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Five basic exercises for muscle growth. How to gain muscle mass at home: training program

Greetings to the readers of the sportivs blog about health and sports. I am with you again, Alexander Bely. Today we will touch on such a topic as a set of exercises for recruiting muscle mass... Recently I met a childhood friend who is engaged in bodybuilding, he shared advice with me and told me a couple of interesting tips on how to gain muscle mass, when I came home I decided to state this in an article. We'll talk about the best exercises to help you achieve good results.

For a long time it was accepted that a man should be strong and strong. A prime example are Russian heroes who personified strength, courage. To become big and strong you need to do physical exercise, the best option are basic.
Let's take a look at all the features basic exercises.

Basic exercises

You can achieve good results at home, however, by going to the gym and working with weights, you can get maximum results... No work, dear friends, can be done without a clear plan.

So here, in order to increase muscle volume, you need to make up a certain set of workouts.

Basic Growth Rules

Now we will look at the most important nuances that will help you build muscle mass.

1. Training. It is important to find the most suitable set of exercises for you. For some, this training program is good, for others it is different, but pay attention to the fact that each complex is compiled individually.

2. Nutrition. During any human activity, energy and strength will be expended. To replenish them you need a certain amount of calories. You must eat a day to recover the loss. If you want to progress, then, in addition to restorative resources, you also need a certain amount of additional food, which will be used as building material.

In order to grow normally, I recommend at least 1.5 grams of protein per 1 kg of body weight, that is, if you weigh 80 kg, you need to eat 120 grams of protein per day. However, you should not focus only on protein, the number of calories you get is an important factor. The optimal amount would be 2500-3000 kcal.

Don't forget about fats either. Many people think that they get fat from fats, to some extent this is so, but if all factors are taken into account correctly, then they can be your friends. There is healthy fats- saturated. They are found in animal products such as fish, beef, oils and nuts. Ideally, you need to calculate the daily diet of B / W / U (proteins, fats, carbohydrates).

3. Recovery. Muscles grow in sleep. For good results, sleep 8-10 hours a day. Avoid overtraining, do not go to workout tired, this will negatively affect the intensity, as well as your health.

4. Sports supplements. Surely everyone knows that an elite car like Ferrari or Lamborgini has incredibly strong power. Let's now think about what it needs in order to maintain this power and strength - fuel, right. If such cars are filled with 92 or 95 gasoline, they simply will not be able to drive normally, and with a human body, it is necessary to additionally “feed” the body so that it is strong and powerful.

Protein - aka protein, gives you the building blocks for building muscle. - the substances that make up the protein. Gainer is a complex nutrition with high nutritional value, perfect for gaining mass. There are many more different options sports nutrition, however, we have covered the most necessary.

In order to purchase high-quality sports supplements and achieve visible results in a short time, I recommend visiting online store Activizm.

Remember that while exercising, your muscles do not grow, but rather break down. Growth occurs during rest, when muscle fibers, in the presence of building material, reunite and form new ones. Remember that training is only 30% of success, the other 70% is plus food.

Let's now look at the benefits of exercising.

  • You feel good.
  • Your mood improves.
  • You become happy with your reflection in the mirror.
  • You set new goals and progress.
  • Please others.

After we talked about the pros, let's move on to the next, key section - the set of exercises.

Exercises to increase muscle mass

The main exercises that promote active growth are basic. Now I'll tell you why. Basic are those exercises during which 2 or more muscle groups are included in the work.

Basic workouts are:

one. . This is the daddy of all exercise. There are even competitions in this discipline, since it is the main one. The muscles of the chest develop, however, during work, deltas and triceps are also involved.

2. Deadlift. Exercise for the back, during which the legs, abdominal muscles, and completely the arms are also involved.

3. Squats. To have big hands need to squat. It sounds strange, but it is. During squats, 70% of your body is pumped.

4. Lifting the barbell from the chest. The main load is on the muscles of the arms, delta.

5. . The back develops, the arms are pumped.

6. Lifting the biceps. Hands are pumped.

The base is key to building muscle mass. For beginners, I recommend starting with isolation exercises such as blocks and dumbbells. For adolescents, basic exercises with low weight will contribute to the active growth of not only muscle mass, but also in height. For girls in the gym, you can perform a base, only you need to take the appropriate weight. With the correct implementation of all the nuances and my advice, you can achieve excellent results.

