, it is possible to use other ways of organizing space.

Original planning ideas are not an end in themselves. They are the result of architectural searches aimed at improving standard solutions, or the latest technological capabilities that have emerged: construction and finishing materials can improve old projects. It is important to take a creative approach to using existing experience.

We will trace the specific features of the structures using examples.

A group of theaters, cinemas, and concert halls are united by an entertainment function, but all these buildings have a specific purpose, which dictates the principles of organizing the internal environment. The halls also differ in capacity: some are designed for dozens of people, others can accommodate thousands of spectators.

Foyer of the Sunstar cinema in Rosario, Argentina

Universal cinema and concert halls combine the capabilities of showing films, theatrical performances, and holding ceremonial meetings. Visibility from the seats, acoustics, general and special lighting are carefully calculated. Film exhibition puts forward additional requirements: conditions are needed to demonstrate regular, wide-screen and wide-format films. At exhibition complexes there is a need to demonstrate several films at once, up to all-round viewing. The introduction of stereo display, the use of laser technology, and holography complicate the equipment, and this poses difficult tasks for architects, artists, and designers when developing projects for buildings and their interiors.

In addition to planning laws, it is advisable to take into account age characteristics. For each age group, it is advisable to determine the sizes of furniture, information and exhibition stands. Interiors should be saturated with light, sun, bright colors, greenery, flowers, music.

Libraries are widespread cultural and educational facilities. This is not a dead warehouse of manuscripts and books, but a constantly moving center of deep ideas and knowledge. Therefore, the system for storing existing units of information is intended to be the most in the best possible way provide functional processes, prompt search for materials the reader needs.

The optimal mode is ensured by a rational volumetric-spatial and technical solution. Increasing attention is being paid to automating the delivery and retrieval of books and the use of more compact media, such as microfilm. High hygienic requirements include noise reduction and air exchange. The interior design of reading rooms is not only responsible for their functional purpose, but is distinguished by severity and beauty.

The functional purpose of enterprises determines their design. Restaurants and cafes provide for the placement of dance floors, stages, jukeboxes, and tape recorders. When planning, the service system is taken into account - by waiters or by the visitors themselves. There are many examples of successful artistic solutions. Recently, halls have often been set up in reconstructed buildings. More and more attention is being paid to thematic design: in some cases, works are used folk art, utensils, furniture made from tree trunks - everything that creates comfort, uniqueness of the atmosphere, and increases the aesthetic value of the interior.

In organizing the environment of public catering enterprises Special attention given to artificial light. At the same time, it is carefully thought out decorative effect, which can be achieved using a variety of shapes, manufacturing methods decoration lampshades. It is important to take into account the mutual influence of light and color. Frequent use of light in combination with shades of blue, cyan, green and white emphasizes the cleanliness of the premises, but at the same time visually changes the color of the food, which may make it seem unedible.

Hotels, although they belong to the category of guest houses (dwellings), perform the functions of public buildings, they provide lobbies, consumer service points, retail premises, restaurants and cafes.

Modern guest complexes are a decoration of the city, and the decoration of their interiors is given special important. This is understandable: based on the housing, a visitor forms an opinion about the owner. That’s why you can often see works of folk art here, the works of the best masters.

Holiday houses and creative houses have a similar function. There are areas for creative communication, which is important for the life of a professional. This purpose dictated the construction of the Houses of architects, journalists, theater and film workers.

We all go to stores, make purchases, look at goods. This is why there are bookstores, manufactured goods, household goods, and food retail outlets. Their purpose is dictated by the set of equipment, the nature of the layout, and the service system. So that the buyer can choose products with minimum cost time, shops have counters and display cases on which trade items are laid out.

The organizers of the interior space of shopping centers are largely responsible for universal service. The designer strives to attract the attention of buyers to counters and display cases. The remaining elements of the space are done modestly, with the exception of panels, decorative furniture, and lighting. Thoughtful placement of modern equipment, display cases, workplaces, and service personnel contributes to the cultural organization of trade.

Now let's go to the station. He, a hard worker, lives intensely, without respite. A traveler is in a hurry to get to his flight, a porter is driving his cart as usual, and an electric postal car is buzzing busily. They announce landing. It is necessary to sell tickets without fuss, feed hundreds of departing passengers, give a comprehensive answer to a passenger who does not understand something, take it for safekeeping and return things in time... But can you really list everything?

King's Cross station in London

Vehicles: air, sea and river liners, intercity and local buses, trains - form powerful channels for the movement of human masses, stopping at transit stations and terminal points. The complex interweaving of technical capabilities in station equipment and passenger requests - all this is taken into account when organizing the internal space. The interiors must accurately target passengers, since many of them are visiting the station for the first time. To this end, the spaces are freed as much as possible from anything that could be directed along a different route, laid at a different level, installed in an adjacent main span, or even moved outside the building. This concerns engineering communications, premises, human and transport flows.

For this purpose, they are used artistic media- clarity of space-planning composition, visual connection with neighboring volumes, open levels and mezzanines, on which what is happening around is clearly visible. Visual communications, color coded designations, highlight the most important directions and help passengers navigate.