What you need to do in order to have a beautiful and of course, the first thing you need to do is to develop a foundation, from which the figure of your dreams will later be molded. weight is the foundation every bodybuilder should start with. There is no point in starting to dry right away - after all, in order to make the muscles beautiful and prominent, they first need to be pumped up.

must be fulfilled under several conditions. This:
  1. A clear schedule of classes.
  2. Compliance
  3. Adequate rest time.

It is worth remembering that if you intend to study seriously, then failure to comply with even one of these rules can delay you on the way to your goal. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Lesson schedule

A weight training program implies a well-defined exercise schedule. It should indicate the days of training and rest, as well as the exercise system for each lesson. The most popular schedule for bodybuilders is the three workout per week schedule. This option is ideal for beginners and intermediate athletes. With this method of training, the muscles have time to fully recover by the next lesson. Weight training (3 days) allows you to evenly distribute all the main

For bodybuilders more high level it is possible to use a four- or five-day split. Such frequent training is necessary in order to thoroughly work out each muscle group.


In order for muscle mass training to bear fruit, you need to start eating right. And this is not only about eliminating alcohol, fast food and other junk food from the diet. For a bodybuilder, proper nutrition has a slightly different meaning than for the average person.

It is not necessary to say that it is necessary to eat correctly and often - at least 6 times a day. In addition, when gaining weight, it is important to drink a large number of water, especially in training.

Sports nutrition

In the bodybuilding world, there is a huge variety of foods and supplements available. For more effective recruitment masses during training are best consumed by the following types:

  • Weight gainers.
  • Proteins.
  • Amino acids.

Amino acids are also suitable for all types of people. They accelerate post-workout muscle growth and recovery.


A weight training program will not work without adequate recovery time. The same muscle group should not be exercised more than once a week - overtraining will cause the exercise to do more harm than good. If symptoms such as loss of appetite, feeling soreness, or weight loss are present, you may need to pause your exercise routine.

Any fitness room provides huge selection all kinds of simulators and exercises. But for gaining mass, not all of them are equally useful. Of course, each of them will have a good effect on your body in its own way, but it is still worth focusing on basic exercises. Basic workout weight includes those exercises that involve several muscle groups at once. These include:

  • Bench press.
  • Deadlift.
  • Barbell squat.

Regardless of the schedule according to which you are engaged, these exercises must be included in the program.

Bench press

It is the simplest, but at the same time one of the most effective exercise... It can be done in two ways - with a wide or narrow grip, but in this article only the first option will be analyzed.

In the first case, the main load falls on pectoral muscles, the front delts and triceps are also involved. The grip width is determined individually for each person. You should know that the wider the grip, the shorter the path of the bar from the top point to the chest, and the more the pectoral muscles are involved. But do not take it too wide, choose the optimal position from which you can do this exercise a set number of times. Despite all its apparent simplicity, there are several nuances in its implementation.

First, this is the number of approaches and reps. For building muscle mass the best option is to carry out 3-4 sets of 6-8 repetitions. At the same time, it is important to increase weight from set to set. At correct selection last repetitions should be done with a little help insurer.

Secondly, when performing a bench press, you can adjust the position of the bench. So, if the legs are above chest level, the lower bundle of the pectoral muscles will be involved. If, on the contrary, the chest is above the level of the legs, then the upper bundle is involved.

A prerequisite when performing a bench press is that the bar should touch the chest at its lowest point. Only then can you begin to squeeze it to its original position. It is also necessary that the feet and buttocks are firmly pressed and do not move during the exercise.


No weight training program can be considered complete without the deadlift. This exercise is the most complex of a bodybuilder's arsenal. During its implementation, absolutely all muscle groups are involved, but this only works if the technique is correctly followed.

Many novice athletes do not use this exercise in their classes due to the fact that they can allegedly injure their back. However, each exercise is somewhat dangerous, and you are more likely to get injured by not doing deadlifts. If you do not chase the maximum weights, follow the technique and use a fixing belt, then the risk of injuring your back is minimized.

Many mistakes are often made in this exercise. Moreover, they are performed not only by beginners, but also by experienced athletes. For example, it is important to know that the deadlift should be performed from a low position. That is, you do not need to put the barbell on any racks before starting the exercise.

It is important to do the first lift off the floor using your hips to push - lifting the bar using only your back can easily get injured.

Another common mistake is that many do not consider it necessary to lower the bar to the floor. Remember, this is just as important as the bar touching your chest when doing the bench press.


It is a basic exercise for pumping up the lower body. It allows you to increase strength and promotes rapid muscle gain.

The main mistake all beginners make is simply squatting down. When performing this exercise, it is necessary to take the area of ​​the buttocks back and slightly spread the knees to the side. This reduces stress on the lumbar region and makes the exercise more effective and safer. It is also worth using a fixation belt.

Another common mistake, especially among beginners, is the position of the bar. It is necessary to put the barbell only on, otherwise you can easily injure the cervical vertebrae.

For different people the grip is individually adjustable. But mostly you need to keep your hands in a position slightly wider than your shoulders. This can be a problem for high-level bodybuilders with a developed shoulder area or for people with sedentary joints.

At home, the process of gaining mass will be much more difficult and lengthy. Still, it is mainly necessary to practice in the gym, but do not despair if this is impossible. While progress from home workouts will take more time, this is offset by the fact that you don't have to go out and spend extra money on the gym. But it also requires a lot more motivation - at home it will be much easier for you to indulge yourself. If this is not a problem, then some exercises for home workout will be listed below.

A home workout to build mass is different from a gym workout, but you can still see some similarities. For example, the bench press can be replaced with regular push-ups. The bar in this case will be replaced by your own weight.

Push-ups can be done in several ways:

  1. Classic push-ups from the floor. They will develop the pectoral muscles and slightly engage the triceps.
  2. Push-ups on the supports. Hands are placed on some kind of stand (for example, stools), legs should also be placed on some kind of support. In this exercise, it is important to achieve maximum repetition amplitude. It works out the pectoral muscles in more detail.
  3. Standing push-ups. This exercise is performed while standing on your hands, with your legs resting on the wall. These push-ups work your shoulder muscles.
  4. Push-ups with a narrow emphasis. The palms should be almost touching each other. This exercise works well for the triceps of the arms.

There are several types of exercises that can help you work your lower body at home:

  1. Squats... Classic squats will help build your quads and will also engage your biceps and glutes a little. When doing squats, it is important to keep your knees facing the same direction as your socks.
  2. Lunges... Great exercise that can be done in the gym or at home. It can be performed both with dumbbells and using only your own weight. It works the entire lower body - from the buttocks to the calves.

If you have a horizontal bar at home, then with it you can additionally develop the muscles of the arms and back. Regular pull-ups work well in the shoulder region and the muscles of the biceps and triceps of the arm. The wider the grip during execution, the more the latissimus dorsi and the shoulder blades will be involved.

You can then perform the main load will receive the biceps of the arms.

Do4a - Macset (Comparison 102kg and 107kg)

All the most best exercises that will help any athlete build lean muscle mass, as well as other helpful advice... If the goal is to build mass, the athlete should pick up weights close to maximum and perform low reps in 3-5 sets.

Exercise for biceps

Exercise for the press

The deadlift is generally irreplaceable. It affects the entire body as a whole, including the central nervous system (central nervous system). The same can be said for squats. Many athletes dislike squats because they are the most difficult type of exercise. And for good reason: after all, during squats, even the muscles of the face are included in the work! In response to extreme stress, the body is forced to build up muscles not only on the legs, but also on the back, chest, and arms.

The classic bench press works the pectoral muscles and, to a large extent, the triceps. But it must be performed, strictly excluding cheating techniques, for example, the so-called "bridge".

For fat burning

Free weights allow you to include in the work not only those muscle groups for which the exercise is intended, but also additional stabilizing muscles. Consequently, the body's energy consumption increases significantly, and this, in turn, leads to an acceleration of the process of burning fat. Therefore, if possible, you should always give preference to free weights.

It has also been found that reducing rest between sets to 30 seconds accelerates fat burning by as much as 50%. If, at the same time, work at an intense pace or with large weights, then for some time after training, the body will burn the fat layer by inertia, increasing the return on exercise by another 5-10%.