As for the type of transport, this aspect of design is not so significant when deciding on the interiors of stations. Multi-axis deep composition is found at large railway stations. One-way orientation is often done for small transit stations. Island or two-way orientation is typical for bus stations. The clarity of the construction of the main hall or waiting rooms is a mandatory rule for all objects without exception.

Marine terminals may differ in layout and location relative to the shore, but general principles everyone is similar. The capacity varies: it depends on the tension of the lines. Since buildings are an important part of the face of the city, architects strive to emphasize the significance of the complex and expand the number of its functions. To do this, the building includes excursion bureaus, cafes, restaurants of urban importance, a network of viewing platforms and walking terraces is being developed.

River stations of large ports, as a rule, are designed for a large number of passengers. Most often, these buildings are located so that passengers have the opportunity to see the expanse of water surrounding the port landscape: cranes, boats, ships. Marine painters decorate the walls decorative panels, genre paintings. The interest of even the most demanding viewer will be attracted by the magnificent panels of the Kyiv river station.

Expositions and exhibition complexes are arranged both in large-span special buildings and in any premises adapted for these purposes. Here it is appropriate to recall some pages of the history of EXPO - as international exhibitions are called: over the years, sufficient architectural experience has been accumulated, the essence of which is manifested not in the external effect of the exhibition, but in its internal persuasiveness, emotionally and expressively revealing the achievements of peoples.

The first world exhibition took place in Hyde Park in London in 1851. Its motto was the call: “Let all nations work together on the great cause of human perfection.” In the future, a short formula for reviews becomes the rule. A special feature of the exhibition, its architectural triumph, was the Crystal Palace, built according to the design not of a specialist, but of gardener Joseph Paxton. The building was constructed of glass and metal, measuring 564X125 m, like a greenhouse.

Joseph Paxton's Crystal Palace from an 1851 photograph

Everything here was new, specially made for the show: cars, handicrafts, French tapestries, Tunisian carpets, Russian malachite dishes. There was no shortage of entertainment, which attracted large numbers of people to London.

For the exposition, a well-thought-out route and skillful disclosure of the climax points are important. Theatrical effects are acceptable: lighting, color, music. These are the tools that recognized master designers use.

Exhibition halls require a change of products on display. But also general form the interior plays a significant role. The shields have a strict shape; the nature of the material used, as a rule, does not pretend to have an external effect. Everything is aimed at viewing works of art.

One should approach the formation of museums very responsibly. The Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Catherine Palace in Pushkin, the Louvre in Paris, and the Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Milan are world famous. Their interiors themselves represent amazing creations of architects. Masterpieces of art, archaeological finds, utensils, and samples of equipment are displayed here.

Sometimes in museums the main thing is the design of small forms. For example, display cases are designed in such a way as to best display all kinds of relics: jewelry, dishes, knightly armor, coins. The atmosphere of the era is recreated in the halls. For example, magnificent interiors appeared before the eyes of visitors to the Menshikov Palace in St. Petersburg after its unique restoration.

Detail of the main hall of the Menshikov Palace on Universitetskaya embankment in St. Petersburg

The State Hermitage Museum is a monumental exhibit of the beautiful architecture of the palace. Outstanding architects - Rastrelli, Delamot, Felten, Quarenghi, Rossi, Montferrand, Stasov, Bryullov, Stackenschneider, Efimov and Klenze devoted their talent to creating a majestic monument. After the hurricane fire of 1837, the main interiors were recreated in almost a year by the titanic labor of Russian craftsmen. In incredibly difficult conditions, V.P. Stasov led the work. The architect not only organized restoration work, but also improved the creations of his predecessors. Innovative designs, previously unknown in the world, were developed for floors. Main staircase, small and large antechambers, Armorial Hall. Portrait Gallery of 1812, St. George's and Field Marshal's Halls, Pompeii Gallery - this is far from full list brilliant spaces created by the famous architect.

The Neva and Large enfilades are filled with creative decor arrangements with magnificent parquet flooring, wall molding, gilding, painted lampshades, gold-embroidered coats of arms, damask wallpaper, and mirrors. The Pompeii Gallery, entirely created by the great V.P. Stasov, is admirable.

The military gallery of 1812 also appeared in a new splendor. Created by Rossi and recreated by Stasov, it was a masterpiece of art. The vault was painted by painters Yakov and Vasily Dodonov, sculptors Alexander Terebenev and Nikolai Ustinov made stucco decoration. Numerous decorations were made by sculptors led by Timofey Dylev. Gallery designed under the influence of Russia's victory in Patriotic War 1812, talked about the heroism of the people. The post-war years were characterized by a brilliant flowering of architecture and art. The triumphal arch of Russia on Palace Square, the Alexander Column, together with the museum hall, captured the feat of the Russian army.

At all times, the role of museums has been given great importance. Back in the 18th century, J. L. David said: “Make no mistake, citizens, the museum is by no means a useless collection of luxury items and entertainment that can only satisfy curiosity. It must become a serious school. Teachers will send their young pupils there; a father will take his son there "At the sight of brilliant creations, the young man will feel how those abilities for science or art that nature breathed into him will kindle in him."

Visiting museums is always a holiday. Their exhibits reveal the moral layer of feelings, preserve the memory of the dear past of their native land, its culture. Therefore, the interior design of museums is a subject of special concern for architects and designers.

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