For the growth of strength

Bodybuilders have long known the pyramid principle, in which the working weight gradually increases with each set until it reaches the maximum. This is the so-called ascending or straight pyramid. The downward, it is the reverse pyramid works in the opposite way. At the same time, weights are reduced. Scientists have conducted a series of tests and found that it is the ascending pyramid that helps improve strength performance. The classical principle of a straight pyramid assumes a three-step increase in percentage of the maximum working weight: 50% - 75% - 100%.

The best time to exercise

Each person has their own "biological clock" that indicates to him the best time for a particular type of activity. However, studies have shown that the optimal time for training can be considered after 3 pm. At this time, the body was already sufficiently awake and included in the working rhythm.

Best time to do stretching exercises

If serious exercises are meant to improve flexibility, then they should be done after strength training. At the same time, the nervous system calms down, their former elasticity returns to the muscles and ligaments. If you do the opposite, then strength exercises will make the ligaments and muscles harder and rougher, which will negate the entire stretching training.

Rest between sets

If the athlete's goal is to burn fat, the rest time should not exceed 30 seconds. If the set of muscle mass is at least 2 minutes, but not more than three.

Helping muscles

By using a weightlifting belt, the athlete reduces the risk of back injury and begins to work much more boldly with heavier weights. In addition, the belt increases the pressure inside the abdominal cavity, the muscles of the abdominal and lumbar spine are activated more, which leads to their growth. Thanks to the belt, strength indicators increase with exercises such as deadlifts and squats.

Best Cardiomachine

The treadmill forces the stabilizing muscles of the body to work. Therefore, studies have shown that the effectiveness of cardio increases by about 40-45% precisely during the use of a treadmill, and not an exercise bike.

Helping Strength

It will come as a surprise to many that research has shown that using rubber bumpers at the ends of the boom increases strength gains by as much as 25%. When the shocks are taut, the bar feels like it gets heavier. In this way, you can quickly increase working weights with any exercise.

Best for motivation

Order to yourself. If you say: "Come on, you can bear it, you can, you have become stronger than yesterday!" in a firm voice aloud, sometimes even a critical weight can obey surprisingly easily. Self-command forces you to mobilize for a short period of time, but this is enough to successfully complete the exercise.

The best way to do cardio

Multiple intense sets of 10 minutes will work much more efficiently than one 40 minute set. This is due to the fact that prolonged cardiovascular exercise increases the load on the nervous system. This, in turn, makes the body work less intensely, especially towards the end of the workout. But it is much easier to perform 4 sets of 10 minutes in a very intensive mode.

Training assistance

Using the wrist straps, you can advance in your working weights. Traditionally, it is believed that belts are used solely so as not to drop the load. However, even if you use straps, for example, even with a regular biceps press, the number of repetitions in one set will increase.

The best time for cardio

Only after strength training. During the performance of basic exercises, enough substances accumulate in the athlete's blood, which contribute to the burning of fat. If you add cardio to this, the result will be just explosive. Traditional morning jogging is also useful, but exclusively on an empty stomach, so that the body spends energy only from fat deposits, and not from the food that has just been taken.

The best form of cardio

It was found that cardio training with alternating intense acceleration and deceleration is much more effective than the rest. These are the so-called interval workouts. It is assumed that in this case, the athlete first moves at an average or low pace for about a minute, and then accelerates as much as possible for 1-2 minutes. Then, for another 1-2 minutes, reduce the intensity again to restore strength. It is recommended in this way to alternate walking and running for about half an hour.

When your goal is to build big and strong muscles, then you should start with mass training. Hurry to find out

how to properly build effective training in gym and what kind of weight training program is right for you.

You can't get a beautiful and dry body right away. Material is needed to create it, in our case it is quality mass... We will tell you which ones you need to use, which rules to adhere to.

First and foremost is a clear schedule. Constant and monotonous execution. A component of building a powerful body is both recovery and sleep.

Training frequency

Remember once and for all: training in the gym should not take place over an hour... This is the optimal time to practice. If you spend more time, you burn your muscles, and you become overtrained. The recommended rest between sets is from 1 to 4 minutes, depending on the difficulty of the exercise (basic or isolating).

You shouldn't sit back and “waggle your tongue” with your comrades for too long between sets. You came to the hall to work. Distraction will only reduce your efficiency and your tone. Each muscle group should rest for at least 72 hours from direct exertion. This is the optimal period for recovery. Hence the result that you need to train no more than 4 times a week.

Make base

The right weight training program always includes basic exercises. To build a good and strong house, a strong foundation is needed on which it will stand. So it is in bodybuilding. It is necessary to include in your program basic exercises that involve several muscle groups and joints at once.

Unlike isolation exercises, basic exercises require more rest between sets. After all, the work is carried out with the maximum and ultimate weight. The golden three in bodybuilding is the bench press and the deadlift.

Basic exercises should be scattered throughout the training days. It is also necessary to do them at the beginning of classes, while you are fresh and full of energy. After completing these exercises, you can move on to isolating. To pump biceps and triceps, to hone deltas, forearms.

The number of approaches and reps

The weight training program is compiled, but how many exercises and approaches to do in sets? For gaining mass, the most effective is considered to be from 6 to 12 repetitions in a set. And the optimal number of approaches for this exercise (meaning workers without taking into account warm-ups) should be no more than 3. Do not do 4 or 5 working approaches, it does not bring an effect. And even if it seems to you, on the contrary, and the muscles are filled with blood, and the veins burst, this does not mean that they are growing. You will leave the hall in 15 minutes and swell.

Do the exercises slowly and slowly. Focus not on the maximum possible weight, but on the technique in the approach. Do not reach for large weights, which would seem cooler, there will be no result. Take your dumbbells and do the exercise correctly.

After all, your attitude to work in the gym, discipline and endurance depends on the result, or rather the speed with which you reach your goal.

Exercise with free weights

For gaining muscle mass, it will be effective to use free weights, and not exercise machines. You need to include work with dumbbells and a barbell in your training days. Exercise machines, in the process of gaining mass, while bypassing the side.

The maximum activation of muscle growth is stimulated by exercises with free weights. When they are performed, the muscles are in free movement and are not isolated by a specific trajectory and load. If your weight training program lacks free weights, be sure to include them in the process.

In no case do not allow your muscle fibers to adapt to a certain weight. This will slow down and stop growth altogether. It is necessary to gradually increase the working weights, but do it with caution as the strength increases.

Shock the muscles

To grow effectively, the muscle groups in your body need constant changes in training programs. This refers to the rearrangement of exercises in places, light or hard training, by the number or maximum weight, to failure or not. It is necessary to shock the muscles every time, not allowing them to get used to a certain regimen and loads.

Recover and the mass will trample

Everyone knows that muscle growth does not occur during exercise in the gym. We grow during the recovery process. That is, without proper rest, it is impossible to achieve a large mass and result. Restoration should be as high-quality and correct as pumping the body in the gym.

It is necessary to choose a program in such a way that each muscle group is not overloaded, but has enough time to rest.

Weekly Weight Training Program

Day 1 (triceps - chest)

  • » Wide grip bench press (3 sets - 8-10 reps)
  • » Dumbbell press on an incline bench at an angle of 30 degrees (3 sets of 8-10 reps)
  • » Dumbbell set on the bench to the sides (3 sets - 8-12 reps)
  • » Dips (3 sets - 15 - 30 reps)
  • » (3 sets - 8-12 repetitions)

Day 2 (rest)

Pay attention to nutrition and recovery.

Day 3 (back - biceps)

  • » (3 sets - 8 - 15 reps
  • » Deadlift (3 sets - 8-10 reps)
  • » (3 sets - 8-10 reps)
  • » Lifting a barbell or z-bar for biceps (3 sets - 8 - 12 reps)
  • » Lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing (3 sets - 8-12 reps)
  • » Hyperextension (4 sets to failure)

Day 4 (rest)

Pay attention to nutrition and recovery

Day 5 (Legs and Shoulders)

  • » Cardio on the treadmill (10-15 minutes)
  • » (3 sets - 6 - 10 reps)
  • » Platform Leg Press (3 sets - 8 - 12 reps)
  • » (3 sets - 8-12 reps)
  • » (3 sets - 8 - 12 reps)

Day 6 (rest)

Day 7 (rest)

Exercises should be performed clearly in the sequence in which they are written.

Nutrition is more than half of the success

Training is good, but without proper nutrition, and especially the products that are included in the menu, there is no point in going to the gym, there is no point in gaining mass. Where do you think we get energy for workouts and lift tons of kilograms in the gym? Of course from food.

The diet should be correct, and the food should be of high quality, fresh and wholesome. It is necessary to include in the menu vitamins and minerals contained in fruits and vegetables. For your body weight, you need to consume the right proportions of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. After all, what you feed your body and will build it.

Muscle training when gaining mass is not in the gym, but in the kitchen. A growing body absolutely needs high-quality protein. After all, we are interested in high-quality muscle mass. This means that protein foods should be correct and healthy. Eat poultry, milk, cottage cheese and eggs, fish, which are irreplaceable sources of protein foods. Proper nutrition plus an effective weight training program will certainly yield results.

Building muscle is a time-consuming and time-consuming process that requires more than effective program weight training, but also a set of actions, from nutrition to. As simple as it sounds, many people actually fail to get results for one of two main reasons - they are either trying to over-complicate the process, or they don't really understand the fundamental principles of mass gain. It is important not only to know how many approaches and reps you need to do to gain mass, but how to help your muscles grow as much as possible thanks to proper rest and nutrition.

Weight training principles

The more a person trains, the more he becomes adapted to the loads, therefore it is important to select the correct amount of loads sufficient to ensure consistent muscle adaptation and further growth. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly increase the working weight so that the muscles adapted to a certain load continue to progress, and therefore increase in volume.

For muscle growth optimal number of repetitions is the zone from 8-12 times... Since three approaches with moderate weight are suitable for adapting to the load, then more a trained athlete must be done 4 sets with maximum weight working to the "failure" of the muscles.

So, the weight of the load should be selected in such a way that it was cannot be lifted more than 12 times. But at least eight times since strength will develop and work in the minimum rep range will not increase muscle volume - this is very important.

Rest between sets should not exceed two minutes, this time is enough to rest the muscles from the load. It is also important to have a proper weight training schedule, as overworking will not lead to growth. It is advisable to train every other day, and leave two full days of rest. Therefore, the most suitable weight training system for most athletes is 3 days a week.


The increase in muscle volume will inevitably depend on two things.

  1. First, in order to progress, muscles need recovery, including adequate rest and intake of the right nutrients;
  2. and secondly, at some point there will be a "dead center".

The second usually occurs around the 8-week mark, and is due to the inability to recover in short time and great stress on the central nervous system and other important regulators of muscle growth. At this stage, you can reduce the load, or rest for several days. This should give the body the opportunity to recover, adapt and grow further.


Athletes need to get enough calories, that is, energy to maintain and grow muscle, from carbohydrates and fats, and this is just as important for hormone production. Protein must be sourced from meat, eggs, dairy, whey, and those who need extra protein and recovery need amino acids full cycle and (essential amino acids) needed for muscle building.

Remember that the total amount of protein and calories in the diet will be the most important determinant of muscle growth, with supplements that will help improve nutrition and fill in the gaps. Sports supplements, such as those, can help maintain strength in the gym, so it's a great tool for people looking to maximize muscle growth.

A significant increase in the volume of load can also have big influence on the immune system, therefore additional intake of vitamin C is important... Other supplements that will benefit those looking to build muscle are Omega-3s, fish oils, and Vitamin D.

An important condition for muscle growth is eating right after exercise... Within forty minutes after exertion, the body must replenish its reserves of energy, proteins and carbohydrates. During this period, the muscles completely absorb all nutrients, and this provides a significant impetus for the restoration of damaged tissues, and therefore - growth. Also it is important to replenish glycogen stores after sleep, since catabolic processes begin in a hungry body, the timely intake of protein and carbohydrates will stop the breakdown of its own protein.

Weight training program for men

Day 1

  1. 4x8-12;
  2. in the lower block of the Crossover 4x8-12;

  3. 4x8-12;

  4. 4x8-12;

  5. 4x8-12;

  6. 4x8-12;

  7. 4x8-12;

  8. 4x8-12.

  9. Press: 4x15-20;

  10. Press: 4x15-20.

Day 2

  1. 4x8-12;

  2. 4x8-12;

  3. 4x8-12;

  4. 4x8-12;

  5. 4x8-12;

  6. 4x8-12;

  7. 4x8-12;

  8. 4x8-12.

  9. Press: .

Day 3

  1. 4x8-12;

  2. straight neck 4x8-12;

  3. 4x8-12;

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